October 21, 2024

"Is this rightward drift among young men simply a short-lived, Trump-inspired episode or a more permanent transformation?"

"The answer lies partly in Ms. Harris’s ability to connect with and motivate young voters as the campaign nears its end.... But to win more votes from young men, Ms. Harris must address their fears head-on and present a bold vision that speaks to their desire for purpose and strength.... Ms. Harris needs to go big.... Ms. Harris should make a sweeping national call to both military and civilian service — name it the Generation Z Compact to Rebuild and Renew America. Such a plan would offer a sense of identity, community and patriotism, while providing economic stability and skill-building — things many young men feel they are missing...."

Writes John Della Volpe, the director of polling at the Harvard Kennedy School Institute of Politics, in "Trump’s Bro-Whispering Could Cost Democrats Too Many Young Men" (NYT).

It's a little late for that sort of thing!


Jupiter said...

"It's a little late for that sort of thing!"
It's a little late for Kamala Harris. But John Della Volpe will still be working his grift for many years to come.

Gravel said...

Young men have been vilified by the institutions of the left for long enough that they recognize which side hates them. The other side may not love them, but at least they don't hate them. Case in point: two college kids get drunk and hook up - which one is in danger of being accused of rape and thrown out of school? Answer: the male. Only the male.

Arashi said...

Gee I don't know. Denigrate a particular demographic for years, then several weeks before the election, when you are losing bigly, make a bunch of campaign promises you know you will never actually implement, and hope that action gets you the votes you have lost? I do not think it works like this anymore.

Geoff Matthews said...

You could stop importing people who compete for manual labor, thus driving wages down.

DarkHelmet said...

Interesting how often the Left's answer to everything is: You must serve the State, comrade.

Two-eyed Jack said...

Harris should also create a youth movement to train her future soldiers. It could be called the Harris Youth.

Iman said...

Gee, and here I thought these folks were serious academics and not Democrat campaign advisors/strategists.

Iman said...


Leland said...

"Ms. Harris must address their fears head-on"
Oh, she did that. She's been talking about how Trump will destroy Democracy, and her surrogates like James Comey is saying Trump will go after the DOJ and FBI. She is addressing their fears.

Ok. Maybe not their fears, because these are young voters that don't care about the DOJ and FBI, and if they do, they probably don't trust them anyway.

"present a bold vision that speaks to their desire for purpose and strength"

That snippet shows a bias of the author to assume that young men lack purpose and strength, and only have a desire for it until a leader shows them the way. In this case, a strong female lead to show them. I think Hollywood has tried this narrative for some time now and it isn't really working on young men.

tim in vermont said...

"Ms. Harris should make a sweeping national call to both military and civilian service..."

I hear that some country in Africa is trying to develop its own economy using its own resources in order to raise the standard of living of its own people so that they don't all flee for the West!

"To the planes! Bombs are locked and loaded! Somebody wants to bid up the price of lithium! Buy 'em out, boys!"

Bruce Hayden said...

A call to military service isn’t going to work for her. She and FJB have screwed up the military big time. The abandonment of $billions$ in arms at Baghram didn’t help. But now they have guys in skirts and drag shows, etc. The military under them has gone hard core woke. Pretty much anyone sitting on the fence, deciding whether or not to enlist, and looking at the current status of the military, is going to vote for Trump, knowing that making. Our military great again will a top priority if he is elected.

Jupiter said...

Trump "bro-whispering"

Ann Althouse said...

These calls to "civilian service" are always popping back up. I remember hearing them when I was in law school, circa 1980. Somehow these kids today need a higher purpose. Can't be left to their own devices.

tim in vermont said...

Freder "Ayn Rand" Frederson has explained already that the only way to break the "wage - price spiral" is to suppress the wages of working people. We have no choice! It's how we fight inflation!

Of course the number of doctors grows according to the size of the population here, and bringing in millions of uneducated, even dis-educated people doesn't increase the number of doctors by very much at all, so get used to the kind of long waits that only Canadians used to enjoy! There are no longer enough doctors, or houses, etc, to go around!

Ann Althouse said...

Fills the gap where religion might have been. And family. Better than prison.

The Vault Dweller said...

This is not going to make the feminist, everything-that's-bad-is-the-patriarchy crowd on the Left happy. To them outreach to men on issues that men care about feels like a betrayal.

Rocco said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
tim in vermont said...

Somebody needs to explain to Gen Z that fixing cars, being a nurse, hanging sheet rock, working in a factory making paper, whatever, are all "service" to our country and our society.

Dixcus said...

Kamala is already promising to force taxpayers to pay for illegal immigrants to chop off their weiners. Maybe she could extend that to American men to, as they say, "connect with" young American men.

Rocco said...

Gravel said...
“Young men have been vilified by the institutions of the left for long enough that they recognize which side hates them. The other side may not love them, but at least they don't hate them.”

Yup. The side that is indifferent to me and doesn’t know I exist versus the side that hates me because I don’t need them and their government programs.

Dixcus said...

I can't wait to get my state job. Give me a chance to use my sabo's.

Scrutineer said...

"If Kamala loses, which is very possible, there needs to be a real discussion about how Democrats speak to and reach young men. There are very few straight men under 40 in the Democratic consultant class, so when ads try to reach young men, they come off deeply inauthentic."
- Travis Helwig

The "White Dudes for Kamala" spots center on the argument that men should vote for Kamala because they care about women and the issues that are especially important to women. Feeble stuff that will probably turn off more voters on the fence that it persuades.

KJE said...

I recently began attending a church after many years of non-observance. Each week a particular chapter of the Bible is examined in depth as part of the sermon.

One of the first things I noticed, almost immediately, was the number of younger men and women and their young children in attendance. Praise God.

RideSpaceMountain said...

“If you can keep your head when all about you
Are losing theirs and blaming it on you,
If you can trust yourself when all men doubt you,
But make allowance for their doubting too;

If you can wait and not be tired by waiting,
Or being lied about, don't deal in lies,
Or being hated, don't give way to hating,
And yet don't look too good, nor talk too wise

If you can dream - and not make dreams your master;
If you can think - and not make thoughts your aim;
If you can meet with Triumph and Disaster
And treat those two impostors just the same;

If you can bear to hear the truth you've spoken
Twisted by knaves to make a trap for fools,
Or watch the things you gave your life to, broken,
And stoop and build 'em up with worn-out tools

If you can make one heap of all your winnings
And risk it on one turn of pitch-and-toss,
And lose, and start again at your beginnings
And never breathe a word about your loss;

If you can force your heart and nerve and sinew
To serve your turn long after they are gone,
And so hold on when there is nothing in you
Except the will which says to them: 'Hold on!'

If you can talk with crowds and keep your virtue,
Or walk with Kings - nor lose the common touch,
If neither foes nor loving friends can hurt you,
If all men count with you, but none too much;

If you can fill the unforgiving minute
With sixty seconds' worth of distance run,
Yours is the Earth and everything that's in it,
And - which is more - you'll be a Man, my son!”

― Rudyard Kipling, If: A Father's Advice to His Son

It's a mystery...how could any of that Kipling flim-flam appeal to men and boys, amirite!?!

n.n said...


Leland said...

"Ms. Harris should make a sweeping national call to both military and civilian service"

Yes. That's it! Remind everyone that one way to know the difference between a man and a woman in the United States is which one has to sign up for selective service.

PB said...

They should just shut down Harvard's Kennedy School.

Big Mike said...

It's a little late for that sort of thing!

More to the point, who believes that if Harris actually announced a plan to benefit young, Gen-Z men, and despite her best efforts managed to win the Presidency, that she’d actually implement it?

Plus, I have to agree with Bruce Hayden and especially with DarkHelmet. Democrats have been assiduously working to make military service unattractive and national service can scarcely be less attractive than military service in the era of DEI and “woke.”

n.n said...

Chop of wieners so boys can be their authentic feminine gender. Append wieners so girls can be their authentic masculine gender. Abortion for a life without "burdens". Demos-cracy is sequestered in sanctuary states.

The Vault Dweller said...

Pretty sure service to our country is only travelling abroad to dig well in Sub-Saharan Africa.

Bruce Hayden said...

Something that this fellow traveler seems to have completely missed is that Trump has already run a controversial campaign ad that blows up the idea of National service under Harris. It was the one showing scenes from Full Metal Jacket, interspersed with ones of an overweight high ranking male officer in a skirt, and male soldiers swapping their uniforms for drag outfits. No doubt, some of the guys, who in a less woke times, might have been interested in the military, are being razzed by their friends, with questions like, Is it getting to wear a skirt? Makeup?

donald said...

Very few as we are discovering, want anything to do with a current democrat government military.

RideSpaceMountain said...

"National Service" would become 'Women' Work' faster than you could say Tampon Tim.

n.n said...

One carbon corpuscle is "=" to another under Diversity dogma of the Pro-Choice religion in progressive sects. Send in the babies and make them fetal.

mindnumbrobot said...

Why should men, whom Democrats vilify, volunteer to serve a country Democrats declare is racist? John Della Volpe is clueless.

n.n said...

DEI is institutional racism, sexism, etc. Or IED... boom!

Bruce Hayden said...

And the “civilian service” being working as an underpaid government bureaucrat in a dead end position.

Not that it can’t be a good thing. My SIL spent a year, right after graduation from college with a bio degree with AmeriCorps. He did range quality evaluations for the BLM. A good air, exercise, etc. little difference between that and what I did right after college, as a ski bum. Then he went back to school to get a Master’s degree. The timing worked out decently well, because his MS took 2 1/2 years, and my daughter’s PhD took 5 years.

Real American said...

"Sign up for the war" really isn't the best way to get young men to vote for you. The Democrats and the Left have, in recent decades, made it clear they don't think men being men is anything to be respected and that men being men is "toxic."

Go onto many college campuses and it's just a hate-fest against men. Men are all presumed to be predators and everything is structured so that men have to somehow prove they aren't guilty. It's really odd considering the left has heavily pushed hook up culture as somehow women being free with their bodies but as soon as the female has regrets, the man is then guilty of being a rapist and not allowed to defend himself.

Bottom line is why support people who have made it clear that they hate you?

Dude1394 said...


It's a pretty tough pitch to make when democrats have spent the last 16 years stating that all men are rapists and members of the female woman haters club. That everything bad is because of men and the only way to fix our disgusting, sexist, racist, evil country is to get rid of any male influence.

Yea, bring it on.

Jeff Weimer said...

Sounds a lot like "Whip Inflation Now" and would have about as much effect. You can make these calls, but without a compelling external reason they'll go nowhere.

Dude1394 said...

With a democrat government in place, only a fool would join the military. And that makes me very sad.

wendybar said...

Maybe it's because all they have done is bash men for the last 4 years, replacing them with their tranny friends. In fact, they are trying to replace women with tranny's too. Why do Progressives try so hard to be so f*cked up mentally???

Mattman26 said...

A little late indeed! It's almost like when she announced that she was running, she should have figured out WHY she wanted to be President of this great nation, and WHAT she wanted to use it for.

An ambitious plan for anything at this point would look phony and contrived. Even the uber expensive plan she sort of dribbled out a couple weeks ago about covering in-home care under Medicare got no traction (and deserved none); it was as unserious as she is.

Prof. M. Drout said...

These recurring calls for "National Service" are always such garbage. Why is the first (and second, and third) impulse of these people always for FORCE other people to do something?

If following the orders of some government dimwit is such a valuable thing, how about we start by mandating it for all the Boomers who managed to miss out on Vietnam in one way or another (including by being female)? Rather than stealing year 19 or 23, let the government steal year 75.

n.n said...

Boys are hunters. Girls are nesters. Evolution, baby... fetus.

gilbar said...

But to win more votes from young men, Ms. Harris must address their fears head-on and present a bold vision that speaks to their desire for purpose and strength....
... Ms. Harris should make a sweeping national call to both military and civilian service ..

That's The Ticket!!
NOTHING inspires young men to vote, MORE than a military draft!

hombre said...

Dem pols, the leftmedia and their university pimps propose nothing for country and anything for votes. They've been emasculating young white men for decades to pave the way for shallow, envious women to hold sway. Now they are looking to install* one of them in the White House and many normal young men, white and black, are saying, "Enough!"

* "Install" because they cannot let Trump in the WH. He will forestall their unraveling of the nation. They will cheat him or permit him to be killed if they can't beat him.

hombre said...

Obama's idea of "national service" was to arm the deep state and provide them with hollow point ammo.

Original Mike said...

"It's a little late for that sort of thing!"

Like 20 years too late. They've been sh*tting on young men for decades, but now they're going to fix it with a big, new government program.

These people define 'lame'.

Hassayamper said...

James Comey is saying Trump will go after the DOJ and FBI.

I sure hope so. They are a Stalinist secret-police force that must be destroyed to its foundations if America is to survive.

J Severs said...

Would the proposed "Generation Z Compact to Rebuild and Renew America" be free of DEI? Somehow I doubt it.

Bruce Hayden said...

“"National Service" would become 'Women' Work' faster than you could say Tampon Tim.”

Ah, the Barsoom article. Great article. Once something becomes Women’s Work, normal guys want little to do with it. We are seeing it happening in academia right now. Female oriented and dominated organizations tend to be talk and relationship oriented, while male oriented ones are much more goal oriented. Normal guys don’t much like the former, but flourish in the latter.

One of the reasons that I hated HS was that, even back then, it was so female dominated. I couldn’t get an A in English or History, if my life depended on it. They were mostly reserved for the girls who sucked up to the female teachers, or the occasional guy who was willing to go along. I eventually got my comeback, when I scored 1-200 pts higher on the verbal SATs, got into the top private college in the state, and ended up with multiple useful graduate degrees, while they ended up at one of the 2nd tier state school, and, of course, became teachers, repeating the cycle, no doubt diving most of their As to deserving girls sucking up to them, now as the teachers. Of course, now they just drug the over energetic boys…

Barry Sullivan said...

Ms. Harris needs to go big.... Ms. Harris should make a sweeping national call to both military and civilian service — name it the Generation Z Compact to Rebuild and Renew America. . .

In other words, name it "Make America Great Again."

You know what they say in yacht racing? If you always play "follow the leader" you are guaranteed to lose.

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

Yes, Gravel, that's exactly the point. Harris has very little to do with it other than perfectly exemplifying the disdain for men that her party has adopted institutionally. Why do they keep trying to insist Walz is "redefining" masculinity? Because they The Left created the operational definition of "toxic" masculinity that he is redefining as "gay." Doug is the toxic one.

Old and slow said...

Yes, bring back military conscription. That will get young men on board! God knows, the way things are going in the world, we'll be needing more soldiers soon enough...

Original Mike said...

"In other words, name it "Make America Great Again.""


RideSpaceMountain said...

Every American-born male eligible for selective-service should flee to Canada if that happened (which I doubt). They should draft the girls. Give Becky an M-16. She's tough. She can hack it. And who knows, maybe when she's taken POW she'll finally get a chance to find that swarthy, rough-mannered boyfriend she's been dreaming of.

Big Mike said...

@Mattman26, the “why” she’s running is easy — she wants a piece of the graft currently going to Joe, Jill, and Hunter.

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

[tag not necessary]

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

Bruce that commercial is awesome!

Aggie said...

Every young man I know, including myself (long ago) has a moment when they've had enough abuse, and decide they're 'not putting up with this sh*t anymore'. The Progressive Leftist Legacy Media's reaction comes as a tonic; Trump's entire campaign can be summed up with this simple phrase: MAGA means 'not putting up with this sh*t anymore'.

AMDG said...

For a generation boys have been taught that masculinity is toxic and that men are evil by nature. The needs have of boys have been cast aside.

What did the Progs expect to happen?

jaydub said...

My two oldest grandsons, one a college junior and the other a college graduate and lacrosse coach, would not even date the women on their campus so they couldn't be subjected to any false accusations. They opted to date women from other schools, particularly non-liberal arts/non-feminists. There is not a chance either of them would vote for Kamala.

Hassayamper said...

Ms. Harris should make a sweeping national call to both military and civilian service...

I remember Barack Obama's call for a "Civilian National Security Force" that was "just as well armed and just as well funded" as the military.

The Democrats already have a wholly-owned Stasi secret-police force, i.e. the FBI, CIA, and all the other scum in the D.C. sewer, so I assume this new organ is meant to be a more localized force along the lines of Cuba's Committee for the Defense of the Revolution. Busybodies and spies and neighborhood caciques doling out food-ration coupons based on social credit scores and loyalty to the Party, along with squads of armed Antifa/BLM bully boys giving out beatings to anyone they catch without a portrait of Kamala hanging in their living room.

That is the future we face if we don't start treating the Federal government in general and the Democrat Party in particular as our very worst enemies.

Bruce Hayden said...

“ Give Becky an M-16.” Hannah, with the IDF, already has one. I can tell you, that as a red blooded male, that trim, fit, young women casually toting assault rifles in public are really hot. Esp in scanty civilian wear, but also in their (personally) tailored uniforms. Last picture in last weekend’s Powerline’s “The Week in Pictures” is inevitably chicks with guns. Mostly in revealing outfits and big guns. This week, it was of a female IDF unit in uniform.

Lazarus said...

Hardly anything in politics is permanent. The two parties are Darwinian creatures who will do anything to stay alive and in business.

It's too late in the game for Harris to make some big pitch to win over young men. Either she wins or she loses based on what's happened up to this point. Some "bold" new strategy won't change things. In any case, compulsory government service isn't going to win young men over to her side. It's likely to even turn off the guys in dresses with purple hair.

rhhardin said...

It's not about the government. Two steps. Step one, from Bridge of Spies

Hoffman: Has your guy talked?
James Donovan: Excuse me?
Hoffman: You met him. Has he talked? Has he said anything yet?
James Donovan: We're not having this conversation.
Hoffman: Of course not.
James Donovan: No, I mean we are really not having it. You're asking me to violate attorney-client privilege.
Hoffman: Aw, come on, counselor.
James Donovan: You know, I wish people like you would quit saying, 'Aw, come on, counselor'. I didn't like it the first time it happened today. A judge said it to me twice. The more I hear it, the more I don't like it.
Hoffman: OK, well, listen, I understand attorney-client privilege. I understand all the legal gamesmanship, and I understand that's how you make your living, but I'm talking to you about something else, the security of your country. I'm sorry if the way I put it offends you, but we need to know what Abel is telling you. You understand me, Donovan? Don't go Boy Scout on me. We don't have a rule book here.
James Donovan: You're Agent Hoffman, yeah?
Hoffman: Yeah.
James Donovan: German extraction.
Hoffman: Yeah, so?
James Donovan: My name's Donovan. Irish, both sides. Mother and father. I'm Irish and you're German. But what makes us both Americans? Just one thing. One. Only one. The rule book. We call it the Constitution, and we agree to the rules, and that's what makes us Americans. That's all that makes us Americans. So don't tell me there's no rule book, and don't nod at me like that you son of a bitch.
[Gets up to leave]
Hoffman: Do we need to worry about you?
James Donovan: Not if I'm left alone to do my job.

Step two, religion as an imperative

They are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights

Take every fact about God as in the imperative: God is merciful, means be merciful like him, etc.

The supernatural is removed entirely and it's a narrative form for a good life.
So: take the Constitution as rules, defining an American, for how we treat each other. Unalienable rights expressed as against the government but it means to be an American.

Example: if somebody makes a cartoon of The Prophet, you don't kill him.

If you agree with the rules of the Constitution, then you're an American; and if not, you're not.

So a Muslim can't be an American, even if they are, because they don't agree with/to the Constitution. Contrarywise, all those illegal immigrants may be Americans.

Restoring America is about any gap for religion but restoring the intuition about how we treat each other.

RCOCEAN II said...

The Democrats declared white men the enemy years ago. They should be losing the white male vote 90-10.

Hassayamper said...

Kipling lost his only son in the trenches of Loos in 1915. I wondered if he ever regretted equating patriotism towards one's country with support for the warmongering machinations of the Col. Vindmans and Victoria Nulands and Lindsay Grahams of his day?

Mason G said...

"And who knows, maybe when she's taken POW she'll finally get a chance to find that swarthy, rough-mannered boyfriend she's been dreaming of."

Either that, or drive him to suicide with her bitching and whining.

J Scott said...

The idea is ridiculous on the face of it but, first of all we already have this, it's called Americorps, and probably most importantly, it's already been completely coopted. Per this, https://data.americorps.gov/stories/s/AmeriCorps-Participant-Demographics-Dashboard/djuy-4sez/ it's already overwhelmingly female.

RCOCEAN II said...

Kamala is a half black half Indian daughter of immigrants who spent her youth in Canada and Bay area. She spouts rhetoric about the USA pioneers and settlers being "evil destroyers of the enviroment and native peoples". She supports mass migration and the replacement of the current USA population.

She doesn't have a patriotic bone in her body. She's accomplished nothing on her own. She's an uninspiriing speaker. She's a lame middle-aged woman. She doesn't have a son. Why would any young man vote for her?

Krumhorn said...

Hahaha...Laslo used to reveal the musings of the The Clean College Chick With The Hot Nose Ring and Herpes who was a member of the Women in the Antifa Group. She had similar dreams.

- Krumhorn

Hassayamper said...

I told my son to stick strictly to townies when he was in college.

JAORE said...

Perhaps every mail in ballot envelope can come with a self-injecting shot of estrogen. As likely to work as anything Kamala can reasonably do at this point. (Except of course for appearances by President Mom Jeans who - despite claims of athletic prowess can't shoot a basketball or throw a baseball.)

MikeD said...

I dunno, isn't there a Clinton inaugurated program, copying Peace Corps but for America? Americorp maybe? As usual, just another bunch of gubmint supported NGO's!

Big Mike said...

From Sarah Hoyt’s blog:

I’m not going to say that we don’t have our idiots claiming that “Government must provide” fill in the blank. I’m sure we’d find tons of them in deep blue areas, and they practically jump in front of the mic at Democrat conventions.

But the truth is that it’s not universal here. And in general, it’s understood that government doesn’t “create” things or “give” you things. At some level, in our back brains, we know it’s a matter of the government “allowing” i.e. getting the heck out of the way and letting things happen.

Good for Sarah.

Ne exeat said...

My advice to the Harris campaign:
Be sure to harp on toxic masculinity, misogyny, rape culture, and male privilege. There is nothing that young men like better than to be scolded or lectured by an overbearing woman of their mother's age. Such a warm feeling. So keep it up.

Vance said...

Whatever happened to Laslo, anyway? He was here for years, and then seems to have just faded away? He didn't get banned, did he?

Yancey Ward said...

Young men have a choice- be like the Tampon Tims, Harvey Weinsteins, or Mr. Kamala Harris' of the world or become masculine men. For most males age 18-30 that is an easy choice to make.

Robert Cook said...

"You could stop importing people who compete for manual labor, thus driving wages down."

Most Americans aren't interested in the jobs that are filled by migrant workers. It's not about migrant workers "driving wages down." Wages have been down, the preference of those hiring. Our unemployment rate is low, about par with previous years of low unemployment, so there is no indication illegal migrant workers (as I assume no one objects to legal migrants from working in the US) are depressing the employment (or wage) rate. The minimum wage hasn't been increased since 2009. Removing ALL the illegal migrants will no have any noticeable impact on our employment raate or our income rates. Raising the levels of wages is required.

Rusty said...

Robert. Perhaps if we quit importing them and sent the ones back who are here illegally. Sometimes you don't have to take the current wisdom at face value.

tcrosse said...

But don't forget that young men have the magic ingredient which makes the sacrament of abortion possible. Can't live with 'em, can't live without 'em.

MadTownGuy said...

From the article: "Ms. Harris needs to go big.... Ms. Harris should make a sweeping national call to both military and civilian service — name it the Generation Z Compact to Rebuild and Renew America."

The draft is not going to play well with that demographic, because that's what it's likely to come to.

Mason G said...

"There is nothing that young men like better than to be scolded or lectured by an overbearing woman of their mother's age."

Or grandmother. Or even great-grandmother. My mother's mom became a grandmother when she was 41. Women didn't used to wait until they were 35 to (try to) have children. BTW- Kammie's 60 now.

Interested Bystander said...

It’s not Trump. It’s the emphasis on trans and gay bullshit. Guys don’t like it but they are afraid to say it out loud.

who-knew said...

Mr. Della Volpe seems to think that if Kamala issues such a call it will help with the young men who apparently don't like her now. As mentioned, it's a little late now. And, why would anyone believe her? In 2020, when she was asked how she could sign on as FJB's vice-president after she called him a racist her reply was "it was debate!". That proved that she would do and say anything to get elected, whether she actually believed it or not. I kind of hoped Brett Baier would bring that up in a question about her claimed changed positions on fracking, medicare for all, etc. Bernie Sanders on TV yesterday said that none of that should be belived because she's just saying it to get elected.

Oh Yea said...

Nothing like promising involuntary servitude to get the young men's vote.

If I was a troll, I would suggest this would be run by female or trans offices.

chuck said...

FDR pulled it off, and he was in a wheel chair. But FDR was a guy who could easily talk off script for an hour and had an ear for language.

ga6 said...

"I remember Barack Obama's call for a "Civilian National Security Force" that was "just as well armed and just as well funded" as the military."

His version of the tonton macoute?

Jim at said...

Blame men for every ill in the world and then wonder why they won't vote for you.

Makes sense.

Hassayamper said...

His version of the tonton macoute?

I'm certain of it. Or maybe the Kenyan Mau-Maus would be more to the point. Pretty sure his grandfather was one of them.

The way the media memory-holed that highly disturbing speech, without ever asking him a single question about what in the hell he was proposing, told me everything I needed to know about Barack Obama and everything I needed to know about the news-media scum. Enemy invaders and tyrants and traitors one and all, not fellow Americans.

Hassayamper said...

Pretty sure service to our country is only travelling abroad to dig well in Sub-Saharan Africa.

Oh, I think working as a foot soldier for a "non-partisan" (wink wink) government-funded do-gooder NGO counts as well.

planetgeo said...

It's not just too late. It's way too obviously bullshit. The entire Democrat Party has been overtly anti-male for at least the last 3 or 4 decades. They have been dominated by feminists and suckup beta males and have not only instituted openly anti-male policies (AA hiring, for example, as well as LGBTQ preferences) but also poisoned the popular culture for normal males ("toxic masculinity" meme, "dumb husband" ads).

So this sudden effort to "win back" the male voters is ridiculous and doomed from the start. No normal male is going to fall for it.

Mr Wibble said...

The popularity of Trump among young men is part of the larger redpill movement, because both Trump and the Redpill movement in general are about the conflict between the World-As-Seen and the World-As-Described. A young man with tens of thousands of dollars in college debt, living in an expensive apartment in a distant city, wondering why he can't even get a bite on dating apps, starts to see that the world that was promised him by society- Parents, media, culture, young women- is a lie, and so he starts trying to figure out what actually works. Likewise, the evangelicals who have volunteered for every election since 1996, who donate time and money to conservative causes, eventually start to wonder why every time the GOP wins, nothing is ever done. Why the party continually picks awful candidates who shit on the base, or ignore it entirely. So eventually the base says "screw it" and tries something new.

james said...

Yes Cookie, it's all a big mystery. Why would employers get by with paying low wages? Couldn't be because of the pesky oversupply of labor which could be addressed by simply enforcing current immigration a labor laws to the letter.

The "low unemployment rate" you speak of is a product of low labor force participation rates. Which is a product of low wages, widespread easily attainable welfare benefits and the disdain certain people express towards people who work with their hands. IOW, entirely the result of LWers. Plenty of Americans are perfectly willing to do that work if their labor isn't undercut by non Americans.

Maybe there's a legitimate point there somewhere. But you haven't made it.

The Godfather said...

I'm old. I don't put any quotes around that word, because it's accurate. The next younger generation are the ones who are running the world, or complaining about the members of their generation who are f-cking up the world. They aren't listening to me and those of my generation -- nor should they. Yes, we might have some perspective and experience to provide, but we aren't calling the shots now. If the "middle-aged" listen to us, that would be polite, but our "older" generation caused the problems our children have to deal with, so why should they listen to us now?
Except, perhaps, to warn them what NOT to do.

boatbuilder said...

They could all wear brown shirts. There is precedent for this sort of thing.

Joe Smith said...

How about we draft only women for the next 250 years. It's only fair.

Gospace said...

Around where I live now- I know way to many 32 year old grandmothers. TBH- most of them don't make it to be 60 year old grandmothers or great-grandmothers due to lifestyle problems...

I was 48 for grandchild #1, 68 for #s 8 and 9, and will still be 69 for #10. And child #5 hasn't set a wedding day yet.

Democratic Paychecks for Perks/ Dems for Demolition of Democracy/ fake-cares 4-U said...

That's exactly what I thought after reading above suggestion.
Communist imagery sprang to mind, too.

D.D. Driver said...

I find it hilarious that she is trying to court what our college educations have taught us are her "oppressors." Who chases after her oppressors? She should set better boundaries.

Static Ping said...

Althouse is correct that it is too late. Voting has already started. It is highly unlikely that announcing a new policy this late in the game will even be noticed, much less effective. Trump's McDonald's stunt was certainly far more effective, given the point was to get his potential voters' attention and make them laugh. That gets potential voters to show up and vote out of likeability.

Furthermore, it is extremely difficult for Harris to push a new policy, given she has almost no public policies other than vague "vibes." For the few policies she has put out there, many of them are flip-flops which she obviously does not believe, or vague "vibes" nonsense. "Vibes" only work if people like you. No one likes Harris.

Cameron said...

Think government authorised Antifa.