October 12, 2024

If you are reading this on a mobile phone and can see that I've activated the "mobile" view...

 ... please let me know if this is helping you in any significant way.

I don't like how it looks and plan to turn it off again unless I can understand the benefit.

I believe one "benefit" is the ability to reply to a comment and have your reply appear under that comment. That's something I don't like. I prefer a straight line of chronological comments (and you can simply quote what you are replying to or write @username at the beginning of your comment).

UPDATE: Thanks for all the comments. I'm switching it back. Feel free to keep commenting. This is an option I could turn back on if I saw a good enough reason.


Sydney said...

It is awful. No upside at all.

Mr. D said...

Not a fan of it, but I can switch it back to the web version.

evil_engineer said...

I agree

Readering said...

Does nothing fo me

Kirk Parker said...

Awful indeed, and I couldn't even comment until I selected "Desktop Site" from my mobile browser menu.

Balfegor said...

I thought there was something wrong with my phone browser, or I had entered into some sort of low data mode. Previously, it didn't display like the full desktop view on my phone (the info and links on the right were placed somewhere else) but it had formatting and pictures showed up inline etc.

I preferred that mobile version of the non-mobile view.

Ann Althouse said...

"I preferred that mobile version of the non-mobile view."

Yeah, me too.

I'm using an Apple phone (of course). Perhaps on other brands of phones the formatting is more of a problem.

gilbar said...

yuk.. i HATE it

Space City Girl said...

I hate it.

TreeJoe said...

Do. Not. Like.

rehajm said...

Yes, hate but…on an iPhone I can see what I’m typing and can edit what I’ve typed. The new web version the format makes the type line disappear and I have to resize and scroll just to see the typing line. Editing is impossible- I end up erasing and starting over until I get the text correct or just give up…

JayG said...

Mixed reaction. Upside: it's been cumbersome rotating my phone and double-fingering the page to expand the text to readable size, but now that's unnecessary. It's all more quickly readable. Downside: The thumbnails are microscopic and I can't see them well enough to decide which ones to click on. Also, if you have more than one image/embed in the same post, there are no thumbnails at all; you have to move over to the full post's page. Final verdict: You probably should dump the mobile version.

Stephen said...

Way, way better for readability on an iPhone ( and I have a Pro Max)

Christopher B said...

Using an Android phone and Chrome. The font is sized better and text flows better making it much easier to read in portrait mode. The comment entry is also working better though the comment box is still fixed in size. In desktop view, the font is much smaller, and I have to scroll left and right to read. Switching to landscape doesn't help that.

Christopher B said...

My bad on the switch between portrait and landscape. I turned off auto-rotate at some point. I don't really like reading in landscape mode, however Looks to me like mobile mode favors a portrait presentation.

Iman said...

I'm here at home
And when I’m sitting at home, ain’t going mobile
Well, I'm gonna use my phone
So won’t you throw me a bone
And don’t go mobile
Keep me guessing

traditionalguy said...

Wow! Too many smart people on this Blog. It’s gonna take some getting used to.

Kathryn said...

I do not like at all

Unknown said...

I thought something had gone wrong with the blog formatting. I'm with those who would like to change it back.

Breezy said...

I read this blog in safari on iPhone. How would I see the “mobile” view? I don’t see a difference in last couple days.

Christopher B said...

I get its your blog but the obsession over forcing chronological comments is a bit much. At least on my Android the mobile version is pleasantly readable without endless scrolling left and right, or resizing the text. In addition to the changes to the font and text flow, the home page is simplified with imbeds eliminated, and each post is displayed as a selectable entry. Overall a much better presentation for a mobile device.

Christopher B said...

Check the url you are using for a "/?m=1" at the end. At least on Chrome/Android, there is a settings pulldown menu that includes a check box option for 'desktop site'. IIRC on Chrome it's sticky for each site. You might be defaulting to the web view even with a mobile device.

Jersey Fled said...

I’m on an iPad. I desperately need the old “edit” function, as some have probably noticed.

JSTRM said...

Not a fan

Unknown said...

Not a fan, the original way is easier to read.

Breezy said...

I have “/?m=0” at the end….

Kylos said...

I just tap to zoom once on your blog and then scroll down the page on my phone. Mobile view hides most of the post content so now I have to tap each post to read it, not just the longer ones with digressions. I much prefer the desktop site.

Breezy said...

Ok when I switch to m=1, I see what everyone’s talking about. Thx for the help, Christopher B.

Bobs said...

Don’t like it at all.

Howard said...

It's way easier to read on a phone. It does kind of look like shit. It's way better than the style that forces you to use rotate and zoom to read the comments on the phone.

rrsafety said...

Sorry, but it’s awful.

Alexander said...

Awful. Easier to read in a way, but also ugly and hard to use.

s'opihjerdt said...

Both of the new formats are bad, but the desktop format was terrible.

Another old lawyer said...

Really dislike it., and don,'t see a benefit. Can't tell what a posting is about without clicking on it.

Rory said...

It hasn't been helpful to me. I had assumed that it was a bug in the blog software.

wild chicken said...

No and I wondered what happened. I had found before that if I clicked on the post title that the comments would format in mobile mode and be easier to read.

So go back to that now that I've figured it out.

Sydney said...

I use an iPhone. I can not see your photos unless I scroll down and switch to web view, which I have to do every time I go to the blog.

Lamont said...

Not a significant reading improvement on Android (Pixel). I truly appreciate the photos, which are very well done, and hence scrolling down to switch back to web view seems needless friction.

ThatsGoingToLeaveA said...

I thought your bill was broke. But could still read so fine with me... I miss the other format but appreciate the minimized text appearance, and I read here for the parsing of word subtlety anyway.

Heartless Aztec said...

Much, much easier for 70 year old to read what with the bigger font and less cramped text density.

Duke Dan said...

Dislike. Not enough of each post visible in the main scroll

Duke Dan said...

Dislike. Not enough of each post visible in the main scroll

Maynard said...

I prefer a straight line of chronological comments (and you can simply quote what you are replying to or write @username at the beginning of your comment).

I prefer that method as well. I view and comment using my iMac not my iPhone. I cannot see the nested comments unless I try to comment. A lot of comments make little sense to me because of the lack of context.

stlcdr said...

Chronological for me, also. I get the ‘thread’ view, but it isn’t even that: you can’t reply to a reply, which can get terrible also. You simply miss comments.

rehajm said...

I believe part of the issue is the traditional format used for many years is no more. The choice is now the new non chronological format that works poorly on mobile devices or the mobile version with old style text but chronological…

Ironclad said...

Easier to read but aesthetically unattractive. Function over form indeed!

Wince said...

Now I can better see what I’m typing on my iPhone, but still hides sections of text during scrolling.

Really miss the optional Preview feature before posting a comment (to catch errors and test links, etc.) Blogger made things worse with the changes they made.

Wince said...

And I do prefer straight chron display, especially if the full display mode does not insert the replies where made.

MrEdd said...

Turn it off

Amexpat said...

....have your reply appear under that comment. That's something I don't like
I assumed that was a feature you implemented to do away with italics. I prefer italics to quotation marks, but I'm happy to follow the aesthetic guidelines for this blog. I'm not sure what those are now, except for no shouting cap letters.

Wince said...

Goggle seems to be evolving backwards.

Like the ape in 2001: A Space Odyssey hitting itself in the head with a bone instead of throwing one into the air/outer space.

M Brown said...

I prefer the desktop version by far, even when reading on my phone.

R C Belaire said...

OK either way. I use an Android phone.

Dude1394 said...

Thumbs way, way down.

Original Mike said...

I see no change at all. I'm using an iPad, which I assumed would count as a "phone" for software purposes, but maybe it doesn't.

I cannot read the blog on a real phone. It's uselessly small.

Big Mike said...

I’m 2+ hours from home, where the wife and I are babysitting our 6 month old twin granddaughters. It took a little mental adjustment to the new format, but I see its advantages when my access to this blog is via iPhone.

Tom T. said...

I kind of like the nested comments.

Tom T. said...

This happens to me on Android too

Levi Starks said...

I’ve been an IPad mini exclusive user for more than a decade.
In fact I don’t think I’ve ever accessed the Althouse blog on any either a PC or Mac. There have been times when I’ve wished for the opportunity to reply directly, now that I have it I’m not so sure. When on Facebook I’m almost always replying to an individual.
Here (and this is the only blog I follow) I tend to avoid personal interaction, which is interesting because it seems very important to some commenters.
And I don’t mind reading said comments.

Cliqof1 said...

Negative response from me.as to iPhone view. Terrible. Went to my iPad. Same format. I don’t find it user or visually friendly.

Two-eyed Jack said...

In the name of all that is beautiful and all that true, demobilize.

Ann Althouse said...

I'm changing it back.

I asked the person who emailed me to explain the benefit and he talked about optimizing for search engines and page rank and getting professional help to tweak the template.

That's stuff I don't need to prioritize and don't want to worry about. I just want it to look good for the people who are reading (and have been reading for so many years).

I see the comment: "Much, much easier for 70 year old to read what with the bigger font and less cramped text density." For you, I recommend clicking on the "reader view" icon in the search window.

Jamie said...

This, I figured I needed to comment on despite my personal pre-election gag order - if for no other reason than to see how actual commenting works.

What I like about this format: I can, without rotating my phone and resizing, read the comments in nested fashion. I have finally come around to kinda liking the Reply feature, for two reasons: first, it saves quoting the person to whom you're replying; and second, it allows replying to multiple people on the same first reading (instead of copying a portion to quote from Person #1, scrolling to the bottom of the comment thread, replying, and then having to scroll back up to try to find Person #2's comment to which you also wanted to reply so you can copy a portion of that one). And I had adapted my Althouse reading style to rotating my phone to see the nested replies on first reading, then going to chron view each time I checked back to see what was new (then sometimes having to go back to threaded view if I couldn't figure out which comment was being replied to).

What I don't like about THIS format specifically: the aesthetics, and the short excerpt from which you have to glean the topic.

What I don't like about EITHER format: the 6-line comment area that requires typing blind (which, for me, also requires thinking blind - I tend to construct my comments as I type rather than having the idea fully formed before I start), then scrolling down to proofread.

This new format at least makes the scrolling easier and smoother - it actually works every time, it seems; on the previous version, now called the "web" version, the scrolling was dicey and sometimes would only let me see the top 6 or bottom 6 lines, whipping past everything in between, and seldom have I ever left a comment of 12 lines or fewer.

Overall - I had adjusted to what is now the "web" version; I'll adjust to this, if you decide to keep it.

John henry said...

I like it a lot better

Did you change it again just now? (10:45?

It looks different from a hour ago. Which looked different and better than yesterday.

John Henry

John henry said...

Using an android phone

John Henry

Danno said...

I only do Althouse on my laptop or one of my Chromebooks so I have no preference. I see the nested version when I click on comments, the old chrono version when I click on more.

Eva Marie said...

Thanks for changing it back. Now there are 3 ways to view the comments:
1. Reader view
2. Clicking on comments
3. Clicking on the time right before the comments - will show all the comments but without seeing the reply comments

Another old lawyer said...


Original Mike said...

"first, it saves quoting the person to whom you're replying;"

It really doesn't, if you want people viewing the chronological format to understand what you're talking about.