October 25, 2024

"'If it takes Vice President Harris to elevate the voices of women in Houston so they are heard in Madison and Kalamazoo and Pittsburgh, that’s what we’re going to do'..."

"... said Trey Martinez Fischer, the Democratic leader in the Texas State House. Just about everything related to Ms. Harris’s Houston trip is engineered to create news that will reach voters in the battleground states. Before the rally with Beyoncé and [Willie] Nelson, she is scheduled to record a podcast interview with the popular podcaster Brené Brown, a University of Houston professor and vulnerability researcher who has an audience of millions that skews heavily female.... No Democrat has won a statewide election in Texas since 1994. Ms. Harris’s Houston rally appears to be the first for a Democratic presidential nominee in Texas this late in a campaign since President Bill Clinton went to San Antonio in the final days before the 1996 election."

From "Why Harris (with Beyoncé in tow) is heading to solidly red Texas" (NYT)

Meanwhile: "Mr. Trump is planning his own Texas sojourn on Friday, heading to Austin to record Joe Rogan’s podcast...."

What ever happened to Harris's "talks" with Rogan? Here's what I wrote about that 10 days ago:
I'm seeing that Trump is going on Rogan's show and that Harris is "in talks" to go on the show. If the "talks" don't result in an actual appearance on the show, I would expect Rogan to tell us what the Harris people wanted that he refused to give. I trust him to maintain his usual standards, which I believe give him freedom to ask what he wants and deny the guest any power to edit. It's hard to believe Harris's people would submit to that. Even the "talks" feel like desperation. It's risky for her to go on the show, and I believe she is risking having him release his own rant describing the failed talks and crediting Trump for simply going on the show like anyone else.

Harris's Texas trip — festooned with celebrities — seems designed to seize the Texas attention from Trump and Joe Rogan. 


Democratic Paychecks for Perks/ Dems for Demolition of Democracy/ fake-cares 4-U said...

the final pitch from Kamala is - everyone call Trump a Nazi/Hitler...
Surround herself with rich rich rich ultra wealthy celebrities.

tim maguire said...

She's going to Texas to be heard in Wisconsin and Michigan? Who thought of that?

Gusty Winds said...

Besides Rogan's large subscriber audience, much of what people see are clips on X. Although recorded in Austin, I don't see that Rogan is fully associated with Texas. The Rogan-Trump interview will go viral. I don't see how they think getting P-Diddy Beyonce and Willie Nelson steals any thunder from the podcast.

MadisonMan said...

She's talking from a comfy chair with a sympathetic questioner. How brave! I wonder how many ways they'll condemn Trump all the while ignoring an exploration of just why someone who's been in office for the past 3+ years has done precisely nothing to help US citizens.

Democratic Paychecks for Perks/ Dems for Demolition of Democracy/ fake-cares 4-U said...

OT: Please Read the transcript of the exchange between a female college pro-abortionist and Ben Shapiro.
Wow - She is *like* barley literate.

J Severs said...

The Harris campaign will be in Texas? Either they think the election is in the bag, or so hopelessly lost that it is time to start doing favors for 2026 and 2028.

Gusty Winds said...

she is scheduled to record a podcast interview with the popular podcaster Brené Brown, a University of Houston professor and vulnerability researcher who has an audience of millions that skews heavily female.... Guess they've given up on the male vote now that everyone has figured out Tim Walz is gay and his wife is just a cooky, googly eyed cray lady.

Gusty Winds said...

Et tu, Willie???

Disparity of Cult said...

Beyoncé being there is the bestest birthday party pony ever!

Birches said...

Brene Brown? Oh man I hate that woman with the passion of a thousand suns. The fact that she's putting Kamala on has confirmed that I have great taste.

MadTownGuy said...

Odd that Willie would lend support to a candidate very likely to weaponize the IRS against rich people like him. She wants Willie (and his heirs and assigns) to keep paying that fair share.

tommyesq said...

Shorter quote - "Just about everything related to Ms. Harris is engineered."

tommyesq said...

In fact, her being in Texas just highlights that she is too scared to go on Rogan.

Kirk Parker said...


Say more... What is it about Brene Brown? I recognize the name, but that's about all.

Rusty said...

That was.................enlightening. Reminds me of some of our usual suspects.

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

She can't handle Andy Cooper and pre-screened questions for 44 minutes on CNN. Even their hosts thought she blew her chance to reach the audience with genuine (not canned) answers. I think just anticipating the prospect of enduring 120 minutes of non-stop conversation with an intelligent curious plainspoken guy would cause her to OD on Xanax. It's unpossible.

Not that it's risk-free for The Donald either. Rogan brooks no bullshit, although unlike the Big Media sourpussies he does have a sense of humor.

Leland said...

Heh, I don't think the women in Madison want to hear what the women in Houston think.

I'll give credit to Kamala for actually having an event in Houston. When Hillary came to Houston in 2016, it was only to land at the big airport and then ride in her motorcade to Beaumont for a private fundraiser. If she had used a smaller plane to travel, she could have saved the hour drive and landed in Beaumont.

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

As is she doesn't already have the Beyonce vote sewn up. Won't they vote just like the Swifties do anyway? I'm mildly curious whether we'll get the Harris who wanted to jail pot users or the one who pretends to be a Jamaican ganja-hound when Kammy meets Willie. And I am looking forward to her faux Texan accent. (She's avoiding WI until she can get that regional styling semicorrect.)

Leland said...

Willie backing the commie is nothing new for those of us living in Texas.

Aggie said...

"The Journalists say, with evidence to the contrary, that the Trump campaign has not invested in and does not expect to win any of those states, just as Ms. Harris is not pretending she has a chance to win Texas.......

So, another soft-candy interview with the Progressive allies, plus Willie ! and Beyonce ! as a bonus Free Gift ! for attending.... I'm sure there will be a private fund-raiser or two wedged in there somewhere.....

Democratic Paychecks for Perks/ Dems for Demolition of Democracy/ fake-cares 4-U said...

I would have said to that idiot female college student - "You do realize - prior to your birth you were a fetus."

Iman said...

Somehow, it all comes back to Cletus the Fetus.

As it should.

Bob Boyd said...

What's the worst thing a woman can hear after Willie Nelson gets her pregnant?
"Um...I'm...not Willie Nelson"

Money Manger said...

As Mark Halperin notes, she is not even starting the first event today (the Brown interview) until 5:30. She's down two touchdowns, inside the two-minute warning, and is taking 25 seconds to snap the ball with each play.

Two things I'm so looking about reading in the tell-alls of 2025:

--the inside story of the cover up of Bidens' senility, and how they finally pushed him out.

--the chaos, infighting and ultimately sauve-qui-peut of the Democrats in the last two weeks of the campaign.

Wilbur said...

I always regarded Willie Nelson as hugely overrated as a classic C/W artist. Wrote a few good songs, but that's it. Now he's given me a reason to dislike him personally.

He ain't no Moe Bandy.

planetgeo said...

Ok, here's a question Brene might ask Kamala as she settles into her comfy chair: you've been reaching out to our black brothers to vote for you, but why should they if you keep importing millions of migrants who are going to take their jobs and lower their pay? Wassup wit dat? Not to mention you giving all of them free housing, medical care, and education, along with spending money. Girl friend, you taking all us black folks for fools?

Iman said...


wild chicken said...

Wow - She is *like* barley literate.

10/25/24, 8:Storm

Insert laughing emoji here.

Original Mike said...

"vulnerability researcher"

That sounds like a scam.

Bob Boyd said...

"Now [Willie Nelson has] given me a reason to dislike him personally."

That's what she said after she found out she hadn't been with Willie Nelson after all.

Kate said...

"with Beyonce in tow" -- lol.

More like, with Kamala in tow. Queen Bey walks two steps behind no one.

Temujin said...

Joe Rogan's podcast with Trump will get millions of listeners. Harris's concert with Willie Nelson will get people already voting for Kamala.
Nothing will change. Just more embarrassment of yet more money spent on a failed candidate.
The Harris campaign has more cash than most countries have. Which just goes to show you- all the money in the world cannot sell an awful product. In the end, the people will figure it out.

AlbertAnonymous said...

“a podcast interview with the popular podcaster Brené Brown, a University of Houston professor and vulnerability researcher who has an audience of millions that skews heavily female…”

1. Never heard of Rene Brown
2. What is a vulnerability researcher?
3. Choosing this “podcaster with an audience of millions” is what? The poor black woman’s joe Rogan? Is it simply a way to say “she did the podcast thing in Texas” though it wasn’t Rogan, it was a “sista” because Kamala’s down with the struggle?
4. Love the comment about how this is going to speak to the undecideds in the battlegrounds states… fuckin brilliant!

Rocco said...

Trey Martinez Fischer said…
"'If it takes Vice President Harris to elevate the voices of women in Houston so they are heard in Madison and Kalamazoo and Pittsburgh, that’s what we’re going to do'...

In order to be heard that far away, that’s gonna puncture some eardrums closer in.

n.n said...

Take a knee for progress is not a compelling empathetic plea.

Iman said...

Nooooz Qween!

Iman said...

He’s closer to Moe Howard at this point.

rehajm said...

If they’re worried about Kalamazoo hearing they think they’re in big trouble…

rehajm said...

Apparently strategists think this is a thing. Trump in California, too. The quiet part Kamala says out loud, they’re really trying to reach swing staters…

RCOCEAN II said...

Rogan refused for years to have Trump on his show. Did his "masters" give him the green light? Or has Rogan decided that since Trump might win the Presidency, its now OK?

Its curious. I look forward to watching it.

gilbar said...

i think they're worried about South Texas Congress people
locked in a bitter race to represent Texas Congressional District 34 in South Texas. The race in the Rio Grande Valley is considered one of the only competitive congressional races in Texas and a top priority for both major national political parties.

On the economy, Flores blamed the Biden administration's foreign spending for the country's economic woes and advocated for a return to Trump-era policies. Gonzalez said he would target corporate price gouging to bring down costs for consumers.

RCOCEAN II said...

Harris is like Biden without the excuse of being Senile. No tough questions. Edited interviews to make them look good. Pre-screened questions and audiences. Speeches with telepromters.

Pay no attention to the woman behind the curtain!

The MSM and her handlers think the USA public is made up of morons. And they may be proven correct.

Aggie said...

Seriously Iman, you've used this one five times ??

Birches said...

Every middle aged woman who is fluent in therapy speak worships Brene Brown. She's not even a real therapist. She's a social work professor. Just another self help fraud. Once I sat in a workshop with a real therapist, and women in the class just took over with what Brene Brown says. I didn't really care for her before (and didn't really care about the workshop either), but it just made me dislike Brown all the more.

Yancey Ward said...

There really is only two possible explanations for Harris doing a campaign swing through Texas- they either know they can produce any number of fraud ballots to win the election or they know there is nothing they can do at this point to win and are helping Democrats win the House and/or Senate or at least minimize the damage.

Aggie said...

All the real Texans just shake their head, then they forgive Willie, and pull up his music. He's Texas' national red-headed stepchild.

Yancey Ward said...

I never believed Harris would appear on a Rogan podcast even though I think it would do her good to do so, but she needed to do it 2 months ago.

Aggie said...

Twitter was Trump's secret weapon in 2016 . I suspect the podcast interview will turn out to be his secret weapon in 2024, with the Joe Rogan interview being the crowning achievement. I suspect he has correctly understood that this medium has the advantage of precise targeting with his message, and with a second advantage of its power being poorly understood by the Progressive Democrats.

Inga said...

Brene Brown is White, fool.

Inga said...

“The poor black woman’s joe Rogan? Is it simply a way to say “she did the podcast thing in Texas” though it wasn’t Rogan, it was a “sista” because Kamala’s down with the struggle?”

Brene Brown is White.

TaeJohnDo said...

P-Diddy Beyonce and Willie Nelson are supporting harris! Well in that case, I'm going to vote for her! Oh, wait, I already early voted, never mind.

Mason G said...

"If it takes Vice President Harris to elevate the voices of women.."

Awww, jeez- not this shit again. If it's not "Grrl power" and "I am woman, hear me roar", it's "Women are being oppressed and want to be heard". Pick one and run with it, already.

Lazarus said...

Willie Nelson wrote a lot of songs for other performers (most famously "Crazy" which Patsy Cline made famous). He's been supporting Democrats for decades. He hasn't given me reason to personally hate him or even think much about him.

A clip of Beto O'Rourke "singing" "On the Road Again" with Willie is available online. Beto is typical of today's politicians. He's not really anything. Not a real Mexican-American, not a good ol' boy, a stoner, or a hipster, or anything else. Just a politician trying to play different roles and not being convincing in any of them.

Saint Croix said...

Rogan is not a fan of Trump. He likes Robert Kennedy Jr. So Kennedy's endorsement of Trump is what made him more interesting to Joe. Rogan is a classic liberal/libertarian. I expect Rogan to ask him a lot of hard questions. But without all the interruption that you see from the left. And without an attempt to control a narrative.

planetgeo said...

It's a great question to ask even if she's green. Answer it, Nurse Ratched. Why should ANY black person vote for Kamala if she's going to keep importing migrants by the millions who will be taking the jobs of black people?

Jupiter said...

" the popular podcaster Brené Brown, a University of Houston professor and vulnerability researcher who has an audience of millions that skews heavily female....".
What the .... never mind, I'm pretty sure I don't want to know. Except that I'm also pretty sure I'm paying for it.

Iman said...

Dunno… I’ve stopped counting. 🤪

traditionalguy said...

Joe Rogan’s value is in the guests he gets to spill the beans.

I expect DJT to tell a him lot now that Kamala has crashed and burned.

Rusty said...

Rogan had Brian Cox on , the astrophysacist, Rogan had some very penetrating questions and insights. He held his own. No wonder Harris doesn't want to go on. Rogan doesn't suffer fools well.

Whiskeybum said...

This is the kind of clear thinking leadership that we need in our next President…

Aggie said...

He married into a West Texas billionaire family. He's just a poser in a waiting-for-the-wife-to-inherit game.

Mr. Majestyk said...

I agree with SC. I think Rogan will ask Trump a lot of hard questions, with pointed follow ups, in part to prove that he's not in the tank for Trump.

Rabel said...

"If the "talks" don't result in an actual appearance on the show, I would expect Rogan to tell us what the Harris people wanted that he refused to give."

According to a Harris spokesman she was unable to do interview because of a scheduling problem.

tcrosse said...

She had previous engagement on the twelfth of never.