October 19, 2024

"I was so amazed that Harvey Weinstein got schlonged. He got hit as hard as you can get hit because he was sort of the king of the woke, and yet he got hit."

Said Donald Trump, quoted in "Donald Trump 'Amazed' That Harvey Weinstein, Serial Sexual Abuser, 'Got Schlonged'/Trump was surprised Weinstein was held accountable because the former president thought the liberal media would protect the former Hollywood producer" (HuffPo).


Shouting Thomas said...

I worked in video and music for 50 years. Still do, although only in the church end now. The idea that poor, unaware virgins are getting taken in by the big bad oppressor in the arts is the rankest bullshit. People are attracted to the arts to to be as bad and outrageous as they can be. It’s entirely a cooperative dance between the aspirants and the orgy masters. It won’t end because you take out one of the orgy masters. The aspirants will just seek out a new one… which doesn’t take long. This is a millennial old story that is not going to end, not even with the infantile tut-tutting of feminism.

Dave Begley said...

Trump is not wrong. The Left usually takes care of their own. Omertà is strong with the Dems.

rehajm said...

Did he get hit hard? I always assumed they were just telling us he went to jail. I mean doesn’t Oprah still keep her people in line?

Duke Dan said...

How is schlonged not a blog tag?

Democratic Paychecks for Perks/ Dems for Demolition of Democracy/ fake-cares 4-U said...

Me too.

rhhardin said...

It was part of making a crime out of what nobody thought was a crime by acclamation, namely the casting couch. The actress is making a deal, and it was decided that she doesn't have to be held to it because women have jello for brains.

Sally327 said...

Didn't Trump travel in pretty much the same circles, at one point or another? And when was Harvey Weinstein ever considered king of the woke, I don't think that's true. I think Trump's win in 2016 is part of what propelled the MeToo movement, which is primarily what took Weinstein down.

Mary Beth said...

They did protect him for a long time. It was reasonable to assume that would continue.

rhhardin said...

German for snake. die Schlange. It's feminine.

gilbar said...

wait a minute? Harry WHO?? i thought we weren't using names today??

Rusty said...

It just means that he pissed off someone on Jeffry Epstiens client list. Those people are still in charge.

Kai Akker said...

Hoarse. Tired. Still a few weeks to go.

Money Manger said...

I never thought of schlong as being a transitive verb. I assumed it was yiddish slang for penis. Now I have a weird image in my head.

Kai Akker said...

ST for the win, btw.

Aggie said...

Harvey Weinstein wasn't 'King of the Woke', but he was senior-executive-level in the Progressive Leftist Democrat world, there's no doubt about that. Look where he sat at the celebrity dinners, look who he hobnobbed with. They took him out as a business expense of promoting the Woke ideology. I would still like to know what motivated those knives to come out for him. It smelled of something personal, making me suspect that he was inappropriate with somebody's kid.

Iman said...

Sh-sh-shorty… Sch-sch-schlongy

Iman said...

Onanism is a terrible thing.

narciso said...

And sean combs is about to find out?

rehajm said...

One of those deals late in an election cycle where we’d expect to see the campaign finding a few rabbis to call out Trump for antisemitism. They have their hands fill at the moment but it may still happen…

wild chicken said...

I have to agree with Thomas on this. Girls come to Hollywood from all over, and they either play or gtfo. E.g., Judy Densch said she'd blow Weinstein again in a heartbeat for a good role. That's how the big girls play.

William said...

For decades he got away with violating some of the wealthiest, best connected women in the world. That's the story. I think Harvey also thought he was protected. There's some big rap producer (forget the name) who moved to Bali and is making a spirited defense of his good name from that isle. Harvey didn't flee prosecution because he didn't think this would come to pass. Think of all the good things he did for Hillary and Oprah, and he never once misbehaved with them. Ingrates. Where were they when he needed them........There were all sorts of me-too scandals in the news business. The one that got dramatized with big name Hollywood stars was the one that involved Fox News.......Poor Kavanaugh. He nearly got metooed to death for jokes written in a high school yearbook. They tried to drown him, and Kennedy was the one who was allowed to swim away from a drowning woman.

Bob Boyd said...

The Untouchable and the Schlonged is a little known, unfinished work by F. Scott Fitzgerald intended to be a sequel to The Beautiful and the Damned.

William said...

There are fair bargains fairly arrived at, and then there's rape. I'm sure some of Cosby's victims would have signed on for a quickie, but the roofie part of the deal was not negotiated. I get the impression that in some of the deals that Harvey negotiated it was rape first and then we'll work out the details of the arrangement afterwards. It wasn't a bargain. It was a power trip.

Drago said...

Weinstein being taken out served 2 primary purposes:
1) to serve as a basis for taking out Trump (obvious by the timing (late 2017) and how often Trump was lumped into Weinstein stories/reports)...also used against Kavanaugh in 2018)

2) as a "whale" sacrifice to the mob which allowed lifelong complicit hollywood and music types to wash their own sins clean by Maoist-ly sacrificing "the other guy"

Butkus51 said...

Should have used "testy" like the cool kids.

doctrev said...

This is much more significant than the easy shot it might appear to be. The oligarchy is in an advanced state of terror that President Trump is going to come after them for their involvement in child trafficking. By playing into the Weinstein story, he's sending them a signal: no deals. No statute of limitations. It's fine to dislike Hollywood actresses, but that isn't going to be the central focus here. Maybe they shouldn't have tried to kill the guy.

narciso said...

Also the same who covered for weinstein new york times new york magazine went to 11 against trump with no evidence

narciso said...
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tommyesq said...

You cut it off at the best part - why did Trump do the Adams jokes?

RCOCEAN II said...

Weinstein was a hardcore leftist. Total zionist. Total scumbag. He only got "Hit" because of Farrow wouldn't give up when NBC and others wanted to protect Weinstein. Weinstein also got "Hit" because the Democrats had "me tooed" Roy Moore and some other Republicans and made Al Unfunny Clown Franken to leave the Senate. They had opened the door for a bit, and Weinstein had committed so many sexual assaults he got the schlong.

Eva Marie said...

Shouting Thomas said:
“The idea that poor, unaware virgins are getting taken in by the big bad oppressor in the arts is the rankest bullshit.”
My friend’s daughter went to Hollywood to try to get into movies. She finally left after several years. She said most of the auditions required her to take her clothes off. I thought she was exaggerating but Jennifer Lawrence said the same thing. It was part of the audition process.

Dogma and Pony Show said...

Just because a person is already sexually active doesn't mean she can't be raped or otherwise abused.

narciso said...

He was a democrat real lefty probably not but virtue signalling goes a long way

Wince said...

Schlonged? Did you see Dagen McDowell on Gutfeld last night?

"So, again... It's a lot of money and shots in my face... and I mean actual shots."

Shouting Thomas said...

Same is true for male actors, and, generally, homo sex is demanded.

Shouting Thomas said...

I don’t know what to make of that comment. It’s so far removed from the reality of the arts that I’m baffled.

RCOCEAN II said...

What is this "bargain" crap? Actresses (and actors sometimes) are told that if you want a job offer from Producer/Director X you must suck their dick or spread your legs. And if you want a better or bigger part, well maybe you can put out.

No other "industry" operates like this. Like a bunch of gangsters. And furthermore, as shown by the difficulty Farrow had in getting the victims to talk, if the actresses do protest or go to the police, they get "blackballed" by the Good ol' boys network.

rehajm said...

I was surprised they schlonged Lauer. He was an open secret since his Rhode Island gig…

Leland said...

The reality is Hollywood protected Weinstein and others (like Crosby) for decades. With that long of a history, why assume things will suddenly change?

RCOCEAN II said...

Imagine if you were a CPA/Lawyer and the price of your getting a job or a partnership was bedding the 70 y/o uggo that headed the firm. LOL!

RCOCEAN II said...

Jews run Hollywood. Jews run the record Industry. They run TV. They vote Democrat 65-75 percent every election. There's no reason to think Weinstein didn't believe what he professed.

tolkein said...

No sympathy for Weinstein. That the actresses (mainly) did it to get roles, and it was transactional (often enough) doesn't make it right or acceptable.

BUMBLE BEE said...

Plaster Casters hardest hit?

Yancey Ward said...

When something continues for a very long time, in this case Harvey Weinstein getting away with it, and then suddenly changes to the opposite- sure, this would surprise anyone.

Yancey Ward said...

I am guessing Weinstein finally made the wrong enemy which is also my guess about Sean Combs.

Money Manger said...

Martin Amis does a great take on this in his novel "Money".

BUMBLE BEE said...
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BUMBLE BEE said...
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Shouting Thomas said...

I worked briefly with a young, pretty actress in NYC who was clearly way in over her head in that biz. Not hard enough. She ran home to North Carolina, where she is now a cat lady supreme, and she’s studying up to be an “intimacy counsellor” for the film and video business. Funny as hell.

Just an old country lawyer said...

Some lawyers are said to have "couch fees."

n.n said...

King of the woke in social liberal club with virtue signals to ward off predatory woke.

Bob Boyd said...

Live by the schlong. Die by the schlong.

n.n said...

But I'm progressive!?

n.n said...

Your colors are leaking, exposing the rest of the woke to uncomfortable scrutiny. You're a "burden" and we would abort you but you have a voice to protest so we will instead cancel you. Empathize.

Dixcus said...

Weinstein got schlonged for the same reason Bill Clinton did:

The mainstream Democrat Party-controlled media couldn't protect him from a journalist, despite trying very, very hard to do just that.

And you don't hear from Ronan Farrow any more; just like you don't hear from Matt Drudge any more. Drudge's site has been taken over by MSNBC. Drudge hasn't been seen in public for years (and he's likely been murdered as far as anyone knows.)

BUMBLE BEE said...

Dagen never fails to crack me up!

n.n said...

They're casting women, molesting children, aborting the "burden" of evidence, sequestering her carbon, and hunting for witches that will expose social liberal club.

Paddy O said...

Whether something happens or has been common doesn't make it legal. I think the current state of Hollywood shows they need to be held to the same labor and workplace standards of all companies. Maybe they would make better material.

Prof. M. Drout said...

It would be nice to set a big school of pirhana lawyers on the entertainment industry by giving--under Title IX and sexual harassment law--actors and actresses the right to sue directors/producer if they in good faith audition for a part but it goes to someone having a sexual relationship with the director/producer.
We long ago decided that regardless of who might want to do what, that bosses in other industries can't sleep with their subordinates. Why should the entertainment industry be any different?

Narr said...

She's a little too Southern Exotic for my tastes, and belabors those anecdotes.

On Weinstein et. al., there was a time when showbiz people ranked barely above prostitutes on the social scale, rather than being held up as cultural icons, secular gods and goddesses.

n.n said...

Huff and Po and blow the house down is an emotive act.

Deep State Reformer said...

Blormf isn't wrong about Weinstein, however with that acknowledged it's not the sort of thing peeps want their president's saying in public. In private conversation that gets leaked somehow, it's ok. Behavior on Blormf's part like this is what drives a lot of his supporters crazy too. Just saying... It's the sort of gaffe I'd expect from Harris or Walz to be honest.

n.n said...

Take a knee, bray, progress. #VpToo

Bob Boyd said...

Schlonged kind of implies they treated Weinstein unfairly or unjustly. I'm not sure that is the case.
Trump got schlonged. They continue to schlong Trump. There's nobody they like to schlong more.
Who are they? Those who have been invested with the schlong do the schlonging.

Aught Severn said...

I think it would be pretty revisionist to try to tie Trump to MeToo. Weinstein was absolutely the central character there.

I know there have been several allegations against Trump. Some definitely false (Russian hookers), some probably false (sexual assault in a changing room at a swanky retailer in an unknown year), some in the he said/she said realm (Stormy Daniels). I don't think anyone has shown he was a Lolita Express patron like Clinton was (still waiting for those logs to be leaked!).

So while he may have rubbed shoulders with evil people, I think trying to tie him to their actions would be guilt by association more than anything else. I also don't know how close he really was to those kinds of people, other than running in to them at events thrown by the rich and famous for the rich and famous.

Not to say Trump is a saint, but he is no Weinstein.

n.n said...

schlong (n.)

"penis," 1969, from Yiddish shlang, literally "snake." Compare schmuck. As a verb, "to have sex with," by 2005. Related: Schlonged; schlonging.

It's high German for toxic masculinity... in social liberal club.

MadTownGuy said...

Trump was the intended target; Weinstein, Lauer, Franken, and Keillor, et al. were collateral damage.

RCOCEAN II said...

People upthread are conflating three completely different situations:
1) A woman, of her own free will, using sex to climb the ladder or get a leg upon the competition. This happens in almost every industry. Usually this is done covertly.
2) Women going to bed with some TV star or Star because they are star struck and secretly hope it will lead to some sort of more permenant relationship.
3) Producers/Directors making it clear that sex is the price for a job offer, better part, or continuing participation in the "Industry". "Put out" or "you're out".

To uphold this sexual blackmail because women are willing to pay the price is ridiculous. The Men in the "Entertainment Industry" who do this crap, should be held account and punished.

Lazarus said...

"The liberal media" did protect those guys for decades. It took a major generational (and "genderational") shake-up to take them down.

Lazarus said...

That Jean Carroll story was a lot falser than "probably false."

Bruce Hayden said...

“ Just because a person is already sexually active doesn't mean she can't be raped or otherwise abused.”

A lot of quid pro quo going on with these women. It’s often embarrassing for them, because they traded their virtue for the potential of fame and maybe wealth. This is akin to Trump’s statement that he could have grabbed them by the crotch, and gotten away with it, because of his fame and wealth.

Is it rape? I don’t think so. My partner grew up in Las Vegas, was stunningly beautiful, modeled, and danced (dance scholarship at UNLV). So, at about 16, she showed interest in professionally dancing there. Her mother, a choreographer for some of the big shows there, got her an interview with one of the producers of one of the shows. He asked her to dance for him. He liked her dancing. Then he asked to see some T&A. Being the innocent Catholic girl, she needed him to explain. Nope. Not in a thousand years. Throughout college, she ran the floral shop at the Hilton, that had a lot of the big acts, and getting hit on by celebrities was at least a weekly occurrence. Also, casino owners, their sons, etc. Interestingly, the only guys who never did were Cosby and Elvis. It’s kinda funny now. Vegas has named a lot of their streets after these guys. I ask her about them, and she responds with how he came onto her, and how she ducked his advances. In any case, she saw a lot of what one might call prostitution for possible advancement during those years. Cocktail waitresses sleeping with casino owners and their sons, in hope of a pregnancy and 20 year income, other dancers and models having sex with producers and photographers, etc. and then there were the women who just wanted more notches in their belts…

n.n said...

While grooming is declasse, friends with "benefits" is liberal orthodoxy. #NoJudgment #NoLabels

Ampersand said...

Why is Trump, with his own sexual history that is... not heroic, allowing himself to be maneuvered into making public statements about Harvey Weinstein?

Tina Trent said...

Actually, Trump makes a very good point. Weinstein was on the super-elite board of the most prestigious nonprofit in NYC: The Robin Hood Foundation. Where the ultra-rich pay comp lit majors to steal from the middle and working classes to give to the unproductive poor. Instead of giving money directly to the needy (or wanty), RHF creates spin-offs staffed by ultraliberal overeducated unemployables who comb the streets to sign up every unproductive person for every government benny, which mostly come from payroll taxes -- from the working and middle classes. They also lobbied NYState into supersizing such bennies for people who won't work or support their own families.

The annual Robin Hood Gala was the social event of the year, and the "nonprofit" spent millions on it. Weinstein was king of that leftist racket, along with fellow board members Katie Couric, Gwenyth Paltrow...and Jeffrey Epstein.

Heck, even reputable left-leaning think tanks were disgusted by that foundation's indulgences and tactics. But it made Weinstein and Epstein pretty untouchable.

That Trump guy's pretty smart.

n.n said...

Green schlong or penis envy is a Democratic entrée in gender politics.

Bruce Hayden said...

You can’t really ban it. It’s the age old bargain - the female trades sexual access for resources for her and her kids. Marriage just formalizes the bargain. So much of our sexual interactions devolve from that. Who is to say when two people do something in the bedroom, or on the casting couch, together, whether it was true love or some level of prostitution? Even without the chance of advancement, power like Weinstein had is intoxicating for a lot of women.

Tina Trent said...

Most of that activity was Robin Hood Foundation activity, and they used woke philanthropy as a front for their behavior. Weinstein and Epstein, as board members, at different times oversaw or evaluated their K-12 school programs. Epstein used his role at RHF to troll NYC high schools.

Tina Trent said...

Zionist and Leftist have parted ways.

Iman said...

die alten Verstecke die Schlange

Eva Marie said...

Bruce Hayden says:
“You can’t really ban it. It’s the age old bargain - the female trades sexual access for resources.”
You can’t ban anything - even murder. But you can lower the incidence. Do women trade sexual services for political promotion (KH) or business success. Yes. Is it as common as it is in the movie industry? No.

Rocco said...

In high school in the early 80s we used it as both a noun and a verb. It wasn't the most commonly used word to indicate these things, as its usage fell into one of two camps.
- Unfortunate/unexpected: "Frohne was fielding the ball at shortstop when it took a nasty hop and hit him right in the schlong."
- Humorous, usually related to the first point: "Ha ha. That Coyote always gets schlonged when he tries to chase the Road Runner"

Ralph L said...

Did anyone go to prison besides HW and Cosby (briefly)?
That's what bugs me now--Dem bureaucrats inside the Beltway must believe they'll skate if by some miracle they're prosecuted for abusing a Republican.

Ralph L said...

"Shafted" was the word I remember from the 70s, and they didn't mean the movie.

Christopher B said...

As Instapundit likes to say, #MeToo was a torpedo specifically aimed at Trump in 2016 that circled back to take out a lot of lefty men.

Bob Boyd said...

Little green men with little green schlongs.
"Take me to your Weinstein"

Howard said...

Harvey and Donald might have gotten schlonged unfairly because by all accounts, they are both schlort.

rhhardin said...

Jews have a high average verbal IQ.

n.n said...

This is why abortion is a human rite... right and the back... black hole... whore h/t NAACP, along with diverse sexual orientations, is celebrated and legalized under Democratic law in progressive sects.

rhhardin said...

Dagan was much better on Imus where they could play pick on the girl. Best one that I remember offhand when MH370 went missing there was a news question how long the locator beacon battery would hold out. Let's ask Dagan.

JAORE said...

So I'm reading above the BAD situation is "Producers/Directors making it clear that sex is the price for a job offer, better part, or continuing participation in the "Industry". "Put out" or "you're out"."

I foresee a real "He said, she said" issue here.

NKP said...

Power/Sex/Celebrity. Just other names for drugs. If there were no users, the products would go away. High stakes/Excitement/Single Elimination. There are almost no unwilling participants.

Iman said...

Howard’s Penisneid rears its angry d-head

hawkeyedjb said...

Show Biz is a Democratic industry in a Democratic town that raises fantastic amounts of money for the Democratic Party. Any momentary lapses into honesty or morality are for the simple purpose of protecting the Party and its cash flow. Remember, this is an industry that gave the rapist Roman Polanski a standing ovation at their annual self-congratulation gala.

Krumhorn said...

I agree completely, ST. I've been in the film/tv business for a long time, and there are no innocent victims. Yes, there certainly is a power imbalance. Most are transactional events, and some are quasi relationship (either real or imagined).

What got Weinstein in trouble is that he is a nasty SOB, and he exercised unrighteous dominion over all who were in his path, whether in sexual matters or business. Hollywood is full of senior executives, directors, producers, and actors whose schlongs have seen as much pink as Harvey, but they are personable and fun. Except for Les Moonves, they have been largely immune to the "me too". Maybe he was collateral damage, but Harvey got what he deserved for reasons unrelated to his schlong.

- Krumhorn

Mikey NTH said...

Trump just tied "woke" to Harvey Weinstein.

Krumhorn said...

I think Moonves was targeted by Shari Redstone somehow. He was not going along with her program to merge Viacom and CBS. He’s a good guy so his schlonging shouldn’t have otherwise put him in the line of fire.

- Krumhorn

Eva Marie said...
