October 1, 2024

"I just wanted to get out of legacy media. I feel like it’s just really, really difficult to do the kind of reporting that I want to do on the internet..."

"... within these kind of older institutions as a primary job. I like to have a really interactive relationship with my audience. I like to be very vocal online, obviously. And I just think all of that is really hard to do in the roles that are available at these legacy institutions.... I write about the attention economy, and I write about the content creator industry, and I just want complete autonomy to write and do and say whatever I want, and engage a little bit more directly with my readers, with the public, when it comes to my work."

Says Taylor Lorenz, quoted in "Taylor Lorenz Exits Washington Post to Launch ‘User Mag’ on Substack/Lorenz, who is leaving the newspaper to launch the publication, says that it will 'cover technology from the user side,' in contrast to traditional coverage of social media" (Hollywood Reporter).

I just want complete autonomy to write and do and say whatever I want.... 


doctrev said...

Taylor Lorenz think she's big enough to lose her Washington Post title? Translation: she was told to seek new opportunities.

Aggie said...

I've got a feeling that she's trying very hard not to let it be seen as 'mutual', at best.

Waiting for the lead balloon 'thud', and the little puff of dust far below.

Sally327 said...

I think that she and Laura Loomer might be the same person, like a split personality kind of thing.

Big Mike said...

I predict she won’t enjoy the same success Bari Weiss has had with the Free Press.

tim maguire said...

She wants her audience to be more selective.

Aggie said...

The Big Question is, will her Substack have an updated picture ??

tim maguire said...

That was my first (and second) thought--they gave her the opportunity to resign.

NorthOfTheOneOhOne said...

Nah, Taylor's hideousness is spiritual only, not spiritual and physical like Loomer's is.

Greg The Class Traitor said...

Good riddance to bad rubbish

Shouting Thomas said...

I guarantee you that Lorenz knows absolutely nothing about technology, except for buzz words.

RideSpaceMountain said...

You can follow her on her new Substack: The Middle-aged Tween Beat

RideSpaceMountain said...

You can make more than one Substack, so could use her second Substack to make fake death threats against her first Substack. She'll do great!

Michael K said...

Too easy. Now do something hard.

Goldenpause said...

What is not known is whether the Post paid her to leave and, if so, how much. She was a problem employee on a good day, so this counts as a win for the Post, although she will probably dish some dirt about the Post until it is such old news that no one is interested in.

bob said...

Best of luck to her. She'll need it.

Leland said...

I see the reverse. The Washington Post editors don’t want a defamation lawsuit. Now she’s gone and can take her own risk.

Big Mike said...

I’m working on the P vs. NP problem

Kate said...

So Substack is no longer the high school equivalent of chess club ...

Darkisland said...

I've been looking into Substack and am going to get active in a month or two when I finish my current book (Secrets of Lean Changeover)

I'd mentioned that I have an idea for a book of mini-bios with an interesting hook. But looking into Substack, I am thinking of publishing there instead. A thousand subscribers at $20/yr is $20m/yr which is a lot more than I would make from the book. From my research, this certainly seems doable.

Each chapter is a stand alone bio and I can probably do 2-3 a day if I work at it. It will take me a week or two to do a years worth of weekly posts. I'll be farting through silk, baby!

Figure someone with a national name like Lorenz might be able to attract 50,000 subscribers and maybe charge $25-30. That's $125-150m/yr. That might be more than she makes at WaPo. Certainly more than she is worth. Not a bad income and she is her own boss with her own hours. If she travels to NYC to cover the club scene with her fellow teenagers, she can even deduct the costs.

She loses the prestige of the WaPo brand but may make out better financially. She will also have more freedom to do what she wants.

John Henry

Ampersand said...

Freedom for me, but not for thee.

Accused someone of using the word “retard” on the then-popular app Clubhouse, later amended because the not particularly dire accusation also turned out to be false. Her larger concern, according to The New York Times, was thatpeople on Clubhouse were having “unfettered conversations.”

She was a significant part of The New York Times staff’s “This puts Black @nytimes staff in danger” Twitter campaign to manipulate workplace safety law to censor an op-ed by Sen. Tom Cotton.

She believes that the story of the pandemic is that we did not commit with enough vigor or for enough time to strategies like masking, stay-at-home orders, and social pressure not to commune in person rather than on Zoom and social media.
She supports neo-censorship called “anti-disinformation,” a partnership between government intelligence agencies and private internet technology firms to determine who can say what.
But she just wants freedom. What a dishonest mediocrity. She and a thousand other so-called journalists.

Dixcus said...

It's about time they fired her. Now we can block her.

Dixcus said...

No, it still is.

Quaestor said...
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Quaestor said...

Taylor Lorenz writes, "I just want complete autonomy to write and do and say whatever I want...."

Good for her. If that's her sincere desire and not just gaslighting, then it would be in her interest to support the Republican Party or one of the myriad libertarian groups, because anyone who wants such autonomy to write and say whatever he wants has no friends in the elite echelons of the Democratic Party.

On the other hand, perhaps this move was intended to foist all Lorenz's silliness hysteria onto her editors and thereby gain some small reputation for probity she has notably failed to garner (Let's use that word! occasionally, just for variety.)

CJinPA said...

She can spend more time at her nonprofit, Journalists Against Free Speech. JAFS does important work.

PB said...

She was already obscure.

Money Manger said...

In her defense, right now The Post, is a most, miserable place to work.

Gusty Winds said...

Batshit crazy, mask-wearing, cat woman.

Gusty Winds said...

She will now have to rely on X as she doggy paddles for relevance. Delicious!!!

Iman said...

Too many Taylors taking too much space
Too many reaching for a piece of cake
Too many Taylors acting like a clown
Too many waiting for that lucky break
That was her first mistake
She took her lucky break
And broke it in half
Now it’s so hard not to laugh
She broke it in half

h/t Paul McCartney

Drago said...

I feel sad for LLR-democratical Rich. Taylor was a real "go-to" for Abacus Boy.

mccullough said...

Substack form is too long for Taylor. And she’s not pithy enough for blog form. She should stick to Tik Tok

Joe Bar said...

Well, she just had a birthday, and is now eligible for Social Security, so, she's got something to fallback on.

Quayle said...

Taylor wants to be Althouse

Quayle said...

"I just want complete autonomy to write and do and say whatever I want [and still get paid a good salary]"

There, fixed it for her.

(BTW, I can't blame her. I've wanted that for a long time too.)

(Nice work when you can get it.)

mikee said...

So, easier to never hear from her again? Ok by me.

The Drill SGT said...

Bless her little heart

Mr. T. said...

Translation: the Post is done paying my defences for my lawsuits...

MadisonMan said...

She wants to live freely in writing. Good luck in finding an audience.

Earnest Prole said...

There’s a growing market for performative white-chick fragility, and there’s no reason to believe the rotting corpse of the Washington Post was helping her exploit it.

BUMBLE BEE said...

Matt Taibbi .... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pTfe8sP-KPM

narciso said...

She destroys peoples livelihoods for a living away with you

Enlighten-NewJersey said...

This past August Lorenz posted a picture of herself on Instagram, with Biden in the background and the text “War criminal :(” NPR confirmed the post was authentic and she has not written for The Washington Post since the paper said it would investigate the matter.

I see Yahoo News is trying to claim she was a "target of right-wing criticism". Lorenz's mistake was her target, Biden, not Trump.

Texasyankee said...

The Post loses $77 million. Cuts in staff have to be made. Taylor Lorenz is gone. Probably, a relationship there.

The Vault Dweller said...

I'm assuming that she was or was going to be shunted off into the new division the Washington Post was creating that is being talked up as the new hip thing but was really just a containment bin for the more extreme folks. This would have been a downgrade in perceived status and made her modus operandi which is trading heavily on perceived status to use the rhetorical technique of argument from authority.