October 21, 2024

"I fear that Harris is every bit as vacuous behind the scenes as she seems to be on the public stage."

"I fear she will be tested early by a foreign adversary and stumble badly, whether it’s in stopping Iran from building a nuclear weapon or China from blockading Taiwan or Russia from seizing a portion of a Baltic country. I fear she will capitulate too easily to her party’s left flank, especially when it comes to identity politics, economic policy or polarizing cultural issues. I fear she’ll have no domestic policy ideas that don’t involve mindlessly expanding the role of government. I fear she’ll surround herself with mediocre advisers, like her embarrassingly bad veep pick. I fear she won’t muster the political will to curb mass migration. And I fear that a failed Harris presidency will do more to turbocharge the far right in this country than to diminish it."

Said Bret Stephens, endorsing Kamala Harris, in "Kamala Harris Has an Unexpected Ally" (NYT).


Democratic Paychecks for Perks/ Dems for Demolition of Democracy/ fake-cares 4-U said...

The Trump Hate CULT causes mass Cognitive Dissonance.

RCOCEAN II said...

Remember until 2016, Burt Stevens posed as a "True Conservative" who believed in "smaller government" and the Republican party. I can remember all his lectures about how "we" had to be "pragmatic" and nominate Romney because "the only thing that mattered was stopping the Democrats". Now, this the 3rd Leftwing Democrat he's supporting for POTUS.

Isn't it funny how all these "House Conservatives and R/W'ers" at the MSM have turned out to be liberal Democrats in disguise!

As for his wishy-washy endorsement, Democrats and Leftists just don't care. They hate Trump. Case closed.

tommyesq said...

With friends like these...

RCOCEAN II said...

And there is no "far right". If there's a "Far Right" - who is "The right"? And who is "the far left"? I get so tired of the lies and abuse of language. Its nails on a chalkboard.

Kevin said...

So it's not that he can't see the problem...

Ralph L said...

He's an idiot if he thinks Harris & friends want to slow the immivasion one bit.

stlcdr said...

All of this doesn't matter because of the diatribe people have been fed, and taught to think, about Trump.

And (if)when Kamala wins against trump by one vote, all problems will still be because of Trump, the Nazis, the Deplorables, Guns, Religion (only Christians, though), the Rich, disinformation, Musk, misinformation, the Supreme Court (but only when decisions go against Leftist Orthodoxy), gas guzzlers, country bumpkins...

MartyH said...

So nuclear annihilation is better than four years of Trump. You convinced me to vote for her, Bret!

Kate said...

Is Stephens no longer Jewish?

traditionalguy said...

Is he promoting a suicide pact? Probably he’s just fed up with deceiving everyone and wants to assert the real goal.

Suicidal and Proud.

RideSpaceMountain said...

I'm beginning to ponder the possibility that she, her boss, and their entire political apparatus are not interested in stopping Iran from building a nuclear weapon. They are not interested in stopping China from blockading Taiwan. They're not interested in stopping Russia from seizing a portion of a Baltic country. That she will capitulate too easily because that is, in fact, her job.

Leland said...

We are supposed to pretend the first Trump Administration never happened and then assume his second will be worse than all those other things plus the events that have already happened in the Biden/Harris administration.

J Severs said...

Relax! Ms Harris will not be the acting President.

Original Mike said...

Incredible. Trump ran the country well during his term, Stephens predicts consequential failures if Kamala is elected, and he still calls on us to vote for her.

Tina Trent said...

Not one word about diminishing the far left. I guess he ran out of column inches.

David53 said...


Democratic Paychecks for Perks/ Dems for Demolition of Democracy/ fake-cares 4-U said...

War Machine pays.

my comments are disappearing again.

Quaestor said...

Earlier we were talking about the anti-patriotic death-to-America left that dominates academia and the culture. According to Stevens, the best way to put a cap on that project is to elect Kamala.

An "unexpected ally". Those are NYT words. Need anything else be said?

Lazarus said...
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Lazarus said...

This endorsement might make some sense if Stephens is reacting to the "If you don't vote for me then you ain't Jewish" approach Republicans are taking.

Wince said...

Bret Stephens, putting the “D” in TDS.

doctrev said...

It's almost like the Stephens tribe is even more of an enemy than the Democrats are. I can't wait for these disgusting people to vanish, like smoke up a chimney.

ObeliskToucher said...

“It is difficult to get a man to understand something, when his salary depends on his not understanding it.”

― Upton Sinclair, I, Candidate for Governor: And How I Got Licked

Democratic Paychecks for Perks/ Dems for Demolition of Democracy/ fake-cares 4-U said...

Makes me wonder - IS Trump Hate that fierce - or are these media people being threatened?

Yancey Ward said...

He is afraid that Harris is so incompetent that things to go to shit so bad his endorsement will look like the thoughts of a fucking idiot. Got it, Bedbug.

Ampersand said...

Bret conserves conservatism most conservatively. He is the poster boy for Stockholm Syndrome.

Lazarus said...

How did neoconservatives who desire to project US power all over the globe end up supporting a candidate who might give up Taiwan or the Baltic states?

Once you start working for WaPo or the NYT the temptation to go native is too strong to resist. What your co-workers fear is what you come to fear. Also hard to resist: the opportunity to hobnob with the high muckety-mucks in Davos.

n.n said...

The governance spectrum is from least ("right", libertarian) to most ("left", authoritarian), the left-right nexus is leftist in practical terms.

Original Mike said...

Vacuous is the perfect word for Word Salad Harris.

cassandra lite said...

"I fear"? Geezus, man, where've you been? There's no there there; never has been. Her old sugar daddy, Willie Brown, told us that years ago, before she became a senator. Chance the gardener would be a step up intellectually.

n.n said...

The far-right is anarchist. The far-left is totalitarian.

Jersey Fled said...

I don’t get it.

Lilly, a dog said...

Bret Stephens fears his wife will start using Chat GPT against him if he doesn't vote for Harris.

Chest Rockwell said...

Since it's behind a paywall, please someone list why in spite of these doubts he's still voting for her. Presumably, DT will introduce a nuclear holocaust or something...

Krumhorn said...

It read like a Trump commercial to me. Bret calls himself a "Reaganite". I call him an idiot who has guzzled the leftie kool-aid.

- Krumhorn

Rabel said...

"I really would rather have just sat out Election Day. But Jan. 6 and election denialism are unforgivable. And as my friend Richard North Patterson likes to say, 'Donald Trump is literally bleeping crazy.'”

There it is. Make of it what you will.

Lilly, a dog said...

These are his "reasons,'" Chest:
"I really would rather have just sat out Election Day. But Jan. 6 and election denialism are unforgivable. And as my friend Richard North Patterson likes to say, “Donald Trump is literally bleeping crazy.” And what crazy brings in its wake is JD Vance, whom I find worse than Trump, because he’s just as cynical but twice as bright. And what it also brings in its wake is Tucker Carlson and the Hitler defenders he likes to platform."

And then later on, he says,
"But I won’t fear that she’ll refuse to recognize the result of the next election should she lose it. And I won’t fear that Tim Walz is a cunning stooge who will always do the boss’s bidding no matter how unconstitutional it might be. And I won’t fear learning that an Arnold Palmer is now a reference to something other than lemonade and iced tea and a big golf swing."

Danno said...

If I remember correctly, Bret left his first wife and his Jewish faith at about the same time.

Danno said...

Look who pays his salary.

Clyde said...

Praising with faint damn.

Yancey Ward said...

Yeah, that wasn't Kook-Aid that Bret has been swallowing.

Yancey Ward said...

Typo, but strangely appropriate on my part.

Clyde said...

Darn it, I guess I should have waited to see who Bret Stephens endorsed before going out to cast my vote here in Florida on the first day of early voting today. Oh, well, I guess Kamala and the Democrats will have to win without me, because I didn't vote for a single one of them.

Dave Begley said...

Not fear; facts.

Quaestor said...

doctrev dreams of Holocaust Teil Zwei.

Breezy said...

Idiocity. J6 has come and gone. The rest of that threatening stuff is on-going. I almost feel sorry for a journalist to have exposed his poor critical thinking skills so publicly. Almost.

Gunner said...

Shocker! Bretbug is voting libtard. Who doubted this? I guess New York is safe for Kamala. Finally!

Bob B said...

He certainly has the intelligence to be a Harris supporter.

Temujin said...

"...whether it’s in stopping Iran from building a nuclear weapon...".

Stop. There is nothing more to say. IF this happens, and there's a very good chance Iran will get this done before a next President is in office, then that changes the entire landscape of the world.

That Bret Stephens would list this as he might a list of things that annoy him about someone's personality is eye-opening.

The hate some people have for Donald Trump over the security of the civilized world is just not rational.

Bob B said...
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Hassayamper said...

Makes me wonder - IS Trump Hate that fierce - or are these media people being threatened?

Epstein's island was pretty clearly a Mossad operation. When Sean "Diddy" Combs was throwing his debauched orgies, it's plausible he was (knowingly or unknowingly) acting as a cat's paw for our own intelligence agencies. Would be interesting to see who his "party planners" were. Chinese spies have penetrated our government quite deeply, many of them attractive sexpots like Eric Swalwell's former concubine. There are probably comparable "kompromat" operations being run by British MI6 as well as the Russians. And quite plausibly there are freelance private organizations and individuals doing the same thing, sometimes for money, sometimes for power, sometimes for both. Who'd be surprised to learn that George Soros has a stable of whores to entice those he wants to control?

Our government controls rivers of money and the most powerful military the world has ever seen. Of course every important nation and every other major center of power and influence are always going to try to gain leverage over us like this. Nobody ever does anything about it, because our security and intelligence agencies are themselves either compromised by playing the game, or running the game, and have been for decades.

That meme showing the far-off Earth from space, with an arrow saying "You are here, paying taxes to pedophiles" is pretty much the distillation of where we are now.

Drago said...

As has been noted many times over the last several years: ALL the masks are off now. So many "muh principles"-FakeCons and Fake "True Republicans" etc.

Every single person who used terms such as those were precisely what many of us claimed them to be: democraticals.

The rule of Lemnity said...

But orange hair man will be worse… or something.

Bushman of the Kohlrabi said...

No way he keeps his soft gig and cool kids membership if he endorses Trump.

Lance said...

"I fear that Harris is every bit as vacuous behind the scenes as she seems to be on the public stage.

Stephens claims to be a journalist. Why doesn't he go find out for himself what Harris is really like? I get that Harris isn't granting interviews, but couldn't he interview her past acquaintances and co-workers?

Of course he could. He's just not really curious. He's pretending to be a journalist the way Harris pretends to be a lawyer and politician.

narciso said...

He makes no sense in any language

narciso said...

English Spanish Hebrew

Eva Marie said...

This guy has host spent valuable NYT real estate telling readers they should vote for Trump.

Eva Marie said...

has just

Big Mike said...
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mccullough said...

No one but The Faithful gives a shit about the NYT.

Democratic Paychecks for Perks/ Dems for Demolition of Democracy/ fake-cares 4-U said...

Open Border... Millions of Illegal Entrants.... No Voter ID... Low confidence in vote integrity/honesty.... Crime... Inflation... War ...Corruption... Censorship.... Public Debt.... Covid lies....
---> But Jan 6th!
Got it.

Political Junkie said...

Bret Stevens's article/piece really angers me.
DJT does things (behavior/speech) I do not like in a president. I get called GOPe whenever I voice those points, so I now just keep quiet on that front.
But there are many variables in choosing a president. I self identify conservative and am strongly voting for DJT this week and do not even consider the modern day D party an option for my vote. In my eyes, my options are vote R or do not vote.
I am at off the charts level of anger at people like Bret Stephens and the Bulwark. FO. Pound Sand. Rot in Hell.

Inga said...

So, no Jewish Americans are voting for Harris? Wasn’t Trump himself upset with American Jews because they haven’t voted for him in sufficient numbers?

Chest Rockwell said...

Thanks! What I suspected.

Jimmy said...

Voting for Democrats after the last 3.5 years is a sign you are in a cult. Or a teachers union , university faculty, or government employee.
No one can list positives, only anti Trump propaganda. Unless you are a party apparatchik, like so many trolls=then you do as your master tells you. Literal 'step and fetchit'.

Inga said...
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narciso said...

Harris is on team hamas

Tofu King said...

This quote is classic never-Trumper -
"So I’d rather take my chances with a president whose competence I doubt and whose policies I dislike than one whose character I detest."

Inga said...

These are his "reasons,'" Chest:

"I really would rather have just sat out Election Day. But Jan. 6 and election denialism are unforgivable.”

As rational thinking people.

“And as my friend Richard North Patterson likes to say, “Donald Trump is literally bleeping crazy.””

Nuclear codes folks…

“And what crazy brings in its wake is JD Vance, whom I find worse than Trump, because he’s just as cynical but twice as bright.”


“And what it also brings in its wake is Tucker Carlson and the Hitler defenders he likes to platform."

Now that should make Americans sit up and notice.

Inga said...

The enemy from within!

Inga said...

She might think about opining on the size of dead golfer's penises.

Inga said...

He’s looking for retribution, like Trump.

Inga said...

Demand purity!

Dixcus said...

He's been threatened with firing if he endorses Trump, so he endorses Harris bitch-slappingly.

Aggie said...

In her one adversarial interview (on Fox), Harris already laid this groundwork. Any problems extending over the past 10 years, are all laid at the feet of Trump. His fault, says Kamala. When it was pointed out by Baier that this encompassed the Biden/Harris administration in office, Harris responded that the mere fact that Trump exists, and communicates opinions, is all the proof that is needed for assigning blame. She is the unserious candidate. Stephens? Pffft.

Dixcus said...

The Deplorables, you say?

Inga said...

So why are Muslims in Michigan voting for Trump?


“They will vote against Harris’: Arab Americans in Michigan desert Democrats over Gaza. Hamtramck, population 28,000, has new Trump campaign office weeks from election in hopes of gains in swing state.”

Butkus51 said...

saying and doing are two different things. But youre smart Inga, you know this.

MadisonMan said...

IOW, "She's wretched beyond words! I endorse her!" Might be chuckle-worthy when it's some distance in the rear-view mirror. Ask me on 8 Nov.

Aggie said...

It really is Trump Derangement Syndrome at its zenith, with people like Stephens. To imagine that a nuclear event somewhere, or the hostile takeover of an established Democracy by another country, are things that are overshadowed by the Jan 6th protest. Trump did nothing but exercise his constitutional right and duty to contest the election results. He did nothing more than other Democrats candidates have themselves done in the past - for example, in 2016. Stephens reveals himself as an unserious opinion writer.

Narayanan said...

vacuum also needed for suction power

n.n said...

You had me at DEI.

Martin said...

There is a core of the Democrat party that wants Iran to get nukes. They think it will make them feel safe so they will stop causing problems. I think they will use their test bomb on Israel, since why waste a perfectly good bomb.

Aggie said...

A little on-the-ground intelligence: I considered voting early today, running errands. I went by the early voting polling place: The parking lot was full, with overflow vehicles lining the streets outside the facility, people parking and walking in. Very busy indeed. I'll go back by later in the week.

DINKY DAU 45 said...

Well the Don getting out his message in his last days to his trumpeters" boy that Arnold is some man,you should see his penis" This fella seems to have an ongoing issue with men and women's private parts,,I know he can just grab em because he's a star but really ARNOLD? C'mon man if you are fortunate enough to have kids you want them watching this fella spounting his locker room spiel>. WTF The trumpeters loved it! Now that's entertainment...I wonder what Ms LIndsy says about that and I don't know ,separate bedrooms with Melody for years? Locker rooms steaming up!

Joe Bar said...

Great call-back!

Narayanan said...

is he then jew on trembling knees?

Joe Bar said...

TDS is real!

rhhardin said...

Her mind is cluttered with crap but people will tell her what to do.

Narayanan said...

why would inga think all arab/Muslims prohamas?

Dixcus said...

No sentient Jew should vote for Harris since she and Biden have been arming Iran and MURDERING Jews. What in the world is wrong with you Inga?

Greg The Class Traitor said...


Bret spent decades lying. Then Trump got him to pull the mask off.

FOAD, Bret

n.n said...

Elaine Takes Over The Peterman Catalog

The Urban Sombrero.

Dixcus said...

Oh, and before you mention it, I will: Where do you think the term "Genocide Joe" comes from? It comes from Joe Biden arming Israel (and Iran) to shoot each other. If you were a human being, you'd be concerned about that.

Jupiter said...

There was a time when Bret Stephens endorsing a Communist cipher like KH would have been "surprising", but that was long ago. He has been sucking Gail Collins' dick for years now, they don't even have to pay him any more. He is wholly-owned.

Lazarus said...

It might be nice to believe that this is an example of Straussian "secret writing" and that Stephens is telling his followers who they should really vote for without losing his job at the Times, but he's not smart enough or principled enough to do that.

Paul said...

Hell of an endorsement Bret!!! I am sure Trump will use it well.

Eva Marie said...

Inga asks
“So why are Muslims in Michigan voting for Trump?”
Because they know that a smart enemy is better than a stupid friend.

The rule of Lemnity said...

What could be more important than that list of fears?

Signaling that I'm a good white ally?

Kamala only demo lead is among the well-educated elite. That lead has never wavered. If Yale Vance had lost that senate seat, he'd most likely would be on television making up excuses for Kamala right now.

Eva Marie said...

Look what that stupid friendship with the Biden/Harris administration done to the Ukraine. How many young men have been killed? Do you really wish that fate for the Arabs in the Middle East? Time for peace. You Democrats have made enough money off of war.

Kevin said...

Nice to see the inevitable "worse than Trump" meme already coming out: "And what crazy brings in its wake is JD Vance, whom I find worse than Trump, because he’s just as cynical but twice as bright."

If that's not waiving the white flag for 2024, I don't know what is.

rehajm said...

Paint me a picture of the kind of person that is influenced by this endorsement…

rehajm said...
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Skeptical Voter said...

Airheds are gonna airhead. And when you had a senile hack and an airhead as VP it was easy for the Obama posse to control both of them. But frankly Bret, I don't give a tinkers toot what you think.

selfanalyst said...

Question for the audience here, one I am basically reluctant to g***le. How would the nation handle the election if the R presidential candidate was no longer "available"? I would love to vote early, in person, in a reasonably safe R state, but I am afraid my vote would be lost if a nutjob succeeded. Am I worried about nothing?

Yancey Ward said...

If Trump were killed Vance becomes the candidate for all practical purposes- you simply cast your vote for the Trump electors in whatever state you reside and those electors will cast their votes in December for Vance.

Gospace said...

The electors would have to decide who to vote for. That's their job. The likely result if Trump won would be the Congress would elect the President, one vote per state. They will very consciously ignore this part of the 12th amendment: The person having the greatest number of votes for President, shall be the President, if such number be a majority of the whole number of Electors appointed; and if no person have such majority, then from the persons having the highest numbers not exceeding three on the list of those voted for as President, the House of Representatives shall choose immediately, by ballot, the President. Well, maybe not. Depends on whether the electors vote before or after a deep state agent aka nutjob succeeds.

Kate said...

Inga -- Stephens is a former conservative whose Jewish identity and support for Israel defined his political opinions. There are plenty of Jewish-Americans who will vote for Harris, but they don't share what was once a critical viewpoint for Stephens.

rhhardin said...

Harris might be able to run a campaign based on the male gaze, historically.

Yancey Ward said...

Oh, yeah talking about genitalia is far worse than being the people throwing Americans into gulags like the Biden Administration has done.

Iman said...

Like one could expect anything different from an NYT clown. đŸ¤¡

Iman said...

Dink… shares the opinion of other inhabitants of Brokedick Mountain.

stlcdr said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Iman said...

An enemy of our enemy can be our friend.

stlcdr said...

why would inga think all arab/Muslims prohamas?
10/21/24, 3:38 PM

Because Inga, and her ilk have so much hatred for Trump and anyone who supports him that it blinds them to any logic, reasoning or understanding.

narciso said...

Shes a jew hater

mccullough said...

Stephen’s livelihood depends on him endorsing Kamala. That’s the only reason.

Kevin said...

He won't have to fear the Epstein list being released and his benefactors going to prison.

Prof. M. Drout said...

Bret Stephens has ALWAYS been a squirrely little shit. He and Max Boot were among the biggest boosters of war in the Middle East, but inexplicably never enlisted even though they were of prime military age when 911 attacks and the Iraq war occurred.
He's a squirrely little shit not because he and Boot say what they say because they value Israel more than the U.S. (I think he probably sincerely, if stupidly, believed that we could impose democracy on the Middle East and as a result they'd all vote Republican) but because he thinks that his personal contribution of being a "thought leader" is so important than it would be a terrible loss if he, and not those stupid, knuckled-dragging young men from flyover country, were to serve in the military. His unearned senses of superiority has always oozed out of every column he wrote.
I'm totally unsurprised that he's making "The Conservative Case for the Far Left" because he's always been a repulsive suck-up--and why shouldn't he be? That, not talent, got her where he is today.

selfanalyst said...


narciso said...

Bret dont have enough sense to empty a boot, his bibi derangement was nearlt as pronounced

Inga said...

“We have to go back to 1798!”

Democratic Paychecks for Perks/ Dems for Demolition of Democracy/ fake-cares 4-U said...

Your side is all for men in women's locker rooms and men in women's sports.
Trump was talking to adults - not kids - and joking about the size of a schlong. No one but the left are melting down.

Vonnegan said...

So he's dumb as a rock. Good to know.

Bob Boyd said...

"an unexpected ally"

what a complete fake and fraud the NYT is.

Mason G said...

Nice to see the inevitable "worse than Trump" meme already coming out: "And what crazy brings in its wake is JD Vance, whom I find worse than Trump, because he’s just as cynical but twice as bright."

How can that be? The NeverTrumpers have insisted over and over and over again that if *Anyone Other Than Donald Trump* was running, they'd be 10+ points ahead right now.

Josephbleau said...

Johnny Carson made a joke about Arnold Palmer's wife making his putter stand up. If you are insulting Johnny then you are pure evil!

Shahid Q. Public said...

Sounds like the statement of a hostage, rather than a honest endorsement. Imagine what anyone who doesn’t believe that Jan 6 was worse than Sept 11 would take away from it. He’s given them no reasons to vote for Kamala Harris, and plenty of reasons to vote against her.

Michael Fitzgerald said...

"I really would rather have just sat out Election Day. But Jan. 6 and election denialism are unforgivable. And as my friend Richard North Patterson likes to say, 'Donald Trump is literally bleeping crazy.'”
Well, Stephens's friend is a Martha's Vineyard libtard Party member out of Berkley. Democrat pieces of shit flock together.

Josephbleau said...

"Is Stephens no longer Jewish?"

So Stephens and Nate Silver are damning Harris with faint praise. Assuming that you are not named Silver without being Jewish (unless you are a pirate or a porn star.) then there are cracks in the "temple wall".

Former Illinois resident said...

Well that's a backhanded compliment in my book. Seems almost a non-endorsement disqualifier.

Michael Fitzgerald said...

We're asking for principles, not "purity", from like-minded people. We're not interested in "conservatives" who share the principles and ethics of democrat Party members. It's sleazy for people/politicians to proclaim themselves members of a group which they don't belong and secretly desire to eliminate.

Iman said...

Blowing on his balls to make his putter flutter, I think it was

Aught Severn said...

Oh no, both candidates are election deniers!

‘Let’s say this loud and clear: without voter suppression, Stacey Abrams would be the governor of Georgia, Andrew Gillum is the governor of Florida.’ — Kamala Harris, in her keynote speech at the NAACP convention Sunday.


Or maybe it is just that Harris was for denying elections before she was against it.

n.n said...

Blowing on his balls to make his putter flutter, I think it was

Kamala taking a knee to massa Brown's willy for social... her progress. Women second.

PM said...

Bret. There's a curtain. Vote your brain.

Mr. T. said...

Inga is quoting the Guardian lol.

How many defamation lawsuits are they up to now??

How much did their serial liar Moiria Donnegan have to shell out?

How many leftwing transurrectionist incel pedophiles did they defend that are now in prison just s they could royally fail at pøwening J.K. Rowling?

Maybe you should start quoting Gawker and Rolling Stone tomorrow.

tim in vermont said...

I think that this might be a case of "malicious obedience."

tim in vermont said...

The problem is that it would be just too much work to retail what got her into the position she is in.

tim in vermont said...

"Because they know that a smart enemy is better than a stupid friend."


tim in vermont said...

Muslims in Michigan are punishing the Democrats because it is the Democrats who gave Israel the munitions and fighter jets that they are using to carry out their program of assassinations.

I see that Netanyahu is angry because Hezbollah shot missiles at his houses and tried to kill him. Bibi has ordered how many assassinations in the past few months alone? As the IRA famously said to Maggie Tatcher after a failed assassination attempt: "We only have to get lucky once, you have to be lucky every time."

There is a reason that civilized countries don't use assassination as part of their foreign policy.

Drago said...

"Demand purity!"


Think about how stupid one would have to be to think that is what I was getting at in my comment!

Poor P-Inga.

Christopher B said...

It would be nice to think those that want Iran to get the Bomb just want Iran to feel safe. It's been pretty clear for a year now that they want Iran to get the Bomb because they think *Israel* is the problem and Iran having the Bomb will keep the Israelis in line.

tcrosse said...

"Vacuous" shares the same root as "vacuum", as in sucking.

Josephbleau said...

ill probably get canceled but dinky d has let us know the bad parts of his psychology.

Dude1394 said...

So happy Trump got rid of so many rinos. Bush, Romney, Cheney, Ryan, McConnell, krystol, Jennifer Rubin. In addition the Clinton mafia.

Josephbleau said...

Leaders are paid for their backbone.

Gospace said...

Question for you Tim. How many assassinated Hamas/Hezbollah members were part of a recognized national government? I'll give you a hint- the answer lies between -1 and 1....

Every single Hezbollah/Hamas fighter is, under the Geneva Convention, adhered to by only Western signatories, is an unlawful combatant with no rights to be treated as a POW by any state actor.

Armies of old used to fall apart when their leader- leading them in battle- fell in combat. The more likely outcome today is that the troops would unleash their inner demons if their leaders back home were assassinated. Holding troops back from exacting any kind of revenge they want to exact is an essential part of leadership today in Western armies.

Josephbleau said...

I associate myself with that. The US Civil War is an example.

gilbar said...

Serious Questions (that probably were Already Asked)..
How Long, before the DNC ousts her and replaces her with someone else?
WHO would they pick? Biden? Hilary!? a player to be named later?
HOW would they do this switch? the OBVIOUS WAY (especially if it's HILARY!) is for Kammy to TRAGICALLY DIE

Josephbleau said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
No one of consequence said...

If you tell me that you prefer someone that you believe is incompetent to run the country to someone who has a personality you dislike, then you are telling me that you are not a patriot who puts the country first, but a self-centered child.

Drago said...

Careful. There are some pretty strong and passionate defenders of just those types of people as part of the effort to lay the blame for all republican party failure theater over 30 years at the feet of Trump...and no others.

Gospace said...

Too late to change ballots anywhere. If, for some reason, Kamala were to gather a majority of the electoral vote- leading Democrats and the DNC could come together and urge the electors to vote for a person of their choice. They couldn't ORDER them to do so, but they could certainly urge.

The danger with this would be- the election would be thrown into the house if not enough electors did so. And 26 or more state delegations are Republican controlled. And it's likely to remain that way after the election.

Craig Mc said...


Rusty said...

And what do you glean from that statement, Inga? What is your interpretation of those words. What significance is that date to you?

Amadeus 48 said...

So, Stephens appears to think that Trump is an excuse to stop thinking. Not very rational. In fact, transparently stupid. Joe Epstein in WSJ did a better job of explaining why he wasn't going to vote for either Trump or Harris, but it was still a "plague on both your houses" argument. Harris voters have a baseline of "she doesn't really mean it" spiced up with "they won't let her do it."
I don't live in that world. We have to choose. Kamala on a good day is more dangerous than Trump on a bad day.

Amadeus 48 said...

No Reaganite would vote for Harris. Harris is not a Reaganite. Stephens is confused. Let me try a little ancient wisdom: if you want peace, prepare for war. Failed empire police actions like Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, and Ukraine drain our resources and reduce both our global influence and our military strength. Add the "woke" armed forces to the brew and we are on the edge of collapse. This is no time to elevate a shrill, empty, and foolish figurehead to the presidency. San Francisco Democrats should stay in San Francisco.

gilbar said...

too late to LEGALLY change ballots anywhere.. But that doesn't mean Much.

Another old lawyer said...

So Stephens is hoping that Harris undergoes the same transformation as Reagan did in that famous SNL with Phil Hartman portraying Reagan as amiable grandfather figure in public but once behind closed doors, became a steely-eyed Cold War warrior that was a combo of Alexander Haig and G. Gordon Liddy? Except a version with an extreme "progressive" agenda? Why would a "conservative" hope for that?