October 17, 2024


A barrage of headlines in The New York Times:

His violent rhetoric against Israel never softened. In 2022, he gave a fiery speech calling on Palestinians everywhere, including inside Israel, to “get your cleavers, axes or knives ready.” Less than a week later, three Israeli Jews were killed in an ax attack in central Israel.

But Mr. Sinwar also continued to seek accommodations with Israel, negotiating to allow the entry of about $30 million in monthly aid to Gaza from Qatar and an increase in the number of permits for Gazans to work in Israel — both badly needed for the territory’s sputtering economy.

Such moves, in addition to Mr. Sinwar’s decision to keep Hamas out of clashes between Israel and other armed groups, led to a belief in the Israeli security establishment that tight security measures and limited improvements in Gazans’ quality of life could keep Hamas contained.

But that hope was dashed on Oct. 7, 2023, when fighters disabled Israel’s border defenses, stormed into Israel by sea, air and land, and rampaged through Israeli communities and military bases, shooting soldiers and civilians and showing how wrong Israel’s assessments of Mr. Sinwar were....

ALSO: "When word of his death spread in Gaza, many people celebrated."


Firstgen said...

Let me the first, but not last, to enjoy this day.

Dixcus said...

Oh no ... another austere religious scholar died?

(Ignore the following sentence. It exist because Blogger sucks and won't post short replies.)

BUMBLE BEE said...

And many returns!

BUMBLE BEE said...

Ding Dong the bitch is dead.

loudogblog said...

"But Mr. Sinwar also continued to seek accommodations with Israel, negotiating to allow the entry of about $30 million in monthly aid to Gaza from Qatar"

And how much of this went into his pocket? It's a notorious fact that Hamas has made billions by stealing humanitarian aid from the Palestinians.

rehajm said...

‘Tousled haired’ is usually how the times like to describe terrorists…

NorthOfTheOneOhOne aka Doug Emhoff's Pimp Hand said...

I expect they're hot racking the fainting couches at NYT, WaPo, The Atlantic and CNN.

Michael K said...

I understand the WaPoo ws even worse

rehajm said...

Hamas’ PR firm in DC already taking a long weekend but they’ll have hell to pay on Monday…

rehajm said...
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narciso said...

Their channelling their ersatz correspondent effendi khashoggi

Original Mike said...


I thought Israel killed him already. It's hard to keep track without a scorecard.

narciso said...

I see what you did there

Quaestor said...

NYT "But Mr. Sinwar also continued to seek accommodations with Israel."

Obviously an attempt to normalize a vicious Nazi, a courtesy the NYT would never extend to a deplorable white male Trump voter (a black male Trump would be described as confused and deceived). Be that as it may, it never occurred to them to expand on those alleged sought for accommodations. What did Sinwar offer in return for Israel's generosity?

gspencer said...

Sure, enjoy. Take it as it is.

However, keep this mind: There's plenty more where he came from who believe their Qur'an's express instructions,

Surah 3:151: "We shall cast terror into the hearts of those who disbelieve [all non-Muslims] …"

Surah 2:191: "And kill them [non-Muslims] wherever you find them … kill them. Such is the recompense of the disbelievers [non-Muslims].

Surah 9:5: "Then kill the disbelievers [non-Muslims] wherever you find them, capture them and besiege them, and lie in wait for them in each and every ambush …"

effinayright said...

Dixcus, right under your comment, Bumble Bee has posted a three-word reply.
Short, wouldn't you say?

Iman said...

Oh, well, I'm... (UHH!)
Sittin' here in Rafah
Waitin' for teh YahYa (ohh, ohh)
Sittin' here in Rafah
Waitin' for teh YahYa (ohh, ohh)
It may sound funny
But I don't believe he's comin' (ohh, ohh)

Hey Hadji hurry,
They’ll turn you into slurry (ohh, ohh)
Hey Hadji, hurry,
They’ll turn you into slurry (ohh, ohh)
They made you the greatest,
Now you’re just the latest (ohh, ohh)

h/t Allen Toussaint

Dixcus said...

I see lots of strange stuff with my comments on anything Google runs. For some reason.

narciso said...

Touche Iman

rhhardin said...

They've been reporting killing top leaders for years. Who knew one was alive

Clyde said...

Sinwar had a brain tumor and the Israelis saved his life. He repaid them with October 7th. No good deed goes unpunished.

Now Hell has a new resident and the WaPoo has a new "austere religious scholar" to mourn.

Mr. T. said...

Poor UNWRA and the AAUP hit hardest.

Interested Bystander said...

Good riddance.

Butkus51 said...

First Kommie, now this.

Bad week for dems.

Dude1394 said...

Another democrat bites the dust.

“Bad Genes” said...

The Associated Press reports that Hamas leader Yahya Sinwar was killed by IDF bullets, but X user @rfk2trump1488 has a different theory: mRNA vaccines. 😉

The rule of Lemnity said...

I've never heard of this guy. So, he couldn't have been as bad as... click for it

Josephbleau said...

"The Associated Press reports that Hamas leader Yahya Sinwar was killed by IDF bullets"

According to Israeli reports Sinwar was killed by IDF tank artillery utilizing an indoor drone for spotting. Not bullets. The current state of ground combat tactics amazes me. Get a mobile camera inside for id and use cannon fire to penetrate the fortification to attack a golden target. Wow.

Jersey Fled said...

Me too

Steve said...

I suspect that a lot of Gazans are feeling about Hamas the way most Germans felt about the Nazis in, say, April 1945. "Look what those morons brought down on us!"

Dixcus said...

Dude, our country is being destroyed by our own leaders. You don't need to fly planes into us. Just sit back and wait.

Josephbleau said...

Don't let CCCP tic tok have office space within 20 km of the white house. Or 2000 km.

Dixcus said...

IF the AP is reporting it, you can rest assured it isn't true.

Earnest Prole said...

It couldn’t have happened to a nicer austere religious scholar.

Rocco said...

Someone should be handing out sweets.

Mary Beth said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
The rule of Lemnity said...

😆 I remember that.

RideSpaceMountain said...

I saw the (claimed) drone video. He's sitting in a chair, apparently wounded, with a shemagh around his head and what appeared to me to be a sword or maybe a stick. He knows it's over, but he attempts to throw the object at the drone and misses.

That's unfortunate. 120mm APAM rounds don't miss. Next time don't bring a sword to a cannon fight.

Iman said...

The Associated Press had Hamas offices in their Gaza building that was destroyed in 2021.

Piss off, richie!

Iman said...

I had the same thought earlier today.

TaeJohnDo said...

Pig candy, at that.

Rusty said...

Oh, no! Anyway.

Inga said...


Democratic Paychecks for Perks/ Dems for Demolition of Democracy/ fake-cares 4-U said...


William said...

When the Mongols conquered Mesopotamia they took the trouble to murder all the inhabitants of Baghdad, upwards of a million of them. They then drove millions more to flee as refugees to Damascus. The religious elders in Damascus consulted the Koran. Although it didn't say so explicitly, they discovered in the penumbra of the Koran some justification for paying tribute to the Mongols and accepting Mongol suzerainty. Perhaps it is time for the
religious elders of Gaza to ponder the devastation about them and reconsider their tactics. My guess is that not everyone in Gaza is on board with Hamas and perhaps, at this point, they can say so aloud and continue living.......I've read that after the A-bomb the Japanese military still wanted to continue with the war, but their opinions were not allowed to prevail. Now would be a good time for someone in Gaza toi say "Enough already" and release the hostages....If Israel gets the hostages back, it would probably be prudent to take a pause and see what develops......Then Kamala can take a bow and tell everyone how she brought peace to the Middle East.

Earnest Prole said...

Yahya bye-bye