October 4, 2024

Fungus of the Day.


That's a photo by Meade. And here's a photo I took not far from there:


I thought the "Vance" brand for marijuana was amusing. I looked up the company and found this Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, from 2020: "This Milwaukee company rolls thousands of CBD joints every day and is bringing in millions":
At Knuckleheads Tobacco stores, Vance Global's product is the top CBD cigarette, said Madison store general manager Landon Meske. It's the No. 1 staff recommendation for a CBD smoking product, Meske said.

Oh! Knuckleheads. Funny to see "knuckleheads" so soon after the VP candidate who is not Vance called himself a sometime knucklehead. But I know Knuckleheads. I've done photography there:


Write about anything you want in the comments.


Jersey Fled said...

Yay for fungus of the day!

Original Mike said...

What is a CBD smoking product?

Iman said...

Yo-Yo with teh yayo…
Buzz buzz buzz with teh yayo

Casey Jones and Kamala… together again?


Political Junkie said...

That is funny!

Meade said...

…and you, sir, are no knucklehead.

Meade said...

Ask vice President Harris. Don’t you know, half of her family comes from Joy seeking CBD producing Jamaica!

NorthOfTheOneOhOne aka Doug Emhoff's Pimp Hand said...

Pass the dutchie 'pon the lef' hand side.....

Dixcus said...

Inga will get a kick out of this.


Bernie Sanders is "stumping" for Kamala Harris. (What the hell does "stump" mean? It's a made up media word that doesn't mean anything.)

Anyway, the kick is that Sanders is not asking people to vote for her. He won't endorse her and has said he's not voting for her.

With friends like that stumping for you ... who needs enemies?

Breezy said...

Well, she’s to the left of Bernie, and that’s just outrageous!

Dixcus said...

Victims of Hurricane Helene are reporting that FEMA is routinely denying ANY claim for $750 emergency assistance. Every person who has tried to get this help has been denied their claim. Here's one.


Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

It appears to be tobacco laced with CBD, one the three main components of Marijuana's main effects (THC, CBN and CBD), the one best known for relaxation and pain relief. Retail weed often gives the THC and CBD content in milligrams.

Original Mike said...

I thought THC was the only component responsible for the high. If CBD is too, I wouldn't think it would be legal in Wisconsin.

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

Correction "herbs" and bud (hemp flower) it says on the label. Loosies go for $15 to $20 back in California so I wonder what that cigarette sized pack goes for in Madison.

Michael K said...

The rule is that you vote Democrat first and then apply.

Democratic Paychecks for Perks/ Dems for Demolition of Democracy/ fake-cares 4-U said...

All of our tax dollars are for illegals. So they can tip the vote in favor of the benefactors!

tcrosse said...

In the old days a stump was used as a soap box, i.e. an improvised platform from which to orate.

DINKY DAU 45 said...

October surprise Right wing. BIBI will bomb IRAN to make it as bad as can be for the Biden.administration.Bibi knows he can't stop or he'll have to face the charges that are on hold now.Of course he won't agree to anything US says BIBI is the trump of Israel!

FullMoon said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
NorthOfTheOneOhOne aka Doug Emhoff's Pimp Hand said...

Mike: CBD (cannabidiol) is the "C" in THC. It's supposed to be non-psychoactive where TCH is psychoactive.

n.n said...


Original Mike said...


Kai Akker said...

Fungus -- or pod? The latest DNC get-out-the-vote device.

Josephbleau said...

Smoke smoke smoke that cigarette,
Tell St. Peter at the golden gate that he will have to wait
Because you've got to cop another buzz, first.

Mikey NTH said...

What tcrosse said. Hence a stump speech is the candidate"s standard go-to speech for all audiences.

Josephbleau said...

Yay for fungus of the day!
I wouldn't have it any other way.
The fungus has much to say,
About life and living today.

It bores me to say it has spores,
To help it reproduce on the shores
Of lakes in Wisconsin that colleges are built on
But I have some stories of spores of my own.

Fungus is very like mold,
About this I like not to be told.
For molds are pestilent but funguses are munificent,
and deserve to be recorded in digital graffiti.

Democratic Paychecks for Perks/ Dems for Demolition of Democracy/ fake-cares 4-U said...

Diversity is just conformity. Well, yeah.

tim in vermont said...

Don't kid yourself, Politico is writing that Bibi has been assured that Biden will back him no matter what he does. The "raised voices" in conversations have zero effect on US policy. This is why Bibi seems to be ignoring Biden, because Biden does what he always does when he is pushing a policy that he knows that voters he needs to win won't like, he lies.

Democratic Paychecks for Perks/ Dems for Demolition of Democracy/ fake-cares 4-U said...

After year of telling us that illegals pouring over our border was not happening - The shipment
of illegals (in the dead of night, mind you) to the interior of our nation - not happening.
Chuck Schumer just came out and stated he demands we give these millions of illegals amnesty.

Democratic Paychecks for Perks/ Dems for Demolition of Democracy/ fake-cares 4-U said...

Enjoy the Corrupt Soviet-Democratic One Party State.
The Number of Illegal Aliens Dumped Into Swing States Is Jaw-Dropping

Political Junkie said...

Will DJT win? I don't know. But I am growing increasingly confident that R's will pick up at least 3 senate seats (WV, MT & OH) and lose zero. If a miracle happens and the pres polls are off and DJT has a solid win, then R's might get more than a net 3 pickup.

Dixcus said...

FEMA and the FAA are now blocking Elon Musk's efforts to bring in criticial supplies and Starlink terminals to provide people with emergency internet access into Hurricane Helene stricken communities in North and South Carolina.

Despite Transportation Secretary Pete Booteyjudge promises that Elon could call him if there were any problems, Musk is reporting on X that Buttiguieg won't give him a phone number to call and helicopters are still being prevented from operating.

Dixcus said...

Would it matter if he won? They're still going to murder him. He'll never take office because he'd put them in jail. And they all know it.

Paul said...

Smoke pot.. f*ckup your brain.. I don't give a shit. Just don't come cry to me when you get a low paying job and I have a high paying one (cause I didn't smoke the shit.)

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

No, they are separate compounds in the plant, North. THC is delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol while CBD is spelled like you wrote, cannabidiol. Close but not the same. From the webs "CBD is a chemical found in marijuana. CBD doesn't contain tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), the psychoactive ingredient found in marijuana that produces a high." That is THC is responsible for the euphoric effect while CBD (as I wrote above) is the compound that produces relaxation or for some, analgesic effects.

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

CBD is most often found in special gummies, but be careful. It is extremely toxic to dogs, who have an affinity for gummies, apparently. And it is less regulated because as noted it does not have the psychoactive effect of the THC compound.

Dixcus said...

People haven't stood on stumps (or crates) since Lincoln.

Dixcus said...

Here is the Daily Mail story on Elon Musk being PREVENTED from bringing in aid to the hurricane victims.


Our government is now actively working against dying US citizens. We need new guards for the defense of our liberties.

Iman said...

I don’t know about MT… I asked a friend who lives in Montana, “is Tester going down?”

Friend’s response, “Too close to call. Voters are holding their cards close to the chest. Frustrating the pollers. The political ads are on all the time, my mind is mush & still a month to go....”, lol.

Leland said...

David Axelrod finds it humorous that the destruction in NC might make it harder for Trump voters to get out and vote. These people like Axelrod won’t like where they are taking us.

Dixcus said...

He's very near the top of the list.

boatbuilder said...

Well Kamala wanted to stand on a box, but they gave her a smaller podium instead.

Political Junkie said...

Dixcus - I don't want any U.S. president to be killed, but if DJT is killed and JD becomes President, policy wise and judge appoinment wise I will still be much happier than if KH is elected.

Iman said...

This Doug Emhoff… I mean, WTF! They’ve got the goods on this goofy prick, all of these witnesses to his physical assault of his girlfriend over in Cannes several years ago, which goes well beyond his impregnating the nanny and her allegations that Emhoff was the cause of her miscarriage. It will be telling to see if the US media will continue with their smothering of these stories.

MadTownGuy said...

David Axelrod Says the Quiet Part Out Loud as Biden Blocks Ongoing Rescue Efforts.

Claims Hurricane Helene Victims in North Carolina Are Mainly Trump Voters Who Will Find it Hard to Vote.

Actual quote from the X recording:

"Sure, a bunch of these folks who had their homes and lives destroyed elsewhere in western North Carolina in the mountains there are gonna be hard to, to, to wrangle for the Trump campaign..."

rehajm said...

Stealthy mushrooms…and weed solves every problem…

Lyle Sanford, RMT said...

Just now noticed, "To live freely in writing...". It's a wonderful thought, and it sounds(!) so good with the rhythm and the assonances. Just did a deep dive on Mallarmé and the Symbolists and their reverence for Poe and his using the sounds and rhythms of words as well as their meanings.

narciso said...


Mason G said...

Elon Musk:

SpaceX engineers are trying to deliver Starlink terminals & supplies to devastated areas in North Carolina right now and
is both failing to help AND won’t let others help. This is unconscionable!!

They just took this video a few hours ago, where you can see the level of devastation: roads, houses, electricity, water supply and ground Internet connections completely destroyed.

wouldn’t let them land to deliver critical supplies … my blood is boiling …


narciso said...


traditionalguy said...

It’s among us. RUN.

REMEMBER TO AVOID THAT RED STUFF THAT CHASES YOU. Ask Steve McQueen how bad a Blob Fungus can be.