October 28, 2024

Elite media reacts to Trump's MSG extravaganza by zeroing in on Tony Hinchcliffe (Kill Tony).

I never take the bait anymore when headlines say things like...
• "As Trump courts their vote, comedian at his rally makes racist jokes about Latinos and Puerto Rico Comedian Tony Hinchcliffe made crude jokes about Latinos having babies and called Puerto Rico a 'floating island of garbage,' drawing a rebuke from several Republicans" (NBC News) 
• "Trump’s New York homecoming sparks backlash over racist and vulgar remarks/A pro-Trump comedian’s racist diatribe drew widespread condemnation" (Politico)
• "Anti-Puerto Rico comments at Trump rally spur outrage as Bad Bunny supports Harris/The artist’s gesture of support came as a number of speakers at a Trump event in New York made racist and disparaging comments about Puerto Ricans and other Latinos" (WaPo) 
• "A Trump Rally Speaker Trashed Puerto Ricans. Harris Reached Out to Them. Her campaign moved swiftly to highlight that even as a speaker at Donald Trump’s rally in New York made offensive remarks about Puerto Rico and Latinos, she was visiting Puerto Rican voters in Philadelphia" (NYT)
I started watching the rally at 4 Central Time — when I put up a post — so I hadn't seen the Hinchcliffe routine in real time. My first instinct was to watch the entire 12 minutes of his routine. Here. You can use the Althouse method of determining what somebody said. Listen to him, in context:

It seems to me that Hinchcliffe made some deliberately offensive jokes:
• "There's literally a floating island of garbage in the middle of the ocean right now. Yeah. I think it's called Puerto Rico."

• "I think that Travis Kelce might be the next OJ Simpson."
• Purporting to see a black friend in the audience: "He had a Halloween party last night. We had fun. We carved watermelons together."

• "Wars. It is unbelievable what's happening right now. It is incredible. Ukraine versus Russia. Israel/Palestine. It's like bad soccer games. Who even cares?"
It was as though he was challenging the crowd to guffaw and give Trump opponents the opportunity to accuse them of racism or whatever. He just went ahead and told those jokes.

He had 2 defenses ready to insert where needed. One was the conventional comedian's ploy of openly talking about how his jokes are failing. The crowd is tough. Or: This is the wrong crowd for this kind of material (which ought to absolve the Trumpers of agreeing with whatever racism inheres in those jokes (but won't)).

The other defense is to follow the offense with a sharp shift to a declaration about the importance of freedom of speech. This is the old Lenny Bruce move that takes risks. It was very hip and cool when Lenny Bruce did it, but it's hard to bring the whole world along with you if you try that. Ask Michael Richards. And Lenny Bruce paid for it in his own time. 

It isn't really fair to deploy this comedic approach at somebody else's event, especially when it's really important and you know that person has antagonists who are standing by waiting to pounce on any material they can use to call him a racist. But maybe Trump wanted this kind of attention-getting edginess. Hinchcliffe has his fans. I bet Barron Trump is one of them. I've heard Trump say, more than once, that he takes advice from Barron about which comedians young people love.

Hinchcliffe had another comic move. With a foundation of failed jokes before the tough crowd, he was in position to comment when the crowd finally, genuinely responded with real spontaneous laughter at one of them. Here's that joke:
"It feels good in here. The other side's got a lot of crazy endorsements. Swift, Eminem, Leo DiCaprio, Beyonce. Every day the Democratic party looks more and more like a P Diddy party."
He said: "Oh oh okay okay — that's what you guys want all right. Heck yeah...."


wendybar said...

Meanwhile, all the other side has, is TRUMP IS HITLER!!! ALL HAIL MURDERING OUR BABIES!!! ILLEGAL ALIENS RULE!!!!

rehajm said...

That’s not for me though I recognize the political forbidden fruit element to a performance like that. Risky, but how politically devastating is it to alienate some Puerto Ricans? …and do they laugh at the jokes?

narciso said...

Well bad bunny cant sing worth a note in either language

Lem Vibe Bandit said...

Reddit is all over this. 😬

rrsafety said...

Such a dumb stunt. If Trump loses that last swing state by 8,000 Latino votes, I don’t want to hear cries of FRAUD. Trump supporters should be pissed off when terrible and avoidable campaign things like this happen.

Shouting Thomas said...

Hard to believe that Trump and his closest advisors did not thoroughly vet the speeches of each speaker before hand, so this was a serious tactical mistake. I’m a fan of ethnic humor. But, not at MSG when the entire MSM is looking for offense.

mezzrow said...

There's a reason his main vehicle is called Kill Tony.

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

There's a raft of PR on X saying they weren't offended by a comedian making a joke. There's also this:

🔴 Trump: 48% (+1)
🔵 Harris: 47%

USA Today/Suffolk | 10/20-23 | N=500LV

rehajm said...

The ‘latino’ voters I know have no problem with making fun of Puerto Ricans…

Temujin said...

I've been holding off waiting to see where the Bad Bunny vote went.

Breezy said...

I did not watch him. I think we tuned in when Tulsi was on stage. Given the left pouncing and the summary here, I’m glad I missed it.

What we did see and hear was great - Tucker, Elon were outstanding. Elon guessing $2T could be saved out of the current $6.5T budget gives me a lot of hope that we can afford the reduced tax ideas. Of course the left would ignore that nugget.

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

Note many of the PR interviewed on X were AT the rally and not offended. Hispanics have a sense of humor, unlike progressives.

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

Yes, yes they laughed at the jokes:

And don't miss this older Asian woman who was straight fire when interviewed at MSG:

rehajm said...

Economies are dynamic and people respond to incentives. Do not make the erroneous assumption a tax rate decrease is the equivalent of reduced government revenue. It is also the case with tax rate increases. Dismiss any politician that claims to two decimal places how much revenue will be generated from a tax hike…

gilbar said...

don't forget:
Mutilate our children (if we were foolish enough Not to Murder them in the 1st place)!!

John henry said...

number of speakers at a Trump event in New York made racist and disparaging comments about Puerto Ricans and other Latinos" (WaPo)

Who were the other speakers and what did they say about Puerto Ricans?

John Henry

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

Same as above but with hot links to the content

Yes, yes they laughed at the jokes:
Puerto Rican at MSG
2nd Puerto Rican at MSG

And don't miss this older Asian woman who was straight fire when interviewed:
Asian Lady at MSG

narciso said...

I know they had an election (a revolutionary one sigh) some years back where they put the same hacks in power and didnt fix anything from the storm

Breezy said...

Totally agree, rehajm. I know there’s a lot of wasteful grifter spending in the federal plan. It’s not really a budget, since a budget is constrained by what you actually can bring in that year. Our fed government doesn’t constrain itself.

Democratic Paychecks for Perks/ Dems for Demolition of Democracy/ fake-cares 4-U said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Shouting Thomas said...

I’ll watch Scott Adams today to see if he can find a rationalization for allowing this comedian onstage to do ethnic humor.

Democratic Paychecks for Perks/ Dems for Demolition of Democracy/ fake-cares 4-U said...

did anyone laugh? The jokes were horrible. A total distraction. Of course the democrat media will pounce. that's the point.

lonejustice said...

From Powerline: Trump's Madison Square Garden Rally -- Another Unforced Error.


rehajm said...

Yup. It’s a spending problem not a revenue problem…

John henry said...

I know who he is and what he does (speaks trap music in Spanish) I don't think I'd ever heard him sing.

I just spent 3 minutes sampling some of his tunes on YouTube.

I'm not his audience but agree 100% he can't sing. Though as as trap artist one could argue he doesn't even try. Trap is more spoken word than singing.

He's very popular so what do I know.

John Henry

narciso said...

Meh this is the best they got

Democratic Paychecks for Perks/ Dems for Demolition of Democracy/ fake-cares 4-U said...

Meanwhile -
"Holocaust survivor Jerry Wartski is in attendance at Trump’s Madison Square Garden “Nazi rally.”

Democrats including Tim Walz and Hillary Clinton and of course joke network D-MSNBC claim Trump’s rally at MSG is a reenactment of a 1939 Nazi rally.

Sally327 said...

Comedians like this (a) court controversy, they feed off it and (b) a routine like this one at this particular event allows him to stay in good graces with the lefty celebrity side of Hinchliffe's world.

It's not a surprise that Trump would do something that detracts from all the really good speakers and the "good vibes" of the event otherwise because it's kind of his shtick as well. It's right there with appointing a treacherous loon like John Bolton as National Security Advisor and a creep like Christopher Wray as head of the FBI and hiring a fame seeking weirdo like Omarosa to work in the White House where she could secretly record meetings and then write a tell-all book about it. There's always a turd in the punch bowl in Trump world. But I think it's comforting to know that 18 year old Barron is a key advisor to the former President.

John henry said...

It's funny. Bad Bunny doesn't look Puerto Rican.

John Henry

traditionalguy said...

Just watched this AM. His style of humor must only work at drunken comedy clubs. It left me with an empty feeling not usually associated with comedy.

Democratic Paychecks for Perks/ Dems for Demolition of Democracy/ fake-cares 4-U said...

Is this Kamala AD real? Speaking of bad jokes.

narciso said...

Some guy hourx before the main event umkay

narciso said...

More to the point he cant sing

Democratic Paychecks for Perks/ Dems for Demolition of Democracy/ fake-cares 4-U said...

headline sure to be ignored by MSM(D)
"Pennsylvania Trump Supporters Receive Threatening Letters Days Before Election"

rhhardin said...

It's an anti-Democrat joke, not an anti-Puerto Rican joke. They're ruled by Democrats that they voted in. They vote like Puerto Ricans.

Tom T. said...

Trump said it himself -- he hires bad people.

narciso said...

Honestly our republic is literally crumbling before our very eyes and youre griping about this meanwhile a rich entitled grifter was yelljng at us for an hour that was obamas partner in crime

doctrev said...

Corporat media saying Trump is racist. Film at eleven. "That's not funny" didn't even work in 2016, and it's certainly not working now based on a proxy.

Amadeus 48 said...

Elite media—your phrase, not mine—have so thoroughly beclowned themselves over this rally that anything critical said about any element of it rolls off like water on a duck’s back. Msnbc as usual led the parade with a clown car full of newsreel footage of an event 85 years ago. As John McEnroe used to say, “You can’t be serious!”

John henry said...

"Puerto Rico, my heart's devotion, let it sink back in the ocean."

Anyone remember that ditty from west side story?

Written in the 50s by a german-Lithuanian jew so(sondheim) so highly authentic, genuine cultural appropriation.

But it captures the feeling many Nyoricans have for the island. They left, they consider themselves lucky, they tend to disdain Puerto Rico.

I expect that most of them laughed and agreed with the joke. Which, while impolite has an element of truth.

But it's OK, turnabout and all that.

We Puerto Rican su tend to disdain our Nyorican cousins. Al in a friendly way, of course.

John Henry

MadisonMan said...

The era of THAT'S NOT FUNNY!!

Conrad said...

This will not change thousands of Trump voters to Harris voters, or to non-voters. I would estimate perhaps dozens. If stuff this ephemeral changed people's minds about whom to vote for, then people would be toggling back and forth between candidates twenty times per election.

tim maguire said...

Just spitballing here:

If the guy is a successful Puerto Rican comedian, then he knows what Puerto Ricans find funny and the people of Puerto Rico know about him and his comedy; he's talking about a real scandal in Puerto Rico (an overflowing landfill), so he's paying attention to what's going on there, which many Puerto Ricans will appreciate. Which is why Harris is focusing on Puerto Ricans in Philadelphia and not in Puerto Rico.

My prediction: nothingburger.

Christopher B said...

Another post where Hinderacker is getting roasted in the comments.

John henry said...

Btw: Puerto Rico is not a "floating island" so he got that factually wrong. Unlike Guam, we are in no danger of tipping over.

H/t rep hank Johnson (D-Dumbshitistan)

John Henry

MadisonMan said...

Is it truthful to say "A number of speakers" if that number is one? I suppose so. Seems a little disingenuous however.

narciso said...

These people are beyond satire

John henry said...

Hinchcliffe is Not Puerto rican

John Henry

Achilles said...

Powerline is a worthless space. They have full page popup ads and have never apologized for supporting Mitt Romney. They just pretend they haven't been wrong about everything for the last 40 years and they ban people who disagree with them.

Lem Vibe Bandit said...

Amongst each other Puerto Ricans tell these jokes and much more politically incorrect even. These jokes were mild compared to what I used to hear in their patios get together and funerals.

Democratic Paychecks for Perks/ Dems for Demolition of Democracy/ fake-cares 4-U said...

Sally327 - Agree. Unnecessary distractions are gifts to the corrupt left.

John henry said...

Just a reminder person's born in pr are 14A,not naturalized, citizens. Just like anyone born in Iowa.

We are legally a "State" of the US, same as Iowa, for many purposes. But not for presidential elections. We have no electors so don't hold presidential elections.

In other words, it doesn't really matter, election wise, how many Puerto Ricans hinchcliffe pissed off in pr

John Henry

My name goes here. said...

I do not think that Tony has any political instincts. That said, to other Latinos, hearing someone trash the island of Puerto Rico probably gained more votes from them that it lost with Puerto Ricans. Mexicans, Guatemalans, Salvadorians, and Hondurans all have to put up with people making (valid) criticisms of their homelands. Having someone do the same to Puerto Rico is, like I said, probably a net gain.

Also, on the Trump timeline of verbal fiascos, this will take about 5 days for it to reach fever pitch when some group of organized Puerto Ricans get their 15 seconds of fame in front of some conservative influencer where they say "it is unconscionable that someone call Puerto Rico is trashy" and they will ask "why did you leave the island?" and the indignant advocate will say "the island has no opportunity, the political class has driven it into the ground, there is no reliable power, and the government is corrupt and ineffective" then the influencer will say "oh, so it's trashy." Then the story will quickly be kept from view like it never happened by the mainstream media.

John henry said...

Yup. And don't get Puerto Ricans started on Mexicans, Cubans and especially Dominicanos

John Henry

Democratic Paychecks for Perks/ Dems for Demolition of Democracy/ fake-cares 4-U said...

Yes- If Trump wins he better listen to people who can be trusted. No more suck-ups and frauds.

My name goes here. said...

Oh, and as for the event as a whole, it was pretty amazing. I felt like this was Trump's actual GOP Convention acceptance speech. I told my wife that I never thought I would hear another speech like this one again. At one point when Trump was going through his promises I said to her "a chicken in every pot..."

cfs said...

Power line? LOL! They clutch their pearls over everything Trump says or does. They would prefer a Mitt Romney for President. A "Principled" conservative, you understand.

I was banned two years ago for appending the letters "FJB" at the end of a comment.

Lem Vibe Bandit said...

When they would find out I’m Dominican, they let me have it. 😆

Achilles said...

The point here is to stop letting Karen decide what is funny and what isn't and to reach people who don't like politics or politicians.

A lot of people here are sniffing their hankies again and still can't figure out why Trump gets millions more votes than the stuffy losers like Desantis. You wankers are into politics and take yourselves and politics too seriously.

You weren't the target of that rally. Get over yourselves.

This is why Kill Tony was there.

Most of the country wants to laugh at ourselves.

Lem Vibe Bandit said...

In fact. If you knew some jokes and told them that was an identification a badge of honor that you were authentic unpretentious.

James K said...

The Trump campaign released a statement distancing itself from Hinchcliffe's routine.

Achilles said...

You people think everyone pays attention to politics and wants to listen to politicians.

Most people want to laugh at politicians. They hate politicians. We talk crap to each other and we don't like arguing about politics. We would rather make fun of this stupid process. It is a joke.

Gusty Winds said...

Meanwhile the giant naked Trump statue has worked it's way to Madison, WI for all the children to see. Karen's don't mind a giant, naked Trump, or UW staff parading around in front of children naked to "save the planet."

But jokes make them have to grab a paper bag to stop hyperventilating. The hypocrisy on what these people choose to find offensive is ridiculous.

mindnumbrobot said...

Puerto Rican's are prone to littering, and they know it. They're in on the joke.

AMDG said...

The leak of a 25 year old DUI charge almost cost GW Bush the 2004 election.

There is some thing like 300K Puerto Rican voters in PA. In a 50-50 race how many of those voters have to either switch to Harris or sit out to have an impact on the election?

Christopher B said...

It's pretty uneven. Both Hinderaker and Johnson seem to understand the direction the GOP is moving but their dismay at not being the 'cool kids' anymore leaks out pretty frequently. Billingsley's stuff is just weird, and they don't get enough posts from Elizabeth Stauffer. Steve Hayward, along with John Yoo and "Lucretia" from the 3WHH, is starting to ramp up his SubStack (Political Questions) so I'm betting he's going to be posting less over time.

Dave Begley said...

I thought he was fairly funny. Speaking of Bill’s affair with Monica, “Hillary didn’t see that one coming.”

narciso said...

Werent you already spoiling your vote shut up

doctrev said...

Heh... It only just occurred to me how much Joker (the good one in 2019) applied to this. People want recognition, and at some point the oligarchy really loses its ability to control anything.

Inga said...

“With roughly a week until Election Day, Trump and Harris are almost tied in Wisconsin, 48% to 47%, the statewide poll of 500 likely voters found. The results are within the poll’s margin of error of 4.4 percentage points. The poll was conducted Oct. 20 to 23.

But in Door County, Wisconsin, which has been a bellwether for the state, Harris has a slight edge. Harris leads Trump in that area, 50% to 47%, the poll of 300 likely Door County voters found. The results are still within the margin of error of 5.7 percentage points.“


Democratic Paychecks for Perks/ Dems for Demolition of Democracy/ fake-cares 4-U said...

It's not about "being offended" - It's big picture time in the political process. This was a political rally that could have been flawless. What a stupid comedian. Agree - where was the vetting?
Forget about "being offended" How about - lame jokes that suck all the air out of the room and give fodder to the D-hack press. I doubt it will change minds - but it gives the left a gift. Note to Trump - stop doing that.

Democratic Paychecks for Perks/ Dems for Demolition of Democracy/ fake-cares 4-U said...

oh and-- I agree! ST.

tcrosse said...

Meanwhile the Democrat candidate for Vice President trivializes the Holocaust, the murders of millions, in order to do playground name-calling. Despicable.

jim said...

he has such a great sense of humor!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

wendybar said...

I'm still banned there for reposting a meme that somebody else there posted. It's been over a year. Funny, because some of the comments I read there are WAY worse than the meme I reposted.

AMDG said...

I am very sure that the Trump campaign is thrilled that the dominating story from the campaign is some lame jokes told by a comic 99% of Americans have never heard of.

Harris campaign: let’s have a rally featuring Beyoncé and have her speak for 3 minutes but not sing.

Trump campaign: Hold my beer.

Quayle said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
AMDG said...

No, I won’t shut up. I am just making an observation.

What I will do is laugh uncontrollably if Trump loses the election because of 10,000 Puerto Rican votes in PA.

It could change my election night viewing habits. The game plan is to watch Newsmax if Harris wins or MSNBC if Trump wins

Christopher B said...

You are completely unreliable as a source of information about anything.

The vast majority of likely voters say George W. Bush’s 24-year-old arrest for drunken driving is irrelevant to the presidential race—and almost none of Bush’s supporters say it could cost him their vote.

Iman said...

I thoroughly enjoyed 49er Nick Bosa photobombing the postgame interview with his MAGA hat on, pointing to it while hamming it up. Splendid!

Achilles said...

95% of the country gave this rally a hard pass.

Now they know someone might have made a joke at the rally.

10 times as many people will take a look at it now.

rhhardin said...

Let's go over what humor is. A joke involves two or more of the following - a good joke three or more

Clever: "You recognize clever when you see it. It's just combining things that people didn't think you were going to combine, but yet you somehow made it work."
Naughty: "Naughty is usually just sex or bathroom jokes."
Bizarre: "Bizarre just means two things out of place."
Cruel: "Cruelty is a staple in humor. Cruel just means something bad happened to somebody or you said something unkind to somebody. You know cruel when you see it."
Cute: "Cute is usually just kids and animals."
Recognizable: "Humor usually requires that you recognize something about the subject of the joke being like your experience or like yourself. It's either like somebody you know, like you, but has to be familiar. Something you recognize."

Achilles said...

If people hear there were jokes 10 times as many people will be interested.

Then they will hear the "racism" and realize the media was lying again.

Achilles said...

Shocking that a democrat like AMDG wants Trump to lose.

Butkus51 said...


Pee doughs vote for Harris.

Democratic Paychecks for Perks/ Dems for Demolition of Democracy/ fake-cares 4-U said...

AMDG - yeah cuz WWIII Kamala is hilarious

Cappy said...

Humor is racism.

Ray Fowler said...

I remember when the movie Three Amigos came out and people said it was racist and offensive, but all my Mexican friends (and later my Mexican wife) all thought it was hilarious.

Democratic Paychecks for Perks/ Dems for Demolition of Democracy/ fake-cares 4-U said...

Agreed- The comedian was a bust. But if you want Kamala to win - you want corruption.
Watch RFK jr.

Achilles said...

The only thing that matters less than what Karen thinks of these jokes is what NeverTrump thinks of these jokes.

What you need to realize is that everyone thinks Nevertrump are stupid irrelevant losers and you are one of the most pathetic political tribes in history. You are Democrats and even the other Democrats hate you. All 1000 or so of you.

All of the KKK and Nevertrump in the country wouldn't be able to fill up MSG and people would have trouble figuring out who the worse group was. The KKK are evil racists. Nevertrump are NAMBLA.

Democratic Paychecks for Perks/ Dems for Demolition of Democracy/ fake-cares 4-U said...

Why liberals should walk away from the Corrupt Democrat Left.

Esteban said...

It's the kind of joke that only upper class white people take offense to. Largely because they don't know enough about the subject matter to get what the joke was about under the surface.

Lazarus said...

Campaigns do need to screen (and maybe even script) speakers to avoid the "Rum, Romanism, and Rebellion" moments.

rhhardin said...

Humor is the domestication of aggression. That's success, not failure.

Dixcus said...

Politicians who've given political speeches at Madison Square Garden:

Democrat George Wallace
Democrat Lyndon Johnson
Republican Richard Nixon
Republican Dwight Eisenhower
Republican Harry Truman
Democrat Al Gore
Democrat Jimmy Carter
Democrat Franklin Delano Roosevelt
Democrat Herbert Hoover

Democratic Paychecks for Perks/ Dems for Demolition of Democracy/ fake-cares 4-U said...

The only thing worse than that comedian is D-MSNBC.

This is MSNBC giving its viewers a green light to kiII Trump and his supporters

Dixcus said...

Reality Inga Headline: Trump Bests Harris in Wisconsin Poll 1 Week Before Historic Election

Democratic Paychecks for Perks/ Dems for Demolition of Democracy/ fake-cares 4-U said...

Stop spinning. BAD humor is just that - BAD humor. No one laughed. He sucked.

But Tucker was awesome!

Democratic Paychecks for Perks/ Dems for Demolition of Democracy/ fake-cares 4-U said...

The Cheney's are now Democrats. Think hard on that.

Democratic Paychecks for Perks/ Dems for Demolition of Democracy/ fake-cares 4-U said...

The Cheneys are now Democrats. Think on that.

Bob Boyd said...

This is the 2024 election in a nutshell:

Karen didn't like Tony's routine. Karen wants the government to be able to punish Tony and make sure he only appears at venues she approves of and says things she likes from now on.

Maga thinks if you like Tony, give him your money and enjoy the show. If not, go see somebody else.

Which America do you want to live in?

Achilles said...

At this point in 2020 Biden had a 7 point lead in Wisconsin.

Good luck with your fever dreams Inga. Not even millions of mail in ballots are going to close the gap.

Achilles said...


mikeski said...

Democrat John F. Kennedy

tim maguire said...

This is what threw me off: "As Trump courts their vote, comedian at his rally makes racist jokes about Latinos and Puerto Rico Comedian Tony Hinchcliffe"

In any case, I have yet to hear a Puerto Rican complain, just lots of people offended on their behalf.

DINKY DAU 45 said...

what the heck is the problemThis is exactly what this group of people want red meat base stirring vileness.If you dont know this by now you aint paying attention.Why would you have to ask anybody else why this would be allowed ,its the whole spiel,hate mongering,Guilliani? everything in the world iis caused by immigrants(you know like trumps whole family and wives etc)What did you expect drift toward the middle,bring people together,the truth? Your in the wrong space.This is exactly what this whole event was about, if you thought other,your not in the mix.GARBAGE IS THE WORD for things related to America..It will soon be over hang in... A perfect Christian Day of the Lord message from the make believe Christians who quote it by live the complete opposite. The Great White throne will have the final key,

Democratic Paychecks for Perks/ Dems for Demolition of Democracy/ fake-cares 4-U said...

Hi - My name isn't Karen. I'm a solid Trump voter. Democrats are the party of HATE and LIES.
That so-called comedian sucked.

Lilly, a dog said...

Much ado about nothing.

Democratic Paychecks for Perks/ Dems for Demolition of Democracy/ fake-cares 4-U said...

You creepy power-obsessed Communist Soviet leftists have ruined Rudy Guillianai's life. Still not happy?

gilbar said...

Inga? wasn't Wisconsin SUPPOSED to be a LOCK for the Democrat Party?
I thought abortion had made the state true Blue?
NOW, you (an EXPERT) are saying that: "it's within the margin of fraud!"
if lying and cheating and fake mail in ballots are the ONLY Things working in Wisconsin (the HOME of "reproductive rights").. Isn't that BAD for your Democrat Party?

Chest Rockwell said...

This guy sold out MSG a couple of months ago. He’s an insult comic, it’s what he does. Anyway, trumps assasination attempt was in the news for a week. This will be forgotten in 24 hours

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

It's a Blue Wall, Gilbar. But kinda porous like our border wall.

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

Babylon Bee had the best headline of Tulsi announcing party split: "Gabbard realizes she is too attractive to be a democrat" LOL

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

Only the warm-up comic. But they know low-info D voters won't bother to watch for themselves. Same way they lie about the JRE podcast (Almost 30-million views as of yesterday).

Iman said...

Check THIS out: https://www.instagram.com/reel/DBYzMfJyosh/?igsh=NzgyYTk0Y2YyNg==

Krumhorn said...

Hard to believe the material wasn’t vetted. While true, it was a stupid thing to say. Unforced error.

- Krumhorn

Lucille Ballers said...

Sen.Cowles the Republican State Senator who has represented Green Bay for the past 37 years has endorsed Harris and also Waukesha's mayor Shawn Reilly has stated he will be voting for Harris. These shifts are significant for WI.

Michael Fitzgerald said...

You got it backwards, Chesty: This nontroversy will be shrieked over until the polls close. Trump's assassination attempts didn't even get 24 hours of attention before the Democrat Party members were calling him Hitler and accusing him of bringing it on himself.

Drago said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Drago said...

True. And the only reason the Bushes havent come out publicly as democraticals is because they are trying hard to maintain the political viability of George P Bush who, by the way, was the dude that was supposed to slide into the Texas Attorney General role after the combined Bush/Rove/GOPe/FBI worked their lawfare attack against Ken Paxton.....which thankfully failed.

George P Bush, Jeb's GOPe kid, would make the Powerline idiots swoon like smitten adolescents.

Drago said...

Comedy is just tragedy plus time"...


Drago said...

Unless you actually spend time around the ethnic groups involved, you have no clue what those groups find amusing, true, interesting, etc.

Like most Latino groups, Puerto Ricans have swung hard towards the Trump led republican party and they arent nearly as fragile as some on these boards are making it seem.

The absolutely last people ANYONE should listen to for political analysis are the loathsome NeverTrump Wannabe DeSantis Online Influencers, like AMDG, who helped drive the DeSantis' campaign into the dirt.

gilbar said...

Nearing the end of a 42-year career serving in the Wisconsin State Legislature, Cowles said.. He is retiring at the end of his current four-year term

Shawn N. Reilly: the mayor of Waukesha, Wisconsin since 2014. Originally a Republican, Reilly became an independent in 2021 following the January 6 United States Capitol "attack", citing concerns about Donald Trump..
Reilly's endorsement of Harris followed a long-standing opposition to Trump, which began during the 2016 election

wow! when you've lost the retiring RINO's you've REALLY Lost the poeple that don't care what they say

mikeski said...

I got banned earlier this year for an FJB violation as well. I had previously been banned for putting GFY in a reply to a Mirengoff post. I emailed and requested reinstatement the first time, but haven't really felt the need to do so after the second one.

wendybar said...

Now do George Lopez spewing RACISM at a Tim Walz rally yesterday. Keep clutching those fake pearls. https://x.com/JackPosobiec/status/1850641353769943092

hombre said...

Repubs always make stupid campaign mistakes, Trump actually fewer than many, but there was no reason to put this "comedian" on the stage to offend people.

wendybar said...

You should have warned us. My ears are burning.....Yikes.

wendybar said...

Guilty conscience?? How do you know Bob was talking about you??

wendybar said...

Powerline boys aren't worth it. Elizabeth was great. She is at Legal Insurrection now.

gilbar said...

The leak of a 25 year old DUI charge almost cost GW Bush the 2004 election

who (and WHEN?) was the last republican to win the popular vote?

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

Show me the attendees that were offended. So far I've only seen white leftists (who take offense at everything Trump does including breathing) doing all the "I'm offended" routines.

Christopher B said...

I'm going to riff of the Sean Davis take.

The Democrats and the DNC stenographers have been screaming all week about "Republican Nazis in MSG!!", referencing an event that occurred withing spitting distance of a century ago and long before most everybody voting in 9 days was born.

In what universe was any of the reporting on the rally going to be neutral, let alone positive? If Kill Tony hadn't appeared on stage, do you think the headlines would have been any different? What could have Trump or anybody else on that stage said that would generate one iota of positive coverage? Now they're spending plenty of pixels being outraged about a comedy routine, further proving their product is largely irrelevant.

n.n said...

Politically charged roasts are first-order forcings of catastrophic amthropogenic climate change.

You're queer, your mother who identifies as your two dads dresses you funny, and you're 50 cents less than viable.

Tough crowd.

I hope you all get caught in an albinophobic parade who send you to the friendly neighborhood Planned Parenthood corporation for 'burden" relief.

Oh, look, its Nurse Machete.

Karma-la's gonna get you.

Walz"N Karma-la.

Brown Lives Matter (BLM). Burn. Loot. Murder.

Abort for human rites! But I'm progressive! Deplorables.

Adios, BambinX. It's been fetal.

n.n said...

TransPuerto. That's Rico.

Aggie said...

I thought that Dr. Phil's message, taking the inspirational High Road, was a good addition to the political messaging. Exhorting people to be active at encouraging others to vote, even if it's for the other candidates, is exactly the kind of message that Democrats cannot repeat, because their attitudes are so different - winning at any cost, even if it's law-breaking or law-bending. It encourages me to know that there were nearly 100,000 people listening to that message, and to the other generally upbeat messages. There was a little fear-mongering, which I detest, but it was not the overall theme.

tcrosse said...

Democrat Harry Truman
Republican Herbert Hoover

Kevin said...

I was promised a Hitler/Nazi rally and all I got was one comedian with bad jokes.

Shouting Thomas said...

OK. I listened to Scott Adams. The goal of the Trump/Nazi Dem hysteria is to incite Trump’s assassination. Yes, I agree.

RCOCEAN II said...

FIrst, EVERYTHING Trump does or does is reported negatively by the MSM. If this Comedian hadn't been there, the press would have jumped on something else. Goddamn, have people been asleep for 9 years? EVERYTHING Trump does is Bad per the MSM! And if they can't latch on something true, the MSM lies and distorts.

Second, people know Trump. Nobody has been more in the spotlight for the last 9 years. He's been POTUS for 4 years. Nobody but a gullible rube is going to scratch his head, and sat "Waah, I was goin' support Trump, but this hear Comedian thang is just too raciss".

Third, "Republicans" like Powerline, are always playng the liberal/left establishment. Just like Mitt Romney. They don't give a damn about winning or implementing a conservative agenda. They just want to be the controlled opposistion. The "House conservative". The "reasonable Conservative" all the liberal/leftists want on their talk show panels or writing a column in their newspaper.

A lot of them are bought off. You just don't know it, because the Paul Singers of world fund them indirectly or through NGO's. Who knew National Review and Goldberg and French were getting paid off by Google? Nobody, until Emerald Robinson blew the whistle. Who's funding "Powerline"? You tell me.

RCOCEAN II said...

I'm not into "ethnic humor" which is just a way to trash some other group and putting a smiley face on it. BUt then don't like "Humor" against christians or white people either. If non-christians and non-white liberal/leftist can trash whites and Christians with their "Funny" jokes, I dont see why others cant pay them back in kind.

But then Im not a cuck either.

RCOCEAN II said...

Nazi stuff might incite an assassination because people have been brainwashed to believe Hitler and the Nazis are the ultimate evil. Despite only being around for 13 years, and there being no real Nazis anywhere for 80 years.

Meanwhile, the communists racked a massive body count way in excess of Adolph and were around until 1989. But no matter how evil the Commies were, 'murcians just cant get upset at them. But those Goddamn mythical Nazis - well that's something else.

Biff said...

I've seen some clips of Hinchcliffe over the last year or so, and I did wince when I heard he performed at the rally. While their styles are different, Hinchcliffe reminds me of a young Howard Stern; he can be laugh-out-loud funny, but he also can be juvenile, crude, and, well, not funny at all. In other words, it was a risk to feature him at a political event.

His core audience definitely is young males. The open question is whether young males will vote in numbers sufficient to mitigate Harris' advantage with young females.

Christopher B said...

The only cope Nate Silver can sell from Trump's MSG rally is that maybe it'll keep Harris from alienating more people over the last week of the campaign.

Drago said...

By the way, Puerto Rico has a massive problem with trash and landfills and every Puerto Rican knows it.

Just google Puerto Rico landfills and read all about it.

Rusty said...

gilbar. Inga is never going to answer you. That would require her to actually think instead of repeating what she's been told. Trump is well ahead of the margin of error in Wisconsin.

Would You Like Fascism With That Hat said...

With his massive hate rally now in the rearview mirror, the stage is set for Trump to pivot.

Message of love and hope incoming. 😉

Would You Like Fascism With That Hat said...

Trump's Madison Square Garden rally had more anti-Puerto Rican jokes than a Jets song from West Side Story. With a boy like that as president, America may be headed for a rumble.

cfs said...

What was so funny about my banning at Power Line was that on the following Saturday, TWIP had a meme showing a gas pump with the initials "FJB" on every gas "grade" indicator sign.

The writers there want a Jeb! or Romney-type GOP nominee. One who will lose gracefully after campaigning on "working across the aisle with my good friends" on the left in hopes they will be appointed a cushy job in the Dem administration.

John henry said...

You also can't call the National Socialists National Socialists. It gives socialism a bad name. You have to call them by the made up English name NAZI or you get the bedwetters all upset. The bedwetters like to pretend that they were not socialist but will never explain why they do not fit in the socialist bucket.

As to your point ,100mm, give or take a few million, were murdered in the name of socialism in the last century. 12mm of them by the Germans.

Although they murdered relatively few, they have to eat the sin for all socialists whereever and whenever.

John Henry

Would You Like Fascism With That Hat said...

“Tony Hinchcliffee is a liberal plant who voted for Kamala and was sabotaging innocent Trump” in 3…..2……1…..

The craziest part of the Tony Hinchcliffe speech was that it had to be approved by the Trump campaign before going on the teleprompter.

Let that sink in.

They are in absolute panic mode right now on how to deal with what went down at the MAGA Nazi Rally.

Trump campaign distances itself from speaker’s Puerto Rico comments at rally ~ The Hill

John henry said...

Yup. That is why I said last night in the previous thread that he was not wrong, just impolite.
John Henry

The Cracker Emcee Refulgent said...

If Trump loses that last swing state by 8000 fraudulent votes, the Democrats will say this is why. What do you think the purpose of all this pearl-clutching is? It isn't to change minds. It's to justify dodgy outcomes.
They did exactly the same thing when a Democrat shot Trump.

cfs said...

The media is appalled at the "crass" humor of a comedian but I've yet to read any criticism of the Harris-supporting Democrat PAC's masturbation campaign ad that is being shown on social media.

People complain about Hinchcliffe's "R" rated jokes (or more like PG-13) but pass on the left's ad that would require an "X" rating if shown during prime time (or truthfully wouldn't be allowed at all).

RCOCEAN II said...

I guess Trump lost Puerto Rico - which he could never have gotten anyway. Assuming it had Electoral Votes. Oh wait, I'm forgetting the PRs of NY. Who would never vote 51 percent R, and if they need, wouldn't make a difference.

Bob Boyd said...

Trump heaves a sigh.

Elite media: OMG! Historians say Hitler was known to sigh. He sighed all the fucking time, apparently! And Stalin and Mussolini were sighers...Mussolini more than Stalin, of course. And Stalin sighed in good way, but still, it's telling.

Bob Boyd said...


RCOCEAN II said...

"Holocaust survivor Jerry Wartski is in attendance at Trump’s Madison Square Garden “Nazi rally.”

This defense against Liberal/left attacks of "raciss, sexist, antisemite, homophobe" has NEVER worked. Or the similar: The Republican can't be racist/antisemitic/etc because X likes him... has NEVER worked. They aint going to stop calling R's and Conservatives names. Stop playing defense, and counter attack.

TeaBagHag said...

Madison Square rally's rage, disdain, and thuggery is distracting from the Trump campaign's core message of rage, disdain, and thuggery.

gadfly said...

To all those Republicans who shed crocodile tears because their feelings were so hurt that people were calling Donald Trump a fascist: Stop.

To all the MAGA defenders who said it was over-the-top to compare Trump’s Madison Square Garden rally to that held by the German-American Bund in an earlier incarnation of Madison Square Garden: Shush.

To all those who were falling once again for the bought-and-paid-for narrative that Trump somehow had the momentum going into the final week of campaign 2024: Nope.

On Sunday at MSG, Donald Trump engineered what will be seen by political analysts and later by historians as the coup de grâce that killed forever his prospects of being president and may well have set him on a post-election course on which he finally may be held accountable for his actions.

Trump attacked the media and egged the crowd on to boo journalists in the crowd. He said migrants had taken over Times Square (which is nine blocks uptown from where the rally was held). He called the U.S. an occupied country which, while bad, may be better than his reference to it as a garbage can the other day. He called Harris a “low-IQ individual.” He offered so many lies that cable networks tuned him out because it was impossible to keep up with fact-checking him. He returned to old themes like the bizarre notion that Harris would reinstate the draft and start World War III.

Most importantly from the perspective of confirming his fascism, he reiterated at length his assertion that his opponents were “enemies of the people.” (You know the ones against whom he promised to unleash the U.S. military.) He called them “the most sinister and corrupt forces on Earth.”

Would You Like Fascism With That Hat said...

Wow the Republican base might actually have second thoughts if any of them knew that Puerto Ricans are American citizens and live in swing states like Pennsylvania.

Florida Senator Rick Scott is up for re-election in a state with over one million Puerto Ricans.

Joe Bar said...

That's like a bad SNL skit.

Lem Vibe Bandit said...

“Getting offended” over this kind of material is a pretense and if you don’t know it’s a pretense then you’re worse off because it could mean you’re a tool for others, available for manipulation.

Lem Vibe Bandit said...


rehajm said...

"State"? Poop or get off the pot, would ya...

tcrosse said...

So you're getting your rocks off trolling us by trivializing the Holocaust, or maybe you deny it ever happened. It's the humor of a not-very-bright 15 year old.

Rabel said...

One problem with the joke was that it was based a 35 year old story about a garbage barge. And likewise, it is a 35 year old joke. Lame.

Looks like more than a few people missed the reference.

Aggie said...

Yes, I'd say that captures the Democrat message quite accurately: Shut Up, they explained, without evidence.

Would You Like Fascism With That Hat said...

Scott Adams, like Trump, is heavily invested in being loudly, proudly wrong about every single possible thing. Performative stupidity and outrage is literally the only tool he has left to make a living with.

mccullough said...

The jokes were kinda funny. A bit stale. No one laughs harder at a Puerto Rican joke than Mexicans.

My name goes here. said...

"There is some thing like 300K Puerto Rican voters in PA."

Why are they there?

Shouting Thomas said...

Other than the 1 million followers on X, the subscribers to his Locals channel and the subscribers to his YouTube Channel. He reaches a larger audience than many cable news news, and he’s still selling books and he’s worth $100 million.

Shouting Thomas said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
M Jordan said...

Weighing in late, us usual, but I wanted to report that I finally watched the whole thing and found it quite funny. Also, I feel like there was some 4D chess in the remarks. The Puerto Rico joke was one of the lamest, though, but quite mild, imho. He made snaps at Trump that were worse.

jim said...

I guess they figured after all PRs can't vote.

jim said...

300K Puerto Ricans in Pennsylvania, plus collateral insult to Latinos in general.

Yup, trumpers are the smart ones who get all the jokes.

Rabel said...

I think Puerto Rico would be a great destination for a couple of million Haitians looking for a better life.

Iman said...

The response to nearly every banal comment Igna posts should highlight:

* Borders
* Inflation
* Crime
* Endless wars

Iman said...

"There is some thing like 300K Puerto Rican voters in PA."

Most of them live in Santo Wojciehowicz.

Democratic Paychecks for Perks/ Dems for Demolition of Democracy/ fake-cares 4-U said...

In the end - Comedians are allowed freedom of speech and bad jokes. It will amount to nothing but leftist whining. Nothing new.