October 9, 2024

Both VP nominees are now participating in the old tradition of responding to questions written on an orange that a reporter has rolled up the aisle of the campaign plane.

ABC reports.

Walz did it first, responding to the question "Dream dinner guest?" His answer (written on the orange and rolled back (more than a day later)): Bruce Springsteen.

(I struggle to resist re-telling the story of My Dinner With Bruce Springsteen.)

Vance's reporters wanted in on this orange action and rolled him the question "Fave Song." Under the circumstances, I would have chosen "Let Me Roll It"...

But Vance rolled back — immediately — "10 Years Gone":

Thank God something light-hearted is happening on this overwrought campaign.

Rivers always reach the sea/Flying skies of fortune, each a separate way/On the wings of maybe....

Why did it take Walz over a day to think up Bruce Springsteen? If you were going to workshop the most politically opportune answer, assuming you'd pick a pop star, wouldn't you pick a pop star affiliated with a battleground state? 

I see that Kamala Harris, on Steve Colbert's show last night — see "The high life: Kamala Harris cracks open a beer with Stephen Colbert" (Guardian)— chose Miller High Life as the beer for the little exercise in relatability" and...
Harris repeated the popular slogan “The champagne of beers”, while Colbert noted that it comes from Milwaukee, in the swing state of Wisconsin. He said: “So that covers Wisconsin. Let’s talk Michigan. Let’s appeal to the Michigan voters, OK? What are your favourite Bob Seger songs?”

Walz could have said Bob Seger! What're his politics?  

Vance answered quickly, and his choice is a bit idiosyncratic, but that doesn't free him of any suspicion of answering what he thought was politically advantageous. He's a quick thinker, and he knows the assignment. But he's chosen British pop stars, and "Ten Years Gone" is not near the top of obvious Led Zeppelin songs.  It's #40 on Vulture's "All 74 Led Zeppelin Songs, Ranked." So there's a good chance it really is his favorite Led Zeppelin song.

Is Led Zeppelin his favorite band? The name appears 4 times in "Hillbilly Elegy." Here are 2::

When I moved in with my father, I’d known him for two years. I knew that he was a good man, a little quiet, a devout Christian from a very strict religious tradition. When we first reconnected, he made it clear that he didn’t care for my taste in classic rock, especially Led Zeppelin. He wasn’t mean about it—that wasn’t his style—and he didn’t tell me I couldn’t listen to my favorite bands; he just advised that I listen to Christian rock instead.... And as most teenagers do, I had so many questions about my faith—whether it was compatible with modern science, for instance, or whether this or that denomination was correct on particular doctrinal disputes. 

I doubt he would have gotten upset if I’d asked those questions, but I never did because I didn’t know how he’d respond. I didn’t know whether he’d tell me I was a spawn of Satan and send me away. I didn’t know how much of our new relationship was built on his sense that I was a good kid. I didn’t know how he’d react if I listened to those Zeppelin CDs in his house with my younger siblings around. That not knowing gnawed at me to the point where I could no longer take it....


Iman said...

The Return of teh Mudshark!

RMc said...

TIL that Led Zeppelin had only 74 songs.

Dave Begley said...

Althouse post in 2004, “ We were seated at a little table in a niche next to a large round table set in the window alcove.” It begins.

Dave Begley said...

It took Walz a day to answer that question?! A normal person can answer it right away.

Howard said...

Vance has great taste in music. That's a fantastic Zep deep cut. Bruce Springsteen is the most overrated Pop star of all time.

Christopher B said...

Noting Harris did NOT choose Budweiser or anyother AB InBev brand

Christopher B said...

In his defense, dinner guest is a topic with a lot more political implications than favorite song, especially if you aren't given an opportunity to explain why you chose the person.

Still, taking a day to come up with a anodyne choice like Springsteen... obviously focus grouped, at least by his staff.

donald said...

Springsteen…the king of musical hacks.

Mr. Forward said...

If you’re sharing a beer with Steven Colbert you’re in the wrong bar.

rehajm said...

It’s funny the automatic assumption Walz workshopped the answer. We just expect everything about the phony baloney Leftie candidates is phony…

…I have forever loathed Springsteen. A no talent fake working class hero elitist of the horsey set. His concerts whiter and more ready to impose their will than a KKK rally…

Yancey Ward said...

We discussed "Ten Years Gone" on our Althouse Discord the Summer before last. I think I brought it up because it was mentioned in a Rick Beato video. It has been near the top of my favorite Led Zeppelin songs since I was a young teen.

rehajm said...

Miller Lite, the ‘Can I get me a huntin’ license here?’ of beers….

Kate said...

Corona with a lime wedge. Missed opportunity.

Of course, she doesn't have my story of crossing the border with Dad to buy a case (before Corona was sold in the US), bringing back the empties so they could be washed and rebottled. The new case always had some bottles with faded labels and pocked glass. Anyone her age (and mine) from the West has a Corona with lime memory.

rehajm said...

It’s a story worth retelling along with your dad obliging autographs…

…the wife and I play the ‘Brush with Greatness’ game when we’re out and about. One of us spots and the other has to pick the person in the vicinity and who they resemble. Sometimes they’re really obscure and bonus points for correct response. Once in a while it is the actual celebrity…

Yancey Ward said...

It is weird and oily to take a day and come up with Springsteen as an answer. Seriously- it shouldn't take more than a minute to come up with an authentic answer, so, yeah, he probably handed to a staff member and they held a discussion with slides to determine the right answer.

exhelodrvr1 said...

Further evidence that the Harris/Walz pair is even slower than Biden/Harris.

Wince said...

The embedded videos won’t play as YouTube asks me sign-in to prove I’m not a bot, even though I’m signed in to Blogger/Google. I can play the video via Google search, however.

All as I type this on my iPhone into a jumpy, ever elusive and disappearing comment space. Blogger really screwed up their comment interface in so many ways.

tim in vermont said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
“Bad Genes” said...

8th anniversary of this tweet: (2016)

"Trump makes people I care about afraid. Immigrants, Muslims, etc.
Because of this, I find him reprehensible. God wants better of us" ~ JD Vance @JDVance1 10/09/2016

Wince said...

What a frustrating chore! I’d rather write my comment on an orange.

Yancey Ward said...

Since 2016, Bich, how many legal immigrants has Trump deported? I suppose you never ever change your little mind, do you?

Breezy said...

“That little girl was me.”

MartyH said...

Good beer and favorite dinner guest rolled into one: A Dos Equis with The Most Interesting Man in the World

Quayle said...

My answer: "When the Levee Breaks". Seems to be an appropriate song for these days.

Ralph L said...

At my prep school, I was told Led Zeppelin was for druggies.
I didn't realize Vance had contact with his biological father, who died last year. His name appears only once on Wikipedia.

Shouting Thomas said...

The presidential election has been thoroughly sabotaged and rigged. What’s the use of the daily banter over this nonsense? We’re talking Soviet style election rigging here. The DNC/Intel press has announced that no outcome will be announced on election night, and that a final declaration of a winner might take weeks. This is a literal announcement that the DNC/Intel cartel will manufacture the number of fraudulent votes it needs to elect Harris.

Butkus51 said...

After hearing each Led Zeppelin song at least 20,000 times, I'm pretty much tired of them all. 10 years gone would be an exception.

Now I'm going over the hills and far away.

Eric the Fruit Bat said...

So Vance's answer makes me like him a little more and Walz's answer makes me dislike him a little more. Did I get that right?

Achilles said...

Just terrible people.

Amadeus 48 said...

Maybe New Jersey is a swing state.

Joe said...

Walz didn't pick Bob Dylan?

n.n said...

Mengele. Comfortably Numb.

doctrev said...

Everything Kamala does makes her more of a lightweight. Between her interview with the Slut Camp folks and now pathetically drinking beer to be "one of the people," she's really leaning into the role of the local fraternity whore. Ideally she would do extensive discussions with Bloomberg and the FT, but none of those people are willing to mortgage their credibility to boost Kamala in livestreams.

Then again, it confirms my belief that Rat voters are much less intelligent than they think they are.

Jeff Gee said...

Back in whichever year it was that Pat Buchanan ran for the Republican nomination against Bush #1, he answered the traditional (orange?) "What's your favorite movie?" with "Impromptu," a then-recent movie featuring Hugh Grant as Chopin and some (albeit not enough) spectacular cleavage from Bernadette Peters. The selection could not possibly have been calculated to get him a single vote. Maybe it really was his favorite movie, maybe he just looked out the window and decided to pick whatever was on the marquee across the street. Either way, an interesting choice.

Todd said...

Thank God something light-hearted is happening on this overwrought campaign.

Sorry but that is the sort of comment I would expect to hear from someone that is more worried about appearances than about substance. This is an important election if only because the absolute lack of any actual qualifications or ability for the position of POTUS that the team on offer from the democrats demonstrate on a daily bases. The fact that these two are not only still options in this election but are also in a near tie for winning is about the most serious thing there is.

We are about 30 days away from very possibly having a jew hating, free speech hating, gun hating, communist as the next president because "orange man bad" has been drummed into everyone's heads for the last 10 years. A factual lie that has been allowed to not only stand but be amplified by the democrats and media to elevety on the feelz dial. On top of all of this, the democrats and deep state have made it an open secret that they are willing to do whatever it takes to put this air-head in the oval office up to and including printing whatever number of ballots they need to win and barring that are not opposed to "assisting" any number of lefty nutters in their efforts to "remove this thorn in their side" if only by stacking Trump's security with whatever halfwits they can scrape up, if not by even by more direct means. After all who wants cheap gas, low unemployment, movement toward actual peace in the middle east, a secure boarder, no riots in the streets, no new wars, and low inflation.

But sure, let us all take a well deserved break from this current election cycle for a bit of well deserved levity.

n.n said...

Cecile, Gosnell, Dr. Death et al. Hotel California.

n.n said...

Mao. Another brick in the wall.

Howard (not that Howard) said...

Physical Graffiti is a great album.

rhhardin said...

I'd have gone with Lizst Transcendendal Etudes.

n.n said...

Dude (looks like a lady).

Puff the magic [hallucinating] dragon.

n.n said...

A mind is a terrible thing to waste. Good for Vance to clear the Diversity detritus that is fertile ground for Waltz'n Kamala.

Quayle said...

Springsteen is more California now, than New Jersey. And I say this as a native son of Essex County.

Randomizer said...

How does that work, did Walz save the orange for a day, thinking about his answer? Would he give it to his body man, put it in his coat pocket or stuff it into a drawer on the plane?

It seems like candidates would have ready answers for favorite band, book, movie, TV show or team. Bruce Springsteen is plausible for his age. I'm not a fan of giving a current artist that sounds phony.

Quayle said...

Not usual, but I have to agree with Howard here. It is a very great album. I remember when it came out. I was blown away.

Christopher B said...

He had to clear not saying Mao with higher authority.

Gusty Winds said...

I see that Kamala Harris, on Steve Colbert's show last night — see "The high life: Kamala Harris cracks open a beer with Stephen Colbert" (Guardian)— chose Miller High Life as the beer for the little exercise in relatability"

They drank Miller High Life from a can. If you're a true Wisconsin beer drinker, you know High Life loyalist by it in the clear bottle. Also, Miller Lite out sells High Life. This was as cringe as Senator Pocahontas with the "I'm just gonna grab be a beer."

Dave said...

I would have hired Althouse as an advisor, and I'd have been ready with a Yuengling in Allentown.

Christopher B said...

Modelo/Corona rocketed to the top of US beer sales after the Bud Light debacle. It might be the beer she would actually crack open in private but no way would she be caught drinking it in public now.

The Middle Coast said...

It just occurred to me….Vance follows a long line of candidates who had limited relationships with their fathers. Ford, Reagan, Clinton, Obama. Just interesting.

Gusty Winds said...

I'm an unashamed Wisconsin beer chugger. That's right. Not a drinker, a chugger. So maybe my observation below seems hypocritical.

Trump is a well known teetotaler because of the death of his older brother. Trump would have refused to drink alcohol in front of anyone, let alone the nation to be "more relatable."

The pandering makes you want to puke. Now desperate for the male vote they actually despise, they think cracking a can of High Life is going to change male minds. Liberal women and beta males are running Kamala's campaign. Colbert is a beta.

Gusty Winds said...

Sadly, I believe you are correct Thomas.

DrSquid said...

I saw Springsteen at the Florida Theatre in Jacksonville in 1977. He wore a guitar strapped around his neck the entire show, even when he flipped off of the stage into the crowd down front. He never played the guitar--not one strum; he only danced with it and carried it around like on the cover of Born to Run. It was a pretty good show, played alot of his hits; but I left thinking how bogus he was for pretending to be guitar player. He's as counterfeit as a $3 bill.

“Bad Genes” said...

Why Does It Take So Long to Count Mail Ballots in Key States? Blame Legislatures

/“The slow count of mail ballots has been used to cast doubt on election results, but these delays are a deliberate choice by lawmakers in battleground states./“

IMO — the sensible thing to do would be counting the votes as they come in...by mail and early voting.

SoLastMillennium said...

10 Years Gone?? First reason yet to vote against Vance! (give the man some Steely Dan albums or something. Reeling In The Years would be a better choice, for one.

Big Mike said...

Rivers always reach the sea

Not in the Western US. I can think of three off the top of my head that do not reach the sea: the Colorado, the Humboldt, and the Sevier. There are probably more. There’s one in Africa that empties into the Kalahari Desert and simply evaporates, but I don’t recall its name.

Esteban said...

Bruce Springsteen is faux working class virtue signaling.

Third Coast said...

Last year Kammy said "hip-hop is the ultimate American art form that shapes every aspect of America’s popular culture.” Since the dem's are losing the black male voter, Tampon Timmy should've asked her for her favorite rap song. We know she loves Tupac.

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

Gotta agree with Howard on this one. It went downhill after Born to Run...

William said...

I used to be a big Springsteen fan, but not so much anymore. I wonder if it's because of his politics or because of my advancing age. I just don't have that kind of energy anymore. I sure don't want to thunder down the highway on a Harley.......It's not just Springsteen. The Doors, the Rolling Stones now hit chords that I don't respond to. I like the Beach Boys better than the Stones or the Doors. Their music is sunny and cheerful, and they're not pissed off at the world. I don't want madder music and stronger wine. Mozart is nice right before bedtime.

AMDG said...

Every time I have seen Springsteen he has played a lot of guitar. He takes. OST of the leads.

Rory said...

The Democratic VP candidate, 12 years in Congress, six as governor, has never had dinner with Springsteen?

J Scott said...

Nerdy Marines love Led Zeppelin.

AMDG said...

I was a big Springsteen fan in college but he lost me along the way.

While we told he speaks to the working class they don’t hear him. He has always appealed to the white color crowd. The people he sang about were either listening to disco or metal.

“The Wild the Innocent and the E Street Shuffle” is peak Springsteen for me. It has a loose jazzy feel that he has never returned to. After that album one of the keyboardists and the drummer left the band. Their replacements, while excellent musicians, didn’t play with the soul of the guys they replaced.

AlbertAnonymous said...

Let me guess, when Colbert asked for her favorite Bob Seger song, she paused, looked like a deer in the headlights, laughed like a hyena, and then proudly mentioned a song by Pete Seeger…

She’s utterly unlikeable as a stereotypical politician.

Christopher B said...

Nobody old enough to remember the scene in Truth Or Dare where Madonna demonstrates that she has more oral skills than just singing would have Kanala Harris drinking beer from a bottle on camera.

Michael K said...

It's OK. The collapse of civilization will be painless for the Kamala voters. Just ask them.

Dogma and Pony Show said...

"IMO — the sensible thing to do would be counting the votes as they come in...by mail and early voting."

No, the sensible thing to do is not count ANY votes until ALL of the votes are in. This business of announcing results on election night, but still letting ballots to be brought in for several days after, is an open invitation to vote fraud.

Yancey Ward said...

Agree- it is my favorite Zeppelin album.

Michael K said...

Examining car trunks for ballots takes time.

Yancey Ward said...

I was and am a big Springsteen fan but his last album that I would describe as good was Tunnel of Love which was released my last year in college in 1987.

Yancey Ward said...

Exactly. I have long advocated that Republican counties embargo their results until the big blue cities are done counting votes which in the last several elections is mid-November.

Yancey Ward said...

Republicans keep doing this, however- give the Democrats a number to be beaten.

ron winkleheimer said...

Bernadette Peters in her greatest role.


Quaestor said...

"Walz did it first, responding to the question 'Dream dinner guest?' His answer... Bruce Springsteen."

A crashing bore dreaming of entertaining another crashing bore... Well, it's symmetrical, ya gotta give him that.

Biff said...

I'm old enough to remember when New Jersey was a legitimate swing state. Probably the only reason Pennsylvania is still a swing state is that it's where a lot of NJ Republicans moved once NJ became overwhelmingly blue.

Biff said...

It is interesting that Bob Seger seems to have been quiet this year. He caught some flak for endorsing Hillary in 2016, and he also supported Obama.

Anthony said...

Never liked Springsteen. I thought all of his music was just plain boring. I've heard he used to at least put on a good show, often very long. Always thought he was a fake blue-collar guy, too. Zep, meh, I've heard every song at least a thousand times -- seriously, you can't listen to any Classic Rock radio station without hearing Zep or Pink Floyd every 30 minutes -- so count me out on that one. I do have a soft spot for In Through the Out Door though.

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

Kampaign Lite. It's less filling!

BUMBLE BEE said...

The death of his bestie, Alto Reed, in 2020 is the explanation I've heard for Bob's loss of enthusiasm for touring.

Lazarus said...

I didn't much like the song. It's not one I would have expected anyone to pick as a favorite. Perhaps Vance associates it with some moment in his life. What's maybe more expected is that our first Millennial candidate picks a Baby Boomer song, and an obscure one at that.

"We are eagles of one nest, the nest is in our soul"

Rather appropriate for someone whose wife is a Hindu, but not something I could imagine Vivek Ramaswamy saying or thinking.

Lazarus said...

If the answer is "Bruce Springsteen" and the question was "Who are you having dinner with tonight?" it's impressive. If the question was "Who is your dream dinner guest of all time?" it's a little pathetic.

BUMBLE BEE said...

Alto Reed, The Man, The Legend

Maynard said...

There are not too many musical artists who can do basically the same thing over and over again and sound fresh. Springsteen sounded stale after his second album.

Two artists come to mind as seemingly fresh all the time: Van Morrison and Waylon Jennings.

Mary Beth said...

He probably doesn't carry a pen and wasn't seated by anyone who does.

John Borell said...

Dream dinner guest:

Dead: Churchill

Alive: Russ Roberts (EconTalk)

mccullough said...

Ten Years Gone has aged well.