October 2, 2024

"At one point, Vance wanted to correct something about how Haitians got into this country — and he was RIGHT...."


loudogblog said...

As I keep saying, it's a really bad idea for the moderators to act as fact checkers. (Especially when they're heavily biased against one of the debaters.

RideSpaceMountain said...

"Those laws have been on the books since 1990"

Sure have Timmy. They were wrong then and they're wrong now.

Aggie said...

I remember this part, and the moderator's snarky comment that 'you didn't hear what was said, because the microphones were cut,' said with a snide tone. I think it would be at this point, where neutral observers would have been most affected. The moderators also had a habit of taking Vance's point, and re-directing them back at Walz, offering them up as 'allegations' to be dismissed or disproven on his terms. This happened quite a few times, but the same opportunity was never offered to Vance. In fact, a couple of times, the moderators shut him up when he wanted to rebut a point made falsely by Walz.

Democratic Paychecks for Perks/ Dems for Demolition of Democracy/ fake-cares 4-U said...

The Democrat Party media are infuriating.

Greg The Class Traitor said...

It's time to get rid of debate moderators

Each participant gets to ask the other side X questions, w Y minutes to answer and 1/2 Y minutes to respond to that answer

Questions have to be publicly posted a week before the debate.

No surprise gotyas, just actual debate

Original Mike said...

One thing I think Vance missed was to highlight the shear magnitude of the wave Biden/Harris has let into the country. At one point Walz said the number of border crossings now is lower than when Biden entered office, or some such claim. Though I'm sure there's some technical manner in which this is true (it was obviously a prepared talking point) it's obvious nonsense. Vance rolled his eyes but didn't come back to the point. The number of undocumented people that have entered the country during Biden's tenure exceeds the population of something like three quarters of the states. More people have entered illegally than live in the state of Wisconsin, for example. It's a very big deal.

Democratic Paychecks for Perks/ Dems for Demolition of Democracy/ fake-cares 4-U said...

If the Debate moderators are from any of the Soviet-like State-Run Democrat Party Media institutions - the debate is fixed and unfair for any non-Soviet Democratic.

RideSpaceMountain said...

Maybe a compromise? Moderators, but no women. It's quite obvious MSM ladies need to get the last word in despite not being behind the podium, as usual.

Rick T. said...

Gentleman, you can't argue in here. This is the debate room!

J Scott said...

They aren't walking across the southern border, if we are flying them in.

Skeptical Voter said...

When will we ever see a "moderator" who can actually ask a simple question and let he candidate run with it? All of these "moderators" start with a speech painting the world as they wish (or think) it should be. Not a single question in a dozen efforts.

Dave Begley said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
rehajm said...

Was that part of the contract to get Walz to show?

Dave Begley said...

CBS, "What evidence do you have?"

JD Vance, "After the debate I'd be happy to share with you a study from the Federal Reserve."

JD stuck the knife in with a smile.

Achilles said...

They should just do this on the Munk debates.

Dust Bunny Queen said...

As a former member of my college debate team...I can attest that these shows are NOT debates by any definition. In a real debate a topic is proposed, a motion. The opposing teams put together their arguments for the pro or for the con side. After presenting the arguments....there is a rebuttal where the teams summarize their position, rebut some of the statements of the opposition and bring up arguments for their own side that might have been missed in their first presentation.

There are no moderators asking loaded questions or inserting themselves into the debate process or trying to help out one team over the other. There are judges...in this case it would be the voters...who determine who "won"
the debate. The moderator's function is to read the motion and keep track of the alloted time for each speaker/team

A REAL debate where there are a list of topics of interest to the judges and where the opponents cognitively present their case in a succinct manner and keep to the topic at hand.....would be a wonderful thing. We might actually learn something useful to help US make a judgement.

For example.......Motion: abortion should be decided at the State level or at the Federal (nationwide) level. State your case!

Instead we get this horrible, useless dog and pony show.

narciso said...

that was his best cheshire cat move,

rehajm said...

well said...but apparently everybody loves them and has no idea who to vote for unless we have them, where 'everyone' are the same people who complain they wish they had someone else to vote for...

Democratic Paychecks for Perks/ Dems for Demolition of Democracy/ fake-cares 4-U said...

Dust Bunny Queen!

Democratic Paychecks for Perks/ Dems for Demolition of Democracy/ fake-cares 4-U said...

The left refer to all speech they don't approve of as "disinformation" -
Tell me how that isn't Soviet.

Dust Bunny Queen said...

👋 Howdy

The Vault Dweller said...

I wonder why the Cuomos got shived by the Democratic establishment. Was the older brother hiring enough of the right people to make it look like he was going to run a primary challenged against Joe Biden? The Democrats can kind of get away with keeping people like Cornell West and RFK Jr. off tickets, but a well-known sitting Governor of New York, maybe not. Regardless, seeing Chris Cuomo try to ingratiate himself to a new audience comes off as insincere and therefor unpalatable.

narciso said...

Hey DBQ how have you been,

Iman said...

These moderators aren’t journalists, they’re Democrat activists… as are virtually all of the corporate media talking heads.

One might think that this episode would be a source of embarrassment for Brennan and O’Donnell, but one would be wrong. These pale, far-left females don’t embarrass easy.

Iman said...

Shrieking, liberal narcissists can fuck right off.

David53 said...

She's back!

n.n said...

They thought that Cuomo, Gabbard, Kennedy, Deplorables, babies et al were a "burden". They were right.

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

Ben said the exact same thing live on Hugh Hewitt's show this morning. He's right. Cuomo's right. Vance was right. It's pretty clear Brennan only cut him off to keep him from exposing their hypocritical and incorrect fact-checking. Ironically, after she mutes JD Walz blurts out "that app has been use since the '90s." Which is another Walz falsehood. Misspoken. Or outright campaign lie. CBP1 is an app developed by the Biden-Harris team to circumvent border delays and move mass quantities of foreigners in with "temporary protected status" that will expire and no one will follow up and the Haitians will exist in a kind of immigration limbo in which they are neither here quite legally nor illegally.

So Brennan lied. Walz lied. JD tried to correct the false "fact check" and got muted. CBS now joins ABC in the heap of malfunctioning moderators who should not be let anywhere near another presidential campaign.

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

And not in possession of facts. One really needs reliable facts to be a "fact checker." But I'm a grumpy old conservative, what do I know!

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

Was the CBP1 app being used in 1990, Timmy?

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

Good succinct summary of the malfeasance.

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

Or even one who is moderate, not an activist Leftist?

Democratic Paychecks for Perks/ Dems for Demolition of Democracy/ fake-cares 4-U said...

The left/hack media machine simply do not care, MJB. The lie is told, and damage is done. Their lie lives on... in the minds of the faithful.

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

And should be based on the top concerns of voters. "Global warming" always makes an appearance in these things although it is far down the list of priorities for the voting public. DBQ, you should check out the sorry state of intramural HS "debates" now. Heavily deformed by DEI.

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

Yes, but trust in news media is low and trending lower. They can't correct their errant ways. Although, fake Jake Tapper had no qualms about saying Vance won. Not even CNN trusts CBS's fact checking.

gadfly said...

Vance fully explained his tainted version of why the Haitians are in this country illegally:

"Margaret. The rules were that you guys weren't going to fact check, and since you're fact-checking me, I think it's important to say what's actually going on. So there's an application called the CBP One app where you can go on as an illegal migrant, apply for asylum or apply for parole, and be granted legal status at the wave of a Kamala Harris open border wand. That is not a person coming in, applying for a green card, and waiting for ten years."

Vance’s explanation of the Customs and Border Patrol application document misrepresents how it functions. CBP officers still have full authority to accept or deny any application based on the case's merits. Migrants are still subject to screenings and must meet the legal requirements for asylum or humanitarian relief.

When Vance complained that, “The rules were you weren’t going to fact check,” he was falsely claiming the Haitians in Springfield were undocumented. It was a tell. Vance and Trump need these false claims to sow division. They need these false claims to attack rationality but the Haitians under no circumstances were these immigrants working in Springfield illegally. And what is this BS about waiting 10 years before immigration can occur and a green card issued? And so now we know how Vance will spend time as VP if elected - signing off on immigration applications.

Dust Bunny Queen said...

Hi all, nice to be back...I'm good. @Mike...yes...the topics should be those relating to the concerns of the voters and not idiotic gotcha type of questions from the "moderators" who also preface the questions with a speech to support the Democrat side.

Greg The Class Traitor said...

What % of the people applying on the app in the last year have been rejected?

Unless you can provide that number, and it's 90% or higher rejected, the JD's description is entirely correct

DINKY DAU 45 said...

No more debates. Instead a 2 hour LIE DETECTOR event.Each candidate given question both must answer,the person with most lies or skirting the question with no direct answer LOSES! Its the 21st Century LETS GO..You can't just say "I THOUGHT YOU WEREN'T GONNA FACT CHECKME, meaning if I lie no one should know.

Quayle said...

Moderators will go the way of the horse and buggy. Mark my words. They are on their last legs this election, and my guess is will be relegated to the dustbin of history in 2 years. Don't need them. Just let the candidates ask questions of each other.

Democratic Paychecks for Perks/ Dems for Demolition of Democracy/ fake-cares 4-U said...

I added a music-cultural pop-quiz question at the bottom of the Cure thread.

Dixcus said...

The media (which is really just 6 very rich men), are manipulating our elections. These elections aren't "real" in the sense that they occur organically. They're fake. They show us what they want to show us and then they announce a winner and nobody is allowed to question (legally or otherwise) what these 6 men say the winner was.

It's all fake.

Dixcus said...

Only because we do NOTHING about them.

tcrosse said...

The lie detector test would be confounded by Costanza's Law, to wit: It's not a lie if you believe it.

Skeptical Voter said...

Brit Hume had it right last night. He said the "moderators were obnoxious".

Now these debates are and have been essentially political dog and pony shows for a long time. They are badly in need of reformation.

Michael K said...

Bernard what's is name from CNN had a huge effect in 1988 when he asked Dukakis a simple question.

Commie Videos and You a Law Professor said...

I just kept thinking "Jane, you stupid slut".

hawkeyedjb said...

"We can't have debating in a debate! Shut up now!"

LOL. What did you think was the purpose of these "debates?"

Anyway, what does it matter? If they weren't sure they could fraud her across the finish line, the folks in charge never would have put that birdbrain at the top of the ticket.

Mary Beth said...

It was a tell.
Please explain how challenging the moderator is a "tell".

Michael K said...

Gadfly explains why no one here.believes anything he posts.

Mary Beth said...

I think it was "ignorant", not "stupid".

Michael K said...

Good to see you back.

Michael K said...

The Democrats won't Agree.

Iman said...

CBP be 2 months old…

FullMoon said...

DBQ, does the plumber still have the '57 Chevy pickup?

Democratic Paychecks for Perks/ Dems for Demolition of Democracy/ fake-cares 4-U said...

Howdy! Good to see you back! I started collecting some Fiesta mugs because of you. LOL.

Paul said...

Now can Vance sue them for the cut off mic??

Gospace said...

Evidently, there were two different debates. Dueling headlines from Real Clear Politics today:
Walz Failed To Reveal the Real Vance During Debate Jill Filipovic, The Daily Beast
America Finally Got To See the Real J.D. Vance Sasha Stone, Substack

narciso said...

Jill is in that hawt/crazy matrix well she was oncd upon a time

Bushman of the Kohlrabi said...

Happy you’re back DBQ. I have always appreciated your contributions to these threads.

Achilles said...

Vance fully explained how the Kamala Regime imported 20000 Haitians to replace the people of Springfield and "Documented" them.

Gadfly is just another dishonest person who supports censorship of people who disagree with him.

William said...

Vance was the clear winner. The fact that the refs were so patently biased just made his victory that much more impressive......Welcome back DBQ. Sorry to hear your time at the ashram didn't work out.

William said...

Kamala will appoint John Kerry as First Amendment czar. There are too many undocumented opinions appearing on social networks lately. In the future, only licensed and credentialed broadcasters like Margaret Brennan will be allowed to voice an opinion on immigrants and crime.

Narayanan said...

why is fact check not like game replay request? no fact check unless 'opponent' of ref decision request for it?

William said...

We never got to vote on whether we wanted twenty million new immigrants. This was done by Presidential fiat after a poll of the better angels of our nature. Any attempt by a new President to deport these new arrivals is draconian and fascist. These truths are self evident.

Roger von Oech said...

What will happen to CBS after David Ellison and his father’s purchase of Paramount goes through in a few months? I hope some of these “journalists “ will be let go.

D.D. Driver said...

This is itself disinformation, though. And also hate speech.

Narayanan said...

On October 28, 2020, U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) launched the FREE CBP One™ mobile application on the Apple App and Google Play stores.

CBP One™ is a mobile application that serves as a single portal to a variety of CBP services. Through a series of guided questions, the app directs each type of user to the appropriate services based on their needs

Narayanan said...

which is pony and which is dog?

Democratic Paychecks for Perks/ Dems for Demolition of Democracy/ fake-cares 4-U said...

Sadly - Our Soviet-Democrat future is right in front of us.

Narayanan said...

with electrodes for lies?

Mr. T. said...

Gadfly is trying to take the award for most incoherent nonsense post from Rich/sockpuppet de jeour.

At least, like flatulence, Rich's posts are more short and briefly befoul the room before fading away and forgotten.

Democratic Paychecks for Perks/ Dems for Demolition of Democracy/ fake-cares 4-U said...

OT: Speaking of lying liars who lie.
The Democrats who rule Hawaii - are lying about the Lahaina fire death count. Why?

Well - the police blocked the roads so people could not escape.
If you have 30 minutes - watch this video. Disturbing images.

Mutaman said...

Its so unfair! I almost feel sorry for Althouse and the Know Nothings. Why can't we have a debate moderated by Hannity?

BUMBLE BEE said...

From Ace of Spades...
BREAKING: The real name of the anti-Trump husband of CBS debate moderator Margaret Brennan is Ali Iyad Yakub, a Muslim born to Syrian parents who wrote a 2005 paper for Miami University titled "The Islamic Roots of Democracy," arguing Sharia law embodies "justice and tolerance."

BUMBLE BEE said...

Coming in from Canada in droves.

effinayright said...

SINCE WHEN have "lie detectors" been treated as revealing truth, let alone lies? Their test results aren't even considered allowable under the Federal Rules of Evidence.

Just who is it that's capable of delivering a "straight down the middle" unbiased question about policy, one for which there's only ONE answewr?

But maybe, DD45, we should fill the candidates with "truth serum"!

Oh wait.....they're not reliable either.

I've got it! Let's waterboard them until they blurt out the truth!! Worked with Sheik Khalid, didn't it?

Oh wait, Congress studied the results of his 183 interrogations and concluded they didn't reveal anything important.

So, let's use a proven method and roast Walz and Vance over barbecues until they sing! Yeah, THAT'S it....

Democratic Paychecks for Perks/ Dems for Demolition of Democracy/ fake-cares 4-U said...

Your corrupt Lying Party are too cowardly to show-up anywhere except the safe arms of the Democrat Party Media Industrial Complex.

BUMBLE BEE said...

What it is, DBQ!

effinayright said...

Mutaman, you come here spouting inane opinions you treat as FACTS. IOW you're Rich, bad Mark, Gadfly, Inga, Left Blank on the Charles, and Cook rolled into one suppurating sore infecting the Body Politic.

BUMBLE BEE said...

Not Hannity, you out of context slanderer,... Gutfeld and Dagen McDowell.

Maynard said...

Hey there DBQ!

How was your sabbatical?

boatbuilder said...

There are very compelling reasons why "lie detector" tests are explicitly precluded from admission as evidence in any criminal or civil case. One of them is that the administrator/evaluator of the "test" is acting as a "fact checker."
The legal system has many, many issues, but it has recognized actual low-grade bullshit for a long time.

tcrosse said...

Even so, the Know Nothing managed to make fools of the Know-It-Alls.

Democratic Paychecks for Perks/ Dems for Demolition of Democracy/ fake-cares 4-U said...

It may seem like what's happening in Brazil has nothing to do with us, but it does. Brazil is a test case for the kind of censorship Kamala Harris wants to impose in the U.S. How do we know? Because we've caught her and Biden funding it.

Big Mike said...

— and he was RIGHT —

That a Republican might actually be right about something always comes as such a shock to university professors, Internet trolls, and TV anchors who don’t work for Fox News, does it not?

(Welcome back, DBQ.)

Commie Videos and You a Law Professor said...

I stand corrected MB

Cameron said...

The questions on climate change are invariably the worst at this.

gilbar said...

glad you're back DBQ!!