October 14, 2024

"And thus, on this tooth and claw planet, you need a very strong military - so I’m going to stick with the idea that ['Full Metal Jacket'] footage was used primarily because of its powerful, realistic portrayal of boot camp..."

"... juxtaposed with the entirely demoralizing and inappropriate injection of WOKE ideology into the USA military. Which I agree with myself and which I’m certain my father would have agreed with. Truthfully, I believe my father (who supported Reagan), would very much approve of saving America, indeed the world, from the highly destructive Globalist forces threatening to take over this planet...."


Saint Croix said...

That ad is hilarious. LOL.

rehajm said...

I approve this message…

Bob Boyd said...

That's powerful ad. Holy smokes.

hombre said...

Is there some reason other than the DI's language to complain about the ad?The Obama/Biden woke military is a threat to our security and the trans imagery is of real Democrats.

Democratic Paychecks for Perks/ Dems for Demolition of Democracy/ fake-cares 4-U said...

Oh no! Leftist Leftshit Soviet Democrats soon to be on the march to cancel the daughter of Mr. Kubrick.

Gusty Winds said...

I have never been in the military, nor have I had to serve in battle. So I can only imagine what fighting and actual war is like.

Over the weekend I re-watched the 2019 Movie "Midway" which is very well done. I can't imagine Dick Best, the dive bomber pilot who hit TWO Japanese carriers in one day, wearing a dress and lipstick.

Kevin said...

I'm so old I remember when Kamala wanted to ensure America always has the strongest, most lethal fighting force in the world.

Bob Boyd said...
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Kevin said...

A truly great story, even as I prefer the 1976 version.

Bob Boyd said...

“What Democrats are realizing far too late is that they’ve Bud Lighted their whole brand.” - Bridget Phetasy

tim in vermont said...

FMJ is anti-military in the same way that Slapshot is anti-hockey. In other words, it isn't.

Gusty Winds said...

Because I’m sure the irony of using FMJ footage is not lost on Trump or his team - Trump is always seeking to end wars and use peaceful methods. However, that’s primarily what FMJ is about, the shocking and complicated paradoxes of human nature.

This is too much for the liberal brain to absorb. Can you imagine the woke US Military entering a ground war with Kamalama-ding-dong as Commander in Chief? She wouldn't be able to resist escalation by those that control her.

n.n said...

Woke, disordered, dysfunctional is an evolutionary selfie-abortion with collateral damage.

Gusty Winds said...

The 1976 version is great. Saw it in the theater with my Dad. Maybe 1st grade?? But the CGI in the 2019 version is really good, and they take your from pre-war diplomacy to Pearl Harbor - to Doolittle - to Coral Sea - to Midway. Also I liked how the movie made the intelligence gathering a major part of the film.

I watched a ten minute interview on YouTube with Dick Best. He credited the intelligence with the victory.

Democratic Paychecks for Perks/ Dems for Demolition of Democracy/ fake-cares 4-U said...

All that was missing from that ad was the woke Non-Binary Biden Official Charged with numerous Felonies as a Suitcase Thief. Sam Brinton/they/them was in change of spent fuel. I'll say.

Original Mike said...

Strong military is how you get anti-war. Harris wants to give us the opposite of both.

Gusty Winds said...

Why are trans people attracted to the Military? Is it similar to the reasons why gay men become Jesuit Priests?

Bob Boyd said...

“What Democrats are realizing far too late is that they’ve Bud Lighted their whole brand.” - Bridget Phetasy

Bob Boyd said...

I posted the above comment earlier, but it was censored.

Bob Boyd said...

It was censored again, just that quick! Damn, how could anybody vote for more of this shit.

stlcdr said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Bob Boyd said...

Here's a link to it instead. I'll try that.

Bob Boyd said...


stlcdr said...

Original Mike
Strong military is how you get anti-war. Harris wants to give us the opposite of both.

This is what I was going to say. If your enemy (sic) has the ability to rain down hell fire and damnation, you are more likely to not provoke that enemy.

Bob Boyd said...

For one thing the military will pay for transition procedures.

Michael K said...

Dick Best had his lungs damaged by defective oxygen system.

Leland said...

She and her dad will now be cancelled.

Because of the ad, I watched a few videos on YouTube from previous Drill Instructors and Sergeants reviewing FMJ and other movies depicting basic training. Other than the touching “laying hands on” aspect depicted in FMJ, they described the rest as very accurate. Laying hands was also considered realistic, but generally an unacceptable behavior that would get an instructor in trouble. In explaining that, many noted that Ermie’s “you are choking” yourself was often the counter argument when called out.

What was clear from the reviews, you don’t prepare people to fight a war without that type of rigor. What is apparent now is that we are attempting to select a President without such rigor.

Former Illinois resident said...

Harris/Walz ticket's performance to-date is repugnant to most men, with exception of progressive-liberal betas and/or gay men. Polls prove this.
Obama's own recent hectoring paid-ad lecturing of Black men "brothers" backfired big time. Walz is a buffoon. Harris reminds men of their HS Prom Queen, preening to her court, bubble-headed Barbie doll.

Our military needs at least a decade to recover from its ill-advised woke policies. If Biden and/or Israel manage to drag us into a war before next administration, we're sunk, with high casualties and little positive outcome. China, Russia, and Iran know this.

Kate said...

She's a peach.

Dude1394 said...

Very nice to see the backlash against the woke mind virus. Folks are starting to look at the left and say, bring it on.

The rule of Lemnity said...

😮 her time line looks just like mine.

tastid212 said...

Is the Professor's veil of cruel neutrality slipping? If so, thanks to Meade for any hand he had in it.

Mr. T. said...

Trans people or more attracted to schools. Where they like em young(er).

Wince said...

Here's the scene from Saving Private Ryan -- strike that, Saving Silverman -- that Comrade Kamala's campaign should use.

Aggie said...

This wasn't the beginning of R Lee Ermee's acting career, this movie. He was a technical advisor in Apocalypse Now!, where he also played a chopper pilot. And he started on FMJ as a technical advisor, coaching the selected actor on how to act / improvise as one, but he was secretly auditioning for the role too, and once Kubrick saw what he was getting at, Kubrick liked it so much, was so impressed, that he gave the part to Ermee.

Michael said...

You go girl! - both of you.

Curious George said...

Michael K
Dick Best had his lungs damaged by defective oxygen system.

He had latent tuberculosis, which became active when he breathed the caustic soda fumes.

Saint Croix said...

Kubrick's dead so I don't think he's going to be "cancelled" any time soon. If he was going to be cancelled, it probably would have been over Lolita or that rape scene in A Clockwork Orange. (Which is truly appalling -- I do not like that movie). Kubrick is a pacifist and in Full Metal Jacket he's illustrating the barbarity of man (which is a common theme in his art) and also the dehumanization of man (ditto).

The rule of Lemnity said...

Given the vehement hatred against Trump, I shouldn’t be surprised most prominent last names that support orange hair man, wisely chose to keep it close to the vest.

Democratic Paychecks for Perks/ Dems for Demolition of Democracy/ fake-cares 4-U said...

Gays against Groomers. It's real. short-hand for - Gays against the leftist march to normalize pedophilia.... and the pushing of they-them trans BS to young children.

Democratic Paychecks for Perks/ Dems for Demolition of Democracy/ fake-cares 4-U said...

Gays against Groomers. It's real. short-hand for - Gays against the leftist march to normalize pedophilia.... and the leftist march to promote they/them & trans BS to young children.

Ice Nine said...

Heh, without that language a DI wouldn't be a DI. At least back in my day...

Hassayamper said...

By all means let's never let any other country claim the title of the world's strongest military, and let's indeed cut the woke cancer out of it, root and branch.

But for God's sake can we start pulling back from playing the world's policeman? We have bases in something like 100 countries, most of them unwanted by the locals. We have been meddling in foreign affairs that are none of our business since before I was born, breeding ill will all over the world.

And isn't it amazing how the hippies and yippies of our youth are now firmly on the side of the Pentagon, FBI, CIA, Stasi-style domestic spying, perpetual overseas military adventurism, and warmongering ogres like Dick Cheney? I bet there was a time back around 1974 when even Inga disliked the authoritarian police state she now worships.

No one but Trump is ever going to take on the military-industrial-intelligence monster.

NorthOfTheOneOhOne aka Doug Emhoff's Pimp Hand said...

Dick Best was some kind of guy! Like Mike K says, his oxygen rebreather was faulty and was producing caustic soda. That activated a dormant TB infection that he had in his lungs and within a couple of weeks he was out of action and being shipped back to the States for treatment. He ended up being medically retired from the Navy. Still lived to be in his 90's, though. Only guy to ever get two hits on two different ships on the same day.

Hassayamper said...

Free genital mutilation surgery, courtesy of the taxpayers, with a steady paycheck all through the lengthy recovery. If they time it right, they can do 6 months of actual work during a 4 year hitch.

NorthOfTheOneOhOne aka Doug Emhoff's Pimp Hand said...

Si vis pacem para bellum! If you want peace, prepare for war!

Democratic Paychecks for Perks/ Dems for Demolition of Democracy/ fake-cares 4-U said...

Holy crap on a cracker

Leland said...

“the 2019 Movie "Midway" which is very well done”
I watched it this weekend too. You really need to raise your standards. The movie was a confusing mess, the CGI was horrible, and Emmerich can’t help embellish scenes with garbage that comes across as silly when you know the real events and operations. For example, here is the real footage of Doolittle taking off for his raid: https://youtu.be/NPGq7IYQHCM You’ll note the weather was not abysmal, he’s airborne well before the end of the ship, he didn’t fly through a wave just after takeoff.

Quaestor said...

Re: Dick Best. I've read several accounts of the Battle of Midway, the most recent being "Shattered Sword" by Jonathan Parshall and Anthony Tully. In preparation for his second sortie, Lt. Best's SBD was routinely re-equipped, which included freshly charged O2 bottles. One of them contained sodium hydroxide crystals. The shipboard operation that recharged those bottles used sodium peroxide (Na2O2) reacted with water to produce oxygen gas, a process that yields NaOH as a byproduct. Evidently, whatever process they used to bottle only the oxygen was either incorrectly or incompletely executed in that case. The inhalation of that contaminated gas activated Best's latent and undiagnosed tuberculosis. He recovered after several weeks hospitalization, but he was permanently grounded and reassigned to staff duties instead of combat. Unfortunately, Best relapsed and was medically retired in March 1944 as a lieutenant commander.

Breathing O2 is still vital, but I would assume that given the abundance of electricity available on the super-carriers of the USN, that electrolysis is the the prefered generating technology today.

n.n said...

What happens between consenting adults is don't ask, don't tell. Good for taking a stand against a wicked sexual orientation.

Democratic Paychecks for Perks/ Dems for Demolition of Democracy/ fake-cares 4-U said...

uh - Where's team Trump on this topic?
They should be all over it. Just vile.

"500,000 kids have been smuggled into the U.S. since Biden took office.

Border Patrol detains them, then sends them to secret “warehouses” before they’re placed into what the government calls “loving families”.

Where are these kids going? No answer.

n.n said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
n.n said...

The ethics of the story is... War! What is it good for? The moral of the story is don't lust for abortion.

Democratic Paychecks for Perks/ Dems for Demolition of Democracy/ fake-cares 4-U said...

Voting for Democrats = There is something wrong with you.

Quaestor said...

"Kubrick is a pacifist".

Hmmm, I don't think he would have agreed with you.

Skeptical Voter said...

Running in the morning at Ft. Polk in the summer of 1969 chanting "I want to be an Airborne Ranger, I want to lead a life of danger". I'll leave out a verse about "If I die on the Russian front, bury me deep in a Russian ------". 1,000 men each week started 8 weeks of AIT for Light Weapons Infantry MOS. About ` man in each 200 man training company got orders for Germany. The rest went to Viet Nam. Not all came back. But the experience made most of the survivors better people and better citizens. Now that the draft is gone, I doubt that the General Millies of this world could get enough volunteers to fill a phone booth.

Political Junkie said...

My opinion of Stanley just went up.

BUMBLE BEE said...

I came on here to report that I saw a dem election sign today that read,, IIRC "Hate won't make you great". Imagine that!

BUMBLE BEE said...

Too late, it was last year.

narciso said...

Do they think Russian or Chinese basic traijing is any softer its brutal the russians have s word devdochina for their sometimes fatal hazing

Carol said...

Just had a couple grandkids retire from Navy and AF, NCO's, took their pension and GTFO. They hated this stuff. One is making big money for a defense contractor, not sure what the other one is doing.

Gusty Winds said...

You really need to raise your standards Geez Leland. Take it easy. All war movies take a bit of poetic license. The weather during Doolittle's take off bothers you? All I'll say is the average American public school student who is marched around in rainbow parades, can get a pretty good "CliffsNotes" education from Pearl Harbor to Midway. Shit they're not driving home anymore. At a minimum they walk away with know who Dick Best was, and Wade McClusky.

I also thought 2001's "Pearl Harbor" was pretty good. Plus it featured an in her prime, smokin' hot, Kate Beckinsdale.

Saint Croix said...

Well, I googled it and the AI agrees with you. Which is hilarious.

John Ford is very sympathetic to the military, while Kubrick is perhaps the most anti-military filmmaker I know.

Gusty Winds said...

YouTube Interview with Dick Best

He seems like a pretty humble, unassuming guy compared to what he did. Maybe its the age at the time of the interview. He credits the efforts of the intelligence officers for the victory at Midway. as is highlighted in the move.

However, I'm not sure the interview is up the high standards of Siskel and Leland.

Saint Croix said...

Here's a pretty interesting analysis of Full Metal Jacket

RCOCEAN II said...

I"m all for a strong military, and no discrimination against white/Asian men, although the days of Sargent Hartman are well in the past. The problem is we don't need to fight a land war in Euro-Asia and have large numbers of gun-toting Grunts and Marines.

Americans need to wise up. We can't be the world's policeman. We have a zillion dollar deficit. We have a population with zero patriotism. And neither Russia nor China are expansionist powers. There are no "Hitlers" on the march. A strong navy, a strong airforce, and alliances with NATO and friendly pacific powers is all we need.

RCOCEAN II said...

BTW, I"m suprised Kubrick supported Reagan, since all his movies are anti-military and subversive. You can pick out scenes out of context that seem to glorify military values but only if you ignore the rest of films

William said...

Harris should make a counter ad with Chelsea (nee Bradley) Manning. Maybe appear with a Taylor Swift song in the background and Chelsea cutting some dance moves. Chelsea is lean and fit, not like that fat Admiral. She's ready for war and has a more nuanced view of combat than those Navy Seals, many of whom suffer from toxic masculinity. Be all that you can be in the Harris Army. Such an ad might cause many people, especially those in Hamas, to rethink their strategy about confronting the USA.

narciso said...

Reagan wanted to use the military sparingly if needed in the fulda gap
For instance he didnt want to invade a country if he didnt need to

ALP said...

Instead of a woke military, why not a Woke Division? Set aside one division for all the woke policies. When mobilization is required, send them in first.

narciso said...

The film is largely based on gustav hasfords account of basic and deployment to vietnam

BUMBLE BEE said...

I worked with a large contingent of VN combat vets. Fine bunch, as you said.
They stood out.

Dixcus said...

The Obama/Biden/Harris regime is not just a threat to our security ... they are funding America's enemies with our own tax dollars.

They are traitors and should be hung for their war crimes.

Dixcus said...

Was that when she was blowing Willie Brown?

Paul Zrimsek said...

Clockwork Orange man bad.

Democratic Paychecks for Perks/ Dems for Demolition of Democracy/ fake-cares 4-U said...

Gays Against Groomers is a 501(c)4 nonprofit of gays, lesbians, and others in the community who oppose the sexualization, indoctrination, and mutilation of children under the guise of radical “LGBTQIA+” activism. We are moms and dads, couples, siblings, husbands and wives, families and friends, typical gay American men and women who live our lives just like everyone else. Our mission is twofold: to end the war on children being carried out in our name, and to reclaim the community we once called our own, which at this point has become unrecognizable.

What we are witnessing is mass-scale child abuse being perpetuated on an entire generation, and we will no longer sit by and watch it happen. From its inception in 2022, Gays Against Groomers has shut down “family-friendly” drag shows aimed at children, lobbied for bills preventing child abuse and mutilation, given speeches at school board meetings, organized rallies and protests, spoken out from within the community, and endorsed candidates who unequivocally condemn the current state of the gender movement as much as we do.

Gender ideology isn’t just a neo-religious cult; it is biotechnological warfare in drag. Its propaganda machine is relentless, like a multi-headed hydra with claws in every corporate sector. Those in mainstream media who endorse the trans agenda fail to represent the interests and concerns of gay people. This agenda is wreaking havoc in our schools, in our government and legal sector, and in the medical community—at the expense of millions like us who disagree with prioritizing so-called “gender identity” over material reality. We of Gays Against Groomers are determined to put a stop to this insanity once and for all.

narciso said...

Red alert the basis for strangelove was more sober

Democratic Paychecks for Perks/ Dems for Demolition of Democracy/ fake-cares 4-U said...

Peace thru strength = war avoidance.

Bob Boyd said...

My reply to Gusty winds, also censored.
These arrogant bastards think they need to stick their algorithmic beaks into our conversation here on Althouse Blog and decide what we can see and say.
How could somebody be undecided about how to vote? What's it going to take?
And don't tell me Google isn't the government. There is no line between them.

Eva Marie said...

From the movie The Stuntman (With Peter O’Toole)
“Eli Cross: I know a man who made an anti-war movie... a good one. When it was shown in his home town, army enlistment went up six hundred percent.”

Michael K said...

We are a very different country in comparison to 1944, when we built 15 Essex class carriers and invaded a number of islands.

tim in vermont said...

First we were worried that we couldn't build enough warships for the Navy, now we can't get enough sailors to sign up for the ones we build. It's a kind of corruption of our culture, not that I blame the kids. Who wants to go fight and kill people in other countries just to take their stuff and give it to rich friends of the President?

Democratic Paychecks for Perks/ Dems for Demolition of Democracy/ fake-cares 4-U said...

Sen. @AmyKlobuchar
, please define the Democratic Party and the Kamala Harris campaign in one sentence, please.


tim in vermont said...

Kind of like the song "Born in the USA." One thing about normal people is that you can count on them, well, us, to ignore complex "context" and focus on the glory.

TaeJohnDo said...

Peace through superior firepower. On the flight deck flying a mission (I was an AF C-130E Tactical Qualified Navigator in the 80's) no one cared what religion you were, who you slept with or what color your skin was. We only cared that we all did our job and accomplished the mission. And if you fucked up, everyone knew about it because it was brought up at the debrief. I can assure you, your feelings were not part of the equation.

Gravel said...

"Neither Russia nor China are expansionist powers." Russia has been an expansionist power for nearly 1000 years, bud. Any interregnum to that expansion is due to lack of ability, not desire. China is BUILDING FUCKING ISLANDS in the Philippine Sea.

I agree with nearly everything else in your post but that statement is pure unadulterated bullshit.

Democratic Paychecks for Perks/ Dems for Demolition of Democracy/ fake-cares 4-U said...

“We're gonna see like a bus going through Western Wisconsin with — I want you to picture this — Bernie Sanders & Dick Cheney together holding a sign that says brat fall.” @amyklobuchar x.com

uh - what? OK. Good to know Bernie Sanders and Darth Cheney got it going on.

traditionalguy said...

USMC and 82nd Airborne are the primary strength of the United States. Naturally they are targeted by the WOKE INSANITY and DEI.

Democratic Paychecks for Perks/ Dems for Demolition of Democracy/ fake-cares 4-U said...

an arms race is not glamorous - but it is what it is.

n.n said...

Take a knee is a choice. Trust but verify requires an incentive. A weak stature is an invitation to redistributive or retributive change in a world with finitely available and accessible resources and green ambitions. Woke falls under the umbrella Diversity or class-disordered ideologies exacerbate the human condition. #HateLovesAbortion

dbp said...

I attended Marine boot camp about 6 years before Full Metal Jacket came out and was still in the Marine Reserves when I saw the movie. Even though there were some major and minor differences between my boot camp experience and the film, the imagery and vibe were startlingly similar to what I remember. Bear in mind, the film was of the Vietnam-era Marines and I attended, something like a dozen years after that period.

Some of the differences:

--We wore camouflage uniforms.
--I was at MCRD San Diego and the film was set at Paris Island.
--We had 3 drill instructors and I only remember one from the movie--nobody works 24/7, so while possibly good for dramatic purposes, highly unrealistic.
--There were two deaths in our company though not our platoon. Neither were murdered---one was a recruit who has a massive heart attack while on a PT running workout and another recruit drowned in the pool during swim qualifications.
--Shooting instructors kept tight control of ammunition when we were out at the range, so it would be difficult to possess unauthorized ammo. It happened once by accident and became something of an incident. After shooting, we would all go around and collect the brass casings. I came across a live round and put it into my cargo pocket to turn-in later, but then totally forgot about it. A few days later, I rediscovered it and knew that I'd be screwed if I came forward at this late date. So I casually tossed it out the window of the barracks. It was inevitably discovered and there was a major hubbub. Nobody confessed and there wasn't much they could do since the barracks had 6 platoons of 90 men each and they had no idea how long the round had been resting in that location before being found. In retrospect, maybe I should have flushed it down the toilet.