October 23, 2024

"And in quiet conversations, some female Harris supporters can’t shake the uneasy feeling that men in their lives are struggling to support a woman — especially a Black and South Asian woman — even if they don’t want to admit it."

That's the 5th paragraph of the New York Times article "Why Gender May Be the Defining Issue of the Election/The issue is rarely directly addressed by either Vice President Kamala Harris or Donald Trump. But the 2024 contest is, in ways overt and subtle, a referendum on the role of women in American life." 

I wonder how the NYT heard the "quiet conversations" and how, assuming you could hear them, you would know that the interlocutors had a particular feeling and it was unshakable, and how, assuming you would know that, the feelers of the unshaken feeling felt that they knew the contents of the mind of the man in her life, that he both wants to support the woman and doesn't want to admit he's having trouble doing what he thinks he is trying to do.
“If she were a man, would this race be this close?” Gov. Janet Mills of Maine asked a clutch of Democratic women after campaigning for Ms. Harris in suburban Pittsburgh. Joyce Reinoso, one of those women, shot back, “Oh, she would’ve won three weeks ago.”...

If Kamala Harris were a man, she would not have been chosen for Joe Biden's Vice President, and if she were not Vice President, she would not have been the one that the nomination that was stolen from him got handed to. She wouldn't be anywhere near the presidency.


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Yancey Ward said...

Let me clarify the issue for the women writing for the NYTimes- we men would be struggling to support Harrs because she is an idiot.

Democratic Paychecks for Perks/ Dems for Demolition of Democracy/ fake-cares 4-U said...

Making it about gender and skin color - only adds to the hesitancy. so keep it up!

This is about vapidity. 100% vacuous flat tire. ... puppet-strings Kamala. She is someone who was forced down our collective throats without consultation or an actual vote.

Kamala is an insult to everyone's intelligence - (except the loyalist Trump HATE Cultists & Musk obsessed-Musk-hating left. )

Doc g said...

If Kamala Harris were a man, she would not have been chosen for Joe Biden's Vice President, and if she were not Vice President, she would not have been the one that the nomination that was stolen from him got handed to. She wouldn't be anywhere near the presidency.

wow that's quite an admission- She is in your mind the definitive DEI candidate?

Quaestor said...

Bravo, Althouse!

De-bullshitting "The New York Times" is a dirty job, but someone has to do.

Bart Hall (Kansas, USA) said...

Que-Mala Harris will always be the poster child for the utter incompetence of most affirmative action and "diversity" hires. A vapid, clueless cipher with a deep-seated and vicious authoritarian tendency.

Heartless Aztec said...

The Quiet Part: It says a lot that she is close to the Presidency as is. A quiet indictment of the system in general and the Democratic Party in specifics.
My take? The DNC is a criminal organization that should be ruthlessly RICO'd.

typingtalker said...

Ann wrote in part, "I wonder how the NYT heard the "quiet conversations" and how, assuming you could hear them, you would know that the interlocutors had a particular feeling and it was unshakable ... "

The NYT is, as Perry Mason used to say, " ... claiming facts not in evidence."

Democratic Paychecks for Perks/ Dems for Demolition of Democracy/ fake-cares 4-U said...

Walz is that man.

Martin said...

As Darth Vader said: "Search your feelings. You know it to be true."

Lazarus said...

That headline can be read in two or three ways. Men who in their lives are struggling to support a woman, financially or otherwise, especially a Black woman and most especially a South Asian woman, may find Kamala Harris very hard to take.

doctrev said...

One can argue that Kamala Harris is grotesquely unqualified for higher office, but in that respect so is Joe Biden. She was actually fantastic insurance for him, and has basically sabotaged the DNC scheme to replace the Bidens. I'm not entirely sure she isn't an agent for President Trump at this point.

Nonetheless, the chickens are coming home to roost.

narciso said...

Wow mammoth levels of lame

MountainMan said...

It has nothing to do with her race or sex. She is as dumb as a sack of rocks. And Walz is no better. They are the worst presidential ticket in American history.

Wince said...

The transition from "talking points" to "mewling points" has begun.

Achilles said...

If Kamala Harris was a man she would be poor and forgotten.

Kamala Harris is only where she is because she is a woman who serviced men to get ahead.

It is actually pathetic that woman do not realize how much easier the world is for them than it is for men.

Breezy said...

Curious that she’s not asking for votes based on her heritage and gender. I applaud that, actually. I wonder what her campaign team’s reason is for that. She had no problem being VP because of those traits.

tim maguire said...

They are so desperate for the easy answer, the one that will allow them to avoid looking at their own failings.

William said...

I don't remember. Did Tulsi Gabbard win more votes than her in the primary?....I have the feeling that if Tulsi Gabbard were her opponent now, she'd be down by twenty points. For that matter, if Haley was her opponent, she be down by ten. Kamala is charmless, and Democrats are only for her because she's not Donald Trump.

tim maguire said...

Is it an admission? Is there anybody who doesn't know that, if Harris were a man, she would have woken up this morning as a mediocre lawyer in the San Francisco DA's office?

NorthOfTheOneOhOne aka Doug Emhoff's Pimp Hand said...

I wonder how the NYT heard the "quiet conversations" ...

Hmmm, Althouse never got the memo that women, especially childless cat ladies who vote Democrat, have amazing powers like clairvoyance, clairaudience and mind-reading!

Rocco said...

"And in quiet conversations, some female Harris supporters can’t shake the uneasy feeling that men in their lives are struggling to support a woman — especially a Black and South Asian woman — even if they don’t want to admit it."

Why is the Democratic Party such a cesspit of misogyny and racism?

I guess the female Harris supporters are totes OK with the men in their lives not supporting the Irish and Jamaican woman.

tim in vermont said...

This is like that recent Apple experiment using AI where they discovered that AI was not able to ignore extraneous, irrelevant factors in a problem, and if you introduced the irrelevant factors, AI would try to weave them in and get the problem wrong.

"If you mention sex and race, it must be part of the solution to the problem, right? Because if it weren't, why would you mention it?"

Joe Bar said...

What would their reaction be if, say, Condoleezza Rice was running as a Republican?

Rocco said...

"...Gov. Janet Mills of Maine asked a clutch of Democratic women..."

A clutch? As in clutching their pearls?

Narayanan said...

would Harris word salad pass any course taught by professora?
there is your answer

tim in vermont said...

rhhardin says that AI is female. I am not saying that, I have no opinion on the matter, but that's what rhhardin says, and you know what...


tim in vermont said...

I thought that chicks came in clutches. I guess it's better than "coven."

Aggie said...

"If Kamala Harris were a man, she would not have been chosen for Joe Biden's Vice President, and if she were not Vice President, she would not have been the one that the nomination that was stolen from him got handed to. She wouldn't be anywhere near the presidency."

True - painfully true, and equally obvious. The people that don't see this are the tru-blu Democrats that can't afford to see it - their ethos depends upon not seeing it.

RCOCEAN II said...

The weirdest people on the planet have to be white male Democrats. God, what's wrong with them? Are they all getting some graft on side?

Kamala is an AA baby, and everyone knows it. She didn't just get on the ticket beause she female, she was a person of color. The D's now have a Template, their Presidental ticket must have a person of color, and a woman. No more days of two white dudes.

If they have woman at the top, the VP has to be a bland white guy from a purple state who can fake being a regular 'murican. And he has to be so 2nd rate, he doesn't show up the chick at the top.

rehajm said...

I’d support a woman with beneficial productive policies. I’d like that…

RCOCEAN II said...

BTW, can the boomers stop with their, "why by gum, I'll vote for a woman or a black if they were the best person for the job. Goll darn it"

Yeah we know dude. Stop expecting applause - the world has changed.

tim in vermont said...

If Hillary Clinton were a man, she would never have been able to marry a powerful man to give her a boost into politics and a sure shot Senate seat... She would be a title lawyer, if she ever managed to pass the bar.

Somehow the story of the current Dem nominee has a familiar ring... But! We are not supposed to notice.

wild chicken said...

I have no idea who my husband voted for. It sure as hell wasn't Trump though. He doesn't ask me either.

Is that bad?

Moondawggie said...

Let me also add: "If Kamala Harris were a white woman, she would not have been chosen as Joe Biden's Vice President..."

Kai Akker said...

The women I know, including from a church group, have no problem saying they cannot abide Kamala. Not to mention the men. "Course, NYT is grasping at straws. The Dem ticket is the weakest of my lifetime. Weakest, and worst. Low-quality candidates who have zero business being in leadership positions. And too many of their supporters are awful people who seem to get some thrill out of obtaining power over others. What will it take to make this nation get serious about itself again?

narciso said...

They pickec her because shes the worst thats how much contempt they have for us

Leslie Graves said...

There is a way I talk when the other person is saying things I disagree with, and where I see zero point in getting into a debate/fight/argument about it. I say things like "huh", "oh", and "mh-mh" . I also have been on the receiving end of that, when I am saying something that my interlocuter evidently (I conclude at some point) disagrees with but has chosen not to really get into with me. I don't think we always need to be ready, willing, and able to get into it, whatever it is, with others. It's fine to deflect, given your informed assessment of your interlocuter and your situational awareness. It's true that people who are deflecting like this can manifest as being withholding. But are these men withholding the thought, "When you get right down to it, I just don't know that a woman can run the country" or are they withholding the thought, "I have already decided to vote for DJT and I suspect from previous conversations we've had or things I've heard you say that you are unable to believe that someone would vote for him or against her for any reason other than that they are fundamentally a sexist a**hole but in my own well-informed assessment of the contents of my own brain, I am not voting on that factor; there are other factors involved here."

tim in vermont said...

Kamala Harris was the price that Biden had to pay to wrest the nomination from Bernie Sanders. Bernie Sanders is now touring swing states with Darth Cheney stumping for Harris.

William said...

Didn't Obama and Biden recently have a quiet conversation and agree that Kamala was a terrible candidate?

mikee said...

Can you imagine the laughter this article would evoke written about MaggieThatcher? I don't recall the Iron Lady hiding behind her own skirts like this. And all she did was take down the Soviet Union, working as an equal with Reagan & the Pope, against the strong opposition of people like Harris and the entire prog Left, here and abroad.

Kai Akker said...

--- "I wonder how the NYT heard the "quiet conversations" and how, assuming you could hear them, you would know that the interlocutors had a particular feeling and it was unshakable, and"

Great, albeit obvious, questions. So many readers are taken in by these hoary authorial gambits. Answer, she (? paywall) is reporting her own feelings when having coffee with a friend. Or imagining the scene of having coffee with a friend. Anything to be able to give an opinion, sound wise, and get paid.

n.n said...

Gender? Masculine and feminine attributes in politics.

Big Mike said...

“If she were a man, would this race be this close?” Gov. Janet Mills of Maine asked a clutch of Democratic women

Althouse correctly points out that if Harris wasn’t, specifically, a female with some black ancestry (Jim Crow’s “one drop” rises from the trash pile!) she wouldn’t be anywhere close to the nomination. I’ll go a couple steps further and say that if she wasn’t able to appeal to identity group politics (Sisterhood! Blacks!) and dedicated to the rich getting ever-richer on graft and corruption then she wouldn’t even be this close.

One of the worst aspects of feminism since the late 20th century is the continual resorting to a non-existent “Patriarchy” to explain away their own shortcomings and ineptitude. If women want to compete with men then start by shit-canning the excuse-mongering.

n.n said...

Diversity (i.e. class-disordered ideologies): racism, sexism, etc. #HateLovesAbortion

Virgil Hilts said...

I do not like to make jokes about KH's rise to prominence, but it absolutely occurred because she was a beautiful woman. She has no talents and was a horrible administrator. She's been bad at every job she's ever had. She cannot lead a team. She was an awful VP. She is not very bright.

JRoberts said...

I'm sure all the qualified white guys who were smart enough to turn down Harris for the VP slot have already started to assemble their campaign teams and donor lists for 2028.

The rule of Lemnity said...

Another thing (men this time) have to do for love?

Race, gender, culture… some people just can’t kiss those days goodbye.

The rule of Lemnity said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Joe said...

All the manly men supporting Harris in 2024. Why weren't they supporting Harris in 2020?

Drago said...

"I wonder how the NYT heard the "quiet conversations" and how, assuming you could hear them, you would know that the interlocutors had a particular feeling and it was unshakable ... "

Because, as we see with the leftists that post on this blogsite (LLR-democratical Rich/lonejustice, gadfly, P-Inga, Freder, Dumb Lefty Mark, mutaman, etc) the leftists pretend they can read minds and feel free to "fortify" their fake quotes and their hoaxes so however they, the lefties, emotionally interpret an event, particularly "events" that never actually occurred, defines their "reality".

Jamie said...

“If she were a man, would this race be this close?” Gov. Janet Mills of Maine asked... Joyce Reinoso, one of those women, shot back,

without evidence,

“Oh, she would’ve won three weeks ago.”.

tommyesq said...

"If she was a man, would it be this close?"

Let's speculate on that - if Kamala Harris was a man, let's say a white man to take race out of the equation, who had the same or at least very similar governing platforms and philosophies, she would be...

Tim Walz.

Does anyone think Tim Walz would have made this a competitive election if he were the presidential candidate?

gilbar said...

Let's See..
Single Men Support Trump, not Harris...
Married Men Support Trump, not Harris..
Married Women Support Trump, not Harris..
Single Women Support Harris, not Harris..

Yep! Gender is The Defining Issue... As Long As; you define Gender to mean Single Women only vote for Abortion

Aggie said...

Just watching a little of the JD Vance appearance on Theo Von (#540). I gotta say - upon reflection, I was wrong about JD Vance not being the best available pick by Trump. I think he's been a valuable asset in this role - very relatable, very good-humored and humble, down-to-earth - more valuable than if he stuck to the Senate.

After the initial 'but-what-about-his-eyelashes' digs, I haven't heard anything more about the women's perspective - but I bet we'll hear much more after the election is over. The Progressive Democrats tried very hard to sell Tim Walz as 'America's Dad', but that fell flat - he's pretty transparently a bumbling, self-serving creep. Vance? I think this is a different story, with his steadiness and approachability.

tommyesq said...

And yet you are still undecided? Note that if you have chosen to abstain, you are not really undecided.

Kate said...

Let's have some articles about the men intuiting that the women won't vote for Trump because he's a white dude of a certain generation. It cuts both ways.

n.n said...

Quiet conversations: minority report... passive aggressive.

rhhardin said...

An important CV moment was in her employment list: Job, blow.

Drago said...

If Haley were kamala's opponent,, kamala would have already generated an insurmountable polling lead and there would be panic on the republican side that the downballot effects of the Bushite/Globalist/America Last Haley campaign would deliver large majorities for New Soviet Democraticals in both the House and the Senate.

This idea that Haley, who represents EVERYTHING the republican base despises, would somehow be riding high is one of the dumbest ideas that has taken hold of the republican old guard who want a return to the pre-Trump era with its comforting bromides and no-drama capitulations.

Bob Boyd said...

Sounds like the list of loved ones who shouldn't be invited to Thanksgiving dinner is about to get longer.

MadisonMan said...

Harris is a mediocrity. She cannot advocate reasons that she should be President. It's like listening to any sub-par politician who runs for office -- Mandela Barnes and Tom Barrett jump to mind -- who can't articulate why anyone should vote for them.

n.n said...

Trump is a Person of Orange (PoO)... wee wee kan half naan off fat. Diversify.

Bob Boyd said...

It's not an admission. Joe Biden said he would pick a woman of color for his VP and that's what he did.

Howard said...

Super fake filler, triggers great. Althouse Trump supporters eat it up and vomit on their sweaters.

stlcdr said...

How do you know it wasn't Trump? Not that it matters; as long as he throws the lever, it is his decision, as it is yours.

mezzrow said...

OMG. The secret is out. Get ready for the wave of angst.

n.n said...

Boobs are a Litmus Matter (BLM). Little ones, big ones, gender in politics.

Jersey Fled said...

How many women are voting for Kamala for the sole reason that she is a woman?

RideSpaceMountain said...

I think there's a way to solve a battle-of-the-sexes election. I think we should have an only female election. An all-girls election. Only females would be allowed to vote and they could do so and feel really good about who they’re casting their vote for like Hillary, AOC, Taylor Swift, or Minnie Mouse and then they can play with glitter and stickers and talk about boys and stuff while they wait in line to cast their votes, which don’t matter, and the results are actually decided by a pillow fight and consensus reached over chocolate ice cream before they all tuck themselves into sleeping bags for the night.

tommyesq said...

Shorter NYT article - a woman is always everyone's choice over a man, only men won't admit it.

RideSpaceMountain said...

Nah, most of the commenters here can handle rare beef.

n.n said...

Harris is of female sex who identifies as the feminine gender, and she is a paler shade of black present in South Asia. We need a person of male sex who identifies as the feminine gender and is black as onyx. Anything else is less than Diverse.

tommyesq said...

If it runs anything like the WNBA, no one will show up to vote.

M Jordan said...

I suspect many married men whose wives are Harris supporters are secretly pulling the lever for Trump. Those that don’t wish they could but they just don’t have the courage to face the wife’s questions later.

RideSpaceMountain said...

They could entice them with hot chocolate and gift cards to Sephora. They'd be all over that like pumpkin spice on lattes.

Jupiter said...

"She wouldn't be anywhere near the presidency."
I'd say she had as good a shot as Monica Lewinsky.

AlbertAnonymous said...

“If she were a man, would this race be this close?”

Nope. He’d have been demolished already and Trump would be winning in a landslide.

Michael said...

Two words: Margaret Thatcher. Two more words: Condoleezza Rice. Men will vote for a woman of that caliber. Condi probably could have been elected (as an actually Black, female, Republican) if she had wanted the aggravation.

n.n said...

Men, women, and our Posterity are from Earth. Feminists are from Venus. Masculinists are from Mars. Social progressives are from Uranus. Albinos are celebrated with hate in parades. Throw another baby... fetus on the barbie, it's over.

Oh Yea said...

This is such BS. If there was some reliable way to measure, I would bet a large amount of money that many more women are voting for Harris just because she is a woman than men who voting against her just because she is a woman. Not saying they don't exist but even in the most private moments I have not heard one man say they weren't going to vote for Kamala because she was a woman, black or Asian. It is very easy to find women of all political persuasions who say they are voting for her because she is a woman, usually stated "It is time for a woman".

I see few people making serious arguments that Kamala Harris is qualified based on based on background. The arguments being made for voting her are "she is A woman", "it is time for A women" and "she IS NOT Trump". By that criteria there are millions of women who are just as qualified.

GRW3 said...

Men who can see what a mediocrity Que?Mala is, avoid wife/partner questions about her as they fall in the "Does this dress make me look fat?" category.

n.n said...

Quiet Quilting in a Silent Spring.

Skeptical Voter said...

The woman in my life--my wife of 59 years--knows that Kamala's gender and ethnicity doesn't have a thing to do with my not voting for Kamala. I would have voted for Condi Rice in a New York minute. Kamala never won a single vote in a Presidential primary, and yet here she is--the offering of the Democrat party. No thanks.

AlbertAnonymous said...

And now she’s suddenly “black and south Asian”. So we’re trying to get another DEI lift? And why “south Asian” rather than Indian? Serious question. Who gets to decide the adjective and what does the choice say about the writer and/or the NYT?

EAB said...

Gotta say, Yancey said it all for me. The more I know about/see of Harris, the worse my opinion is of her. I don't like her economic views, her foreign policy attitudes (which I realize have no foundation and sway with the wind.) She’s the female Bill DeBlasio…or Bill was the male Kamala. Arrogant, entitled, incompetent and lazy. And she lies. Trump has a rap for lying. If one criticizes Trump for that, then one should also despise her.

Michael Fitzgerald said...

How about a Jew, brother? Would you vote for a Jew who was the best person for the job?

Mason G said...

All the manly men supporting Harris in October, 2024. Why weren't they supporting Harris in May, 2024?

EAB said...

I can’t shake the uneasy feeling that this election is making women look stupid.

Dixcus said...

She is either:

1) Retarded (in the legal sense of the word ... being of very low IQ)
2) A drunk

I do not want our nation run by either of those.

If she was elected, she simply wouldn't be allowed to run the country any more than Joe Biden was allowed to (i.e., he wasn't.) Shadowy people BEHIND Kamala Harris would be running the country and that simply wouldn't be true with Donald Trump as President.

And the McDonalds thing really, really resonates with people. She claims she worked there and in the same breath won't tell us when, for how long, who her boss was, the names of any of her co-workers.

She's transparently lying in EXACLTY the same way that someone else lied that turned men off horribly:

Christine Blasey Ford

Men are sick and tired of being falsely accused of rape by these women and Kamala Harris' McDonalds lie reminds us of Christine Blasey Ford. She claimed Brett Kavanaugh raped her.

Wouldn't say when. Wouldn't say how. Wouldn't even say what year. Because of course, then people could FACT CHECK those lies.

Harris is cut from the same cloth. She's never getting a real man's vote.

RideSpaceMountain said...

Remember that the answer to "does this dress make me look fat?" is always "that dress makes you look beautiful." Pull a reverse-lawyer, instead of trying to define specifics speak in subjective generalities.

Bob Boyd said...

In quiet conversations, some female Harris supporters admit they are struggling to support Kamala Harris.

Are these women sexists or racists?
A) Both
B) All of the above

n.n said...

There are women struggling to take a knee for social progress. Diversitists' beliefs notwithstanding, while persons of the female sex share the feminine gender, they are not a bloc act.

The rule of Lemnity said...


n.n said...

They are Diversitists or class-disordered ideologues (e.g. racist, sexist).

RideSpaceMountain said...

"I can’t shake the uneasy feeling that this election is making women look stupid."

You're insulting this election. This election was not an accomplice and pleads not guilty, your honor.

Ampersand said...

In quiet conversations, men express shocked disbelief that so many women are so focused upon their dissatisfaction with their lives as women that they feel obliged to vote like gullible nitwits.

Dixcus said...

The truth is that these conversations are occurring amongst the almost-entirely female staffers in the New York Times' newsroom. That's how they are overhearing them.

Mason G said...

"The Progressive Democrats tried very hard to sell Tim Walz as 'America's Dad', but that fell flat - he's pretty transparently a bumbling, self-serving creep."

Maybe not a "creep", but that's how progressives see males. Take a look at just about any TV show or commercial to see how dads, whites in particular, are portrayed.

gilbar said...

BAD NEWS for all the single girls!
Witches Claim They're Finding It Too Hard to Cast Spells Against Trump Because of Some 'Protection'
In the subreddit "r/WitchesVsPatriarchy," user "feelmycocobeats" claims that witches have been mentioning that doing spells "directly against tRump are not as effective as we might hope as he seems to have some kind of protection around him."

I can't help but wonder if the witches casting "spells" against Trump stopped to question where that "protection" might be coming from.

rehajm said...

I get the impression the propaganda isn’t connecting with Ann anymore 😂

Dixcus said...

Mondale-Ferraro was worse, but these two are close.

Walz is a barely-closeted gay and Harris is an actual prostitute.

We can do much better.

Dixcus said...

If she was a man, she'd be working behind a Wendy's.

Balfegor said...

I wonder how the NYT heard the "quiet conversations" and how, assuming you could hear them, you would know that the interlocutors had a particular feeling and it was unshakable,

The authors of the piece are female, and because they are writers at the NYT, they're probably Harris supporters. And they likely know lots of other Harris supporting women. That's a network they are almost certainly plugged into, so I don't think there's that much mystery about how they are hearing these quiet conversations. They're probably active participants.

and how, assuming you would know that, the feelers of the unshaken feeling felt that they knew the contents of the mind of the man in her life, that he both wants to support the woman and doesn't want to admit he's having trouble doing what he thinks he is trying to do.

They probably do feel they know what the men in their lives are thinking. They may be quite mistaken, though -- their husbands, boyfriends, brothers, fathers, and sons may just be wondering how to maintain plausible deniability about their vote for Trump, to avoid a tantrum. Do you just lie and say you voted for Harris? Maybe? Is that the best strategy here?

Meade said...

“ If Kamala Harris were a man, she would not have been chosen for Joe Biden's Vice President”

True. But if she were a man who transitioned into a woman, she still wouldn’t be Bari Obama.

MadTownGuy said...

The DNC has been making gender (however it is variously defined) the defining issue at least since Geraldine Ferraro was nominated for Veep. They shouldn't be surprised that it has come to alienate a lot of people of both genders.

pacwest said...

I guess this means the you ain't black thing isn't working out for them. I don't think the misogyny attack is going to fare any better. Next up - those loathsome Republicans hate middle class lawns.

I absolutely love this election cycle! More fun than a barrel of monkeys. It's like a circus clown car with an endless stream of clowns. I'm living in a constant state of bemusement. Whee!

Amadeus 48 said...

If Kamala Harris were Margaret Thatcher, she would have the support of many men, but not these women. If she were Marsha Blackburn, Katie Britt, Shelley Moore Capito, Susan Collins, Joni Ernst, Deb Fischer, Cindy Hyde-Smith, Cynthia Lummis, or Lisa Murkowski (assuming she were running as a Republican), she would not have the support of these women, and they would urge their husbands to vote against them.
This is partisanship dolled up as social insight and sexual politics.

Aught Severn said...

Heh, we are WA residents and compared omniballots last night after emailing them in. We actually agreed on two of the ballot initiatives... and nothing else. But she is from NJ and claims to not like Trump on general principle due to his past business dealings. Being from CA, I neither knew nor cared about any of those alleged east coast shenanigans.

But it's not like my vote matters in WA state. Liberal King County (aka, Seattle) always wins! At least Inslee is finally leaving, that guy was a tool.

wendybar said...

The ONLY reason she was even picked to be VP was BECAUSE of her color and gender. There is no mistaking their little checked boxes. She should claim to be an immigrant, and transgender, and she would have it in the bag.

Dude1394 said...

Keep calling all black and hispanic men sexist bigots. No matter that she was ONLY installed because she is a "black" female.

PM said...

Considering the immense water-wings provided by Barack and Bill, her loss will end in political banishment. The Clown Princess of 2024.

Democratic Paychecks for Perks/ Dems for Demolition of Democracy/ fake-cares 4-U said...

Think you're missing the national mood. Only rich white leftists think Obama is still dreamy.
Too bad Obama won't invite his great unwashed loyalists to this many mega-mansions. George Clooney only.

The Vault Dweller said...

"...Gov. Janet Mills of Maine asked a clutch of Democratic women..."</i?

I believe the group name for a group of Democratic women is a menace. A menace of Democratic women shared their disapproval about the men in their lives.

Aught Severn said...

"Would you vote for Sarah Palin if she were the top of the GOP ticket? No? Why not? And those are the same reasons why I am not voting for Kamala Harris"

Forces them to argue against themselves and shortcuts the sexist/racist baloney.

Meade said...

Now if Trump transitions into a woman, we will finally have our first woman president.

Meade said...

Now if Trump transitions into a woman, we will finally have our first woman president.

n.n said...

A bloc of Democratic women is a murder. Caw, caw, Kamala.

Meade said...

Donna Trump: The Orange Iron Lady

n.n said...

My feminine gender partner won't take a knee. Why can't she be more like Kamala?

My wife finds it difficult to vote for Wakz. Does that make her a misandrist?

The Vault Dweller said...

She's not stupid, she's just not smart. Folks who regularly, and typically only, spend time around other people that are 115 IQ +, forget what typical, average 100 IQ people are like. I think in her case a lot of her tendencies were exacerbated by the soft bigotry of low expectations. When people around you smile, nod, and say, "YAASSSS QUEEN!" at your sophomoric profundities, you keep babbling them. Given her age, Kamala Harris is probably at the leading edge of the wave of women and minorities who were the 'beneficiaries' of Affirmative Action their whole educational and professional lives. Perhaps this is should be viewed as a warning as to what those policies can produce.

RideSpaceMountain said...

Doubt it. I foresee a 2025 Altantic op-ed, "Why Kamala Harris won't 'Just Go Away?'"

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

“If she were a man, would this race be this close?”

What a dumb statement, one I am tired of hearing because it makes all women look dumber to have such clueless spokespeople.

n.n said...

Vote for PoO. Diversify.

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

Which is exactly why we also opposed her boss. Duh.

Disparity of Cult said...

She doesn't want a quiet conversation

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

Electing Obama didn't buy Americans any goodwill from these assholes with their race and gender hangups.

wendybar said...

I guess you be prouder if he voted for Communism???

Steve said...

So if a twist of fate had resulted in Nikki Haley as the GOP candidate and she lost to a not-yet-exposed Biden, would that still be SEXISM!? If Hsrris loses it will be because people wince when they read/hear her word salad answers to questions.

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

Truth bomb

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

Yes and that's Trump selecting the best available veep.

Patrick Henry said...

She said she'd do nothing different from Biden. Well, I didn't and wouldn't vote for him, either.

Give me a Margaret Thatcher and I'd vote for a "she" in a heartbeat. I've voted 3rd party for women in the past and if one comes along with policy positions I can support I'd vote for a woman again.

I just won't vote for a Democrat or leftist, or communist, or progressive , or lightweight hack... and especially not someone who didn't actually get the support of the people of her party to get where she is.

wendybar said...

That's what bothers me the most. That this lazy woman, who got her jobs because of her service of rich men, and climbed up the ladder because of her gender and color only, is NOT representative of women, any more than 1/2 black commie Obama is not representative of a black man that I would ever support. There are many examples of both sexes that I would have LOVED to have gotten the nomination and the Presidency....but these two are ruining it for the rest of us.

wendybar said...

NOBODY is as Dreamy as Obama/ SNARK!!!

Aggie said...

He don't have to transition. According to the 'rules', all he has to do is claim that he identifies as a woman, and Presto ! The culture demands immediate, total, and unwavering acceptance. Can't wait to see her hairdo.

chuck said...

Live by DEI, die by DEI.

Iman said...

“the soft bigotry of low expectations” coupled with extremely poor performance is not a winning combination.

Iman said...

“if Hillary Clinton were a man” she’d be a Men’s Wearhouse-suited Pantload.

Bob Boyd said...

There was a man
Donna was her name
And since she won the election
The Republican Party has never been the same
Oh Donna
Oh Donna

n.n said...

Calming consensus. Quiescent queries. Silent supposition.

Narayanan said...

in the gender reversed mock debate between Trump and Hillary we already had woman president

n.n said...

Transgender spectrum... sexual orientation.

n.n said...

IED. Boom!

rhhardin said...

East Asians (Japan, China, Korea) are the smart ones.

D.D. Driver said...

If she were a man Willie Brown would not have been interested and her resume would be much less "impressive."

rehajm said...

That sounds…rusty…

rhhardin said...

If you want top managerial talent, it won't be a woman.

rehajm said...

Clearly the data they pay for is telling them she has a man problem…

Former Illinois resident said...

If Harris were a white man, he/she would NEVER have received the nominations in the first place - not as Biden's VP, not as Biden's replacement on Democratic Party ticket for President. People are afraid of not verbal expressing "joyful" support of Harris, for quite real fears of being labeled as a "sexist" or a "racist". It's a lived experience of "Empress has No Clothes", where her obvious incompetence and lack of preparation, her blatant DEI personal resume and weak performances to-date, indicate she is a terrible choice.

Alison said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
BG said...

I have a friend who will. We don’t discuss politics anymore.

AndrewV said...

Kamala Harris was the first candidate to drop out of the 2020 Democratic primary race on December 3, 2019. Seeing that was before the Iowa caucus, I would say the Tulsi Gabbard got more primary votes than Kamala Harras.

The Cracker Emcee Refulgent said...

Exactly. The fact is Republicans would crawl over broken glass to vote for a truly conservative woman of color. And Democrats would vilify her mercilessly.

Jess said...

Sex has little to do with leadership. Introducing it in a discussion is nonsense.

Former Illinois resident said...

Kamala Harris, the white man's burden. Ask Joe and Jill Biden; they've been atoning for their past political sins ever since Harris was forced upon them as price for 2020 presidential tap. Harris wasn't the loyal VP that Biden was for Obama. Harris was plotting her ascension since the day she cake-walked on to the Biden ticket, and actively crusaded to replace Biden for 2nd term nomination. Ever since Aug coup, Biden has been passive-aggressively slighting Harris at every opportunity, while Harris blatantly ignores him.

More interesting than HBO series.

John Webster said...

I submitted this comment to the NYT over two hours ago. It has not yet been approved; several dozens other comments submitted after I submitted mine have already been published.

"From Ann Althouse, a retired law professor at the University of Wisconsin-Madison:

"If Kamala Harris were a man, she would not have been chosen for Joe Biden's Vice President, and if she were not Vice President, she would not have been the one that the nomination that was stolen from him got handed to. She wouldn't be anywhere near the presidency."

Also, to put the free menstrual products in Minnesota schools issue into full context, the controversy is about putting tampons in BOYS bathrooms for transgender boys."

Temujin said...

Oh my God. People cannot get their heads around conservatives or any people right of center. Not just now, but it's been going on for years.
We're fine with strong women. We're fine with most all women, except for White Progressive women.
We have no issue whatsoever with a COMPETENT woman running for and taking office as President. But what you've offered up is a leftover from the Dem DEI machine that their own rank and file wouldn't vote for.

If you wouldn't vote for her when you had other Democratic party choices, don't expect any of us to vote for her for any reason, especially after having watched and listened to her for years now.

No one looks at her and sees a shining example of a strong, competent, brilliant woman. I see that in my wife. My sister. Kamala couldn't hold their shoes. So don't tell me I hate women because I'm not willing to vote for the worst possible example of a competent woman placed in front of us.

Paul Zrimsek said...

Sister, the woman he's struggling to support is you. Isn't that enough?

Megthered said...

Everyone knows she wouldn't be anywhere near DC if she were a man. She's not smart enough to be a good lawyer, she would marry a rich man and never lawyer again. She would be a Karen.

jae said...

Old Joe laid it out- He wanted a black woman as VP. That made competency the third (at BEST) consideration. That is the absolute essence of DEI.

BarrySanders20 said...

A "clutch of chicks" is correct. And a "colony of beavers" if that fits.

For you Badger fans, it's a "cete of badgers." Cete is perhaps from Latin "coetus," meaning "assembly."

Here's Yer List of Names for Groups of Different Animals

hawkeyedjb said...

"...a referendum on the role of women in American life."

A referendum on the role of stupid women. Here's my stance - none of them should be president.

traditionalguy said...

Flim Flam time at the NYT. The Soros boys are about to lose their stolen Presidency.

traditionalguy said...

Flim Flam time at the NYT. The Soros boys are about to lose their stolen Presidency.

Flat Tire said...

Yes! As a woman it's just horrifying.

The rule of Lemnity said...

Komrade Harris displayed awful political instincts with the "Jesus is Lord" heckler. If this is how she handles the easy stuff, the stuff you try to do first in a long test, how the heck is she prepared to handle the hard stuff? The truly unpredictable stuff.

donald said...

Walz radiates creepy child molester “coach”.

loudogblog said...

The main way that gender is a defining issue in this race is that Democrats are trying to pressure people into voting for Harris specifically because she is a woman. They can no longer make the case that she's competent and qualified to be president, because Harris has proven that she isn't. (Especially lately) It's less than two weeks until the election and she's still hiding behind only doing appearances in friendly territory. I read that she turned down the opportunity to be on Rogan's podcast and her only campaign event today is a CNN town hall. (And she didn't have any campaign events yesterday.) Harris isn't putting in the time and effort to win and blaming everyone around her for her failing campaign.

Leland said...

Late to this party, but damn. Good on you, Althouse. That last statement is the crux of the gender issue in this election, full stop.

It’s not about supporting a woman rather than a man. It is about supporting a candidate that was put on the ballot the way Kamala got there. Simply voting for Kamala because of her sex makes insignificant the value of the democratic process because it was ignored by the DNC.

Quaestor said...

This dropped in my inbox just this morning -- From: The Spectator World, Re: Kamala shows her stern side in NBC interview

My immediate reaction: How nice of "The Spectator" to use a more discrete word than ass.

Greg The Class Traitor said...

"And in quiet conversations, some male Trump supporters can’t shake the uneasy feeling that women in their lives are struggling to support a man — especially a white man — even if they don’t want to admit it, and even though his opponent is a babbling idiot."
FIFY, New York Times

JaimeRoberto said...

I would gladly vote for an American Margaret Thatcher, and you wouldn't need a quiet conversation to hear about it.

hombre said...

Me to NYT: "Maybe the issue needs tweaking. The relatively small number of men who will vote against Harris because she a woman are vastly outnumbered by women who will vote for her because she is a woman. It is more likely that men will vote against her because she is an insubstantial candidate who is inept on issues of importance to us. Despite the media's unprecedented and absurd demonizing of Trump, he is better on the issues of substance. If gender were not in play, he would win easily."

hombre said...

Me to NYT: "Maybe the issue needs tweaking. The relatively small number of men who will vote against Harris because she a woman are vastly outnumbered by women who will vote for her because she is a woman. It is more likely that men will vote against her because she is an insubstantial candidate who is inept on issues of importance to us. Despite the media's unprecedented and absurd demonizing of Trump, he is better on the issues of substance. If gender were not in play, he would win easily."

BUMBLE BEE said...

There are many questions dems are confronting this election cycle...


Barry wonders how America got sooooo divided.

BUMBLE BEE said...

Blind in one eye and can't see out the other?

walter said...

Kamala drank a beer!

Quaestor said...

Lemnity writes, "Komrade Harris displayed awful political instincts with the "Jesus is Lord" heckler."

Quite so, but it's far worse than that. Her "wrong rally," reply betokens a mind that hasn't matured beyond the limits of a high school mean girl. With only a modicum of maturity and insight she could have elevated herself into respectability. Imagine the effect if she had said, "Sir, this is America. We have a constitution and a culture that seeks to keep religion and politics in separate spheres."

JaimeRoberto said...

"Married Women Support Trump, not Harris.." Just goes to show they are oppressed by their husbands. Hence some of the tweets in recent days about "Your husband will never know that you voted for Harris."

JaimeRoberto said...

Walz is America's Dad if you have two dads.

The rule of Lemnity said...

JD Vance displayed much better instincts at his rally - LINK

Mr. T. said...


More concern trolling and BS from the fetid Left who refuse to acknowledge basic biological realities of the sexes, and are concurrent whining that leftist male incels cosplaying as women cannot give legitimate female athletes concussions without impunity.

Mr. T. said...

Noting wrong with sweaters. You and your fellow leftwing incels can keep your programing socks.

Leora said...

I like to think that someone like Beto O Rourke, a similar fake who lies about their positions would lose just as badly. If she is in fact losing which is hard to tell from the very close polling.

BUMBLE BEE said...

Lefty men are hesitant to point out that their women didn't choose Kamala in to be the presidential candidate?. How could that be?

Yancey Ward said...

LLRs like Bich is a "Bag of Dicks
Gadflies "Turd of Maggots".

William50 said...

I am a registered Independent and would have absolutely no problem voting for a woman for president regardless of race, creed or color as long as she had proven ability for the position. So far Kamala has shown, to me at least, no such ability. Far from it. AOC, who I am no fan of, appears to have more than Kamala so what does that tell you?

To the best of my knowledge Kamala Harris has never received one single Democratic primary vote. When she ran for president in 2020 she dropped out before the first primary, and obviously wasn't on the primary ballot for 2024. I could be wrong but I don't think so. The fact that she is now the Democratic candidate is an excellent example of the Democratic version of democracy in action. If this is the democracy that Trump is a threat to I say good on him.

Balfegor said...

Re: Aggie:

Progressive Democrats tried very hard to sell Tim Walz as 'America's Dad', but that fell flat - he's pretty transparently a bumbling, self-serving creep.

I don't think he's a creep. Like most politicians , he's just engaged in constant self promotion and has exaggerated various elements of his generally pretty mundane biography in the process. But I do think he's playing a character in front of Democratic audiences. I don't think he's so ignorant that he doesn't understand the idea of venture capital, for example. But Democrats picked him because they wanted him to appeal to their idea of rural working class yokels, so that's the character he's playing. With mixed success (see, e.g. his discomfort loading his rifle on camera) because it's not a role he's entirely comfortable in. But that's the song and dance the Harris team wanted.

Christopher B said...

I'm sure it's happened but I don't remember anybody making a big deal that men would vote against a Republican candidate because she was a woman, and rarely if ever do I hear any comments that women should vote for a Republican candidate because woman, as the kids say. In fact I remember a lot of insinuation that men viewed Sarah Palin positively for entirely puerile reasons. (wink, IFYKWIM)

Almost invariable these charges come out when a female Democrat candidate is in trouble, even though it's widely known that Democrat candidates of both sexes have trouble attracting male voters, which leads me to note again that if a female Democrat is having trouble attracting male voters, the logical place to look for the sexism is in the voters that should be aligned with her political views.

The rule of Lemnity said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
walter said...

Media in the tank for her, vastly outspending Trump...still, just can't be the candidate.

Earnest Prole said...

How can we support a woman when we really don’t even know what one is?

The rule of Lemnity said...

In the quiet conversations to sac Biden and give the nom to Kamala, did anybody express any uneasy feelings about her approvals? Or was the decision made without consultation?

If Kamala loses, will party boss Obama suffer any consequence?

Ralph L said...

Straighten up!

DarkHelmet said...

I think there are a lot of women who dislike Trump because he reminds them of a man or a type man they despise.

It's probably also fair to say that there are a lot of men who dislike Harris because she reminds them of a woman or type of woman they despise.

It isn't necessarily a specific thing that bothers them -- just a general revulsion.

In neither case is the root issue sexism or racism. A lot of people who don't like Harris would happily vote for, say, Condi Rice, or Nikki Haley, both of whom are IMHO more likable than Harris (or Hillary, for that matter.)

Iman said...


doctrev said...

I'll field this one. Given the presence of backstabbing enthusiasts like Bret Stephens, Jen Rubin, Mona Charen, David Frum, and Bill Kristol, obviously rcocean would never endorse one! The exception might be Jared Kushner for a legendary diplomatic effort in the Middle East, but he's not rejoining the Administration and at any rate Israel is a major diplomatic liability in the Middle East now.

Tucker Carlson and Candace Owens are the canary in the coal mine: Jews love the Democrats and normal Americans are not down for another Middle East sacrifice.

dbp said...

"And in quiet conversations, some female Harris supporters can’t shake the uneasy feeling that men in their lives are struggling to support a woman — especially a Black and South Asian woman — even if they don’t want to admit it."

Maybe there's another feeling available, one which views men more charitably but comes at the cost of requiring some self-reflection.

Maybe the men in your lives would be delighted to finally have the chance to vote for the best person and have the pleasure of having that person be a woman. What they are more likely struggling with is whether to enjoy the voting for a woman part, but at the cost of knowing that they like the other guy better.

My question for these women: What do you think the men in your lives would think, if they knew that the women in their lives think they are sexist and racist?

Perhaps reflect: Are you voting for Harris because you always vote Democratic? If your men voted for Obama and for Hillary Clinton, maybe you should wonder if lack of support for Harris has something to do with traits which have nothing to do with race of sex.

mccullough said...

The next time the Dems pick a female nominee, ensure she didn’t flunk the bar exam. Men like competence

Mason G said...

Does he have to transition? I distinctly remember hearing that all that's needed is to claim to be one, and that's good enough.

The rule of Lemnity said...

"And in quiet conversations, some female Harris supporters can’t shake the uneasy feeling that men in their lives are struggling to support a woman... even if they don’t want to admit it."

Bidenomics has been a total disaster.

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