October 7, 2024

"After a year of the terrible, terrible conditions he has suffered, I don’t know if he will want to continue living as he did before. But if he does, it’s all waiting for him when he comes home."

Writes Idit Ohel, in "A Year Ago Today, Terrorists Stole My Son/My oldest child went to a music festival. Then Hamas murdered his friends—and dragged Alon into Gaza" (Free Press).


Democratic Paychecks for Perks/ Dems for Demolition of Democracy/ fake-cares 4-U said...

The War Machine Democrat Party Fund Iran. Therefore, the War machine left (Cheney approved) fund Hamas and Hezbollah.

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

It'd be awesome if we had a president who was as concerned about innocent people kidnapped by terrorists as he was about a basketball players who smuggled drugs into Russia.

Narayanan said...

so kid went to music festival for peace with Hamas and found out what is all about?

Robert Marshall said...

On the one hand, decent, civilized people. On the other, murderous savages. How can the world support the savages?

Democratic Paychecks for Perks/ Dems for Demolition of Democracy/ fake-cares 4-U said...

American war machine funds Iran.

RideSpaceMountain said...

"After a year of the terrible, terrible conditions he has suffered, I don’t know if he will want to continue living as he did before."

It's not a question of want. When you go through something like that the very definition of "normal" changes. The things you can't unsee might take up less and less space in the mind as time goes on, but they never disappear. It will always be with him, forever.

Dave Begley said...

JD Vance made a great point today on Fox & Friends. If Biden would have sent the advanced weapons to Israel early on, the war would be over. Bidens two-faced policy has only prolonged the war and kept the hostages from returning home.

The absolutely incompetence of Biden-Harris has made life much worse for people all around the world.

A local bar, restaurant and music venue owner was complaining on FB about sales this last week. The reason is that after 3.75 years of inflation, people are financially exhausted. Going out to eat and attending a concert - even at reasonable prices - are near luxury goods and the first things to get cut from a budget.

Democratic Paychecks for Perks/ Dems for Demolition of Democracy/ fake-cares 4-U said...

How sad we live in a banana republic now. Vance is not allowed to say that on any of the Pro-Democrat Party Industrial Complex Media /State run- outlets.

wildswan said...

The Times of Israel, CBS, the NYT and other media outlets have published several stories in which missing men and women thought to be hostages in Gaza turn out to have been killed on October 7. Their bodies were taken into Gaza and Hamas allowed their families to think through long agonized months that their children were alive and might come back.
So that's the kind of thing Hamas does.




The rule of Lemnity said...

He could come out wanting to fight for his captors… see Stockholm museum.

Mary Beth said...

The price of going out to dinner is a big part of the reason people are staying home, but I have a second one - the other patrons. People seem to have forgotten how to behave and the businesses don't put a stop to rude, rowdy behavior.

Concerts are just overpriced and allowing reselling of tickets just makes it worse. Still, I'll save to pay for a concert. I prefer not to waste my money on dining out.

Meade said...


Michael K said...

The families, in some cases, are not helping by demanding a cease-fire now. Of, course, those kids at the "rave" were peaceniks so the families are anti Bibi

Quaestor said...

"He could come out wanting to fight for his captors… see Stockholm museum."

Which one of ten do you recommend? I'd choose the Vasa.

Relax, I kid, I kid... (where's my cigar?) AI is to blame, obviously. Nevertheless, the so-call Stockholm syndrome is nothing but labelling usurping analysis. Nils Bejerot got a nice check for less than nothing.

If anyone ought to "see Stockholm museum" it Lemnity himself, then he might see the absolute non-correspondence of that botched bank robbery by a pair of absurdly incompetent career criminals and the genocidal neo-Nazis called HAMAS. Hint: the key difference is the shared goal of the Swedish hostages and the Swedish hostage-takers -- to get safely out of that bank vault. There is no common ground between an Israeli and a member of HAMAS, unless one or both are gibbering lunatics.

narciso said...

Why hasnt the red cross visited them

Quaestor said...

"Of, course, those kids at the "rave" were peaceniks so the families are anti Bibi"

The Nova event has been characterized as a "trace party" rather than a rave. One can imagine the atmosphere, many of those killed by the HAMAS shiteaters were too stoned to navigate out of the parking lot. From the first rockets appearing overhead to the arrival of the Gazan gunmen was over two hours, yet only a handful considered leaving, even after the Hungarian DJ had stopped the music and announced the cancellation of further festivities. Many of the victims could only have cooperated more with their murderers by shooting themselves.

Dave Begley said...

The place I was referring to is Buck's in Venice, NE. Very reasonable food and drink prices. Tickets for shows are $10-$15.

Ann Althouse said...

Please do not comment about the spam filter catching your comments. I can't control it, I will get to them eventually, and nothing is solved by publishing comments about comments... except when it's me advising you not to do it.

Quaestor said...

The Nova event has been characterized as a "trace party"

Stupid typo on my part. It was a TRANCE party, IOW a party with lots of ecstasy (MDMA), pot, 'shrooms, and other hallucinogens taken in crazy doses. Basically a "Burning Man" event without Californians. Though silly and ultimately deadly, the dearth of Venice Beach types was a big plus for the "Nova Peace and Love" brouhaha.

wildswan said...

Official information from the Israel government comes fro briefings by an Admiral Hagari. He is a very clever, well-briefed, upper-echelon guy who can make statements that are clear to other upper echelon people. Other governments know exactly what the Israelis are trying to tell them. But do American college students and the young people around the world have a person similarly addressing their concerns?
The young people have a new form of anti-semitism in which Jews are "settler-colonialists", invaders of Israel. I can only suppose that Jews think this is so obviously wrong that it does not need to be answered. At any rate, they do not answer it. This is a mistake. This is a cover story, if you will, hiding the usual slime-form of anti-semitism beneath it. But it is hiding it quite successfully. This is what allows anti-semitism to flourish on campus - the words are not words of contempt for Jews as such but for Jews and Americans as "settler-colonialists."
The Jews lived in Israel under Jewish political organization for 2000 years before the Romans ended it in 135 AD. The Roman Empire then renamed the administrative unit of Judea, Palestine. The Moslem Empire conquered the area in 635 AD and retained the name Palestine for the adminstarive unit. The English conquered the Ottoman Empire and retained the name Palestine for the imperial administrative unit. The Jews gained control of the Palestine administrative unit in 1948 and called it Israel which was one of the names of the old Jewish Kingdom.
During the entire period from 135 AD on, Jews continued to live in Israel but they did not have political control. They were a minority. Romans, Moslems and Christians called the area by the name, Palestine, given it by imperial conquerors and settlers. The Jews called it by one of its indigenous names.
The Jews continue to read the Bible which was written in Israel and they interpret it in order to know how to live. That is a continuous, indigenous tradition maintained even through a 2000 year exile.
Thus the Jews are indigenous wheras anyone who calls themselves Palestinian is identifying with a non-indigenous imperial tradition.
American college students who support Palestine should be confronted with these facts because their reason for supporting Palestine is that its people are the indigenous people. This provides cover for hidden anti-semitism which would manifest itself if the settler-colonial theory in relation to Israel were properly challenged. But though the Israelis see why man like Admiral Hagari is needed for upper echelon communications they don't see a need for real communication on the settler-colonial issue. Hence the wide spread unchecked anti-Israel movement.
Nor is it simple to answer the settler-colonialists on Israel without calling into question the existence of the USA, Canada, Australia. The anti-semites are a part of a new history and we need one that answers it.
It's no use pretending otherwise and I am sure it can be done. Because the settler-colonialist theory also calls into question all the countries of Central and South America, and Cuba, and all the tiny little, Russian "republics" and China in relation to Taiwan and India in relation to the Tamils and Burma in relation to the Rohils ... and Kenya is oppressing some small tribes ... and what is the status of Hispanics and Blacks in relation to tribes which have completely disappeared? and so on. The answer is not "back to 1491." Maybe the new university in Texas could look into the issue

Mason G said...

"Concerts are just overpriced and allowing reselling of tickets just makes it worse."

Nobody *has* to attend a concert- it's not a life-or-death proposition. If people are willingly paying for the tickets, they're not overpriced. Price controls don't solve the problem (if it even is one) of some people valuing something more than others.

Just sayin'.