October 8, 2024

"About 3.3 percent of high school students identify as transgender and another 2.2 percent are questioning their gender identity..."

"... according to the first nationally representative survey on these groups, published by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention on Tuesday.... This small group of young people has drawn outsize and often harsh political attention across the country.... In the C.D.C.’s survey, transgender and gender-questioning students reported feeling worse than even cisgender girls, who have drawn national attention to a crisis in mental health among young people.... Previous estimates of the number of transgender teenagers in the United States were considerably lower than 3.3 percent..."

From "3% of American High Schoolers Identify as Transgender, First National Survey Finds/A survey by the C.D.C. found high rates of sadness, bullying and suicide attempts among transgender and gender-questioning teenagers "(NYT).

I was surprised to see the phrase "This small group." I think it's a very large group.

I was also surprised by the phrase "worse than even cisgender girls." 


Aught Severn said...

I was also surprised by that phrase. "[C]isgender" is redundant and unnecessary.

"[...] worse than even girls" is much clearer and more concise.

Dave Begley said...

There is some type of institute or think tank at UCLA Law School and its numbers are way lower than this.

This has to be a fake study to encourage more kids to think this way. Strength in numbers and "You are not alone" and all that. It's really a mental disease that is just a fad.

This is of the same school from the fake stat from Masters & Johnson that supposedly 10% of the US population was homosexual. That's not even close to be correct.

The Left lies about everything.

Aggie said...

I don't think the world of psychology will ever get a better supporting data set on the power of suggestion, than from this social contagion phenomenon. It is a truly remarkable event - and one of purely toxic and destructive effect, physical, mental, societal. A sentient species, spiraling itself into reproductive destruction. Diabolical is the most accurate word to describe it.

Ampersand said...

These high rates of insanity do not augur well for us.

Jupiter said...

"I think it's a very large group."
That's because the CDC just told you that it's a large group. The same people who told you that Ivermectin is for horses.

Dave Begley said...

It is called the Williams Institute at UCLA Law School. It estimated that there are 1,500 transgender minors in NE. That's a tiny number and it is also an estimate; probably much lower. The lower boundary of its estimate was 400.

Dave Begley said...

Yes. Social contagion was the phrase that I was trying to recall.

gilbar said...

Althouse says: "This small group." I think it's a very large group

5.5% is MORE THAN one in twenty.. or one in EVERY classroom..
Of course; they Aren't distributed like that.. They are distributed in clumps.

The NUMBER ONE thing, that makes you (statistically) likely to be trans is:
Having friends and peers that are trans..
Because; that is how social contagion works

gilbar said...

serious question.. back at the turn of the century (1999).. How many gender dysphoric children were there in the US? in the World? in the UNIVERSE??

Mark said...

It's always fun to watch the Jan 6 truthers and other conspiracy nuts here claim other people are brainwashed or falling into social contagion.

Kate said...

"I feel worse than a cisgender girl! Shit, I'm in trouble."

Jeff Vader said...

Perhaps their gender is not actually their problem

Don B. said...

After cursory search, I estimate the small group to number about a million.

Disparity of Cult said...

Anorexics have disappeared from public view, are there effective treatments now?

Michael K said...

What ever it is, the number is larger than it was before the campaign to encourage it.

Michael K said...


tommyesq said...

"This small group." I think it's a very large group.

A small group the size of a very large group (particularly when it comes to getting attention.

By the way, do they feel worse than regular cis-gender girls or worse than the cis-gender girls they are terrorizing in school bathrooms and locker rooms?

n.n said...

Homosexuals and others in the transgender spectrum have priority under Diversity (i.e. class bigotry) schemes. Just Do It for profit and leverage. #HateLovesAbortion

Joe Bar said...

"I was also surprised by the phrase "worse than even cisgender girls."

This is probably a reference to recent books and publications pointing out the depression and rising suicide incidents in adolescent women since the introduction of the smart phone, and social media. I don't have direct references handy, but it is discussed widely by the Intellectual Dark Web (tm).

n.n said...

Girls are of the feminine gender (i.e. sex-correlated attributes) unless they are queer or groomed by choice in a liberal occult.

Jim at said...

I do hope if and/or when these transgender misfits snap out of their delusions, they'll remember who encouraged them to ruin their lives in the first place.

n.n said...

In progressive sects, girls are groomed to be affordable, available, reusable, and taxable for State, corporation, and masculinists.

Jim at said...

It's always fun to watch the Jan 6 truthers...

What's a Jan 6 truther? Someone who still questions the election results? Or someone who believes it was an actual insurrection?

Kevin said...

A small group the size of a large group.

reader said...

I’m not saying this is happening, but I hope they are at least taking into account that pre-teens and teens can be a bit mischievous. When my son was in school I volunteered in the school library (elementary, middle, and high). At that time California had specific grades participate in a survey that addressed different issues, some of which were drug use and sexual activity. When I was volunteering I overheard a lot of interesting things. My takeaway for the survey was that the kids were irritated at having to take it. Also, there was a not insignificant number of kids that entertained themselves with the answers they provided.

Louise B said...

Reader's story reminds me of something my brother and his class did in high school. They were in the honors English class. The teacher had the class take a test before they read a certain book. After the book was taught, they took the same test again. The idea was to see how effective her teaching was by the improved scores. The class was annoyed, so they plotted to put the wrong answers on the second test. They knew what the correct answers were, so carefully chose every answer but the right one. When my mother was going for her teaching certificate, an education professor suggested this two test method as a self-measurement. My mother told him this story. He told her that never happens. She exclaimed, "My own son did it!"

jameswhy said...

Insurance actuaries, who study populations in depth, tell us that historically the number of people suffering from gender dysphoria is less than .2 of one percent of the public. These numbers of between 3 and 5 percent is evidence of (a) a fad or (b) massive brainwashing.

Drago said...

Does Dumb Lefty Mark still believe there were police officers killed on Jan 6 at the Capital? Because every single New Soviet Democratical seems to believe just that. And that the "mob" was heavily "armed". And that there were heavily armed militia's just outside the capital with weapons just waiting for the order from Trump.


Oh, there's some Jan 6 "truthers" running around all right.

So tell us Dumb Lefty Mark, which of these lunatic lies are you still pushing?

Goldenpause said...

And people giving false answers in surveys.

Goldenpause said...

And people giving false answers in surveys.

JAORE said...

In high school - MANY years ago - we took a survey about our sexual activity. At that time, IIRC, second base was my peak. Several of us got to talking after. Turns out most of these guys gave out a Penthouse Letter level of sexual prowess claim. I called BS on them. They laughed and said it was fun to wind up the adults. One suspects a LOT of the 3% are from social contagion or spoofing the old folk.

Mikey NTH said...

If it weren't for all the attention I think that 3.3% would be a tad lower.

Luke Lea said...

Let's see what the numbers are when they are thirty.

Bart Hall (Kansas, USA) said...

I have worked with numbers and statistics professionally for decades, and my favorite uncle spent his career as an actuary for Ætna. That 0.2% is an upper bound, and the median is probably on the order of 0.02%. The actual number is most probably between 0.002% and 0.2% at a 98% confidence level, so 1 in 5000 is a reliable and "safe" number.

Actuaries earn their livings by digesting absolutely immense bodies of data, and highlighting discrepancies between official government numbers -- which they must use to set premiums -- and what's actually happening. "3 to 5 percent"is nothing but agendised bullshit.

Adolescents wish to be noticed, as well as "cool" and "transgressive", which appeals especially to those with strong psychotic undercurrents.

Mikey NTH said...

Reminds me of decades ago at a college party, off campus apartment. There was a census form we drunks filled out. IIRC there were 30 people from various central Asian nations living in that apartment. Yes, we mailed it on our way home.

mikee said...

This survey, self-reported was it, by the kids? No external validation by other means of the reports about gender identity or emotional status for the individuals surveyed? I hope the researchers realize kids love to jerk the chains of adults, and that lying on surveys is a great way to do so. In 1974, the Nixon administration sent out a nationwide survey about drug use by kids, and the survey was administered in my homeroom class in middle school. Our whitebread, totally normal, highly academic suburban kids reported on our classroom survey that the kids were all dropping acid in between classes, except when they were smoking hash with the teachers (just to be clear, none of that happened, ever). Make of that one data point what you will. I concluded that kids lie on surveys for the hell of it, just for fun, and that any data sets not objectively verified in some manner are no more valid than the reporting from that class of 9th graders that I knew.

Mikey NTH said...

Teens do tend to make stuff up to twist the tails of those in authority. See "fish tales" for an adult version.

Clyde said...

Mental illness is a terrible thing. In the past, it wasn't normalized and celebrated as it is today.

Clyde said...

They'd probably be happier if they embraced a less damaging fad, like swallowing goldfish or streaking.

Cameron said...

Is the reason they survey as worse than cis-gender girls, because those cis-gender girls with mental problems now identify as trans ?

mccullough said...

Of the 3.3%, the vast majority are girls. They saw Goode Proctor with the Devil

Lloyd W. Robertson said...

Find the most suffering victim. It's got to be some kind of female. Cisfemale? Huh. I can top that: transfemale--I chose this hell, but I had no real choice but to do so. Now I am fated to bore and irritate everyone I meet, and they are fated to watch and listen.

TaeJohnDo said...

"This small group." I think it's a very large group."

If it was a boulder, would it be a large boulder the size of a small boulder?

~ Gordon Pasha said...

The phenomenon has a name, Rapid Onset Gender Dysphoria

Randomizer said...

Doesn't the Center for Disease Control have some diseases to investigate? Monkey pox, Covid and bird flu must be all under control.

Why is the CDC administering the Youth Risk Behavior Surveillance System? The answer seems to be that youth stigma and bullying is more interesting monkey pox.

This quote from Kathleen Ethier, the director of C.D.C.’s adolescent and school health division, has nothing at all to do with science.

“We have 5 percent of young people in the country who, because of the way they identify around their gender, are stigmatized, bullied, made to feel unsafe, feel disconnected at school and consequently have poorer mental health and higher risk for suicide than their cisgender peers,”

Lucien said...

What’s interesting is to listen to a transgenderist spout something about how many have been killed in any given year and then back out how small the “transgender” population would have to be in order for the homicide rate to equal that of the general population.

traditionalguy said...

Competitive boys got tired of losing praise for accomplishments due to much better boys and elite victim splaining girls. So they are fighting back by claiming the right to play girls sports to insure huge victories. Good job guys.