October 8, 2024

"A quarter of registered voters still say they don't know you. They don't know what makes you tick. And-- and why do you think that is? What–what's the disconnect?"

Bill Whitaker asked Kamala Harris on "60 Minutes" last night (transcript, CBS News).
Vice President Kamala Harris: It's an election, Bill. And I take-- it seriously that I have to earn everyone's vote. This is an election for president of the United States. No one should be able to take for granted that they can just declare themselves a candidate and automatically receive support. You have to earn it. And that's what I intend to do. 
Bill Whitaker: Lemme tell you what your critics and the columnists say. 
Vice President Kamala Harris: OK. 
Bill Whitaker: They say that the reason so many voters don't know you is that you have changed your position on so many things. You were against fracking, now you're for it. You supported looser immigration policies, now you're tightening them up. You were for Medicare for all, now you're not. So many that people don't truly know what you believe or what you stand for. And I know you've heard that. 

Here's her big chance to dispel these doubts. But she gives us absolutely nothing but a determination not to answer: 

Vice President Kamala Harris: In the last four years I have been vice president of the United States. And I have been traveling our country. And I have been listening to folks and seeking what is possible in terms of common ground. I believe in building consensus. We are a diverse people. Geographically, regionally, in terms of where we are in our backgrounds. And what the American people do want is that we have leaders who can build consensus. Where we can figure out compromise and understand it's not a bad thing, as long as you don't compromise your values, to find common-sense solutions. And that has been my approach.

We are a diverse people? Is she suggesting that if her own mind can hold so many diverse opinions, then she somehow represents the consensus this country needs?! She doesn't have to believe any one thing. She just can entertain various ideas, and then, once she has power, she'll use "common sense" to work out the answer? 


Big Mike said...

She just can entertain various ideas, and then, once she has power, she'll use "common sense" to work out the answer?

Trump’s position on abortion seems like common sense to me. So why doesn’t she support it?

Money Manger said...

One of the reasons she has had such a low profile over the last month is that she is spending countless hours being force-prepped by a team of media and policy professionals, like some modern-day Eliza Doolittle. And despite that, she still can't find in her brain the mental tape loop to respond to such an obvious question.

gspencer said...

“The work that we have done has resulted in a number of movements in that region by Israel that were very much prompted by, or a result of, many things, including our advocacy for what needs to happen."

Dr. Irwin Corey, a comedian paid to spew nonsense, made more sense.

Michael said...

They're counting on the fact that she's not Trump and she's not Biden. That's all they have to offer.

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

"It's an election, Bill." Holy fuck, what a start to a non-answer. Thank you all to hell for that insight madame Veep.

Dave Begley said...

Wow! The Main Stream media did its constitutional duty. New respect for Bill Whittaker.

RMc said...

I'm assuming ol' Bill is on the unemployment line at this moment.

Iman said...

Again, Harris talks a lot, but she says nothing.

Christopher B said...

She's stolen a bunch of other ones already.

Christopher B said...

and it might work. That 'common sense' and 'compromise' pabulum gets lapped up by all the suburban wine moms/AWFLs

Kevin said...

She’s every woman. As well as every man.

Also, Donald Trump lies.

vermonter said...

Do you want ranch, thousand island or maple balsamic on that salad?

Christopher B said...

Occam's Razor would suggest that she's regurgitating the answer she's been programmed to give.

Bart Hall (Kansas, USA) said...

Only three VPs in US history have been elected to the Presidency immediately following their term(s) as VP -- Adams (1796), Van Buren (1836), and Bush41 (1988). Que-Mala's chances are slim.

Breezy said...

There’s that “values” word again. What are her values, exactly, and how does she draw a straight line with them through her many and varied flip flops?

Joe said...

They think we're stupid.

Old and slow said...

On the whole, I fear they may be right.

Sebastian said...

"she gives us absolutely nothing but a determination not to answer" She gives us nothing because she has nothing--except lefty attitudes. Which is enough for her to serve as a prog figurehead. Dems like it that way. Her no-answer vapidity is a tool. It works. Abortion + Trump = path to power.

Two-eyed Jack said...

The whole conversation was weird. It was like two people talking but not interacting. There were obvious edits. Harris would be talking and a Whittaker voice over would start talking over her. There was neither a meeting of the minds nor a conflict. It might as well have been a scene from Beckett, of only Whittaker or Harris had been in a dustbin. Unreal.

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

OMG he tried three times (!) to get a coherent answer out of her for "quadrupling immigration" and then "reversing policy now that she's running" and she could not produce anything but wordfluff. No wonder she has been avoiding interviews. She must be praying hard that CBS gets no ratings at all for it. The worst thing for her campaign would be people seeing this flailing and failing when gently pressed for a factual answer.

Matt said...

Well, she can't exactly say, "I'm lying to get votes and then, once in office, I'll go right back to the extremely leftist, extremely unpopular, country destroying positions I use to exclaim support for. "

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

True. So did Pat Paulsen. In fact there is no other presidential candidate in history who has made LESS sense than Harris. She is the nadir.

Dixcus said...

Yes. She can do that, comforted in the knowledge that no matter what she says, or doesn't say, the media will still support her candidacy and report that she won the election - whether she does or not.

The media is just going to tell America she won and defy us to do anything about it. That's why Kamala Harris doesn't feel the need to specify a position or answer any of CBS News' questions.

CBSNews literally typed up some fake memos to try to get Al Gore elected. Then they reported that George Bush skipped out on his National Guard duties based on the fake memos they typed up in Microsoft Word.

Everybody knows that our elections are fake. Why are we pretending they're anything but?

MartyH said...


Exactly. "What values made you oppose fracking? How did you change your position without changing those values?"

ThatsGoingToLeaveA said...

She should have simply said "Who am I? Well, I'm not Trump and I'm not Biden." Maybe even throw out a new slogan "Making a New America" or "On the Road to a New America".

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

He musty have forgotten momentarily that he worked for CBS. I'm sure if they hadn't promoted the hell out of this "interview" they would have found a way to shelve it. Just ask yourself what was left on the editing room floor in order to produce even this much "good" content.

Dixcus said...

We literally have a "President" that they built a fake Oval Office for to putter around in and do you know what the protestors brought to J6?

They didn't bring any guns. They didn't bring any tea to toss into the Potomac.

They brought cell phone tracking devices that the government uses to identify you and where you've been ... so that the government was able months and even years later to track them down and put them into gulags in Washington DC without trial.

That's how stupid Americans are.

Two-eyed Jack said...

Let us not forget that, since Trump killed them, 60 Minui added an attack piece to make 2020 skeptics appear to be fools or montebanks. If Trump thought he was going to avoid tendentious manipulation by not participating, he had another thing coming!

Two-eyed Jack said...

Trump JILTED them, not KILLED them, you illiterate autocorrect!

gilbar said...

well, that's MY Opinion.. If you don't like it.. I have Others..
Why, sometimes I've believed as many as six impossible things before breakfast.

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

Well as deep thinker Gadfly reminded us in the overnight thread she did say "Turn the page" again. The obvious response to that is "turn the page" from what? She is the sitting VP. She is the page. Turning it would mean rejecting Biden-Harris and trying something different than them. She's so dumb she can't even think through a simple metaphorical phrase for what it implies. There is true depth to that nothingness.

Political Junkie said...

Yes - In her mind and in millions of other D's, the D party is the only party fit for governing. In this sense policy views don't matter. So she purposefully will say as little as possible on policy. It might work. Most polls show her up in popular vote. Sad.

gilbar said...

They are counting on the fact that, as The Most Famous Democrat Famously Said..
it's NOT who Votes that Counts.. it's Who COUNTS the Votes

Iman said...

In general, CBS News has proved itself to be horrible. The same can be said of the others, as well. Some flashes of honesty, even-handedness and then the return of the party line.

Rocco said...

Whenever I hear Kamala talking in one of her ads, I think “Who is the Kamala impersonator? Estee Palti does a better impression.”

narciso said...

Of course he killed them, they are all ghosts

rhhardin said...

Nevertheless it's that or mean tweets. Althouse will vote for her. No more chaos!

Iman said...

Well said, Mike.

henge2243 said...

"folks" is the tell that a load of shit is coming your way.

Ann Althouse said...

"Dr. Irwin Corey..."

Ha ha. I was thinking of Professor Corey when I wrote this post!

Nice said...

Didn't Althouse once say that she admired Obama's ability to think out loud, that you could hear him putting it all together, working it all through as he spoke-----or some such. In the end it won't matter what Kamala says---that's the strategy, that the Anyone But Trump sentiment will mitigate Kamala incompetence. That, and Ballot Harvesting, will once again, save the day for Dems.

gilbar said...
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gilbar said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
traditionalguy said...

She has zero leadership ability. But she expects obedience, or else,

gilbar said...

Bill Whitaker: But—but pardon me, Madame Vice President, I-- the-- the question was, how are you going to pay for it?

Vice President Kamala Harris: Well, one of the things is I'm gonna make sure that the richest among us, who can afford it, pay their fair share in taxes..

Bill Whitaker: But we're dealing with the real world here.. How are you gonna get this through Congress?

Vice President Kamala Harris: You know, when you talk quietly with a lot of folks in Congress, they know exactly what I'm talking about..

Bill Whitaker: And Congress has shown no inclination to move in your direction.

Vice President Kamala Harris: I-- I disagree with you. There are plenty of leaders in Congress who understand and know that the Trump tax cuts blew up our federal deficit!!!

so, a serious question: is she REALLY That mentally Stupid?

Iman said...


Shouting Thomas said...

The lies on top of lies strategy of the DNC/Intel cartel. Harris didn’t earn it. She’s the classic DEI candidate, selected by the HR backroom Politburo because of her race and sex. Not a single primary vote.

John henry said...

I don't think we should count Adams since he was elected prior to 12A.12a changed the electoral process for vp's.

Except Coolidge and maybe tr, no former vp has had a successful presidency or been reelected to a second full term.

John Henry

John henry said...

I don't believe you Gilbar. It just sounds unpossible.

John Henry

Todd said...

Obama was a mirror that reflected whatever it was that his voters wanted/needed to see.

Kamala is a funhouse mirror that reflects a distorted amalgamation of platitudes that [just like the reflection of a funhouse mirror] mean nothing.

It is a national disgrace [that even eclipses the Hillary disgrace] that this individual is one of the two people that will be the next POTUS. Women, are you not proud that this is the individual representing your gender to America and the world as POTUS material? Feminists are YOU not proud that this is the woman that might finally break the last glass-ceiling left?

J Severs said...

BS, straight up, as others here have noted. Her emphasis on 'consensus' and unspecified 'values' would support anything from requiring voter ID to suspending the Bill of Rights.

Dixcus said...

CBSNews literally typed up some fake memos in Microsoft Word ... then tried to pass them off as original memos from a typewriter in the 1970s ... all in an attempt to rig our Presidential election.

They should have their broadcast license revoked and it's a goddamn shame that Donald Trump doesn't have enough sense to do it.

Todd said...

Obama was a mirror that reflected whatever it was that his voters wanted/needed to see.

Kamala is a funhouse mirror that reflects a distorted amalgamation of platitudes that [just like the reflection of a funhouse mirror] mean nothing.

It is a national disgrace [that even eclipses the Hillary disgrace] that this individual is one of the two people that will be the next POTUS. Women, are you not proud that this is the individual representing your gender to America and the world as POTUS material? Feminists are YOU not proud that this is the woman that might finally break the last glass-ceiling left?

Dixcus said...

Ballot Harvesting: Boarding up the counting room windows and just making up vote totals.

I hope they try that again because this time they're going to get shot doing it.

planetgeo said...

Althouse: She just can entertain various ideas, and then, once she has power, she'll use "common sense" to work out the answer?

The only problem with that possibility is that every time she actually has had the power (Attorney General, Senator, Vice President), the answers she has worked out have been far left answers. Thus, her official ranking as the most far left member of the Senate, even farther left than Bernie Sanders. Where was the "common sense" stuff? Not much consensus going on with her...ever.

No, you don't even need Occam's Razor here to select the simplest possibility. It's more like Occam's Chainsaw (when the answer is so mind-numbingly obvious that you can cut right to the only possibility) - she's lying.

Dixcus said...

People naively believed that finally voting for a black President would put the "America is Racist" lie to death for good.

How'd that work out?

He will be our only black President. And yes, that includes Kamala Harris, who is not black (she is Indian/Jamaican).

Dixcus said...

Bernie Sanders won't even endorse her. That's how much of a whack job Kamala Harris is.

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

Yikes, when he asks about her changing her positions, she throws out so much wordfluff they had to edit her answer three times within a 7-second gap. Check her out between 0:42 and 0:47 in this one-minute clip. Like i said already, the edits must be comedy gold, or CBS wouldn't have cut them.

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

That's why Althouse phrased it as a question. I doubt anyone, even the ones professing to, believe Harris will work for the common good. Geo is right: when has she?

The Middle Coast said...

The non-geographic regionalists are a big voting bloc, I hear.

AMDG said...

If she believed in consensus she would state the following:

“I believe in consensus to such a degree that if we win the Senate and I am elected I will urge the Senate to maintain the filibuster and if it fails to do so I will not sign any legislation that is currently covered by the filibuster unless it passes the Senate with sixty votes.”

Political Junkie said...

Nice point, AMDG.

Bob Boyd said...

Kamala is doing the same thing the journalist interviewing her is doing, going along with what the powers that be require of them to further their careers. They're both actors in the same play.
Kamala really doesn't have an opinion on fracking policy or immigration policy or Medicare, much less a plan for any of them. She doesn't need one any more than the King of England needs one. It's all an elaborate game of dress up.
Don't worry. This is all for the greater good. Democracy has become an existential threat to Democracy. Kamal is the fix.

Disparity of Cult said...

The CheatMachine™ will need to go to eleven. Can it handle it and not be too obvious?

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

Too late. It's going viral all over X.

Amadeus 48 said...

Why strain to figure out what Kamala thinks? She could just say it. If she didn't the fault is on her. But she did say that her values haven't changed...which could mean anything.

Shouting Thomas said...

Harris’ attitude and presentation are pure HR feminism. Empty sloganeering. Aimless cheerleading. Dumb ass affirmations. Reminds me of the wave of young feminist women into the offices in the 1990s, all of them determined to wipe out sexual harassment. And, they were all sleeping with their boss. Fag hags as well. Harris is the full, totally empty package.

Wince said...

Ann Althouse said...
Ha ha. I was thinking of Professor Corey when I wrote this post!

Professor Irwin Corey was a communist... as well.

Mason G said...

"And that's what I intend to do."

"Intend to do"? Starting when? There's an election in less than a month.

What's she been doing for the past four years- you know, when she could have been doing something to earn the support she says she needs to earn?

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

He just faked being an intellectual far better than most. He was the embodiment of "if you can fake sincerity" politician. However, Iowahawk collected a series of clips where Obama's teleprompter failed and like Harris he flailed, stuttered, kept pretending the (quiet) crowd was "interrupting him" so he could say repeatedly, "hang on, hang on I'm getting to that." Arguably he improved remarkably after 2008, but boy was he rough in the beginning and wholly dependent on the teleprompter.

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...


Nice said...

I don't believe there are any Undecided Voters at this point. And, listening to more word salad and trying to fudge her way through not-quite-hardball questions....is a bore. I did think the drama of her teleprompter going down was mildly amusing, and her being too stupid to cadge her notes, or even have something scrawled on her palm----had potential. This is why I wanted Biden to stay in the race. Listening to him stammer was a lot more interesting, in hopes he'd give away State secrets or something really humiliating. At least Biden was good for the entertainment value.

natatomic said...

I wish she would. I’d respect her a hell of a lot more than I do (which is not at all, really) if she just told us that he damn truth.

Hassayamper said...

Good God. Imagine this wad of week-old cotton candy negotiating a treaty with Putin or Xi, let alone staring down Khrushchev during the Cuban missile crisis.

William said...

On the plus side, she has, in the past, taken a strong stand against child rapists, and she has never budged from that position. It would have been easy for her to accept an invitation to one of Sean Combs parties, but her principles pointed her in a different direction and she chose the harder path. I think there are pictures of Donald Trump in the company of Sean Combs. So there you have it: do you want a President who has had pictures taken with child rapists, or do you want a woman of principle and character who, so far as is now known, has never participated in child rape orgies and has taken a strong stand against child rape.

tommyesq said...

Exactly. She has burned through 2 of the 3 months available to her once she became the nominee - what is she waiting for?

William said...

I think Kamala is seeking to to find the consensus between Anti-fa rioters and the NY Times editorial board. She will find their areas of agreement and then strive to build from that.

Hassayamper said...

Harris’ attitude and presentation are pure HR feminism. Empty sloganeering. Aimless cheerleading. Dumb ass affirmations.

She would fit right into the circle in that weird little “Girl Boss in a Miniskirt”TikTok dance clip that was going around a month or two ago, wouldn’t she?

Bleeding Christ, I would jump out a window if I worked in an office like that.

Iman said...

Sweet Jaysus, that explains so much!

Cappy said...


planetgeo said...

I don't think "word salad" really does justice to her speaking style. It's more like Word Bass-o-matic. She just tosses in all those big words the puppet masters gave her like they're bigass bass or Walzeye or crappie, she closes down the lid, and flips it way past Frappe to the Vaporize setting.

walter said...

Look. She was raised in a middle class family..with an entrepreneurial nanny. Next question.

Crimso said...

"No one should be able to take for granted that they can just declare themselves a candidate and automatically receive support. You have to earn it."

Says the person who received zero votes in the primaries.

Narayanan said...

she charges same as before for blows?

Narayanan said...

Bill Whittaker b 1951 2 years younger than I; nice

walter said...

Border Czar oversaw the trafficking and rape of children as Pedo Pete undid Trump border controls after promising a "surge".

ChrisC said...

Occam's Razor says she is an idiot.

Narayanan said...

she did say "Turn the page" again from blank to blank
= will you pull my other one!

ChrisC said...

So, after avoiding anything but super softball, podcast interviews for 2 months she jumps into the arena with a slightly adversarial interview on National TV. Doesn't sound like some one who thinks she is ahead.

ChrisC said...

This week there are several "Kamala struggles to..." and "Democrats fear..." articles in lefty media. They know and want to be able to say, "We warned you".

Real American said...

It all makes sense now. She's dumb and lazy but has been pushed upwards due to the DEI values in the Democrat Party. She doesn't do her homework and then gets angry at her staff when she looks dumb on TV., though I'm sure they tried. She can't just say she's evolved because that's what's best for the country. She has to puke out some geyser of gibberish because she can't remember what she was told to say.

“Bad Genes” said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
“Bad Genes” said...

The foundation of personal freedom is collective action through collective institutions. A weakness to be contained and constrained is majority-imposed reactionaryism, which involves having a constitution or basic law constraining collective institutions to the benefit of individual choice and discretion -- usually the enemy of moralistic religions which like to side with reactionaryism. But only rule of law protects the functioning of constitutions as limiters of collective institutions to constrain in the name of "order."

It is exceedingly interesting that Trump has gathered a mass movement in a democracy to undermine the rule of law to constrain the constitutional restraints on the indiscriminate use of state police power. Policy and freedom will be what the state's police power will allow.

Why is Trump again at the gates of power? One powerful factor is that the Clinton and Obama administrations empowered their superrich donors to consolidate their wealth and market power at the expense of the vast majority. One can see this very clearly in the polls. Kamala Harris is not able to close the deal with large numbers of working and middle class voters.

MalaiseLongue said...

So many people have called this a word salad, but that's unfair. The sentence is perfectly clear. What she said, when you break the sentence down to its grammatical elements, is "The work we have done has resulted in the outcomes of that work." Who can argue with that?

walter said...

That's mean spirited!

Skeptical Voter said...

A truly empty vessel. it's rare that she has anything in her head.

Lazarus said...

If she knew what she wants
(She'd be giving it to us)
If she knew what she needs
(She could give us that too)
If she knew what she wants
(But we can't see through her)

It's the Pelosi strategy.
We have to elect Harris to find out what she will do.
Harris has to be elected to find out what she wants to do.

Quaestor said...

Re: CBS "Some flashes of honesty, even-handedness and then the return of the party line."

A very old game. The grifter seeks to gain the trust, or at least the acquiescence, of the mark, a small investment, as it were, against future riches. Sometimes that involves an apparent sacrifice.

Harris has been marked for sacrifice in the fiduciary interests of Paramount Global. CBS News won't lose viewers on the left, those vermin on the body politic, because like vermin, it takes only a steady flow of crumbs to keep them coming back. And it stand to gain viewers, which always pleases the parent company.

Dogma and Pony Show said...

"Except Coolidge and maybe tr, no former vp has had a successful presidency or been reelected to a second full term."

Nixon was a former veep who was elected president and then reelected.

Also, "MAYBE tr"???

I don't think KH will be elected, but that's only because she's a complete trainwreck. It's not because the odds are so badly stacked against vice presidents' being elected president. Trump overcame the great weight of precedent in being elected despite never having held any prior public office (i.e., or serving as a general).

walter said...

"The foundation of personal freedom is collective action through collective institutions. A weakness to be contained and constrained is majority-imposed reactionaryism, which involves having a constitution or basic law constraining collective institutions to the benefit of individual choice and discretion -- usually the enemy of moralistic religions which like to side with reactionaryism. But only rule of law protects the functioning of constitutions as limiters of collective institutions to constrain in the name of "order."
It is exceedingly interesting that Trump has gathered a mass movement in a democracy to undermine the rule of law to constrain the constitutional restraints on the indiscriminate use of state police power. Policy and freedom will be what the state's police power will allow. "

Richweed in all its glory. Better when stoned.

Kevin said...

… You gave your delegates to me, and then, you said hello
And I can hardly speak
My heart is beating so
And anyone can tell
You'd think you know me well
But you don't know me

Lazarus said...

The foundation of personal freedom is collective action through collective institutions. A weakness to be contained and constrained is majority-imposed reactionaryism, which involves having a constitution or basic law constraining collective institutions to the benefit of individual choice and discretion -- usually the enemy of moralistic religions which like to side with reactionaryism. But only rule of law protects the functioning of constitutions as limiters of collective institutions to constrain in the name of "order."

Gibberish. Who protects us from the bureaucracy and the permanent government? Who calls our rulers to account and makes them responsible? "Moralistic religions" can act as a check on government power. What happens when the government and "collective institutions" turn on individuals, families and local communities?

It is exceedingly interesting that Trump has gathered a mass movement in a democracy to undermine the rule of law to constrain the constitutional restraints on the indiscriminate use of state police power.

It would be quite interesting if it were true. Trump has voters who support him. He doesn't have a serious "mass movement." Look around the world and across time and you'll find plenty of mass movements. And just who is undermining the rule of law right now to eliminate restraints on the indiscriminate use of state power? Lawfare, anyone?

Shouting Thomas said...

You’ve taken the name of an alleged hearsay quote from Trump, which he undoubtedly never spoke. So, you’re just an admitted, outright liar.

Lazarus said...

Is she suggesting that if her own mind can hold so many diverse opinions, then she somehow represents the consensus this country needs?!

Her mind isn't that large. One thing it doesn't contain and won't consider is the possibility that the Biden/Harris administration has created many of the problems the country wants solved now, so she won't change the administration's policies. What she has to offer will be sham programs, band-aids that don't have anything to do with the actual problems.

minnesota farm guy said...

Don't watch 60 minutes- haven't for years, I was therefore shocked that the interviewer asked straight out, honest questions that exposed Harris' ignorance and then they broadcast it! Wow!

Original Mike said...

I've seen pieces of it. I hope Bill Whitacker has a bodyguard.

gspencer said...

"They don't know me? Well, all they need to know is that I will do anything and everything that I'm told to do by my handlers. Total government here we come."

Big Mike said...

I go away for a couple hours, I come back in a few hours, I check the thread, and it seems to me that people are missing the obvious point.

Bill Whitaker is black. Genuine black. All his life black. Not affluent Indian-American until it became politically convenient to resurrect the “one drop of blood” rule from the days of Jim Crow. Why wouldn’t he be disgusted by what he sees in front of him, trying (like Shaun King and Rachel Dolezal before her) to pass as black?

AlbertAnonymous said...

What’s really amazing to me is that despite these responses being her typical “no answer” word salad, these clips look to be highly edited. Lots of cuts and different shots. So what in the world would this look like uncut?

I can’t even imagine how incoherent she would look. How incoherent she really is. God help us if she wins/steals this.

Hassayamper said...

Makes Sarah Palin sound like Cicero....

Yancey Ward said...

This segment is just like every other interview she has given- the only real difference is that Whitaker pressed her on the non-responsive answers. Has the entire interview been released anywhere? I don't watch 60 Minutes any longer- are they holding the entire interview for next Sunday?

PM said...

"I'm sitting here with a drink, looking at the Mokuluas and these mf'ers want me on a plane so I can grind through some dying mill towns promoting that empty pantsuit. Barack! Ice!"

Michael K said...

That really is the $64 question.

Michael K said...

Another empty profile. What woman of principle do you have in mind ?

Michael K said...

Me too.

rehajm said...

I get the feeling Ann is desperately trying to fit a stupid peg into a square hole...

Rabel said...


You can say what you want about Bill Whitaker, but you can't fault his diction.

Christopher B said...

I think it was aired as a special episode last night but I'm in the same position.

Courtesy of Powerline, this appears to be the link to the YouTube version


I just read that it looks like the clip shared around before last night's broadcast of her prevaricating on the current status of Israel as an ally was cut out of what actually aired.

Inga said...

Yet Trump makes sense to you.

Rocco said...

Dixcus said...
"People naively believed that finally voting for a black President would put the "America is Racist" lie to death for good.

How'd that work out?

Half-black president. Obama is a 13th generation descendant of a Pilgrim who arrived on the Mayflower(*).

(*) No, not that Mayflower. Thomas Blossom arrived on a different ship also named the Mayflower 9 years after the first one sailed.

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

Well she followed that hideous appearance with a stint on The View this morning and really stepped in it. They asked her what she would do differently from what Biden has done over his time. "Nothing." She couldn't think of ONE thing she would do differently.

Well there goes the CHANGE candidacy. She's been saying turn the page, but it's just another page of the same shit. She cannot even stick to a simple script. Her running mate said last week "We can't take four more years of this" yet that is exactly what she is now promising. More of the same old failed bullshit Biden policies.

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

Yes in a thread dissecting Harris's horrible no good performance and how they have to edit the tape to even make her look that good, an aside about Trump is truly relevant and meaningful. Yes. Compared to Harris, Trump sounds like William F Buckley Jr.

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

Yes another case of "clean up on aisle five" even after the original clip went viral and was dissected yesterday. Smooth campaign. Obviously Harris is not the only subliterate on the team.

AlbertAnonymous said...

Way worse than that. Looks like the “answer” now was not an answer given to this question. It’s one thing to cut out the word salad meanderings and leave in as the answer only a tiny part of what she said (it’s manipulative and journalistic fraud, by they’ll chalk that up to “edited for time”). It’s another thing altogether (as appears to be the case here) to cut out the entire response and replace it with a response to a different question so she looks responsive.

CBS needs to be raked over the coals for this. Absolute “disinformation” and propaganda. Memory hole the real non answer response and replace it with a response from another question. All in the name of journalism and democracy, and truth and justice, amirite?

Darkisland said...

I wish he had asked her how she was going to tax the "wealthy". The Constitution forbids taxes on wealth. Is she going to go for an amendment permitting wealth tax?

And what is Musk's, for example, fair share? Most of the past 10-15 years he has had about the same income as a welfare mother in Newark. That is, zero. What is his fair share on zero income?

Or Bezos, when he was at Amazon, his total compensation was $89,000/year. I assume that he paid 20-30% of that in taxes after deductions. Just as any other person earning $89,000/year would. Also paid social security and state taxes, I would imagine.

What does Kamala think his "fair share" should be?

John Henry

walter said...

Look. She worked at McDonald's. She did fries!