September 24, 2024

Yesterday, at the golden hour, the Joe Pye weed had not yet gone into decline.


Please use this post to talk about whatever you want in the comments.


Money Manger said...

A shame your photo can’t capture the cloud of pollinators certain to be hovering above.

wendybar said...

Tell me again how violent Trump and his supporters are....

"There have been plenty of videos/compilations of Democrats pushing violence against Trump on social media and especially on Twitter/X since he was shot the first time, but this one from Elon Musk using the Joker is really something else."

n.n said...

The Joe Pye weed is bidin' its time.

n.n said...

Was CMT conceived in a singular big bang, or did it evolve through community cultivation?

n.n said...

Was CMT conceived in a singular big bang, or did it evolve through community cultivation?

Iman said...

I prefer the Joe Pyne weed… thorny, acidic, thought provoking.

Iman said...

That’s a good one, wendybar!

mezzrow said...

NPR Reviews Handwaving Freakoutery
From the site:
"This was created by Google’s NotebookLM by a subscriber who was bored on the Slack channel this morning. All he did, as far as I’m aware, was point NotebookLM to the Substack url and click “go.”

It’s absurd." Me - and very entertaining. The simalcrum of NPR speak is spot on.

Dave Begley said...

Yesterday night at the Cass County, Nebraska Planning Commission discussing a conditional use permit for an industrial solar development, a union leader and elected official of the Nebraska Democrat party said I was being paid by Iran. LOL. I'm a secret agent man!

Original Mike said...

And we thought Kamala's answers were weak.


I usually don't post this kind of stuff, but this should be seen.

The Vault Dweller said...

I have started to notice fallen leaves this week that I did not see last week. Fall has befallen us.

Original Mike said...

How is this even remotely acceptable?

It's foreign election interference straight up. Trump was impeached for much less.

mikee said...

Here in Austin, Texas we're starting Second Spring, which happens every Fall as summer temperatures finally break below 95F again and we get some rain again after summer's typically dry months. This year we had some good rain during the summer here, so we had living grass until early September, when a dry spell hit and everything went brown. The wildflowers still alive rush to bloom again as the grasses go from brown to green and try to seed once more before a freeze happens in November. Let the Hobbits have second breakfast, which I admit is a delightful idea, and we'll keep our Second Spring.

rhhardin said...

"What can be, unburdened by what has been" - Kamala

Marx on the matter

In bourgeois society, therefore, the past dominates the present; in Communist society, the present dominates the past. In bourgeois society capital is independent and has individuality, while the living person is dependent and has no individuality.

The Communist Manifesto
by Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels

Dixcus said...

CIA employee Ryan Routh's son has been arrested and you'll never guess why. Well, maybe you would guess. Since it's pretty easy to guess about these people.

narciso said...

Shirley he cant be serious

narciso said...

Inga said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Jupiter said...

They're eating the dogs.

Inga said...

Judge Eileen Cannon has been assigned the case of the would be assassin Ryan Routh.

“The attorney general also responded to a statement Trump posted Monday evening accusing the federal government of mishandling the assassination attempt investigation and saying that the Justice Department should “LET FLORIDA HANDLE THE CASE!” Garland said that the Justice Department will “seek to cooperate and get assistance from” Florida state officials “consistent with the law.”

I wonder if Cannon will treat this case the way she did Trump’s case. I doubt she’ll drag her feet on this case, which is a good thing. I suspect we’ll see a much different Judge Cannon. Maybe she can get pointers from Clarence Thomas again. Should be interesting.

Inga said...


Jupiter said...

Garland does have a distinctly grandmotherish appearance,, but I believe it uses the he/him pronouns. You have misgendered it. Expect the FBI.

gadfly said...

As Ty Cobb reported: "You can't make this stuff up."

narciso said...

Yes she can easily sort out the facts

Iman said...

Cross your fingers, Igna.

Iman said...

Rules, ethics and morality are for others, certainly not Democrats.

Big Mike said...

There was one truly important takeaway from Oprah’s “interview” of Harris. Once one sees Kamala Harris standing next to a real black person, it’s pretty obvious that Harris not black. She ‘s like Shaun King, Rachel Dolezal, and Jessica Krug — faking blackness to gain through affirmative action what she cannot earn on her own.