September 10, 2024

Will the debate be balanced, sedate, and unimportant? Or is something exciting about to happen?

Let's watch together and talk about it here.

1. My son John is live-blogging at Facebook.

2. ...


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Mutaman said...

"Part of it is certainly that ABC gives Harris tons of time and Trump soundbyte time. "

Trump spoke for 31 minutes, Harris for 23.

Gerda Sprinchorn said...

PredictIt has the odds as 56/47, which is about a tossup. Again, these are betting probabilities, not polling percentages.

Jim at said...

you morons got Trump to repeat your lies about the pets in Ohio.

The incidents have neither been confirmed nor denied. But there's a lot of smoke, so we'll see.

Yet, you call them lies without actually knowing the truth.

And we're the morons?

Mutaman said...

Issue wasn't significance, issue was how people immediatly reacted to the debate.

Gospace said...

"Biden-Harris Administration Approves Ninth Offshore Wind Project
Interior Department has now approved more than 13 gigawatts of offshore wind energy — enough to power nearly 5 million homes."
Any other stupid comments, Mark?

13 GW if and only if the wind is blowing at the optimum speed to generate 13 GW. Which is almost never. Usually too fast requiring the generators be shutdown, or too slow to putout 13 GW, or too slow to generate any power at all. Requiring 13 GW of backup generator power for when no power is being produced. So to get 13 GW of NEW power to handle increased baseload, you need to build 26 GW of generating power, 13 reliable GWs, and 13 GWs of unreliable wind turbines.

Any other stupid comments Rusty?

Mutaman said...

Gerda Sprinchorn
"Election Betting Odds has Harris moving up 5% which is small. "

In one hour. Also, Trump moved down 3 points.

Sprezzatura said...

I didn’t watch. But I subscribe to Coulter, and she just put out a podcast re the debate. It seems like the summary is that it was three against DJT, and those three were total liars picking on honest DJT.

That sort of framing seems to imply DJT didn’t do well, but it’s (mostly) not his fault. The Lamestream Media is to blame!!!!!!!

Seems like the Coulter take was different after the recent debate with Bidden. Less effort thinking of excuses for DJT.


Enlighten-NewJersey said...

Harris already had the voters who look to “stars” for voting guidance. But honestly, how many people will vote for Harris because Taylor Swift endorses her and identifies herself as a dumb cat lady?

Iman said...

Biden’s on a fucking milk carton. Get real, harpy.

Drago said...

Reality hitting home:

"PA VOTER: We've had both of the candidates in office before and we've gotten to see what they'd do. When facts come to facts, my life was better when Trump was in office."

Mutaman said...

"When she said people walked out of his rallies early because his act had become boring, you could just see something in him snap. It was like getting hit by a knockout punch you couldn’t recover from. Whoever decided on that knows Trump very, very well and it worked perfectly."

Iman said...

Quite a fustercluck… I’ve never seen a debate where the mods were so obviously biased. But peeps know Trump and now also have some knowledge about Harris. She is a pathological liar and a trembling lightweight. You could see her visibly shaking at times and pulling faces won’t work in her favor.

Trump is imperfect but he’s pretty fucking far from the train wreck Harris is.

Iman said...

“But he didn’t”, and that’s all that matters to the Mutt. Such as he is and it must suck and suck hard to be him. It’s amusing.

Iman said...

You deleted the “IVF” at the end of that. Trump didn’t, you lying, moon-faced halfwit.

walter said...

Ron Filipkowski - › RonFilipkowski › status
1 hour ago · When she said people walked out of his rallies early because his act had become boring, you could just see something in him snap.

walter said...

Ron Filipkowski - › RonFilipkowski › status
2 hours ago · I don't want to laugh at Trump so much for his debacle that I fail to point out again how absolutely brilliant Kamala Harris was tonight.

Readering said...

Trump will go ballistic against Chris Wallace on CNN

Grandpa Publius said...

In theory, debates are challenging events where the participants have to think on their feet. Sadly, Kamala did not utter a single unrehearsed word. Sadly,, Kamala did not give single responsive answer to any question. Sadly, we still have no evidence that Kamala has a quick, agile, mind, as opposed to a performer’s mind who can memorize a script. And saddest of all, she “won” the debate.


Eva Marie said...

Thank you!

wishfulthinking said...

The debate that I watched showed a composed Trump sticking to the facts and answering the questions. He looked mature, experienced, and presidential. The Harris I saw was not a serious person, completely unpresidential, and a complete embarrassment. The silly giggly girl routine combined with the nagging wife routine men so love/s.

Mutaman said...

"They're eating the dogs, the people that came in, they're eating the cats,"

Very "presidential".

wendybar said...

Megyn Kelly
The absolute gall of ABC to keep “fact checking” ONLY Trump while letting her lie in every answer is infuriating.
9:35 PM · Sep 10, 2024

wendybar said...

If Biden is gone, who is running things into the ground?? Hussein???

wendybar said...

Where have you been?? The rules don't matter if you are a Progressive. Just read a newspaper and see who the political prisoners in this country are, and what the left gets away with, with a slap on the hand.

wendybar said...

But she DID. And THAT is the problem, with people like you who don't give a shit.

wendybar said...

Any fool voting based on who Taylor Swift or any star votes, doesn't deserve to vote. They have no mind of their own, and need to vote like the popular girl does, so maybe someday somebody will notice them??? Ignorant sluts.

The rule of Lemnity said...

I had to go to bed. Who “won” the debate?

Mark said...

The one who didn't talk about eating dogs and cats.

Will Cate said...

For me that turned out to be about 60 seconds.

BUMBLE BEE said...

Having been alive, attentive and sober the past nine years I can tell a profound deterioration in the quality of life - USA. Perhaps a $6.00 loaf of bread would convince the trolls here, but by their own words they display their ignorance of history. Being old and childless, the wife and I will not be alive in 2028, and thus are only amused by the antics of what has become of the dem's polity. We'll continue to vote conservative and pray for our friend's families.
Happy wind farms, trolls.

They’re eating the cats — They’re eating the dogs said...


LOL -- wasn't that hilarious? Trump actually tried to spew that Twitter conspiracy theory that some sh*t-poster made up

Trump's and his supporters, and Trump himself don't even realize the world is laughing at Trump and can't even believe he's enough of a clown to repeat it. He's really lost his mind.

Sure, everybody--Haitians are all coming to eat your pets! Honest! Just watch this YouTube deep-fake from the same people who lied and made a deep-fake AI lie claiming Taylor Swift "endorsed Trump"!

Not only Trump; Ted Cruz, JD Vance, and Elon Musk also beclowned themselves repeating the same bilge. These people actually think they'll be taken seriously? They're either as gullible as a 12-year-old, or think everyone else is.

They’re eating the cats — They’re eating the dogs said...

"Following debate prominent childless cat lady endorses Harris."

Trump just got "Swift Boated".

wendybar said...

You mean the only one there telling the truth, right Marky??

wendybar said...

Any fool, who will vote for someone because Taylor Swift is voting for them, doesn't deserve to vote. They are lemmings that don't know what to do unless Mommy tells them how. It is pathetic to watch people lower themselves, showing how ignorant they really are.

Curious George said...

Uh oh Taylor Swift just endorsed Harris/Walz. Swifties number in the hundreds of thousands, millions actually."

And most are under 12.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Cruzzers taek - "
I think a lot of people felt that way. Trump wasn't at his best, but it wasn't all his fault. Two things were all on him, however: his preparation — or lack thereof — and the fact that he walked into the lion's den of bias in the first place. I have been railing against Republicans agreeing to primary or presidential debates with hostile, heavily biased moderators for years now, including in June when Trump and the GOP agreed to this nonsense.

Kamala Harris didn't provide much real competition for Trump last night. The bar was low for her — all she had to do was show up and not be Joe Biden. Mission accomplished. She spent the evening doing little more than regurgitating DNC talking points from New York Times and WaPo editorials from the last few years. It was remarkably brain-dead, but it was all she needed."

One Fine Day said...

Thank you for repeating the Dem talking points. I would have missed them without your diligence.

One Fine Day said...

Tell me again when Russia invaded Ukraine? When the Pallies decided they could rape and murder Israelis with impunity? When ISIS came back and Americans started getting killed in Iraq again? (Hint: That was all after the stolen election of 2016) So she can pretend that world leaders are laughing at Trump, but facts on the ground show otherwise.

Of course for America hating frigid cat moms like Inga, a line in a debate is more real than facts on the ground. She's sorta stupid that way.

Gospace said...

Hmm... my comments seem to disappear on a regular basis. Fact: 13 GW of wind energy cannot reliably power anything, not one home or 5 million homes. All it can do is supplement baseload power WHEN the wind is blowing. If you're adding wind power thinking it' new capacity- you're engaged in massive self-delusion. If you want 13 GW of NEW baseload power and you add 13 GW of wind turbines offshore, you need to build 13 GW of nuclear or conventional fueled power plants to make up for when the wind isn't blowing. Or is blowing too hard...

The largest wind turbines produce about 15 MW by nameplate capacity. That's well over 800 of them needed to produce 13 GW. The largest steam turbines produce over 1500 MW. Or 1.5 GW. 10 of them and you've got more power then the >800 turbines.

Any other stupid comments Rusty?

Rusty said...

Don't think that it went un-noticed.

Rusty said...

You've never been around third world people, have you? When the H'mong refugees first got here nothing was safe. Dog, cats, songbirds, snakes rats. They had to be taught that those things weren't considered food here.

Butkus51 said...

Name one.

Butkus51 said...

Inga prefers dog meat like her Messiah the stuttering clusterphuck.

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