September 20, 2024

Why are we suddenly hearing about the New York Magazine editor who says she engaged in "sexting" with RFK Jr.?

I've been reading reports in various newspapers, and I'm going to select the one in the London Times to link to and quote: "Reporter put on leave after admitting personal relationship with RFK Jr/Olivia Nuzzi allegedly exchanged sexual messages with Robert F Kennedy Jr while covering his campaign."

The magazine said a review of Nuzzi’s work had found no evidence of bias but described the relationship as a “violation of our readers’ trust” and its own standards. “Had the magazine been aware of this relationship, she would not have continued to cover the presidential campaign,” it added.

Although Nuzzi did not identify the other person in the relationship, it has been widely reported that it was Kennedy....

It's a "relationship"? I'm only seeing that there were text messages and that they were "sexual." What are we talking about? Photos of naked body parts? Written invitations to have sex? Prompts to masturbate? Sexual words, such as saying that someone can go fuck himself? I don't know what we are talking about, and I suspect New York Magazine of wanting to hurt RFK Jr. and making sex-and-politics theater out of nothing.

According to the New York Post, Nuzzi had been “sexting” with Kennedy, who is married to Cheryl Hines, the Curb Your Enthusiasm actress, when Nuzzi was engaged to Ryan Lizza, the chief Washington correspondent for the Politico website. The couple called off the wedding a few weeks ago, said the newspaper.

Was Ryan Lizza involved in revealing these "sexts"? What's going on there? Here are Ryan and Olivia in happier times:

What nonsense! The photo, I mean. Who can look at that and not laugh? Can someone please tear off the veneer of middle-class respectability and tell us what the hell really happened?


Iman said...

I’ll shout it out, “Who mind-fucked a Kennedy?!”
Well, after all, it was Olivia Nuzzi?

Original Mike said...

"described the relationship as a “violation of our readers’ trust” and its own standards."

Pull the other one. It has bells on it.

Remember when the NYT did this to John McCain?

rehajm said...

Was there more likely the risk of exposure of the relationship where spouse/s having to read about it in the media. Get out in front, as they say…

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

Was Ryan Lizza involved in revealing these "sexts"?


Dixcus said...

The magazine said a review of Nuzzi’s work had found no evidence of bias."

Huh? No evidence of bias?

She knew that RFK (married, running for President) was sexting with the Washington correspondent of a major media company in the United States and kept this fact HIDDEN from Americans.

That is bias. It's not just "evidence of bias." It is ipso facto "proof" of bias.

It is the dog who did not bark.

The purpose of a corrupt media is to keep information from reaching Americans until it does the most good for Democrats. Or it's never seen.

They’re eating the cats — They’re eating the dogs said...

A few years ago this would have been national news for days, now it's not even the third weirdest Republican sex scandal of the latest ~24 hour news cycle

Tennessee Rep. Mark Green’s daughter calls out dad amid affair accusations, divorce

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

I read her post on X. It's very ambiguous.

Lilly, a dog said...

Maybe she sent RFKjr a picture of her other duckface.

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...


Dixcus said...

There was a lot of risk she'd end up upside down drowned in a car, or being raped, based on my history of the Kennedy family.

Mr. D said...

A few years ago this would have been national news for days, now it's not even the third weirdest Republican sex scandal of the latest ~24 hour news cycle

Lizza, Nuzzi, RFK. So which one is the Republican?

tim in vermont said...

You may not be interested in Gamergate, but Gamergate is interested in you!

They’re eating the cats — They’re eating the dogs said...

Trump: "He's a great one. He's a good man. One of the strongest and bravest new voices in the Republican party. I'm a great supporter of his."

Donald Trump is Mark Robinson’s biggest supporter.

Deep State Reformer said...

Just noodling here but it sounds to me like what really happened is that one of the two, Nuzzi or Lizza wanted to call the engagement off and this was their way of pulling the plug on the relationship. There is also a whiff of a "revenge porn" strategy by one of them in the way all this came to public attention as well.

tim in vermont said...
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tim in vermont said...
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Heartless Aztec said...

Much ado about less than nothing.

planetgeo said...

I'm impressed with New York Magazine's rare and very random application of journalistic ethics. But I do detect a pattern of the circumstances under which they tend to spontaneously erupt.

tim in vermont said...

Congratulations, Rich! You beat the Ingaramus to posting the latest DNC talking points blast memo!

Iman said...

eat teh cat, eat eat teh cat, rich.

tommyesq said...

Based on what I read, this could be nothing more than her texting him something sexual - she does not specifically allege that RFK Jr. sent anything inappropriate, just that sexts were "exchanged."

Curious George said...

She fucked up the opportunity to be Olivia Nuzzi Lizza

hombre said...

So? Kennedys do this - and more. LOL!

tcrosse said...


Michael K said...

Did you measure? Bich again!

donald said...

You just know that when they did it they scissored.

Biotrekker said...

She realized she was marrying a pathetic soy boy.

donald said...

Lizza and the chick of course.

Iman said...

One more time… A vajayjay photo display?

Ice Nine said...

I blame Trump.

Inga said...

Trump always picks the best people.

Iman said...

Nuzzi Lizza, Nuzzi Lizza, George has named you
You're so like the lady with the vertical smile
Is it only 'cause you're lonely they have blamed you?

Iman said...

Sez the QueMala supporter! 😆

tcrosse said...

Trump didn't pick him. He picked Trump.

They’re eating the cats — They’re eating the dogs said...

Is trans porn really a deal breaker for MAGA? I honestly don’t know anymore. To be consistent—Trump should have to carry Mark Robinson to term.

Inga said...

Trump chose to support Kennedy, Robinson and Rep.Mark Greene, the three amigos. Trump isn’t a stranger to cheating on wives, so it’s probably nothing but a small glitch to him. All the family values stuff doesn’t pertain to the new and improved Trumpublican Party.

rehajm said...

I enjoy a Kennedy-Chappy reference as much as the next man but killing em intentionally really isn't their style. Getting plastered, driving off a bridge and abandoning her in the car is more on brand...

Inga said...

Meh, what’s a little trans porn to Trumpublicans?

Ann Althouse said...

Why doesn't RFK Jr publish the texts? What was written? Who wrote what? He's asserting it was nothing. Why doesn't he prove it? He needs to protect Nuzzi?

tim in vermont said...

"My father [Joe Biden] took inappropriate showers with me, which led to my poor decisions regarding sex with men and to drug addition" [Paraphrase]

Remember that the FBI confirmed the authenticity of this diary by seizing it and arresting the people who had it.

So what exactly constitutes "too far" with you guys?

tim in vermont said...

Let's talk about Harris's husband and the babysitter's abortion while we are at it. Does that make you not want to vote for Harris?

Yancey Ward said...

Lizza didn't like finding out he was a cuck and struck back.

Yancey Ward said...

The funny thing here is that Nuzzi could have been revealed as a card-carrying member of the Sirhan Sirhan fan club and her management would have been completely happy with having her cover RFK's campaign.

tolkein said...

Ooh, ooh, please Miss (types with his hand up), I know.
Cos RFKjr is a threat to the Ds winning the White House?

Butkus51 said...

cheating trumps murder.

n.n said...

He's either protecting her dignity in a consensual conversation or denying fodder to a Democrat with a prosecutorial fetish and cause.

Inga said...

Kennedy has a history with nannies, his children’s nanny says he’s sexually assaulted her in the late 1990’s.

“Eliza Cooney, who was once a nanny and legal intern and lived in the Kennedy family home, said Kennedy made inappropriate advances and sexually assaulted her in a pantry there in the late 1990s. She was 23 at the time. Kennedy was then 45 and married with children.”

The Guardian

MartyH said...

California State Senator Marie Alvarado-Gil changed her party affiliation from Dem to Rep in August. About a month later she was hit with a sexual harassment suit, followed by a second suit later. What amazing timing for the lawfare to commence!

MartyH said...

California State Senator Marie Alvarado-Gil changed her party affiliation from Dem to Rep in August. About a month later she was hit with a sexual harassment suit, followed by a second suit later. What amazing timing for the lawfare to commence!

AMDG said...

Another great endorsement by Donald “I pick only the best people” Trump.

It will be incredibly amusing if Trump wins PA and then loses the election because his endorsement for Governor in NC drags the entire ticket down.

Eva Marie said...

When have Democrats become such prudes? Tsk. Tsk.

Darkisland said...

Something like this might have worked 2-3 elections ago. But by now we have gotten used to this kind of shit, sometimes true, always overblown, often made up out of whole cloth. So used to it that we discout it down pretty close to zero.

It's just election bullshit. I doubt its truthiness.

Not a fan of P. Diddy but don't really believe the fabulousness of the charges against him. He might be a really bad bastard. He might deserve to be in jail for the rest of his life.

But at the moment, I am dubious. Cases like his just emphasize the need of the govt to prove guilt.

John Henry

John Henry

Lazarus said...

It would have to be sexting. RFK, Jr.'s voice isn't exactly a turn on.

If you're not Spencer Tracy.

Narr said...

Lizza and Nuzzi sizzle.

Lazarus said...

They nuzzle with their muzzles in Paris when it sizzles.

Bob Boyd said...

"What are we talking about?"

According to my sources, RFK Jr asked her if she wanted to come over and see what kind of head he could get on top of his car this time.
To be fair to Nuzzi, his voice sounds normal in text messages.

Big Mike said...

I have much the same questions. But in fairness, what if he deleted the texts in disgust? If a female acquaintance had sent me a photo of her boobs back in the day, I’d have deleted it at just a tick under light speed.

The hypothesis that this was a honey trap should not be overlooked.

mccullough said...

The people are all shit heels

Bob Boyd said...

Good thing she wasn't caught sexting with Trump. They wouldn't have just put her on leave, they'd have sent her to island somewhere wrapped in heavy chains.
She's an apostate. She's jack Prog.

Iman said...

Would you nuzzle Nuzzi?
Or would you lizza her alone?

Narayanan said...

is not transpron aka mis-hetero porn in olden times

Jason said...

I wonder how long WaPo has been sitting on this story?

But WaPo would never bury a story to protect a Kennedy, right?


Michael K said...

The Dullard knows all about cheating husbands. I wonder why?

Michael K said...

That was his basic Democrat coming out.