September 15, 2024

"We cannot get myopic or get focused based upon a knee-jerk reaction to something that is very titillating or very out there in the public right now."

Said Todd Chamberlain, the police chief in Aurora, Colorado, quoted in "How the False Story of a Gang 'Takeover' in Colorado Reached Trump/The claim that Aurora, Colo., has been overrun by gun-toting migrants stemmed from the city’s fight with a landlord. Now it is central to one of former President Donald J. Trump’s anti-immigrant campaign promises" (NYT).

That's a free-access link, because there are more details to absorb than I can summarize here. The quotes around "takeover" are a clue.

I thought it was rich that the police chief was taking a stand against getting focused.


Money Manger said...

The story dances around, but ultimately seems to confirm the Venezuelan gang activity. Most of the copy is just misdirection--a focus on an unscrupulous property owner. Where the headline writer gets "false story" I don't know, but it isn't evident here.

TreeJoe said...

Where we are in the media today:

Headline: “Here’s the deal with those false stories by Trump/the right”

Body content: carefully crafted content that either indirectly confirms the truth of those stories or shows that such claims are reasonable interpretations given the situation.

Eric the Fruit Bat said...

The police chief has a point. After the knee-jerk reaction you fly off the handle and land in deep shit. Next thing you know the world's gone to hell in a hand basket.

Iman said...

If Biden/Harris were to aggressively attempt to ruin this country, what would they have done differently these last 3.75 years.

FormerLawClerk said...

The fact that the NY Times characterizes this story as "false" is highly suggestive that it is in fact true.

FormerLawClerk said...

The media is laying the groundwork for a stolen election in 2 months and are preparing the battlefield.

Iman said...

Have they given Chief Fife more than one bullet yet?

Heartless Aztec said...

If people don't like professional policing, they're sure not going to like the alternatives.

Temujin said...

I love how these things have a regular cycle to them. There is a massive influx of immigrants- both illegal and government sponsored- to Colorado. Denver crime has skyrocketed. Coincidence? The press reports crime stats are actually down. Residents report it's worse than it's ever been. Then reports of Tren de Aragua taking over multiple apartment buildings in Aurora. It is reported in both local press and social media. National media reports it, then backs off of it.
"There is no takeover of apartments by Tren de Aragua".
Then..."There may be some gangs in Aurora, and in Denver, but it's not confirmed its Tren de Aragua".
Then..."OK it's Tren de Aragua, but they've not taken over the apartments."
Then photos and videos show gang members with guns running around the complex.
Then national press starts to mention, "Tren de Aragua is a problem all over the US." Does that mean they actually have taken over the apartments in Aurora?
Yes! National press reports, "Apartments in Aurora taken over by Tren de Aragua."
But then a new narrative must be painted on this entire thing. And so, the police chief in Aurora who, unlike the Mayor of Springfield does not own those apartment buildings and is not getting paid by the Federal Government to house migrants in his owned apartment building, comes out and says, there is no Tren de Aragua takeover of the apartment buildings.

All of which leads random people on the street like me to ask: Why are we splitting hairs over which Venezuelans or which Haitians, or which Guatemalans or MS-13 members or Nicaraguans or Iranians or ISIS members or Mexicans are good or bad?

Why is our borderr so wide freakin open and why is our government inviting, escorting, paying, and strategically inserting millions of undocumented, illegal, and/or favored immigrants into our country???

Stop the red herrings about which gang is in which city, and whether or not you can call them a gang. Why the _____ are they even here? Who is running this country at the moment?

Kylos said...

I didn’t see anything in the story that supports the argument that Trump’s claims are false. Did they take over the building, such that the landlord was unable to enter until the police came in? That question must be answered to determine whether Trump’s claims are true or false.

Christopher B said...

As the Instant-Prof likes to point out from time to time (paraphrasing) the police don't exist to stop crime, they exist to stop summary justice being performed on people thought to be criminals.

narciso said...

Is that your final answer

Breezy said...

It’s such a shame all stories need to be constructed for political gain or loss. We can’t have nice things.

narciso said...

Because people bring long guns to a tenant dispute

Tim said...

If you tell the lie over and over again, and always tell the lie, and publish the lie, you can obscure the truth. I think they waited too long to sell the lie this time, too many people already reported on the truth. But if there is one thing Democrats are good at, it is pushing the lie. We will see I guess.

mindnumbrobot said...

So the headline and subhead contain two lies ("false" and "anti-immigrant") in a story about how Trump is anti-immigrant and lies, but the story doesn't actually show the lie or how Trump is anti-immigrant.

Conclusion: The Aurora and Springfield stories have real traction.

William said...

I read the article. It's confusing. According to the article the tenants at the complex are squatters, and they're complaining about a lack of services? The article says that those men wandering the halls with guns play on an endless loop on Fox News. The article does not tell who those men were or why they were wandering around the halls with long guns......The takeaway from the article: Trump is a liar and Venezuelans are fine people forced to live in inadequate housing .

planetgeo said...

I don't care what you call it, but actually seeing a group of men all aggressively walking in and around an apartment building carrying rifles is going to be pretty hard to explain away as "normal," "boring," or "summer of love." But hey, Democrats seem to be OK with it.

Leland said...

I seem to recall the claim that NYU wasn't taken over by pro-Palestinian protestors as well. We are being told not to believe our own eyes.

Jamie said...

The article interviews, what, two Venezuelan residents (one of whom, at least, admits to being a squatter) of these apartments, and they're not gang members. Therefore there was no "gang takeover." Right?

In a neighborhood controlled by the Mafia back in the Godfather era, how many actual mafiosi were hanging around on the street? Were there people with visible weapons on every corner?

When you visit the bad parts of Philadelphia today, how many of the people you see are actively involved in committing violent crimes? Are YOU going to be a victim, for sure, that day?

It doesn't take a large criminal element to constitute a takeover. It's a Pareto distribution at best (or at worst) - a small percentage of criminals can and do commit essentially ALL the crimes. Putting the best possible light on the attitudes of the Left, the effort, via obfuscation of real events, to keep people from making snap judgments about all members of a group some small percentage of which is committing all the crime in an area gets in the way of actually dealing with the crime and the criminals.

Putting a worse light on those attitudes, it's profoundly cynical to go around always trying to paint your political opponents as racist in order to win elections when their concerns and struggles are very real.

William50 said...

Who are you going to believe, the NYT or your lying eyes?

Lloyd W. Robertson said...

What would an intelligent debate about immigration look like?

Is the sheer number of immigrants a problem, legal.or not? Would not some screening at least keep out criminals, including child sex traffickers, and terrorists? What about the 300,000 missing children, according to government records? Where is AOC in her white dress?

Trump is at least heading toward addressing these questions.

Randomizer said...

A management company says that Venezuelan gangs are menacing an apartment building. Police arrest 10 members of the Tren de Aragua gang for felony menacing. The claim seems true in the particulars.

Can we get back to why it is good for America to admit Venezuelan gang members?

Rather than dwelling on pet snatchers in Springfield, can we talk about how Americans benefit by admitting a half-million people from the poorest country in the Americas? We already have poor people, and they'd like some opportunities.

Like Trump says about China, I don't blame people for taking advantage of us if we are begging to be exploited. In general, I have nothing against the immigrants or refugees. Why wouldn't they take advantage? Our government just needs to stop the madness.

n.n said...

Excess murder, rape-rape, and other criminal activity. American Civil Liberties Unburdened

Creola Soul said...

NYT engaged in CYA on steroids…….again.

T J Sawyer said...

So it was Greg Abbott that sent 40,000 Immigrants to Denver. Now if we can find out which Republican sent 20,000 immigrants to Springfield and which Republican sent Ilhan Omar, her brother and xx thousand immigrants to Minneapolis and get them out of office, these stories will go away.

Jamie said...

So it was Greg Abbott that sent 40,000 Immigrants to Denver.

If only he'd kept them in Texas where they belong!

David Aitken said...

Nobody's talking about the sanctuary city issue. If you subsidize something, you get more of it, and we are subsidizing illegal aliens with open borders.

Mary Beth said...

Recently the mayor of Aurora was blaming the Venezuelan gang problem on Gov. Abbott sending illegal immigrants to Colorado. He also said there were areas in the city that were no longer theirs and they needed to take them back. After the debate he was back to saying there's no gang problem.

In a 10-page report, a law firm representing the lender holding the mortgage said it appeared the Venezuelan gang had "forcefully taken over" the property. They wrote issues with Tren de Aragua began in late 2023. The report claimed gang members violently broke into empty units, tried to extort tenants for rent money and even severely beat a staff member in November of last year. (I think the law firm is Perkins Coie - they were named in another article. Just in case you want a name that makes you wonder what the story really is.)

Another article says they were using the empty units to host parties with drugs and child prostitution.

Levi Starks said...

When you know you’re more likely to lose your job by doing it as opposed to pretending to do it.

Mary Beth said...

Because the border states who want a stronger border should just have to take all of the immigrants and keep them there?

Iman said...

It seems the progressive brain trust - such as it is - is taking Sunday off.

A strategy meeting to agree on the next pack of lies?

planetgeo said...

Speaking of "sanctuary cities"...such a lovely term. Very Pope Francis-ish. Forgive me for pointing out that it means that these city officials are breaking federal law. Does that mean anything anymore? Apparently not, because so many cities are doing it.

So reassuring to know we are "a nation of laws." Who's got the list of the ones we really have to obey?

Aggie said...

No No NO! You must practice your reading comprehension. It is a False story ! False, False, False !

You are not honoring your duties to the Party, Comrade. We must be ever diligent to abide the Party communications, and adopt the correct slogans !
A story that is contrary to our objectives is always a False story, Comrade.

Aggie said...

Pre-bunking the ever-unfolding worse developments in the Fake news.

Spiros said...

Is the "slumlord" really responsible for the rats, the garbage that isn't picked up, armed men patrolling the hallways, rampant filthiness, graffiti, etc.? Poor people act this way, it has nothing to do with whoever they're renting from. Blame poverty. If anything, the slumlord is something of a hero for even associating with these people. So it's unfair. (There is also a sort of anti-Semitic undertone to this. James Baldwin famously hated on Jewish landlords because they cared more about their families than their tenants. So very odd.)

Also I know a landlord who threatened to walk away from a large, problem property. One of the local inspectors came over with some sort of machine. He sent some sort of smoke through her sewer pipes and, eventually, found a small leak. He told her she had to dig up all the sewer pipes and replace them. She had the pipes scooped with a camera and her plumber concluded that there were no serious problems. So this goes back and forth and eventually it gets to the point where she threatens to walk. Just hand over the keys to bank and piss off. The bank, the tenants, local politicians freak out. Moral of the story is ease up on the criticism, especially if you can't do a better job.

Skeptical Voter said...

Donald Trump could say that the Sun will rise in the East tomorrow morning and the NYT kiddies would say that itis a false story. And if they didn't say it was "false" they'd say that Trump said that "without evidence". The WSJ had a long story about the Venezuelan gang that's involved in the Aurora situation.

Mason G said...

"Who's got the list of the ones we really have to obey?"

That's "lists". The laws you have to obey depend on who you are. Remember- "All animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others."

NorthOfTheOneOhOne said...

Christopher Rufo and Christina Buttons paint an entirely different picture of how this occurred.

Pillage Idiot said...

Yep, every magician does something with the off hand, so the audience does not focus on the hand performing the "magic".

That whole article was written to distract low reading comprehension people from actually believing Trump's claims ... which specifically were NOT debunked.

Aggie said...

I actually give the article a little bit of credit - there's some not bad reporting past the deliberately-misleading lead-in. The lead is probably from an editor, not the journalist, just guessing. But they show pictures that are contextually-damaging, if the purpose was to hide or diminish the story: Young couple, both with face tattoos, walking their dogs: 'Victims'. And a picture of a boarded-up former apartment building that actually isn't the subject of the report, but an example of more collateral damage from the same thing. Anybody that actually reads the article, with the visuals, is going to come away with a fairly honest appraisal that the problem is real, it's being poorly managed both by Federal and local leadership. And the local leadership is bearing the brunt of the problems asserted by the Feds.

loudogblog said...

There have too many stories in other media sources to dismiss the claims of immigrant gangs taking over small areas of Aurora as being a false claim. When you try and tell people that stories that they are reading from multiple, reputable, news sources isn't true, it makes you look like a liar.

Rabel said...

"On Tuesday, the Aurora Police Department announced it had arrested 10 members of Tren de Aragua on charges of ”felony menacing,” attempted first-degree murder, assault, child abuse, domestic abuse and others."

More details from the Denver post.

It's a small Venezuelan gang problem the size of a large Venezuelan gang problem.

Also why is the cabinet on top of the bucket on top of the stool?

Rusty said...

They're only here committing the crimes Americans don't want to do.

robother said...

The law of the excluded middle. Either Tren de Aragua has completely taken over the buildings in question, i(.e., controls every single apartment) or there is no gang activity whatsoever. Of course, as every resident of a big city neighborhood knows, the middle is where we all live, and having some sense of which direction a block, school, etc. is headed is a question of life and health. Of course , residents of these buildings when interviewed by the press or police are acutely aware that "snitches get stitches."

Peachy said...

1) Trump mis-spoke when he said the city of Aurora was taken over. No - just a few apartments.
The the bigger story ignored by the corrupt left can be found here. Post by Ann a few days ago.
Chaos in Aurora
How the federal government subsidized the migrant madness in suburban Colorado.
Local ABC, NBC (D) affiliates in line with the denial anything serious is going on - at tax payer expense.

john mosby said...

Rabel, it’s stool all the way down!


Michael K said...

I once operated on a lady, an apartment manager, whose tenant brought a cross bow to a dispute. Pretty dramatic. Right through her heart. She survived.

Michael K said...

I once operated on a lady, an apartment manager, whose tenant brought a cross bow to a dispute. Pretty dramatic. Right through her heart. She survived.

Jim at said...

How long before Rich chimes in telling us Venezuelan gangs taking over apartment complexes is a good thing?

n.n said...

Allegations of Diversity (e.g. racism, sexism) is the transAmericans' conventional projection, but they overestimate the number of green people who will take a knee to this audacious incrimination without evidence.

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