This is yesterday's sunrise, at 7:05 a.m. I left it out of
yesterday's collection because it didn't fit the color scheme, which was a deep red-orange. I decided to keep it for a day when I missed the sunrise, and that turned out to be the very next day. It rained all night and into the morning, so we stayed in, and I got the chance to use this picture from yesterday. I especially like the shadow cast by that one cloud. It seems to be a negative sunbeam.
Goings on: "The state of Montana took its electronic absentee voting system offline shortly after it went live when prospective voters discovered Kamala Harris wasn't on the ballot."
Our elections are fake.
These voting machines were "tested" and approved, gone over twice ... neigh three times .... and were deemed ready to go. Except one of the candidates isn't listed on the ballot.
But "everything is fine folks. Just go about your business. Keep voting. Don't revolt. Don't shoot anybody (except Trump)."
Very nice sunrise. I hid my head when I saw it was raining. Autumn. Then winter. Where have all the flowers gone?
A beautiful photo!
Great shot!
The North Korean women’s soccer team won the U-20 World Cup today. I wonder how the country will celebrate. Maybe everyone will get an extra slice of bread for dinner tomorrow!
OK, that's a good one.
The Muslim Mayor of Hamtramck MI , an old Polish suburb of Detroit, now the majority Muslim city in America, just endorsed Trump ! They are upset at all the transgender stuff pushed by Democrats. Hilarious!
Here is a link to my discussion with perplexity.ai pro regarding my incorrect insistence that the word "anathema" should be used with the article "an"... as in "an anathema".
I don't think that a naked anathema will ever sound right to me. It makes me think that my lack of grammatical understanding indicates that my use of language is nothing more than a (poorly trained) LLM running in my head.
Note that if you are an Xfinity customer that meets certain conditions, you can be granted Platinum status. If so, there are perks that can be activated. One of those perks is a free one year Pro subscription to perplexity.ai. Another is a free subscription to Peacocktv (with commercials).
Tonight a few of my grade school friends are recalling friend and neighbor Mish Michaels who was cancelled before cancel culture. Recall her and all the persecuted scientists before and after, in the past and the future…
Unsurprisingly mainstream media neglects to publish her cause of death…
How sad. She committed suicide.
OK, you got me interested in this question, so I asked ChatGPT, and here was the nut graf of its answer:
Countability: "Anathema" is usually uncountable in its modern sense, so you wouldn't say "an anathema" in most cases.
For instance, if you said "the show was garbage," well garbage is uncountable, but if you said that the "the show was a failure" failures are countable. It really doesn't have to do with anything special about the word "anathema," just that it's uncountable. If you said that something was anathema to you, you might mean to say that it was an abomination to you. Once again abominations are countable, and anathema isn't.
Sources say the only members of Robinson’s staff remaining are a pizza delivery man, a plumber, and a stepsister.
Nearly all of Lt. Gov. Mark Robinson's campaign staff quits after CNN report https://www.wunc.org/politics/2024-09-22/mark-robinson-campaign-staff-quit-cnn-report
Has Trump yet claimed he doesn’t know Robinson, he may have met him once or twice?
Okay they’ve finally identified the problem; let’s take bets on how long it takes them to reach the conclusion. I put $10 on eternity.
How did Trump hack system
Trump just seems to love these guys. “He’s MLK on steroids”. On Diddy, he said “I just love that guy, he's a good guy, he’s a good friend of mine”. He had good things to say about Epstein too and he wished Ghislaine Maxwell well when she went to jail. See a pattern?
Dixcus, "neigh" is the whinny of a horse; "nay" as in no, is amazingly spelled like it sounds.
Montana had an input error, not a voting machine error and no evidence exists that our elections are fake. Try signing up to help administer the system at your local polling place where you will find dedicated, hard-working people from both parties.
Muslims don't share Levine's Dreams of Herr Mengele. Good.
Watching a January 2024 repeat of game show Split Second. Question is "who is first South Asian vice president".
Trump was right..
Says Jabfly, who shat so hard he created a multi swing state shutdown. Very dedicated.
can names disappear aafter vote is cast?
is anathema noun ? at all
Montana Secretary of State omits VP Harris from overseas ballots
By Egbe Ogu | September 22, 20240 Comment
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It has recently come to light that the Republican Montana Secretary of State allegedly instructed her office to leave Vice President Kamala Harris’ name off voting ballots that were sent to thousands of Montanans living abroad. This shocking claim was made by Ricky Davila on Twitter, where he expressed his disbelief and outrage at the situation. The tweet, posted on September 22, 2024, called for the Secretary of State to be arrested and charged with election interference, questioning the absence of action from the Department of Justice.
The alleged act of leaving Vice President Harris’ name off voting ballots raises serious concerns about the integrity of the electoral process in Montana. If true, this would be a clear violation of democratic principles and could undermine the trust of voters in the state. The decision to exclude a candidate from the ballot is a serious one and should not be taken lightly. It is essential that all candidates have a fair and equal opportunity to participate in the electoral process.
The role of the Secretary of State is to oversee elections and ensure that they are conducted fairly and transparently. Any attempt to manipulate or interfere with the electoral process is a direct threat to democracy. The allegations against the Montana Secretary of State are deeply concerning and should be thoroughly investigated. If found to be true, appropriate action must be taken to hold those responsible accountable for their actions.
The fact that Vice President Harris’ name was allegedly left off voting ballots sent to Montanans living abroad is a serious issue that cannot be ignored. It is essential that all voters have the opportunity to cast their ballots for the candidate of their choice. Any attempt to suppress or manipulate the votes of certain individuals is a direct attack on the democratic process.
The call for the Secretary of State to be arrested and charged with election interference highlights the gravity of the situation. If these allegations are proven to be true, it would represent a serious breach of trust and a betrayal of the democratic values that we hold dear. The Department of Justice must take swift and decisive action to investigate these claims and ensure that the integrity of the electoral process is upheld. 'the maduro group of right wingers '
Janet Jackson agrees!
I have just finished reading The Land of the Blessed Virgin by W. Somerset Maugham, an account of his wanderings in southern Spain around the turn of the last century. It’s not considered one of his better works, but it was of deep interest to me as a look back at a place I have loved for more than forty years.
Towards the end of this engaging travelogue, which instilled in me a deep longing to return to Andalusia, I came across this discordant passage and instantly thought of our gracious hostess and her dislike of travel for its own sake:
It is much better to read books of travel than to travel oneself; he really enjoys foreign lands who never goes abroad; and the man who stays at home, preserving his illusions, has certainly the best of it. How delightful is the anticipation as he looks over time-tables and books of photographs, forming delightful images of future pleasure! But the reality is full of disappointment, and the more famous the monument the bitterer the disillusion. Has any one seen St. Peter's without asking himself: Is that all? And the truest enjoyment arises from things that come unexpectedly, that one had never heard of. Then, living in a strange land, one loses all impression of its strangeness; it is only afterwards, in England, that one realises the charm and longs to return; and a hundred pictures rise to fill the mind with delight. Why can one not be strong enough to leave it at that and never tempt the fates again?
I quite disagree with his outlook, but was delighted to have stumbled upon it and to be able to share it with someone of the same sentiment.
So Trump claims that "Everybody stays 'till the end" of his rallies, adding, "Nobody leaves my rallies early!" But shockingly, that doesn't appear true. In Wilmington on Saturday night attendees began leaving just 28 minutes into his speech.
Noticeably absent at the Trump rally held at ILM airport was his North Carolina BFF Mark Robinson, his "Black Nazi" friend, who among other wild declarations, has honest-to-God admitted that he fucked his sister-in-law. So for the first time the abnormal GOP gubernatorial candidate wasn't invited.
There was good news however. The feloneous one has said he will not run again in 2028 after he loses to Comma La in November.
All you have to do is read the lefties on this blog....(but I don't feel sorry for them at all, I laugh at their ignorance)
"You can almost feel sorry for them. The Democrats have based their whole presidential campaign strategy on keeping Kamala Harris away from interviews and policy discussions and focusing on the one thing that worked in 2020—“Hate Trump!” Don’t tell me you haven’t noticed.
Hating Trump is all they have. Their candidate is in hiding most of the time. She speaks in generalities and calls for joy and an opportunity economy. But there is no detailed platform, no clear delineation of what she will do if elected. She has given no explanation for her radical change in positions since her run in 2019. They are stuck in “Hate Trump,” and no attempted assassinations are going to change that."
Remember this when you read all about the 741 "spies who lie part 2" this morning. (they include the 51 Hunter Biden laptop liars who spewed lies before the LAST election to get their government run Government on track against WE THE PEOPLE!!! that STILL have their security clearances but SHOULD be in prison.)
"Consider this: You can’t sell securities to the public by making statements knowingly false or made with reckless disregard for the truth. You can’t sell your house based on falsehoods; that’s fraud. You can’t even sell “banana bread” without actual bananas without disclosing that fact. But the Democrats and their allies have engaged in major lies to win elections and gotten away scot-free. These political lies are frauds and far more important than banana bread."
Kamala voters. Please watch this. Please pay attention for once. This a tweet of a man who believed like YOU do that Trump is a racist because of the lies of the media. When he actually WATCHED and listened to what Trump actually said, not what the left wing propaganda media wants you to believe he said, he can't believe he believed their lies for so long.
Elon Musk
Send this link to friends who think
is racist
Elon Musk
Vivek Ramaswamy
Here’s a reasonable deal: if we pass the SAVE Act right now, both sides can agree that neither will complain about a stolen election afterward. But the fact that this *can’t* happen says a lot about where we are: it shouldn’t be controversial to require proof of citizenship to vote.
7:38 PM · Sep 22, 2024
“Envy was once considered to be one of the seven deadly sins before it became one of the most admired virtues under its new name, 'social justice'.”
― Thomas Sowell, The Quest for Cosmic Justice
Voting has already started. The time to change the rules is long past.
Kind of interesting that the GOP are now so desperate to change the rules while things are already under way. Could have done this a year ago, but you decide to push this now?
Lavern Spicer 🇺🇸
Let me get this straight.
The party that has:
Rafael Warnock beating his wife and being a slum lord
Gay staffers making porno videos in the senate
Andrew Gillum getting caught in a motel room with a overdosed male prostitute
Tiffany Henyard stealing all her constituents money and bankrupting the township…
And Obama reportedly smoking crack and banging dudes at hotels…
…is gonna lecture me about some damn Mark Robinson posts from 100 years ago?
I don't fucking think so!
Whatever Mark Robinson did or didn’t do, Democrats invented and perfected it.
Shut the fuck up with that morality bullshit yall spewing.
Yall wouldn’t know it if it came up and bit you in the ass.
7:38 AM · Sep 21, 2024
Can the world use less anathema or fewer anathemas? Apparently, the answer would be, there is no plural of that word.
Rand Simburg over on X used "an anathema" in a post. I thanked him for it and he replied that anathema is indeed countable. That sent me down the rabbit hole for the 23rd time.
"I don't think that a naked anathema will ever sound right to me."
Without going to your link, let me say that I've often heard "It is anathema." It's like saying "It is poison." It's a noun. You'd say "it is a poison" if the stress were on a particular type of poison. But there aren't particular types of anathema. And I've never heard "It is an anathema." No, anathema is a big glob of anathemaness. You never say things like "There are several anathemas here."
Clint Russell
Sep 21
It's pretty amazing that the United States has no president and no one cares
Oh, and just 3 months ago every hack corporate journalist was adamant that he was the picture of mental acuity, ready to rock for 4 more years
(You don't hate the media enough)
I'm reading the OED entry for "anathema" and there's more Roman Catholicism that I want to digest at the moment. Maybe that's what you were discussing with AI. In the context of an official curse, I am seeing "an anathema" and "anathemas" (and even "anathemata").
"Gaunt, fanaticfaced country preachers thundered anathema from the rustic pulpit at his oblivious and unregenerate head" — W. Faulkner, Light in August 1932.
The 2 oldest uses in the OED do not have an "an":
?1548 What so euer you do bringe into the church of Christ..without hys holy worde..is that stinckinge carion that Paulle calleth Anathema.
1563 Thou will establishe all these vnsemely beggerly and wicked customes..nether yet..wold I spaire to pronounce Anathema an accurse vpon them. G. Hay, Confutation of Abbote of Crosraguels Masse f. 43
Here's the oldest usage in the extended, non-Catholic meaning:
1648 Who read'st this Book that I have writ, And can'st not mend, but carpe at it: By all the muses! thou shalt be Anathema to it, and me. R. Herrick, Hesperides sig. S7
A similar word: "sacrilege."
We say "It is sacrilege" and "It is a sacrilege."
And "sin": "It is a sin," "It is sin."
Try "evil." No indefinite article needed. We're picturing "evil" as one continuous substance.
Works with nonreligious things too. You drink milk more than you drink a milk.
SEC to Seek Sanctions Against Musk for Not Appearing for Testimony Over Twitter Acquisition
And here comes the voice to let illegals vote in our elections. You can't win unless you cheat, can you Mark?? THIS shouldn't NEED to be a law, it SHOULD be common sense, but since YOU are lacking that, I am not surprised.
Its from the latin
The ai was calling it a predicate nominative. I think my poorly trained internal LLM is unable to distinguish that from an adjective. Like the poison and sacrilege examples. I don't think I would say "that is sacrilege" or "that is poison". Sacrilegious and poisonous should be used.
When the Dems feel cheated, they’ll vote for the citizen check. Until then, they’ll abuse the heck out of our elections. It’s who they are.
predicate nominative >>> 'a metaphor' taken literally and seriously
Trump is anthema to D's !
You seem to have a point, but it is still wrong, for instance in the meaning of "it is one of those anathemas," "an anathema" might be thought correct, but that is to assign a different meaning to the word "anathema." A word like "an abomination" would be better chosen, unless your goal is to deliberately chip away at the language until it's reduced to a kind of processed cheeze.
Another example.
Debrah is beautiful.
Debrah is a beauty.
Sure you could try and make "Debrah is a beautiful" happen, like the famous "fetch" but except as a nonce that depends on its strangeness for its effect, you would be changing the language, especially if you are campaigning to make it standard English.
I am ruling: "Disallowed, smartypants."
“ Has any one seen St. Peter's without asking himself: Is that all? ” *raises hand*
I guess if you win your battle, we will have to say "It's anathamistic" in the future.
I accept your ruling. It's just a matter of convincing whatever part of my brain that allows me to pretend I understand grammar to accept it. However, "beautiful" is an adjective and wouldn't require an indefinite article.
I don't want to change the language.
Althouse - Evil is an adjective.
tim - anethematic would be my preference when following the word is. Honestly though, I'm not trying to convince anyone but myself.
Althouse - in your example above from 1563 "to pronounce Anathema an accurse". Following the verb "pronounce" it seems/sounds perfectly fine. Following "is" is nails on a chalkboard.
What's wrong with NYC?
New York City's interim police commissioner says federal authorities seized materials from his homes
"Federal authorities searched the homes of New York City's newly named interim police commissioner and seized materials unrelated to his police work, he said.
The unexplained and unexpected search comes as the administration of Mayor Eric Adams reels from other federal law enforcement investigations.
Thomas Donlon, who became the interim commissioner just one week ago after the resignation of his predecessor, issued a statement late Saturday through the police department.
“On Friday, September 20, federal authorities executed search warrants at my residences. They took materials that came into my possession approximately 20 years ago and are unrelated to my work with the New York City Police Department,” the statement said.
“This is not a department matter, and the department will not be commenting,” he added.
The statement did not address what the investigation was about, which federal authorities were involved or what materials had been seized.
Fabien Levy, the city’s deputy mayor for communications, said: “As we have repeatedly said, we expect all team members to fully comply with any law enforcement inquiry.”
Just a week ago, the previous police commissioner, Edward Caban, resigned after federal authorities seized his electronic devices as part of an investigation that also involved his brother, a former police officer.
Federal agents also have seized phones in recent weeks from the head of the city's public schools, a top deputy mayor, Adams' top public safety adviser and others. Previously, investigators searched homes connected to Adams' top campaign fundraiser and the Democrat's Asian affairs director.
Last autumn, federal agents also seized Adams' phone as he left an event."
More at the link.
It's from the Greek:
1Co 16:22 - If anyone does not love the Lord, he is to be accursed. Maranatha. (NASB version)
εἴ τις οὐ φιλεῖ τὸν κύριον ἤτω ἀνάθεμα μαρανα θα. (Greek)
In the Greek, "anathema" is a noun, but functionally it denotes a state of accursedness and fills the role of an adjective. That's my (slightly) educated opinion.
"Marana tha" is Jewish Aramaic for "Lord, come."
“I will not say: do not weep; for not all tears are an evil.”
--- JRR Tolkien, The Return of the King (The Lord of the Rings, #3)
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