September 22, 2024

"Thank you all for being here and now, uhh, who am I introducing next? Who’s next?"

Said the President of the United States — who is he? uhh, whatsisname? — quoted in "Awkward moment Biden fumbles, snaps at staffers after forgetting he was supposed to introduce Indian prime minister to stage" (NY Post). ADDED: Yeah, seriously: Who is President?


Iman said...

We’re in the best of hands with these treasonous MFers…

tim in vermont said...

This corrupt old dotard is the man Ukraine bet its future on.

Michael K said...

Whoops ! Didn't get him off soon enough.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

same as always - his handlers.

Original Mike said...

Thank you, democrats.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

The real questions is - who are his handlers? I imagine they are the same types of people who steal luggage and wear the women's clothes.

Original Mike said...

"Yeah, seriously: Who is President?"

I think the best answer is nobody.

Leland said...

He's not even a good presenter or MC, but we are supposed to believe he can preside over our nation. Alas, no excitement to vote in the first female President if she is President before the election.

Political Junkie said...

Proof that President is mostly just a figurehead. The D or R team will run the apparatus. I used to believe in the "great man/person theory" of president. No longer. I stopped beliving in "great man/person theory" long time ago. Who is the last president that we would call a great man/person?

Wince said...

Boy, did they capture the Biden expression.

Joe Biden Pasties: Biden Waffle Cone Nipple Covers

Kevin said...

The same people telling you Kamala should be our next President are also telling you Joe is just fine being our current one.

Humperdink said...

Sharp as a tack a few months ago.

tim in vermont said...

So we were told. And you can believe everything that the press tells you, never forget that.

n.n said...

Progressive Diversity a.k.a. dementia.

Dr Weevil said...

Once again, 'tim in vermont' demonstrates gross ignorance and/or dishonesty. Zelenskyy has been very polite to and about Trump, talked about working together with him if he wins, asking to meet with him, in short, not burning any bridges.

Don, Jr. and Vance say they're going to cut off Ukraine, but Trump Sr. makes the decisions and hasn't said any such thing. Some think his idea of settling the war in a day is to call up Putin and tell him to start withdrawing right away or we'll start sending Ukraine the hundreds of F-16s, M-1s, and Bradleys they need to win in a few months. That would match what he did to the Wagnerites firing on US troops in Syria in 2019: he wiped them out. Of course, it would be nice if Trump would say something specific about his plans, or at least tell Vance and Junior to shut up.

Aggie said...

"Yeah, seriously: Who is President? ...." That information is not available to just any voter. Move along, citizen, I mean 'Comrade', I mean 'peasant'.

Limited blogger said...

Who's next? Very good question.

Barry Dauphin said...

"Who is President?" Jeff Zients?

Darkisland said...

In a campaign ad for our President Emeritus Trump, Tampon Timmy said "We can't afford 4 more years of this"

And in the first cabinet meeting in about a year this week, Brandon was too tired and Dr Jill presided. Is that even legal?

John Henry

Mary Beth said...

ADDED: Yeah, seriously: Who is President?

The one running the only cabinet meeting in the last year, Dr. Jill.

Lazarus said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Lazarus said...

It was often said that Jill and the other Bidens were cruel elder abusers for making Joe run and stay in office, but Joe wanted the White House, and he wanted it for years. They let him go for what he wanted. But now that he's quite a shell of a man, unaware of where he is and what he's doing, it does look cruel for the family to let this charade go on.

There have always been stories about people who were forced to resign and died shortly thereafter. Maybe Biden is like that. The death grip he kept on the presidency kept him going. Now that he's had to let his grip loosen, he's declining even more rapidly than before. It's also possible that now that he doesn't have people pretending that he's "whip smart" and the "best Biden he's ever been" we're now free to see him as he really is. Still, something in him died when he had to drop out of the race. Maybe, if Joe hadn't run in 2020, he'd be in even worse shape now -- if he were still around.

wendybar said...

He hasn't been there in a long time. Hussein IS running things, and has been since they stole the election from Trump in 2020 and installed the delusional one. Kamala HID this. What else is she lying to us about??

Rabel said...


Dixcus said...

Did you forget that they built Joe Biden a fake White House Oval office to putter around in?

The person who is President is the same person it's always been: Barack Obama, (D) Kenya

America has been Fundamentally Transformed™.

We now have lifetime shadow Presidents unburdened by term limits or things like borders or nationalities.

tim in vermont said...

Ukrainian lies about Trump printed in the NYT in August of 2016

The New York Times later printed a story about 12 CIA bases in Ukraine, and the CIA training that they were given in disinformation, and the above Ukrainian lies were said to have come from those operations. Always accuse the other side of whatever you think you have to do that the normies won't like, and Ukraine was, in fact, the source of election interference in 2016..

Aggie said...

.."“By the way, he’s from a small country like ours. A small population like ours,” Biden then joked while embracing Modi, 74. “He’s become a good and decent man. A good friend.”

India has the largest population in the world with about 1.4 billion people, while the US is the third-most populous with 333 million.".....

He's 'become a good and decent man'??? Saints help us. I see the Post can't help itself, putting in that sly fact check, after. Joe has always had a reckless talent for saying the wrong thing - factually wrong, insulting, and clueless - that's our Joe.

Breezy said...

They hate DJT because he is not just a figurehead. He solves the problems that the rest of them grift upon.

Jamie said...

Undoubtedly no president can preside in vacuum - our world is much too complicated not to employ subject experts. But we elect one person, one person with a big frigging ego and a healthy sense of self-preservation, in hopes that that person will choose intelligent experts - and more importantly, will fire them if they fail to do their job well.

Whoever is running things now is accountable to NO ONE.

Jamie said...

According to, among others, the woman who says we can, indeed we must, trust her to be our next president.

The rule of Lemnity said...

What makes this scary is that this man is trying to make the Cold War great again.

Jamie said...

Which should and I'm sure does matter to those who love him, but is absolutely not a reason to keep him on as Chief Executive.

jaydub said...

Not his fault. He thought Jill was covering these intros as well as the cabinet meeting.

loudogblog said...

"ADDED: Yeah, seriously: Who is President?"

Who is running the country? What might happen if there is a sudden crisis and we need quick and definitive action from the President?

Michael K said...

They also are not mentioning that Kamala had a Teleprompter for the Oprah "interview". You can see it in the video.

Michael K said...

Agree completely.

Humperdink said...

Our resident lefties are noticeably silent on this post. Generally Inga has been babbling ad infinitum the last few weeks. Mutaperson? Rich? Where art thou?

Iman said...

Sweet Jaysus, let sleeping dogs lie.

Humperdink said...


Michael Fitzgerald said...

If someone can't see that Donald John Trump is THE Great Man of our era, they are in denial.

Iman said...

They have a staff meeting at Jag-Off Central, where the shitbirds receive their talking points.

rehajm said...

I get disturbed when the people what mocked the people what recognized Biden’s shortcomings before he was elected. Yes, he was incapable of Presidenting back then, too. Yes, he was. You need to feel shame and repent…

Maynard said...

C'mon guys. It is just a stutter.

Joe is a hero for overcoming all his challenges in life.

Original Mike said...

"and more importantly, will fire them if they fail to do their job well."

Joe couldn't fire anyone, because they would have blown the whistle on his cognitive deficit.

What a truly awful situation these people put us in.

Mikey NTH said...

Who is president? You don't need to know.

Trust us, we know what we are doing.

Jerry said...

They hate DJT because he is not just a figurehead. He solves the problems that the rest of them grift upon.
9/22/24, 1:46 PM

You'll notice that he has a tendency to look at what's been going on for years or decades and deciding "That doesn't work..." - and then goes into problem-solving mode to come up with a solution.

The entire establishment in DC HATES that. First - it shows what they've supported as the 'right way to do things' isn't the best, and doesn't lead to a solution. Second - people look at the problem that's solved and go "Why the hell didn't you guys do this years ago?" Witness the moving of the US Embassy to Jerusalem and how it was supposed to inflame ME tensions somehow... yet when Trump did it everyone kinda shrugged. US wants to move its embassy? So what?

Third - it establishes that the hereditary political families have no special lock on the political process due to competence or knowledge - they've gotten in place and they'll be damned if they let some tradesman interloper into their sacred political spaces. Trump broke the paradigm, and there's a lot of the 'elite' and elite wannabes that look on what he's done as damned near heresy.

The Godfather said...

"Who is the last president that we would call a great man/person?" Reagan, no contest, no doubt.

The Godfather said...

DR. Jill presided over the Cabinet and you dare ask if that's legal? Of course it is if the incompetent President is a Democrat; Biden or Wilson prove that.

Bob Boyd said...

Good people don’t ask.

Political Junkie said...

Like Bear Bryant. The Bear joked he would die within a week of his retirement. He made it about four weeks into his retirement and died.

Gospace said...

Notice there is no call from anyone to install Kamala as POTUS NOW to demonstrate she can handle the job. Republicans and DemoncRATs alike know she can't, Republicans don't want her there, and DemoncRATs don't want to demonstrate she really isn't up to the job.

Since the 25th amendment isn't being used no- it likely never will be. The situation with brain dead Biden is exactly why the amendment was passed.

Narayanan said...

I believe Moid felt very safe from assassination!

Narayanan said...

and that is how democracy should works

Narayanan said...

and they are not wrong are they? did not Rome have horse for senator or something like that?

Narayanan said...

leading up to J6 2021Milley self declared CinC of armed forces!

John henry said...

I don't think the 25th Amendment would work here. Yes, Kamala could perhaps get enough people signed on to exercise it.

But unless he is in a coma, all he would need to do would be to say he is OK and he automaticallly resumes the office. So Kamala might be acting president (not president) for about 3 minutes before Joe resumes the office or Jill starts raising Hell.

Thereafter, when the President transmits to the President pro tempore of the Senate and the Speaker of the House of Representatives his written declaration that no inability exists, he shall resume the powers and duties of his office

Then the VP gets a second bite but it requires Congress to vote. And she still does not become president, only acting president.

Unless Brandon is willing to step aside, and Jill is willing to let him, Kamala can't become acting president.

And the 25th does not seem to allow her to become actual president unless Brandon is dead, impeached and removed or resigns.

How much would being Acting President for 6 weeks help Harriss?

John Henry

Ralph L said...

I've been watching the British "Scandal Mongers" youtubers. In the early Spring, they interviewed a mainstream? British journalist supposedly covering US politics--with a pillow. I gave them both barrels in the comments, leading with them all ignoring Biden's mental decline and Harris's stupidity, then Carter Page, the FBI, and Hillary's purchase of the Steele dossier. A month ago, I tried to find that interview on their page and couldn't. They respond to comments, so I'm sure they read mine.

Dr Weevil said...

What do Ukrainian words spoken in 2016 have to do with Zelenskyy, who declared his candidacy on the last day of 2018 and was elected in 2019? Nothing whatsoever, but 'tim in vermont' follows the usual Putinite line of pretending that all Ukrainian leaders are one leader, since Russia has only had one in this century.