September 23, 2024

Sunrise — 6:34, 6:44, 6:48, 6:50.






Jersey Fled said...

“The Pentagon announced on Monday that 'additional' service members would be deployed to join the 40,000 already stationed in the region along with a dozen warships and fighter jet squadrons.”

Additional troops? Warships? Fighter squadrons?

But Kamala assured me that there were no U.S. troops deployed anywhere in the world in a combat zone. Not a single one.

I’m shocked.

Jim at said...

Interesting our DOJ just put a $150,000 bounty on Trump's head by releasing a letter from the second assassin.

Wonder if our resident leftists will blame Trump's rhetoric for the offer not being higher.

They’re eating the cats — They’re eating the dogs said...

Nice walleye chop on Lake Mendota

Inga said...

And just how would Routh be able to pay $150,000 to another assassin? He’ll be in jail for a long time, by the time Routh gets out Trump will have died of old age.

FullMoon said...

So, anyway, another phone solicitor. Guy's speech actually seems American
So, I ask:

Parlez-vous français ?
uh, no

Parli Italiano?
uh, no

Took a chance, plenty of Spanish speakers:
Habla usted espanol?

Sprechen Sie Deutsch?
Dutch?! A little, oh, this is hard, ...

And, he starts, hesitantly, speaking Dutch(?)

Caught me by surprise, so I just said No, and hung up.

I remember some high school and neighborhood Spanish, must have learned others from movies or tv.

FullMoon said...

Janet Jackson in a lot of trouble for being politically ignorant, like average normal person. Life was more simple in those old days, wasn't it?

Maynard said...

There will be at least one more (likely failed) assassin seeking to end Donald Trump's presidential candidacy. My guess is explosives this time.

He/She/It will be funded by a secret Act Blue account found on the dark web. It is called the "Save our Democracy" account.


Jim at said...

And just how would Routh be able to pay $150,000 to another assassin? He’ll be in jail for a long time, by the time Routh gets out Trump will have died of old age.

Way to deliberately miss the point.

The question you should be asking is why the DOJ released the letter.

SteveWe said...

Maybe Tagalog?

Inga said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Inga said...

No, the question is why do you think the DOJ is trying to kill Trump?

narciso said...

Like the last two..Droll

I am getting some parallax view vibes

narciso said... a sorbet

Michael K said...

The dullard wonders why Brandon's DOJ is trying to kill Trump. It's easier than elections. It might not be so easy as 2020.

Michael K said...

I would pass on a ticket on his airplane next. That would get lot of "deplorables", too. Bonus.

narciso said...

Inga said...

The senile asshole is so far down the rabbit hole he’ll never find his way out again.

Inga said...

It’s sad how some Trumpublican commenters have turned Althouse comments sections into some Conspiracy Central chat group.

HistoryDoc said...

Now both Putin AND Zelensky are endorsing Kamala. Somewhere in there is some logic I am not privy to.

When are Xi and Kim Jong Un going to join Dick Cheney and the Iranians and jump on board the Kamala bandwagon?

Inga said...

Putin was trolling, he never seriously endorsed Harris.

Drago said...

P-Inga: "It’s sad how some Trumpublican commenters have turned Althouse comments sections into some Conspiracy Central chat group."

Trump/Putin collusion: did it happen or not?


Watch P-Inga, the biggest conspiracy nutjob on Althouse blog, run screaming from the room and not answer the question!

This should be fun.

Breezy said...

Putin and Harris are two peas in a pod. Both communists. Plus, as she reminds us all the time, she’s not Trump. And that’s why Putin prefers her.

Narayanan said...

are there clues in letter where to find the cache of cash?

Jay said...

Russia is a petrostate. Biden-Harris pushing up the price of oil doubled Putin's war chest. He is really hoping the dems are stupid enough to keep pushing green.

tim in vermont said...

Israel is taking advantage of the fact that the "Dr Jill" is now effectively the US President, and nobody, even in our own government, is afraid of her outside of her personal staff.

We will see what happens if they get their longed for war with Iran.

tim in vermont said...

It's pretty funny that Putin gave hundreds of millions to Hillary Clinton's "Foundation," probably so that she could hand out the sweet no-show jobs to the people whose palms she needed to grease in order to hand Putin ownership of most of North America's uranium.

Remember when we caught that group of Russia spies who were involved in shipping North American uranium, and they had gotten close to Hillary, who was Secretary of State, and she immediately had them deported, before they could be questioned, and not even trading them for anybody we wanted?

Good times... good times.

tim in vermont said...

It's not treason to want to avoid needless wars with countries who have 6,000 nuclear weapons. I know that people here like to peddle the domino theory, well, 50,000 young American men had their lives needlessly cut short over the "domino theory" and many more were grievously wounded, some suffering their wounds to this day, decades later.

FullMoon said...

And just how would Routh be able to pay $150,000 to another assassin?

Credit card, duh.

Eva Marie said...


Gusty Winds said...

No matter what the "cruel neutrality" mystery is about "who will Althouse vote for????", she's sleeping with a Trump voter. It's probably why she doesn't vote.

Original Mike said...

Yeah, Putin is quaking in his boots…. 🙄

Mutaman said...

tim in vermont
"It's pretty funny that Putin gave hundreds of millions to Hillary Clinton's "Foundation,"

Total bullshit. Which is why Tiny Tim never provides a link to support his statements.

Rusty said...

Aw, jesus.

FullMoon said...

Old days
Trump hung in effigy

Rusty said...

Yeah. They kinda did. That's how the Clinton Foundation was financed.

Jim at said...

No, the question is why do you think the DOJ is trying to kill Trump?

At no point - anywhere in my post - did I suggest the DOJ is trying to kill Trump. But I doubt they'd lose any sleep if somebody else took the ball and ran with it.

Otherwise, why release the document?

Inga said...

Obama hung in effigy

The rule of Lemnity said...

Fox News: "Tim Walz’s (as governor) school lunch fiasco got scammed for $250 million..."

First time I'm hearing about it.

Mutaman said...

"Yeah. They kinda did. That's how the Clinton Foundation was financed."

Link please, Sparky.

Inga said...

So, once again, why would releasing the letter by the DOJ with the offer of $150,000 to kill Trump, make someone kill Trump for the money Routh offered? If someone wanted to kill Trump for money, I seriously doubt they would do it for $150,000 from someone who will be sitting in jail for years to come and probably doesn't have $50, much less $150, 000?

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Cash Flowed to Clinton Foundation Amid Russian Uranium Deal

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Putin was trolling? And you know this, how? Got the inside track on Putin's preferences? Oh - that's right - You don't have ANY credibility here - as every BS BlueAnon conspiracy you fell for has turned out to be a lie.
Of course Putin would prefer idiot war machine Kamala.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Lying liars who lie are attracted to other lying liars who lie.

Mutaman said...

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves
"Cash Flowed to Clinton Foundation Amid Russian Uranium Deal>

Please- that Times hit job piece on Clinton has been totally discredited.


Fritz said...

And just how would Routh be able to pay $150,000 to another assassin?

Credit card, duh."

Government grant, duh.

Political Junkie said...

Encourage all R's or C's to go watch Hung Cao's (not a well endowed bovine) new 3 minute ad on X/Twitter. The one where he pounds on the table several times. Might not appeal to any D's or L's, but good gosh Miss Molley I loved it. He won't win as an R candidate for VA Senate, but he is the kind of guy we can root for. Cheers all, even you damn trolls.

Iman said...

eat teh cat, then eat a walleye.

Mutaman said...

Statement by President Donald J. Trump

September 23, 2024



"BREAKING: The Kamala Harris/Joe Biden Department of Justice and FBI are mishandling and downplaying the second assassination attempt on my life since July. The charges brought against the maniac assassin are a slap on the wrist. It’s no wonder, since the DOJ and FBI have been coming after me nonstop with Weaponized Lawfare since I announced my first Historic Campaign for the Presidency.

From Russia, Russia, Russia, Ukraine, Ukraine, Ukraine, Iran, Iran, Iran, Impeachment Hoax Number One, Impeachment Hoax Number Two, to the Lawless Documents Hoax brought after an Illegal and unConstitutional Raid of my home, on which I am suing the DOJ for their wrongful acts, to the January 6th Hoax in Washington, D.C., where the J6 Unselect Committee illegally deleted and destroyed all Documents, the Manhattan D.A.’s Zombie Case, the New York A.G. Scam, illegally Spying on my Campaign, to censoring the Hunter Biden Laptop from Hell, which was criminally led by the fake 51 Intelligence Officials who lied and claimed it was “Russian Interference and Disinformation,” while the Laptop was, in fact, Hunter Biden – Not Russia, and exposed Crooked Joe and his family for their decades of grift - and many lawless, Radical attacks against their Political Opponent, ME. "

Breaking !!! This guy is Cuckoo for Cocoa Puffs.

HistoryDoc said...

Mutaman asked for receipts from Sparky and got lit up.

"Oh, that was discredited by my cousin's uncle's step-sister's neighbor's cat..."

Narayanan said...

MINNEAPOLIS — The U.S. Attorney's Office has charged four dozen people for their roles in an alleged scheme that defrauded a federally funded child nutrition program out of more than $250 million.

Mutaman said...

HistoryDoc said...

"Mutaman asked for receipts from Sparky and got lit up."

The Times' Clinton Cash story? Come on- even you're not that stupid.

gadfly said...

Coming this coming weekend, North Carolina’s largest faith-based policy conference, NC Faith & Freedom’s 2024 Salt & Light Conference is a beacon of conservative values, drawing individuals passionate about being change-makers in their communities, which somehow includes featured speaker Mark Robinson, who just happens to be Trump's BFF. What a fine example of religious conservatism he is!

Excuse the sarcasm. May God help us all!

Mutaman said...


"Oh, that was discredited by my cousin's uncle's step-sister's neighbor's cat..."

Actually it was discredited by Trump appointed US Attorney John W Huber who investigated the whole affair and found nothing.

DINKY DAU 45 said...

Someone has to get his meds increased. You thought DARK BRANDON was bad, this guy is a walking nitwit...Former President Donald Trump made a glaring mistake in a new digital ad campaign targeted at Republican voters in Georgia, using imagery from the wrong Georgia, according to The Atlanta Journal-Constitution.
"ATTENTION GEORGIA: I'm humbling asking you to stop what you're doing and check your voter registration status," said the ad, which is as of press time is still reportedly running for certain Facebook users in Georgia. "Only a handful of votes will decide this election. We can stop inflation, secure our borders, lower taxes, and make America Great Again!" The message is accompanied by an image of a vast, meadowed mountain range, overlaid with the words "REGISTER TO VOTE FOR TRUMP. CHECK YOUR REGISTRATION" which links to a registration portal.
The problem, pointed out AJC, is that this mountain range is not in Georgia — at least, not Georgia the U.S. state. According to Shutterstock image data, it's from Georgia, the former Soviet republic located in the Caucasus, at the intersection of Eastern Europe and Western Asia. Did you see his response on how he's going to specifically cut prices? He makes Brandon look like a college Professor! Put a net on this fella he is getting worse by the day.