September 28, 2024

Sunrise — 6:32, 6:37, 6:51, 6:55.






The rule of Lemnity said...

And now for something completely different.

Dave Begley said...

Badger meltdown in the second half at USC.

The rule of Lemnity said...

YouTube: My Conclusion: The authorities are letting it happen

The rule of Lemnity said...

X Video: When you bring your new Haitian friend over

tim in vermont said...

I am curious if this post gets past the spam filter without being sent to purgatory to cool its heels for a while:

Armed Nationalists in Ukraine Pose a Threat Not Just to Russia
Kyiv is encouraging the arming of nationalist paramilitary groups to thwart a Russian invasion. But they could also destabilize the government if it agrees to a peace deal they reject. - New York Times 2/10/22

This article was prescient. It's exactly what happened in March of 22, when these nationalists paramilitaries, backed by the US and the UK, killed a peace deal that the Ukrainians can only dream of now. In fact, these same paramilitaries assassinated one of the Ukrainian negotiators for the crime of trying to make peace. But this article is before the media clamp down on writing the truth was instituted.

tim in vermont said...


The rule of Lemnity said...

Russell Brand: “Believe and you will receive”

The rule of Lemnity said...

YouTube: This is heavenly

David Gilmour - Between Two Points (with Romany Gilmour) [Tour Rehearsal]

The rule of Lemnity said...

The Cure has a new single. First in 16 years.

Mark said...

Football program crashing and burning for a while now.

Someone local who knows said a 5 win season is a success this year. Glad I follow volleyball instead, as our program there is full of great matches and much less expensive to attend.

Mark said...

We'll see you Nov 1 at the Field House. Turns out that's one we have tickets for in our shared season tickets.

Mason G said...

Perhaps it was USC melting down in the first half and they eventually got their shit together?

JaimeRoberto said...

When I lived in eastern Europe in the 90s the Russian Mafia was bad, but the Ukrainian Mafia was worse. Rumor has it that at the start of this war when the government dumped guns on the street for citizens to take many Mafia groups took the weapons to settle scores.

Original Mike said...

"many Mafia groups took the weapons to settle scores."

You'd think they would already have their own guns.

Original Mike said...

Who runs a 4th and 1 play out of the shotgun?
Someone is too smart for their britches.

Gospace said...

I've seen many comments today blaming human caused warming for the massive flooding inland where massive amounts of rain fell. As some have noted- there's an abnormally large amount of water in the atmosphere due to an underwater volcano that dwarfed any human effort to create warming- but that's totally besides the point I'm going to make.

I've seen many, many, indeed- many pictures today of flooded towns and structures and washed out bridges and roads. And every single one of them was obviously in a flood plain. Flood plains are pretty easy to identify. Mostly flat, near a water course, and filled with alluvial soil from previous flooding. Now some of these places haven't flooded in recorded history- which in North America doesn't exist before the 1700s for the most part. Yet- they're flood plains, easily identifiable as such. Because they're mostly flat, near a water course, and made of alluvia soil. So they were created by flooding. Even if no one was around to record it.

If you build on a flood plain, or put a highway on one, or a bridge across a river that is below the floodplain heights, well, sooner or later, flooding is going to occur. Why? Because it occurred in the past. Even if long before humans started pumping CO2 into the atmosphere. And the question I want to beat into the heads of the global warming cultists blaming humans for the massive rain that flooded flood plains- "What caused the flooding that created the flood plains to begin with?" Obviously massive amounts of rain- but humans weren't around to blame for global warming. Although the Aztecs and Mayans did sacrifice humans to the gods to appease them when disasters occurred... Whatever.

Some of the towns that were wiped out simply shouldn't be rebuilt where they were. Pay the homeowners the assessed land value, or even twice that, and prohibit building there. If they had insurance- that covered flooding let that cover rebuilding elsewhere. Turn the now vacant land into farmland or parkland.

Same is true of a lot of other places. Ellicott City MD floods all the time, sometimes major, sometimes minor. If a building is destroyed there- condemn it, don't allow rebuilding, and turn it into farm or parkland. Hey, living on flat land is great. I understand the appeal. Especially since i Live near the top of a hill. benefits of living here- I don't worry about getting flooded. The people closer to the swamp? Er- I mean the people closer to the wetlands, have that danger. TBH- would need a LOT of rain for that to happen. The 28" in 24 hours that some areas hit by Helene had would do it.

Caroline said...

Number two photo— that’s some complexity there. Lots going on.

Mutaman said...

" Rumor has it'

This is how the Know Nothings substantiate their posts.

Big Mike said...

A simple death sentence for this travesty would be nowhere near adequate. The Tudor punishment of being slowly boiled to death needs to be reinstituted,

Ralph L said...

Looks like many ducks by a modern artist whose name escapes me.