September 19, 2024

Sunrise — 6:21, 6:44, 6:47.





rehajm said...

Sports, NFL all hiding their crazy this election season. It will be back, and in greater numbers

narciso said...

narciso said...

Vance said...

Did I miss the comments about Inga and Rich's close friend in Alaska trying to kill the Supreme Court? Or their close trans friend arrested before "they" could storm an elementary school and gun down all the kids at lunch?

tcrosse said...

If I were to talk about Kamala the way her campaign talks about Trump, I would probably get a visit from the FBI or Secret Service.

narciso said...

Well that mostly harmless

Maynard said...


There's no "probably" about it.

You would probably be in jail over night.

Eva Marie said...

Via CPS: is this story true? BREAKING: Former NYC Covid Czar Held Secret Drug-Fueled Sex Parties During Global Pandemic; Says New Yorkers Would Have Been “Pissed” If They Found Out Because He Was Running Entire Covid Response For City

Vance said...

I don't know if it's true, but I know the response from our leftists: "Who cares? The Party has the right to party as our betters while you lowly peons suffer! It's their Democrat aristocratic right to do whatever they want! Only you idiots who don't know better must suffer!"

Sounds exactly like our leftists there. DD probably.

n.n said...

Bloodshot at dawn.

Eva Marie said...

My mistake. It’s via CFP

Eva Marie said...

Sorry narciso. I didn’t realize you already posted this.

MadTownGuy said...

Elon Musk threatens to sue FAA after feds propose fining SpaceX $633,000

"The Federal Aviation Administration alleged Tuesday that SpaceX violated its launch license requirements on two occasions last year by using an unauthorized launch control center and fuel farm at NASA's Kennedy Space Center in Florida.

The regulator seeks to fine SpaceX $633,009 for the alleged violations, which occurred during a Falcon 9 launch and a Falcon Heavy launch last year. Combined, the proposed fines make up the largest civil penalty ever imposed by the FAA's commercial spaceflight division.


The FAA rarely imposes fines on commercial space companies. The agency oversees the licensing of commercial launch and reentry operations by US companies and is responsible for ensuring spaceflight activities do not endanger the uninvolved public or go against US national security and foreign policy interests.

Last week, SpaceX accused the FAA of delaying the next test flight of the company's giant Starship rocket "for unreasonable and exasperating reasons." The FAA said it doesn't expect to decide on approving SpaceX's request for a commercial launch license for the next Starship launch until late November, two months later than the FAA's previous estimate.


The FAA's commercial space division has struggled to keep pace with SpaceX's rapid-fire launch cadence. SpaceX and other space industry advocates have called for Congress to appropriate more money for the FAA space office. Lawmakers approved an increase in funding for the FAA's Office of Commercial Space Transportation to $42 million for fiscal year 2024.

This allowed the FAA's space office to hire approximately 35 new workers, bringing the total staffing level to 158 employees, said Kelvin Coleman, the FAA's associate administrator for space transportation, in a hearing last week before the House Space and Aeronautics subcommittee. The Biden administration requested another funding increase for the FAA space office in fiscal year 2025.

What did they do?
According to the FAA, SpaceX violated its launch license requirements twice during a Falcon 9 launch of an Indonesian communications satellite on June 18, 2023. SpaceX's launch team used a new control room at the company's Hangar X facility at Kennedy Space Center instead of the FAA-approved control rooms SpaceX previously used at the Florida spaceport. In addition, SpaceX's launch team did not conduct a readiness poll two hours before liftoff.

More than a month before this launch, SpaceX requested FAA approval to use the new launch control room and remove the readiness poll from its countdown procedures. The FAA says it informed SpaceX it would not approve the changes in time for the June 18 launch last year, but SpaceX went ahead with the mission.

The new control center at Hangar X debuted last year, and NASA approved its use for the launch of an astronaut crew to the International Space Station in August 2023.

On a separate launch of a Falcon Heavy rocket a month later, the FAA alleges SpaceX used an "unapproved rocket propellant farm" located at Launch Complex 39A at Kennedy. Nine days before the Falcon Heavy mission, SpaceX asked the FAA for an update to its launch license nine days prior to reflect the change to the ground fuel facility at the launch pad. Similar to the situation a month before, the FAA says it told SpaceX it would not grant the company's request in time for the launch.

The FAA said SpaceX has 30 days to respond to the allegations.

Jim at said...

Twenty eight percent of Democrats surveyed think the nation would be better off if Trump were to be assassinated.

And only 48 percent of Democrats surveyed think the country would be better of if he isn't killed.

Keep those numbers in mind anytime one of our resident leftists claim they're better than that. Or that those people don't represent them.

They’re eating the cats — They’re eating the dogs said...

So, Trump endorsed a self-described “Black Nazi” with a trans porn fetish to be Governor of North Carolina?

Do I have that right?

The rule of Lemnity said...

X: "Former Chief BP Agent Aaron Heitke was ordered by Biden-Harris to cover up the disaster at the border"

Iman said...

eat teh cat, eat teh turd… eat, eat teh cat, rich.

Bill Crawford said...

Was a parallel question asked about Kamala being assa*******ated?

walter said...

They put targets on their backs, donchaknow..

walter said...

Did he shower with his daughter?

FullMoon said...

Watched Trump on Gutfeld. Substance aside, no way could Harris or Biden sit and converse like Trump did. Trump on Gutfield

Dr Weevil said...

Lots of Democrats endorsed Andrew Gillum for governor of Florida. After losing narrowly to De Santis, Gillum was found passed out drunk in a hotel room with two men, at least one of them a male prostitute overdosing on crystal meth. Of course, the Democrats didn't know about that when they endorsed him, so only a complete asshole would say that they endorsed a bisexual whoremonger and druggie, as if they did know. I leave it to the reader to draw the comparison.

Jim at said...

Was a parallel question asked about Kamala being assa*******ated?

I don't know. Rasmussen has it. But I doubt it because it's not even a consideration. Whereas .....

Mutaman said...

Good news for the Know Nothings : Kennedy Junior getting Mark Robinson off the front page.

Mutaman said...

"I don't know if it's true, but I know the response from our leftists: "Who cares? "

You mean like the Know Nothings say whenever someone mentions their candidate's long history of cheating on one of his three wives?

Gospace said...

In the last two weeks I drove from CNY to WV, then Virginia Beach, then FL, back to Virginia Beach, and back to CNY. Do different route back then down. Saw zero Harris billboards. 3 or 4 Trump billboard- all with disclaimer that they were paid for by an individual not associated with any campaign or campaign committee. That was an interesting tidbit. And one other that had the following words scattered on a red background- again, paid for by an individual-
Harris (War!) Hee. Hee. Hee.
Two homemade billboard sized Trump signs on private property, not actual billboards,

At least 4 businesses (not including farms) had large Trump signs up. None had Harris signs. Farms in all the states I passed through either had Trump signs or no signs.

I know in VA Hung Cao is running for senator. I knew that anyway- but there were lots of Hung Cao signs- usually with Trump or near Trump signs. Don't know who the Democrat running is. And in the other states I passed through, DE, WV, MD, PA, I couldn't tell you from yard signs who, if anyone, is running for the senate. Hung Cano is- and signs clearly tie him to Trump. I find it somewhat interesting that other senate candidates aren't associating themselves with their party's presidential nominee.

Reading some things about polling and Trump's rallies in NY, I'm wondering if the DemoncRATs are going to be sorry they used lawfare to remove Kennedy from the general election ballot in NY.

Some small areas had seemingly equal numbers of Trump or Harris signs. But overall, if yard signs determined the winner- Trump in a landslide. In my area of CNY I regularly pass by two homes decorated with Trump signs the way some people decorate for Halloween or Christmas. Passed by at least one in each state. Have passed by none decorated in that manner for Harris.

Your observations may vary. That's what I saw.

wendybar said...

Does China Tim have some explaining to do?? WHAT is it with Progressives and their love for China??

wendybar said...

The top picture is my favorite. It is mesmerizing!!!

wendybar said...

Is America finally waking up??

"Have we not also reached our “what’s good for the goose is good for the gander” political moment? If President Trump must spend millions of dollars defending himself against mercenary prosecutors intent on locking him up for the remainder of his life because of the “dangerous” words that come out of his mouth, then surely those people who use their speech to beg for someone — anyone — to rid the country of the once and future president should be held similarly liable."

gadfly said...

New York magazine on Thursday [9/19/24] said its Washington correspondent, Olivia Nuzzi, is on leave after learning the star journalist had allegedly engaged in a romantic relationship with Robert F. Kennedy Jr.

A person close to Nuzzi said the relationship did not begin until after a November 2023 profile [The Mind-Bending Politics of RFK Jr.’s Spoiler Campaign] she wrote on Kennedy had been published. The person close to Nuzzi added that she did not use Kennedy as a source while covering the 2024 campaign [but the Nuzzi piece resulted from a face-to-face visit]. A second person familiar with the matter said the relationship is thought to have started around the new year.

Bobby Jr, is on his third marriage, having wed actress Cheryl Hines 10 years ago. When in the Trump cult, emulate the boss, I suppose.

Breezy said...

Does he grope children?

wendybar said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Humperdink said...

@ the gad, does the son, that would be Hunter Biden, emulate the dad in his sexual proclivities? Or is it the other way around?

Eva Marie said...

Amuse account on X:
“Why was MSNBC filming Trump on his golf course moments before he was [almost] shot? How did they know to be there? Who told them? Remember, CNN hadn't covered a Trump rally live until the Butler Rally. Is it weird left-wing media seems to be there every time?”

wendybar said...

I'm surprised that gad is surprised that a Kennedy is a cheater. Were you born yesterday??

Humperdink said...

From the interwebs: “If Harris wins, a cat in every pot”.

As an aside, I saw a little old lady yesterday in the supermarket checkout line wearing a “Cats for Trump” shirt.

Rusty said...

The FAA has no business regulating space flight.

Christopher B said...

I'm not sure how much I'd read into this, or the fact that CNN was broadcasting the Butler rally.

For Butler, I recall lots of rumors swirling around that Trump might announce his VP pick shortly before the convention. As things turned out it was made on the first day of the convention, 15 July. Trump could have intended to do it at Butler or possibly dropped more hints.

As far as filming in Florida, could have been anything from getting stock footage or to hoping to be able to pick up Trump saying something in an unguarded moment.

Christopher B said...

Ed Driscoll @ Instapundit puts the burn on Olivia Nuzzi (scroll to the bottom of the post)

Eva Marie said...

You’re right. But this quote stays with me:
“This is like the plane flying into the second tower. The situation is suddenly totally clear. We are under attack." - X user Diana Allocco
There really is a desire to do harm and to make sure it’s captured on film.

gilbar said...

Christopher is RIGHT! it was ALL JUST a coincidence.
it IS true, that EVERY TIME Trump has been shot at, there has been a news crew FILMING it..
BUT! it was ALL JUST a coincidence!

i mean, YEAH; the only rally they put on live TV was the one they told him he'd be shot at..
BUT! it was ALL JUST a coincidence!
they thought that he might (or, might not) make an announcement!

and, i mean YEAH; who EVER hear of them wanting footage of Trump playing golf?
but, they just wanted 'stock footage' of the President being shot..
BUT! it was ALL JUST a coincidence!

narciso said...

Olivia has shown bad judgement for 10 years

narciso said...

Remember when she went to work for wiener the first time

narciso said...

Narayanan said...

Selenski === how Deutchland spells [compared to all the nitpicking in US media]

rrsafety said...

Rich Lowery cancelled by the Badger Institute.

narciso said...

We dont need no stinking badgers

Iman said...

I’ll shout it out, “Who fucked a Kennedy?!”
Well, after all, it was Olivia Nuzzi

MadTownGuy said...

Having worked for the FAA (for a short time), I'm gonna say they do. You don't want spacecraft conflicting with aviation - but using regulations as lawfare shouldn't be part of the equation. Delaying the launch to rescue the astronauts on the ISS, based on regulation overreach, is reprehensible. Does the latestChevron decision apply here?

Narayanan said...

so if it is male breaking in - off[er]ing to cut his balls off is acceptable? and not hate speech!

Jamie said...

The FAA has no business regulating space flight.

The effort to regulate SpaceX puts me in mind of a person with a badly trained dog who tells the dog, "Sit! Ok, I mean, lie down! Or... roll over! Scratch yourself!... Walk away!"

traditionalguy said...

LAWFARE again to take down Musk. It’s like watching the last 3 months of the Third Reich determined to destroy Germans for losing,