September 14, 2024

"Mr. Musk, 53, has long cultivated a devil-may-care persona..."

"... traveling the world, hanging out with moguls, world leaders and celebrities, and smoking weed in public. But in private, he has increasingly barricaded himself behind a growing phalanx of armed bodyguards as he has become more wealthy, more famous and more outspoken — and as the threats against him have evolved.... His security team now operates like a mini-Secret Service, and he is guarded more like a head of state than a business executive, security experts said. Mr. Musk, who was once flanked by two bodyguards, travels with as many as 20 security professionals who show up to research escape routes or to clear a room before he enters.... He is rarely without bodyguards — even when he went to the bathroom at X, his social media company.... Mr. Musk once operated informally, leaving his keys in his car and walking away, and did not want bodyguards, people close to him said. But as his profile rose, Tesla’s board required him to take on personal security...."

From "Inside Elon Musk’s Mushrooming Security Apparatus/As threats to his personal safety have become graver, the world’s richest man has barricaded himself behind a phalanx of bodyguards that operates like a mini-Secret Service" (NYT).


Sally327 said...

Hopefully Musk's team operates better than the U.S. Secret Service. Also, this doesn't seem unusual and I wouldn't be surprised if Jeff Bezos, Bill Gates, Taylor Swift and others aren't following similar programs to try and stay safe. So why is a newspaper publicizing this particular high net worth individual's security protocols? It seems odd.

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

“As his profile rose”? Or the need for bodyguards arose as the loony Left organized to oppose him. The same loony Left that demonizes Trump and came alarmingly close to putting a bullet through his head. The same loony Left that’s now trying to tie the self-described Liberal Musk to Trump as some kind of super-MAGA megalomaniac.

Yes it really is so puzzling why this formerly free-spirited millionaire is now a wary billionaire!

Aggie said...

Nice try, Borg.

planetgeo said...

Yes, the NYT seem rather sad that Musk's security was so good now. Wistful, perhaps hoping that it might somehow degrade to Secret Service level.

RMc said...

This just in: Rich guy with political enemies hires more security. Film at 11.

Peachy said...

"loony" is putting it nicely. I'd call the corrupt left - Authoritarian. Elon refuses to obey the corrupt anti-free speech left.
The message is the same. Obey or you will be dealt with.

FormerLawClerk said...

You know what a "phalanx of bodyguards that operates as a mini-Secret Service* is."

An army.

Maybe there's hope for the United States after all. How's that global satellite system coming along? And has Musk rescued the astronauts that were left to die in space by NASA yet?

People tend to go with the strong horse, not the weak horse.

* I'm betting that Elon Musk's Secret Service is a whole lot more effective that the United States' is.

Birches said...

He's right though. Some government has a lot more incentive to take him out.

Luke Lea said...

Smokes weed? Tried it one time on Joe Rogan show.

Lem Vibe Bandit said...

Konstantin Kisin vs. NBC Journalist on Elon or, a Musk hit piece in the development stage.

I would wager only Trump is ahead of Musk in the number of hit pieces written about them. Trump certainly leads in the number of bullets shot in his direction.

FormerLawClerk said...

You know what a "phalanx of bodyguards that operates as a mini-Secret Service* is."

An army.

Maybe there's hope for the United States after all. How's that global satellite system coming along? And has Musk rescued the astronauts that were left to die in space by NASA yet?

People tend to go with the strong horse, not the weak horse.

* I'm betting that Elon Musk's Secret Service is a whole lot more effective that the United States' is.

Peachy said...

The corrupt left (probably the FBI/CIA) found a willing troubled kid to put a bullet in Trump. This patsy killed a Trump supporter.
The corrupt leftist media yawn.

Imagine if a paid patsy killed someone at a Kamala rally?

n.n said...

50 Shades of South Africa-America, which may be motivated by Diversity (e.g. racism, classicism). Good for Musk to proactively inoculate his family.

Leland said...

Having failed at getting someone to rid them of Trump, progressives now turn to encouraging someone to rid them of Musk.

wendybar said...

I don't blame him. Progressives are hateful and violent. You can't be too careful with your life nowadays with Joe and Kamala "running" things.

Peachy said...

recall how quickly the paid patsy was taken out by the sniper... clues.

narciso said...

they had a third string security detail there

Eric the Fruit Bat said...

Charles Foster Kane called. He wants his sled back.

Peachy said...

That helps. But that is just a cover.

Lem Vibe Bandit said...

That would appear to be the case. Yes sir.

Bruce Hayden said...

It took more than that to come that close to killing Trump. His Secret Service protection was (almost) fatally compromised from within the government. Most of his detail were replaced at the last minute by undertrained DHS agents. The last minute decision by Dr Jill to make an excursion to the same area may have been the excuse.

Mark said...

He's more into ketamine.

narciso said...

its funny about Hearst vs say Sultzberger, the former published mr Jones and didn't minimize the Holocaust, but who is painted as the bad guy,

hombre said...

This is what comes from pissing off the left. A popular comment from NYT: "He wouldn't need all that security if only he'd shut his mouth."

Biff said...

Musk would be a fool if he didn't have a serious security program in place.

It is interesting that the NYT decided to publish this particular story. I've encountered a few senior executives of well-known large companies over my career, and while Musk's security apparatus may be on the high end of the scale, it is not particularly unusual.

The story points out that "Mr. Musk’s predecessor at X, Jack Dorsey, often walked miles across San Francisco with no bodyguard." That's far more unusual for a prominent executive of a company in the public eye. It seems obvious that political factors are at play. As always with the NYT, its journalism is agenda-driven.

Wince said...

That graphic atop the NYT piece looks like the bedroom wall of a would-be assassin.

Dude1394 said...

Thank goodness the guy who most fiercly is fighting for freedom of speech is taking security seriously. Because like their attempt at Trump, the democrats will do violently what they cannot do at the ballot box.

Biff said...

GDBA’s staff also helped Mr. Musk with “threat assessments” at a cost of more than $400 an hour for a senior consultant, as well as researching people classified as “inappropriate pursuers,” according to the documents.

I also wonder why that qualifies as news. $400/hour is not cheap, but it is not unusual at all for highly specialized consulting services in many fields, never mind a field dealing with life and death consequences for wealthy clients. Senior lawyers and business consultants routinely charge that much or higher for much less consequential matters.

Left Bank of the Charles said...

“Tesla’s board required him to take on personal security”

Required? I’m guessing publicly owned Tesla pays for 100% of Musk’s security detail while Musk’s privately owned SpaceX, The Boring Company, and S Corp pay nothing.

Peachy said...

Exaclty. The corrupt left demand obedience. All while they do not even recognize the authoritarian creeps they have become. It's all just fine - because Trump Hate is worth trashing our democracy.

Wince said...

Left Bank said...
"I’m guessing publicly owned Tesla pays for 100% of Musk’s security detail..."

The publicly traded Tesla BoD is exposed to derivative lawsuits from shareholders for a breach of fiduciary duty, which arguably includes Musk's personal protection.

JK Brown said...

Let's hope they don't operate like the Secret Service, mini or otherwise.

Bruce Hayden said...

As I note below, Trump’s Secret Service protection that day was almost fatally compromised from within, by actors in the federal government. But I watched them at work yesterday (Trump stayed here last night), and they normally operate like a well oiled machine. It was impressive.

Woke yesterday and took the dog down to do her duties, to find that the street in front of the place had been divided with cones. Eastbound was closed, and westbound had a tent erected several hundred yards east, for vehicle inspections. Barricades were up along the sidewalks to keep everyone from taking shortcuts. The metal detectors and X-ray machine had been set up in the lobby overnight. In early afternoon, we were again doing our (the dog’s) business outdoors, and the bulk of the Secret Service showed up. Maybe about 20 of them, mixed uniformed and plain clothed, most carrying their ballistic vests as luggage, by the shoulder straps. LVMPD was present by then, with cars at either end of the street, and a couple over by valet. Asked one of the uniformed agents how long we had, before they turned on security. About an hour to be safe. So we popped out to the local grocery store, and got back just as parking was getting to be a zoo. We usually come from the west, but had to swing through the shopping mall across the street, to get in from the East. Luckily, the vehicle inspections hadn’t been turned on by then, but they were getting ready. They had a S S sign outside, telling us what we couldn’t bring in. One was dogs, who aren’t service animals (they had a couple of their own later on roaming around that took notice of other dogs, which shows a lot of training). Asked one of the uniformed agents around the X-Ray machine about that (since our dog lives there and has to go out occasionally for her business). Maybe because I was vouched for by hotel security, I was told that if the dog was an emotional support animal, they couldn’t question it. Helpful. Then we BSed a bit, learning where we were both from, etc.

Later came down a couple times, and security was active. In the lobby, we had maybe 3-4 hotel security, plus their two bosses (a couple more outside), extra bellmen and bar tenders (Trump was at a rally across town, and the DJT restaurant/bar was full watching it), plus 4 LVPD and most of a dozen Secret Service, mostly uniformed. Plus their two dogs. Outdoors, two more hotel security, several LVPD, and several plain clothed S S agents. Other LVMPD down the street both ways, plus S S at the car search tent. In and out through security several times. I would dump my jacket, with everything in it, on the belt for the X-ray machine, and walk (with the dog) through the metal detectors. First time, the female S S agent quickly wanded me. After that she remembered me, esp since hotel security all knew me. My (homophobic) partner screwed that up, by requesting a male screener. That one wasn’t the least bit gay. Not so sure of the plain clothed one, built like a halfback, on Trump’s normal detail (whom she saw several times).

As I said, it all ran like a well oiled machine. Everyone knew what they were doing, and everyone was communicating. Very impressive, esp on the 2 month anniversary of the assassination attempt on Trump. He, BTW, came and went through the valet parking garage, several times, so completely missed the lobby security.

Aggie said...

Of course you would guess that, and of course you would call it a 'guess' out loud, while your brain is busy classifying your 'guess' as a 'foregone conclusion', without bothering your intellect with the details.

Ice Nine said...

The widespread gut hate for Musk rivals that for Trump. For the same reason: their huge threat to the order of things essential for the survival of the PTB.

They will get Musk eventually - just like they will Trump if he is elected.

Quaestor said...

Dixcus writes, "I'm betting that Elon Musk's Secret Service is a whole lot more effective that the United States."

There are reasons this is bound to be true:
1. If Musk is assassinated the checks stop coming. If Trump is assassinated, the checks continue, plus there will be under-the-table perquisites, such as anonymous and costly gifts, complimentary 50-yard-line seating at certain NFL venues, invites to Diana Wintour's parties, weekends at the Obama compound, etc.
2. Musk undoubtedly screens his bodyguards for political conservatism, the single most reliable statistic to assure moral uprightness and integrity, measured IQs exceeding 100, physical strength and fitness, height equal to or greater than Musk's, and competence with firearms -- in other words, Musk chooses those who stand in his protective phalanx by the opposite criteria enforced by the Biden/Harris administration.

Kakistocracy said...

Big vision, entrepreneurial excellence, technical brilliance and an adherence to first principles’ thinking set Elon Musk apart and lead to his business and financial success. Very impressive all. However, many of the traits behind that success, such as single mindedness, determination, autistic focus and imperviousness to criticism has landed him in a video game-like environment of an echo chamber of followers egging him on regardless of the outlandishness of his statements. I have followed quite a few Tesla-focused accounts on Twitter for years and what has been sensible commentary now often is lemming-like regurgitation of Elon’s latest proclamations. It is sad to see. Like a modern and well-equipped Don Quixote with a vast number of Sancho Panzas on his tail, Elon Musk is now out on the world stage taking on his monsters. May this chapter end soon.

Yancey Ward said...

To ask the question is to answer it- the NYTimes is trying to provide a blueprint for anyone who will rid them of this turbulent tycoon.

Earnest Prole said...

If the Times found favor with Musk, this story would be about the dangerous threats he faces and the challenges they pose to democracy itself.

Drago said...

Make sure to get back to us with the answer when you find out.

Peachy said...

"... the faux-liberals running search engines and other wanna-be censors (those who bellow “We must suppress disinformation to save democracy”) have done their damndest to demonetize and suppress [all non-leftist] voices. Frankly, I find the arrogance and dehumanization of such paternalistic policies to be what I call “liberal fascism.”

When Elon bought twitter/X - and put a kink the the corrupt left's Soviet-like stranglehold on the flow information - the corrupt left lost their minds.

Lilly, a dog said...

Musk should have his henchmen wear matching purple jackets with his face on them.

tim maguire said...

Musk is more important, more consequential, than most heads of state, so I see nothing amiss in him having that level of security. I wonder how much he spends on it.

Quaestor said...

"When Elon bought twitter/X - and put a kink the the corrupt left's Soviet-like stranglehold on the flow information - the corrupt left lost their minds."

I disagree. The left lost their collective mind long, long before the Twitter acquisition -- around 1791 by my estimation. What they lost were the faint strands of what remained of the left's inhibition to violence.

FormerLawClerk said...

Where do I sign up for Elon's Army? I'd like to enlist. I am no longer happy with the government I have, and am looking for new guards for the defense of my liberties.

narciso said...

speech is a tool, a negative liberty, except when it serves the progressive agenda, the designers of the internet were pretty clear about that in the 70s,

robother said...

As we all know, when Musk became an enemy of the Progressive Left, he started needing this level of security. After John Lennon's assassination, I would hope every celebrity realized that your ability to live normally is just gone.

Bruce Hayden said...

I wouldn’t be the least bit surprised if Musk ultimately had his own space force. Kinda like the East India Company army that was, at times, twice the size of the English/British army. What happens if some foreign actor starts taking out his satellites? Or, probably soon, his space stations and space industry? Would the US government retaliate, and take out some of theirs? I think unlikely, esp if the Dems are in the WH at the time and the foreign actor is politically favored by them. Certainly not with China and the Harris/Walz team. He will be able to boost space defense satellites and facilities into orbit far cheaper than anyone else could. Right now, his satellites are cheaper than the anti satellite missiles and the like that can take them out. But what happens when he starts building infrastructure in space?

n.n said...

In South Africa, assassins wield a scalpel-like instrument to abort their political and economic opponents in the light of day, and darkness, too. Musk is well-advised to watch his six

john mosby said...

Private security is a lot more legally vulnerable. If Musk’s guys are all former police carrying under LEOSA, that helps, but there are so many different state laws encroaching on LEOSA that a local blue mayor or sheriff could find some reason to lock them up or take their guns or both: too close to a school, gun model is on the scary list, requalification is one day late, etc. Musk can buy lawyers by the barrel, so his side would eventually win the case, but he could get killed in the meantime. It would take very dedicated, very highly paid operators to react to a copper’s innocent “hey sir, can I talk to you?” as the opening salvo of an attack.

An enterprising state AG could even try to do Musk and all his minions for arms trafficking, and either publish the warrants so he stays away, or spring them on him when he lands. Again, he would beat the rap, but not the ride - which could be his last ride.

Musk’s best security plan is public but vague announcements of automatic, terrible consequences if anything happens to him. One thing he could put out there in detail is how his alphanumeric kids will sue the crap out of anyone remotely associated with the loss of his future earnings. Other things he could just hint at: “Ya know, people talk bad about Soros for torpedoing currencies, and you never know when something like that could be done by some other rich guy…I’m glad I won’t live to see it, though….”


narciso said...

hes relocated most of his operations to Texas, much many are in Blue Austin

Pillage Idiot said...

My 15 y.o. dog is more effective than Trump's SS detail.

Big Mike said...

Another hit piece against Elon Musk from the New York Times? Must be a day ending in ‘y.’ The article is behind a paywall so perhaps someone can tell me — before there was Elon Musk there was Jack Dorsey, so does the article mention the famously large security contingent Dorsey would surround himself with while he was jogging? Just thought I’d ask.

Skeptical Voter said...

Forty years ago a Dutch oil trader named John Deuss traveled with private security. I met him when he was buying an oil refinery and marketing system in the Northeast from Atlantic Richfield. Deuss was a bit of a buccaneer. And he'd allegedly stiffed the Russkies on some sort of oil trading deal. And he feared that the Russkies would not get mad--they'd just get even. Hence the need for a rather large private security force.

Kai Akker said...

The Newton, Mass., video shows a fairly vigorous guy racing across the street and attacking a reportedly older man. The attack is viciously deranged. We've all seen this kind of speed before -- enraged and homicidal and determined. The attacker body-slams the (pro-Israeli) man to the sidewalk, and if the attacker didn't kill him it was only because the pro-Israel demonstrators around were pulling him off and pummeling him. Someone shot the attacker but they got him in the stomach.

No security squad for the ordinary guy in Newton, Mass., exercising his free speech and free assembly rights. I guess this is tangential but it shows just how crazy this society has become with leftist violence. Since it is rarely prosecuted, hey, why not? We are the Champions. You are Bad.

Inga said...

Indeed he is, ketamine is dangerous. I hope he’s more careful with it than Matthew Perry.

Marcus Bressler said...

I am more concerned by the lack of transparency of the "inVesTiGatiOn"

Marcus Bressler said...

The Slimes acts as if $400/hr is an expensive rate, once again engaging in class divisions. I know escorts who charge more than that.

Kai Akker said...

I saw it here briefly -- a comment I made, admittedly somewhat tangential, but citing the Newton, Mass., attack on a pro-Israeli demonstrator at what appeared to be a very small demonstration. Did Althouse delete it? Is it still being scrutinized? Or did referencing leftist violence in America get the attention of Big Brother?

Oh, not directly, of course not, Big! But perhaps one of your algorithms was activated in the name of upholding free speech by censoring it away. This fellow in Newton needed a security posse but he doesn't have Musk's finances.

I saw the video on PowerLine. The deranged viciousness is scary.

Michael K said...

Yup. Befriend Trump and acquire a million enemies.

Michael K said...
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Yancey Ward said...

Oh, and in case any of you didn't figure it out, Concepts of a Plan is Rich's new moniker.

Lazarus said...

If these instructions are too hard to follow, maybe Hollywood will make a movie about how a Musk-like billionaire can be killed.

Michael K said...

"Rich" has another field of expertise: Following Twitter accounts, what ever that means.

Achilles said...

He takes ketamine to treat depression on proscription.

The left are just dehumanizing people who they want dead as usual.

Quaestor said...

"However, many of the traits behind that success, such as single mindedness, determination, autistic focus and imperviousness to criticism has landed him in a video game-like environment of an echo chamber of followers egging him on regardless of the outlandishness of his statements."

Concepts of a Plan is obviously a past master of outlandish statements and bizarre cause/effect dualities.

Don't expect that to chapter to ever end.

Kai Akker said...

[PS And now it's back. Color me cornfused.]

fairmarketvalue said...

Lefty, you pathetic creature. No guessing is necessary to test your despicable "conclusion". If Tesla pays for Musk's security, and if the expense is sufficiently large enough to constitute a material expense, it will be disclosed in Tesla's 10K or 10Qs. Knock yourself out.

Iman said...

Well, since the Democrat Party has apparently declared war on Musk, who could blame him for being a little “defensive”.

Iman said...

More System of a Clown with Rich

Iman said...

Trimmed for the Trim… dayum !

Kakistocracy said...

@Michael K — I was an investor in TSLA from 2019 to late 2021. I would like to see Musk offer Space X in an IPO. Bill Ackman is waiting in line for the IPO as well…

Mark said...

Ketamine is not a standard treatment for depression excepting extreme cases and has not been approved by the FDA.

But sure, let's pretend it's not for fun.

Kakistocracy said...

BTW — how’s your health doing ?

Bruce Hayden said...

Not likely to happen anytime soon. Some have suggested that his net worth could break $Trillion$ by 2030, and the bulk of that would be from SpaceX and associated ventures. By then his cost to orbit is likely to be 1% of what it was internationally in 2020. His cost advantage is already so large, over his competitors, that half of all the satellites and tonnage launched into space this year will be by SpaceX. That’s his biggest competitive advantage. Everyone knows by now, that the key is readability, yet no one is really that close in replicating his successes there. One reason is their ability for rapid prototyping and to rapidly debug their designs through planned failures.

Peachy said...

Did you help write the Trump-Hate-Cult pamphlets?

Peachy said...

Kamala: Fack checked by the deplorables.

Real men don't like Kamala.

John henry said...

I got kicked out of last year. It is a private Mastodon site for journalist refugees from X. I can't post but can still read. I think anyone can. Can someone confirm?

Lots and lots of posts about Musk and how bad he is and how badly X is failing and so on. Probably at least 2-3 posts a day about him.

The thing that cracks me up is the tone, and in many cases the substance, of the comments. They all sound like the stereotype of an ex-wife talking about her husband's new girlfriend. It's not even so much that they have legitimate complaints. They just have hurt feelings because Musk is letting others play with their toy.

It is really hilarious. It reads like satire but these folks are 100% in earnest.

The best meme is how Musk is controlled by the Saudi's. They own less than 5% of X and have no seats on the board. (Nobody does, there is only 1 board seat, Musk's) yet somehow Musk dances to their tune.

Ditto the banks. The banks loaned Musk, not X, a few billion. Musk is on time with all payments. Yet to hear these weepers, they are crapping their pants over the loans. Apparently the WSJ thinks so too but I can't understand why.

If you want a good laugh,

John Henry

John henry said...

I'd love to see a SpaceX IPO too but I doubt it will ever happen. The only reason to do that would be to raise capital and he does not seem to need any outside capital.

In the Isaacson book he talks about how he hates having partners and stockholders and that he will never be in another business where he is not sole owner.

Henry Ford felt the same way. He started 2 car companies that failed. The third one, the current Ford, he founded with limited outside ownership so he could be sole owner and have full control. Would he have been able to develop the Model T and Fordson tractor and drive the prices down if he had had a meaningful board of directors and shareholders looking over his shoulders?

Would Starlink have 7,000 satellites in orbit if it had stockholders and a board of directors?

Would SpaceX be realistically planning a manned voyage to Mars in 28 if they had stockholders and a board of directors?

John Henry

John henry said...

Bruce, I think it is 50% by mass of all satellites launched to orbit, every, by all countries is by SpaceX.

I seem to recall that in 2023 it was something like 80% and 24 will be even more.

Someone mentioned somewhere a potential attack on Starlink satellites. There are now more than 7,000 and I would assume there is a lot of redundancy. How many would someone have to kill to cripple the system, 1,000? 2,000? That is a lot of shooting. It would require hundreds of agressor satellites. And who is to say that some of the Starlink's are not armed and dangerous themselves? Capable of hunting down and killing the aggressors.

I suspect that Musk could launch more faster than they could be killed.

John Henry

John henry said...

Speaking of satellites and way off topic: What are the 2 astronauts marooned on Gilligan's Island in the sky eating? They went off for a week or so and have now been up for months. How have they not run out of food?

John Henry

Michael K said...

I'm actually more worried about the next few weeks before the election.

Michael K said...

The shooter, not the attacker, is being prosecuted.

Michael K said...

I wondered the same. Also, water.

Mikey NTH said...

Considering all of the loonies out there wanting to take a crack at Satan Junior, destroyer of Twitter safe spaces, yes security is something he has to do.

Mikey NTH said...

The old word was huscarls.

Achilles said...

We understand Mark. You just want an excuse to kill him.

Quaestor said...

"[The Starliner astronauts] went off for a week or so and have now been up for months. How have they not run out of food?"

A Northrop Grumman Cygnus unmanned cargo spacecraft launched last month, August 4, and docked with the ISS two days later. These normally carry food, equipment, experiments, spares, and personal items. Once emptied the ISS crew load it with various waste and junk (yes, that waste included) and then the Cygnus heads back to a kamikaze reentry. With two extra mouths to feed, either more supply missions will be flown or fewer non-essentials will be sent up.

Quaestor said...

"The old word was huscarls."

That was the Old English word for a professional bodyguard. Literally it means something like "strong boys" or "brawny guys". There's a bit of the first syllable preserved in "husky". Carl (or karl) is an word common to many early Medieval germanic tongues, including Old Norse, and it just means "man" or a "teenaged boy". The last of the huscarls chose to die to a man with King Harold Godwineson at Hastings rather than surrender to the Norman Duke William.

Quaestor said...

I visited OMG, it's Romper Room for sexually frustrated cat ladies! What passes for virility on that site is exemplified by Robert Reich. Nuff said.

Bruce Hayden said...

That’s my point - right now Musk can throw more satellites into space much more cheaply than anyone can shoot them down for. But to get to Mars, or to build the space industry, that he envisions, is going to take some space infrastructure. And that will be vulnerable to adverse actions by foreign actors, like China and maybe Russia, if he doesn’t protect it.

Elsewhere (Discord) we were talking about SpaceX just showing laser communications between satellites, and the comment was made that these communications lasers could be scaled up into being used as weapons. I expect that is in the plans, given the potential near infinite solar energy in space.

Bruce Hayden said...

Just got a resupply ship up there. I think by Space X. The issue is safety. If a resupply ship is launched, and doesn’t make it, they just launch another one. But if these American astronauts don’t make it down, they are dead. Like they were in the Shuttle crashes. The Ruskies may have risked bringing them down in their original capsule. But they were always more callous of the lives of their cosmonauts, than we were of our astronauts.

PM said...

If Pete Buttigieg had built the nation's most popular electric car as well as a working spacecraft company he'd be revered by the Left.

Quaestor said...

Italics run wild. You'd think Google could fix this random fuck-up in a spare afternoon.

Quaestor said...

Buttafuck is already revered by the left for winning the participation prize at the NOTHING DONE AT ALL EVER convention, so why bother with accomplishments?

Inga said...

Achilles, you need to relax a bit, you sound like you're very tightly wound.

john mosby said...
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john mosby said...
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Aggie said...
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john mosby said...
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Aggie said...

The 'shooter' is the man that was tackled, he's a vet with a CCW license. He's been arraigned. Legal Insurrection has some pretty well-informed coverage by Andrew Branca, who's a self-defense lawyer specializing in this kind of thing. Massachusetts is big into gun control, so this will be an intersting case to watch: Innocent protestor attacked by a deranged stranger, tackled and covered up by this antagonist, during which he shot him once and immediately dropped his weapon - but still he's at fault because he hurt the other guy by defending himself on his back, on the ground.

MadisonMan said...

One of my son's friend's brother is in private protection. The training they have to do is really impressive.
Why shouldn't a rich man have security guards?

Mason G said...

"Mr. Musk once operated informally, leaving his keys in his car and walking away, and did not want bodyguards, people close to him said. But as his profile rose, Tesla’s board required him to take on personal security...."

Everybody knows why this happened.

Maynard said...

Stop the fucking italics.

Maynard said...

Who will be assassinated first by the Deep State: Elon or Trump?

Kirk Parker said...

Maynard, why don't *you* stop them?

Kirk Parker said...

Michael McNeil said...

FYI: the method for turning the faucet (italics) off when it's been left running, is to put a close-italics tag at the start of your post, followed by optional explanatory text, e.g.:

</i> fixit

Now to actually do it:

effinayright said...

@Sally327: The obvious difference is, the left doesn't WANT those people to be killed.

But it's "open season" on Musk and Trump---that should be obvious from the rue and chagrin Wokeratis expressed over Trump's survival.

Inga, Mark, Rich, Left Back on the Charles, Chuck, Cook and especially Field Marshal Freder all cried themselves to sleep that night.

Word has it, next day Nurse Ratched Inga went around her hospice slipping "something to relax you" into the IVs of patients who had expressed themselves as favorable to Trump. It's just a rumor, but....

Those folk could have used some bodyguards.

Butkus51 said...

Inga telling people to get a grip is pretty f'n funny.

Paul said...

I'm all for the rich getting bodyguards.. as long AS THEY DON'T TRY TO TAKE MY GUNS... see I can't afford even one bodyguard (with a gun I might add) but I can afford a Glock.

Mark said...

Achilles does need to get a grip, though. Accusing me of wanting someone killed says a lot more about him than myself as he is accusing without evidence.

Most people don't want people they disagreee with killed lled. Achilles clearly is an outlier.

Mark said...

Problem exists between keyboard and chair.
Self inflicted italics here

lamech said...

The best Charles Foster Kane, rosebud, reference/joke I’ve ever heard, also wonderful impressions of Orson Welles and Doctor Zaius: (00:02:05 to 00:02:26, of a short 6 minute clip -- stay tuned for the F Troop angle)

Rusty said...

Does "most people" include Democrats? You are a very violent bunch.

Rusty said...

Well, Lefty, if you're a stockholder bring it up at the next meeting. If you're not then it's non of your business.

Rusty said...

Robert Reich? You mean the small man the size of a small man.

Rusty said...

Not a new Glock, mind you. But a police turn in Glock with custard cream still on the grips. At least I hope it was custard cream.

Rusty said...

Huttup, Bruce.
"What are the 2 astronauts marooned on Gilligan's Island in the sky eating? "
The one Russian that was left to clean the toilets.

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