September 10, 2024

"In MAGA world, the alleged pet-eating is already a matter of fact..."

"... and Republican elected officials, including Vance, are hurrying to join the clout rush, the scramble to get attention and likes and followers by treating it as a serious issue."

Did you notice it yesterday? "Seemingly out of the blue Monday morning, supporters of former president Donald Trump began posting myriad AI-generated images depicting the Republican presidential nominee as a savior. Not of the American Dream or of Christianity, mind you, the normal targets of such praise. Instead, Trump was shown protecting ducks and kitty cats."

Yeah, I was wondering what this — forwarded to me yesterday — was all about:


rehajm said...

Looks and feels false flag…

mindnumbrobot said...

You have to admit, the Right is so much better at this type of thing than the Left. The obvious reason is that the Left has no sense of humor, which is required for this type of content.

Peachy said...

Springfield Ohio.

rehajm said...

The test is how far the propaganda media promotes. When the montage of same language videos show up, then we’ll know…

Limited blogger said...

funny shit

Dave Begley said...

It’s a joke by Team Trump, but it makes a serious point. Our country is being taken over by illegal aliens. Check out the video from tiny Springfield, Ohio. Haitians flip cars on the street and people are afraid to go out into their yards.

Peachy said...

Haitian "immigrants" - (leftist word) - (not immigrants - they are here illegally, transported in by the corrupt left to Springfield, Ohio.)

Residents are noting that some of the illegal transported people are killing the ducks in the park for food.

Is this a lie?

Shouting Thomas said...

I think people are latching on to this purely for fun. Phil Bump is a CIA mouthpiece. Scott Adams cites him as the inciter of Adams’ cancelation, which start with WaPo killing the Dilbert cartoon. As Adams loves to brag, Dilbert seems to have been one of the primary reasons people read WaPo. The subscriber base cratered after Dilbert was canceled.

Peachy said...

The corrupt left have destroyed our nation. But the media insist ... Kamala/Biden JOY!
Please vote for more.

Just an old country lawyer said...

Love the big orange Trump cat, but my leg is still tingling from the Atlantic magazine cover yesterday. What an own goal that was.

Peachy said...

AS soon as the leftist media circle the wagons around their Party - screaming - *Not true! No proof!* - You might want to consider that there might be something going on.

Tank said...

Trump will save your cat and your dog and your country.


Leland said...

This is the story I heard. The veracity of it, I haven’t tried to investigate as it is hardly the worse thing the lack of assimilation of immigrants causes.

FormerLawClerk said...

Here's a good defence of duck a' la' orange.

What's the big deal suddenly with the ducks. The ducks at the city park are free of charge. You can just bait them with bread and they come right up to you. Grab one by the throat and chicken-spin that bad boy and it's dinner for four.

Them's good eatin' ducks.

FormerLawClerk said...

Lilly, a dog said...

We could pretend that 20,000 Haitians deciding to live in a single town in Ohio is perfectly natural, normal thing.

Leland said...

It seems there is a case in Ohio of a woman stomping on the head of a cat and then eating it. There is video evidence if you want to watch.

Peachy said...

But we are assured by the Democrat Party Press - that it's all a lie!

Steve said...

Behold the power of @catturd2

Peachy said...

Leland "Ohio woman" ? Do you mean a newly transported illegal Haitian immigrant... or an "Ohio Woman" - and - do you have a link to that footage?
(guessing the leftist media are doing all they can to squelch it)

Chris said...

You can see pictures of an illegal hatian immigrant walking off with a freshly killed goose. Some might say, what's the big deal, it's just some ducks, or some of those nasty canadian geese. Here's the big deal, we have regulated hunting like it or not. This is poaching, and if the authorities are not going to stop these illegal immigrants from poaching, why should ANYONE obey any laws? This is what will bring us down. If you don't inforce the minor laws, soon no one will care about any laws. It's time for citizens to step up and take care of what the authorities wont. There's also a video taken by folks in the neihborhood of a woman who had just stomped a cat, and was supposedly eating it. That might be mental illness. Like we need more of that walking around the streets. Given the progressive tendancy to treet dogs and cats as greater than children, I await their outrage at immigrants killing local pets. Who am I kidding, they will continue to pretend that none of this or anything like it is happening.

narciso said...

chuck said...

The subscriber base cratered after Dilbert was canceled. Plausible. The comics and Krauthammer were the only reasons I used to read the WaPo.

wendybar said...

Illegals are hungry, and they resort to eating animals. See Venezuela and what USED to be their zoo animals.

wild chicken said...

The memes were so funny, it didn't have to be true. Fake but accurate! I enjoyed the hell out of it.

Peachy said...

The left lie about the numbers of illegal entrants they let in - abusing our Asylum system.
Now - Chuck Schumer just said that he wants 11 million of these illegals given immediate amnesty.

Peachy said...

If it makes the precious spoiled brat corrupt democrat party look bad -the media will call it a lie.

wild chicken said...

I do wish they'd eat the pitbulls

Peachy said...

Trump needs to calmly say there will be mass deportations.

Bill, Republic of Texas said...

Oh thank God. Can you imagine the memes they would have produced about Vance and a couch.

planetgeo said...

Rather than being ha-ha funny, that AI-generated photo is actually powerfully symbolic. Picture a little kid instead of a cat under his arm, and have him followed by a disheveled woman, and you have the projected reality that only Trump is concerned and fighting to rescue them from the rapes and murders we read about daily now. Democrats clearly don't care. And worse, they keep importing more violent felons and repeatedly setting them free to rape and murder.

But Inga, Gadfly, and Rich are just full of joy with it all.

robother said...

Duck population control: another job Americans just won't do.

FormerLawClerk said...

Snopes says "there's no evidence" which means it's true or they would say it's false. They accompany their fact-check with a photo of a Haitian immigrant in Springfield, Ohio carrying a freshly-killed goose by the neck.

Old and slow said...

I believe these images were made in a spirit of humor. Duh.

FormerLawClerk said...

Remember what the Democrats did to Romney about his dog carrier? This is a pre-emptive strike, and it's a good tactic because it's fun and our side likes it.

We learned this tactic from reading Rules For Radicals, by Republican Saul Alinsky.

Rusty said...

Vote for Trump or Fluffy gets it! Inga will now vote for Trump.

Jaq said...

So the story about Haitian migrants eating ducks out of the park ponds is false? Fake news? So the videos of immigrants catching cats to eat are fake? If they are, the news could make a big splash by proving that the right are liars. "Show don't tell!" But if you don't have any evidence backing you up, it's "Tell, don't show!" which is what the media seem to be doing.

John henry said...

He has, on at least several occasions that I know if. He has gone further and detailed the order in which he would deport them: Criminals first YAY! and I forget who he said would be second and third but he did say.

He also talked about how he would get countries to take them back. When he was deporting in his first term some countries did not want them back. He explained how he threatened to cut off funding and they quickly changed their tune.

He has not been silent on this issue of illegal aliens. We need to stop calling them immigrants and call them by their proper, legal, name.

John Henry

ron winkleheimer said...

"my leg is still tingling from the Atlantic magazine cover yesterday. What an own goal that was."

Much like this:

It was meant to mock the far-right (or what the creators thought was the far right) but it has been enthusiastically adopted by the people they thought they were mocking.

In any event, I would like to see the articles by Phillip Bump denouncing Tim Walz for propagating the lie that J.D. Vance had sex with a couch.

John henry said...

Scott Adams had a great riff on this in his coffee with scott adams podcast yesterday. He is a bit skeptical of the story but does admit to the possibility of it. But a couple of his comments:

PDJT needs to boost support among single women. Single women own a lot of cats. This is a scare tactic to scare them into voting for PDJT since he will save their cats.

The Haitian aliens are literally grabbing women's pussies

PDJT will grab your pussy away from the Haitians

And more along these lines.

John Henry

Humperdink said...

I recall several years ago that someone returned from North Korea and commented there were no cats, dogs or any live animals visible across the country. Wonder why.

n.n said...

[Catastrophic] [anthropogenic] immigration reform is a first-order forcing of excess murder, rape (e.g. sodomy), and rape-rape (i.e. involuntary sex). American Civil Liberties Unburdened (ACLU)

Eva Marie said...

Great. Now he gets the cat lady vote.

n.n said...

Trump is saving fauna from the scalpels and ovens of the malignant spread of the Green blight. Now do flora.

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

It is a fact an immigrant woman was arrested for eating a neighbor's cat, and her booking photo was posted. She is not a "recent" immigrant having arrived five years ago, and she may not be Haitian, but that does not invalidate the resident's experience with more recently arrived Haitians. Haiti is a violent lawless island nation, looted by Clinton cronies and now ruled by warlords now. Did we really expect model citizens when we replaced 1/4 of the population of Springfield with Kamala's guests?

tommyesq said...

Do they actually specify the eating of these animals? It could be a reference to Santeria, which includes the ritual sacrifice of animals, usually chickens or ducks, and small four-legged mammals (i.e. dogs and cats). Santeria is of Cuban origin and is believed to be practiced pretty widely among Latin-American gangs (like the ones taking over apartment complexes).

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

There is a photo of a Haitian carrying a dead goose, allegedly that he killed in a park.

Aggie said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Peachy said...

"No Evidence" = Soviet speak.

Aggie said...

What a Master stroke, eh? Go to the most failed, violent country on earth, so failed that you can see it from space, a barren wasteland next to the lush forests of the Dominican Republic. Let the desperate criminals and their even more desperate victims flow over the open border into the USA, then gather them up, en masse, to preserve their apocalyptic culture, and fly them to the Republican heartland in the dead of night. Unleash the Kraken on Small Town America.

You gotta admit, it takes a special kind of mind to think that one up. Rinse & Repeat, using Somalia this time.

Michael Fitzgerald said...

Americans can believe democrat Party members when they tell us that what we are seeing with our own eyes is not actually happening. After all, they were similarly honest about the recent stories involving Venezuelan gangs taking over apartment buildings. Americans heard the stories and watched the videos and listened to the citizens complaints, and democrat Party members laughed and said that it was all a lie and never happened at all. And then the truth did come out that it was not only all true about the gangs taking over apartments not only in Colorado, but Chicago and New York too, and that the democrat Party members there and elsewhere not only knew it was happening and did nothing, but they discussed how to keep the media from spreading the truth about what was really going on.
Democrat Party members are such swell people who just want what's best for everyone- they're The Good Guys!!111!!!!!!!!11!!!!

Michael Fitzgerald said...

So these ones aren't getting the monthly cards, free car and free housing from our benevolent government?

boatbuilder said...

Umm, Philip. It's a joke.

Freeman Hunt said...

I think this took off because people like the funny pictures. I don't think everyone sharing these believes the stories.

Kevin said...

Oh sure, YOU try getting good cat or goose meat from your local supermarket.

Oso Negro said...

The tale about ducks and geese is somewhat humorous. What is NOT humorous is having 20,000 Haitians dumped in your town of 60,000. It's a testimony to the people of Springfield, Ohio, that they didn't simply start shooting the invaders. Haiti is a shithole country. If the Haitians don't like it, perhaps they can get some nice white people to come and run the country for them.

Peachy said...

Dixcus: "No Evidence" = Soviet Speak.

Prof. M. Drout said...

You can tell that the stories are actually true because of the uniform language that the regime mouthpieces are using to denounce them. Once enough video and archived stories have been brought forward to show that there is some pet-eating going on, the next stage will be: "Not ALL illegal immigrants will eat your pets," which is utterly beside the point, as there should be NO illegal immigrants, so that even a single eaten pet, raped child, or gang-occupied apartment complex is the responsibility of those who thought it would be a good idea to import millions of people for their cheap labor and free votes.
The hotel that is housing all the illegals in my town is the source of non-stop police calls for domestic violence, assault, drug use, property damage, vandalism, etc., etc.

Leland said...

Allexis Telia Ferrell Is the name of the woman charged. Reports are she is from Ohio. There is body cam footage available on YouTube but some posts of it claim Haitian. Honestly, it doesn’t interest me beyond pointing out there is some evidence (along with a picture of a guy carrying a dead goose).
I’m more concerned about immigrant gangs running rackets in cities.

Leland said...

Poaching isn’t a minor law. I think your point is if you can avoid prosecution by claiming immigrant status or having skin color that is somehow DA approved to avoid prosecution, then you’ll have a break down of civil order.

Narr said...

Primitives gonna primitive.

Humperdink said...

This would be a golden opportunity for Ohio Gov. Mike DeWine (R-Gutless) to ship a few bus loads of the unwelcome guests to Massachusetts.

Humperdink said...

Why did they land in Springfield? It is a small town, it has an exit on I-70, and lastly, it has an airport with 9000’ runway (Air National Guard base). Infrastructure all set up for transport in. Housing, schools and medical are large issues, but not a fed problem.

Gospace said...

Yes, they do. Or a large enough percentage do that it may as well be everyone.

FullMoon said...

I met an elderly European man who said he ate cats during food shortages during WW2. Considering the poverty of Haiti, eating cats, dogs, and even rats does not seem remarkable.

Jersey Fled said...

Please. Not Phillip Bump again.

And by the way, it’s not about saving your geese and cats. It’s about importing unvetted foreigner's by the boatload who bring their sick culture with them.

See: Great Britain

Kakistocracy said...

It's funny how all the MAGA people are doing this Haitian fearmongering when the person involved in this election who is most likely to have actually eaten a cat is clearly Robert F Kennedy Jr

Michael K said...

This reminds me of the Lyndon Johnson story about accusing a rival candidate of fucking pigs. His advisors told him no one would believe it. He said, "I just want to see him deny it."

Bruce Hayden said...

The theme for the Harris/Walz campaign is apparently Joy! Wishful thinking on their part. There is no joy these days on the left. Just self righteous anger. The Joy is on the right, and this is an example of it.

Someone said that for a political stratagem to be effective, it must be fun, or something like that. And this one is. Someone sees these political photoshops, of Trump and cats and ducks, and wonders what is going on. They hear that the illegal Haitians are eating them in a small city in Ohio. Then, leftist media, and their captive factcheckers tell them that there is no evidence (and not that it isn’t happening), but then see the photo of the Haitian carrying the dead duck by the neck. And, all of a sudden, you have a powerful meme. You see a cat or duck around Trump, and you think that the massive influx of Biden/Harris illegals aren’t assimilating. It’s so bad, that it isn’t even safe for your family pets, who may be killed and eaten by these unassimilated illegals. Those who don’t get the meme about Trump with cute cats and ducks ask their friends, in the know, and they tell them the back story.

Cat ladies for Harris/Walz hardest hit. They love their cats, because they don’t have a man in their lives, but are supporting cat killer Harris. Which is more important - their dried up, never used, uterus, or their cats?

Michael K said...

"Rich" weighs in with more nonsense.

Tom T. said...

The photo of the man with the goose was posted a few months, by someone who remarked that it was a weird thing he'd seen in Columbus, Ohio. It's not from Springfield. The point about 20,000 immigrants in a town of 60,000 people is legit, though.

Bruce Hayden said...

Then, there is St. Obama, who has admitted to having eaten a dog.

Bruce Hayden said...

But what is beyond the pale, is eating OUR cats, dogs, and even geese.

Barry Dauphin said...

Fear not cat ladies, Trump to the rescue!

Jupiter said...

"In MAGA world, the alleged pet-eating is already a matter of fact ...".
Bump obviously wishes people believed him as readily as they believe "Republican elected officials, including Vance". Not gonna happen, Phil. You are a lying liar, and, as it so happens, you always lie. So, people don't believe you. Tough luck, but there it is. Deal with it.

Dr Weevil said...

Google Maps tells me Springfield, Ohio is 48.4 miles west of Columbus, a 47-minute drive in current conditions (I-70 connects them). The man with the goose may have popped in to Columbus from Springfield for half a day of hunting after the Springfield goose population was depleted and the survivors had learned how to evade capture.

Jupiter said...

Don't try this if you're a US citizen.

Saint Croix said...

Come on, cat ladies! Vote for your cats.

Saint Croix said...

Grab 'em by the pussy cat.

n.n said...

Think of the kittens!

n.n said...

.... in a hat.

Yancey Ward said...

The vociferousness of the denial by the Left makes me think there is probably some truth to the story about the illegal immigrants eating the local wildlife. However, morons like Bump don't understand the point of the memes and it completely ignores the part of the story that the Left hasn't tried to deny and is repeated in every single one of these stories about Springfield, Ohio- that a small city of 50-60K legal residents is now hosting 20K illegals shipped in by the Biden Administration. I am just laughing my ass off at Bump and the rest of the Democrats squirming, trying to evade this story.

Yancey Ward said...

And another thing about these stories about Springfield is how all the papers use the same phrasing about how all the Haitian illegals have given a big boost to the local economy- that is some mighty big lying and coping from the Left.

Sydney said...

Well, my woke son just accused me of being racist for sharing this photo on our family WhatsApp. I thought it was doubly funny because the cat looks like our cat. The woke really have no sense of humor. Somehow because I laugh, I also laugh at anti-Semitic blood libel and , if there is such a thing, anti-Filipino blood libel.

Jupiter said...

Here, Phil. Read all about it.

Ralph L said...

I heard via Matt Walsh that some Kali worshipping Hindus were doing some of it.

Michael Fitzgerald said...

I absolutely believe that there are illegals in American towns killing pets and public display animals like ducks, geese, and pigeons. Absolutely 100% know that it is happening. If you don't think it is, then you are talking yourself into swallowing Party lies before you believe what is happening in front of your face.

Aggie said...

I don't understand this comment, Freeman. Are you so incurious that you can't spare 2 minutes to check? There are plenty of videos documenting the City Hall meetings with irate citizens telling the City Council exactly what they think of their city's decision-making, and trotting out the evidence. These are buttressed by the new's videos documenting the same thing. Who are you fooling, besides perhaps yourself ?

Aggie said...

OR am I reading it the wrong way, and you're referring to people indisposed to believe news contrary to their opinions?

Clyde said...

@ Dear Corrupt Left, Go F Yourself
JOY = Joke's On You

Aggie said...

The ANG base is a very handy, nicely-private place to transport them in, hassle free, process the illegals and load them up with cash cards and cell phones in the most efficient way possible - before turning them loose with a city map showing the shelters and the duck ponds.

Clyde said...

My favorite of the memes was a picture of Rodney Dangerfield doing standup, with the caption "My Haitian neighbor said he loved eating pussy. Didn't realize he meant Fluffy and Mittens."

Bill Crawford said...

Well, Springfield does have a great Chamber of Commerce promoting the city.

Inga said...

I have to admit that I laughed at the pics of Trump rescuing the cats and ducks with people chasing him. But seriously, folks, stealing pets and eating them? I’ve wondered why someone hasn’t captured the scary bold geese that congregate around my mailbox and put them in their freezer for the Holidays.

Lazarus said...

So rather than try to find out the facts, Phillip Bump simply dismisses the stories as the other's side's narrative and thus false. That is journalism today. That is also American life today.

Phillip Bump always reminded me of Charles Dickens: "My Christian name being Phillip and my father's family name being Bumplestilskin, my infant tongue could make of both names nothing longer or more explicit than Phillip Bump. So, I called myself Phillip Bump and came to be called Phillip Bump.”

Iman said...

Kamala should disappear like late Hoffa
should take train to Hell and get offa
she bites and she barks
thoughts straight from Karl Marx
while she pads her own personal coffahs

effinayright said...

I liked the last line, delightfully ambiguous: "Please keep a close eye on these animals." Ducks? Kitties? or Haitians...

FullMoon said...

Well, of course it does, so does rattlesnake
Cat meat tastes like chicken

FullMoon said...

Off the top of my head:
Chopped onion, serrano pepper, shredded carrot, mushrooms, celerey, pinto beans, tomato sauce,garlic, 1/2 inch chunks of "meat" black pepper.
Bring to boil, simmer for 30 minutes.

Iman said...

harris history
hot nights in Brezhnev’s dacha
got birch switch freak on!

Iman said...

CBS/Purina poll*:
Kamala Harris: 0%
Donald Trump: 100%
* 995 licensed dogs sampled

Jerry said...

Well, when you've forcibly removed your sense of humor with a dull spork, you tend to take things literally.

Iman said...

culinary treat
gives entirely new meaning
to “Yorkshire Pudding”

Iman said...

the Sunday brunch fave
beagle with lox and cream cheese
always a big hit

Iman said...

“The tender terrier tots will leave you scratching your belly, your taste buds tingling, and make you want to roll-over for more!”

– former President Barack 0bama

B. said...

Don’t Haitians have high rates of HIV? Any tests given to these “immigrants?”

Bushman of the Kohlrabi said...

The only thing funnier than these memes is Philip Bump’s supposed concern about baseless claims

Darkisland said...

He won't let those Haitian aliens grab your pussy! That's more than Kamala will do. She'll send you more haitian aliens to grab even more pussies.

John Henry

phantommut said...

Sometimes a visualization resonates with collective background anxieties.

This time it's the barbarians at the gates (inside the walls, actually) literally eating the objects of our affections (and affectations) has hit a proverbial nerve. Nothing that those who have championed the noble savages can do to keep that from stinging.

As always, I blame Rousseau.

BUMBLE BEE said...

That is one peculiar lookin Haitian pictured there!

Darkisland said...

Business idea for that lady in Flint Michigan. Or business extension anyway:

"Cats for sale: Pets or meat"

In all seriousness, in many parts of the world cats are desirable food, as is dog. Even rats are frequently eaten and it does not take Chinese famine levels of hunger to start bringing out the rat eaters.

I have no idea if Haitians are eating cats in Springfield. But if they were, why would be be so farfetched? Why would it be any different from eating rabbit?

From a culinary standpoint, anyway. Lots of other issues involved with what is alleged.

John Henry

Darkisland said...

Way back in the 90s, maybe even the 80s there was a news story I read from the LA Times, reprinted in our local newspaper.

A family advertised a pony for sale. Two Samoan (IIRC) men showed up in a pickup truck, checked out the pony, gave over some cash.

Then they led it onto the pickup where they bashed its head in with a sledge hammer and drove off.

Horrified, the pony owner reported this to the police along with the license plate. The police traced the plate and showed up at the Samoan's house the next day. They found a birthday party in progress and the pony on a spit over a barbecue fire. My recollection is that the police found nothing to charge them with. The Samoan's reaction was amazement that anyone would think what they did was abnormal.

One man's pet is another man's meat. Other than the ownership issue, I have nothing at all against Haitians eating cats, or dogs. Or anyone else eating any animal.

Assuming that it is killed relatively humanely and not tortured.

John Henry

Darkisland said...


Dogma and Pony Show said...

You mean Air Force base, Wright-Patterson?

Jim at said...

Typical response from the left:

"It's not happening!!!"
Then ...
"Well, it's not happening THAT often!"
Followed by ...
"It's a GOOD thing it's happening."

Jim at said...

And I think some of the confusion is because the goose incident happened in Springfield, OH while the cat incident happened in Dayton, OH.

But both incidents appear to be legit.

Jim at said...

It's funny how all the MAGA people are doing this Haitian fearmongering when the person involved in this election who is most likely to have actually eaten a cat is clearly Robert F Kennedy Jr.

Is RFK, Jr running for the Republican nomination? No? Then what's your point.

Because if you want to tie conservatives to every person endorsing Trump, we can play that game, too, Dick Cheney fanboi.

Jaq said...

Wait, they are killing and eating those annoying Canada geese! That's different. Carry on! I thought they were ducks.

Jaq said...

In South Florida, there was a case of a show horse being "horse napped" out of somebody's barn and butchered for meat at the side of the road.

Jaq said...

These geese are protected by the Migratory Bird Act, this isn't like eating squirrels from the park. But remember, "nobody is above the law" but some people are to one side of it or the other.

rhhardin said...

Needs a Noah meme, an ark filled with cats and ducks.

rhhardin said...

civile, si ergo,
fortibus es inero!
o nobile, demis trux.
vadis inem? catsen dux.

Kakistocracy said...

"Haitians ate our pets!"

Doing a great job of dispelling the myth that they are weird.

Furthermore — Vance’s claim that a Haitian man murdered a child in Springfield is also false. It was car crash. And the child’s family has asked people to stop using his death to demonize Haitians.

Shitty people, shitty values, shitty culture.

Aggie said...

NPR was just doing some very heavy lifting a few minutes ago, claiming that the story had been debunked and then moving on to pin the tail on JD Vance for whipping up the frenzy. Has it been debunked ? ? Or does NPR say, without evidence that it's been debunked? All they claimed was, somebody at the Springfield PD said they hadn't heard about it. What they missed, was the irate citizens in the City Council meeting complaining about the poaching, as well as the rest of the complaints directed at 20,000 brand new neighbors from a failed country, plopped down in the dead of night, without their input. That's called Evidence, by the way, if your searching for a word.

Aggie said...

"Furthermore — Vance’s claim that a Haitian man murdered a child in Springfield is also false. It was car crash"

On the other hand: "...Dozens of children were injured and 11-year-old Aiden Clark died. When the driver was revealed to be a Haitian immigrant without a U.S. license, things erupted."

I guess you know all about sh*tty values and sh*tty people, eh pal?

John henry said...

Wow, Rich! Is that dis-information, mis-information or just straight-up Rich bullshit?

You mean this guy, right?

Hermanio Joseph, 35, from Haiti, was charged with aggravated vehicular homicide in Clark County Municipal Court for the incident that occurred on Aug. 22. Joseph was reportedly driving a Honda Odyssey when he drove left of the center line and collided with a Northwestern Local Schools bus that was filled with more than 50 children on their way for the first day of school.

Hermanio is an illegal alien, illegally here in the US, and has no driver's license.

John Henry

John henry said...

Agree with you in general about Haiti and Haitians. Living next door to Haiti yup. "Shitty people, shitty values, shitty culture." Surprised to hear you admit that you think that, though.

John Henry

Kakistocracy said...

JD Vance is trying to stir up an anti-Haitian pogrom in Ohio. Of course his claim is a lie, it was debunked almost instantly. But he's still saying it, because racial hatred helps him politically.

Immigrants stealing and eating pets is a racist trope that’s been around for literally more than a century. That at least two US senators, the Republican VP nominee and the world’s richest twit fell for it tells you that they aren’t just bigots, they’re the simplest, dullest variety of bigot.

And Trump allowed them all to crawl out from under their rocks...

JIM said...

A lefty journo raising questions about veracity is amusing.

Mary H said...

As long as it's in one of the sanctuary towns or cities. Or Martha's Vineyard.

Aggie said...

Are you debunking without evidence again, Rich? Where was it debunked please?

Michael K said...

It is pretty good fun and Inga will be outraged. Both are hilarious.

Michael K said...

More lies from "Rich."

Michael K said...

"Rich" is using our tolerance for nut cases to spread lots of lies and crap.

Mikey NTH said...

It should have been titled "Something MAGA this way comes."

(courtesy of my brother)

clint said...

The memes about rescuing cats and ducks are funny.

The small town whose 60,000 residents are now struggling to deal with 20,000 Haitian refugees is much less funny. Remember when Martha's Vinyard couldn't handle 50 refugees?

There are heartbreaking videos of the residents talking about it... but sure, let's just slap a big old "Debunked" label on their foreheads, declare the whole thing disinformation and make it illegal to talk about it. That'll fix everything.

clint said...

Not sure if it'll let me post this, but the meme makers are way ahead of you.

Bruce Hayden said...

Of course it isn’t racist. Haiti is a country, not a race. The American Blacks I have talked to are just as appalled as everyone else, and love their pets every bit as much too. Of course, Rich is a racist libtard, who calls everything he doesn’t like “racist” on general principles.

And the story wasn’t debunked. How could it be? You would have to prove a negative. At best, you might find a left wing “fact checker” willing to say that they hadn’t seen any evidence of eating of domestic animals ,by Haitian illegals (without looking very hard), so assume that it’s false.

Bruce Hayden said...

Whiners Cry Racism in 3 ... 2 ... 1: Here Are the BEST, Funniest Cat Memes
Prowling Around on Twitter/X</

GingerBeer said...

Where is PETA? I'd think this would be right up their alley.

Oso Negro said...

An awesome way to improve your local economy! Import Haitians!

Kirk Parker said...

John Henry @ 8:36am,

Illegal aliens, or how about "immivaders"? That really cuts to the chase.

Craig Mc said...

There's a reason Philip Bump has become a stock Stephen Miller @redsteeze meme.

Lazarus said...

The memes of Trump with the cats are quite appropriate. Cats (and dogs) look upon the president who signed the bipartisan Dog and Cat Meat Trade Prohibition Act of 2018 as their personal messiah. Donald Trump thanks them for their unwavering support.

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