September 17, 2024

How to argue that Trump is responsible for attracting assassins without catching hell for blaming the victim.

That's what the elite media commentators are working hard to figure out, I think, scanning the many headlines this morning. I tired of reading the commentary before even beginning, and I am also tired of the columns reacting to it.

So I'll choose one piece, on the chance that it might go a bit deeper. It's by Peter Baker in the NYT and the title suggests some sobriety and moderation: "Trump, Outrage and the Modern Era of Political Violence/The latest apparent assassination attempt against the former president indicates how much the American political landscape has been shaped by anger stirred by him and against him."

At the heart of today’s eruption of political violence is Mr. Trump, a figure who seems to inspire people to make threats or take actions both for him and against him. He has long favored the language of violence in his political discourse, encouraging supporters to beat up hecklers, threatening to shoot looters and undocumented migrants, mocking a near-fatal attack on the husband of the Democratic House speaker and suggesting that a general he deemed disloyal be executed....

Mr. Trump’s critics have at times employed the language of violence as well, though not as extensively and repeatedly at the highest levels. The former president’s allies distributed a video compilation online of various Trump opponents saying they would like to punch him in the face or the like. Some of the more extreme voices on social media in the past day have mocked or minimized the close call at the Florida golf course. Mr. Trump’s allies often decry what they call Trump Derangement Syndrome, the notion that his critics despise him so much they have lost their minds.

Anger, of course, has long been the animating force of Mr. Trump’s time in politics — both the anger he stirs among supporters against his rivals and the anger that he generates among opponents who come to loathe him....


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Butkus51 said...

they had 4 years. Their focus was solely on Trump.

Dems suck at everything.

But, they know Russian gulag history well. Increase the bureaucracy, start forcing government workers to turn people in or face losing their job.

There will be quotas.

Todd said...

Harris has to be the one to show leadership and make a heartfelt statement that would start to alleviate people’s fears about Trump.

LOL! Sure, after years of calling him Hitler and of yelling from the bully-pulpit that he is an actual, concrete threat to "our" democracy, I am sure it would be no problem at all for her (them) to walk that back and say that they are sorry, it is not true, can't we all be civil? Yeah, I am sure they have top speech writers all over that as we speak!

Iman said...

Eat el gato, Ricardo.

n.n said...

NYT publishes Planned Presidenthood... is a cookbook for humans.

Iman said...

Inga continues to be both evil and malicious. Doing real harm.

Yancey Ward said...

That is the new Democrat initiative- do the same hate hoaxes they are good at and hoping anyone with an IQ above 90 still believes the hoaxes are real.

Bich, pretty much everyone knows it is Trump haters making these bomb threats. Why don't you actually try something more intelligent than trying to pass off this nonsense?

Butkus51 said...

The irony of an Inga saying that is delicious.

The rule of Lemnity said...

Eric Erickson calls it Calvinball.

Wikipedia: “Calvinball is an improvisational sport/game introduced in a 1990 storyline that involved Calvin's negative experience of joining the school baseball team. Calvinball is a nomic or self-modifying game, a contest of wits, skill and creativity rather than stamina or athletic skill. The game is portrayed as a rebellion against conventional team sports and became a staple of the final five years of the comic. The only consistent rules of the game are that Calvinball may never be played with the same rules twice and that each participant must wear a mask.”

“When asked how to play, Watterson stated: "It's pretty simple: you make up the rules as you go." In most appearances of the game, a comical array of conventional and non-conventional sporting equipment is involved, including a croquet set, a badminton set, assorted flags, bags, signs, a hobby horse, water buckets and balloons, with humorous allusions to unseen elements such as "time-fracture wickets". Scoring is portrayed as arbitrary and nonsensical ("Q to 12" and "oogy to boogy") and the lack of fixed rules leads to lengthy argument between the participants as to who scored, where the boundaries are, and when the game is finished. Usually, the contest results in Calvin being outsmarted by Hobbes. The game has been described in one academic work not as a new game based on fragments of an older one, but as the "constant connecting and disconnecting of parts, the constant evasion of rules or guidelines based on collective creativity."

Original Mike said...

When there's many millions of them, yes, it's entirely possible.

walter said...

Your folks have called him Hitler. Who wouldnt stop Hitler at any cost?

msnbc blamed trump.
9/15/24, 6:01?PM
Rightfully so. He puts a target on his OWN back.
9/15/24, 6:03?PM

walter said...

Worst insurrection ever.
More shots fired at a Trump rally.
(About those pipe bombs so near Harris? Shhhh.)

Michael Fitzgerald said...

Fredor Frederson saying the meme:
Trump: Haitians are eating cats in Springfield.
FF: That's a lie!
Video of black foreigners eating a cat in a USA town.
FF: That's Dayton not Springfield, and they're not Haitians they're Congos. I win!

Butkus51 said...

The first tenet of Voodoo is "Be kind to animals".

Its always been so.

Drago said...

Hmmm, why would State Troopers be visiting schools over proven hoaxes pushed by leftists like LLR-democratical Rich?

Inga said...

Wally, indeed he does. The last two attempts were not by Democrats. They were by two confused, extremists who had political affiliations that were all over the place. One was a registered Republican and one had supported Trump in 2016, supported Tulsi Gabbard and Bernie Sanders in 2020 and supported Nikki Haley and Vivek Ramaswamy in 2024. Trump is in danger from crazy confused people who become excited negatively by his rhetoric and act on it.

walter said...

"he people accused of grilling the cat in Dayton were of Congolese, not Haitian, origin."
Thus irrelevant? Good grief..

Rusty said...

How did he get a machine gun? Was it in fact a machine gun? Or is the media trying to scare you?(they succeeded).

Original Mike said...

Regarding Harris being a "fascist", I'm sorry but she is calling for the government to censor the free-speech rights of its citizens, she is the 2nd in command of an administration that aggressively did exactly that, and she is the member of a party who's elders are calling for criminal penalties for information the government deems "incorrect ".

So, maybe not throw-them-in-a-concentration-camp fascist but certainly Joseph-Goebbels fascist.

Rusty said...

How easy is it to get a machine gun, TBH? I know you don't know so you won't answer.

Aggie said...

The 2021+ border jumpers got the jobs, the 2023+ border jumpers are on welfare. Why not check the numbers, but in the meantime: Why are illegal aliens qualifying to receive welfare and benefits like free housing and medical care? Isn't that the more critical question, for your tax dollars?

walter said...

Freder clinging to fine distinctions only to expand the point.

Michael K said...

MSOM, I don't think he planned it. The Media took it and ran. And it is funny with all the videos on X. Vance actually started it.

tim in vermont said...

No, just being scabs, and doing them cheaper than American workers would.

tim in vermont said...

The only thing I could find about Trump supposedly accusing Hillary of having a "murder squad" was a comment that she could "get away with murder," which is an expression that doesn't carry a literal meaning, at least not to native speakers of English.

So link please.

tim in vermont said...

So this guy was arrested for having a machine gun, and let out on probation, but the solution is more gun laws. He had a machine gun, he should have been cooling his heels in Federal prison instead of traipsing around the world, hobnobbing with Ukrainian not-sees.

tim in vermont said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Michael K said...

My reply to MSOM has disappeared. The pet story began with Vance and not Trump. It was an invitation that the MSM could not resist and is pretty funny to us normals.

Michael K said...

MJB, good point.

Michael K said...

Mossad saying, "Good Morning."

Michael K said...

Trolling with lies again.

tim in vermont said...

"The Lincoln Project &@ProjectLincoln • Follow

Hitler's power wasn't taken, it was given. And once he had
control he enacted his horrifying, dictatorial agenda.
The same dynamic is at play with Trump."

Wow, who wouldn't kill Hitler if they had the chance?

TeaBagHag said...

How easy is it to get a machine gun, TBH?
Awww, I got this: So fucking easy, that an 2016 Trump voter could successfully navigate the process.

Iman said...

This Hag should be ignored. In truth, all of these trolls (Inga, Rich, Lefty Mark, Turd Swanson, Fred0, etc.) should be ignored. Granted, it’s not as much fun but it’s a better use of time.

Iman said...

In a merciful mood, I suggested skinning ‘em alive and THEN driving them, like the lemmings they are, off cliffs. Be of good cheer, Fredo.

Maynard said...

I see that our idiot troll has backed off the "he's a Republican" hoax. Now his politics are "all over the map".

I guess that is why all his donations (reported to total 19) have been to Act Blue. Of course, Republicans must have planted the faded "Biden-Harris" bumper sticker on his truck.

Ignorance and fanaticism are a bad mix.

walter said...

Nice try. Your own Dark Brandon/Pedo Pete set the stage for this.

Jim at said...

but no one is a worse enemy to Trump than Trump himself.

You fuckers are trying to kill him, and yet he's the bad guy.
Just go to hell.

Inga said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Jim at said...

Dems have been able to carry out a revolution by largely peaceful and non-violent means.

What in theee hell are you smoking?

Inga said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Jim at said...

Trump and Vance cannot call on Democrats to tone down the rhetoric when Trump and Vance’s rhetoric is and has been far worse.

It would be appreciated if you could point to when and where people have been shooting Kamala Harris as a result of Trump's rhetoric.

Are you too stupid to see the difference?

Kevin said...

Not a Bye-ku for Donald Trump

Trump survives again:
A store of lives to rival
An uneaten cat.


Jim at said...

The last assasin was one of yours and this last one was also one of your chickens coming home to roost. Own it, dipshits.

Yeah. It's Trump supporters who are trying to kill him.

Iman said...

Baker is what… 5’3” tall? Any shorter he’d be a little person.

Mark said...

Yeah, calling Kamala a Marxist communist fascist is totally like stand-up.

Big Mike said...

Anger, of course, has long been the animating force of Mr. Trump’s time in politics — both the anger he stirs among supporters against his rivals

You still don’t get it, do you, Althouse? Trump’ does not have to stir up anything. His supporters are already angry at you and the rest of the elitists. Trump channels that into non-violent political activity. Without him would those supporters just mutter and grumble as the did during the Obama years? If you say “yes,” then for how long?

Rusty said...

So,Freder, because it was in Dayton and not in Springfield, and because the pet eaters were of a different protected nationality, that totally invalidates the argument?
OK. But you still havent addressed my question of how injecting 20 thousand third world people into a local population of 60 thousand is a benefit to the local population? How is this going to benefit the local economy?

Rusty said...

Walk us through the process, Tea Bag Hag. Because you're full of shit.
The process goes as follows; Two passport quality photos. Two filled out fingerprint cards from your local sheriff. $200 and an aplication from the ATFE and a letter from your local sheriff that states there are no laws preventing you from owning a machine gun.
One photo and one fingerprint card goes to the ATFE along with your application and the letter from the sheriff. The other photo and fingerprint card stays with the sheriff. After your aplication has been approved you get a tax stamp and a letter from the ATFE. Only then can you pick up your machine gun. The stamp and the letter must stay with that machine gun no matter where you transport it.
EVERY citizen must go through this process if you want to own a machine gun. The only exception is law enforcement.
If you know someone in possession of a fully automatic firearm without the above paperwork they in violation of the law.
Any questions Tea Bag Hag?

walter said...

Well, the laws need to be enforced. But it's quite interesting that such high profile events haven't stirred the gun control crowd into a frienzy. It's almost like..oh..that's too cynical...

Dude1394 said...

The democrat party and their media have almost normalized assasination attempts against republicans.
Trump is actually shot and then about a month later another assasination attempt is carried out.
Steve Scalise is critically injured and barely survives.
Rand Paul is attacked.
Brett Kavanaugh, Clarence Thomas, John Roberts, Samuel Alito all have assasins hunting them.
Multiple republicans sent to jail for crimes that the democrats literally skate on.

It seems pretty obvious that democrats are perfectly happy with this. That they do not feel they will really get any serious damage if their followers murder the president or prominent republicans.

They are probably correct, I mean there will NOT be riots in the street, there will NOT be buildings burned down and there will not be assasination repurcussions. Maybe a lone timothy mcveigh after the fact, but nothing immediate. By then the democrats feel they will have consolidated power.

Dude1394 said...

So why aren't democrats being targeted?

Rocco said...

Mike (MJB Wolf) said…
Well put, Jamie. As the old Soviet saying goes, "We know they're lying. They know they're lying. They know that we know that they're lying. And they keep lying."

And they watch and see how many people repeat the lies. It tells them who is on their side, or at least cowed into submission.

Marcus Bressler said...

Rich changes names as often as Harris changes positions

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