"Our First Amendment stands as a major block to the ability to be able to hammer [disinformation] out of existence. What we need is to win... the right to govern by hopefully winning enough votes that you’re free to be able to implement change....""Our First Amendment stands as a major block to the ability to be able to hammer [disinformation] out of existence. What we need is to win...the right to govern by hopefully winning enough votes that you’re free to be able to implement change."
— Colin Wright (@SwipeWright) September 29, 2024
No thanks.pic.twitter.com/SLGHOLVjCr
Via Elon Musk, who opines "This is crazy."
Song parody idea: If John Kerry had a hammer/He'd hammer the First Amendment out of existence...
“Eviserated to a certain degree”
I hate that rhetorical device so much—use a really big show-stopper of a word, and then immediately back off it with a diminutive qualifier. It’s not just dishonest and manipulative, it’s cowardly.
This is the shit they learn at Davos…
…you might suspect it’s lefties ignoring The United States Constitution but I’m not sure they realize…well, I suppose when you’ve completely duped enough of the public for so long and so large…well, you just don’t care about limits…
Still smarting over being Swift Boated with info his proxies
claimed to be inaccurate.
Or maybe he disputed their claims directly, but I don't recall him doing so.
The referees eviscerated themselves on the Russian collusion disinformation. Rather than admit they were wrong, they began a campaign of inverting truth and fiction to continue appearing as if they were right.
I’ll tell you why it is so difficult to build consensus nowadays: The Left’s ideas are insane. Let’s start with CAGW, then move to DEI and finish with trans surgery for minors.
Basically he's saying every politician needs to be eliminated.
Back in the 1970's I recognized the totalitarian bent to liberalism. This is the overt wish to dominate and control.
...a Republic. If you can keep it.
Aliens good. Sedition baaaaader. (hat tip, Eric Blair)
A self confessed baby killer would say that.
Clue for you, John. Government should be making fewer, not more, decisions for people.
What DB said.
A dangerous buffoon who holds no actual office in our government. What a dick.
U Can’t Say That
You can't say that
You can't say that
You can't say that
You can't say that
You can't say that
My, my, my, my gravitas hits me so hard
Makes me sayuh, "Oh my Gaia,
Thank you for blessing me
With a mouth to rhyme and two club feet."
It feels good, when you know you're down
A super dope homeboy from the Beantown
And I'm known as such
And this is some shit, uh, you can't say
I told you proleboy (You can't say that)
Yeah, that's how we doing and you know (You can't say that)
Look in my eyes, man (You can't say that)
Yo, let me bust that funky thinkin’ (You can't say that)
h/t MC Hammer
If you think I look great now, wait till you see me in the red robe of the Inquisition.
“I am Groot.”
“Swift Boating” is when you tell vicious truths about someone.
Yes and I think Trump bringing up the insane policy of tax dollars paying for trans surgery for prisoners and aliens detainees was the highlight of the debate. Leftist talking heads laughed it off until their own side fact checked their dismissal of it. It had the effect of making the clip of her proposal go viral and it bolstered Trump credibility. Just like ordinary people who dig into the Springfield story find there’s a lot of bad shit happening and poaching happening regardless of whether any pets have been eaten. The media refusal to explore the issue or interview the complaining witnesses is striking. Their indifference in service of Harris does not go unnoticed.
“We have to enforce totalitarianism by fiat to protect our democracy from the totalitarian Trump.”
Another brilliant Dana Carvey impersonation. Is there no one he can't play?
Yes, I agree. He’s representing the folks at Davos, not the American people when he says these things.
It's hard to get an honest answer from a politician, but some are now willing to be perfectly honest in expressing their hatred for the first amendment. The reason they hate it is because it limits government - they believe the chains belong on the people, not their masters.
How long before the normal clowns tell us that sense Elon posted it, then it must be a deep fake AI? I’m sure Althouse was thinking that will be the counter as she mentioned uncanny valley.
Just the other side.
Just the other side.
"It's hard to tell in the uncanny valley of his face (is that Botox?)"
Rush called him Lurch after the character in Addams Family.
No that was really John Kerry.
Why the long face, John?
Slowly back away from the Democrat party. Slowly. Slowly. Don’t turn your back. Just slowly back away.
A lawyer wouldn't be so cavalier about the First. Just saying.
Holy Moly. They are now openly saying vote D to do away with the freedom of speech.
This clown does not have a very good memory. He got his start by opposing the Vietnam war. Sixty years ago, the NY Times, Washington Post, CBS etc. lied to us about what happened in the Gulf of Tonkin and the threat the Viet Cong. They are still lying to us. Now he approves of their lies and wants to stop the truth from coming out.
Even worse is women voters. More speech doesn't even help.
John Kerry was the reason I started voting Republican. I was an ignorant voter until him. I didn't pay attention, believed the Propaganda that Democrats are for the working class. NONE of them were. I've opened my eyes quite a bit since then, and realize the swamp is a dirty rotten place, and we need to get rid of the swamp creatures if we stand a chance as a country.
Kerry was a Soviet agent now hes a chinese and iranian one
The Leftists who frequent this site support Kerry's ideas through their loud silence.
Kerry be huntin’ for a clue.
There’s a straight line from Kerry to Hillary and now Harris. Three extremely unlikable people with horrible ideas.,
Exactly! Instead of wondering if their bone-headed ideas are to blame, they blame misinformation and go naturally from there, to openly calling for censorship. Did it never occur to them that they might be the baddies?
If the senior statesman of the party wants to eviscerate the First Amendment and is happy to say so in his best calmly reasonable manner, imagine what the activist Party members have in store for us. Preservation of our rights protected by the Bill of Rights is why the Founders thoughtfully included the Second Amendment.
serious question:
would you safer in a country that threw out the 1st amendment..
or a country that threw out John Kerry?
Kerry is another Biden-like political huckster, his son making millions off the Kerry connections, his wife the Heinz billionaire, and he flies around in private jet touting dangers of "climate change" and telling the little people that they don't need free speech protection because it "makes it difficult to govern". Hypocrite. Con man.
How would Kerry characterize his statement in 2009 asserting that the Arctic ice would be gone by 2014?
He is in contention for the titlefor the most odious politician of the last quarter century.
Illegal migrants and prisoners can get free trans surgery, thanks to Biden administration, but average poor American citizen can't get their cavities fixed without paying for it out-of-pocket at $400/tooth. "Poor people mouth" is a real thing; "good teeth" is now an obvious social-class indicator in America.
He presents as the perfect novel character for the ever-so-well-intended totalitarian. And a knowing one.
But I watched it twice. I think Kerry would say, No way am I dissing the First Amendment.
No, no way. We will win enough votes to make a lot of laws that fence it in good and tight. For the sake of building consensus and getting rid of the sick people and media who can't help themselves. And we know the Supreme Court will rule our way, 8-5. I love the First Amendment. But it has to know its place.
"Disinformation" - to the left- is any truth that makes the left look bad.
The Democrats have been working hard to nibble away at the 1st amendment. Hate speech, misgendering, microaggressions, and assorted other bullshitty characterizations of speech they don't like and try to turn into criminal or (at minimum) socially punishable acts. Now they're not even nibbling. It's Jaws time.
How could anyone possibly still believe they are a classic liberal, much less an American, and vote Democrat now?
John Kerry must think Huxley's "1984" is a manual. Gonna smother us to make us obey. Throw you in prison if you fail to toe the line.
The Future of the The Future Under a Kamala Regime.
You have to walk through the uncanny valley, you have to meet that faceless government face. There's no one here to go there for you. When you walk with the comrades, you walk by yourself.
Based upon my three years of experience with the Omaha Public Power District’s Board, no amount of evidence will convince them.
I'm John Henry and I do not approve this message
About having my namesake song associated with horse face in this way.
I don't approve of anything else he says either.
John Henry
"If people only go to one source and the source has an agenda."
Of course the NYTimes doesn't have an agenda. Please, the lack of self awareness is galling.
"Build consensus" - Kerryspeak for: suppress all conservative thought and commentary so that only Leftist dogma is heard.
The news media hasn't been eviscerated by anyone outside of the media. More like seppuku. They lost their status as tellers of news and truth by hiding news and telling lies. It's always a shock to people when they find out there are consequences to their actions.
But, since you asked, here is my best pre-coffee effort. Listen understanding that it is sarcasm.
John Henry
Stop the anguish! Hasn't John Kerry suffered enough?
If you have not played with suno.com yet there are less interesting ways to while away your time.
Type in a prompt and song style "bluegrass song about packaging" or "menudo style song about my 4 grandkids with names" and you get some cool, and some bizarre but mostly cool, results.
My editor liked my packaging ditty enough to publish it.
John Henry
They had gotten so close. Almost cornered the market. And then that damned internet thing happened.
Right at the beginning of the Early Modern Era in the 17th century there was this same struggle which we are now in and the forces fighting for the liberty of the person were sucessful. In fact the Last Battle of that conflict was The American Revolution. So this long-drawn out battle we are now in may end successfully as well in a reassertion of our founding principles. We can imagine ourselves winning a republic instead of losing one as in the Fall of the Roman Republic.
Essentially in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries all the countries in Europe adopted centralized, absolutist systems in which the previous rights of the person and the previous political systems which included effective popular assemblies were abolished everywhere except in England. Thus was done because the the absolutists controlled standing armies which were such an innovation that all Europe, unable to understand or resist lost its freedom except in England. And in England King Charles I made a try at asserting a Divine Right to be always right enforced by legislation entitled "acts of uniformity." Now this same centralizing absolutist tendency, the natural home of the power-mad mind, has gathered to itself a new system, the digital revolution, as a sort of new standing army. Once again we are suddenly overrun by corruption masquerading as justice. Once again we suddenly have inquisitions and the suppression of dissenters and the licensing of thought. But we the people beat this once and we can do it again.
This is history as Churchill saw it in his post-war series of books on English history in which he generalized the concepts developed in the the English battles of the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries against continental centralizing, absolutism as applicable to the centralizing absolutist tendencies of post-war Marxism whether of the Soviet or the Gramscian or the settler-colonialist species.
Similarly, the fresh reading of our own founding documents such as the Federalist Papers will arm us for the struggle we are in now as it is the same struggle against the same power-mad corruption hiding in once great institutions. Then it was, in England, the Anglican church working as a secular entity for an absolutist monarch; now it is the institutions of democracy, Congress, the the President, the press and the universities, working through the power of unchecked digital Big Data on behalf of corrupt absolutist malefactors. The men, some of whom are women, behind the phony women and the others of the Venn. The hidden faces of the uncanny valley, the Venns, ruling us like assassins hiding in plain sight whom the Secret Service and our other protectors, just cannot find.
I love this one. Amazing.
Agreed clyde
Democracy, by its very nature, is totalitarian
John Henry
like a boomerang he keeps coming back
I look forward to the day when enough Americans really, really appreciated their Constitution. Unknown or unrealized by too many is the danger of government. And Too Much Government is deadly to all. The purpose of our Constitution is to LIMIT government. And failing to do that will lead us to tyranny, a place Kerry, Clinton/s, Obama et alia wish to bring us. The First Amendment is meant to LIMIT government, not the people. Leftists want the opposite; to turn us from citizens to subjects.
What's weird is his hair is dark in the places where most men's first turns white.
If you want to help a fellow commenter out click on the link to my packaging song. it makes my editor look good to her advertisers which makes me look good to her
Here's the link again
Kin I get me a hunting license so I kin shoot the people I disagrees with? Jean Fraud Kerry's greatest moment. The man is a moron and no friend of liberty.
Did Kerry get his crazy ideas from the internet?
Kerry is insulated by his wife's millions. Nothing can get to him, and nothing has any consequences. The media provides him with an added layer of protection.
Funny thing that the 17th century came up here. Kerry's grandmother was a Winthrop. The Winthrops ran Massachusetts Bay Colony in the early years. His great-great-grandfather was also a senator from Massachusetts. Maybe some of Kerry's vast sense of entitlement comes from that. Because his father didn't come from such illustrious lineage, Kerry perhaps had a sense of being an outsider, deprived of his rightful position in society and determined to get it back. Kerry ("JFK") was always a ridiculous popinjay. As bad as Bush and Cheney were, it was absurd to think that Ohio or America was going to elect Kerry.
"Our First Amendment stands as a major block to the ability to be able to hammer [disinformation] out of existence.
And just who gets to decide what is and is not 'misinformation,' asshole? You?
I don't think so.
Orwell's 1984.
Amusing that Walz hasn't complained about this. "Stolen Valor" is the dry land version of 'swift boating."
Frederick Douglas "the liberties of the American people were dependent upon the Ballot-box, the Jury-box, and the Cartridge-box," And it will alw
I've forgotten the details of John Heinz' plane crash. Did anybody look hard into that ?
I watched the whole thing!!!
You can too.
There's an interesting moment at 21:00 when the moderator says that he understands that fracking is an issue in the US Presidential election and Kerry, with a facial expression that is half smile and half frown, "Not any more."
John F'n Kerry, spent his life trying and failing to be another JFK. Wound up as a chattering cog in the machine that killed John Kennedy. What would John Kennedy have to say about this sad old boomer, his pretentions, his delusions of grandeur, his calls for a ministry of truth? He'd probably laugh at him which is what everyone should do.
@wendybar, Jimmy Carter did it for me. I have never voted for any other Democrat, ever.
We all need to thank George W. Bush daily for keeping John F. Kerry and Albert Gore Jr. out of the White House. It could be Bush's greatest accomplishment.
Good Lord. This is Democratic dogma. Elon Musk is perhaps the most important person of our time. Without him, free speech could well go the way of the dinosaurs.
Kerry is a giant fuckface. "We used to have arbiters of fact." You mean like the NYT apologia for Soviet Russia? Or the hagiographers for FDR, who prolonged the Depression by 8 years while cementing Democrat control of the federal government?
An assoholic point-of-view that perfectly reveals how the Left views its exalted place in the world.
LOL. You're a talented guy and I loath bluegrass.
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