September 11, 2024

Biden, Trump, Harris, Vance... side by side at the 9/11 memorial service this morning.


Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

What happened to the "Trump is not allowed to visit a Military cemetery" Soviet BS?

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

btw- The fresh new leftist radicals in charge in Britain - you are not allowed to think or say anything negative about Islamist Supremacists. So - keep quiet.

RCOCEAN II said...

Hard to see Kamala, since she's 5 feet 2 or whatever. A Nice ceremony

narciso said...

They have no shame but we already gauged that

narciso said...

The Drill SGT said...

ISWYDT Price gauging?

The Drill SGT said...

Here's to Rick Rescorla!

Absent Friends...

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Again - since it's gone - In leftist Britain - no one is allowed to think bad thoughts about holy and precious Islamic terrorists - or even Islamic women-subjugating Islamic supremacist males. That kind of crap will be installed by Kamala.

gilbar said...

meanwhile.. Our endless wars continue.. Even without support
WSJ: More Ukrainians Want to Negotiate an End to the War. Soldiers Don’t Agree.
“There’s war fatigue in Western society, and certainly in Ukrainian society,”
said Col. Andriy Biletskiy, the commander of one of Ukraine’s largest brigades.
“This is not the most optimistic moment for Ukraine, but no military catastrophe has occurred. This war is not lost.”

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

OT: No evidence.

Dave Begley said...


Big Mike said...

Amen. And here’s to first responders going up into the Towers knowing that they might never be seen alive again.

narciso said...

Salud john o'neil the other cassandra that day

Leland said...

Biden is doing his best impression of Jeff Dunham's Walter with that frown and scowl.

RAH said...

Where is GW Bush and Giuliani?

n.n said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Michael said...

I keep waiting for Biden to quip, "I love going to 9-11 for a Slushie.

Michael K said...

So that's what he meant by , "I'm doing a 9/11." For a moment, I was worried about him in an airplane.

Political Junkie said...

Here here Drill Sgt and Big Mike!! RealClearPolitics has a lovely WSJ article today about a Cantor Fitzgerald employee who just retired. He survived 9/11 with major injuries, but he is a lovely man. Made me tear up a bit as I read the srory. Cheers all!

Political Junkie said...

9/11 stuff is the only thing that unites us, or at least gets us to stp yelling at the other side.

Jersey Fled said...

As it should be.

Big Mike said...

And let us not forget the people who found themselves on Flight 93, and who taught the Muslim terrorists that Americans fight back.

EdwdLny said...

How many times did joey bidet check his watch. I see he and kamala left early. Hah, imagine that, no respect ,no class, and nary a clue.

Mutaman said...

She was about 6'5" Tuesday night.

Mutaman said...

"I see he and kamala left early."

Like the Know Nothings at Trump's rallies.

Drago said...

Mutaman provides the North Korean post-debate "analysis"! LOL

narciso said...

as he let the 20th hijacker go back to Saudi Arabia,

Political Junkie said...

Yes sir, Big Mike. They even voted on their plan, if memory is correct.

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

I love the lady screaming, "Don, we need you back!"

Michael K said...

So, were you one of the "Know Nothings" and how do you know anything about Trump rallies ?

The Real Andrew said...

On the topic of 9/11 (not politics), this remembrance has always stuck with me. If you’re a fan of Cheers or Frasier, it’s worth reading.

Mark said...

Where was the military cemetery here?

Joe Bar said...

I saw a clip of Mike Bloomberg getting Harris and Trump together for a handshake. That was a nice touch.

Mutaman said...

Michael K
"So, were you one of the "Know Nothings" and how do you know anything about Trump rallies ?"

That's what Harris said last night, and Trump's response was a befuddled "Homina, homina, homina" .

narciso said...

No one stays at her rallies

Iman said...

It doesn’t even do that.

narciso said...

Iman said...

No, that’s wrong, narciso. The paid actors who are bussed in do stay for the contracted time and provide the contracted number of cheers, smiles and horseshit.

Mikey NTH said...

It was a beautiful day, like today. Blue cloudless skies, warm, seemed a pity to go into the office on a day like that.

MikeD said...

Biden was there to, in his own words, "do 9/11"! BTW he , the Kamel and all their sycophants left prior to speeches from those who lost loved ones.

narciso said...

He meant do. No 2

Michael K said...

They are bussed in. We learned that when a bus was delayed to take them back.

Gunner said...

If Trump were really a Nazi Klansman insurrectionist etc., why would they sit near him?

Dr Weevil said...

Some people (broadly defined) just can't refrain from polluting a solemn thread with irrelevant crap. Ugh.

They’re eating the cats — They’re eating the dogs said...

It takes a unique kind of vulgarity to bring 9/11 ‘truther’ Laura Loomer
to events marking the anniversary of the 9/11 attacks.

Megthered said...

I didn't hear anyone screaming for Kammy. No "you won" or " yay queen" or "good job". What I heard was all for Trump. She was probably seething.

Rusty said...

Mutaman. I'm curious. What exactly are we supposed to know?