August 29, 2024

"The room erupted when Harris and Walz walked in, and the band played the school fight song with football players and cheerleaders in the back of the room."

"Leaning into his experience as a former coach, Walz gave a quick speech about teamwork. Harris told the crowd they were all leaders in their own way. Next stop: Sandfly Bar-B-Q in Savannah, a restaurant decorated with license plates from various states. Harris and Walz were greeted by the restaurant's owner, employees and local patrons. Walz sought out a group of teachers and praised their 'noble' work. He talked about the importance of optimism and insisted, 'Our politics can be hopeful.' Outside, a man held a Trump flag."

This is the best NPR can do at puffing the Harris/Walz bus tour of Georgia, in a piece titled "Harris is on a 2-day Georgia bus tour. It’s the latest sign the state is in play."

It's kind of unfair not to mention Walz in the headline. He seems to be doing most of the work — telling the football team that teamwork is important, brown-nosing the teachers, and touting optimism. What did Kamala Harris even do? She "told the crowd they were all leaders in their own way." I must infer that she first did some self-promotion: She's asking to be made the leader of the world. Then, in a show of caring, she speculates that they too are leaders in some obscure way in whatever obscure backwater of Georgia this happens to be.

Why does a public school herd its students into campaign events — replete with student musicians repurposing the school's fight song to support a political candidate? It's compulsory schooling and compulsory participation in politics. The purpose is openly political.

ADDED: Here's video of the event at the high school:


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Aggie said...

Where are the parents, one wonder.

And let us not forget, because ol' Timmy has, apparently: Assistant Coach. Do you have anything that I can use on these Astroturf burns - AssistantCoach ?

RideSpaceMountain said...

"Harris told the crowd they were all leaders in their own way."

This is true. Everyone is a leader in their field. Some people are top notch lawyers. Others excellent actors and playwrights. Some people give great head, while still others are spectacularly gifted at inflating their leadership credentials and assuming a spectacularly elevated sense of self-importance.

Achilles said...

Good thing those students weren't in class learning anything.

They had more important things to do.

The Harris campaign is so pathetic. And notice how they cannot let Kamala go on her own. She needs daddy with her everywhere.


Justabill said...

I think we know why.

Shouting Thomas said...

Kamala seems to be the Leonid Brezhnev of U.S. politics… always drunk, appointed by the Politburo, and sort of in a daze about everything. Like Brezhnev, Kamala seems to be the last gasp of a completely corrupt, shoddy system that has lost its reason to exist, save for providing perks to the nomenklatura.

doctrev said...

"Local patrons?" F off. Not only does the Harris campaign have to punt out all the normal patrons on their campaign stops, they have to bring in fleets of unmarked white vans (ped vans??) full of paid actors. I wouldn't have believed it, but the boys at patriot dot win documented it weeks ago.

She's as fake as processed cheese.

RideSpaceMountain said...

As is said so often involving minorities in this country, "the bigotry of low expectations."

I prefer Praising with Faint Damns myself.

Iman said...

“"Leaning into his experience as a former ASSISTANT coach, Walz gave a quick speech about teamwork.”

Gusty Winds said...

Why does a public school herds its students into campaign events — replete with student musicians repurposing the school's fight song to support a political candidate? It's compulsory schooling and compulsory participation in politics.

This is nothing new. Just part of the education establishment liberal indoctrination. Wisconsin schools and teachers were dragging young students to the WI Act 10 protests back in 2011. There are paychecks and pensions to protect for the Teachers. There are tampons that need placement in the boys bathroom. There are young brains that need washing.

Temujin said...

Kamala does her best work in front of young people. Breathing adults are a tricky audience for her.

Kate said...

Just after the one minute mark a young woman in the foreground front row waves vigorously at Kamala, then turns toward the camera and smiles with enthusiasm. It's a sweet moment that Kamala doesn't see or doesn't acknowledge. Trump would've noticed. Any good politician would've pinpointed that -- joy -- and responded to it.

Gusty Winds said...

That impromptu word salad speech is horrible. Empty. I don't know which is worse; being drunk or just being that dumb.

narciso said...

they have these unnatural reaction, one might call them alien, they really despise those people in rural regions but they need to pretend

Gusty Winds said...

Notice Trump is able to send Vance out on his own to speak to the press, hold rallies etc... Harris needs a babysitter and can't be separated from Walz who sucks as well. Creepy vibe off that guy.

Ann Althouse said...

I was thrown out of my own office when Obama appeared on campus in 2012. We had to clear out of the law school entirely. It was highly disruptive and absolutely required. Why was the university hosting a campaign appearance? The answer I received was that there was an educational purpose in giving students a chance to see and hear the President of the United States in person.

Don't bother wondering if the UW would do the same for a Republican President running for reelection. Republican presidential candidates never come to Madison.

MadTownGuy said...

"Why does a public school herds its students into campaign events — replete with student musicians repurposing the school's fight song to support a political candidate? It's compulsory schooling and compulsory participation in politics. The purpose is openly political."

When I was in my high school's marching band, we were 'invirrd' to greet then-President Nixon at the airport. We had assembled all our music for the event in our folders beforehand, when someone from the entourage came up and handed out sheets for another song, "Nixon Now." One of the horn players put a McGovern bumper sticker across the bell of his baritone horn. He was immediately sent out and later was excused from the band. Of course, he sued, and won. He was already unpopular in the band, but when I reflected on it at the time, I understood why he had done it and why he was right. We were there to greet the President, not to campaign for him.

That said, he played it for all it was worth, even inviting local ABC News into the band room during practice.

Kakistocracy said...

This is just what they need to do: Go to places where Democrats usually don't go. Show respect to the rural residents. In every county (even red ones) there are Democrats and open-minded Independents. Lower the GOP margins in these places by 2% to 5% and Harris can win the state.

Ann Althouse said...

"That impromptu word salad speech is horrible."

She gets into another one of her meditations on time, circling the drain with tautologies about time being time and the future being the future, so unlike the past, which is past.

Political Junkie said...

Demographics Determine Destiny. We are doomed.

The Middle Coast said...

Spat out my coffee. Thank you.

Zavier Onasses said...

"The room erupted..." As in vomited?

Gusty Winds said...

Are feminists really hoping Kamala is installed? Do they want a female President at all costs? In a way, feminists deserve Kamala. They HATE every intelligent "conservative" woman that has gained power. I'll bet Tulsi is now on the naughty list. Look what they have done to public schools and Universities which they have taken over. Test scores plummet while costs skyrocket. Expect the same for that nation.

Kakistocracy said...

GW writes: "Notice Trump is able to send Vance out on his own to speak to the press, hold rallies etc.."

Are you able to share with us the attendance and enthusiasm levels at these (solo) Vance rallies?

Political Junkie said...

What you wrote is true. However, the biggest change in GA, I believe, is that it became the "Black destination", and the Black population is growing bigly.

narciso said...

we saw how they reacted in unison 16 years ago, is this a rhetorical question

Todd said...

Shouldn't that be:

Why does a public school herd its students into Democrat campaign events — replete with student musicians repurposing the school's fight song to support a political candidate?

Sure "Republicans do it too" will be the general response BUT I don't recall Republicans going on tour for office at schools. I know that they will stage legislation signings at schools when it involves education but stopping just as a campaign tour? Don't recall. Kids can't [yet] vote. They already have the teacher's union in their pocket. What is the point? Getting K&W in front of cameras where they will get little to no substantive questions? Another chance to complain that (R) and SCOTUS are preventing them from paying off student loans?

Howard said...

Nice observation Tom.

JAORE said...

A captive, crowded audience is better than kicking out patrons and back filling with staffers. But, so long as the media doesn't notice, neither will the LIVs on he left.

JAORE said...

Is Tom Walz my Assistant Dad? No thanks.

rhhardin said...

She's reading from Christian Schutze's Stencilled Speech for all Occasions, reprinted in Theodor Adorno's Jargon of Authenticity

excerpt "In a time such as ours - I have mentioned it already - in which the perspective of things has everywhere begun to waver, everything depends more than ever on the individual who knows of the essence of things, of things as such, of things in their authenticity. We need openhearted people who are capable of this. Who are these people? - you will ask me - and I will answer you: You are they! By being gathered here you have proven more thoroughly than by words that you are prepared to put emphasis on your concern. That is what I would like to thank you for..."

Howard said...

I don't know where you played football but where I played at a perennial powerhouse in Los Angeles, all the coaches were called coach including the young guys who were just a few years older than us

Sebastian said...

"Why does a public school herd its students into campaign events"

Why oh why. Dems gonna Dem.

"The purpose is openly political."

Right. So, who's stopping them?

BG said...

Okay, someone send Trump an “I dare you” except I would fear for his life unless it’s a very secure indoor venue.

narciso said...

I think I would stab my self in the jugular, if I had to listen to more of that,

Howard said...

My favorite line in the TV series Lilihammer, he is Norwegian as brown cheese

Gusty Winds said...

Doesn't matter. Vance is out on his own. Even facing hostile MSM interviewers on the Sunday talk show circuit without a babysitter. Vance drew a pretty good crowd in MI yesterday. You know damn well Harris and Walz are being carefully handled. You're just too disingenuous to admit it.

Howard said...

The way you Hammer home on the creepy angle gives the impression that Walz is a kindred spirit

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

I’m seeing Trump yard signs here in northern Georgia, but not as many as I would expect. I have to go to Athens to see a Kamala yard sign.

wendybar said...

Kamala is an empty chair like Biden before her, and Obama before that.

henge2243 said...

I have to wonder whether the room erupted with a collective sigh or outright boos.

Money Manger said...

My progressive friends are all in a tizzy this morning about a NYT story, accusing Trump of amplifying some crude Harris oral sex comments on Truth Social. I don't get either publication, but knowing the Times, I'm wondering where the truth lies.

narciso said...

college town right,

JAORE said...

"Don't bother wondering if the UW would do the same for a Republican President running for reelection. Republican presidential candidates never come to Madison."

Hmmm. That almost reads like it's the Republican's fault for not coming. Trump shows up at openly hostile venues. If he came to UW, what do you think the reaction of UW would be,

Howard said...

It's not like it's a popularity contest

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Georgia may be in play because if there is another delay in counting the votes like the last time, it’s going to be dejavú all over again. Biden supposedly carried Georgia by 12,000 votes.

Gusty Winds said...

Trump should make a campaign commercial with Harris speaking her word salad bullshit, and people then committing hari-cari like the passengers sitting next to Ted Striker in "Airplane."

Howard said...


Disparity of Cult said...

Walz might be doing most of the work, but eventually bad boss Harris will treat him like the rest of her staff, if not worse.

wendybar said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Floris said...

Sandfly is a small town just outside Savannah. It is Clarence Thomas's home town.

Howard said...

Next thing you know Kamala Harris and Tim Walz will go to Arlington National cemetery to stand on the graves of fallen heroes and smear themselves with their blood

Leland said...

Nothing says a campaign is having problems like holding events in which the participants are compelled to attend. Especially when the event can only hold a few thousand people, most of which are unable to vote. Next stop, an even smaller BBQ place. Are local BBQ holds political events too, but the candidates are usually school board, state legislators, and the local Congressional Representatives. Not two top of the ticket candidates for the highest office in the state, much less the country.

wendybar said...


Big Mike said...

I’ll ask again, Althouse. Is Harris really what feminists want for (potentially) the first female President of the United States.

narciso said...

no hes from Pinpoint, thanks for playing the home game,

Aggie said...

Yes, that was true when I was playing sports, too. But the Assistant Coaches I had, didn't try to pass themselves off to reporters as the Team Coach that took them to the Championship, implying that they were in charge, as Tim Walz has done on multiple occasions. Did yours?

Carol said...

LOL. "Don't you worry one bit, little lady! I'll do the heavy lifting - you just stand there and smile!" Man she's got that down too.

narciso said...

it does take Chutzpah, she wants the livelihood of all these people, with her electric car mandates, the gun confiscation, the so called woke garbage,

wendybar said...

Really wouldn't surprise me, since Kamala is great at copying everything a real leader like Trump does.

narciso said...

same with Tienamen Tim

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

Iman is alluding the fact Walz has repeatedly LIED and said he was the HEAD coach. We all know Kamala is the head coach.

wendybar said...

What a let down it will be. As bad as the first "black" president was.

Kakistocracy said...

The only strategy is and ever was Donald Trump as the campaign clown with shockingly abrasive opinions that were given a free pass as authentic. That worked against Hilary Clinton who was deeply distrusted and unliked and against the second run of Joe Biden who really could not do it anymore but not against a woman with energy and a positive message. The joke is on him now. The incoherent old man with nothing positive to say -- has just recently strapped a rotting whale carcass to the top of his campaign bus.

Gusty Winds said...

Howard. You're such a douchebag. Don't go changing. The world needs people like you so it can identify the sane. Don't forget to put a tampon dispenser in your "man"-cave.

Ice Nine said...

Harris gave what was essentially a cookie-cutter graduation speech to a bunch of ineligible to vote teenagers at a high school.

Why? I thought she was out campaigning for election.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Athens Georgia. College town where an ilegal killed a student.

narciso said...

she signed off on the Kabul capitulation, but they are unpersons, as compared to those who mind their pronouns, over the ammunition,

Yancey Ward said...

Poor Bich, spinning like a top this morning.

Peachy said...

The media are so very Soviet.

Kakistocracy said...

Trump is not capable of changing. The young people are fired up behind Harris. Most polling in the US is done by telephone. Older people are more likely to answer and respond to these calls. This brings a bias into play. This is why the polls were spectacularly wrong in 2022. Respondents are more likely to be older and rural. Given this I think Trump is further behind than the polling suggests.

Gusty Winds said...

Douchebag Howard. WTF does your comment actually mean? You've got some Kamala in you.

It actually is a popularity contest, with a level of required competency. The competency part is what Harris is obviously lacking, requiring her to hide from press interviews. And sorry, Dana Bash going down on her in front of her midwestern dad as he cheers them on doesn't count.

Rusty said...

Yeah, Howard, we've always thought that.

Breezy said...

GA Election Board just instituted new rules requiring thorough vetting of the votes prior to certification. So, delay in counting and possible delay in certification will be something to watch. Dems filed suit against these new rules, stating it’ll impede their electoral chances omg. They don’t care about election integrity - they count on the lack of rigor in the processing of votes. Can’t make this up.

narciso said...

wow that is lame, is that the best you got, Billy Madison could scramble something more coherent,

Rusty said...

There are some seriously crossed synapses going on in that womans head.

Rusty said...

To be fair to Kamala Democrats are all about the paganism.

AlbertAnonymous said...

“Harris and Walz were greeted by the restaurant's owner, employees and local patrons. Walz sought out a group of teachers and praised their 'noble' work.”

If he went to a random restaurant to glad hand with potential voters, how did he “seek out” a group teachers ? They were bussed in to be stand ins so this astroturf Pravda campaign looks like people came out spontaneously and “joyfully” to meet them…. Nothing, not one thing, about this campaign is real.

We’re watching a Jim Carey movie…

Rusty said...

The Democrat ones do.

Rusty said...

He used to be a Democrat.

William said...

I listened to a bit of her speech. It sounded patronizing, simplistic, and incomprehensible. It's a neat trick being overly simplistic and incomprehensible at the same time, but she pulled it off. Her Presidency will be an endless sequence of cringe moments,. She's just not a very good public speaker. I see why she has Walz by her side at public appearances. He's a natural politician. Many here are not fans, but there's no denying that he appears to be likable and energetic on the stage. How long before people start noticing that he's a better candidate than Kamala?

Lawnerd said...

Elmer Fudd walked into the room and asked if anyone saw that wascally wabbit, and the room erupted in joy.

Jupiter said...

"Why does a public school herd its students into campaign events — replete with student musicians repurposing the school's fight song to support a political candidate? It's compulsory schooling and compulsory participation in politics."

It's called "totalitarianism". You can look it up. Or just wait a few months, it will be coming to where you are.

Lexington Green said...

Why did the school do this? Because the government schools are run by Democrat teachers unions. During Obama, it was like living in North Korea. There were heroic posters of Obama up in schools around the country. It was disgusting. That’s what we have become.

Peachy said...

The Soviets want the they-them army of 6-17 year olds voting.


Ann Althouse said...

"She's reading from Christian Schutze's Stencilled Speech for all Occasions, reprinted in Theodor Adorno's Jargon of Authenticity...."

It used to seem that by laughing at things like that we could get speakers to cut it out and reattach to reality, but nowadays, it's even worse. Schutze's speech feels *more* authentic that Harris's. And there isn't any higher level laughing — laughing at understanding something valuable. There are just geeky gleeful horse laughs, released only if might hurt the other side and otherwise grimly withheld.

Narr said...

I can't face 9 minutes of that and had to click off before the shrieking stopped. Maybe later.

Savannah GA is a great place to visit--an open air museum of American architecture if you like that kind of thing, and great food.

I'm kind of surprised they didn't hit SCAD; the students there would have swooned en masse.

Arizona Pirate said...

If the Dems want to put Georgia in play, shouldn't they, I don't know, talk to voters. High School kids are mostly below voting age. Teachers will already vote for her. Not sure what was accomplished here except pissing off a lot of parents or, you know, voters by disrupting a school day.

mindnumbrobot said...

This is the best NPR can do at puffing the Harris/Walz bus tour of Georgia...

Meh. I'm sure even Pravda had an off day now and then.

Gusty Winds said...

Howard. You played football? We're there Tampons in the locker room?

Paul Zrimsek said...

Too many chiefs, not enough Indians.

Paul Zrimsek said...

When Trump did that rally in the Bronx during his trial, was it a sign that New York is in play?

Peachy said...

Kamala-Walz = The joke shit-show. Very popular!

Drago said...


Another pathetic post from our North Korean rep! Most polling is mixed mode utilizing voter profiles...unless the pollster wants to create a story instead of capturing a snapshot of voter preference at a particular time.

We saw the biased approach by the usual suspect pollsters after the kamala-la-la-la-la announcement in the leadup to the New Soviet Democratical convention where the Soviet Democratical Politburo installed kamala. The "pollsters" allowed the response bias effects to taint their polling numbers for kamala and then went radio silent with new polling for weeks which would have showed the glow wearing off quickly...thus inflating the "exciement" and "joy" narratives.

But the campaign has the real numbers which show how much cheating will have to occur for The New Soviet Democraticals to win hence; kamala adopts all of Trump's policy positions in key areas.

Narr said...

(We're Not) The Jet Set. Look it up.

I have seen but one yard sign here, for Harris-Walz in the Normal Neighborhood (i.e. a few blocks from the college school here in Memphis [not Egypt]).

Michael Fitzgerald said...

I thought that opening sentence was describing the degenerate duo walking into the offices of CNN to tape "The Interview".

chuck said...

Ted Kennedy spoke at our high school in 1962, I didn't see anything wrong with that at the time. That wasn't a national election, but now I wonder why he spoke to us, it was a small school. My takeaway was that Ted Kennedy was tall.

Howard said...

We're quite touched by your encouragement

Michael Fitzgerald said...

Weak troll, bro. Do better.

Howard said...

You guys love straining gnats and picking fly shit out of pepper. So happy Trump made it possible for you to embrace your feminine Animus

Howard said...

Your rapped pretty tight, Gusty. You see joyful irony as a direct challenge to you're world view.

Iman said...

Teh Stolen Squalor of an ASSISTANT coach…

Howard said...

Synapses? What evidence do you have that she's got any ones still firing?

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

They are not good at campaigning. If you needed it, you now have a good reminder of why she got ZERO votes in 2020, just four short years ago. And she was barely elected over another democrat (such is the nature of California's "open" primaries) to be a Senator in 2016. She is just very bad at being sincere, which as the saying goes, you must fake well to be elected.

Iman said...


Hey! Preacher! Let the gerbil go.

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

Our local Congresscritter (something Brown, was there forever) visited Colton Union High School every year. My recollection is the assembly was for some other purpose, like that guy that would show his jungle films, but Brown would be introduced remind us he was in office and shuffle off.

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

George Brown

Iman said...

“What it is, what it was and what it will be.”

— - Robin Williams @ the Laff Stop Orange County, Ca. 1978

Achilles said...

That would make sense since Kamala helped get them killed and Walz is a Stolen Valor POS.

Trump on the other hand actually respects their service.

planetgeo said...

Very appropriate venue...high school. Kinda like watching a Drivers Ed coach taking the new kid with the learner's permit for a test drive in that still-strange-to-her vehicle called the presidency of the United States (and Commander-in-Chief of our military). Good thing for her that the Democrat model is an automatic these days, and some older guys are really the ones operating all the controls.

Iman said...

“You've got some Kamala in you.”

Heh. That’s not the half of it… 🫣

Lazarus said...

The high point of the trip was when the football players explained to Harris and Walz that they didn't have to actually get more votes to be undefeated.

Iman said...

Hey! Do NOT stick your assumptions in crazy, Rusty!

Iman said...

I’d blame it on all that skull whuppin’…

Lazarus said...

Perhaps, but some counties in South Georgia are part of what used to be called "the Black Belt." Having all black audiences might be bad optics, but the trip may raise turnout in those counties.

robother said...

Bingo. Or, is she Andropov to Biden's Breshnev? That's the trouble with these late stage Socialist collapses: hard to tell the difference between the Fearless Leaders.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Here's what a Kamala - Walz unannounced, impromptu school visit would look like in certain areas of Georgia

Dogma and Pony Show said...

If it were a Republican, they'd cancel classes and close the offices to give the students the educational experience of PROTESTING a presidential candidate.

Iman said...

Tampon Trotsky Tim

RNB said...

'The Middle Coast' wrote: "Spat out my coffee. Thank you." Kamala might have advised you to swallow instead.

Iman said...

“Spinnin', spinnin', spinnin', spinnin' like a spinnin' top!”

mindnumbrobot said...

Don't underestimate this cabal. The gullibility of the average Democrat and Independent voter (notably, women 18-35 years old), combined with identity politics, complicity of the legacy media, and vote engineering in place in the specific voting districts necessary to win is incredibly formidable. And that's not even taking into account the possible actions of the Deep State that simply will not abide another Trump presidency. We're in very dangerous territory as a nation.

Inga said...

She didn’t mention sharks and electric boats? Not even an honorable mention of Dr. Hannibal Lecter? Oh bummer.

Dogma and Pony Show said...

Dem sub-constituencies (feminists, environmentalists, etc.) only exist anymore for marketing purposes. It's like shopping in Disney World: Individual stores may display somewhat different themes, but 90% of the merchandise is the same. "Feminists" aren't supporting KH because she's a woman, but because she's a communist. Ditto for any other dem group you can name.

Skeptical Voter said...

Georgia high school bulldogs get to listen to bull dung.

Dogma and Pony Show said...

Rich, do you have any source for your assert that the polls are systematically oversampling the elderly?

hombre said...

They've already got all the teachers. Can high schoolers vote in Georgia? No. But people of voting age might ask questions.

FullMoon said...

Did they give another speech to the entire student body, or just those choosen few? Seems weird.

FullMoon said...

Walz bobble-headed while Harris chasing imaginary butterflies.

Kakistocracy said...

US Army rebukes Trump campaign for incident at Arlington National Cemetery ~ CNN

Watch this get called treason by Trump and his followers. Also: it’s actually brave to do this, since you can be assured that if Trump is elected everyone involved in this statement will be demoted, discharged, or otherwise officially abused.

FullMoon said...

"8/29/24, 10:15 AM
She didn’t mention sharks and electric boats? Not even an honorable mention of Dr. Hannibal Lecter? Oh bummer"

No,despite unrestrained laughter they actually have no sense of humor

Dogma and Pony Show said...

I assume the target audience for that event was suburban moms in other swing states. It's an opportunity to present the childless KH as someone who likes kids. Doing it in Georgia was just to maintain the illusion she has a shot of expanding the electoral map.

Drago said...


The military leadership has become completely Milley-ed/DEI-ed and politicized.

Here's a link to a 2020 Joe Biden political video ad showing Joey Bag-O-dementia in Section 60 of Arlington National Cemetery:l, and the Army leadership never even squeaked out a complaint:

Oh the hypocrisy and double standards of the Alinkyite New Soviet Democraticals!

Thanks Abacus Boy Rich!

Tomcc said...

Gov. Walz is much better at speaking extemporaneously, while the VP is spewing platitudes and waving her arms for emphasis(?). She is completely lacking in charisma. No amount of coaching can change that.

Hassayamper said...

I don't know where you played football but where I played at a perennial powerhouse in Los Angeles, all the coaches were called coach including the young guys who were just a few years older than us

Same here. Howard is right for once. Assistant coach, JV coach, whatever, they were all addressed as "Coach" and no one would have been the least bit surprised to hear them describe themselves as such, if asked what they do. Even the senior college student doing an internship for his Phys Ed degree, we called him Coach too.

You guys love straining gnats and picking fly shit out of pepper.

Agreed. This is weak sauce and small beer.

There are far more grave reasons not to allow this Walz asshole anywhere near the levers of power, starting with the fact that he apparently believes that there is no First Amendment protection for anything the government declares to be "disinformation" or "hate speech." That flies in the face of many Supreme Court decisions, not to mention the intent of the Founding Fathers. To my way of thinking, it should disqualify this would-be communist tyrant from any position of public trust, from the Presidency to teaching high school students.

Then there's the obvious fact that he is a Red China fanboy and probably bought and paid for by their intelligence services. He's more dangerous than the dimwitted side-chick he's running with. Absolute enemy scum, and an enemy of all that is good about America.

Hassayamper said...

The locals have a unique accent too, obviously Southern but not like other Southerners. Sort of like Charleston.

n.n said...

Eruption: One Way Ticket

She is Precious. #BringBackTheMusic

wendybar said...

Wahhhhhh!!! After all the crude lies they have spewed about Trump, they are in a tizzy because he tells the truth about Kamala?? Spare me.

President-Mom-Jeans said...

Much like Kamala, Howard has a bunch of Willie Brown swimming around in his stomach.

n.n said...

Precious is Jamaican lady, man.

Iman said...

“You guys love straining gnats and picking fly shit out of pepper.”

Meh. In our defense - unlike your sordid sort - we draw a line at shooting people.

mezzrow said...

This comment was real, and it was spectacular.

MartyH said...

She should have taken questions from the students as prep for her interview on CNN

Eva Marie said...

To each his own. But I interpret her performance as based on anxiety and fear. Joe Rogan has suggested she’s on anxiety meds. Scott Adams interprets her behavior as under the influence of alcohol (not in this appearance) I don’t see that. I just see fear masked by that laugh of hers. Whether her fear is rational or not, I don’t know but that’s what I see. And (as I see it) it’s a constant undercurrent. Which is why (in my opinion) she falls back on these word salads. Most of her brain is just flooded with fear. I must be wrong because no one else sees it.

campy said...

"It's compulsory schooling and compulsory participation in politics. The purpose is openly political."

No, rallying for a rethuglican would be political. Rallying for a Democrat is just Being Decent Persons.

Drago said...

So what's it going to be New Soviet Democraticals Rich and Inga? Either its okay for a politicican to use footage from Section 60 at Arlington National Cemetery in a political ad or....its not. And now that the biden 2020 campaign team did precisely that, what's your new fall back position?


We already know the answer: For Team New Soviet Democratical, its just (D)ifferent when they do it!

Balfegor said...

Ah, she's doing her preschool teacher voice and hand motions again. How I hate it when she does that.

narciso said... so does abc

Aggie said...

I don't think I've heard the answer yet, about passing oneself off with a more important title, or an inflated history, or an imaginary achievement award that was never given, or a military rank that was never held, or a battlefield claim by a non-combatant, or any on a list of outright lies. All to enhance the chances of political advancement. All of which has been pointed out, even by a sympathetic media, setting the record straight - and still, the support for this persists.

So: Here we have the Vice Presidential Candidate who has done all of these things on the record. And this is called "straining gnats and picking fly shit out of pepper” to point this out, according to a few that appear ready to vote and confer vast policy authority to such a.... person.

walter said...

Coach left the team when an opponent showed up.

Narr said...

In New Orleans many years ago, it struck me that for all the mushmouf Southernisms, there was almost a New England or New York tinge to the
way people spoke.

Maybe there's a coastal or seaport accent in addition to the simple regional differences.

mccullough said...

Walz is the oldest-looking 60 year old in the US. He looks like he was born in 1943

Drago said...

It should be assumed, given the politicization of the military and all other institutions the New Soviet Democraticals come to rule over, the Army officers know quite well that if they don't make a big deal out of this nothingburger and put out a public statement attacking Trump then the New Soviet Democraticals running the White House would demote, discharge, and/or otherwise officially abuse them.

So once again, the Army leadership provides proof positive they are politicized cowards in the face of the ever growing marxist cancer at the heart of the democratical party.

Narr said...

It would be a shame if there is no Tbilisi, Georgia, USA.

Drago said...

Any mention of any of those things would have caused Stolen Valor / Blue Falcon Walz to run away.

Narr said...

That's because He Cares.

Narr said...

I thought all the coaches were creeps, and avoided them and their guidance. I found out later that my suspicions were all-too-valid about a couple of them.

The worst part was that they and the admins thought that anyone could teach history. No wonder so many kids lost all interest in the past.

Narr said...

Classic evergreen.

Eva Marie said...

I just listened to the Scott Adams podcast and he does think she appears drunk or under the influence at this school. He also says that he think she has tremendous fear of messing up because after all she’s saving the US from Hitler. That type of fear I don’t see. Again, I also don’t think she appears to be acting under the influence.

Arashi said...

So how many of the high school students can actually vote this year? Seems a waste of a campaign stop to talk to folks who likely cannot vote, yes? Except as photo op and to allow The Kackler to explain 'team work'.

Howard said...

Self proclaimed Naval Aviator non PIC Drago practices cancel culture for anyone active duty or veteran whom doesn't bow down to big daddy his lord and savior no valor bone spurs. His 10,000-hours of stick time was dependent on his limitless supply of lubriderm lolololololololo

Howard said...

Filed under stealing valor we like:

Leland said...

JD Vance rally in Michigan 2 days ago:
In Pennsylvania a day ago:
Later that day in Wisconsin:
Speaking now at firefighter convention in Boston:

4 events in 2 days, all by himself. Crowds at least the same size as a high school pep rally, but with guests that had a choice to be present. No national news media playing up the rally in advance.

Original Mike said...

Why in the world are they going to high schools?

Josephbleau said...

“I thought all the coaches were creeps, and avoided them and their guidance. I found out later that my suspicions were all-too-valid about a couple of them.

The worst part was that they and the admins thought that anyone could teach history. No wonder so many kids lost all interest in the past.”

That was my experience, certain coaches suggested that we go on a ride in his car to talk about football, i did not go. Schools made coaches history teachers and they were the stupidest teachers i ever saw. I think coaches are a big problem. I laugh that waltz was a command sergeant major. Did he bounce around in front of his troops with his hans waving over his head like richard simmons? Did he tell them to mind their own business?

Yancey Ward said...

Harris suffers from impostor syndrome- she literally knows she is unqualified for the position she is in right now and for the one she is now seeking. I have known quite a few people like her in my lifetime- they have been promoted well beyond their actual abilities.

Yancey Ward said...

Shorter Howard- "I like being a hypocrite."

gadfly said...

Meanwhile, "100% Innocent," but definity sick in the head, DJT made 50 posts on Truth Social about SC Jack Smith's latest indictment on Trump's attempted coup, reposting material that was associated with QAnon, violent, authoritarian, or conspiratorial. He called for trials and jail for special counsel Jack Smith, former president Barack Obama, and the members of Congress who investigated the January 6, 2021, attack on the U.S. Capitol. And he reposted a sexual insult about the political careers of both Vice President Kamala Harris and former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton. Nothing political since he is demented!

And of course, violating the law in Arlington National Cemetary to record a political ad - has now backfired among veterans. J.D. Vance tried to turn the incident into an attack on Harris. “She wants to yell at Donald Trump because he showed up?” Vance said. “She can go to hell.” Harris has not, in fact, commented on the controversy.

Kakistocracy said...

Trump's cognitive decline will not reverse as he ages more. He worsens daily. His campaign now lacks any direction or strategy. Trump cannot stay on message. The GOP needs a new candidate. This is elder abuse.

Bruce Hayden said...

I agree with Trump about prosecuting Jack Smith. Right now, he is operating illegally, prosecuting Trump. Judge Cannon has determined that he does not, and never did, have the legal authority and power to prosecute Trump, and that he did it through illegal use of off budget funding. Smith’s charges won’t stick, through appeal for a number of reasons, the least of which is that they violate Due Process by inventing novel interpretations of statutes out of thin air. And that alone should get him jailed, for depriving Trump of his Constitutional rights under color of law.

Drago said...

Failing to receive new Soviet Democratical Party talking points, LLR-democratical Rich sheepishly retreats back into his hoaxy Trump/cognitive decline schtick.


So very sad.

Of course, Soy Boy cat lady gadfly is, once again, the very last to learn of the 2020 Joe Biden Section 60 Arlington National Cemetery political ad so he just goes merrily on his way embarrassing himself without a care in the world!

What a crew of lefty idiots!

Drago said...

"And of course, violating the law in Arlington National Cemetary to record a political ad - has now backfired among veterans"


Sure little cat lady, sure.

John henry said...

My understanding is that Harris' ESM (Emotional Support Man) Lost his job as a coach and teacher when he was convicted of drunk driving back in the 90s. To be fair, there seem to be contradictory stories about whether he was fired, asked to resign or quit on his own.

In any event, he moved to a different teaching job teaching geography in a different county. He tried to get hired them to hire him as a coach as well but they would not or could not because of his DUI.

So he has not been paid coach for 30 years. Should be still be calling him coach?

John Henry

Zavier Onasses said...

Althouse said: "I was thrown out of my own office when Obama appeared on campus in 2012...[because] there was an educational purpose in giving students a chance to see and hear the President of the United States in person."
..Did any students avail themselves of the opportunity? What percent? Male/female proportion?
..Impressions from any who did? Anyone think his oratory was just smoke and mirrors?

Drago said...

Team Stolen Valor / Blue Falcon is now extremely concerned with respecting those 13 American service members that died as a result of the harris/biden bungled Afghan surrender/Talban-arming policy
..followed by the harris/biden's team astonishing disrespect for those 13 families.

narciso said...

RMc said...

She gets into another one of her meditations on time, circling the drain with tautologies about time being time and the future being the future, so unlike the past, which is past.

"I have seen the future, and it's a lot like the present, only longer" -- Dan Quisenberry

PM said...

I shook Hubert Humphrey's hand on campus in '72. He looked pasty.
I would vote for him today, dead, before Kamala.

hombre said...

It's fascinating to spend time on leftmediaswine websites like Huffpo, Mediate, Yahoo News, etc. The coverage is unabashedly gaslighting for Harris and the commenters are "through the looking glass." Did you know, for example, that the Afghanistan fiasco was all Trump's fault. If not, it was a "brave" move by Biden that saved "hundreds" of American lives. It is apparent that these nincompoops will vote as they are told by party bosses and the mediaswine.

Original Mike said...

"She gets into another one of her meditations on time, circling the drain with tautologies about time being time and the future being the future, so unlike the past, which is past."

A lot of physicists believe time is an illusion. Einstein was among them.

Kamala Harris, just like Einstein!

gadfly said...

In 1940, Members of Parliament and BBC listeners heard quite a lot of those unmistakable lisps and pauses from their new Prime Minister—accompanied by a quality of sincerity which was distinctly Churchill’s. At the age of 23, in a [now published] essay, "The Scaffolding of Rhetoric", he stressed the importance of emotion and sincerity: “Before the orator can inspire with an emotion, he must be swayed by it himself. When he would rouse [people’s] indignation, his heart is filled with anger. Before he can move their tears, his own must flow. To convince them, he must himself believe….Every orator means what he says at the moment he says it. He may be often inconsistent. He is never consciously insincere.”

Iman said...

“I have to go to Athens to see a Kamala yard sign.”

“She came from Planet Claire… She came from Planet Claire… She came from Planet Claire…”

Leland said...

Nah Rich, the treasonous act was failing to notify the Afghani government or our allies that we were pulling out, which then created the incident in which US service personnel were killed. You do know Trump managed to create an environment that lasted over a year in which no US service personnel were killed in Afghanistan, and that record was continuing until Biden's cut and run. Keep making this an issue, so that Americans are reminded of the disgrace that Biden committed 3 years ago. Please, make it a court case, so the world can talk about it!

Iman said...

Excellent points!

MadisonMan said...

Walz talks well off the cuff. Harris, not so much.

Lilly, a dog said...

Democrat TV operatives calling him "Coach Walz" is starting to piss me off. It's so much like when Buttigieg wanted people to call him :Mayor Pete" when he ran in the 2020 primary. The aw-shucks, folksy fakery from politicians needs to stop.

Iman said...

“So how many of the high school students can actually vote this year?”

It would be interesting to see how many of them can read at their grade level.

Iman said...

It’s a grifter’s gift…

Eva Marie said...

Yancey Ward said
“Harris suffers from impostor syndrome- she literally knows she is unqualified for the position she is in right now and for the one she is now seeking”
I just looked it up - you may be right. It would explain her behavior (to me).

Michael K said...

A woman with energy? What positive message ?

Aggie said...

I can only point out that 4 years ago, she was chosen solely on the basis of being black and female. And it had already been proven that she had no other redeeming value as a candidate, having secured zero delegates in the primaries. She was the bottom of the barrel - and yet we are supposed to believe she is not only Presidential caliber, but a transformational candidate.

She has been hiding her light under a glass bushel, and nobody has noticed.

Michael K said...

The families invited Trump to the ceremony.

Kakistocracy said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Michael K said...

I agree about imposter syndrome.

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

You guys love straining gnats and picking fly shit out of pepper. Agreed. This is weak sauce and small beer.

What a colorful colloquialism. But the issue isn't whether kids call the assistant coach "coach" or not. Nobody is disputing that point. The issue with Tim is that he is an habitual liar who pads everything in his resume. Even his 24-year career in the National Gaurd, an honorabl;e thing, wasn't good enough for self-doubting Tim. So he had to glom onto a rank he never earned and promote himself for the last 20 years as a command sergeant major. So the fact he has listed "Head Coach" in his bio is relevant. The team had a head coach and Tim wasn't it.

This is not our nitpicking. This is democrat bio-puffery that deserves to be called. We didn't make the rules. They did. Claiming every joke and exaggeration by Trump adds to the "list of 500 lies!" he's told is the way it's done now. We're playing by their rules, because Tim is actually lying. And every time we see him we'll remind you. We'll remind you he lied about IVF just to score points against other party. We'll remind you he retired as soon as his unit was warned they were going to Iraq.

Maynard said...

I played at a perennial powerhouse in Los Angeles, all the coaches were called coach including the young guys who were just a few years older than us

Howard, I played football at a perennial Chicago powerhouse (LOL!). We always had a few guys like you who talked big, but never backed it up.

All the coaches were called "Coach XYZ", but only the head coach was called "Coach".

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

Born Yesterday Rich fails to mention Biden's commercial in 2020 filmed at Arlington, walking among the graves. Ditto Obama in 2012. At least Trump was invited by the families he visited there on Monday.

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

He has a well-documented drinking problem. That's probably what brought him and Kammy together.

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

Dude stop recycling Biden stories and replacing his name with The Donald. Nobody's fooled by your weird shit. Even if it was true we get three free years to pretend otherwise like you had right?

Drago said...

Next step for Rich/gadfly/Inga pushing this latest hoax (which will be added to the already astonishing long list of New Soviet Democratical Hoaxes over the last 9 years that have been exposed and debunked): OMG! Trump commandeered an Arlington National Cemetery golf cart and careened wildly towards Section 60 while yelling "This is MAGA country" and attempting to steal any available subway sandwich with Putin paying a bounty to Trump for every tombstone knocked over by Trump!"

Now, I should warn the rest of the Althousians, its quite possible these lefty dolts will believe everything I just wrote and we'll be hearing about it for the next 5 years!

Drago said...

Filed under: Another Term Definition Howard Changes In A Lame Attempt To Serve His New Soviet Democratical Masters.

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