August 29, 2024

"The room erupted when Harris and Walz walked in, and the band played the school fight song with football players and cheerleaders in the back of the room."

"Leaning into his experience as a former coach, Walz gave a quick speech about teamwork. Harris told the crowd they were all leaders in their own way. Next stop: Sandfly Bar-B-Q in Savannah, a restaurant decorated with license plates from various states. Harris and Walz were greeted by the restaurant's owner, employees and local patrons. Walz sought out a group of teachers and praised their 'noble' work. He talked about the importance of optimism and insisted, 'Our politics can be hopeful.' Outside, a man held a Trump flag."

This is the best NPR can do at puffing the Harris/Walz bus tour of Georgia, in a piece titled "Harris is on a 2-day Georgia bus tour. It’s the latest sign the state is in play."

It's kind of unfair not to mention Walz in the headline. He seems to be doing most of the work — telling the football team that teamwork is important, brown-nosing the teachers, and touting optimism. What did Kamala Harris even do? She "told the crowd they were all leaders in their own way." I must infer that she first did some self-promotion: She's asking to be made the leader of the world. Then, in a show of caring, she speculates that they too are leaders in some obscure way in whatever obscure backwater of Georgia this happens to be.

Why does a public school herd its students into campaign events — replete with student musicians repurposing the school's fight song to support a political candidate? It's compulsory schooling and compulsory participation in politics. The purpose is openly political.

ADDED: Here's video of the event at the high school:


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Drago said...

Howard: "I don't know where you played football but where I played at a perennial powerhouse in Los Angeles,...."


FleetUSA said...

A wonderful 6 minute with Hitler/Kamala

Howard said...

Cool. I warmed the bench, but had great fun.

Howard said...

I got the splinters to prove it

Inga said...

Now, I should warn the rest of the Althousians, it’s quite possible you righty dolts will believe everything Drago just wrote and we'll be hearing about it for the next 5 years! Because everyone knows that Drago can’t pass up telling a lie, it must be spoken over and over and over again, for the next 5 years! Here’s something to chew on, where would someone learn the propaganda tricks Drago utilizes?

Achilles said...

Howard can't be honest about what stolen valor is.

Gravel said...

Did she drive a Plymouth Satellite?

Jim at said...

Next thing you know Kamala Harris and Tim Walz will go to Arlington National cemetery to stand on the graves of fallen heroes and smear themselves with their blood.

Actually, no. They won't. They had a chance to go to Arlington and refused.

Jim at said...

The incoherent old man with nothing positive to say -- has just recently strapped a rotting whale carcass to the top of his campaign bus.

Maybe you should try killing him again.

Jim at said...

US Army rebukes Trump campaign for incident at Arlington National Cemetery

No. They didn't. They defended the female soldier who apparently made up the whole thing. And the family is backing the Trump version of the incident.

She's not pressing charges, but if she/the army keeps it up? The Trump team will release the video. Which they should. Because it's bullshit and you know it.

lonejustice said...

So which is worse? Using a high school gym as a background for a political campaign, or using Arlington Cemetery as a background for a political campaign?

Iman said...

And that fellow would be “pleased as punch”.

Iman said...

Howie left his helmet in El Segundo…

Iman said...

The suicide bomber our forces were forbidden to take out in Afghanistan is Joe Biden and Kamala Harris' millstone.

n.n said...

Walz 'n Kamala.

Dr.Bunkypotatohead said...

If they want to impress they need to gin up one of those two minute standing ovations, like Xi Jinping receives.

Iman said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Rocco said...

Narr said...
"In New Orleans many years ago, it struck me that for all the mushmouf Southernisms, there was almost a New England or New York tinge to the
way people spoke.

Maybe there's a coastal or seaport accent in addition to the simple regional differences.

A woman from New Orleans whose French and Spanish ancestors have been living there since the 1700s said that New Orleans is not part of the South.

She said she had been told that her accent did have a bit of New York City or Northeast to it. She did note that New England has a bit of French history to it, but was not convinced that was the source of the similarity.

Yancey Ward said...

Howard has bad grammar- Howard meant "bathhouse in Los Angeles".

walter said...

Captive, uninformed audience.

Tina Trent said...

I guess that's a marching band. Sitting still, they sounded incoherent and just loud. Having Walz and other campaign operatives yelling at them just made it more chaotic. Nobody seemed to know what to do.

Not a good look. Not the kids' fault. Many seemed confused. But, campaign stops don't always go smoothly.

And for security, what did they do? Have the other kids shelter in place? Empty the school?

Were band kids who didn't want to be there given a choice to leave?

walter said...

There is no proof all that didn't happen.

walter said...

"Trump commandeered an Arlington National Cemetery golf cart and careened wildly towards Section 60 while yelling "This is MAGA country" and attempting to steal any available subway sandwich with Putin paying a bounty to Trump for every tombstone knocked over by Trump!"
Needs be an AI prompt

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