August 13, 2024

"The New York Times editorial board will no longer make endorsements in New York elections, including in races for governor and mayor of New York City..."

"... The Times’s Opinion editor said."
Kathleen Kingsbury, The Times’s Opinion... did not give a reason for the shift.... The board will continue to endorse in presidential elections, as it has since 1860.... The Times has made an editorial endorsement in every New York City mayor election since 1897, backing Democrats and Republicans. Campaigns for mayor, governor and other local offices have developed elaborate strategies to win over the board....

I think the paper would be better without endorsements. Elevate the discussion. Get rid of the presidential endorsements too. We can already see which side you are on anyway. Are you keeping them because they have so little meaning?


Tarrou said...

No need, it's illegal to even defend yourself from a rape charge whilst Republican in NYC.

rehajm said...

Why bother? We all know who they’re voting for…most if us do…

john mosby said...

That is a good point, Tarrou - like other NY businesses, the Times sees how they could end up at the wrong end of the law for perfectly normal practices, so why make enemies out of half the local politicians?

And of course they could make enemies out of their own newsroom, even/especially for Dem primaries. No need to antagonize the kids.


gadfly said...

Sexual misconduct is illegal in all 52 states. Trial by jury of your peers is also the rule of law when requested by the defendant. Juries have not been good for the ex-president.

One found that he had sexually assaulted Huntertown's-own E Jean Carroll and twice found that he had defamed her, awarding her $88.3 million plus interest in damages. All those cases were in New York.
Trump denies wrongdoing and is considering an appeal. Tomorrow is the final day for Trump to appeal.

Tina Trent said...

Nah. It's because the Mao Maoing has breached their newsroom, and it's not nearly as piquant as Tom Wolfe made it seem.

Consider the average generation of the editorial staff versus that of the new DEI hires (who are truly terrible, truly ignorant people, so dumb that new types of non-textual busywork must be made for them).

Does Gail Collins even possess the physical strength to hustle poor David Brooks out the freight elevator under a horsehair packing blanket to the roof to escape in one of Tom Friedman's helicopters when the editorial staff doesn't endorse their underlings' latest criminal-boffing commie council critter?

One thing is for sure. Nickolas Kristof would be the one left behind to create a temporary human barricade before having his brains sucked out by Roxane Gay.

So they opted for the non-Dawn of the Walking Dead scenario.

Ambrose said...

I always enjoy when they endorse the Democrat for President on the editorial page, and then report that in the news page like it’s a news item.

Enigma said...

An unintended consequence of New York's post-Trump lawfare and practice of making up random, selfish, and autocratic rules? Cover your fanny or deal with the predatory abuses of Letitia James and Alvin Bragg?

I suppose one-time NYC hero Rudy Guiliani's support for Trump is as much a factor as Trump himself.

New York's economic decline is just getting started.

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

Did they provide an easily summarized reasoning behind their decision?

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

Defamation. The only way to bring that verdict about was to first have one find him guilty of assault, which of course was accomplished magically: no witnesses, no date and time specified, no corroborating evidence, no physical evidence at all such as photos, DNA, fingerprints, receipts etc.

Even though you realize that literally anyone could be convicted under such a low threshold, you celebrate this as if it is an accomplishment. Ignore the true meaning of such Kafkaesque proceedings at your peril. It’s not a healthy sign for our fragile civilization.

fairmarketvalue said...

When was the last time the Times endorsed a Republican candidate for president?

narciso said...

Pull my other finger

typingtalker said...

The job of a newspaper is to sell advertising. If someone wants an endorsement let them pay for it. Plus ... on average a newspaper endorsement will anger roughly half of the newspaper's readers.

Gunner said...

The only purpose of newspaper endorsements is too shame people for voting for the Republican Presedential Nominee every four years by saying how few endorsements he gets.

BUMBLE BEE said...

Their take on Stalin was formative.

BUMBLE BEE said...

The next step?
Wouldn't surprise me at all.

narciso said...

Duranty inspired matthews and halberstam

tastid212 said...

I for one will miss the tortured logic, the distortions of the record, and the willful ignorance of the NYT endorsements. The ever-leftward demands of the self-righteous youngsters in the newsroom must have been too much even for the senior editors and publisher. At least we'll get to read a stunningly shallow, yet naively hopeful, endorsement of Kamala this fall.

Christopher B said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
traditionalguy said...


Achilles said...

gadfly has raped more women than Trump. We know this is true. We have proofs and a court said so.

Jersey Fled said...

Last Republican candidate for President that the Times endorsed was Eisenhower. They endorsed Reagan’s opponent twice.

Christopher B said...

I know it's likely rhetorical but it was Ike back in 1956. 64+ years, 16 elections. Never found a Republican to endorse since then, not even GHWB, but prior to Ike they endorsed Wilkie over FDR in 1940, and Dewey over Truman in 1948.

ColoComment said...

Who needs an endorsement, newspaper, celebrity, or otherwise? Voters need only the evidence of their own lived experience to weigh and compare the candidates, as each candidate has a governance review and judge.
As a famous (and winning) candidate said, some 44 years ago, " Are you [and our country] better off than you were four [eight] years ago?"

Roger Sweeny said...

There will no longer be endorsements on the editorial page. Just, and pretty obviously, on the news pages.

Levi Starks said...

Wouldn’t an endorsement of a particular candidate be redundant after you’ve read all the coverage?

Deep State Reformer said...

I understand from frens and acquaintances that for people who actually live in and around NYC and State that most don't consider the NYT a hometown paper. The Times covers local news, weather, and sports teams and such, but their main focus is on covering national and world affairs and opinion forming work of the peons and drones. If the NYT editorial board interviewed every candidate for city council and all the other state & local offices they'd not have time to promote their cracked brained social engineering schemes and poisonous social concerns and which is what they really care about anyhow.

mccullough said...

The NYT is Puzzle Company nowadays. No next generation of readers for their news

Yancey Ward said...

The NY mayors they endorse are becoming too embarrassing?

Rocco said...

gadfly said...
"Sexual misconduct is illegal in all 52 states."

52 States?

Michael K said...

If the NY Times endorsed a Republican, it anger all their readers. Those left, of course.

jaydub said...

Tsetse fly, The Light Worker established there were 57 states when he was running for president. Try to keep up.

john mosby said...

Tina Trent, that is perfect!


Mason G said...

"52 States?"

Boon: Forget it, he's rolling.

n.n said...

Embedded propaganda and finely woven handmade tales. Nothing will change, because nothing has changed.

Jupiter said...

Perhaps the owners of the Times have realized that crossing a New York politician can cost you everything you own.

Deep State Reformer said...

As with Time's "man of the year'' award NYT endorsements are legacy media assets that the corps are trying to cash in on before they become worthless. Ask anyone but a boomer about Time or Newsweek and you'll see what the value of their patronage is. Michigan's previous governor stopped doing the pilgrimage to visit all the major newspaper editorial boards in Michigan bc WTF they never endorsed Republicans anyway so why bother? US presidential candidates always used to give a speech before the NAACP in previous election years but that custom too fell by the way because their fanatical partisanship is ridiculous nowadays. Like buying Coke bc it used to have cocaine in it.

Michael K said...

I'm so old I remember when the LA Times supported Nixon. It's not readable today.

Michael K said...

It hasn't stopped the Chicago Tribune.

Deep State Reformer said...

Many if not most legacy media outlets today are playthings for wealthy ideologues (The Nation, WaPo, Nat Review) or are famous brand names (Time, Newsweek, Time-Life, Nat Geographic) whose owners are trying to bleed every last nickel out of them until they're utterly valueles$. The former don't care about financial loss bc they want clout and will pay for it. The later are vultures.