August 11, 2024

Sunrise — 5:53, 6:02.




gadfly said...

The MAGA Cult relationship to TFG:
Talented and well-practiced in every vice, a stranger to compassion or empathy, a liar and a cheat so complete in perfidy that he has elevated his dishonesty to hold it up as an ersatz moral principle. Violent, so long as he can order someone else to do the dirty work. Grotesque in body, graceless in action, in possession of a wounded self-regard so colossal as to smother any spark of grace. Treasonous, not only to country, but to every ally he has ever had, the poisoned fruit and rankest flower of racism and contempt for women, and utterly devoid of shame for his moral and spiritual bankruptcy. That is your leader. That is to whom you give your money. That is who you follow and laud. That is whose banner you willingly carry. Why? Because he is a mirror, not a lighthouse. You see yourselves in him. He is what you would be, if you had inherited money and could shed the last vestiges of conscience and shame. No, I do not “respect your choices,” nor do I admire your loyalty and dedication to this miserific, demoniac vision. You have demonstrated not only a lack of civic virtue, loyalty to the Republic and to the rule of law, but a willingness to engage in violence and sedition at his slightest expressed wish. And you will never, ever admit you were wrong. Because you see your dark, twisted, resentful dreams in him. And to renounce him is to renounce yourselves.”~John Havelka

Kakistocracy said...

Someone posted that 'electing Harris/Walz will feel like walking away from an abusive relationship.'

Jersey Fled said...

Turns out there is such a thing as redemption

rhhardin said...
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rhhardin said...

(Trying to get link correct no preview button)
Nice movement of a Faure violin sonata July concert in London for a 100% legacy British audience as far as I can tell.

Perhaps the Korean, Japanese and Chinese subpopulation isn't large there. They like Western classical music for its intellectual content.

Rocco said...

gadfly said...
The MAGA Cult relationship to TFG:
Talented and well-practiced in every vice, a stranger to compassion or empathy, a liar and a cheat so complete in perfidy that he has elevated his dishonesty to hold it up as an ersatz moral principle. Violent, so long as he can order someone else to do the dirty work. Grotesque in body, graceless in action, in possession of a wounded self-regard so colossal as to smother any spark of grace. Treasonous, not only to country, but to every ally he has ever had, the poisoned fruit and rankest flower of racism and contempt for women, and utterly devoid of shame for his moral and spiritual bankruptcy. That is your leader. That is to whom you give your money. That is who you follow and laud. That is whose banner you willingly carry. Why? Because he is a mirror, not a lighthouse. You see yourselves in him. He is what you would be, if you had inherited money and could shed the last vestiges of conscience and shame. No, I do not “respect your choices,” nor do I admire your loyalty and dedication to this miserific, demoniac vision. You have demonstrated not only a lack of civic virtue, loyalty to the Republic and to the rule of law, but a willingness to engage in violence and sedition at his slightest expressed wish. And you will never, ever admit you were wrong. Because you see your dark, twisted, resentful dreams in him. And to renounce him is to renounce yourselves.”~John Havelka

Sir, this is an Arby’s.

jaydub said...

It’s amazing how Trump still has a pied-a-terre in your and tsetse fly’s heads after all this time. Both of you really need to get a life.

Iman said...

Walz’s battalion commander John Kolb felt the need to say his piece…

“Feeling a need to say this: I do not regret that Tim Walz retired early from the Minnesota Army National Guard, did not complete the Sergeants Major Academy, broke his enlistment contract or did not successfully complete any assignment as a Sergeant Major. Unwittingly, he got out of the way for better leadership. Thomas Behrends was the right leader at the right time. He sacrificed to answer the call, leaving his family, business and farming-partner brother to train, lead and care for soldiers. He earned the privilege of being called Command Sergeant Major. Like a great leader he ran toward and not away from the guns. I have no opinion of Mr. Walz's decision to leave service at the time he did. It was his right to retire early. I also have no criticism of his service as an E7 and E8 in the MNARNG. By all accounts and on the record, he was a competent Chief of Firing Battery/Gunnery Sergeant and First Sergeant.

I cannot say the same of his service sitting, frocked, in the CSM chair. He did not earn the rank or successfully complete any assignment as an E9. It is an affront to the Noncommissioned Officer Corps that he continues to glom onto the title. I can sit in the cockpit of an airplane, it does not make me a pilot. Similarly, when the demands of service and leadership at the highest level got real, he chose another path.”

Narr said...

Cool story, gad.

rehajm said...

Tomorrow I’m trying to finish up the Vertex DD and the new winding stem came in for the Buren. Hopefully tomorrow…

rhhardin said...

It's technical military valor, which has more to do with fitting in. Not a civilian virtue. In civilian life, ordinary good character rules.

How few campaign ribbons Eisenhower wore. Today there's valor all over.

The Peacemaker (1997) (near end)
NIcole Kidman: So, did they give you any new medals?
George Clooney: Yes, they did.
NK: Well, you worked hard for them.
GC: Thank you.

She didn’t get any medals for her share of the work but it’s not part of her culture _and would not fit_. She’s a civilian. No valor meme.

tcrosse said...

Democrats hate Trump so much they're willing to let the Éminence Grise foist such inadequacies as Biden, Harris, and Walz on them.

Lem Vibe Bandit said...

I don't know if this is true: Kamala broke the tie vote that happened to include taxing tips? Holy cow, Batman.

Kakistocracy said...

JD Vance in drag
JD got a taste of eyeliner and never looked back. He is definitely a drag on the ticket.

Mutaman said...

"It’s amazing how Trump still has a pied-a-terre in your and tsetse fly’s heads after all this time. Both of you really need to get a life. "

Well he is a candidate for president and the future will sort of be shaped by whether he is elected or not. So i find it pretty normal to be a bit concerned about this election.

Narayanan said...

I am seeing ad after ad for handsfree shoes
harbinger of islamic domination to prayer? before going in mosque!

Mutaman said...

"Democrats hate Trump so much they're willing to let the Éminence Grise foist such inadequacies as Biden, Harris, and Walz on them. "

And the Know Nothings hate the Dems so much that they're willing to foist The Rapist upon themselves.

Iman said...

Mutt’s on swing shift…

Howard said...

And once he's gone from the stage this November the Republican party is going to fold like a house of cards

Iman said...

It’s true.

Drago said...

"The Harris campaign seems to have stopped all the "Hitler" persuasion about Trump because of the assassination attempt reframing everything.

That means Democrat leaders never believed Trump was an evil dictator risk.

If any of that had been true, no one would stop saying it.

I wonder if Democrats are aware of how badly they have been brainwashed. Democrats made Hitler appear out of nowhere and disappear just as quickly.

Suddenly, Democrats are focused on "no tax on tips" and stronger border security.

Instead of Hitler.

Democrats won't even ask questions about that."
--Scott Adams on X


New Soviet Democraticals adopt Orange Hitler policies!!!!

Big Mike said...
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TickTock said...

It's clear who the candidates are at this point. So I have lost interest in following the political ins and outs. Rather my interest in "news" is more focused on the verification (mostly lack thereof) of mail in ballots and the numbers of illegal immigrants registered to vote or who have other ready access to the polls (I,e. same day registration).

Breezy said...

Yes, she has a lot of explaining to do.

TickTock said...

Lefties love to hate.

Drago said...

More proof the Stolen Valor / Blue Falcon Coward Liar behavior of Walz is having an effect: the New Soviet Democraticals have, just today, scrubbed the following medals/awards from JD Vance's biography:
- Global War On Terrorism Service Medal
- Iraq Campaign Medal
- Navy and Marine Corps Sea Service Deployment Ribbon

And the lefties/dems did it in service to a multi-decade Stolen Valor chickenhawk.

Lem Vibe Bandit said...

A YouTube dissection of the movie "Gone Girl" (2014) tells me the Kamala - Walz ticket may take the gold in November after all.

Hint: Who has the better story?

Howard said...

Who hurt you, Drago? It's not your fault.. it's not your fault.. it's not your fault.. it's not your fault..

Howard said...

Exactly it's important that you plan for the excuses for the loss early on.

Political Junkie said...

JD did a fine job on the Sunday shows today. If his boss could do the same, R's might win.

Howard said...

Drago has been reduced to pick and fly shit out of pepper. The whole tax is on tips movement is the linchpin for the independent voters. Way to stay locked in on the target, goose. Watch out for the canopy when you bail out

Drago said...

Non-combat "vet" Howitzer Howard is very, very, very upset his preferred Stolen Valor / Blue Falcon Coward Liar candidate has been exposed.

Well, I think we can all see where that is coming from, cant we Howard?

Howard said...

Thank you sir, may I have another?

Drago said...

I'm afraid pulling a few lines from Top Gun is the closest Howard and his hero Walz will ever get to combat....and comes a year after Howards dems launched a jihad against tip earners with their 87,000 new IRS agents.

Iman said...

Hi, @Tim_Walz and @KamalaHarris—
“Just wondering, did you also “misprint” your rank as Command Sergeant Major on your Congressional Challenge Coin?”

— - Bree A. Dail

Iman said...

Drago is over the target and Howard’s just pissed he got shit on. You’d think he’d be grateful… he usually has to pay for that treat.

Iman said...


Inga said...

I thought the same thing Howard. They will have to hit rock bottom, then maybe they can rebuild, or not, it’s up to them to pull themselves out of the cult.

Iman said...

‘ The Harris/Walz campaign has issued a statement to @NBCNews.
Tim Walz “misspoke” regarding his claim of having carried “weapons of war in war”.

He “misspoke” for 19yrs, it seems…’

— - Bree A. Dail

Inga said...

I can’t wait for a new era of a Trump-less political world. He can be Grandpa Don and enjoy the rest of his life or he can be a bitter old hateful man. I wish for him a gentle retirement surrounded by his loving family.

Inga said...


Inga said...

Maybe they can form a third party, the Know Nothings.

Inga said...

Poor Drago, he’s coming apart by the seams. I hope he can hold himself together long enough to see Madam President Harris.

Inga said...

No one gives a shit. The swift boating failed.

Aggie said...

Wow - it's a Full Court Press getting everybody to look somewhere else. From the 'Wait - Look Over There - No - Over There - No - Over There' crowd. Anything to avoid discussing actual documented record.

Since nobody else has mentioned it: Nice pictures today. Thank you!

Mutaman said...

"More proof the Stolen Valor / Blue Falcon Coward Liar behavior of Walz is having an effect"

Bone Spurs!

Mark said...

Using the military for political reasons only diminishes the military, no matter whether you are technically correct or not.

These attacks on Walz just make the military look like part the swamp.

Mark said...

Yawn. All I see is wild flailing from Drago since Biden stepped down.

Iman accidentally acknowledges that Harris is over the target and morale is in the shitter at Mar a Lago. Vance has turned into a disaster and is completely unattractive to the persuadable middle as well as the far right like Nick Fuentes.

Peachy said...

To all Soviet Leftist Democrat liars - who gleefully lie on behalf of the governor they just met.

Tim Walz gets TORCHED by his battalion commander

Peachy said...

Kamala's jumbo jet = PAID FOR BY TAX PAYERS.

Inga said...

“LIEUTENANT COLONEL – a key decision-maker; may serve as a battalion commander.”

Behrends was not a commissioned officer. We’ve all heard this stuff from this same guy who sounds like he’s mashing sour grapes.

Jersey Fled said...

I never watch the Sunday news shows but caught a replay of Face The Nation on YouTube. JD and Margaret Brennan were going back and forth on whether Kamala had voted against the Born Alive bill. Margaret insisted that Harris had not. They moved on to another topic, but Margaret came back later in what I guess was a “fact check” that CBS inserted post production on the YouTube replay saying something to the effect that they “could find no evidence” that Kamala had voted against the bill. She was wearing different clothing so it was obviously inserted it later.

Two problems: Is this a normal thing where CBS modifies the YouTube replay later to “fact check” the guest? Vance was gone and had no chance to respond. And second, it took me about 10 seconds on the Senate website to verify that then Senator Harris had in fact voted against S.311, the Born Alive bill, in 2019.

What gives?

Peachy said...

Sorry Inga- everyone knows Walz is a fraud. Even Walz is backtracking.

Peachy said...

Point at laugh at Rolling Soviet and Mother Soviet

Peachy said...

Tim Walz admits he mispoke... LOL - yeah for starters.

Peachy said...

No one buys your lies - Soviet Inga. Russia Russia Inga. You are as fraudulent as the a-holes you support.

Inga said...

No need to be sorry, you silly woman. No one but the sad hangers on care about this.

Inga said...

Don’t be bitter dear childless cat lady. Try to be a gracious loser.

RCOCEAN II said...

Was able to watch some of the great Hollywood classic movies in theater lately, American in Paris, Band Wagon, Singing in the Rain, Gigi, Always fair weather. Mostly much better in the theater, the biggest improvement over DVD was the Gershwin Ballet scene in AIP - absolutely stunning on the big screen. Gigi also much better on big screen. But....except for Singing in the Rain, all these movies would be better if they were 15 minutes shorter. The boring "book" scenes are really slow in the theater, with DVD just hit FF, in theater you have to sit there.

Mason G said...

For people who don't give a shit, there sure seem to be a lot of leftards taking the time to defend Tampon Tim's military record.

Just sayin'.

RCOCEAN II said...

Its always fair weather had the least audience, due to lack of romance and great songs - women are biggest musical fans. But don't show up for Satire and men dancing with each other.

Gospace said...

But John Kolb COL ANG (ret) is. Perhaps you need some help reading who said what.

Peachy said...

Poor Russia Russia Inga. Her pussy white left VP candidate is a fraud. That corruption excusers do not care is just all part of your shit show.

effinayright said...

No, it's not true. From ChatGPT: "Tip income has been subject to federal income tax for many years [1954], and there hasn't been any recent legislation that specifically required a tie-breaking vote from the Vice President related to taxing tip income."

Yeah, she's a fraud, a flake and holds a 10th Dan rank for Master-level handjobs in karate, ,but we should not accuse her inaccurately.

The gadmorons and igna-ramuses will only come back with, "Well, why didn't Trump get Congress to change that law", when his party held the majority in both houses from 2017 to 2019?"

It's just not worth it.

Peachy said...

You are the loser. When Corruptocrats win - the nation loses. You fraudulent liar.

Jim at said...

I wish for him a gentle retirement surrounded by his loving family.

Bullshit. You are too filled with outright hatred for the man to wish him anything but misery, suffering and even death. And you nearly got it.

effinayright said...

Nahhhh...the Japanese were wearing them years ago, when I lived there. It started when kids just smooshed down the heels of their sneakers, and someone decided to make it a "style".

effinayright said...

When she obsessively re-watches the bullet zip across Trump's ear, Inga gets these little orgasms. And I bet...she squirts!

Achilles said...

Just because it is good.

effinayright said...

"The swift boating failed." Did it, Igna? Then why wasn't Kerry elected?

Achilles said...

It is fun to watch you losers get off supporting your stolen valor POS.

The soldiers he abandoned including the CO, NCO who took over after the coward abandoned his unit, and chaplin have all slammed this betrayer. The other enlisteds are all taking heir turns.

The fact you can support someone as disgusting as Walz knowing what he did to his soldiers just says it all. Absolutely terrible people in heart and soul and Walz is a perfect embodiment of you people.

Achilles said...

We are just waiting for the ticket to be official. We wouldn't want you all to switch out to new candidates again.

Achilles said...

How many democrat voters have voted for Kamala in any primary?

It is a good thing for the democrat party their voters are all such obedient idiots.

Inga said...

John Kolb was not Tim Walz’s Batallion Commander.

“LTC John Kolb, Aug. 1, 2005 - Dec. 2, 2007”

Walz retired in May of 2005.

Achilles said...

Number of interviews by Harris and Walz in the last 3 weeks:


They run from reporters whenever they see them. They just run. Kinda like when your unit gets deployed. Walz has a lot of practice being a coward.

Achilles said...

Walz betrayed his unit. Pretending anything else is just really stupid.

Achilles said...

If you actually talked to anyone in the military you would know that is not true.

You are just as terrible a human being as Walz. You just lie about everything.

Inga said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Inga said...

John Kolb was not Walz’s Battalion Commander.

“LTC John Kolb, Aug. 1, 2005 - Dec. 2, 2007”

Walz retired in May 2005.

Achilles said...

Inga obviously doesn't actually know how the military works or talk to anyone in the military. This is an obvious lie and copium from a terrible person.

Kolb didn't just appear out of thin air on August 1. He was there the whole time and was the commander when the unit deployed. He was in the chain of command and preparing to take over the unit while Walz was the acting Command Sergent Major. They would absolutely have been working together constantly as the unit prepared to deploy.

They would have been the acting Unit Commander and acting unit Command Sergent Major.

But Walz abandoned the soldiers he trained and was busted down to E8 for his betrayal.

But Walz claimed he served in war and claimed he was a retired CSM for 19 years. He claimed he carried weapons of war in combat for 19 years while trying to take away the second amendment rights we fought for and he did not fight for.

Walz is a stolen valor POS and tried to use his stolen valor to pass gun control. Walz should be going to jail. He clearly broke stolen valor laws.

chuck said...

Nobody likes to admit they have been suckered.

Wince said...

So Kolb was Commander of the Battalion that deployed to Iraq after Walz skedaddled?

gadfly said...

Steven Cheung, the known liar and former bouncer, now spox, for the Trump racketeering organization, conveniently released information about a hack and leak operation by Iran to expose secret Trump campaign information - just ahead of Sunday's news shows.

But more specific information about the Iranians was filed in EDNY court on August 6 by the FBI announcing the arrest of a Pakistani working with Iran to assassinate Trump in 2024, as revenge for the death of Qasem Soleimani, killed on or about January 3, 2020, by a U.S. drone strike in
Baghdad, Iraq. So we will see even more Iran assassination efforts materialize before election day.

Now our brilliant ex-president decided to play politics rather than working seriously and directly with the FBI - choosing instead to publically announce vague hack details through Politico. Iran will blow up a building full of Trump supporters to get to TFG. This could be another 911, followed by WWIII.

wendybar said...

"Trump isn’t the cause of this anti-establishment movement, instead he is the result of it. The Tea Party arose due to feckless Republican leadership under George W. Bush ushering in the reign of Barack Obama.

Trump and MAGA was the result of Republicans genuflecting to Obama, offering no pushback to his “fundamental transformation of America” which continues to this day.

Who is America’s advocate? Who is fighting for the Constitution, the rule of law? Who wants America first rather than America last?"

Drago said...

I am unable to locate any claims by Trump that he served in combat when he didn't, unlike the almost 2 decades and example after example of Walz doing that. Including, and unbelilevable as it sounds, Walz actually claiming to have PTSD!

PTSD? Really Walz?

Worse still are all the istances, on video of course because this cat was confident no one would call him out, of others calling Walz a combat vet and/or Iraq/Afghanistan vet with Walz sitting there and Walz doesnt correct them!

But the worst of all is the video of Walz talking about the "18 and 19 year olds" that deployed to combat zones and implying he was with them.

Yeah, this issue is not going away and you can tell the New Soviet Democraticals are completely spooked because Walz was supposed to be the nice white midwest pro-military face of the kamala campaign to the media while kamala hides and avoids policy questions but the New Soviet Democraticals cant do that with Stolen Valor hanging over Walz is on ice for now as well.


Not going away. I wonder if the dems will flex to Its Not Stolen Valor! Its Just A Stutter!

Drago said...

Walz "mispoke", about a thousand times, over almost 2 decades, in congressional hearings and interviews and speeches and presentations and in off the cuff remarks and in failing to correct others when they alked him a combat vet in Walz's presence without Walz correcting addition to Walz parading around in Army Special Forces garb!

Drago said...

Inga doesnt read articles. Just headlines and perhaps a hoaxed up lefty "summary" of something...and she gets those wrong as well.

Humperdink said...

Former Lt. Colonel and Congressperson Tulsi Gabbard has been placed on the terror watch list by the Biden Harris Shapiro Obama Walz administration. Rich, the gad, Igna nod, cheerleaders all.

Drago said...

"If I were American, I would vote for the Harris ticket because @GovTimWalz retired as a Lieutenant-General who won combat medals in Vietnam and Desert Storm. He is an honest man who made sure that his male soldiers had tampons during combat. Go Tim!"---Gad Saad on X.

Inga said...

“LTC Paul Conery, Nov. 10, 2004 - July 31, 2005”- Walz’s Unit Commander

Oh my gosh! This Unit Commander who was Walz’s unit commander left right after they got notice they were deploying to Iraq! Another scandal! The man shirked his duty! You people are losing your shit.

Inga said...

Jesse Ventura calls JD Vance’s criticism of Walz’s military record despicable

Humperdink said...

Igna cites Jesse “the Mind” Ventura. Wut? I was unaware he was released from the nut house.

Someone should ask 4-star general Walz to recount some war stories. That is if he ever grants an interview.

Humperdink said...

To be fair to Rear Admiral Walz, he had a war in downtown Minneapolis. Oopsy, he fled that war also.

Leland said...

They are nice pictures.

Breezy said...

They reduced reportable income to just $600. That effectively brought tips and other small side incomes from the jig economy into view for taxation.

Breezy said...

Lol - gig economy….

Drago said...

Inga is defending "Space Force Galactic General and veteran of the Wars of Saturns Moons" (just give it time!) Walz as "strongly" as she denied Hillary paid for the production of the Hoax dossier for years....and remember, Inga continued to deny Hillary's funding of the dossier even AFTER it had been admitted under oath!

So dont expect Inga to stop trashing every actual honorably serving and non-Stolen Valor military vet who dares to speak out about Walz.

John said...

Exactly 44 years ago, I was in Madison, having bicycled there from College Station, Texas. 1,100 miles in 11 days. My first big bicycle ride, and except for northeast Brazil in 1986, the biggest. These days, indeed these decades, I think little of either. But for some reason I was aware this summer of such a private anniversary.

The announced objective of that 1980 ride had been, of all places, Newfoundland. But I stopped in Wisconsin. Numbness in the thumbs, likely due to the all the bump-bump-bump of frost-heaved northern highways. No regrets though. All my fingers work fine now!

Drago said...

Biden didn't "step down", as he himself said yesterday. The leadership (obambi/pelosi) of the New Soviet Democratical Party forced him out under threat.


Did you miss that part? Would you call removing your "perfectly sharp!" candidate under threat to be a "flailing" move? Followed by installing a "candidate" that has never received a single vote from a voter? Flailing.

Then, having that candidate and her apparently completely unvetted Stolen Valor VP dude kept hidden from the press.....feels a little "flail-ly"..

...then the dems start publicly adopting the policies of the dude they call Hitler! Even more flailing!

Oh, there's some flailing going on all right.

And just for Dumb Lefty Mark, you can read all about it on X, the most influential social media platform in the world...even though you told us it would be dead 18 mo ths ago.

You must have attended Rich University For The Hopelessly....Dumb.

Drago said...

Tampons available during combat? That would have been the golden ticket to get Howitzer Howard off his arse and volunteer for a combat role!

Old and slow said...

I've had enough of all this shit. I'll check back when we have a confirmed winner. Until then, fuck the lot of you. Have a great next few months!

Jaq said...

Everything is projection with you Rich. Who has looted the treasury and set the world on fire? Made food and housing suck up the family budget for so many? Created competition for jobs to suppress wages (to fight inflation)? Joe Biden and his giggling sidekick Harris.

Jaq said...

There is far more evidence that Joe Biden was a rapist, including contemporaneous evidence, than Trump. And the jury specifically did not convict Trump of rape, it's on the jury form, but you guys have to lie because the truth is not that helpful to you.

Jaq said...

I thought that the election was over, that Harris was decisively ahead, and yet they keep coming here with their lies every day.

It's almost as if their actions "project demoralize" Rush would have called it, give the lie to their words.

boatbuilder said...

The guy "mashing sour grapes" who actually went to Iraq and served in the position that Walz ran away from.

Drago said...

3 days ago the lefties said the Stolen Valor stories were smears.

Yesterday the lefties claimed Walz simply "misspoke)....

You see where this is going, dont you? No wonder they are flailing and desperate to put this behind them.

Humperdink said...

The R’s should the pound the Tampon Tim story for all it’s worth. Reportedly in elementary schools boy’s restrooms. Recall that MSNBC nut case who wore them as earrings. Photo. Shop tampons them on Tim Walz. (And the lefties label JD Vance as weird)

boatbuilder said...

If Elon Musk had not bought Twitter and cleared out the censors, this would all have been smothered.

Jamie said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
planetgeo said...

Looks like the hive here on Althouse was in swarm mode last night. Gadfly, Mutaman, Rich, and Inga all just buzzing with newfound "joy".

Speaking of Inga, your tone suggests to me that you're actually a guy. Why the masquerade? Or are you trans (NTTAWWT)? That would certainly explain the repressed-unleashed hostility.

Peachy said...

The mob democrat party just hired a patsy to kill Trump - and took out an innocent man.

Peachy said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Peachy said...

Life was solid under Trump - until Chi Com Democrat party COVID was dispersed. Gadfly forgets all the masses of elderly who were killed - trapped in their death chambers at the nursing home. That was all by design.

Democrats are the party of death, destruction, power-obsession, lies, greed, and fraud.

Big Mike said...

Well, this Havelka guy has quite the talent for invective. For years now Democrats have tried to get people to turn away from Donald Trump by comparing him to some mythical perfect candidate. When that strategy doesn’t work — and right now it isn’t working at all — the only thing anyone can think to do is double down on the unfiltered hatred. Not to mention attempted murder.

Out on the real world people realize that the choice is not between Trump and a mythical, idealized, perfect human being. It’s between Trump and a terrible, disgusting human being who has no grasp of economics at all, and no discernible ability to learn anything about economics whatsoever. Note her amazement at simple Venn diagrams.

Aggie said...

The level of Astroturfing this cycle is astonishing. We're still 3 months away and the ad-hominem attack levels are disturbingly high (on both sides). The avoidance of discussion of the actual issues? Almost Complete.

The Silence is Deafening

Peachy said...

Inga - the MSNBC Obedient forced COVID Vax Nazi+ SuperTrumpHate Cult gold star member - agrees.

Peachy said...

Inga has moved from "It's not true!" to "No one on the left cares about lies and fraud from holy and precious democrats! So who cares? "

Inga said...

Haha, a strong woman can’t be a woman! She HAS to be a man! I’m a mother of four grown children (one passed away), grandmother of 5, I love old China and antique Italian cloth dolls, painting, drawing, cooking, baking, sewing, and politics and current affairs. Sports to me are boring, I have few mechanical skills, except how to deal with beeping medical equipment. I wonder if you ever knew any strong women.

planetgeo said...

Inga, I'm glad to hear that you are in fact a woman, and a strong one at that. Congratulations on raising your children and grandchildren, as well as your pursuit of many interests including politics.

As for me, yes, I have had the good fortune to know and love a few strong women. My mother, for example, who lost two young children (would have been my brother and sister) as she and my father were escaping a communist-run country. She was the strongest woman I've ever known.

Being a strong woman is good. Being strong and wise is even better. I hope you learn the difference, particularly in your political pursuits, without having to learn about certain ideologies the hard way, as we did .

Inga said...

I’m wise enough to know what a disaster Trump is and patriotic enough to want what is best for our country. My parents escaped the advancing Russians in Yugoslavia in Oct. of 1944. They had no desire to return to Yugoslavia under Tito. They met and married while in displaced persons camp in Austria. We three children were born in that camp. And in 1955 my family was sponsored by my father’s uncle and we immigrated to the US. I’m also wise enough to know the difference between Democrats and Communists.

Drago said...

Not an airport. You don't have to announce your departure.

Drago said...

The only difference between non-US communists and our New Soviet Democratical Party communists is the non-US communists are generally more effective when they attempt to murder their political opponents.

Inga's New Soviet Democratical Party amigos missed.

Btw, did you hear? And this wont surprise many: it just so happens that the "lone shooter" (wink wink) Crooks spent the last year training to shoot at the same shooting range utilized by the FBI and DHS.

Well. I am just shocked I tellya...

donald said...

What was disastrous about the Trump presidency Inga?

More importantly, I caught an 26 inch speckled trout this morning. A monster!

Rusty said...

Drago said,
"Suddenly, Democrats are focused on "no tax on tips" and stronger border security."
The Dems had three and a half years to get this done and only now they want to be taken seriously? Please.

Iman said...

Nice fish!

MadTownGuy said...

Wisconsin Capitol Police decline to investigate leak of state Supreme Court abortion order

"Wisconsin Capitol Police have declined to investigate the leak of a state Supreme Court abortion order in June citing a conflict of interest, but the court's chief justice told The Associated Press she is pursuing other options.

Chief Justice Annette Ziegler told AP via email on Thursday that she continues “to pursue other means in an effort to get to the bottom of this leak.” She did not respond to messages last week and Monday asking what those other means were. Other justices also did not return a request for comment Monday.

More at the link.

Odd that the video at the header shows Harris and Trump, but it links to another article.

Iman said...

Nurse Wretched… sheesh.

donald said...

Couldn’t believe it when I saw it. Never had one over 20”.

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