August 18, 2024

Roadside cranes and turtles.

Seen, this morning, at around 6:30:




Eric the Fruit Bat said...

Roadside cranes and turtles have very little in common with Alain Delon's sperm.

Iman said...

For God’s sake, don’t free those turtles!

rehajm said...

I went on vacation where they have those PATH aluminum bottles of water. They’re kind of like the Bud Light ones but with water. I came home with a bunch and reuse them as my new EDC…

rehajm said...

Trump is going to the old Airport in Asheboro. I’m a Lindley Park Elementary grad! As I kid I used to ride in the bed of the neighbor’s dually to that airport - they’d drive out on the runway to fill up gas cans with aviation fuel for their race car…

Goetz von Berlichingen said...
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gadfly said...

Trump just announced a “crime and safety” rally for next Tuesday in Howell, Michigan, a town that has been heavily associated with the KKK for decades. Indeed, just late last month White Supremacists marched in the town chanting “We love Hitler. We love Trump.”

n.n said...

A sign of life from Meade's lunch pail or a bread crumb to follow back to Ann at the green valley.

Deep State Reformer said...

Does Wisconsin have a bottle deposit law?

MadTownGuy said...

It's Ninja Turtles all the way down.

pacwest said...

Nice framing of the turtle picture!

minnesota farm guy said...

Ha! Ha! Turtles!

Scott Patton said...

Krainz-n-turtles. Rolls off the tongue.

rehajm said...

…a good pub name, I see none with that name. There’s one DC restaurant with the name but if it ever opened it went tu long ago…

William50 said...

Wow, turtles in a can. How do they survive in that little can?