August 26, 2024

"Rawdoggers seem to believe they have invented a new form of meditation, and who am I to say they have not?"

"Whereas the Buddhist might accept the captive circumstances of a long flight as an invitation to let go of worldly snares, the rawdogger seeks to overcome them through refusal and its public performance. He rejects the movie. He rejects the frail crinkle of the plastic airline-refreshment cup. He rejects the tender sorrow that cruising altitude somehow always amplifies. Having ascended thanks to the ingenuity of humankind, the rawdogger now rises above the very idea of ascent.... The practice evolved from the broader rise of asceticism, especially among (young, very online) men.... What is natural... about being hurtled through the troposphere in a pressurized metal tube burning petroleum distillates refined from dinosaur debris?... But to pursue a state of purity—even a fictional one; even a made-up, obviously impure one—still feels righteous. To act on an attempt to become closer to nature, or some imagined state of unadulteratedness, also makes one feel as if one is getting the best of it...."

Writes Ian Bogost, in "Young Men Have Invented a New Way to Defeat Themselves/Rawdogging is a search for purity that cannot be achieved" (The Atlantic)(free-access link, in case you need "rawdogging" defined, etc.).

I'm giving this my "scrupulosity" tag.


loudogblog said...

Don't these people realize that "rawdogging" is already a word that means having unprotected sex?

traditionalguy said...

What? No joy?

David53 said...

I remember rawdogging it on commercial airlines in the 70s and 80s. it was great until they turned off the "no smoking" signs.

n.n said...

Meditation for the boys. Hallucinogenics for the girls. Progress in liberal la-la land. One step forward, two steps backward.

Rabel said...

Removal of the preview option forces me to rawdog it when commenting.

It feels kind of crinkly. But, posting without protection leads me to worry that I might catch the digital Monkeypox from Inga. Be safe out there.

The Vault Dweller said...

Rawdogging reminds me of Joe Rogan's morning ice bath routine. It seems to me that in some ways willpower is like a muscle and the more frequently you exercise it the stronger it becomes. I think there is also something to be said about avoiding constant dopamine hits. By avoiding dopamine hits the ones you do get in comparison might have more of an impact. Which I guess the author's use of the Rawdogging videogame simulator frustrates.

Kay said...

Don't these people realize that "rawdogging" is already a word that means having unprotected sex?

The answer is yes.

RideSpaceMountain said...

I'm sure they do. Perhaps it's an attempt to reclaim the word and elevate it somehow.

An attempt that will fail.

n.n said...


MadisonMan said...

If someone tells me they decided to rawdog it on the DTW - ICN flight, I would just say "And....?" File this under "Yeah, whatever" Rawdogging it on the JFK to LAX flight sounds like no big deal at all to me. 6 hours of nothing. So?

n.n said...

In lieu of rawdog pethaps hairlessdog would suffice.

n.n said...

There is also Red Dog that is highly refreshing.

MadTownGuy said...

"What is natural... about being hurtled through the troposphere in a pressurized metal tube burning petroleum distillates refined from dinosaur debris?"

Nitpick: crude oil comes mostly from marine plants.

The Vault Dweller said...

Do they know how old the deposits are? I always assumed they were maybe hundreds of thousands of years old or perhaps a few million but not tens or hundreds of millions.

Friendo said...


rhhardin said...

I used to rawdog on long trips i my own slow airplane without radio of any kind, just a map on the knee and a compass. Mostly up to the Adirondacks. Lots of noise. That's exposure to the elements. Lake Placid even had a main runway with a road across it, protected by stop signs, the way it was meant to be.

FormerLawClerk said...

You do realize that The Atlantic just peruses whatever is #trending on Tik-Tok and them writes a story about that thing (in this case "rawdogging") just to capitalize on that keyword in SEO engines that direct people from Google to Atlantic's advertisers ... right?

You do realize that, right?

Rawdogging isn't a real thing. It's a Tik-Tok made up thing.

The Godfather said...

If you want to suffer, you don't have to "rawdog". Just flying "coach" can bring you all the suffering you need.
It wasn't always so. Flying "commercial" before c. 1980 was a dream. By "commercial" I mean "someone else is paying for it". As a lawyer, I had that privilege. Of course, you had to fly "coach" (unless you were a lot higher in the pecking than I was), but tickets were so expensive that even in coach you could mostly count on an empty middle seat. Then Reagan came in and finished what Carter had started and brought air travel to "the People". And now smart asses (who would vote for Harris-Waltz if they could get to the polls -- don't worry, though -- you can stay in bed and your vote will still be cast) can luxuriate in making the flying experience even worse than it is.

Kate said...

What the hell? I've never cried on an airplane in my life.

Lilly, a dog said...

Rawdogging is banging a whore without a rubber. I refuse to acknowledge new definitions of the term.

Lem Vibe Bandit said...

But to pursue a state of purity—even a fictional one; even a made-up, obviously impure one—still feels righteous. To act on an attempt to become closer to nature, or some imagined state of unadulteratedness, also makes one feel as if one is getting the best of it...."

Whatever this is, brain hemisphere studies say the things we don't understand develop in what they call the "brain interpretive modules".

YouTube: A video on the Free Will question @12min. in

If you watched the video, you might as well check out the Wikipedia link

Bottom line is we are constantly making stuff up in our pretty little heads.

Bob Boyd said...

Those Afghanis who tried to ride on the outside of the plane 3 years ago were the ultimate rawdoggers and the standard they set that day will never be surpassed by any western traveler.

Hassayamper said...

Wow, I didn't realize I was so up to date on all the latest trends. I seldom listen to music or watch movies, whether on planes or on the ground. I desultorily try to read a book or magazine now and then, but for some reason that gives me headaches and a queasy airsick feeling on airplanes. Mostly I stare at the real-time map of where we are, or look at the back of my eyelids even though I rarely am able to sleep on a plane.

Aggie said...

Now I want to see an article about 'rawdogging' Monkey Pox.

Aggie said...

When I was working in the FSU, air travel was always a rawdogging adventure. There were no tv screens, and there were no flight maps. You just hoped the pilot had a map. And on Aeroflot back then, after you had stepped onto the tarmac and stepped over over the rivulets of hydraulic fluid running from the nose gear, and boarded the plane, you carefully inspected your seat before taking it. If it had a seat belt that was buckled, that was usually bad news. It meant that the seat belt was holding the seat in place. The Soviets were Big Smokers, so there was a contact nicotine buzz just breathing the cabin air, even with nobody actually smoking.

David53 said...

Yeah, I wonder who memorializes their death day.

Jaq said...

Computers are a kind of anti-meditation. Instead of focusing the mind for longer periods of time, as in the Wonderful Story of Henry Sugar, they decrease the minds capacity to focus. So presumably whatever benefits accrue from meditation are run backwards by smartphones.

Freeman Hunt said...

We have a family member who does this, but it's out of preference, not asceticism.

Howard said...

Diagenesis of marine organic deposits into oil takes 1,000,000-years. The Monterey Formation in California is 6-16 million years old. The Permian basin in Texas is between 250-300 million years old.. Likewise, Middle Eastern oil is up to 100's of millions of years old.

Howard said...

Calling it rawdogging makes zoning out sound edgy

Ann Althouse said...

“ Don't these people realize that "rawdogging" is already a word that means having unprotected sex?”

Yes, and that’s disgusted in the article

Ann Althouse said...

I mean that’s discussed in the article. I’m doing voice to text.

Leland said...

I put these people in the same category as those that go commando. If you have to tell me you are doing it, then what's the point? If you are doing it and can do so without me knowing, then do it and have fun at it.

Jaq said...


Jaq said...

Eight miles high, and when you touch down
You'll find that it's stranger than known
Signs in the street, that say where you're going
Are somewhere just being their own

Nowhere is there warmth to be found
Among those afraid of losing their ground
Rain gray town, known for its sound
In places, small faces unbound

Round the squares, huddled in storms
Some laughing, some just shapeless forms
Sidewalk scenes, and black limousines
Some living, some standing alone

tim maguire said...

I hate the term. Doubly so given that the practice doesn’t need a name. It’s not anything really, but you know how people are—they can’t just sit quietly, they need to feel they’re part of a movement. A movement of people who sit quietly on planes.

Jaq said...

I bet it's more noted by the people who don't do it, and can't understand it.

MadTownGuy said...

'Disgusted' works, too, though.

Aggie said...

OK, now I wanna hear you swear at Meade.

tim maguire said...

That seems unlikely. When you fly, how much attention do you give the passengers who aren’t being annoying? I give zero, and I don’t go on social media afterwards to talk about how not-annoying they were.

Aggie said...

Diagenesis of petroleum is a product of time, temperature, and pressure - it's a window that combines these variables and others, like total organic content. Fresh garbage at the city dump will generate methane in producible quantities in a few months, and some landfills do precisely that. Seabed sediments routinely do it in a few tens of thousands of years - I've seen the gas bubbling up from the seabed, literally, in areas that are marked hazardous for drilling for precisely that reason. Go back to mudlogging, Howard.

Cappy said...


dbp said...

Another nitpick, jetliners travel through the lower stratosphere. Yes, there is overlap between what's considered troposphere and stratosphere, but the common understanding is that jetliners travel through the stratosphere.

Rusty said...

"Diagenesis of marine organic deposits into oil takes 1,000,000-years. The Monterey Formation in California is 6-16 million years old. The Permian basin in Texas is between 250-300 million years old.. Likewise, Middle Eastern oil is up to 100's of millions of years old.."
And it's happening even now.

dbp said...

A dog has entered the chat:

Our dog is just over a year old and he is still crated for the night and penned once per day. If we peek into the room he's in, he's usually sleeping, but sometimes he is sitting or laying there, totally awake and quiescent.

This is what it's like when I choose to do nothing on a flight. I'm not thinking hard, but also not trying to empty my mind, I'm just quietly relaxing. In my opinion, the author of the Atlantic piece is overthinking this. It's not about purity or asceticism. It's just a choice: For some of all of this flight I'm not going to work so hard to amuse myself. Maybe what's weird is the assumption that it's normal to need to be constantly entertained and diverted from just quietly sitting and thinking, but not thinking too hard, just normal thinking.

HoodlumDoodlum said...

Any trend young white men enjoy is wrong, bad, and dangerous; any trend young women enjoy is good, praiseworthy, and important.
Apply this framework to any article about young people you come across and you'll predict the tone and position of the author ~85% of the time.

CJinPA said...

People who engage in online fads are like those who used to purchase the newest self-help book. They're constantly searching for...something. There are worse vices than that, but I do pity them.

CJinPA said...

I think this airplane trend is silly, but you are correct about what motivated this article. When I read "very online men" I thought "have mainstream outlets ever used the term "very online women"?
If it's male, it's bad. If it's non-progressive male, it's dangerous.

Tina Trent said...

This seems benign. Why mock it? Why say only young men do it?

If it was a practice picked up by women, or some slice of an ethnic population, you know Atlantic would take a very different tone.

And that's the only interesting thing about the article. Talk about being locked in an airtight chamber with only the contents of your bounded ideology to occupy you.

Narr said...

Tina, did you make it to Chicago for the DemCon?

Dr.Bunkypotatohead said...

"All of humanity's problems stem from man's inability to sit quietly in a room alone"

Tina Trent said...

Narr, I drove. I don't fly. An irrational phobia, I know. I tried hard to overcome it. But at least you really get the sense of a place when you drive. I've absorbed more about the state of our economy by driving than by reading.

I suppose I rawdogged all the way through Indiana. Twice. I just didn't know that I was doing it. Now I'll always remember it that way.

I've never made that particular drive. How strange that you get so close to Chicago and there's still nothing but farms and giant windmills. Then all of a sudden you're in an urban craphole of epic crappiness. I'm an hour outside Atlanta's perimeter, and the sprawl just keeps coming.

University of Chicago was a big disappointment, architecturally. I had envisioned a contained urban campus, like Columbia. Instead, it was as if someone put lukewarm gothic, tepid brutalism, and tasteless seventies buildings in a blender and spread them over streets of crumbling brownstones. Some pretty buildings, of course.

With no major anti-police events, I'll be writing about the political calculations of the protesters, hand in hand with the DNC. That's a pretty ugly side story.

Narr said...

I hear you. I only fly when there's no reasonable alternative.

I've only been to Chicago once, for ALA, and saw nothing but convention people and events.

Post when you've sorted it all out.

Tina Trent said...

Hi Narr. I have been posting about the protests in Atlanta, found much of the same in Chicago: Palestinian, Palestinian, Palestinian. Abortion women and LGBTQ+ go to the back of the line. Trans still in second place. They even largely left the police alone -- then again they needed them. I guess the new definition of a liberal who gets mugged is an anti-police activist who wants police to protect her but nobody else. From such things are banana republics made. I will have more when I recover. Harder and harder to do these things with a chronic condition. Need to cut down on the rawdogging. Surprised to see that Tennessee blue grass really looks blue from the highway.

I loved working at the ALA conference when it came to Atlanta. Tons of free books left behind, and the meeting rooms were so quiet you could hear a pin drop.

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