August 12, 2024

"Live conversation on 𝕏 with @realDonaldTrump & me at 8pm ET tomorrow."

"This is unscripted with no limits on subject matter, so should be highly entertaining! If you have specific questions & comments, post them under the chat."

Tweets Elon Musk.

Is it a "conversation" or an interview? I see at Reuters, it says "Elon Musk to interview Trump on X social media network." Is Elon Musk an interviewer? You know, Trump was kind of an interviewer in his role on "The Apprentice." We'll see how much originality emerges in this format.

Anyway, this makes me think something Jonathan Swan said on today's episode of the NYT "Daily" podcast
[T]he Trump people... have a very narrow, as they would say, universe of the electorate that they're focusing on... voters who they believe are up for grabs. It's about 11% of the electorate. They are disproportionately male, under 50, non-white, independent, moderate, actually, in ideology.... These are not people who are... reading newspapers, reading digital news sites... following cable news. They are consuming non-traditional media, you know, streamers, gaming, et cetera, et cetera. And that's why you see the Trump campaign doing so much of this non-traditional media to, to meet these low information voters where they are.

One way or another, Trump needs to shake things up. He's been thrown around lately, and we're in this slow week between the Olympics and the Democratic Convention. It used to be the norm to wait until after Labor Day to liven things up, and it's been a crazy last few weeks. Trump could have rested and geared up for September. But here comes something innovative and possibly disruptive. 

ADDED: I see that Musk tweeted: "My use of the word conversation is deliberate. This is so that people understand how @realDonaldTrump talks when it’s a conversation, rather than an interview. Nobody is quite themselves in an interview, so it’s hard to understand what they’re really like."


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Drago said...

DDOS attacks are much more complex and diffcult to identify than DOS attacks and hit the provider much faster, thereby overwhelming even very large, sophisticated and "protected" systems.

FullMoon said...

Great pic. Nice to see J.D. has a sense of humor. Sad, but not surprising, to see the left go homophobic so quickly.

Drago said...

I just got on while muting my zoom. Looks like they figured it out. 900k listeners at this moment

Freder Frederson said...

You've got absolutely zero evidence of either. You just make shit up. The most likely explanation is that Musk fucked up and it crashed his website.

Gusty Winds said...

Elon Musk..."There appears to be a massive DDOS attack on 𝕏. Working on shutting it down.

Worst case, we will proceed with a smaller number of live listeners and post the conversation later.

Gospace said...

I saw a photomeme on this very subject. Single issue abortion voters. An effective one, or so I think. Long url:

Drago said...

Poor stupid Freder. Musk has stated categorically, and it can be determined categorically, that it as a DDOS attack. Now who would be the most likely sorts to launch an attack against a Musk/Trump discussion?

Musk reported yesterday his team stress tested the site for a large listening audience and tonight, after fending off the attack, that was proven correct by the listening audience rapidly climbing to approx 1.3M.

So, once again Field Marshall Freder, its you who are the the dunce. Which is embarrassing for you, considering your dunce competition coming from Rich, Inga, Dumb Lefty Mark, gadfly et al.

Iman said...

I’m listening via Viva Frei

Rosalyn C. said...

Up to 1.3 million listeners on X at this moment.

They’re eating the cats 🐈 —They’re eating the dogs 🐕 said...

X faced similar issues when Musk interviewed DeSantis which Musk blamed on X’s servers being overwhelmed by the traffic.

“There was a massive DDOS attack on the Tesla’s self-driving computer in the form of a driver attempting to use it”

They’re eating the cats 🐈 —They’re eating the dogs 🐕 said...

"Musk has stated categorically, and it can be determined categorically, that it as a DDOS attack."

“The rest of X appears to be working normally, however, and a source at the company confirmed to The Verge that there wasn’t actually a denial-of-service attack. Another X staffer said there was a “99 percent” chance Elon was lying about an attack.”

Left Bank of the Charles said...

Turns out X doesn’t have the technology either. Was the alleged DDOS attack anything more than too many people wanting to watch at the same time? After the DeSantis flop, you’d think Elon Musk would have worked on improving X’s ability to walk and chew gum at the same time.

effinayright said...

Musk said people get headaches when CO2 concentrations reach 1000 ppm.

Bullshit. Submarines routinely operate at 3,000 to 5,000 ppm w/o the crews having any problems.

effinayright said...

RMc, did Musk handle the DDOS attack, or didn't he? He DID, which means he DID predict that it might happen and took steps to counter it. It's always amazing how you low-watt guys treat one of the world's richest men as a dunderhead!

Drago said...

Elon states speaking with either Joey Dementia or Kamala would be like speaking to an NPC.

He should meet Rich/Inga/Freder/DumbLeftyMark/LeftBank/Gadfly et al.

Rusty said...

Not one of the usual suspects has bothered to mention how much better Harris is than Trump.

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