August 31, 2024

"Kamala Harris' Election Odds Slide With Bookmakers After CNN Interview."

Newsweek reported last night.

Here's what I'm seeing at Real Clear Politics right now:


Dave Begley said...

Keep talking, Kamela.

Eric the Fruit Bat said...

I think perhaps we've all learned from experience that the odds slide sometimes better than others.

tim maguire said...

At some point, the transcript will come out. They deleted a third of the interview to come up with some lacklustre softballs that Harris didn’t muff. It’s possible that third on the cutting room floor is technical problems or some other harmless issue, but that’s not the way to bet.

tim maguire said...

She won’t. She’s running an even more Biden 2020 campaign than even Joe Biden did in 2020.

rehajm said...

She’s not likable enough…

PB said...

He ods of winning will decline precipitously.

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

Interesting because historically the “change” candidate has the advantage in a down economy but this time we have two virtual incumbents running against each other and presenting as the “change” candidate. Given the way Trump overperforms the polling a tie in most polls is actually a 5 to 7 point lead nationally.

The big push by conservative operatives right now is to register voters who generally sit out elections, specifically TPA is targeting Trump fans who come to rallies in swing states. The leader Kirk said roughly 30% that attend rallies are not even registered. So they are signing up thousands for absentee ballots at events and targeting hunters and gun rights groups with similar outreach. My recollection is that an ad for WI said over 20% of permit holding hunters are not registered.

These newly minted Trump voters in four key states are not going to be visible in polls using 2020 or 2022 party affiliation tabs.

Shouting Thomas said...

The rigging and sabotage of this election is so flagrant and brazen that I’m ashamed to dignify it by voting in this farce, but I probably will hold my nose and vote anyway.

FormerLawClerk said...

The way a bookie makes money is by guaranteeing that people bet equally on both sides. This ensures a 10% profit on half the bets, with zero risk. So it is unsurprising that the odds are exactly even.

Let's not lose sight of the fact that our elections are fake, and that this is going to lead to a Civil War.

doctrev said...

Ooh, the betting odds. They're not horses at the track, so I'm never going to think much of the people betting on this.

I made a good bit in 2016, did not even bother with 2020. My suspicions were correct.

FormerLawClerk said...

Oh, and let's not forget who Dana Bash is. She's the wife of Jeremy Bash. He signed the CIA/NSA/FBI letter claiming Hunter's laptop was Russia disinformation in order to rig the 2020 election. She's a CIA embed planted inside CNN.

Shouting Thomas said...

We’re too fat and lazy for that. I do agree that nobody will accept the outcome of this thoroughly rigged election.

mindnumbrobot said...

Other than reading off the teleprompter at a rally, the only other time we'll hear from Kamala off-script is the debate. If it happens.

They're going to put her in office one way or another, and when people object, that will justify their reasons to seize more government power and accelerate suppression of speech.

Shouting Thomas said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
rhhardin said...

There's some insanely large vote margin for Harris among pregnancy-aged women that isn't going away, the result of a few Republican state legislatures making banning abortion a moral imperative and the Republican brand.

Another old lawyer said...

I think a poll of the election officials and poll workers is more likely to provide a more accurate prediction of the election's outcome. Add in the DOJ, State AGs, and judges for more accuracy.

rastajenk said...

You're not feeling the Joy?

Temujin said...

Well, exactly. What the Democrats don't want, what the media is trying to keep covered up, is Kamala herself. But there's enough 'tape'. Either she comes out, or Trump's team will define her by her own worlds.

hawkeyedjb said...

rhhardin: "There's some insanely large vote margin for Harris among pregnancy-aged women that isn't going away, the result of a few Republican state legislatures making banning abortion a moral imperative and the Republican brand."

Here is AZ, abortion is the only political issue. It's been a great boon for Democrats. There is a constitutional amendment on the ballot for November that will establish a "right to abortion." If Democrats want to continue their electoral success, they'll oppose it. But it will likely pass, and the Republican party will spend the next 100 years trying to repeal it.

narciso said...

The dems want abortion eternal and forever

narciso said...

They are a blood cult more savage than the phoenicians

Leland said...

When the federal government punishes Trump for using Arlington National Cemetery to remind people of the 13 Americans killed in the chaotic and haphazard withdrawal from Afghanistan; I'm sure that will change the odds.

Shouting Thomas said...

I just asked ChatGPT about this. Answer: GOP is proposing a 15 week limit on abortion, not a ban.

narciso said...

That is the viability standard

narciso said...

Whoever shes dating now shes an apparatchik and she provd it this week

AMDG said...

The big problem in AZ is the Republican Party itself. It decided to nominate a woman for the Senate who, when running for Governor, explicitly told supporters of the most popular politician in the state to “get the hell out”

Based on the most recent polls, that have her down by 15 percentage points, they took her up on her offer.

Defeats will continue until the party can nominate candidates who have a chance of winning.

narciso said...

Still carrying a torch for john mccain maddening

narciso said...

People looking at this dumpsterfire and say its fine

FormerLawClerk said...

By the way ... that story wasn't even written by an American citizen. The author doesn't even live in the United States. By all appearances, it's a fake AI persona. He has virtually no social media presence and has 6 just Instagram posts of dubious quality.

Kate said...

I didn't watch her interview, but I read someone saying her voice still has that annoying nasal quality. It makes me think of "Singin in the Rain". Can't she get a vocal coach to teach her "round tones"? Or maybe just someone behind a curtain at a microphone who can dub her ...

Aggie said...

I hate to break it to you, but reading foreign newspapers is one of the only ways to find out information and gain perspective on certain topics in this country, because the American Legacy Mainstream Media is no longer mainstream, and is no longer media, either. It's the propaganda arm of the Democrat Party, wearing a 'media' suit, and they're laser-focused on getting their candidates elected - mostly by not covering them, that's how bad they are.

Peachy said...

Trump’s last four interviews:

-57 minutes (Dr. Phil)
-57 minutes (Theo Von)
-2 hours and 3 minutes (Elon Musk)
-1 hour and 11 minutes (Shawn Ryan)

Kamala’s first interview in 40 days as the Democrat nominee:

18 minutes, edited, no transcript, and with a chaperone.

robother said...

It's just the Las Vegas bookies. On the other hand, they set the spread on CU vs North Dakota State at 5.5 points to start. The heavy betting (on Coach Prime buzz) pushed the spread to 11 by game time. Final score: CU by 5. It almost seems that these Vegas guys know what they're doing.

Kakistocracy said...

Harris Has Taken Narrow Lead Over Trump, WSJ Poll Finds

It's a little weird that "age concerns" have disappeared as a constant focus of campaign reporting and discussion even though the Republican nominee would be the oldest man ever sworn in to the office and is very obviously sharply declining before our eyes.

Sally327 said...

Kamala Harris has a lot of negatives but one huge advantage: the candidate she's running against. This will be the third election in a row where it's likely that the only person the winner could have ever beaten is the one running on the opposite ticket.

FormerLawClerk said...

Newsweek is not a "foreign newspaper."

FormerLawClerk said...

How much did they have to weight the poll toward Democrats in order to produce that result? If you're unwilling to state how much, then the poll is merely a push poll.

Shouting Thomas said...

That’s because Trump is the only candidate willing to take on the perpetual war UniParty. So, Trump has been, in fact, the only candidate worth voting for. If you want another pro-open border, pro-perpetual war GOP candidate, what’s the point of elections?

Maynard said...

The only polls I would trust are the ones that the candidates pay for. Of course, they are not going to share those results with us.

Peachy said...

We didn't have a corrupt leftwing media - Trump would be ahead.

EdwdLny said...

Democrats, the Aztecs of the 20th and 21st centuries. The only thing missing is a staircase with a tub at the bottom to catch all of the blood.......and the baby parts.

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

Oh there’s a transcript, but it’s edited to match the video released. #fakenews CNN

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

Another reason to note Trump’s very sunny happy-warrior attitude versus joyless fake-laughter Kamala. They know what the internals say and it’s reflected in their dispositions.

gilbar said...

i suppose you'll tell us now, about how Nikki Haley would be doing against Kamela?

gilbar said...

or how Jeb Bush would have done against Biden?

tcrosse said...

Kamala has two advantages. She's not Trump and she's not Biden. I and millions of others fulfill those conditions, but she's the one running for President. Her main disadvantage is that she is who she is.

Achilles said...

Rich is too stupid to read cross tabs.

Lem Vibe Bandit said...

If Trump wasn't acting like Kamala Harris was the most formidable candidate since Dubya's 93% job approval (post 9/11), The Donald would not be mired neck to neck with her. It's his dammed fault. I'm getting sick of him lately.

Political Junkie said...

AMDG - You nailed it. Ronald Maximus said to nominate the most conservative person that can win.

Peachy said...

What's needed is more vitriol, lies, and hate from the NBC-ABC-CNN cabal of lying liars who lie in the media.

H said...

This change in betting odds is hardly a major change. Yesterday the probability of flipping the coin and getting heads was 52.4%. Today it is 51.3%.

Political Junkie said...

Aggie - Good point and agree strongly. 2 data points - The blind British reporter who did such a good job interviewing the witness to the Trump shooting. Simon Ateba, from Cameroon, seems much for mainstream than say April Ryan.

Aggie said...

Hah! Shows how much I was paying attention, I guess. I've gotten to where I prefer to read British media over US media because their coverage of US subjects is usually better. Do you think Newsweek would go as far as to create a fake bio for a reporter that wasn't real, or that is A.I. generated?

Rt41Rebel said...

“We’re too fat and lazy for that. I do agree that nobody will accept the outcome of this thoroughly rigged election.”

It wouldn’t take much effort. Imagine the effect if half the nation simply refused to show up for work for 3 weeks. Financial insecurity is a powerful motivator though, especially these days.

Deep State Reformer said...

Give me a f****** break. This so-called election is not going to be determined by votes cast fam. Remember the words of political philosopher Joe Stalin that it's not WHO votes it's who COUNTS the votes that matters. All these pollsters and journos giving odds and stuff is just a distraction similar to the "who is Q?" nonsense BS back in the 2020 election. Don't fall for these bait and switch tricks by the state media pressitutes.

Political Junkie said...

Mike - The history you point out is correct. However, I worry KH will do like Obama in 2008 & 2012 and get huge Black turnout and end-up winning them by 90% or more. I know that polls show DJT winning 18% or so of Black vote, but I worry that will not hold up. Also, since Dobbs, at least in 2022 elections, didn't D's overperform the polls?

Political Junkie said...

Sally - I agree. As I have said here before, I think Ron D and Kim R win, and maybe win bigly. Maybe it isn't everything the folks here would want, but the Apparatus would be run by an R and not a D. I prefer that in present day America.

Jamie said...

Could just have been because it's illegal for American citizens to bet on the election.

Big Mike said...

Political Junkie, the novelty of a black candidate may have worn off a bit.

Jamie said...

Ugh, I fully agree about Harris's voice! It's not quite as hard to listen to as Kennedy's, but at least Kennedy uses his to say some things worth hearing.

Political Junkie said...

DJT needs to up his game. Policy matters. DJT has to be able to talk policy and win policy debates. Ronald Reagan could talk policy big time. Famously, he appeared with RFK Sr! once together and later RFK Sr said he was supposedly caught off guard by how strong Reagan was.

Political Junkie said...

I hope you are right, Big Mike.

Political Junkie said...

Shallow for me to say, but Dana Bash is attractive, IMO. She is no Candy Crowley!! And I find it impressive that both John King and Dana Bash can stay employed at the same employer even though they are divorced!

Peachy said...

Lem - Agreed. Trump does need to up his game. He must stop whining - stop silly name calling - and talk seriously about serious matters. All of the big agenda items are on his side. Stop whining about abortion, too.

Achilles said...

She should get a job at McDonalds and learn some retail sales skills.

Achilles said...

Desantis supporters lamenting their political irrelevance. Democrats wouldn't even need to cheat to be any of the republican losers you people supported.

Skeptical Voter said...

We're in the Hugh Hewitt danger zone. "If it's not close the Dims can't cheat." It will be close.

Achilles said...

The biggest problem in Arizona is the Democrats who are pretending to be republicans and keep facilitating the voter fraud they are running in Maricopa County.

NorthOfTheOneOhOne said...

It's interesting that the Left hasn't quite figured out that Trump's working the podcast circuit and getting his message out to people who most likely never watch CNN or any of the networks.

Caroline said...

Matt Taibbi at racket news made the point that Dems are willing to cover and vote for holograms like Biden and Kamala because they are not voting for a candidate, they are voting for a system.

hombre said...

The bookmakers are giving Americans too much credit.

Bob Boyd said...

Every time Hillary spoke, her poll numbers went down. Same thing again with Biden, so he stayed in his basement. Now Kamala is her own worst enemy. That's three Dem candidates in a row. What happened to the party of political prodigies Bill Clinton and Barack Obama?
Think about the answer to this question, Dems. Think about it seriously. Don't reply. Just think. What you will likely discover is that you can't do it. You have lost the ability. All you can do at this stage is project your disability onto Trump supporters and RFK supporters and anyone who asks questions you can no longer tolerate.
You could regain your lost ability, but it will be very painful. I sincerely wish you good luck.

Michael K said...

I donated to Kari Lake's campaign for Governor. Hobbs stole that election. I'm not donating this time.

mindnumbrobot said...

She's being coached, but still comes across as phony and insincere. Megyn Kelly had a great take on it.

William said...

I finally and reluctantly watched the Harris/Walz interview I really miss Bill Clinton. Now there was a politician who knew how to lie. He did it with conviction and charm and, at least, tried to be persuasive. You would think that both of them, with all their years in politics, could have come up with better lines and a better delivery. They seemed pretty lame. Kamala has unchanging, enduring values that are rock solid. Not so much with fracking, but she's been consistently against Trump......I was more disappointed in Walz. He's got jowls, gray hairs, and a bald head. You'd think a guy like that would be able to radiate gravitas, but it didn't happen. Well, thank God he's a Democrat. Think of how SNL would parody a Republican who claimed his whoppers were "grammatical errors"......There's a pretty good chance that Harris will win. There are more Democrats than Republicans in America, and Trump inspires as much antipathy in his opponents as he does enthusiasm in his supporters. I don't think Kamala is as much of a turn off as Hillary. She vacuous and vacant, but that doesn't inspire hate so much as apathy.

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

Thank you Wibble as I couldn’t recall the term for those voters when I wrote that. And Kamala has two problems with black voters starting with black men don’t like her and they were already leaning Trump in record numbers.

gilbar said...

still thinking about the whole "football coach/asst football coach" thing
numerous people here have said they'd "always called the asst coach 'coach'"..

I'm thinking about a Lt Col.
If Mister Smith is a Lt. Col, people can call Him 'Colonel' or Colonel Smith..
But, would if Smith ran for office, would he say he was a Colonel?
Or would he refer to himself as a "Lieutenant Colonel" ??

Political Junkie said...

Achilles - this is a long game. If DJT wins he is in for 4 years, then done. Ron D is 45 and will be around a long time. You may enjoy pissing on him and non-DJT fanboys, but he has been a successful R governor, won his last election by 19 points, built a dominant R registration advantage, brought new folks to the R party, and governed much more conservatively than DJT, and is the only candidate with a better looking wife than Melania. Some of what you write is nonsensical, but it gets you off. I understand.

Narayanan said...

are bookmakers misundersmating US Voters idiocy?

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

You guys sound like you haven’t seen or heard anything Trump has done recently. He fielded a lot of audience questions with Tulsi the other night in Milwaukee.

Bob Boyd said...

"Kamala has unchanging, enduring values that are rock solid."

But what are they?

Gospace said...

A lot of blacks- who are openly speaking about it- say "Kamala ain't black!" The vote from that ethnic group this year isn't predictable.

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

Depends. Is he a Democrat?

Maynard said...

Caroline at 10:52!

You nailed it.

Jeff Weimer said...

All I can say is after this interview is that I'm no longer particularly worried about the debate, especially after she's been shut down about the changes *she* wanted after badgering Trump about accepting it all-or-nothing a couple of weeks ago.

Oso Negro said...

I would support abortion on demand at any stage of pregnancy, provided it was done publicly on top of a stone pyramid, with the blood and fetal material flowing down the sides.

J Melcher said...

I'm slightly interested in the betting markets. I'd be avidly interested in interviews with a small panel of professional poker players commenting on the "tells" and body language and facial expressions and gestures the candidates make during the interviews. ( It'd be interesting even with the sound off. What DOES Kamala intend with those waving arms? )

Enlighten-NewJersey said...

It wasn't Biden's age, it was his dementia that Republicans were talking about. The Democrats tried to counter that by saying both candidates were old.

Original Mike said...

"It's a little weird that "age concerns" have disappeared as a constant focus of campaign reporting and discussion even though the Republican nominee would be the oldest man ever sworn in to the office and is very obviously sharply declining before our eyes."

You were proclaiming that Joe Biden was sharp as a tack right up to the debate, so if you're sincere, which I doubt, your judgement sucks. Enlighten-New Jersey explains it for you.

cfs said...

NorthOfTheOneOhOne said...
It's interesting that the Left hasn't quite figured out that Trump's working the podcast circuit and getting his message out to people who most likely never watch CNN or any of the networks.

8/31/24, 10:37 AM

I've noticed that as well. A lot of those criticizing Trump from the GOP are former campaign consultants who advised those such as Romney and McCain. They are upset that Trump is not running a 1980/90s type campaign.

Meanwhile, Trump is going on podcasts, where so many people now get their information, and reaching the 18 to 40 aged voters. I've also been watching podcasts (I'm 60+) of young black men such as Dom Lucre and the Hodge Twins. They have a large following from young black men and the comments are all pro-Trump. There is another group of conservative black women on YouTube called "Pop&Politics". (I believe Michaela Montgomery who spoke at the RNC convention is involved with that one). The left is totally missing these voters because they don't realize they exist, or if they do they think this groups are too small to have an effect and that the black community will fall in line come November.

Iman said...

All one has to do is watch how uncomfortable Harris is in her own skin. A person that can’t even muster up the wherewithal to appear confident and genuine has no business running for the highest office in the land.

Iman said...

Yeah…like Trump is the clown running in this election, lol.

Hit Harris hard on her being a member of the current abomination of an administration that has brought nothing but misery and disunity, her professed values as a candidate in her previous run in 2019 (since her values haven’t changed) and her lack of a vision for a sustainable future in America.

Kevin said...

By definition, the next Republican candidate will be "worse than Trump" and "an even bigger Nazi" who "can't wait to end democracy" and "take away your abortion rights".

Who it actually is will be of no consequence.

Iman said...

‘numerous people here have said they'd "always called the asst coach 'coach'"...’

No one has asked THEM if they were asst. coaches at some point in their past, lol.

Tina Trent said...

There's a huge schism in the DNC right now over Palestinians and the Gaza war. The average voter may not see this, but active voters and professional politicians are concerned.

Most openly pro-Hamas populations are in solidly Democratic states, but not all. This includes leftists and Palestinian Hamas supporters. Chicago and New Jersey are good examples.

But then there's Michigan, a crucial swing state. Kamala will have to work hard to avoid Michigan. Trump wants diplomacy but sides with Israel. So, technically, he's no friend of this bloc. But he can go into Michigan and make "good trouble" for Kamala's unwillingness to march to the Palestinians' orders while she's still needing the money Jewish voters suicidally pump into the Democratic Party.

I'm beginning to think this election has passed its Veep stage and is moving in Curb Your Enthusiasm territory.

rastajenk said...

Vivek R. said much the same right after the so-called interview.

DINKY DAU 45 said...

DARK BRANDON, KAMAL HARRIS and the Democrat Cartel Pelosi,Shumer,Obama have pulled the biggest Political bait and switch ever seen in modern politics that has the MAGA grouping babbling and talking about cant buy bacon,sharks or electrocution a better way to die and most recently using photo ops on most sacred group of our American soldiers and warriors and posting it on TICK TOCK ETC and then stating he doesnt know what the rules of section 60 as a previous commander in chief, which is no surprise actually.The ARMY has sent out a letter reposting the rules as trump says he didnt violate and campaigh issues but released a photo op on TICK TOCK. This draft dodger has been disparaging our American heros from the beginning of captured prisoners,Gold Star families, those who died as suckers and losers,skipping ceremonies becaus ehis hair would get wet(ever hear of umbrellas?, didnt want to be seen around disabled Vets,critising brain trauma on military men as headaches, telling families of fallen heros "well they know what they signed up for" and 65 soldiers killed under his watch compared to 16 under biden harris and he knows more than his generals and on and on.He is an old unfit felony convicted criminl that will be defeated AGAIN soundly I know the approx 90% of trumers here will find this terrible ,losing always leaves a mark,trump is obviously a loser who just cant bear to vanquished as his followers who have picked up the mantle.I imagine there will be another 8 years of all conspiracies and NO PROOF statements by the flock up in here soon but facts(not alternative ones without proof of anything but conjecture and opinion and not documented by anything more than "this is what I believe" will continue to be the word of the day.2024

DINKY DAU 45 said...

DARK BRANDON, KAMAL HARRIS and the Democrat Cartel Pelosi,Shumer,Obama have pulled the biggest Political bait and switch ever seen in modern politics that has the MAGA grouping babbling and talking about cant buy bacon,sharks or electrocution a better way to die and most recently using photo ops on most sacred group of our American soldiers and warriors and posting it on TICK TOCK ETC and then stating he doesnt know what the rules of section 60 as a previous commander in chief, which is no surprise actually.The ARMY has sent out a letter reposting the rules as trump says he didnt violate and campaigh issues but released a photo op on TICK TOCK. This draft dodger has been disparaging our American heros from the beginning of captured prisoners,Gold Star families, those who died as suckers and losers,skipping ceremonies becaus ehis hair would get wet(ever hear of umbrellas?, didnt want to be seen around disabled Vets,critising brain trauma on military men as headaches, telling families of fallen heros "well they know what they signed up for" and 65 soldiers killed under his watch compared to 16 under biden harris and he knows more than his generals and on and on.He is an old unfit felony convicted criminl that will be defeated AGAIN soundly I know the approx 90% of trumers here will find this terrible ,losing always leaves a mark,trump is obviously a loser who just cant bear to vanquished as his followers who have picked up the mantle.I imagine there will be another 8 years of all conspiracies and NO PROOF statements by the flock up in here soon but facts(not alternative ones without proof of anything but conjecture and opinion and not documented by anything more than "this is what I believe" will continue to be the word of the day.2024

Aggie said...

You really should have that compulsive dysentery looked at, by a medical professional. Have you considered using ALL CAPS to really get your message across more clearly?

Maynard said...

Mr. Wibble,

The AZ Republican Party is weak because the alternatives to McCain RINOs are unlikable candidates. We need conservatives with a positive vibe a la Ronald Reagan. I don't see anyone out there like that.

AZ will become a solid Blue state soon with Dems controlling every lever of government.

Christopher B said...

Are there still people who don't remember

Claiming men crippled in war and a Vietnamese prison camp had trouble keyboarding because they were old?
Insinuating an affair with a lobbyist?
"I can see Russia from my house"?
"Binders of women"?
The transcript ambush?

If you want I can go back further.

Bushman of the Kohlrabi said...

Kamala has likely hit her high point. However, in my area at least, she seems to be the only candidate running a campaign. Through my limited tv/social media time spent each day, I see at least about a 5 to 1 advantage in ads by Dems and almost all pro Republican ads are on behalf of a senate candidate. Like 2020 it seems he’s relying on rallies to carry the day. Unfortunately, the voters he needs to attract are unlikely to attend those events. Instead, Kommie is massively spending to keep his negatives high while Trump… holds another rally to preach to the choir

narciso said...

Kari lake is unlikeable who says. Now there was that airforce pilot she was quite useless

Eva Marie said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Original Mike said...

What state are you in? Trump is running ads in Wisconsin.

Paul said...

Even with one debate to make Kamala will f*ck it all up... just wait. She just can't help it.

narciso said...

Bushman of the Kohlrabi said...

Mike, I’m in Ozaukee county. Almost every ad I see is on behalf of Kommie, Baldwin or Hovde. Trump ads would be a distant 4th from my perspective.

Original Mike said...

Well, there have been a lot of Kamala ads.

Original Mike said...

BTW, I'm in Vilas County for the summer. I didn't see a lot of Trump ads until recently.

Robert Cook said...

Donny Trump is an absolutely despicable human being, yet many (presumably comparably despicable) find him to be just peachy. Whatever her manifold faults and missteps, she's Glenda the Good Witch compared to Dumpy.

Bushman of the Kohlrabi said...

Could be that Trump thinks Ozaukee is in the bag. It may be for now but we’ve had a nonstop influx of lefties from the elite north shore suburbs of Milwaukee over the past 5 years. They want to escape the results of their political ideology while simultaneously trying to establish it here. Taking this area for granted is not a smart move. He needs to post big numbers here.

narciso said...

Hobbs is an unfeeling drone does she care about anything like the border invasion the crime the inflation so enough with the happy talk

Mary Beth said...

"Age concerns"? There never were "age concerns". It only appeared that there were because every time anyone would talk about Biden's mental fitness, the Dems and the media would pretend they were talking about his age.

Peachy said...

Only Trump humpers like Achilles think that Trump has enough of a base to actually pull this off. Even Trump wised up a little, Achillies. You? not so much.

narciso said...

Soros did steal the wisconsin supreme court so the point is probably moot

Kirk Parker said...

Bob Boyd,
"Kamala has unchanging, enduring values t

But what are they?

They are values. Duh. It's right there in her statement... Values!

Maynard said...

Cook seems to be losing it.

He was briefly able to keep up the false facade as a discriminating lefty intellectual, but this 'aint the HS faculty cafeteria.

Original Mike said...

"Cook seems to be losing it."

He's apparently ignoring RFK's critique of the democrat party oligarchs; something I would have expected to resonate with him.

rehajm said...

The chart is deceptive…manipulative even. Give a damn or not the key metric is the lead change…

Kakistocracy said...

Well, one day later Trump’s flipped to pro-weed.

Getting closer. 😉

The desperation is palpable.

Trump next week:

“As a transgender woman who conceived my son through IVF, I will be the most pro-LGBTQ+ President in the history of our nation. Marijuana will be legal in all 50 states in the strongest terms, and I’m raising the minimum wage to $30 an hour.”

At this point, it feels like Trump is about 3 days away from endorsing universal basic income.

Iman said...

“At this point, it feels like Trump is about 3 days away from endorsing universal basic income.”

So you’re saying there’s hope for you yet.

Lazarus said...

Maybe it's more common than you think. The only person who could have gotten me to vote for George W. Bush was John Kerry.

Rusty said...

Let's see. Rich and Cook and the rest are going to vote for price controls. They want to tax unrealized gains. IE; the equity in your house. They want the the current violent global situation to continue. They want to institutionalize antisemitism. They want abortion until the child is born. Even after.
I think I'm going to vote for peace and prosperity.

Peachy said...

"Memorial Day, 2020. Joe Biden posted this campaign ad featuring himself standing over a grave in Arlington National Cemetery.

If you have been trash-talking Trump the last two days for supporting a family and claiming he was campaigning. I expect you to share this video."

F the left.

Iman said...

👍 👍👍👍👍

Narayanan said...

ITEM 38: UPI reported, “FDA mandates photo ID for all under 30 to buy tobacco.”

Cigarettes have tighter security than voting.

so much easier = why not ask for cigarettes at poll station?

Michael K said...

OMG! Our resident communist doesn't like Trump. What a shock!

Michael K said...

Martha McSally was impressive in small groups. She choked in the election she lost. She was afraid to support Trump.

Maynard said...

I know that the DNC paid for the dildo up your azz. Maybe if you pull it out, you will have a clearer sense of reality.

lostingotham said...

Seems like there's an arbitrage opportunity here...

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