August 11, 2024

"Joshua Kaplan, 45, the American playwright... [a] longtime 'Harry Potter' fan... said that the idea for ['TERF' came when he saw] that Daniel Radcliffe... had written a blog post..."

"... criticizing Rowling’s social media posts. It felt like witnessing a bitter family feud 'playing out in the public eye,' Kaplan said in an interview — perfect material for a play. Onstage, Rowling (Laura Kay Bailey) attends an upmarket dinner with three actors from her films: Daniel Radcliffe (Piers MacKenzie), Emma Watson (Trelawny Kean) and Rupert Grint (Tom Longmire). When the stars confront Rowling about her social media comments, the cordial dinner descends into farce and detours into imagined scenes from Rowling’s life that have nothing to do with transgender people."

From "A Play About J.K. Rowling Stirred Outrage. Until It Opened. The muted reaction to the Edinburgh Fringe show 'TERF' suggests that when activists engage with potentially inflammatory art, offense can quickly vanish" (NYT).

"Barry Church-Woods, a producer of 'TERF,' said that a handful of would-be protesters had attended the play’s premiere. They sat with signs in their laps, apparently ready to demonstrate, he said, but they never raised them. The play, which presents views from both camps, was too balanced to cause serious upset, he added."

Which way were the protesters planning to protest?

I like that the playwright conceptualized the socio-political issue as a family squabble. Family squabbles make the best theater, no? That reminds me, my tickets for APT's "King Lear" arrived in the mail yesterday.


Political Junkie said...

I was never a fan of Daniel Radcliffe and Emma Watson, but now, because of their actions regarding JK Rowling, I hate them with a passion. May a machete wielding Muslim get them.

rehajm said...

Which way were the protesters planning to protest? …my reaction as well, then of course it would be the anti Rowling camp, then if it were truly balanced the anti Rowling camp would have disrupted…so I’ve no idea…

doctrev said...

So this a play about what they wish actors would say to JKR?

I know Harry Potter was a mildly entertaining series, and unlike GRRM Rowling actually finished her series, but dang guys. Let the lady live in her golden house.

rehajm said...

I was an Emma Watson supporter, now I hope she’s wingardium leviosa-ed to death…

Robert Cook said...

Well, THAT'S a measured reaction.

rehajm said...

…how ‘bout a pass from Dan and Emma for the lady that lets them live in a golden house? Contemplate where you’d be today if you hadn’t captured the attention of Rowling because you were cute and precocious and eleven at the right time…

Sally327 said...

I'm not much of a theatre person but "family squabbles" make me think of "Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf", which is totally depressing. And I doubt JK Rowling thinks of those actors as her family. She has an actual family.

I imagine the protestors intended to be anti-Rowling but found the play so dull and soul-deadening they couldn't rouse themselves to disrupt it. Maybe they looked around and everyone in the theatre had nodded off and they didn't want to wake anyone up.

Dave Begley said...

Tickets arrived by mail? How quaint. ATP should check out The Outhouse ticketing site.

Ice Nine said...

The spat among between these people is why we would go see a play? Who? Trans-fixated people, I suppose. Anyone else? I can't imagine.

Eric the Fruit Bat said...

I must have missed the stage play where cast members from Star Trek TOS have it out at a drunken dinner party.

Political Junkie said...

Pound sand

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

The left's obsession with re-living everything... and making their enemies look bad. Over it. This is not entertainment. It's neurotic obsessive behavior.

Wince said...

And with Aerosmith retiring from the road, how can they protest "Dude Looks Like a Lady"?

rehajm said...

I’d pay to see that…

rehajm said...

too soon…

Mikey NTH said...

It's the equivalent of thinking up the perfect comeback in the shower the next morning.

Big Mike said...

Family squabbles make the best theater, no?

No! However did you reach that conclusion?

Ann Althouse said...

"Tickets arrived by mail? How quaint."

You can choose to get an electronic image for your ticket. I would do that if there weren't plenty of time for the tickets to arrive. But I like the tangible paper, and I like having the choice. Obviously, they don't want to lose anyone, and a lot of people aren't comfortable with smart phones and those funny images that I admit I can't remember the name for.

rehajm said...

We keep a box of old tickets and stubs of things we saw together- sports, plays, movies…it was to be a lovely collage, now ended abruptly when everyplace started sending etickets…

rehajm said...

..I do have Bruins tickets from five years ago in my Apple wallet. If only I knew how to leverage the NFT scam…

tommyesq said...

Seems like blatant copyright infringement to me.

n.n said...

The Rainbow confederacy is unconscionably albinophobic and progressively TERF territory.

Lazarus said...

Fan fiction is a bottomless well (7043 stories in the archive), so if there isn't an actual play, there probably is at least a story about that. I'm guessing George Takei points out the real nature of Spock and Kirk's relationship and ends up winning the evening -- if he doesn't end up phasered into oblivion.

BarrySanders20 said...

We have e-tix for Saturday's show. Going with two other couples/friends and bringing our baby (20 yr old UW Madison student). Our once per year APT show.

loudogblog said...

It's a good thing that the playwright strived to present both sides of the issue. We've had too much of "My way is the right way and you need to STFU!"

Mr. T. said...

Maybe this NYT clown ought to look and see right now why protests are muted.

Oh that's right currently the Stalinists running the UK are ARRESTing anyone for thought crimes. Such as valuing the safety of children...