August 23, 2024

"Independent presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. plans to endorse former president Donald Trump..."

"... according to a new court filing in Pennsylvania. The filing surfaced ahead of a planned speech in which Kennedy said he would make an announce about the direction of his campaign. Vice President Kamala Harris accepted the Democratic presidential nomination in a speech Thursday in Chicago. Trump is campaigning Friday in Nevada and Arizona. He is scheduled to be joined by a 'special guest' in Arizona."

From "RFK Jr. to endorse Trump, court filing says" (WaPo).

I'm very interested in hearing RFK Jr. explain — with precision — how one goes from where he's been to supporting Trump. 

ADDED: Here's his full speech, which I thought was excellent:


From the transcript:
The DNC dragged us into court state after state.... It deployed DNC-aligned judges to throw me and other candidates off the ballot and to throw president Trump in jail. It ran a sham primary that was rigged to prevent any serious challenge to President Biden, then, when a predictably bungled debate  performance precipitated the palace coup against President Biden, the same shadowy DNC operatives appointed his successor also without an election. They installed a candidate who was so unpopular with voters that she dropped out in 2020 without winning a single delegate. 
My uncle and my father both relished debate. They prided themselves on their capacity to go toe-to-toe with any opponent in the battle over ideas. They would be astonished to learn of a Democratic party presidential nominee who, like Vice President Harris, has not appeared in a single interview or an unscripted encounter with voters for 35 days. This is profoundly undemocratic. How are people to choose when they don't know who they are choosing? And how can this look to the rest of the world? 
My father and my uncle were always conscious of America's image abroad because of our nation's role as the template for democracy, the role model for Democratic processes, and the leader of the Free World. Instead of showing us her substance and character, the DNC and its media organs engineered a surge of popularity for Vice President Harris based upon... well, nothing. No policies, no interviews, no debates. Only smoke and mirrors and balloons in a highly produced Chicago circus....
How did the Democratic party choose a candidate that has never done an interview or debate during the entire election cycle? We know the answer. They did it by weaponizing the government agencies. They did it by abandoning democracy. They did it by suing the opposition and by disenfranchising American voters. What most alarms me isn't how the Democratic party conducts its internal affairs or runs its candidates. What alarms me is the resort to censorship and media control and the weaponization of the federal agencies when a US president colludes with or outright coerces media companies to censor political speech. It's an attack on our most sacred right of free expression and that's the very right upon which all of our other constitutional rights rest....


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Drago said...

Have you been reading the self-declared mind-reading savant and hoax pusher extraordinaire Inga very long?

Oh wait. Thats right. Thats a perfect description of you as well, isnt it?

I can see why you didnt think someone noticing the similarities between you and Russia Collusion girl, given you are the leader on the Trump Told Us To Drink Bleach Hoax, to be that big of a deal.

Peas in a pod.

Josephbleau said...

“Every circus needs its clowns

Kennedy is the candidate for those who think Trump isn’t weird enough.

Well, at least he has the time tested “worm ate my brain” excuse for his behavior.”

The steamroller moves. Bump Bump. Reverse, bump bump. The dnc policy of crushing enemy voices continues.

8/23/24, 7:05 PM

Drago said...

They'll just recycle the hundreds of serial hoaxes launched against Trump over 9+ years and retroactively add RFKjr to them.

Rewriting and whitewashing history, daily redefining of language, destruction of objective truth and turning persons into "non-persons" is what all Soviets/Maoists including The New Soviet Democratical Party, have always done addition to totalitarian censorship, mass incarceration of political foes and mass starvation...which the Duranty's et al then lie about...with glee.

For instance, did you know cackling Harris hasnt been in power for the last almost 4 years?

Its true!

Just ask any lefty on these boards.

Howard said...

Well I don't know how everything's going to turn out but everything just got a lot more entertaining with this campaign. Have to admit I thought Bobby did a hell of a job in his speech. As you know he's preaching to the choir in regard to chronic disease the corruption of our food system as far as I'm concerned.

I just wonder if this signals that Trump is going to make a slight pivot to the left promoting what I would call populist aggressive policies. By that I mean policies that normally would have been vehemently opposed by the Republican party of Ronald Reagan and newt Gingrich. Are you guys going to swallow the food police run by RFK jr?

You heard the man quit eating crap food and start getting regular exercise and get rid of that tub of lard you're carrying around because it is your duty as part of the militia and if you want to be able to maintain your right to keep and bear arms you better get lean and mean you worthless fat fucks.

Michael K said...

No, probably a general. Not an Obama general. Are there any left ?

Drago said...

"The dnc policy of crushing enemy voices continues."

Dissident voices...which the New Soviet Democraticals always view as enemies against whom the power of the State MUST be weaponized.

Kakistocracy said...

Big strong men with tears in their eyes are saying that JD Vance is out and RFK Jr is in as VP.

This is as deep as their bench goes. He must be feeling like a sad clown.

Howard said...

It'll be interesting if Bobby can get Donald to lose his tub o guts. How about you guys ready to get lean and mean?

Michael K said...

The Democrats smarter than Inga are counting on the bureaucracy to run things, as they have done since 2021.

Breezy said...

Even after a worm eating his brain, RFKJr is more a coherent interactive speaker than KH.

Breezy said...

Even after a worm eating his brain, RFKJr is a more coherent interactive speaker than KH.

rhhardin said...

The speech is just what most people have been saying here for years, without its being remarked as being excellent.

Michael K said...

More evidence of Mutaman's low IQ.

Art in LA said...

Loved his focus on health! Would love to see a modern version of the Presidential Physical Fitness program.

Michael K said...

Rendering is so happy with Kamala, he sounds like Inga.

Iman said...

Trump is a transactional man, AMWAY. Kemp held out an olive branch and Trump reciprocated. It’s a good thing. Defeating Harris is critical, as she will ruin this country, given her incompetence and Marxist her thinking is. DeSantis knows this, why are you so clueless?

Original Mike said...

Trump tonight, with RFK on stage with him, promised to release the government files on the JFK assassination. He should have done it his first term, but he'd have another chance to make things right.

There was a time where federal government involvement in his assassination was unthinkable for most Americans. With all that has happened with the intelligence community and the FBI and the Secret Service the last few years, the scales have fallen from the eyes of many of us. We need to know how deep the rot goes.

Michael K said...

Disagree. The virus was sold as very deadly. The urgency for any cure was great. The Big Pharmacy guys were just dishonest.

Mason G said...

"To be fair, if RFK had chosen to endorse Kamala..."

What is the likelihood of a...

1. Democrat endorsing a Democrat?
2. Republican endorsing a Republican?
3. Democrat endorsing a Republican?
4. Republican endorsing a Democrat?

In order of most likely, I'd say 1, 2, 4, 3. How about you?

Michael Fitzgerald said...

RFK is ratshit, really. He's pissed at the democrat Party, period. He's still a worm-brain tyrant who wants to throw people in prison for denying AGW is real.

Kakistocracy said...

Locking arms with RFK Jr might not be a blessing for a candidate like Trump who runs worse with college educated white women than any GOP candidate ever. Suburban moms tend to like the idea that other kids in their kids’ schools are vaccinated.

Michael K said...

Lefty Mark and the dullard both lie about his position on abortion. His position is just what the Court ruled. I'll grant that a few states have foolishly tried a complete ban. That will be worked out in time.

Ralph L said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Michael K said...

"Rich" is all in on Kamala ding dong. More evidence of your stupidity.

Achilles said...

The cope from the Maoist left is real.

Achilles said...

Readering prefers the stalinist tactic of labeling opposition crazy.

Readering cannot be honest about what she is supporting.

Michael K said...

Stings, eh ?

Kakistocracy said...

RFK Jr. said that COVID-19 was “ethnically targeted” to “attack Caucasians and Black people” and to spare “Ashkenazi Jews and Chinese” people.

Michael Fitzgerald said...

Gimme a break. He removed his name from the ballot in 10 states, but not the rest- what's the point of that, a semi-pull out? And he won't be working with Trump obviously since he's still running for himself in the other 40 states. And there is nothing heroic or selfless or patriotic about this stunt. The Party tried to squash him, so he's mad at them and is gonna cause a little bit of trouble, but nothing really. "Man of action"...lulz... He's a spoiled brat who got insulted and now he's gonna piss in the punch bowl.... Man of Action!!!!

Rory said...

"If democratic voters don't punish their party for betraying their values and even their own electorate, then no one will."

It's documented that the Clinton campaign and the DNC promoted Trump as polarizing candidate in 2015-16. That blew up in their faces - and no one in the party has ever paid a price for that. Clinton herself just addressed another convention this week.

Reform of the party cannot come from within.

wildswan said...

Great Speech, Maybe Trump could appoint him to reform the eletion process so that there can be a return to real elections and a real democracy.

Michael Fitzgerald said...

I'm with you. RFK is a nobody and a fruitcake. He's got no cache beyond his last name, no organization, no following, a history of leftist/authoritarian politics/opinions, he's just a pissed off crackpot who wants to get back at the bigshots who snubbed him.

Ralph L said...

"My uncle and my father both relished debate."
Enough with the Nepo Baby carp.
Why did he announce this on a Friday afternoon in peak vacation time and the day after the DNC's Happy Ending?

Funny how protesters looked at the J6 defendants and held their peace carefully. They know which side has butter and which butter not.

Michael Fitzgerald said...

I'm with Inga. RFK is crap. He wasn't getting even a million votes anyway. He stuck a knife in the Party last night because they screwed him, and that was good, but he is a dangerous, vicious loon.

Michael Fitzgerald said...

He really is a psychotic piece of shit. He'd fit in with the Biden/Harris administration, not Trump.

Michael Fitzgerald said...

"there is much about his behavior and demeanor I do not approve of in an elected official, and certainly not the president."
Well, don't keep us in suspense. Go ahead and pontificate on Trump's behavior and demeanor that are unpresidential. He seemed very presidential from 2016-2020, his behavior and demeanor were impeccable to me. What am I missing?

effinayright said...

Inga, if Trump wins,will you commit to seppuku live, here on Althouse, with Freder as your second? And keeping with Japanese custom, will Freder also be decapitated, with gadfly as HIS second? [gadfly’s a waste of O2, so no one will care what happens to him]

effinayright said...

Inga, if Trump wins,will you commit to seppuku live, here on Althouse, with Freder as your second? And keeping with Japanese custom, will Freder also be decapitated, with gadfly as HIS second? [gadfly’s a waste of O2, so no one will care what happens to him]

Mutaman said...

Drago said...

"Have you been reading the self-declared mind-reading savant and hoax pusher extraordinaire Inga very long?"

Come on, if you want to keep playing you've got to come up with a little imagination.

Political Junkie said...

I agree RCOCEANII regarding the denied secret servic eprotection. I felt more nervous for a non elected public official than since John Glenn flew another space mission late in his life. I just knew something bad was going to happen on that trip. Luckily, nothing did.

Iman said...

Put a tampon in it, Rich.

Iman said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Doug said...

I guess the move of Tammany Hall from NY to Washington DC (by way of Chicago) is complete.

Rusty said...

Still not as bad as some of Tim Walzs whoppers.

Mason G said...

"Reform of the party cannot come from within."

It could, if your party included people of integrity. So- you're right. It can't.

The Middle Coast said...

Neither Biden nor Harris could speak extemporaneously for 48 minutes, let alone 10.

B. said...

Did the Dems pay him for this?

John said...

RFK's speech was good; his timing was exquisite.

Moondawggie said...

True dat. Incompetent secret service protection provided to the number one challenger. No secret service protection for the other major challenger.

I'm sure it's just a coincidence...

Peachy said...

AMDG - vote for Kamala - and STFU. You whine more that Trump.

Peachy said...

Kamala is a lying liar who lies. The leftist cultists like Inga - deserve her.

Ralph L said...
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Ralph L said...

Friday afternoon in peak vacation late August?

Mutaman said...

The Middle Coast said...

"Neither Biden nor Harris could speak extemporaneously for 48 minutes, let alone 10."

Who want's to listen to any politician speak for 48 minutes, much less one with a brain worm in his throat?

Peachy said...

Modern Democrat party is the party of corrupt Judge Merchan (who met with Biden's corrupt DOJ) , and corrupt merchan's daughter, corrupt Pelosi, Corrupt money grubbing Biden family, Corrupt Hillary and her private server for Russian cash, the party of corrupt liars in the the corrupt hack loyalist money grubbing Soviet-American Democrat Party press.

Peachy said...

Corrupt leftists. and the corrupt left's media.

Peachy said...

Not so fast? AMGD - really - stick with Kamala. Your speed.

Peachy said...

"Not so fast" - AMDG - stick with Kamala - your speed.

Peachy said...

Big Pharma has no problem killing us. Sorry you do not agree.

Mutaman said...

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

"Modern Democrat party is the party of corrupt Judge Merchan (who met with Biden's corrupt DOJ) , and corrupt merchan's daughter, corrupt Pelosi, Corrupt money grubbing Biden family, Corrupt Hillary and her private server for Russian cash, the party of corrupt liars in the the corrupt hack loyalist money grubbing Soviet-American Democrat Party press."

And yet, despite all this corruption, the Know Nothings have never convicted any of them of anything. Thank goodness John Durham is tanned and rested,

Mutaman said...

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

"Modern Democrat party is the party of corrupt Judge Merchan (who met with Biden's corrupt DOJ) , and corrupt merchan's daughter, corrupt Pelosi, Corrupt money grubbing Biden family, Corrupt Hillary and her private server for Russian cash, the party of corrupt liars in the the corrupt hack loyalist money grubbing Soviet-American Democrat Party press."

And yet the Know Nothings have never cconvicted any of them. Thank goodness John Durham is tanned and rested.

Peachy said...

again - with the disappearing posts>?

Mutaman said...

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

And yet The Know Nothings have never convicted any of them. Thank goodness John Durham is tanned and rested.

Peachy said...

Stick with Kamalamdingdong - she is your speed.

Readering said...

Excellent speech? RFK had his extremely longshot chance because the 2 parties planned to renominate the old, unacceptable candidates from 2020. Almost miracuñously, one party smoothy managed to replace its candidate. So RFK, after feelers to the replacement are ignored, chooses, without withdrawing, to endorse the other old, unacceptable candidate? No explanation is going to bring along many of his supIporters.

gadfly said...

One question for reporters to ask the new Trump campaigner and potential Trump-administration official Robert F. Kennedy Jr. is something like this: The candidate you’re campaigning for, in whose administration you apparently intend to serve, wants our laws rewritten so that drug dealers, particularly those who sell narcotics, face capital punishment. Given that you sold cocaine in your youth, how do you feel about his advocacy of a regime that might have resulted in your own execution at age 19?

Trump an Bobby Jr are made for each other. Together, they form the modern Tower of Babel.

TeaBagHag said...

Brain worm endorses rotting bear carcass.

Achilles said...

They timed it to bigfoot Kamala's convention speech.

Kakistocracy said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Mark said...

If RFK jr was a Democrat, he was one much the way LLR Chuck was a Republican.

Tim said...

It is not all that hard to get to a place where you support Trump. When the choice is Trump or Harris, then Trump is the clear choice. Kennedy is a liberal, not a socialist. Harris is advocating socialism. Worse, she is advocated something very similar to National Socialism. Kennedy knows very well that you can vote yourself into socialism, but you usually have to shoot your way out of it. That makes it a very easy choice this cycle.

Yancey Ward said...

You tell how the Left views Kennedy's endorsement by the vitriol you are seeing in this very thread by Gadfly, Rich, Mutaman, Inga, LeftyMark, and the BagHag.

Kennedy is over the target.

RMc said...

It’s time for Democrats to rethink their blind loyalty to their Party which really no longer represents the interests of rank and file Democrats.

It's been that way since at least the 70s. (Where do you think all the Reagan Democrats came from...?)

Blair said...

Fun fact for anyone favorably quoting Kim Dotcom: He tried to buy a New Zealand election with his own political party. The leaders were a literal communist, and a Maori separatist who is on record as saying he wouldn't let his daughter date a white person. He ain't no conservative fellow traveler. He's a scumbag, and is about to be extradited to the United States to face fraud charges. Presumably he hopes Trump will pardon him if he's nice to him.

Former Illinois resident said...

Strongest case yet for voting for Trump.

Thank you to RFK Jr , for calling out the blatant hypocrisy DNC convention and outright criminality of Democratic Party leadership.

Next we need to hear from Bernie Sanders, again, to reiterate his DNC podium statement concerning undue influence of billionaires on political process.

Kakistocracy said...

RFK Jr. endorsed the contender that best promotes the higher goal of leaving children exposed to deadly communicable diseases.

Iman said...

C’mon, Ralph. The timing could’ve hardly BEEN better.

Yancey Ward said...

Poor Bich- tough day for you, wasn't it?

The Genius Savant said...

Absolutely an extraordinary speech and one that I'm sure took a lot of courage and heartbreak to make

Mikey NTH said...

Ally of convenience, actually. Like the USA and USSR.

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