July 4, 2024

"Yes, I think Donald Trump should step down as his party’s presidential nominee. He is manifestly unfit to serve, both dangerously incompetent and clearly out of his mind."

Said Dana Milbank, one of 5 Washington Post columnists participating in an exercise called "If not Biden, who? Five columnists rate the field of potential replacements for the Democratic presidential nominee" (WaPo).

That's a gift link, so you can click over there and see them dream up the Whitmer/Booker ticket. Perry Bacon Jr. says:
Why pair Whitmer with Booker? He, like Kamala D. Harris, tried to run in between the left (Sens. Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren) and the center-left candidates (Biden) during his 2020 presidential run. That strategy didn’t work in such a crowded field. But a candidate who is not a clear leftie or moderate could be a unifying figure. Booker remains very well-liked in the party. Diversity matters, so it’s important to have a non-White candidate. Booker (who is 55) combined with Whitmer (52) are a ticket that could address some of Biden-Harris’s current shortfalls among younger and Black voters as well as appealing to the majority of voters who don’t want a president in his 80s.

Diversity matters, that's why we're kicking our diversity-matters VP Kamala Harris to the curb and replacing her with a new repository of diversity. We'll split the diversity of Kamala in two and run with a white female presidential candidate and a black male vice presidential candidate. The young folks will love it. And besides, we can do what we want because Donald Trump is clearly out of his mind.

But the "out of his mind" man knows it's got to be Kamala:

"I got [Biden] out of there, and that means we have Kamala. I think she's going to be better. She's so bad. She's so pathetic. She's so fucking bad."


There's much more at that WaPo link — so many crazy statements from people who smugly declare Donald Trump to be out of his mind. I could write 10 blog posts excerpting different quotes and riffing on them, but I need to spread the love around. Happy 4th of July!


imTay said...

Every accusation is a confession with these people.

And "clearly" means, "don't expect me to provide any evidence."

Leland said...

WaPo strategizing how to end Democracy in broad daylight.

doctrev said...

Obvious leak from Trump to encourage aggressive dementia patient to stay in the race. The guy is playing checkers, but the best and brightest are still losing huge.

Lucien said...

“Trump is an existential threat; but not as important as race and sex based discrimination as Democrat values!”

rastajenk said...

I like his shirt.

Breezy said...

Happy Independence Day!! May we be forever so!

rehajm said...

There’s only a few days left to fantasize about someone other than the cadaver, lefties. Soon the party will swat you with a WaPo and make you fall in line like the Bernie Bros…and you WILL fall in line. Dream now before it’s too late!

rehajm said...

Happy Independence Day…are we still allowed to call it Independence Day?

Breezy said...

Btw the gift link at WaPo is requiring my email address to read it, so it’s not exactly free.

rehajm said...

I only saw someone get in to golfer Trump’s pocket. Wow, didn’t know that happened…

Old and slow said...

Reading the many comments on X recently about Donald Trump and the Supreme Court is a very weird experience. They seem to have gone entirely around the bend. The extreme opinions and pronouncements are shocking to me. I have a very hard time imagining how these two camps can even coexist.

Rocco said...

We'll split the diversity of Kamala in two and run with a white female presidential candidate and a black male vice presidential candidate.

Splitting the diversity of Kamala in two would be an Indian-American candidate and a White guy with a notable amount of Black ancestry. So Vivek and Ward Connerly.

Of course for the gender parallels to work, Vivek would have to identify as female, which I don’t see happening.

John henry said...

Happy Insurrection Day!

Let us use this day to remember the traitorous felons who risked all, "our lives, our fortunes, our sacred honor" for independence from kings and queens.

John Henry

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

Love and Joy all around! Thanks Althouse.

Dave Begley said...

I had no idea who the Commerce Secretary was until I read that story. And same for Wes Moore. They’ve been hidden due to Biden’s troubles.

And Whitmer is an unlikable witch. A real Karen during Covid.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Democrats live in constant "How dare you say anything bad about a democrat!... ever!" mode.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Lots of spies out there... leftist Soviet spies.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Skin color matters.... to the white left.

Captain BillieBob said...

Happy Independence Day! Enjoy it while you still can.

Achilles said...

The real problem for democrats is nobody wants the policies that they support.

Open borders.
High crime.
High inflation.
Lower wages.
Political prosecution.

This is why they have to use mail in voting to get elected.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

The latest economic illiterate BS from the Biden-Kamala camp is that 'inflation is caused by price gouging.'


No. - inflation is caused by printing money, adding a trillion to the national debt every 100 days - as Biden is doing - and spending most of our money on wasteful social programs ie: on illegal entrants.

Because most Americans are economic illiterates - Biden-Harris BS will sell to the hive-minders and dummies.

gilbar said...

Serious Question, for our Michigan posters..
Would a Gretchen ticket win Michigan? How about Ohio?

Rocco said...

Dana Milbank said…
Yes, I think Donald Trump should step down as his party’s presidential nominee. He is manifestly unfit to serve, both dangerously incompetent and clearly out of his mind.

Ron DeSantis, finally, someone who looks like me! Well, if I was shorter and better looking.

Retired judge Andrew Napolitano!

Xavier Milei!

Giorgia Meloni!

We Italians have never had an Italian president and it is time that changed. For too long we have been relegated to 2nd class status, only fit to serve in Congress and on the Supreme Court.

Kevin said...

It says a lot about the state of TDS that this post doesn’t even rate the tag.

Lyle Smith said...

Democrats are engaging in white supremacy everyday Kamala isn’t sworn in.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Ukraine was ready to end the war before it started. Biden said NO.

J Severs said...

And a Happy 4th back to you, Professor!

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Joe and Hunter must be indicted. ..For what they did as Obama's VP.
They are as corrupt as the day is long.

What say you, Milbank?

Humperdink said...

Not sure what anyone else thinks, but looking at a photo of Whitmer, any photo, reminds me of evil personified. Let us not forgot Whitmer wanted to jail physicians who prescribed off-use medications for Covid. She also closed down the gardening/ seed departments at stores. A tyrant in the flesh. Not wonder the Commies love her.

tim maguire said...

I think Donald Trump should step down as his party’s presidential nominee. He is manifestly unfit to serve, both dangerously incompetent and clearly out of his mind" said Dana Milbank,

I thought journalists were still pretending to not be brainless partisan hacks. We all know they are, but what happened to the kabuki where they pretended not to be and the more respectable among us pretended to believe them?

MadisonMan said...

Wonder if that's Barron with Trump in the Golf Cart.

wishfulthinking said...

Whitmer. Okay.

I was surprised at some of her recent photos. Seems she has had molto plastic facial surgery. The results of which makes her look like not quite human. IMHO.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

I think it's illegal to say negative things about democxrats. Guards... seize him!

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

"Can you imagine if The New York Times had covered the Biden White House as closely as it covered Justice Samuel Alito’s wife’s collection of novelty flags?

The media’s playing Praetorian Guard for one party isn’t good for democracy, but oddly, it’s not even good for the Democrats. Biden’s open-mouthed, faraway stare at a nationally televised debate isn’t the first shock revelation to rock a Democratic candidate in the middle of a presidential campaign.

Al Gore spent 20 years boasting about his service in Vietnam. “I took my turn regularly on the perimeter in these little firebases out in the boonies. Something would move, we’d fire first and ask questions later,” he told Vanity Fair, among other macho quotes. And then he decided to run for president, and we found out Gore had a personal bodyguard in Vietnam, the most dangerous weapon he carried was a typewriter, and he left after three months."

(Ann Coulter)

Deep State Reformer said...

I decided sometime ago that I wasn't going to waste another second of my life worrying about what the f*** Dana Milbank thinks about anything.
And to the poster above whom the WaPo is blocking until it's paid.Count your blessings fren. The WaPo is merely the scribbling of partisan hacks and pop culture fluffers.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...


"Typical Biden sentence: “We’re able to make every single solitary person eligible for what I’ve been able to do with the with the COVID, excuse me, with, um, dealing with everything we have to do with, uh, look, if. We finally beat Medicare.”

Cut to senior deputy press secretary Andrew Bates: “President Biden takes round-the-world trips that reporters publicly call exhausting and has gone to two active war zones. [He] works around the clock and does many evening events.” Right. The only clock Biden works around is the one that tells him it’s time to take his meds.

Reporters’ suck-uppery to Democrats is the mirror opposite of what I describe in “Resistance Is Futile! How the Trump-Hating Left Lost Its Collective Mind,” The media’s hate-fueled attacks on Trump — He’s Hitler! He’s a rapist! He’s a Russian collaborator! — not only fall apart upon the slightest examination, but they keep helping him. At this point, Trump’s about one mug shot away from a landslide this November. Maybe journalists should try working through their rage with psychiatrists instead of in their reporting.

Has the debate fiasco finally led them to learn their lesson?


(Ann Coulter)

phantommut said...

Here in Whitest Westchester (not all of Westchester County, but the little Commies-on-Hudson part where I live) the consensus among the Karens seems to be that Newsome should run.

WASP women who are proud to their rainbow flags as long as a WOC won't end up losing to La Grande Orange.

There's a bad case of "Back of the Bus" thinking among our cultural betters. If Biden exits and Kamala is booted for the Perfectly Coiffed Caucasian the actual diverse part of the Democratic Party is going to Flip. Out.

Meanwhile Karen probably confuses Condi Rice with Susan Rice.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

More Coulter:

"In the least surprising opinion of the term, this week the Supreme Court found that the president has absolute immunity from criminal prosecution for official acts that are exclusively committed to him by the Constitution; presumptive immunity over all other official acts; and zero immunity for unofficial acts. Courts are to determine what is or isn’t an official act based on precedent, context, etc.

In a dissent that sounds like it came from someone with the Twitter bio “mom.artist.loves birds,” Justice Sonia Sotomayor alleged that the court’s ruling permits a president to do the following:

“Orders the Navy’s SEAL Team 6 to assassinate a political rival? Immune. Organizes a military coup to hold onto power? Immune. Takes a bribe in exchange for a pardon? Immune. Immune, immune, immune.”

This demented interpretation was wholeheartedly endorsed by The New York Times and fanboyed by the rest of the media. Twitter and MSNBC have been chockablock with hysterical women claiming the opinion gives the president the right to be a dictator and assassinate rivals.

Try to grasp what they are saying. Their argument is: OMG! The courts are going to find that assassinating political rivals is within the president’s exclusive constitutional duties! Therefore, our only protection is to submit a president’s acts to the courts — the same courts that we expect to find a “The president shall assassinate political rivals” clause in the Constitution.

Liberals are incapable of thinking in abstract terms. They can’t conceive of life beyond the next election or the possibility that a rule of general applicability will also apply to one of their guys someday. (Anybody remember Bill Clinton?) Every court opinion is evaluated on a single metric: Will this help or hurt Trump right now?

Thus, for example, the Times editorial denounced the immunity ruling solely because the decision would allow presidents to “encourag[e] an insurrection at the U.S. Capitol.”

No mention of presidents interning Japanese (FDR); expropriating gold from U.S. citizens (FDR); seizing the steel mills (Truman); using the CIA to spy on a rival’s political campaign, and the FBI to bug an opponent’s campaign plane (LBJ); bombing a foreign country on the eve of his scheduled impeachment (Clinton); or flinging open the border in direct violation of federal law (Obama, Biden)."

TickTock said...

Happy Fourth! And thank you George, Tom, James, Sam and Ben and all the many others who believed.

Mike of Snoqualmie said...

Yes, I rely on the WaPoo for all my voting choices! When I want Dana Milbank's advice on who should run for president, I'll drop an M80 on her/his(?) house to alter her/him(?) about my need.

The WaPoo is a failing propaganda outlet, where the Deranged, Extremists, Incompetents (DEI) pretend to report the news while they actually cover up the DNC's atrocities.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

and finally..

"But that’s not even the Times’ most ridiculous response to the immunity ruling. Moments after the (mundane) decision came out, the Times slapped this headline on its homepage:

“Thomas and Alito took part in the case, despite calls for their recusal.”

Yes, despite demands by utter imbeciles at the Times that Alito recuse himself because his wife collects novelty flags, and Thomas because the Democratic Party has never hated anyone so much … they declined.

It’s a wonder these media bloodhounds had no idea that the sitting president of the United States is a vegetable."
-Ann Coulter

Oligonicella said...

"If not Biden, who?" and the response is "I think Donald Trump should step down." Pathetic.

Btw the gift link at WaPo is requiring my email address to read it, so it’s not exactly free.

I have an account appropriately named "Tar Baby" specifically for that purpose.

AMDG said...

1. Whitmer is ahead of Trump in Michigan polling.

2. Dana Milbank is an idiot. By saying that he is okay with Biden he shows that the fitness of a candidate is not an issue to him.

3. Pretty much any of the potential candidates ((except Harris) would beat Trump.

4. I do not understand the discussion around Warnock. He did not win two elections because of his political skills or policy positions (which have been rejected by Georgians). He won two elections because of the magic of Trump.

5. Interesting that not one of them mentioned Michelle Obama.

6. They really don’t discuss the Kamala problem.It looks like she is. It looks like she is not going to go quietly into the night and that is a requirement for them to replace her.

7. Will the Democrats ever nominate a straight white male again?

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Dear Mr. Milbank,

“We’re able to make every single solitary person eligible for what I’ve been able to do with the with the COVID, excuse me, with, um, dealing with everything we have to do with, uh, look, if. We finally beat Medicare.”

Joe Biden and handlers.

RAH said...

Happy Independence Day! I recall when Trump did the airshow over the WH, It was great !

As to Dana , he is an idiot. Trump's still walks fine and is still sharp. I wonder why he was paying the young men. I like the fact he had Barron with him golfing.

Trump was surprised at Biden's total mental breakdown at the debate . And just let him run . I liked that he ignored the insults. The funny bit was about golf. Trump just laughed naturally.
Biden may stay in the race but he has a lot of headwind.

Jersey Fled said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
narciso said...

No one asked you dana

Meade said...

Happy Independence Day! Happy freedom from tyranny!

Christopher B said...

It may just be the excerpts that our hostess is pulling but the constant skipping over Harris as a replacement nominee makes me think that the conversations going on in private are how she's more of a problem than Biden. Biden is obviously controllable, from many angles. Harris is likely to be more independent. Biden is also out after four more years, and Harris will probably expect her shot even then, and especially if she's elevated to the Presidency.

Eric the Fruit Bat said...

I kind of wish Biden would run for President saying, "Look people, we all know my brain's about shot but the truth is this job is a hell of a lot easier than it looks and the hardest part is getting the job in the first place so vote for me."

But then I'm into straight talk and believe people should vote their self-interest, narrowly defined.

narciso said...

The last time i saw gretchen she was eating a guinea pig

She looked like jane badler

Limited blogger said...

At first I thought Trump was paying off a golf bet.

But, I believe he was tipping and talking to course staff at the first tee.

Those tips will be tax free in the future.

Jersey Fled said...

It amazes me that Milbank and many on the Left seem to forget that Trump was President for four years and none of these horrors they are so afraid of actually happened.

wild chicken said...

On X I see the old fantasizing about Trump and Ivanka again.

Now they're saying he raped a 13 yo girl on Epstein Island because she looked like her...Obviously written with one hand.

Yet they couldn't even catch him in an Oval Office blowjob? They had four years!


narciso said...

They do remove all doubt every time milbank does make you question the value of an eli sheepskin '90

NorthOfTheOneOhOne aka Doug Emhoff's Pimp Hand said...

There's much more at that WaPo link — so many crazy statements from people who smugly declare Donald Trump to be out of his mind.

One wonders if they're ever going to realize that their first mistake was trying to spin Trump as a Boogie Man and that their second was falling for their own spin.

Political Junkie said...

As a "white guy", I vote against the D's (and at core I am a very very conservative D) for several reasons, but a biggie is because of Perry Bacon Jr's "Diversity matters" logic, where a white female and a black male are chosen. I am not "qualified" to be in the top 2.

No thank you.

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

When I play it back the video cuts off before the last sentence, which is what I wanted to hear.

Rusty said...

Happy Insurection Day to all of you on the Althouse blog. Let's not forget the sacrifices that got us here.
If you love this country and are grateful for all that it has given you then vote for Trump this November.

Iman said...

Foolish little man
Fickle little man

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

The version on X is longer than the excerpt transcript and plays just fine. I assumed he was tipping the guy who brought the cart over or who loaded the bags into the cart. It appears too early to be a caddy tip.

Iman said...

Happy July 4th!

Roll out those lazy, hazy, crazy days of Summer
Those days of sodas and pretzels and beer

RCOCEAN II said...

Happy 4th of July!

Milbank was kicked out of the WH Press briefings because he never showed up. He's a DNC hack.

Luckily, the man who decides whether Biden will drop out will be Joe Biden. And he will also decide if Kam Harris will be the replacement. If he tags her, she's in. And there's nothing Milbank and his ilk can do about it.

Imagine picking the first black woman as your VP, and then when she has a chance to be POTUS, you say "Sorry, we don't like you. We've picking a white woman". LOL.

tommyesq said...

:If not Biden, who?"

How about a person who, for the large bulk of his life, was a Democrat in good standing with the party, enjoys huge name recognition, has political experience but is not presently in office, has espoused policies very much in line with JFK-era democrats, has wined and dined with major democrat players, has had Bill and Hillary to his wedding, etc. - their ideal candidate should be...


tommyesq said...

Plus, a Trump v. Trump debate would be fantastic!

tcrosse said...

Imagine what can be, unburdened by what has been....

Melania Trump signals support for abortion rights: ‘No room for compromise’ said...

The downward spiral of Democrats is so spectacular, it almost seems deliberate and contrived. Starting to think the Democratic leadership is working for Trump at this point.

The only possible way they can make it worse than Biden is if they choose Harris. The Democrat's path to victory in the electoral college goes through MI, PA and WI — they need to choose someone palatable to win those states to stand a chance. That’s not Harris.

Mikey NTH said...

Happy Independence Day!

Leland said...

Try to grasp what they are saying. Their argument is: OMG! The courts are going to find that assassinating political rivals is within the president’s exclusive constitutional duties! Therefore, our only protection is to submit a president’s acts to the courts — the same courts that we expect to find a “The president shall assassinate political rivals” clause in the Constitution.

I saw someone write that SCOTUS acknowledging Presidential Immunity for official acts was a "Power Grab by the Supreme Court". Not even a second given to think that one through.

Happy Independence Day, America!

Sebastian said...

"He is manifestly unfit to serve, both dangerously incompetent and clearly out of his mind."

I get that progs hate Trump and are desperate about Biden. But why lard your desperation with BS?

Trump maneuvered well in the primary season. He sucker-punched Joe with an unexpected debate strategy. He has been more disciplined than before. He withstood, sort of, a massive legal assault. As a politician he is quite competent (as a WH manager he was a fool) and he is obviously not "out of his mind." His BTS recorded assessment of Harris is crude but mindful.

imTay said...

Gee Rich, weren't you complicit in the lies about Biden, didn't you come here every day telling us that it was treason not to vote for the man, well in various ways, and not in so many words very many times, but that has been the gist of it.

Temujin said...

Dana Milbank still gets paid.
He should get on his knees today and thank God he lives in the USA.

Wilbur said...

"Diversity matters"

Maybe the ultimate ipse dixit.

Aggie said...

Democrats panicking about Biden's senility, so naturally they project it onto Trump, who's meanwhile blasting around the golf course shooting something respectable, and trash-talking his opponent.

That shirt: Reminds me of Patton, pinning his extra star on early, just before commencing with kicking the sh*t out of some Germans.

I can't see this talk about Whitmer. She's the only woman I've ever seen that looks her absolute best in an officer's black military uniform, the kind with a peaked hat and tall shiny boots, if you know what I mean (AIKTYD). The only thing I can come up with is that insidious FBI connection with the 'kidnapping' plot, which would have required the cooperation of her administration. Is she the IC's preference? Now, that would fit like a glove, wouldn't it?

Happy Independence Day everybody, and thanks to Althouse for this excellent blogspace.

Heading off for some BBQ and blasting the crap out of fireworks, by the lake.

Melania Trump signals support for abortion rights: ‘No room for compromise’ said...

Trump is a black swan event level of risk for businesses.

Business demands lawful conduct. Lawlessness is its biggest enemy.

Yancey Ward said...

Pete Buttuvwxyz was supposed to the be the first gay VP, not Booker.

Ann Althouse said...

"He is manifestly unfit to serve, both dangerously incompetent and clearly out of his mind."

Sounds like the kind of quote that will be chuckled over 50 or 100 years from now. It feels like the kind of thing you read with amusement in a biography of Theodore Roosevelt.

rhhardin said...

Trump reposted the video with the comment NO TAX ON TIPS!

tolkein said...

Dear Rich

You wrote: "Trump is a black swan event level of risk for businesses."

The world lived through Trump 2017-2021. Why is he now a black swan event level of risk for businesses? I used to do business risk modelling for businesses (mainly in Basel 2) and I can't see it. What do you mean?

You then wrote:" Business demands lawful conduct. Lawlessness is its biggest enemy."

Quite agree.

Does this mean that you recommend voters NOT to vote Democrat on their recent track record?
Not just the Trump prosecutions but selective prosecutions (BLM rioters in Washington in 2020 compensated for arrest, J6 protestors jailed for years. BLM supporting trainee lawyers in NY with Molotov cocktails given shorter jail terms than pro-life grandmas praying outside abortion clinics. Columbia protestors released without charge, etc.). This signals regime friendly protestors get better treatment. Isn't that moblike behaviour? Doesn't that make businesses nervous and think they need to donate to Dem politicians for a quiet life? Isn't that, in the end, corrupt?

AMDG said...

"He is manifestly unfit to serve, both dangerously incompetent and clearly out of his mind."

A sentence that is an apt description of both Biden and Trump.

Trump did show some discipline during the debate but you could see he really havin trouble containing himself.

Trump didn’t win the debate as much as Biden lost it.

Trump’s comments in Biden & Harris from the golf cart were on the money except for the claim that he destroyed Biden.

Trump showed an unwelcome return to form when he “truthed” his desire to put a Liz Cheney before a military tribunal. It is crap like this that shows that he is unfit.

Ralph L said...

Will Corey come out of the closet before or after he's chosen?

Ann Althouse said...

"Trump reposted the video with the comment NO TAX ON TIPS!"

I'd seen that but thought it was annoyingly irrelevant. Only later did I notice that he's handing out money in the beginning.

Dude1394 said...

"Blogger Humperdink said...
Not sure what anyone else thinks, but looking at a photo of Whitmer, any photo, reminds me of evil personified. Let us not forgot Whitmer wanted to jail physicians who prescribed off-use medications for Covid. She also closed down the gardening/ seed departments at stores. A tyrant in the flesh. Not wonder the Commies love her."

Democrats ( maybe rightly ) look at who can bring in Michigan and assume that the rest of the lemmings will follow along.

Joe Smith said...

'But a candidate who is not a clear leftie or moderate could be a unifying figure. Booker remains very well-liked in the party.'

Black male democrats aren't down with black gay democrats, hence the problem...

rhhardin said...

Trump is doing campaigning and Caddy Shack at the same time, Scott Adams says.

Achilles said...

Rich said...

The downward spiral of Democrats is so spectacular, it almost seems deliberate and contrived. Starting to think the Democratic leadership is working for Trump at this point.

The only possible way they can make it worse than Biden is if they choose Harris. The Democrat's path to victory in the electoral college goes through MI, PA and WI — they need to choose someone palatable to win those states to stand a chance. That’s not Harris.

The only path to victory in the electoral college democrats have is mail in voting.

It doesn't really matter who they pick.

JAORE said...

(That bad, bad Orange man) Trump will use the law to punish his political enemies... Sorry, that's Biden.

Trump is only running for his personal advantage... Nope, track the Biden family's net worth over the years.

Trump undermines the rule of law... Biden talks about court packing and ignores clear rulings from the Supreme Court.

And on, and on, and on...

JAORE said...

I await Booker's announcement of another, never before seen, true love fiance.

It's a tell.

Achilles said...

Dude1394 said...

"Blogger Humperdink said...
Not sure what anyone else thinks, but looking at a photo of Whitmer, any photo, reminds me of evil personified. Let us not forgot Whitmer wanted to jail physicians who prescribed off-use medications for Covid. She also closed down the gardening/ seed departments at stores. A tyrant in the flesh. Not wonder the Commies love her."

Democrats ( maybe rightly ) look at who can bring in Michigan and assume that the rest of the lemmings will follow along.

Replacing a "Black" woman who really isn't even African American with a white AWFL ends the democrat coalition.

Stacy Abrams is the only option Democrats have that isn't Biden or Kamala.

They have painted themselves into a corner.

That you are not hearing Abrams name but you are hearing Warnock's name is interesting to me. I wonder why she has been left out of this conversation.

GRW3 said...

You just have to understand that in progressive heavy DC, anyone who doesn't ascribe to those principles is crazy. To them most of the country is a fly-over asylum that they need to fix with DC edicts. The revolt of the normals is unnerving them.

Achilles said...

Of course keeping Michele out of the discussion is necessary.

If the plan is to go with Michele they need to keep the window of consideration as short as possible.

Michele is a stupid person who has never had a real job nor had any real life accomplishments. Everything she has tried to do has failed. Her marriage with Barrack will also be examined as it is common knowledge that Barrack likes men. She is also a mean and nasty person who hates freedom on a fundamental level.

Michele if nominated will enjoy a honeymoon of popularity.

Then over time the more exposure she gets the more her popularity will fall.

She has less retail political talent than Hillary.

Achilles said...

AMDG said...

"He is manifestly unfit to serve, both dangerously incompetent and clearly out of his mind."

A sentence that is an apt description of both Biden and Trump.

Trump did show some discipline during the debate but you could see he really havin trouble containing himself.

Trump didn’t win the debate as much as Biden lost it.

Trump’s comments in Biden & Harris from the golf cart were on the money except for the claim that he destroyed Biden.

Trump showed an unwelcome return to form when he “truthed” his desire to put a Liz Cheney before a military tribunal. It is crap like this that shows that he is unfit.

The only people more delusional than Democrats are Desantis supporters. All 10 of them.

Nobody cares about you. We already replaced you 10 times over with new working class/minority voters.

That is why Trump is a 75 million vote candidate and Desantis is a 60 million vote candidate.

Your whinging is more unhinged than the Biden supporters.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

The tax on tips is real. The left are pushing it.

who-knew said...

Rich said " Business demands lawful conduct. Lawlessness is its biggest enemy.". Isn't that why Kevin O'Leary said he wouldn't invest in NY after their (unfortunately successful) lawfare against Trump?

narciso said...

well Military tribunals have been a time tested method,

there isn't enough contempt heaped upon this real UnAmerican committee, she was a a figure head for,

john mosby said...

Rocco, I am half Eye-talian. When Giuliani had his brief run for president, we had some hope.

I remember when the eventual winner of that election had a picture taken in the Oval of some little balck boy touching his hair so he could really believe a black man was finally president.

And I thought, if Rudy won, how could I make sure the president was really Italian?

I finally settled on back hair! We could have had a classic photo of me reaching down his shirt.


Jupiter said...

What if they published a WaPo and nobody read it?

Achilles said...

Ann Althouse said...

"He is manifestly unfit to serve, both dangerously incompetent and clearly out of his mind."

Sounds like the kind of quote that will be chuckled over 50 or 100 years from now. It feels like the kind of thing you read with amusement in a biography of Theodore Roosevelt.

If we are talking about things our great grand kids will laugh at:

"When [a president] uses his official powers in any way, under the majority's reasoning, he now will be insulated from criminal prosecution,"

"Orders the Navy's Seal Team 6 to assassinate a political rival? Immune. Organizes a military coup to hold onto power? Immune. Takes a bribe in exchange for a pardon? Immune. Immune, immune, immune."

"The relationship between the President and the people he serves has shifted irrevocably. In every use of official power, the President is now a king above the law."

Just to point out we had discussions about unlawful orders in our units. The average grunt in the Army is more intelligent than Sotomayor.

There have been some stupid Supreme Court Justices. But Sotomayor will hold a special place in history as a truly stupid unhinged human being.

Melania Trump signals support for abortion rights: ‘No room for compromise’ said...

There is no reset here. Wipe that screen clear. It's baby talk to think so.

There are two establishments here. One is a small inner circle around Biden that has been manipulating Biden and the Biden presidency in a Wizard of Oz-like manner for months if not years. (Sunlight is killing this circle rapidly.) The other circle is the outer ring Democratic party establishment in Washington that is utterly money dependent on support from the plutocracy that its wealth-concentration policies have favored for decades. When Biden got in trouble, he quickly got in the jet plane and raced out to reassure the mega donor class -- that tells you a lot about today's Washington. A surprising fraction of the American public grasps this; more will in the future. They count; we don't. Who would have thought it? (One should see here one of the large pillars in Trump's populist political support. Blowing up this oligarchy has a lot of grass roots political appeal. One suspects upper middle class appeal will follow.) This outer circle is also the circle that failed so miserably in the 2016 Hillary Clinton election, the "elite" who snatched defeat from the near-certainties of victory. Like the Bourbons, this elite has seen everything and learned nothing. It learns nothing because it worships money in its inner sanctums, not voters. They think they understand the secret process to turn money into votes; Democratic voters are confounding this nostrum.

The coming Democratic convention must be open because it is a purity exercise, a necessary cleaning out of the old temple. So strong is the need for an "outsider" to ride in and bring new persons, new speech, and new thinking to what could be the next governing class in Washington — the people are looking for a new 1980, 1992, or 2008; they are rejecting 2016. One sees that 2020 was already just a temporary arrangement. Biden resembles Al Smith in 1932; a politician of an older era of Democratic politics flopping around outside his time.

Melania Trump signals support for abortion rights: ‘No room for compromise’ said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
narciso said...

I voted for rudy in the primary as well, he's still sharp as even 15 years later, why the apparat has sought to crush him, not because he did anything wrong,

Obama was one of those consensual hallucination, like something derived out of fear toxin,

tommyesq said...

Michele is a stupid person who has never had a real job nor had any real life accomplishments. Everything she has tried to do has failed. Her marriage with Barrack will also be examined as it is common knowledge that Barrack likes men.

Poor Cory Booker - he can't even be a historical first gay black President.

Narayanan said...

how many will vote for D ticket if they body-double whitmer with alyssa milano

Josephbleau said...

“I was surprised at some of her recent photos. Seems she has had molto plastic facial surgery. The results of which makes her look like not quite human. IMHO.”

Whitmer is the lizard queen girl from the sf mini series V. Pretty evil but not as smart as John. I always watch to see the plastic skin of her face tear and expose a patch of green.

Mr. Majestyk said...

In the forthcoming game American Clue, you will try to guess who killed America. The answer will be:

Michelle Obama, in the Oval Office, with a pen and phone.

tcrosse said...

Let's bear in mind that we're selecting the chief executive officer of the United States, not casting West Wing.

John henry said...

Just to point out we had discussions about unlawful orders in our units.

We had frequent, as in 30-60 minute sessions a couple times a year on our duty to disobey a lawful order and the consequences for failing to do so.

Navy 67-75

John Henry

narciso said...

yes jane badler, not morena baccarin, not evil enough, specially considering what she did during the lockdowns,

effinayright said...

wishfulthinking said...
Whitmer. Okay.

I was surprised at some of her recent photos. Seems she has had molto plastic facial surgery. The results of which makes her look like not quite human. IMHO.

Have you seen the photo of her swallowing a live gekko in one gultp?

effinayright said...

Mr. Majestyk said...
In the forthcoming game American Clue, you will try to guess who killed America. The answer will be:

Michelle Obama, in the Oval Office, with a penis and phone.


Big Mike said...

Donald Trump is still too trusting. Guard your tongue unless you’re among family. And guard it then, too.

Big Mike said...

Donald Trump is still too trusting. Guard your tongue unless you’re among family. And guard it then, too.

narciso said...

rodents gekkos would be professional courtesy,

Dogma and Pony Show said...

Achilles wrote: "Of course keeping Michele out of the discussion is necessary.

"If the plan is to go with Michele they need to keep the window of consideration as short as possible."

This is true, but I think you left out the real reason she can only emerge as the replacement candidate at the last minute: Dr. Jill will NEVER let Joe quit the race if the idea is to make room for the former first lady.

Dr. Jill would never go along with the idea that Joe is such as disaster that even Barack's WIFE, who's plainly unqualified and has never expressed any interest in government service, would be a better nominee and president. That's way too bitter a pill to swallow. And if the first lady option were in play, then Dr. Jill would be in on it herself, not simply defer to a former first lady who isn't even a "doctor."

In this one, narrow respect, I'm sympathetic to Biden's position. If he is, in fact, driven from office for the crime of complete ineptitude, he's going to own that distinction until the end of time. For this reason, he and Dr. Jill are obviously going resist dropping out. However, if they're forced to give in to it, they're going to want to control the process as best they can and try to come out with as much dignity as possible. (Not JUST dignity, of course.) They won't be stepping aside simply for some novelty candidate because that makes FJB look even more pathetic than he already appears.

john mosby said...

Kamala could have a Sista Souljah moment where she makes a speech about how she came up in the CA dem party and owes nothing to the Obama, Biden, or Clinton cliques. She could talk about specific policies she would do differently from Biden, and differently from the Third Way New Labour neocons. She could remind us about how she derided Biden as a friend of segregationists in the primaries, and only joined his admin to try to make sure no one forgot about traditional Dem constituencies.

And if she really wanted to win, she could run as Trump’s VP running mate. Then he’d get all the black votes.

That would upset a lot of applecarts.


Michael K said...

Blogger AMDG said...

"He is manifestly unfit to serve, both dangerously incompetent and clearly out of his mind."

A sentence that is an apt description of both Biden and Trump.

Trump did show some discipline during the debate but you could see he really havin trouble containing himself.

Trump didn’t win the debate as much as Biden lost it.

Trump won the debate when he accepted all the pro-Biden rules just to get him on live TV. I'm sort of surprised that few seem to see that.

AMDG said...

Blogger narciso said...
well Military tribunals have been a time tested method,

there isn't enough contempt heaped upon this real UnAmerican committee, she was a a figure head for,

7/4/24, 10:40 AM


Wait, I thought using lawfare to exact revenge against political opponents was bad.

I guess this means you are cool with what they are doing to Trump.

Drago said...

Michael K: "Trump won the debate when he accepted all the pro-Biden rules just to get him on live TV. I'm sort of surprised that few seem to see that."

Wannabe DeSantis Online Influencer AMDG sees that, but his purpose is continue attacking Trump in the hope that his GOPe heroes and democratical lawfare allies can still execute a conviction against Trump leading to a republican convention dumping of Trump as the candidate.

Believe it or not, the GOPe is working feverishly behind the scenes as we speak, with democraticals, to try and make that happen. If that were to occur, the DeSantis-ites and his globalist backers are hoping DeSantis could be maneuvered into the catbird seat.

I have not yet heard or seen anything that would concretely indicate the GOPe-ers are working hand in glove with deep state actors, as they did for years on the russki collusion and dossier hoaxes, but it wouldn't surprise me in the least if we were to learn that the inability of Team Lawfare to deliver a Trump withdrawal thus far has led to deep state contingencies to set Trump up for removal pre-during-immediately post convention.

Drago said...

AMDG: "I guess this means you are cool with what they are doing to Trump."

We know the DeSantis-ites are perfectly cool with everything that has happened....much, much more.

They aren't fooling anyone.

traditionalguy said...

FTR: Saying The Donald is out of his mind always acknowledges that Trump’s mind runs circles around the best the CIA narrative writers can come up with. Lapping the others is pissing them off.

john mosby said...

I think the dems figured out that having faces of color and voices of accent lambast Trump only makes him stronger. The smarter ones figured it out in 2016 after the Pak-American Gold Star dad’s tirade didnt work and just made people think of their bad customer service line experiences. Even the most obstinate dems figured it out when the NY and GA cases turned into Trump fundraisers.

So there will be a reluctance to put a POC directly against Trump. Shrieking poofter Booker is right out. Michelle would break the internet with all the Trump donations every time she showed up on TV. Kamala’s Jack & Jill accent will be less toxic, but she feels the need to reminde people she’s really black all the time, so she will also make Trump grow.

The dem ptb’s would have to figure out some other reason to say to these people’s faces, but you know they’re thinking it.


pacwest said...

Plus, a Trump v. Trump debate would be fantastic!

That is one spooky ass concept! There's got to be a movie plot in there somewhere.


Michelle = Barry openly running for a fourth term.

Aggie said...

@AMDG said 12:45: "Wait, I thought using lawfare to exact revenge against political opponents was bad....I guess this means you are cool with what they are doing to Trump."

Yeah. You really got them, there. Tell me something: Do you see a distinction between Hamas and their sneak attack and 1200+ dead and hostages, and Israel and their retaliation? Or was Hamas completely justified, because of the subsequent retaliation? Just curious.

Yancey Ward said...

Let's play "Guess Who Wrote This Comment" about Biden/Trump Debates:

(1) From April 27th before the CNN debate challenge was issued by Biden to Trump:

"Trump will never let this happen, and Biden knows it. Polling has shown that debates hurt Trump. That's why he refused to participate in the primary debates. Trump’s handlers won't allow this — high risk low reward."

(2)From April 16th:

"The simplest and clearest reason for Trump (not Biden) to evade a debate is that if Trump were to be confronted by Biden in any recorded statement, Trump might need to be given a Miranda warning."

(3)From May 6th:

"Biden is clearly more tired now. But Trump also has acquired a significant handicap since: he goes completely off the rails to rant about the 2020 election and its aftermath. There’s a small section of the electorate who cares, but to most people it makes him seem stuck in past grievances and unable to move forward. Biden might be clever to keep him ranting and let Trump himself remind people of why they don’t want him back."

(4)From June 14th:

"IMO — Trump will decide not to debate."

(5)From June 21st:

"I still believe Trump will very publicly back out of the debate on the *day* of the debate because it's *rigged* and steal the news cycle."

(6)From June 23rd:

"I believe Biden has the less difficult task. He must be the person he is. Trump must be who he is not."

Melania Trump signals support for abortion rights: ‘No room for compromise’ said...

You can misspeak, misinterpret, misunderstand — you however cannot do that for 1 hour straight, all the while looking frail and sounding incoherent, and expect people to treat it as a mistake rather than an indication of your health.

Funny how Biden can recognize Trump’s lack of fitness for office, but not his own.

Mikey NTH said...

AMDG - It is possible Trump knew his comments would be reported and he intended them as a goad to Biden to keep him in the race to "show Trump". The Democrats replace Biden and Harris? Trump's already on the record saying "I did that!"

tcrosse said...

Trump long ago figured out that the Democrats hate him so much that they will do the opposite of whatever he says, no matter how ill-considered.

Yancey Ward said...

Tcrosse and Mikey NTH probably have it right- this was deliberately leaked at a goad to Biden.

Drago said...

tcrosse: "Trump long ago figured out that the Democrats hate him so much that they will do the opposite of whatever he says, no matter how ill-considered."

At times, democratical hatred for Trump pales in comparison to the hatred exhibited by the GOPe.

Drago said...

Yancey Ward: "Tcrosse and Mikey NTH probably have it right- this was deliberately leaked at a goad to Biden."

Possibly. Either way, its a direct punch in the face to biden using the language biden has been using to attempt to goad Trump for years which could cause Dementia-Glitch Boy to toughen his "stay in the race" desires.

tcrosse said...

There are a couple of common sophomoric beliefs that do a lot of harm. One is that anyone who disagrees with you must be stupid, crazy, or both. The other is that the enemy of your enemy is your friend, which accounts for such absurdities as Queers for Palestine.

MadTownGuy said...

I think Dana Milbank should drop out of his profession and get a job as a greeter at Walmart.

Mikey NTH said...

When has a major American political party replaced both its presumptive presidential and vice-presidential nominees at all, let alone at such a late date?

"Oops, sorry, we got all that wrong, here are the people we really meant!"

Jim at said...

They seem to have gone entirely around the bend.


Greg the Class Traitor said...

Diversity matters, that's why we're kicking our diversity-matters VP Kamala Harris to the curb and replacing her with a new repository of diversity. We'll split the diversity of Kamala in two and run with a white female presidential candidate and a black male vice presidential candidate. The young folks will love it. And besides, we can do what we want because Donald Trump is clearly out of his mind.

1: Whenever I see people suggesting you can replace "black female" Kamala Harris with a "white female" candidate, I thin about Caitlin Clark and the WNBA. The black female WMBA players could rally around Caitlin, and it would be to their personal financial benefit. But they refuse. Because being saved by a "white girl" is apparently worse than going broke without her.
So the idea that black female Democrat Party voters will get out and vote for Whitmer after she's pushed aside Harris?
Just not connected to reality
2: Trump is far and away not my favorite candidate. But he's still infinitely superior to any Democrat
The vast majority of voters were adults during Trump's first term. We remember, and we remember that it was far better than Biden's term.

Greg the Class Traitor said...

Rich said...
Funny how Biden can recognize Trump’s lack of fitness for office, but not his own.

What part of "senior dementia destroyer your judgment" ar you so totally unclear on?

wendybar said...

Happy 4th everyone!!

tcrosse said...

By me, Kamala is a Black person, but by a Black person is she a Black person?

Original Mike said...

"Let's play "Guess Who Wrote This Comment" about Biden/Trump Debates:"

Too easy, Yancey.

tcrosse said...

Meanwhile, Labour landslide in the UK

Darkisland said...

The perfect candidate just struck me and she has never been mentioned anywhere I have seen.

Jill Biden

She has more qualifications for the job than Michelle, she is already a "Biden" so all the campaign art can stay the same.

She has 4 years of experience at the job unofficially which is 4 more than Big Mike. Or anyone else besides our President Emeritus for that matter.

They promised a Biden-Harris ticket, did they promise a Joe Biden-Harris ticket? (Yes, but they can gaslight around this.

Like Lurleen Wallace and Ma Ferguson she can claim to have the best advisor for the job on 24/7 tap.

Other than not being black Michelle or blackish like Kamala, why is she any less qualified to be the democrat (Screw you Dick) party candidate than any of the other names being bandied about. Including Newsome and Whitmer.

Not a joke. I am as serious as a heart attack here.

Yeah, she is a complete nincompoop, would be a terrible candidate and worse prez if she won. But no worse than any other possibilities.

John Henry

The Godfather said...

Kamala was chosen as VP by the Dem establishment as someone who would NOT be a threat to Biden (unlike Warren or Sanders, who the Dems passed over to pick "electable" Biden), and she's lived up to her billing. If she had replaced a dead or dying Biden in mid-term, the Dem leadership would have been OK with that, and she would have been given a pat on the back and a federal Appeals court appointment while they selected an electable Presidential candidate.

But for Heaven's Sake! Does anyone ANYONE think she's qualified to be President? (I mean, even if you once thought Biden was qualified, did you remotely imagine that Kamala was qualified?)

BUMBLE BEE said...

Whitmer pulled a Cuomo during Covid. Sent poor folks some infected poor folks in senior care. They tried to stop her. Squashed!
How many?
I dunno, it was all Soros, all in.
All dems - Squashed.

Yancey Ward said...

John Henry,

Wow- I hadn't thought of that and I should have!

Drago said...

tcrosse: "Meanwhile, Labour landslide in the UK"

After the pro-Brexit vote and the Conservatives crushing Labour in their biggest landslide ever just a few years back, the "Conservative" party leadership, from Theresa May on down, sabotaged Brexit and refused to halt the massive illegal immigration influx, refused to reestablish law and order, went full squishy on gender insanity and every other key issue.

It was as if the republican party here decided after a huge victory to put Romney and Cheney and Murkowski in charge and tell the base to drop dead.

And now Reform will begin its climb from their incredible 3rd place finish (17% of the total vote) after starting from zero to challenge the conservatives directly (25% of the vote).

The UK will now be governed by far left crazies for 5 years and the Reform target is to become the #2 party by 2029....but until then, shudder for the UK people because tjeir version of obama/biden/pelosi just waltzed into 10 Downing Street.

Big Mike said...

@John Henry, not sure how I entered the conversation. My background is in running campaigns, not being the candidate.

But if the Democrats are bound and determined to nominate a black female, they might consider quintessentially black Maxine Waters.

Prof. M. Drout said...

I think Trump's "I got [Biden] out of there, and that means we have Kamala" is a brilliant rhetorical move, but only because there is such a large class of internet-addicted groupthink dimwits who will automatically say the opposite of whatever Trump says. A large fraction of these people will now attack anybody who suggests removing President Drool Cup because to do so would give Trump a win.

His remarks about how pathetic Harris is will likewise help to cement her in place if Biden kicks the bucket unexpectedly. To remove Harris would be to imply that Donald Trump is right about her, and we can't possibly have that.


Darkisland said...

Not you, Big Mike

"Big Mike" is a nickname for Michelle Obama and who I meant.

Though you would be a far better candidate than any demmie mentioned so far.

Are you in the running?

John Henry

FullMoon said...

Remember "No mas"?

Roberto Duran, one of the meanest men in boxing, quit in the middle of the 8th round against Sugar Ray Leonard.

Duran went into the fight a long time national hero. Returned home a disgraced loser. After a career of destroying the opposition, Duran now remembered for no mas. Personally, I remember a sports announcer, expecting a sympathetic response, telling Duran that his opponent had been taken to the hospital. Duran replied, "Next time, I send him to the morgue".

Biden will do his best to avoid Duran's fate. Better to go down fighting than quit like a sissy. No excuse or reason short of death will suffice.

chickelit said...

Who the fuck even cares what Dana Milbank thinks? Does she have a history of influencing people?

wendybar said...

RNC Research

Biden tells a Philadelphia radio station that he's "proud" to be "the first black woman to serve with a black president"


chickelit said...

I hope to see a spate of journalistic career suicides: I mean people like Banks who continue to cover for the Biden. Why do we care what she thinks?

wendybar said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Rocco said...

"Diversity matters"

Wilbur responded...
"Maybe the ultimate ipse dixit."

The ultimate dixit is Madhuri Dixit.

tcrosse said...

I'm surprised that Sam Brinton hasn't made it on any lists of of possibles for the Democrat ticket. He would satisfy the constituency of those who think Pete Buttigieg isn't gay enough.

deepelemblues said...

The overwhelming, compulsive need of these people to see Donald Trump personally humiliated, face to face, I real time, colors their thinking to a degree that is truly amusing. Biden has failed to do it this time, so really, just about anyone that could possibly replace him would do it. Easily! Please lol

Drago said...

chickelit: "Who the fuck even cares what Dana Milbank thinks? Does she have a history of influencing people?"

He, not she.

And he has been an utter hack and tool and buffoon for the entirety of his fake "journalist" career....which makes him an absolute hero to the dems and their LLR-democratical allies.

mikee said...

We've tried lots of highly qualified candidates, from Bob Dole to Mitt Romney, who were manifestly fit, extremely competent and clearly sane. The Democrats rejected them in favor of candidates that like BJs from interns, puppets for the far left who weaponized the federal government, and dementia patients. So maybe manifestly unfit, dangerously incompetent and clearly out of his mind is just what the Republicans need to be running to win an election this year.

Rocco said...

Rich said...
"Trump is a black swan event level of risk for businesses."

And Trump's swearing in as the next president of the US will be a black tie event.

"Business demands lawful conduct. Lawlessness is its biggest enemy."

Nonsense. Unpredictability is businesses' biggest enemy.

Rocco said...

john mosby said...
Rocco, I am half Eye-talian. When Giuliani had his brief run for president, we had some hope.

I remember when the eventual winner of that election had a picture taken in the Oval of some little balck boy touching his hair so he could really believe a black man was finally president.

And I thought, if Rudy won, how could I make sure the president was really Italian?

I finally settled on back hair! We could have had a classic photo of me reaching down his shirt.

John, thanks for reminding me of Giuliani’s run; it gives me hope for the future.

Plus, it’s good to note that I am qualified to be the first Italian president.

Big Mike said...

Are you in the running?

@John Henry, nah. Donald Trump is a month or so younger than I am. Might as well let the kid do it.

Big Mike said...

@John Henry, oops. I checked Wikipedia and Trump’s actually a month older than I am. But I’m still not interested — I wouldn’t want to be President of any country insane enough to offer me the job.

tolkein said...

Dear Drago
I'm from the UK
I like that voters get the chance to throw their rulers out - peacefully. The old guard of the Tories lost their seats so they'll have to find new blood and they'll ponder on where they went wrong. We don't have octogenarians or near so, leading our Government or opposition. Cough cough, Pelosi, McConnell, Biden, Trump.
I like that the polls closed at 10pm UK time and we had a new PM some 8 hours later.
Votes counted peacefully,in full view of all parties. Voters showed photo Id, but no dramas. Paper ballots marked with an X for preferred candidate. Postal votes very rare. Actually the same in 2019.
No riots in the streets, no accusations of ballot stuffing.
Wouldn't you like that in the US?
I think the Starmer led Labour Govt will be left centrist. Fear of Reform Party and a revived Conservative Party will keep them decent. A bit anxious about taxes and regulation, but, fortunately, in the UK at least, Govts come and go and they'll get stuffed (technical term)in 2029 if they stuff it up.

Drago said...

Tolkien @7;22, I dont have any issues with any of the specific points you offered up.

We have been watching the results of the UK election quite closely and understand how actually precarious Labour's "landslide" happens to be after Labour received 64% of the seats on just 33% of the votes with the vote total for Labour millions less than Corbyn received and that 80% of the vote eligible adults in Britain did not vote Labour.

tolkein said...


The low turn out and low vote share will (I hope) keep them anxious. New blood in the Tories will make it easier to listen to the voters.
One last thing. The Tories were in office from May 2010. Sounds like 14 years. But 201-2015 Tories were in coalition with LibDems, which essentially stopped them (even if they'd wished) doing anything radical. 2015-2019 tiny Tory majority broken by Brexit then minority Tory Govt. Only last 5 years was Tory majority and they stuffed it up.
Still, I do like peaceful elections.

Old and slow said...

The Tories should cease to exist. They are no longer relevant. Nigel Farage and Reform UK can form the next government.

Greg the Class Traitor said...

Dargo at 6:05 hit it completely
5 Years ago, The Tories were given everything they could want in an election

And they proceeded to screw over the voters

Th Scottish National Party in that same time period decided to run hard on hating the Scottish, and pushing Gender ideology

So voters said "F you!" and hammered both of them, hard.

And I sad they hammered them with votes for Labour, rather than Reform? Yes, yes I am.

But I'm still glad that both parties got hammered, hard, and I'm glad that a higher % of the population voted Reform, than Lib Dem or SNP

Win some, lose a lot