July 5, 2024

"Whoever wins—Wisconsin Governor Tony Evers, Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer, Pennsylvania Governor Josh Shapiro, Vice President Harris, or anyone else—would be more coherent and more persuasive than Trump."

That's my favorite sentence in "Time to Roll the Dice/Biden’s party doesn’t need to sleepwalk into a catastrophe," by Anne Applebaum in The Atlantic.

Until now, I had not seen the name of our Governor in any of the replace-Biden discussions. Why not? He's a very low key calming presence. Example:


Big Mike said...

Good idea. The Democrats could replicate Wisconsin’s worst-in-the-nation black-white achievement gap across the whole country.

rrsafety said...

What is his view on what to do with illegal immigrants? I think the Dems are misdiagnosing their problem.

Dave Begley said...

Ben Wikler would be Chief of Staff! Meadehouse would have have a WH pass.

But it’s not going to happen. See Biden’s speech in the post below. I got an advance copy.

Christopher B said...

Coherent and persuasive to people like Anne Applebaum.

The problem for the Democrats is that AWFLs will vote for a potted plant on the Democrat line, just like they did in 2020. They have to find somebody who can convince people already skeptical of the Democrats. Maybe Kamala Harris can do that but skipping over the person selected specifically to take over if the President is incapacitated is going to be tough to explain.

rehajm said...

Pumping up the swing state voters. We see you!

Old and slow said...

Whoever the Democrats end up putting forward, it should be remembered by all voters that these are the same dishonest and corrupt people who shoved Biden over the line and then conspired to deceive the people of America that he was actually the president. We will never really know who has been running this country and to what ends for the last 3 years. No one that they now promote should be considered. This is the greatest political crime ever, and there ought to be severe consequences. Since we know there will not be, the least we can do is stop electing the oligarch's choices. I am talking about both parties, of course. It is impossible to be sufficiently outraged by what has been done to us.

Floris said...

I've never heard Evers speak before. What an amazingly non-dynamic presence he has. I nearly nodded off after 30 seconds of that video.

rehajm said...

Evers has a cadaverous deer in headlights look that would scare us all if not for Biden…

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

I don’t understand why thinking people are excited to keep power in the hands of the same people who perpetrated the “conspiracy of silence” on the rest of us about Biden. Everyone in his administration knew. Everyone in contact with Biden knew. Everyone who runs the Democrat Party knew and is still trying to keep the truth from spreading. They just endorsed him again after his “I’m still running” announcement. That was and is an evil conspiracy that should disqualify anyone involved from holding a position of trust or, God forbid, power.

Why why why would you continue to support a party willing to keep up this ridiculous lie that “Joe is sharp as a tack”? And yes his press secretary just said it again on Wednesday!

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

Wow Old and Slow was faster than I and I share their righteous anger.

Enigma said...

Biden was selected as the safe, old, white figurehead and as a controllable malleable puppet.

Any white male under Democratic consideration must be a controllable malleable puppet.

The rainbow flag party will not accept true white male strength, as that treads too closely to Trump's old-school, can-do, competitive merit image. The founding fathers were white men. The only people to ever walk on the moon were white men...

Hello Tony Evers. Hello Gavin Newsom.

Enigma said...

Biden was selected as the safe, old, white figurehead and as a controllable malleable puppet.

Any white male under Democratic consideration must be a controllable malleable puppet.

The rainbow flag party will not accept true white male strength, as that treads too closely to Trump's old-school, can-do, competitive merit image. The founding fathers were white men. The only people to ever walk on the moon were white men...

Hello Tony Evers. Hello Gavin Newsom.

Ralph L said...

We will never really know who has been running this country

The most frightening possibility: it was Joe Biden.

Evers may have a shot. Trump could assemble all the ridiculous things he's said in an ad, and no one would listen after a few seconds.

Would a Jewish nominee split the Party? Is Antifa pro-Palestinian?

Leland said...

The concept of the sentence isn't coherent, so I guess if one thinks it is coherent, well ok then. Good luck with it.

doctrev said...

No matter what, a Jewish nominee would split the Democratic Party. If Max Blumenthal or Glenn Greenwald was gifted the nomination, "donors" would shut their wallets tightly. Josh Shapiro would absolutely be regarded as an Israeli puppet by the activist base, and cost the Rats millions of additional votes that would have to be fraudulently generated. American Jews want to pretend that Israeli policies are broadly popular outside Michigan: in reality, that is only the case among Republicans. Tucker Carlson and Candace Owens show even that is not universal.

Ann Althouse said...

"I've never heard Evers speak before. What an amazingly non-dynamic presence he has. I nearly nodded off after 30 seconds of that video."

Reminds me of Joe Pera.


Jersey Fled said...

Please, please, please let it be Tony Evers.

Mike of Snoqualmie said...

Evers is just another Democrat barbarian. He played the GF victim card when GF died from a drug overdose. He did nothing to stop the riots.

He's so dynamic even Dementia Joe couldn't fall asleep listening to him. Ever would draw twice as many rally-goers as Dementia Joe: 30 vs 15. Trump would roll over him like a steamroller.

Bob Boyd said...

Did you know that you can buy a cheap knock-off of Elmer's school paste at Walmart and save a few pennies? For some reason I was reminded of that fact when I watched Tony Evers speaking.
As nominee Evers might prevent the walking part, but he'd only make the sleeping worse.

Interesting you selected a video of Evers spreading the Big Lie and fomenting fear and division between races. I can only assume he'll blandly go along with all the other lies and hoaxes the current Regime has built itself upon.
You once stated that Joe's perpetuation of the Fine People hoax was disqualifying. What does Evers say about it, I wonder? Will he calmly tell the Resistance it was all bullshit?

RideSpaceMountain said...

Did they just use the word coherent in the same sentence with Harris? Really?

Martin L. Shoemaker said...

More persuasive? So they would negotiate something even better than the Abraham Accords?

rhhardin said...

If Trump wins there will be wall to wall riots from the left, so there's that craziness to consider for voting for Trump. I don't see anything else dangerous about Trump. He's a good deal-maker and the world needs deals. Things beneficial to both sides instead of to Biden's bank account.

boatbuilder said...

Althouse--was that "low-key calming presence" remark mockery?

I've never seen the guy before, but he looks and sounds like a mortician.

narciso said...

Wasnt he in poltergeist 2

Sydney said...

Sadly, this is the same sentiment I am hearing from my peers. Physicians! People who would take away driving privileges from a patient like Joe Biden. They actually think Joe Biden is a better choice than Trump.

gilbar said...

the Problem IS: you CAN'T pick ANYONE.. You'd HAVE TO pick SOMEONE

The ONLY POSSIBLE PICK is MooChelle O'Bama

Gusty Winds said...

How is the guy that purposefully let Kenosha burn in 2020 a "low-key calming presence"? He's also the guy that would have kept Wisconsin locked down for two years like Pritzker did in Illinois. Thank God we had a conservative majority on the WI Supreme Court at the time to stop him.

This douche promotes every climate lie, and is all for cutting genitals off children.

Tony Evers is a typical education establishment beta male. I'm sure Putin and Xi Jinping would bat Evers around like a baby seal.

That's not calming, it's terrifying. What do they put in the water in Madison, WI?

doctrev said...

gilbar said...
The ONLY POSSIBLE PICK is MooChelle O'Bama

7/5/24, 8:19 AM

Nope. Especially after Obama came out early to defend Biden, the donors should worry that Michelle is going to backstab them in order to maintain the Biden charade. She has shown zero sign of wanting the job, and trying to force her into it could have dire consequences.

Bob Boyd said...

"Whoever wins..."

Joe already won. Anne Applebaum and the Atlantic helped him.
That's just the stupid voters, though, so no biggie.

Mikey NTH said...

He kind of looks like Dr. Fauci.

MadTownGuy said...

From the post:

"Until now, I had not seen the name of our Governor in any of the replace-Biden discussions. Why not? He's a very low key calming presence."

If by "low-key calming presence," you mean utterly lacking in charisma, I must agree. Marketing him will be hard, even if the DNC positions him as 'Not Trump.'

Temujin said...

There were also 16 or so other Republican candidates in the last 2 election cycles who were more coherent than Trump. How'd that turn out?

Persuasion is a difficult thing to know. It's not always the smoothest talker with all of the fine data points who is more persuasive. In fact, as a former salesperson, I can tell you that all the data points I used to have, were generally held back until a needed time. The most important thing was connecting with my audience. You do that first. That is Trump's super power. I don't know Tony Evers. Is that a strength of his? Or not?
I do know Gretchen Whitmer. She is intensely dislikable. She would not make it. I know Josh Shapiro only by his rearranging of the 2020 election rules. I don't know if he connects with his people.

Rusty said...

Bob Boyd
I see what you did there.

Boat builder.

Aggie said...

Geez I'd never heard of this guy before. He's almost perfect at being self-effacing, and drier than the Bonneville flats. Equal parts Garrison Keillor and Mr. Rogers and Pat Paulsen and someone else I can't think of. I'll have to catch up on his act.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Biden is incoherent + and refusing to exit stage left.

Hunter calls the shots. Gotta stay out of prison - where they belong.

Gusty Winds said...

Tony Evers let Kenosha burn on purpose. No doubt.

Aggie said...

Joe Pera, I mean.

gilbar said...

doctrev said...
gilbar said...
The ONLY POSSIBLE PICK is MooChelle O'Bama
She has shown zero sign of wanting the job,

1st: Joe Biden TRAGICALLY DIES, by the end of the 1st night of the convention (possibly on tv)
2nd: The "grieving nation" "rallies" behind MooChelle, who "reluctantly" agrees to the job
3rd: MooChelle "wins" with a vote 'count' of WELL OVER a hundred million votes

tim maguire said...

Tony Evers? Just what the Democrats need to round out their ticket--an old white guy.

If they're going to switch candidates, it has to be somebody significantly younger.

JAORE said...

Yeah. Run that dynamo....

doctrev said...

Temujin said...
There were also 16 or so other Republican candidates in the last 2 election cycles who were more coherent than Trump. How'd that turn out?

7/5/24, 8:43 AM

Who exactly was that? At best, Trump's opposition humiliated themselves. At worst, they ended their national careers as Republicans.

Connecting with the audience is something Governors and Senators should do by definition. They all think they can do it better than Trump, and they all pay the price for arrogance. Which is more self-destructive than Trump's arrogance.

RBE said...

That was awful to watch.

BG said...

In some circles (not Democrats), their nickname for Evers is “cadaver.”

MadTownGuy said...

""Whoever wins—
Wisconsin Governor Tony Evers, Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer, Pennsylvania Governor Josh Shapiro, Vice President Harris, or anyone else—would be more coherent and more persuasive than Trump.

Evers: Mr. Personality, who abandoned Kenosha to the hordes.

Whitmer: She who shut down gardening centers in Meijer stores, because apparently COVID is spread by house plants.

Shapiro: not as bad as Whitmer (that's a low bar), and he can blame the COVID lockdowns on Gov. Wolf, but he yanked the rug out from under school choice after saying he would support it.

Harris: more coherent than Trump? She's only marginally more coherent than Biden. Also a low bar.

Trump may be a stream-of-consciousness kind of guy, but he gets his points across, and that's Persuasion with a Capital P.

Ralph L said...

someone else I can't think of

Charles Grodin?

Yancey Ward said...

If Biden can hang on through next week, he will be the nominee short of dropping dead.

Yancey Ward said...

The way the Democrat press has gone about this makes it harder to get rid of Biden- they are stabbing him in the back after spending 4 years actively covering up his shortfalls- Biden isn't so far gone, yet, that such betrayal won't make him angry and defiant.

Bob Boyd said...

Did all these reporters and media outlets simply lie to us about Biden's mental state for years? Or did they choose to believe their sources because they wanted to believe what their sources were telling them? Either way they published lies.
Remember this when they tell you about things like the climate or the war in Ukraine or Covid or the Border or anything.

Joe Smith said...

Evers looks like the most boring white guy on earth.


Joe Smith said...

'Did all these reporters and media outlets simply lie to us about Biden's mental state for years? Or did they choose to believe their sources because they wanted to believe what their sources were telling them?'

The entire media, with few exceptions, and the entire federal government lied to everyone.

I knew Joe was a vegetable, but libs wanted to believe he wasn't, so were happy to be lied to.

Joe Smith said...

'If Trump wins there will be wall to wall riots from the left...'

Which should give the feds the impetus to tear apart BLM and Antifa.

Go after the shock troops and whoever is funding it.

They are both organized domestic terror groups...

PM said...

That was excellent and appropriate
60 years ago.

Oligonicella said...

I stopped listening when it became clear he wasn't going to address Floyd's addiction and use of fentanyl, holding a pregnant woman hostage as a shield, running and resisting.

If you don't reference all the felonious crap Floyd did, sure it sounds like persecution.

Humperdink said...

One of our senators in PA is Bob Casey*. He arises from his slumber every 5 1/2 years. He is absolute dud. Gov. Shapiro has a slighter higher profile.

* As an aside, Casey is now claiming to be tough on the border. On par with the "fine people" hoax.

Narayanan said...

She has shown zero sign of wanting the job, and trying to force her into it could have dire consequences.
what kind of amnesia are we dealing with here?
already have puppet resident in WH
what difference with another one? + check boxes too!!

Wa St Blogger said...

Why not? He's a very low key calming presence.

You liked Biden for his boringness. You have never been reticent about how you favor boring. I know you abandoned Biden for his flagrant lie, but in contemplating ANY democrat candidate you support the bigger lie that the party persists in. Democrats are generally hive-minded, so you will get a boring leader, but an organization that is anything but boring in its attempt to create division. What difference if it is vocalized by the figurehead or promulgated behind the scenes by the system?

NKP said...

Has Mrs. Obama ever had an actual job? The Super Important Job she had in Chicago was never filled after she left. I suspect she pioneered working from a remote location.

Is Mrs. Obama noted for any particular personal accomplishment?

Has Mrs. Obama ever actually practiced law?

Are all official records associated with Mrs. Obama sealed?

Mrs. Obama has done less to benefit others than the slowest moving clerk at your DMV or the fry cook at your favorite local dive.

doctrev said...

Narayanan said...
what kind of amnesia are we dealing with here?
already have puppet resident in WH
what difference with another one? + check boxes too!!

7/5/24, 10:46 AM

If that's true, any puppet would be sufficient. Mooch knows she would be exposed and ridiculed as a candidate, and she wants none of it.

Mike of Snoqualmie said...

Hey teacher, I know who it's going to be! Jay Inslee, WA's retiring governor. He needs a new gig after ruining the ferry system, decertifying Western State mental hospital, opening up the unemployment payment system to $1B in fraudulent payments and trying to ban natural gas in homes and businesses (I-2066 to overturn the ban has collected over 450,000 signatures. Possibly 500,000+.). In his last run for president, he went from 1% favorable to 0%.

Jay's our man! He can rally the nation behind his run! He's only 70, so he can be around for two terms! What's not to like?

Mr. T. said...


Has this clown columnist ever even heard Tony Skeletor Evers speak? Remember his incoherent ramblings while Kenosha burned? Hid badly teleprompter-prepared schlock while Black Lives Matter murdered grandparents at a Waukesha Christmas parade? The only difference between Zombie Evers and Comatose Joe Biden is rigor mortis has already set in Evers.

Aggie said...

@Ralph L said, at :: "someone else I can't think of.. - Charles Grodin?"

No, I'll tell you - it came to me: Bob & Ray.

effinayright said...

Myself, I've always wondered whether either of the Obamas actually took and passed the bar exam.

Chicago is so corrupt, and the two are of the Favored Race, so my suspicion is, they were quietly admitted in.

After all, who actually gets to see those exam scores?

And Big Mike getting $300K+ for a no-show job should have been a hint he/she was being given political favors from the start.

Botton line: they are shitbirds, both of'em.

Greg the Class Traitor said...

VP Harris is neither more coherent, nor more persuasive, than Trump.

If the Dems had had a no Biden Primary starting a year ago, most likely the Dem voters would have kicked her to the side.

But they didn't do that, and now they're going to pay for that. Because "black" Dem voters, esp the female ones, aren't going to tolerate the "black female VP" being booted aside for some white candidate.

The Democrats chose to be they Party of racism (DEI / Affirmative Action / racism: it doesn't matter what you call it, that's what it is). Now the bill comes due.

Skeptical Voter said...

Kamala Harris more coherent than Trump? That writer was smokin' some pretty strong ganja if she could say that.

deepelemblues said...

This is, again, a consequence of very deranged people like Applebaum NEEDING so very badly to see Trump DESTROYED, that they imagine that just about anybody other than Joe could do it with ease and dispatch. It's fantasy.

Achilles said...


Until now, I had not seen the name of our Governor in any of the replace-Biden discussions. Why not? He's a very low key calming presence.

If Kamala is leap frogged by any person other than a black woman the democrat coalition melts down.

mikee said...

So Althouse is asking whether Evers will have a tinker's chance? That'd be a classic play!

Mikey NTH said...

mikee: *golf clap*


Insufficiently Sensitive said...

""Whoever wins... would be more coherent and more persuasive than Trump.""

by Anne Applebaum in The Atlantic.

A reliable voice for the good old Progressives, who'd certainly salute that flag. But all those deplorable millions, who find Trump at his rallies (carefully un-reported by the Atlantic and its sisters and cousins) perhaps even more coherent and persuasive - how are their votes to be overwhelmed? Another 2020-style Cabal? De-ballotizing? A pre-dawn FBI lynching?

There are some folks even more coherent and persuasive than Ms. Applebaum.