July 3, 2024

"What does Callahan hope to add to this vale of tears? Only her residual and, yes, partisan and ideological suspicion..."

"... that despite ample testimony (in many cases from the victims themselves), the Kennedy men have somehow gotten away with it all. So unfurls her multigenerational perp walk, which begins, as it must, with Big Joe.... Joe’s habit of treating women as, in Callahan’s words, 'accessories, broodmares, chattel' was inevitably passed down to his sons. John Kennedy’s White House notably featured what one aide called 'a conveyor belt of young women' running up and down the back stairs, 'leaving blond hairs and bobby pins,' Callahan writes, 'dripping water and passing their half-finished drinks to Secret Service agents as they scurried out the door, no doubt hearing that the first lady was on her way home.' In one particularly repellent act, she writes, the president commanded the 19-year-old intern he was having sex with to fellate one of his aides...."

Writes Louis Bayard, author of the novel "Jackie & Me," in "A Horror Story Starring the Monstrous Men of Camelot/Maureen Callahan’s lurid 'Ask Not' paints the Kennedys as mad, bad and dangerous for women to know" (NYT).


doctrev said...

I laughed so hard at the obvious attempt to kick out RFKJ that I was genuinely surprised they bothered. The polling against Biden must really be brutal.

In case you were curious, the furious pushback to this article is why the people who really killed JFK (over a nuclear program, and it wasn't exactly the CIA) could never let their role in the assassination be revealed.

Kevin said...

Tearing down the Kennedys: partisan.

Tearing down the Trumps: saving democracy.

Achilles said...

RFK is their best chance to beat Trump.

I am surprised they haven’t co-opted him yet.

rhhardin said...

The women thought they were having a good time.

tim maguire said...

They do it because they can. Powerful men will never run out of willing women, no matter how abysmally they treat them.


Tom T. said...

"Fellate" isn't really the verb form.

Dave Begley said...

At least the Kennedys weren’t senile and not bribed by foreigners.

mezzrow said...

It's hard to hang on the Omerta for a century. It is also convenient to shit on the Kennedy brand right now for partisan and ideological reasons.

If RFKJ was more of a "team player" he could be living like one of the more traditional Kennedy men, iykwimaityd. Further details to come later, probably.

Saint Croix said...

NYT is all "Not Biden."

And now they are "Not Kennedy."

Not Kennedy and not Biden.

And Not Trump!

NYT doesn't like any of the candidates.

Newspaper No.

Saint Croix said...

Kennedy says, "Suck my aide's cock, wench."

Frankly, I don't believe it.

I'm negative on the NYT's negativity.

"All the negativity that's fit to print."

I know he's not Sir Galahad, but I dispute -- from across time and space -- that he's doing three-ways with his male aide.

Name the aide!

Dean Rusk?

Robert McNamara?

Bobby Kennedy?

That's a slightly gay menage a trois, in my opinion.

And if it's Bobby Kennedy, it's a slightly gay and slightly incestuous menage a trois.

Enigma said...

Women treated as 'accessories, broodmares, chattel'

Given that every wave of feminism has ended in a vale of tears, this is the next wave of lefty feminism I presume. As bio females are roundly abused and pushed into the background by the Democrats and transgendered males at every turn, the left is following Afghanistan's and China's lead.

The de-suffrage movement has begun. Veils and chastity belts for all females.

Saint Croix said...

"fellate" sounds like a Republican excuse when he's caught being gay

"I fell and I ate it."

Shouting Thomas said...

Remember when Althouse used to write glowing testimonials about 60s rock groupies and how daring and ground breaking they were? Those crazy, adventurous plaster casters!

What in the hell do you think was going on in the band bus?

I was there, so I know.

So, when is whoring to be close to money and fame daring and ground breaking, and when is it evidence that the men you’re whoring yourself to are cads?

In my experience, from the female point of view, the difference is whether or not the rich and famous man you’ve targeted converts the whoring into a “relationship” and shuns the other whores.

Captain BillieBob said...

Someone really wants to make sure Kennedy does not get the dem party nomination.

gilbar said...

Democrats are scum.. In Other BREAKING NEWS.. The Sun rises in the East, and Dogs bark!

Wince said...

'dripping water and passing their half-finished drinks to Secret Service agents as they scurried out the door.

Wasn’t that swimming pool underneath what is now the press briefing room?

Think of all the Democrat “fellating” that’s gone on within those four walls!

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

Poor timing for an RFK-adjacent hit piece. Are they trying to take heat off Biden?

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

And yes, I meant "RFK Jr-adjacent" above.

Heartless Aztec said...

Sam Kinison had one of the best takes on the male Kennedys. I won't go into it here but it's around if you look for it.

Dave Begley said...


You aren’t getting off easy here. We want some bus stories. And names. Or it didn’t happen.

Temujin said...

Just seems an odd time to drag out this story- yet again. Except that the in kind donation Joe Biden made to both the Trump and RFK Jr. campaigns last Thursday night is probably the final nail in the coffin for Old Joe.

RFK Jr was already showing in polls to be pulling enough Democratic voters to have an impact on Joe in key swing states. The Dems are furiously trying to figure out how to oust Joe, but still trying to prop him up in case they're stuck with the guy they stuck the rest of the country with for the last 4 years. This is just some very poor propping up by the NY Times. But, when your quiver is empty, you end up picking up small stones or animal dung to throw at your opponent.

planetgeo said...

Who here doesn't yet understand that the warning that a wealthy politician is "mad, bad and dangerous for women to know" is actually an awesome endorsement and impossible to resist for some women?

Kate said...

@Shouting Thomas with the sad but true reality. They'll let you grab 'em by the pussy, as someone once succinctly put it.

RideSpaceMountain said...

"Who here doesn't yet understand that the warning that a wealthy politician is "mad, bad and dangerous for women to know" is actually an awesome endorsement and impossible to resist for some women?"

"Mad, bad and dangerous to know" is like female catnip. The only women who cry about it are the cat ladies that don't have a supplier anymore.

RideSpaceMountain said...

E. Jean Carroll has entered the chat...

Big Mike said...

They do it because they can. Powerful men will never run out of willing women, no matter how abysmally they treat them.

@tim maguire, IMO Althouse has amply indicated that she blames men for taking advantage of the women throwing themselves at the rich, famous, and powerful men, not the women for throwing themselves at them. Jack Kennedy was relatively young, quite handsome, very rich, and President of arguably the most powerful nation in the world. Of course he had sexual access to women throwing themselves at him.

Big Mike said...

Some of JFK’s mistresses were around long enough, and were “active” enough to receive Secret Service code names. Young White House secretaries Priscilla Wear and Jill Cowan were “Fiddle” and “Faddle,” respectively, and legend has it that they were always available to join the President in the White House pool for clothing optional swims.

According to Kennedy press aide Barbara Gamarekian, Jackie pointed to Wear and stated, “This is the girl that’s sleeping with my husband” while speaking in French to a Paris-Match reporter she was showing around the White House. Except that French being the language it is, she probably didn’t have to resort to the euphemism “sleeping with.”

Bob B said...

"Senator, you're no Jack Kennedy" was a remark made during the 1988 United States vice presidential debate by Democratic nominee Senator Lloyd Bentsen to Republican nominee Senator Dan Quayle. It was yet another reason to support Quayle.

William said...

With great privilege comes great irresponsibility.....I give JFK a pass. He was handsome, witty, charming, a war hero, the scion of a wealthy family, and a powerful man in his own right. Any one of those things is guaranteed to give you a leg up in getting women to put their legs up, and he had all those things working for him. Plus he had been very sick in his youth and felt that he had to get when he could because there wasn't much time. The other Kennedy's are far less sympathetic, but Teddy is the only one who, in terms of Divine Providence, got away with his bad behavior.

Bob B said...

Wasn’t that swimming pool underneath what is now the press briefing room?

Think of all the Democrat “fellating” that’s gone on within those four walls!

Still occurring during press conferences of Democratic presidents.

William said...

One of the big perks about being a Kennedy is that none of their mistresses, groupies, victims ever go on to write tell-all memoirs. There's a lot to tell, but you mostly hear it second hand.....I read the Bayard review. He says the Callahan book is partisan and old stuff. This, he claims, is a trivial and unimportant book. He says Callahan rehashes gossip from people like Kitty Kelly. Maybe so, but it is edifying and instructive to note that when Kelly came out with her gossipy book about Reagan, it got reviewed on the front page of the NYT. Iirc, Maureen Dowd reviewed it and reported Kelly's allegation that Nancy Reagan got it on in the White House with Frank Sinatra while Ronald slept.

Sebastian said...

"Kennedy men have somehow gotten away with it all"

They have. As have many other Dems. Even RFK Jr. now--no "choir boy," he concedes vaguely, but Althouse might still vote for him.

What exposure at this late date adds to the vale of tears is to lift the ongoing MSM fog once more, to show the continual, decades-long PTB gaslighting, on every subject that matters to Dems. Connect the dots, from Camelot to O's "autobiography" to the laptop to Joe's senility--you name it.

By the way, how did all those women make it to the White House to f*&# Jack? Or was this before women acquired "agency"?

Ann Althouse said...

""Fellate" isn't really the verb form."

It's in the OED and traced back to 1884:

Crispa, with but one body, yet practises them all: masturbates, fellates [Latin fellat], works by either orifice,—dreading to die in vain before she has tried every mode.
J. Smithson, translation of Ausonius in translation of F. C. Forberg, Manual Classical Erotol. iii. 108Citation details for J. Smithson translation of Ausonius in translation of F. C. Forberg, Manual Classical Erotol.

After all these indulgences when she still feels lustful, she does not fellate [Latin fellat], this she deems unmanly.
A. Allinson, translation of Martial in translation of J. Rosenbaum, Plague of Lust vol. II. 87/2Citation details for A. Allinson translation of Martial in translation of J. Rosenbaum, Plague of Lust

Some males who are being regularly fellated by other males without, however, ever performing fellation themselves, may insist that they are exclusively heterosexual.
A. C. Kinsey et al., Sexual Behavior in Human Male xxi. 616Citation details for A. C. Kinsey, Sexual Behavior in Human Male

Lazily she fellated him while he combed her lovely hair.
J. Updike, Couples (1969) v. 482Citation details for J. Updike, Couples

If it's good enough for John Updike, it's good enough for you.

Lucien said...

When the press refuses to print what it has learned, people like J Edgar Hoover gain power, because they have secrets to use for leverage.

Hassayamper said...

@Tim McGuire: They do it because they can. Powerful men will never run out of willing women, no matter how abysmally they treat them.

Your link goes to a story about women who get into relationships with imprisoned or newly released criminals. They may have physical strength, but little else in the way of power in our society.

Conversely, the billionaire captain of industry or the scheming politician at the upper tiers of the Washington power pyramid may command mountains of wealth and immense influence over other peoples’ lives, but in their physique may be a diminutive weakling or unattractive tub of lard. Yet young women will eagerly serve as disposable semen receptacles for both sorts of men.

Is it the same dynamic for both, or are there two different psychological explanations for their behavior? In one case it seems to me that the woman fancies herself capable of taming the menacing brute and being protected from other male strangers by his physical power, much as she might “rescue” an unwanted pit bull who has bitten several people already. In the other case, it strikes me that the impetus originates not from a desire for physical protection, but in the social-climbing contest against other females, not far removed from the social dynamics of a troop of monkeys.

I don’t want to sound sexist or slam women unfairly, but their motives for their choice of sexual partners are so intricate and opaque. Men are easy to understand. We are instilled at birth with a primitive desire to ejaculate inside as many different women as possible, by any means possible, even rape if necessary. We overcome it only with intense socialization in our formative years, before we develop our full adult strength and that latent instinct becomes a burning hormone-fueled urge. But women are far more complicated. Who can understand them?

AlbertAnonymous said...

“In one particularly repellent act, she writes, the president commanded the 19-year-old intern he was having sex with to fellate one of his aides...."

Well, I mean, who hasn’t done THAT?

Wince said...

With JFK gone in 1963...

All alone at the '64 World's Fair

Eighty dolls yelling "Small girl after all"
Who was at the DuPont Pavilion?
Why was the bench still warm? Who had been there?

Or the time when the storm tangled up the wire
To the horn on the pole at the bus depot
And in back of the edge of hearing
These are the words that the voice was repeating:

"Ana Ng and I are getting old
And we still haven't walked in the glow
Of each other's majestic presence

Listen Ana hear my words
They're the ones you would think I would say
If there was a me for you"

When I was driving once I saw this painted on a bridge:
"I don't want the world, I just want your half"

mikee said...

I, for one, expect those with their names in the Epstein records to be exposed sometime less than 50 years from now. But I've always been optimistic.

Shouting Thomas said...

“In one particularly repellent act, she writes, the president commanded the 19-year-old intern he was having sex with to fellate one of his aides...."

Well, I mean, who hasn’t done THAT?

It’s pretty common. A very substantial percentage of women are turned on by being pimped out, as illustrated by the immense popularity of rap music.

mikee said...

I admire our blog host for not adding a Hawk Tua reference. But we're all thinking of it.

RideSpaceMountain said...

"I don’t want to sound sexist or slam women unfairly, but their motives for their choice of sexual partners are so intricate and opaque."

1st Wave Feminism – “We want to be equal to men”
2nd Wave Feminism – “We don’t need no men”
3rd Wave Feminism – “We are men”
4th Wave Feminism – “What’s a woman?”
5th Wave Feminism – “Our daughters are men now”
6th Wave Feminism – “We made a mistake. We want to wear hijabs now”


Iman said...

She ain’t lying.

Iman said...

“Name the aide!”

Dave Powers.

Aggie said...

'What does Callahan hope to add to this vale of tears? Only her residual and, yes, partisan and ideological suspicion that despite ample testimony (in many cases from the victims themselves), the Kennedy men have somehow gotten away with it all.'

Well... she might be thinking of a different kind of 'residual', too, after all.

For the NYT it's a twofer. A chance to keep the hallowed Kennedy visage enshrined, and also an opportunity to inflict a little damage to the family heretic in a time of Democrat need.

Iman said...

Well, they’re just some modern gals
Of course, they’ve had it in the ear before
Been on a lust for life
'Cause of a lust for life

Iman said...

They had to use teh pram a lot!

Saint Croix said...

“Name the aide!”

Dave Powers.

ohh, you might be right

never heard of him

he was the pimp, apparently

Judith Campbell Exner in her 1977 autobiography Judith Exner: My Story alleged that Powers assisted in setting up her sexual encounters with President Kennedy. Powers would later claim that Kennedy never had an affair with Exner, stating that the only Campbell he knew was "chunky vegetable soup."

In her book, Once Upon a Secret: My Affair with President John F. Kennedy and Its Aftermath, Mimi Alford claimed that while she was swimming with President Kennedy and Powers one afternoon in the indoor White House pool, Kennedy swam to her and whispered a request for her to give oral sex to Powers. Alford wrote that she complied with President Kennedy's request. According to Alford, Powers arranged her first two trysts with Kennedy.

Historian Robert Dallek has written that Powers was a "facilitator" of Kennedy's affinity for extramarital relations, discreetly arranging the time and places for trysts with a variety of women.

Journalist Seymour Hersh interviewed former Secret Service agent Larry Newman. Newman told Hersh that Powers "would find the women or bring the women along" for extramarital trysts with Kennedy on presidential trips...

Saint Croix said...

I don't want to call her Pussy Galore, but a movie about Judith Exner would be really interesting.

sleeping with Kennedy and Sinatra and Mafia guys and swapping notes on how to assassinate Castro

Michael said...

I always thought the idiom was Veil of Tears, like a face hidden by tears. A Vale of Tears would be a valley full of tears. So maybe there is just so many sad women?
Couldn’t care less about the Kennedy though.

Saint Croix said...

Iman at 9:04

thanks for the correction!

I never heard of him.

That's a creepy job.

Joe Smith said...

Jack, Ted, Bobby, and RFKJ are total pigs.

A bunch of raping/murdering cousins as well, one of whom RFKJ sticks up for.

The women who would vote for RFKJ have no idea what a creep he is.

Joe Smith said...

'Crispa, with but one body, yet practises them all: masturbates, fellates [Latin fellat], works by either orifice,—dreading to die in vain before she has tried every mode.'

Do you have this Crispa chick's number?

Asking for a friend...

n.n said...

Friends with "benefits".

Keep them affordable, available, reusable, and taxable.

Sequester the "burden" of evidence in sanctuary States.

Perhaps take a knee, too.

What other modes of social conservativism will progressive liberalism garner?

narciso said...

there was one with natasha henstridge, the chick from the species film, now natasha is a blonde and judith is a brunette, but otherwise, another interesting femme fatale was june cobb, who had some curious ties, along with some of her sisters who ran ops in the congo and cuba, she was a blonde,

then there's mary pinchot meyer, she supposedly kept a diary, of her assigantiona with the president, her ex was the spymaster, Cord meyer, who was very busy all through out the 60s, and into the 70s, as station chief in London,

the diary was reputedly recovered by James Angleton, and Phil Graham, who subsequently died, ppisoned by his jealous wife, Katherine Meyer woh inherited the paper,

Steven said...

Michael wrote: "I always thought the idiom was Veil of Tears, like a face hidden by tears. A Vale of Tears would be a valley full of tears. "

I would assume that this idiom entered English through the Latin hymn "Salve Regina." The first half reads:

Salve, Regina, Mater misericordiæ,
vita, dulcedo, et spes nostra, salve
Ad te clamamus exsules filii Hevæ
Ad te suspiramus, gementes et flentes
in hac lacrimarum valle.

Hail, holy Queen, Mother of Mercy,
Hail our life, our sweetness and our hope.
To thee do we cry,
Poor banished children of Eve;
To thee do we send up our sighs,
Mourning and weeping in this valley of tears.

friscoda said...

Re Valley (or Vale) of Tears, it is in several places in Psalms. Some later translations change it. (Salve Regina is one of my favorites - particularly its use as the accompaniment in Poulenc's Dialogues for the guillotining of the nuns; powerful).

Yancey Ward said...

LOL! All the Democrats needed to do was let Kennedy run in the primaries legitimately and he would be their nominee right now. However, by rigging the primaries for Joe Biden a second time, they now need to attack the Kennedy family to prevent Kennedy from drawing election votes from Biden. Too fucking funny!

narciso said...

well he didn't kneel to evil dwarf fauci, that is a heretical act, this is why they dragged other dwarf peter hotez, to bring up the Brain worm

Iman said...

Skull whuppin’

Iman said...

Skull whuppin’
Drive by Mary’s place
Gotta leave a cream pie on her face
You can’t win if you don’t run the race
Skull whuppin’
Drive by Mary’s place

h/t Mills Bros.

RJ said...

Howie Carr covered all this (and much more) in his books "Kennedy Babylon". There are two volumes but volume 1 is enough to make the point.

RideSpaceMountain said...

"Friends with "benefits".

Keep them affordable, available, reusable, and taxable."

A wise man once said, If it flies, floats, or fucks...rent it!

William said...

The karma calibrations for the Kennedy's are out of whack. Granted, JFK and RFK cheated on their wives, but death seems an excessive penalty for infidelities. Then there's Teddy Kennedy. There's a guy who got away with murdering a woman in the middle of Fifth Ave. I mean that littorally. He got away with it and went on to become The Lion of the Senate and the terror of cocktail waitresses. At the end of a long life, he passed away and got a full state funeral. Not much karma there....Cuomo and Franken must stare at the ceiling during their long nights and curse the unfairness of life. They picked the wrong era to pinch a derriere, but, for all that, they weren't murdered.

narciso said...

he was also a traitor see his outreach to Andropov and Chernenko, the brothers were some what sensible on that score,

effinayright said...

Iman said...
“Name the aide!”

Dave Powers.

And the rest of the story:

"The intern involved in the incident with JFK and Dave Powers was Mimi Alford. In her memoir "Once Upon a Secret: My Affair with President John F. Kennedy and Its Aftermath," Alford described how President Kennedy ordered her to perform oral sex on his aide, Dave Powers."

Jupiter said...

It is a useful reminder that the Press has always been a corrupt collection of cynical whores and criminals. They knew it. They never even considered publishing it.

Rick67 said...

"It's a montage of fear".

That right there describes most of the rhetoric coming from Democrats.

Jamie said...

"Mad, bad and dangerous to know" is like female catnip.

"I can change him!"

Cue "The Impossible Dream"...

n.n said...

Sexism... genderism?

JK Brown said...

None of this ever stopped those in the 1960s and 70s from being devoted Kennedy fans. Not even the killing and convicted rapes of women. Not even a young woman left to drown. They all still voted for Teddy and John Jr, till the latter's hubris got him and other killed. Telling is the massive government efforts to find the Kennedy plane far more effort than put into an airline crash.

mccullough said...

It’s time to let JFK go.

Were people in the early 1960s still talking about William McKinley?

Static Ping said...

The Kennedys being slimy is one of those open secrets that a lot of people refuse to see. It's up there with thinking Che was cool.

Zev said...

Did none of these women have agency?
How strange.

PrimoStL said...

Static Ping said, "It's up there with thinking Che was cool."


Lol. I once confronted a friend's flamboyantly gay son who had the typical Che shirt at a house party that Guevara was adamantly anti-homosexual. He didn't believe me and told me to prove it. I pulled up several quotes and a youtube video of him saying as such in an interview.

The look on his face was priceless. Worthy of being put on a t-shirt.

Bunkypotatohead said...

The Aristocrats!