July 3, 2024

"To suggest that the donor community could do that is scary. Money plays too much of a role in politics already."

Said Craig Kaplan, a Democratic Party donor, quoted in "Big Donors Turn on Biden. Quietly. Some of the president’s past supporters want a new candidate, but they are leery of going public" (NYT).
At a breakfast on Friday morning at the Hotel Jerome in Aspen, Colo., where nearly 50 Democratic donors had gathered for a preplanned meeting convened by the super PAC American Bridge, one person asked the crowd for a show of hands of how many thought Mr. Biden should step aside. Nearly everyone in the room raised their hands, according to two people present.... 
The deliberations among wealthy Democrats, detailed in more than two dozen interviews as well as in written communications reviewed by The New York Times, only intensified as the Biden campaign and the party establishment formed a protective wall around him in the days after the debate....


Achilles said...

It is easy to tell Joe to step aside.

It is hard to actually replace him.

All of the possible replacements poll worse than he does. Particularly the only real option that doesn’t explode their coalition which is Kamala.

And the Democrats are in real danger of losing a critical mass of core voters. Their only safe voting blocks are men who want to be women and women who want men in their bathrooms.

boatbuilder said...

The Party of The Common Man.

Enigma said...

I see this as a sign that Trump Derangement Syndrome is mostly over. Those pushing to keep Biden installed him as an obedient pawn, and they know that their agenda/power will evaporate without him.

As I asked a few days ago, are we set up for a repeat of Reagan vs. Mondale 1984? Reagan won in 49 states.

gilbar said...

Biden NEVER any support from people.. Just the 'donor community'
If THEY are gone.. Who is left to support Jill Biden?

gilbar said...

All of the possible replacements poll worse than he does.

except for Moochelle O'Bama. "Help us Moochelle O'Bama.. You're our ONLY HOPE"

R C Belaire said...

Were these people/donors simply looking for a reason to dump Biden, and the debate debacle provided that excuse? Sure seems that way based on how fast they've - apparently - changed their sentiments.

Bob Boyd said...

They're a community?

Ralph L said...

I believe some big donors insisted on the early debate to be sure they weren't wasting their money. It will be really fun if they back different candidates, but as we saw in the 2016 and 2020 nominations (and 2024 up til now), Dems can be remarkably obedient to whomever is calling the shots. If that cabal is divided, I can't wait for August.

gilbar said...

WSJ: Who’s Afraid of Kamala Harris?
Team Biden is trying to scare Democrats that the Vice President is the only alternative if the President drops out.

the emerging Team Biden game plan to stem the Democratic panic about having Mr. Biden at the top of the ticket in November. The theme: Go with Joe or you’ll get Kamala.
News reports this week say a Biden aide told donors their money would go to Ms. Harris if Mr. Biden dropped out. This was meant as a threat, not a promise.

Breezy said...

Will they want their money back whether or not he steps away? Or if he steps away and Kamala replaces him?

Earnest Prole said...

To suggest that the donor community could do that is scary. Money plays too much of a role in politics already.

I’m shocked, shocked to find that gambling is going on in here.

cfs said...

Those wasting time on the latest blockbuster from Hollywood are certainly missing out.

For drama, intrigue, and entertainment, you can't beat the current season and continuing saga of "Politicians of DC" being streamed live right now.

Kevin said...

These people don’t “donate”.

They pay for a result.

Captain BillieBob said...

Why bet money on a sure loser.

Humperdink said...

Every time I see the term "Big Donor" I scratch my head. Are they big donors for ideological reasons (their hardcore beliefs) or are they looking for a hefty ROI? I suspect it's the latter and the ROI is money and power. They don't believe the crap the Dems are selling.

Achilles said...

Enigma said...

As I asked a few days ago, are we set up for a repeat of Reagan vs. Mondale 1984? Reagan won in 49 states.

Trump won 2020 75 million voters to 60 million voters. Without mail in ballot fraud it made 1984 pale in comparison.

Tom T. said...

They're a community?


Wince said...

You mean to tell me the Democrats haven’t got the money out of politics yet?

mezzrow said...

Who is left to support Jill Biden?

Other than millions of unionized public school teachers? They'll be there to the bitter end. That said, you can't do it with footsoldiers alone. The party organs are suffering from a bad case of the cramps right now.

Dave Begley said...

Just bribe him and be done with it.

And I’m sure every one of those fat cats extensively uses Green federal income tax credits,

Christopher B said...

I remember reading a comment, I think on Instapundit, to the effect that part of the Democrat panic is finally realizing, and having to deal with, the fact ordinary Democrats have no control over their party. Even these donors are reduced to pleading with DOCTOR Jill to convince Joe that he has to go.

To an outside observer the lack of control has been evident since at least 2016, and likely before that. Rank and file Republicans made an uneasy peace with a similar situation after the Reagan revolution, at least until Trump descended the escalator, and now the GOPe finds the shoe on the other foot. The closest the Democrats had to Trump was Bernie, and he's been totally unreliable.

tommyesq said...

To suggest that the donor community could do that is scary. Money plays too much of a role in politics already.

On one side, there are very rich "donors" who not only want a return on their investments, but who also believe they have a say in picking upper management. On another side, there is the black community who is finally looking for a return on their investments (votes), and they want a say in picking upper management as well - Clyburn basically announced yesterday that if Biden is off the ticket and they pass over Kamala for some white person, he will withhold support.

Bob Boyd said...

Elections are a pain in the ass.

Dave Begley said...

At least with Harris at the top of the ticket her win will be plausible with all the stolen votes.

I can see the Fake News headlines now:

VP wins back minorities from Trump.

Kamala’s youth and energy wins the day.

Our first female President.

All female ticket. Historic.

Kamala and Pete. Historic.

TreeJoe said...

I wonder why suddenly Hunter Biden is attending all of Joe Biden's presidential meetings and it's being officially reported on in multiple outlets.

I wonder why a felon, drug addict, who has used access to his father for 2 decades as a source of personal income and power, is suddenly openly participating in Presidential meetings.

Reverse the perception of Hunter Biden and suddenly his open involvement as his father plans an exit from power becomes much more transparent as to where the corruption stems from and why him being directly involved now is more relevant. When a facade is no longer needed, it is dropped.

Bob Boyd said...

Hear me out on this,

Fauci/Gates 2024
"Give us a shot"

RAH said...

I know that Biden was Obama's insurance policy and Now it is Kamala. The fact is that Kamala has not done any obvious impeachable offenses. She is the VP. She is physically and mentally competent. She is just not an impressive candidate. The problem maybe is that Obama will continue to be a puppet master with Kamala. How is that different then Joe?

Will she do bad policies? Yes. So did Joe.

No, the big problem was that she was destroyed by Tulsi. They do not think she can win. Joe can't win.

Trumps 's big problem is that Democrats fear and hate him. Trumps is doing better because he does have record . Many want that good economy back. Not sure Trump can deliver. But he has a better chance than any Democrat.
The GOP base did not vote for Trump over De Santis because of polices. They did it because they know Democrats destroy Republican candidates any way possible. Fake impeachments, (Ken Paxton ).Criminal charges. I remember Perry being charged by Democrats.

The GOP went for Trump because he has been able to withstand all the attempts. No Republican that I know can do that. They do not have the money or the will.

Achilles said...

Bob Boyd said...
Hear me out on this,

Fauci/Gates 2024
"Give us a shot"


Saint Croix said...

Biden plunges in swing states

Post Debate Landscape

Saint Croix said...

Weird to think that mega-donors are "scary" but angry man with Parkinson's and the nuclear launch codes is "not scary."

gilbar said...

Serious Questions:
How many VPs did they have?

Are you going to pick FDR? or Andy Jackson?
So: 3 or 2?

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

How strange no Democrat was saying, "Money plays too much of a role in politics already" before Thursday night. If my memory is correct in fact they were bragging about how much Joe was raising from all the lefty oligarchs.

BUMBLE BEE said...

On Jesse Watters Primetime, Kayleigh pointed out MSM suggesting Trump be run out via the 25th Amendment some 200 times over the span of his administration.
Good Times!
"Trust Us".

Enigma said...

@tommyesq: Clyburn basically announced yesterday that if Biden is off the ticket and they pass over Kamala for some white person, he will withhold support.

Clyburn anointed Biden after the Dem's circular firing squad debate in 2020. He thereby HAS CONTROLLED Biden's agenda from 2021, and revealed the desires and wishes of many Black voters. Biden is Clyburn's sock puppet.

The big donors get thrown a bone now and then (e.g., Gates on environmental rules, Bloomberg on guns and banking, Bezos and many other tech firms on preserving monopolies and avoiding anti-trust laws, etc.), but Clyburn's Congressional Black Caucus was front-and-center.

Can a hyper-race-conscious, Woke/quasi-religious, open-borders, and reparation-oriented government function for more than moment in a global power with nukes and 300+ million people...and many, many more non-Black voters than Black voters? Hmmm? I foresee nasty consequences arriving very soon.

Bob Boyd said...

Lack of money plays too much of a role in politics already.

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

Were these people/donors simply looking for a reason to dump Biden, and the debate debacle provided that excuse?

Probably not. These people don't pay attention to the day-to-day political scene because generally they have lives and they didn't get this wealthy by hanging out with Biden or DC douchebags. IOW they get their news in snippets from the DNC-Media, who assured us all Joe was the "sharpest" guy ever to hold the office. Right up until last week that was the consensus, right?

Sure seems that way based on how fast they've - apparently - changed their sentiments.

Again, when confronted with the obvious reality these people are not stupid. They don't want to throw good money after bad and, yes, overnight Joe became a bad investment. It's that simple.

Zavier Onasses said...

"To suggest that the donor community could do that is scary."

"That" being....what?
..turn on Biden?
..go public about turning on Biden?
..something else?

Paywall clampted down right after the headline.

planetgeo said...

Watching the elites frantically parrying all the different angles of attack on Biden reminds me of all those YouTube safari clips, like, "Watch Porcupine Parents Protect Babies from Hungry Leopard, Finally Give up Weaker One".

JES said...

Democrats are going to vote for anyone who is not Trump. Doesn't matter if it is spelled Biden, Harris or Joe Blow. Just as long as it is not spelled Trump.

Zavier Onasses said...

"Money plays too much of a role in politics already."

Well, ya dont like it? Only way out is to dont put the power there to be sold. Own up to your personal Responsibilities, and keep your Liberty to yourself. Dont trust it to "Government."

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Don't go against he mob-machine Biden family.

Narayanan said...

not yet seen on billboards
"I'd walk a mile for a Kamela," in shitty SanFrancisco

Hassayamper said...

@cfs: Those wasting time on the latest blockbuster from Hollywood are certainly missing out.

For drama, intrigue, and entertainment, you can't beat the current season and continuing saga of "Politicians of DC" being streamed live right now.

I am certain that the events we are witnessing this year will be made into many movies for many years to come. Particularly if we stumble into a dramatic disaster, such as war with China and/or Russia, civil war, revolution, or evonomic collapse.

Imagine being around to witness the fall of the Roman Republic. Or the demise of the subsequent Empire. These days there is a whiff of both in the air.

Just an old country lawyer said...

The Dems are already losing African American men to Trump. If they get Biden to drop out and replace him with a white person, I think the Dems will have to say goodbye to their strongest and most solid voting block of he last sixty years.

Saint Croix said...

What I want is a list of the people who gave the Biden campaign $38 million after the debate.

I kind of want to sell them a bridge (to nowhere).

Humperdink said...

October 2024 billboard in San Francisco: "I'd crawl a mile over feces to vote for a democrat no matter who it is".

tommyesq said...

I kind of want to sell them a bridge (to nowhere).

They just bought a bridge to nowhere - Kamala Harris.

tommyesq said...

Weird to think that mega-donors are "scary" but angry man with Parkinson's and the nuclear launch codes is "not scary."

I think the scary part is that the mega-donors are the ones who selected the angry Parkinson's man, and had the ability to foist him on the country.

Saint Croix said...

However many millions the Bidens raise, you need to subtract all the free media spin that they've now lost.

What's it worth to have the entire mainstream media on your side in a national election?

$100 million? $1 billion? More?

The Democrats traditionally get a lot of positive media, which is like free ads. To dominate the mainstream media is an incredible advantage, and the Democrats have it in every election.

Joe Biden has lost that. The media is now attacking him.

I'm of the opinion that no amount of donor money can make up for all the bad press Biden is getting now.

tcrosse said...

I remember how pissed off the donor class were when Hillary failed to return their investment in 2016. I tremble to think what they expected from her.

Curious George said...

"She is physically and mentally competent."

Not intellectually though.

Enigma said...

@tcrosse: I tremble to think what they expected from her.

Her "standing on top of the USA under a glass roof" planned acceptance speech in 2016 tells the whole story. Hillary was meant to break the glass ceiling and put a female dominant footprint everywhere across the country. It would have been a different flavor of autocratic Woke, but probably not a lot different in tone and character.

narciso said...

House of cards for idiots recall the amerizan version written by a staffer for hillary schumer and dean (not enough napalm) had underwood blackmail the prrsident because of his ties to a chinese princeling who ran casinos in nevada

Aggie said...

If the deep-pocketed donor class is starting to raise their hand at the briefing breakfast, you can bet that their private phone lines are burning up, talking to each other in private. They're the Master Class, and they all feel qualified to solve the problem, so they're floating out every name they can think of and steel-manning them as candidates. I bet it's not very gratifying.

It's hard to turn the Biden Crime Family super (-in-the-) tanker though, and not much time to put donor sentiment through the rinse cycle. Plus, right now, they're hopping mad, angry that they've been fleeced on promises of Four More Years of status quo, only to see that evaporate on stage, in front of their eyes, with 50 million witnesses. 'Trust me' is going to beget a very unwelcome response, if the Democratic fundraisers are unwise enough to use it.

I still think the most likely outcome is going to be, 'get through the convention, then Joe steps down for Kamala'. They've been telling the entire country to 'shut up' for 4 years, (really since Obama, when you think about it). They're not walking away from that successful strategy now.

hombre said...

If the cartels dark money PACs were to get queasy about QuidProJoe we would see some action, but he's too much of a good thing for them.

hombre said...

Saint Croix: "What's it worth to have the entire mainstream media on your side in a national election?"

About 15-20% of the vote.

Gusty Winds said...

The real question we all care about, is who does George Clooney want?

Hassayamper said...

A real Party of the People they have there.

Butkus51 said...

They just now noticed this.

Rich people be so smart.

Iman said...


—- P0TATUS Joe Biden

Humperdink said...

Where are the reliable lefties on this site?

Original Mike said...

Politicians talk themselves into this need for piles of money. Everybody knows who Joe Biden is, everybody knows who Donald Trump is. They need money to run election operations, but the expensive ad campaigns aren't going to move the needle. IMO.

Joe Smith said...

Even if you were a hardcore lefty with tons of money you'd be an idiot not to have buyer's remorse.

Talk about pissing money away...

Rusty said...

That's just it, isn't it. The graft is enormous. One guy owns an environmental consulting firm. He stands to make billions. How many Democrat donor NGOs are involved in aid to Ukraine? How many are involved in delivering money to Iran? "Yeah, sure. We'll send all the shells and tracked vehicles you need." "But you have to use my friends shipping company and he demands cash on delivery."

Yancey Ward said...

Original Mike nails it- money is good for organizations dedicated to getting supporters to the polls. Advertising is only good for getting the candidate known the first time in any election jurisdiction- after that, advertising is wasted in both positive and negative ads. My suspicion is that most of this money is stolen, when you get right down to the details, by the various parasites that call themselves election consultants. It is why I never donate money to politicians, not even to Trump.

Prof. M. Drout said...

The preference cascade that started at the end of the first quarter of this year is not happening among the partisans of either side, whose votes were locked in once it became clear that no one from the Republican side could take the nomination from Trump. I doubt the more than a small fraction of the shift is made up of Biden voters who watched the debate and were just shocked into reality.
I think this is more of summer-1980 preference cascade, but with a small inversion. Then, most everybody agreed that Jimmy Carter was a good man, that he'd done something wonderful with the Israel/Egypt accords, and that his focus on human rights was a welcome return to morality after Henry Kissinger, et al. But the country was in absolutely terrible shape in every possible way. At some point that summer--well before Reagan's "are you better off now than you were four years ago?" line--a lot of normals decided that they HAD to vote against the Good Guy, even though they hated to do it, and as they talked to each other and found agreement, the preference cascade occurred.
Everything is analogous now except that instead of the candidate representing the awful status quo being the Good Guy you hate to vote against, the candidate who represents STOP DOING THIS STUFF! is the Bad Orange Man you hate to vote for.
Normals really care about what other normals think, and the media shapes what normal think other normals think, but something cracked after the first-quarter real numbers were in and people did their taxes and saw how much worse off they are, with no covid excuses and no prospects of new money being deposited in their accounts. Normals started talking to each other and realized that it wasn't just them, but everybody around them, also.
The debate was such a disaster for Biden because it brought into the mainstream (which Normals care about too much) open conversation about Biden senile, which massively speeds up the preference cascade. It was a disaster for the Democrats because it made a lot of people to realize that Biden cannot possibly have been running the country, so that just replacing HIM is unlikely to change the things--inflation, energy prices, border and illegals, crime, and to a lesser extent extremist gender and race stuff--that the Normals want to be stopped.
Prediction: if the Democrats do sub in Harris, there's a short-term blip in the national polls and then things settle down and the swing-state polls return to trending in the same direction as they are right now. This is a 1980 "stop the madness" election, not a "Which candidate is the nicer guy who cares more about me?" election.

Ambrose said...

Ha. So the course of the working person’s party is plotted out by wealthy donors in a smoke-free room in Aspen of all places.

Ralph L said...

Hillary was meant to break the glass ceiling and put a female dominant footprint everywhere across the country.

The delicious part was RBG hanging on to be replaced by the first female prez, and thereby ending Roe.

JAORE said...

Oh how quickly we can go from:

"Look, just LOOK at how much money we raised! That shows how swell our guy is"

Money plays too big a part..."

mccullough said...

Just tax political donations like a luxury good.

tcrosse said...

`MONEY is the mother's milk of politics,'' quipped Jesse Unruh almost three decades ago. This catch phrase quickly became, and still is, a rallying cry for politicians the nation over. --Christian Science Monitor.

Greg the Class Traitor said...

"To suggest that the donor community could do that is scary. Money plays too much of a role in politics already."

To suggest what, exactly?

That candidates drop out when they can't find anyone to give them money?

I believe there's a Presidential Election Fund that Biden can use, no?

And let's be real here: ActBlue disables address verification on "small money" credit card "donations" in order to enable corrupt big donors to dishonestly make little donations with fake names & addresses.

So if the big donors bail, Biden's "small dollar donations" will dry up too, because most of them are from teh big donors

boatbuilder said...

Prof. M. Drout--Dead on.

My first ever vote was for RR in 1980. In the primary.

I grew up in the 70's, so "normal" was sort of hard to pin down. But I knew that what was happening under Carter was not the way things were supposed to be. Apparently a lot of other people knew that, too.

tcrosse said...

@ Prof. M. Drout
Also in 1980 there was a bit of unpleasantness with hostages in Iran, lines at gas stations, and malaise. John Anderson ran for President for those who were sick of Jimmy Carter but too fastidious to vote for Reagan.

Aggie said...

Who remembers Reagan as a Presidential candidate? He ran, what, 3 times? All the hippies called him a fascist, because of his Governor days. Most of America thought the idea of an actor in the White House as entirely unserious - especially, him, the cornball. But he turned out to be a pretty great president after all, mostly because, as an actor, he somehow brought a sense of grounded reality back into the culture, by running his administration pretty well and by being effective as a foreign leader. A little well-informed pragmatism can go a long way.

The rule of Lemnity said...

“The donor community” James Carville is right, people don’t talk like that.