July 4, 2024

"The Conspiracy of Silence to Protect Joe Biden/The president’s mental decline was like a dark family secret for many elite supporters."

That's the headline at New York Magazine. This is exactly the subject I've been wanting to see developed. 

The piece is by Olivia Nuzzi. Excerpts (boldface added):

In January, I began hearing... stories from Democratic officials, activists, and donors. All people who supported the president and were working to help reelect him to a second term in office. Following encounters with the president, they had arrived at the same concern: Could he really do this for another four years? Could he even make it to Election Day?

Uniformly, these people were of a similar social strata. They lived and socialized in Washington, New York, and Los Angeles. They did not wish to come forward with their stories. They did not want to blow a whistle. They wished that they could whistle past what they knew and emerge in November victorious and relieved, having helped avoid another four years of Trump. What would happen after that? They couldn’t think that far ahead. Their worries were more immediate....

They were scared and horrified. But they were also burdened. They needed to talk about it (though not on the record). They needed to know that they were not alone and not crazy. Things were bad, and they knew things were bad, and they knew others must also know things were bad, and yet they would need to pretend, outwardly, that things were fine. The president was fine. The election would be fine. They would be fine. To admit otherwise would mean jeopardizing the future of the country and, well, nobody wanted to be responsible personally or socially for that....

Those who encountered the president in social settings sometimes left their interactions disturbed....The president may not really be the acting president after all....  Who was actually in charge? Nobody knew.... 
What I saw for myself confirmed something was amiss.... I had not seen the president up close in some time.... Up close, the president does not look quite plausible. It’s not that he’s old. We all know what old looks like.... The president was something stranger, something not of this earth.... He looked, well, inflated. His eyes were half-shut or open very wide. They appeared darker than they once had, his pupils dilated. He did not blink at regular intervals. The White House often did not engage when questioned about the president’s stare....
My heart stopped as I extended my hand to greet the president. I tried to make eye contact, but it was like his eyes, though open, were not on. His face had a waxy quality. He smiled. It was a sweet smile. It made me sad.... He took my hand in his, and I was startled by how it felt. Not cold but cool. The basement was so warm that people were sweating and complaining that they were sweating.... 

Exiting the room after the photo, the group of reporters.... made guesses about how dead he appeared to be, percentage wise. “Forty percent?” one of them asked....


Rabel said...

That reads like the opening to a pretty good zombie story.

hawkeyedjb said...

It's probably as many have suspected: Joe Biden has never been the actual president of the United States. He signs what they put on his desk, he reads what is on the teleprompter, and that is the full extent of his involvement in governing.

Ambrose said...

Do they think anyone will believe this? They all knew.

ga6 said...

"You sure that is enough weight?"
"Will the canvas hold?"

"Yes sirs"

"Well, then over the side with him!"

Mason G said...

"To admit otherwise would mean jeopardizing the future of the country and, well, nobody wanted to be responsible personally or socially for that...."

What a load of crap. Name five bad things that Donald Trump was responsible for as president.

IIRC... gas prices were low, inflation was 1.9%, lower and middle class workers were seeing their adjusted for inflation incomes rising, the border was being secured, the country was energy independent, minority unemployment was down and there were no new wars.

Which of those things jeopardized the future of the country?

Rocco said...

Rabel said...
"That reads like the opening to a pretty good zombie story."

Well, leftism does eat the brain.

RideSpaceMountain said...

"The president’s mental decline was like a dark family secret for many elite supporters."

Twaddle. Horseshit. A dark family secret is that dad was a gay prostitute or your sister liked to get passed around by the football team. The "elite supporters" aren't family. They're accountable. They know better. They have deliberately created a lie from whole cloth and it wasn't even a good one...except maybe to a 12 year old.

This is not a fucking soap opera. This isn't over in 60 minutes. There are no credits. It's life or death and people have died. These people are traitors. They have used their power to committ treason. They are liars. They are no longer our countrymen and are enemies of us and the republic.

God willing justice will be done.

Original Mike said...

January? What claptrap. These people continue to lie, to themselves and to others. They've just settled on a new lie.

And here's the biggest lie of all: ""To admit otherwise would mean jeopardizing the future of the country …"

As Mason G says…"p"What a load of crap. Name five bad things that Donald Trump was responsible for as president."

These people got all wee-weed up at the start of the Trump presidency and will not or cannot let it go. You want to talk about actual harm to the country? You have a long list of offenses and actual crimes to answer for.

Dude1394 said...

"Which of those things jeopardized the future of the country?"

Trump jeopardized THEIR CONTROL of the country.

RideSpaceMountain said...

"It's probably as many have suspected: Joe Biden has never been the actual president of the United States. He signs what they put on his desk, he reads what is on the teleprompter, and that is the full extent of his involvement in governing."

The man in the oval office is a husk puppet. The people with executive authority are no one anyone voted for. They have usurped federal power for their own selfish purposes and that of their friends, who are none of us, and may in fact be foreign powers.

The number of laws that have been violated to bring this about is staggering. It is every bit as bad as people are sensing it is.

Clyde said...

@Mason G, Trump has nothing to do with it. Those people would feel the exact same way about ANY Republican, even the GOPe types. They are on Team D, and should any whiff of betrayal to Team D attach to them, they would be cast into outer darkness, never again to be invited to the right parties and soirees. That's what they mean by not wanting to be "socially responsible" for ratting out the Biden coverup. Better that the country should be destroyed than their social credit!

Wa St Blogger said...

What a load of crap. Name five bad things that Donald Trump was responsible for as president.

I second that challenge. Tell us why Trump is bad. Not your fevered dreams of fascism, unsupported by facts. Name specifically the policies, domestic and foreign, the tenor and direction or the nation. Back it up with specifics about what he did in the first 4 years that will inform what he will do in the second.

Be specific and don't use lies.

chickelit said...

They are all in board with Kamala being an even better husk puppet. This stuff has been obvious for several
months now.

Mason G said...

"@Mason G, Trump has nothing to do with it. Those people would feel the exact same way about ANY Republican, even the GOPe types."

The GOPe types are the worst. They pretend to be in opposition to the Democrats but continue to collaborate in the progressive's leftward march.

tcrosse said...

They need to focus on what can be, unburdened by what has been. Evidently that cannot be said too often.

mikee said...

Well, of course they didn't want to come forward with their stories. It wasn't like the President was fucking an intern or anything really outrageous like that.

Jersey Fled said...

Kamala was complicit. She’s as guilty as any of them in the coverup. How can she ever think of running for President, or dog catcher for that matter.

Kathryn51 said...

When someone on Twitter asked this this b*tch Olivia whatever why she and/or her published didn't publishe earlier, this was her response: Reporting takes time. I started to hear from these sources in January. This piece is about a conspiracy of silence that made people reluctant to talk. The reporting process is talking to sources and corroborating information and getting more information and corroborating that. Debate changed some people’s calculations about how candid they would be, and even then not on the record. Most of my stories take months and months..

Bryan York told her that she would be more credible if she had published after the obvious freeze-up at the Juneteenth event.

Jill Abrahamson (previously of the NYT) posted something along the lines of "yeah, right media was talkig about this stuff, but if we also investigated, it would look like they might be right" [translation, we might get dropped from the important cocktail parties, Kareen won't call on me or give me pre-scripted question cards].

YoungHegelian said...

What balless wonders the Democratic Party insiders are! Everyone knew from the beginning that Biden was not only a weak candidate who could never win if he had to campaign from anything but his basement, but that even he admitted that he should be a one term president!

Starting about years ago, the Democratic Party should have made Joe Biden live up to his pledge to be a one term candidate, and begun a succession plan, which would have included primaries. But, no. They just let the Zombie-in-Chief and his useless VP charge right on waaaay past their expiration date.

And now, they're in a real pickle. The number of state and federal laws that now would encumber the Party hierarchy's attempts to assign the nomination or move their money to another candidate is probably beyond their capabilities to circumvent. They're stuck.

It couldn't happen to a nicer bunch of assholes.

Original Mike said...

"What a load of crap. Name five bad things that Donald Trump was responsible for as president."

These people got all wee weed up at the start of the Trump presidency and will not or cannot let it go. How many offenses and outright crimes have they committed in the service of the big lie. Russia, Charlottesville,… just go down the list.

And January was the start of Biden's decline? More lies.

Kathryn51 said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Mr. Majestyk said...

Now, if Biden had said something outrageous in private, like referring to a shithole country as a "shithole country," I'm sure these fine people, these devoted patriots, would have run to the media with the shocking news. /s

Mason G said...

"Tell us why Trump is bad. Not your fevered dreams of fascism, unsupported by facts. Name specifically the policies, domestic and foreign, the tenor and direction or the nation. Back it up with specifics about what he did in the first 4 years that will inform what he will do in the second.

Conceding the fact that I have not read every comment on every blog site on the internet, I will say I have seen this challenge posted more times than I can remember, yet nobody ever seems to respond with anything more than "I don't like him, he's icky".

Bill, Republic of Texas said...

Democrats are so exhausting. Time after time it goes like this:

Conservatives: Biden is in early stages of dementia.

Dems: Biden has never been sharper. This is the best Biden ever!

Cons: Dude, what are you on about? He's clearly in decline and polls show 60% of people see it and worry about it.

Dems: they've been dumped by lying, dishonest MAGA "cheap fakes".

Two weeks later:

Dems: We've known all along Biden is just a prop. How stupid are you for not noticing.

Mr. Majestyk said...

Now, if Biden had said something outrageous in private, like referring to a shithole country as a "shithole country," I'm sure these fine people, these devoted patriots, would have run to the media with the shocking news. /s

retail lawyer said...

"Uniformly, these people were of a similar social strata. They lived and socialized in Washington, New York, and Los Angeles. They did not wish to come forward with their stories. They did not want to blow a whistle."

These people, and the entire Democratic Party, blew it so badly they should never be near power again. There is no excuse for this. This is a profoundly serious situation. There are more important things than being polite to Biden and the Diversity VP. They could have had a real primary contest. The entire party has no balls. They are pathetic. Especially the other possible contenders, like Newsom.

The level of delusion is like Hitler thinking his army could prevail on the Russian Front if he forbid his army to strategically retreat.

Bill, Republic of Texas said...

YoungHegelian said... but that even he admitted that he should be a one term president!

I swore I remembered him saying that after the election but no one else has mentioned it. I thought I was crazy.

Original Mike said...

Blogger Clyde said..."Trump has nothing to do with it. Those people would feel the exact same way about ANY Republican, even the GOPe types. They are on Team D, and should any whiff of betrayal to Team D attach to them, they would be cast into outer darkness, never again to be invited to the right parties and soirees."

I keep forgetting this, but yeah. We've all lived through BushHitler and Romney gave a woman cancer, and a front page NYT smear of McCain. And they style themselves as the good guys. The biggest lies they tell are to themselves.

Narr said...

Biden is half-embalmed already.

I'll be surprised and disgusted if he lives more than a few more months.

Oso Negro said...

Pretty hard to be elite if you are entirely lacking a moral compass. But outstanding propaganda from the Democrats. Better than Russia or China by far.

Temujin said...

In the 2020 campaign, the Biden team would announce a 'lid' on Joe Biden- meaning no more public or media meets- at anywhere from 9am to 9:30am multiple days of the week, for months. He barely campaigned. Their goal was to avoid Joe speaking off the cuff, limiting what he might say because he was not all there. Even the interviews that were accepted were heavily pre-arranged, with approved times, pre-approved lists of questions, and barriers on what could not be asked.

The entire media complex knew this. Articles like this are embarrassing in their lack of awareness of what we know and their blind determination to extend The Narrative as long as possible.

So why did Barack Obama choose to stay in Washington DC. Why did he choose to redo a beautiful home and turn it into a compound in the Kalorama neighborhood of Washington DC, when every previous President had left down upon the end of their terms? All the others got out of the way of the new administration, to not look over their shoulders, to give them the distance and respect their office deserved. But not Barack. He made room for Valerie Jarrett to stay there to work with him. Add in Samantha Power, Susan Rice, and a few others and you have the answer to two questions: Who dreamed up and drew out the lawfare attacks on Donald Trump? And who has been President behind Joe Biden the last 4 years?

GatorNavy said...

I’m going to comment on something that I am familiar with that was botched by President Biden and his team. And that is the withdrawal from Afghanistan. It never made any sense how uncoordinated the communication between, the State department, the Alphabet community, the CG in Afghanistan, the eunuchs at the Pentagon and various NGO’s. I mean I expected it to be like herding cats, but no leader showed the whip hand. All us mid-level guys would look at one another after one excruciating Teams call where nothing got solved or pushed forward and go, the guys on the ground were fucked or knew the picture.
In the end the Air Force started shoving US personnel in planes with no attempt at a manifest and flew the fuck out of there. My logistics guys and I left the week before when I was told to leave all medical gear in place. We left out that day and I was never happier to see Dubai.

And no one from any of the above mentioned folks will ever be held accountable.

Readering said...

I am imagining the HBO political miniseries. Does HBO still do political miniseries? The owner of the Washington football team should atone by footing the bill.

wildswan said...

If Joe Biden has Parkinson's he should leave office now now because hallucinations and delusions are a part of the disease. (Nuclear football in the hands of man with delusions.) If he's just declining with age, it is utterly outrageous that his decline was covered up (though half the country knew of he had declined) but I suppose a whole process has to play out. Biden was elected and he won primaries. His voters and he have to reach a conclusion on who he is - in July of 2024.

chickelit said...

Temujin wrote: So why did Barack Obama choose to stay in Washington DC. Why did he choose to redo a beautiful home and turn it into a compound in the Kalorama neighborhood of Washington DC, when every previous President had left down upon the end of their terms? All the others got out of the way of the new administration, to not look over their shoulders, to give them the distance and respect their office deserved. But not Barack. He made room for Valerie Jarrett to stay there to work with him. Add in Samantha Power, Susan Rice, and a few others and you have the answer to two questions: Who dreamed up and drew out the lawfare attacks on Donald Trump? And who has been President behind Joe Biden the last 4 years?

And Kamala Harris is BHO's handpicked successor to Joe Biden as husk-puppet in chief.

gilbar said...

They appeared darker than they once had, his pupils dilated. He did not blink

I can't figure out WHICH creeps me out More..
The Jet Black eyes, completely dilated..
Or the NON Blinking..

I guess it's the NON Blinking.. I'm Pretty used to drug addicts, and dilated eyes are something i USED to be used to seeing (in clients and associates)
But EVEN THEY Blinked.. The ONLY people i ever saw that did NOT blink were corpses..

What IS Joe Biden? in the immortal words of that girl on the plane: That Man is NOT Real

YoungHegelian said...


I swore I remembered him saying that after the election but no one else has mentioned it. I thought I was crazy.

Here's a link on the topic.

It was one of those things that "well, ya know, he said privately and was leaked to the media, but, ya know, it's not like he meant it or sumthin'".

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

I'm still waiting for the Democratic Media Industrial Complex to mention Biden family international grifting and pay-to-play influence peddling - at ultimate tax payer expense.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Biden tells a Philadelphia radio station that he's "proud" to be "the first black woman to serve with a black president"

Saint Croix said...

"It's not the mental decline, it's the cover-up."

Shades of Nixon!

Mason G said...

Biden tells a Philadelphia radio station that he's "proud" to be "the first black woman to serve with a black president"

So- is he pre or post op? Enquiring minds want to know.

Narayanan said...

The man in the oval office is a husk puppet.
can we hold Pence accountable for enabling the Usurper?

Bob Boyd said...

These people aren't really afraid of Trump at all. They're afraid of one another.

Paul said...

Known this shit about Biden for over 3 years and now the Democrats are shocked!!! Bunch of liars... they knew it long ago but as long as they got their man in via 'mail in votes' they were gonna ride the waves...

And now they act like they didn't even have a clue...


Bob Boyd said...

The thing about Joe, he's got lifeless eyes, black eyes, like a doll's eyes. When he comes at you he doesn't seem to be livin'... until he sniffs you, and those black eyes roll over white.

Narayanan said...

The man in the oval office is a husk puppet.
can we hold Pence accountable for enabling the Usurpation?

Deep State Reformer said...

Other than being a national embarrassment Old Joe's senescence is only a technicality and it really hasn't changed anything. RFK, Harris, Michy Obama, even HRC would hire and appoint the same people and pursue the same policies and goals as the Biden administration did. The "democratic" party's nomenklatura, NGOs, foundations, media, and billionaire$ have a plan which they will stick to regardless of which Dem is the POTUS. This cake called America is already in the oven and it's only a matter of time till it's cooked.

Iman said...

Quemala Harris

Rory said...

"and yet they would need to pretend, outwardly, that things were fine."

These people not our countrymen.

William said...

Has anybody in the media ever apologized for being wrong in their reporting? You don't need some super sleuth investigative journalism to discover that Hunter's laptop was real or that Biden has got some cognition issues. You've got to wonder about what other things they're getting wrong or, for that matter, are they getting anything right......I remember sometime back when an AP photographer retired. He said his biggest regret was that he was never able to get a photo of Reagan looking old and confused. He said that Reagan had a movie star's knack of photographing well, and he could never get a bad photo. Just the reverse with Biden. It must be a challenge to find a photo of him looking crisp and decisive, but until just recently they did it. Some pictures are worth a thousand lies.....Here's the plus side: We've had a part time, occasionally confused old man doing the job for nearly four years, and we've muddled through. There have been a fair number of mishaps and problems, but life goes on. All this talk about the White House being the hardest job in the world just isn't true. Apparently anybody can do it. This gives me hope because God knows who the Dems will replace Biden with.

Chuck said...

Aaron Rupar notes that this lengthy essay contains not one single named, identifiable source as a critic of President Biden. In my reading, I think that Rupar is correct. There are certainly people named on the record and being quoted. But none of them critical of Biden.

Do you think we are mistaken in that observation?

Olivia Nuzzi is certainly not a Trump apologist. But she also has an odd personal history in gossipy-tinged NY and NJ political stories.

Mason G said...

"You've got to wonder about what other things they're getting wrong or, for that matter, are they getting anything right......"

"Briefly stated, the Gell-Mann Amnesia effect is as follows. You open the newspaper to an article on some subject you know well. In Murray's case, physics. In mine, show business. You read the article and see the journalist has absolutely no understanding of either the facts or the issues. Often, the article is so wrong it actually presents the story backward—reversing cause and effect. I call these the "wet streets cause rain" stories. Paper's full of them.

In any case, you read with exasperation or amusement the multiple errors in a story, and then turn the page to national or international affairs, and read as if the rest of the newspaper was somehow more accurate about Palestine than the baloney you just read. You turn the page, and forget what you know." ― Michael Crichton

Ampersand said...

Lies built on lies built on lies. It's turtles all the way down.

walter said...

So you're saying he's 60% alive?
That's a majority!

But yes, who actually is presidenting was/is a good question, 'Livia.

Original Mike said...

"Has anybody in the media ever apologized for being wrong in their reporting?"

William, you proceed from the false premise that they are trying to be right.

walter said...

Chuck! leaning on Rupar.
The man, the verb.
They deserve each other.

JK Brown said...

January, they say? You'd think efforts would have been made to at least replace Kamala so they had a person to put as "when Biden dies" replacement.

Let's hope their poor prior planning results in piss poor performance in November.

traditionalguy said...

The Big Guy can’t run the Biden crime family without a strong memory. We will just have to watch Dr Jill And Bag Man Hunter duel it out for Presidential power.

But it’s all Trumps fault for looking so good.

Yancey Ward said...

Biden is pining for the fjords.

Original Mike said...

The dilated pupils and no blinking has got to be drugs, right? Is there a disease process that can cause that?

chickelit said...

The reason these so-called reporters lied had to do with keeping their jobs: Well paid jobs. Let them suffer for their greed. Let their children lack access to tony private schools and have to suffer what we do. Please, God.

Hugh said...

So this “reporter” sat on a big story for 5-6 months? Sounds like she was a big part of the problem, and further evidence of the cover-up which was hiding in plain sight. The Emperor’s New Clothes and all that. “They laugh ‘cause they know they’re untouchable, not because what I said was wrong.” They’re finally touched.

Eva Marie said...

Paul said...
“Known this shit about Biden for over 3 years and now the Democrats are shocked!!! Bunch of liars... they knew it long ago but as long as they got their man in via 'mail in votes' they were gonna ride the waves...
And now they act like they didn't even have a clue...
If you’re a Democrat and you want your party reformed to reflect the interests of ordinary Democrats like you, then this is the best way to achieve that goal.

walter said...

Original Mike said...
The dilated pupils and no blinking has got to be drugs, right? Is there a disease process that can cause that?
What's frustrating is we have had discussions about this years ago on this blog.
In the tradition of deep state medical miracles, Pedo Pete persists.

Bunkypotatohead said...

"You can avoid reality, but you cannot avoid the consequences of avoiding reality"

Clark said...

Chuck’s observation only reinforces what is, for most of us, the actual problem with the article. She claimed it took forever because nobody would go on record. It would appear no one yet has. So why now? Because the orders have been given. They want him out. Why now? Because she’s allowed to now.

Clever Pseudonym said...

BOB BOYD made me laugh so hard I almost choked.
I heard it in Robert Shaw's voice.

Gospace said...

Boy, are they behind the knowledge curve. Us members of Hillary's VRWC have known about this since at least 2020. Even the commenters here that aren't bona fide members of the VRWC appear to have been aware of it for years.

I don't know. Ann-when did you first have an inkling of suspicion brain addled Biden wasn't all there? Before or after most of your commenters? Or do you think those of us who claim knowledge of his being brain addled from the beginning of his term are just wish casting?

Kate said...

"BOB BOYD made me laugh so hard I almost choked.
I heard it in Robert Shaw's voice.

Same. There was a moment when I thought, "Wait." Then it hit me.

Wa St Blogger said...

As I sat there and enjoyed the patriotic music prior to the fireworks show, I was contemplating how much much of the world owes our country's founders. I take no credit for the work they did, having been fortunate enough that my mother immigrated here when she was 15.

Our lefty contributors should be ashamed and embarrassed to show their faces anywhere, and especially here. There is only one group that has continually assaulted the very heritage left us by our founders in their pursuit of power under the false pretense of advancing goodness. Only one group that has the power and the institutions at their disposal to undermine the very foundation of our rights, and they do it boldly and without shame. You can't believe in America if you believe that the very foundation stands athwart your desire to remake the country into some other vision.

If you want to convince me that you have have a better plan for our country, one more fair and more just, you will not be able to do it while promulgating unfairness and injustice in your pursuits, suborning our institutions and rights and denigrating those who cherish those rights; labeling THEM as the enemies of the country and falsely accusing them of crimes against humanity.

lane ranger said...

Note that ABC is a full paid-up member of the conspiracy of silence. They have carefully stipulated that a full TRANSCRIPT of the interview will be released, but have been silent as to editing of the tape of the interview, which means that they will be able to help Biden appear to be better than he actually is. Halting replies and strange silences will be edited, and most people will not bother to check the transcript against the video. The interview should be televised live.

wendybar said...

Temujin said...

Who dreamed up and drew out the lawfare attacks on Donald Trump? And who has been President behind Joe Biden the last 4 years?...

It's obvious to anybody who has eyes that this is what is going on, and Hussein is getting away with it, just like he will probably get a 4th term, because the Deep State will do everything they can to keep Trump away stopping Husseins fundamental transformation that Hillary was supposed to finish.

imTay said...

These same kinds of stories were coming out of Europe six or eight months ago. Rupar is going to be a very busy man if he is going to knock all of these kinds of stories down.

But his defense of Biden looks a lot like an admission that the press he quotes to attack Trump is more than capable of concerted lying about a President. So now that Chuck has admitted that the press is rife with liars, all he has is his personal opinion, which was assigned to him by propaganda anyway.

RMc said...

If I were a Democrat. I'd be furious. This is our only option? To drag a sick old man over the finish line, just to prevent the return of Literally Hitler? My God.

Breezy said...

Their pants are on fire about Biden while simultaneously claiming Trump lied 30 times during the debate. They are lost.

Biff said...

I wonder how many of "these people" in New York, Washington, and Los Angeles spoke enthusiastically about the 25th Amendment during the Trump administration.

Lloyd W. Robertson said...

Riffing on Walter, 60/40. What are my chances of being both alive and sane on Election Day? Answer: one in a million. Me, ecstatic: so I have a shot? (Dumb and Dumber).

Biden supporters are burdened. That's why Kamala says they need to disburden themselves. Hell, we all need to disburden ourselves every day or two. Disburden ourselves of the past, so as to get on with the present and future. What good has the past done us, especially if we are in one or more of the victim groups, not hwcms? The past has been a heavy meal, never distributed equally. We must disburden ourselves in order to be happy, not sad. It may not always be pleasant, but we will feel a huge relief when it is over. We should be like happy children, laughing or even cackling and dancing. Singing is strictly optional.

Jonathan Swift renders the word "disbur then."

boatbuilder said...

It is just a matter of time until Trump's hilarious mocking of Biden's signature move--stopping and gesturing to empty space-is condemned as "cruel" by the press lackeys of the regime.

Jersey Fled said...

Chuck spots another squirrel.

Chuck said...

Biff said...
I wonder how many of "these people" in New York, Washington, and Los Angeles spoke enthusiastically about the 25th Amendment during the Trump administration.

Lots, right?
Elaine Chao, Betsy DeVos, Mike Pence and Eugene Scalia for starters, right?

Drago said...

LLR-democratical Chuck: "Lots, right?
Elaine Chao, Betsy DeVos, Mike Pence and Eugene Scalia for starters, right?"


OMG, you actually wrote that thinking it would be persuasive?!

Mrs Mitch McConnell, Devos, Pence(!) and little known climber Eugene Scalia who definitely fell far from the tree?!

THOSE are the first names you could come up with? Why not "Unknown" while you are at it?

Too funny.

I rest my case.

Drago said...

I don't think LLR-democratical Chuck is really ever going to be able to recover from the implosion of his Hundred Democratical Hoaxes and having spent 4 years describing how Biden is sharp as a tack while Trump suffers from mental decline.......before reality fell on his head...which he probably blamed on some black republican somewhere.

Drago said...

boatbuilder: "It is just a matter of time until Trump's hilarious mocking of Biden's signature move--stopping and gesturing to empty space-is condemned as "cruel" by the press lackeys of the regime."

Watching what far left democratical narratives LLR-democraticals Chuck and Rich are pitching at Althouse is always a good gauge for what the latest democratical talking points happen to be.

If you want to get a bit ahead of Chuck and Rich (and lonejustice), simply head on over to Media Matters, the psycho fever swamp of Democratic Underground, etc and you'll already know what Chuck and Rich are going to write before it ever shows up.