July 3, 2024

Sunrise — 5:17, 5:19.




The rule of Lemnity said...

And He said let there be clouds.

Isn't it rich?
Are we a pair?
Me here at last on the ground,
You in mid-air,
Where are the clouds?

Isn't it bliss?
Don't you approve?
One who keeps tearing around,
One who can't move,
Where are the clouds?
There ought to be clouds?

tcrosse said...

Tidal wave!

n.n said...

The mark of climate progress.

Google Damage Control Over AI Driven 48% CO2 Emissionrenewable!

Massively correlated automaton constructs.

Let them wait for renewables!

Political Junkie said...

Does anyone know if the 2nd Pres debate terms are all set? Will they be the same as the first? Who is host?


Oligonicella said...

It's that time again.

Still my favorite rendition.

Kate said...

I'm slightly freaked by an article at Unherd saying that the young voter cohort has begun to happy-meme Kamala. She's rising in the polls.

Next to Biden, who wouldn't?

BUMBLE BEE said...

Timely Read?
The Communist Plan That Has Subverted Our Intel Agencies....


Narr said...

Billowy blues and cool greys.

A nice contrast to the usual.

n.n said...

In lieu of climate progress, in the woke of Green solutions, Google will offer punctuated intelligence.

narciso said...

Sound and fury signifying nothing told by an idiot

When europe took in 2 million syrians how did it work out thats roughly the 10 million that have come in, we imported a welfare not a worker class which will strain our entitlements our schools etc

MadTownGuy said...

It was a dark and stormy morning.

narciso said...


Big Mike said...

@Althouse, have you noticed something you are not heaing? Someone persuaded Donald Trump to keep quiet and leave the media focus on Joe Biden. Good that he has found good advisors. Good that he’s listening to them. Good that he’s displaying discipline.

Big Mike said...

That might not be a red sky in the morning, but I’d still take warning. How was the weather in Madison earlier today? Was it as rainy and as miserable as that sky would seem to portend?

Joe Smith said...

If Biden toughs it out (I hope), Rs need to get ahold of the Hur tapes and wait for October.

He's got to be worse than the debate for them to dig in like this.

Btw, it's only morons who want Joe out of this race...

The rule of Lemnity said...

Carter: "My Daughter Amy Says Nuclear Weapons Was Most Important Issue"

Biden: My son Hunter says opening the border to Fentanyl is the most important issue. 😉

The rule of Lemnity said...

So, will Stephanopoulos play the Biden re-habilitator or the Biden euthanizer?

My guess is it depends on what key democrats are doing and saying behind the scenes.

Biden controls $200 million dollars, but the desire to beat Trump is much greater. Besides, is not like Biden's fund raising Bonafide's has remain intact, when even CNN says Biden's post-debate numbers are the worst they ever seen.

Neil Alice said...

"Better than nothing is a high standard."

This might be Kamala Harris's mantra because I can't think of a single thing that she has ever done.

Taking the nothing elevator all the way to the top.

The rule of Lemnity said...

YouTube: The Trump Biden race in cartoon form

You gotta watch till the end.

Oligonicella said...

Just to throw a July 4th firecracker; consider that Hunter Biden, a drug addict, prostitute indulging, gun permit lying and shady at best business go-between has been attending Pres Biden's meetings with his staff.

A known security risk in the WH while sensitive discussions ensue. Yeah, Joe's got all his faculties all right.

The rule of Lemnity said...

In order for a coup against Biden to be successful, democrats need to have Kamala on board. The problem with that is Kamala’s poll numbers are probably still worse than Biden post debate debacle. Kamala couldn’t lead the take over of a lemonade stand.

As thing stands right now, Kamala may be the best political decision Biden has ever made.

Tom T. said...

Disappointed that Ann has not blogged about RFKJr reportedly eating a dog.

Jupiter said...

I am remembering, when I was young -- yes, way back then -- there was this thing called "existentialism". Invented, as I recall, by Frenchmen with improperly spelled names, and championed by the likes of Norman Mailer. Who, I have to say, wrote some readable books.

The notion, as I recall, was that only the present "exists", and one should -- must! -- therefore, be guided only by the most immediately recognizable consequences of one's behavior. Foresight is complacence, or worse, complicity. This seems to be the father of the philosophy that glues its penis to a Renoir. I came, I saw the Renoir, I glued my penis to it! What other course of action was open to me? And is it not evident, that the gluage of my rather unimpressive junk will -- in the moment, in THIS moment -- necessarily result in the salvation of the Universe?

Anyway, what became of existentialism? Is it still around?

Dave Begley said...

Biden will be in Madison on July 5th. Expecting a full and expert report from Meadehouse.

Iman said...

Well said, narciso, @7:09pm!

Joe Smith said...

'So, will Stephanopoulos play the Biden re-habilitator or the Biden euthanizer?'

George could kill his candidacy with a single sentence should he wish.

Disparity of Cult said...

Sarah Vaughan - Send in the Clowns


Disparity of Cult said...

Sarah Vaughan - Send in the Clowns


wendybar said...

I thought the first one was a giant ocean wave at first when I started scrolling!! Clouds are amazing!!

MadTownGuy said...

Democratic governor [Tim Walz] says Biden ‘fit for office’ after president meets with group of state leaders

Sure, double down. That's the ticket!

wendybar said...

ASSHOLES in progressiveland compare Stormy Daniels to our Founding Fathers because all they think about is sex and Trump 24/7. So all Hail Stormy, the Progressives dream of what a thier women should be like....BIG WHORES that film their sex for the masses, then pretend that they were so upset by it they passed out..even though they have had thousands of partners...They should be paying The Donald that much for their entertainment. Rachel was probably so excited when she heard Story tell her all about the sex she claims she had with Rachels mancrush!!


Drago said...

Tom T.: "Disappointed that Ann has not blogged about RFKJr reportedly eating a dog."

He did not eat a dog. Its just a stutter!

Chuck/Rich/lonejustice/gadfly/Inga/victoria/Dumb Lefty Mark et al can explain.

Saint Croix said...

Panic, panic, and more panic.

House Democrats fear "complete wipe-out down ballot"

"Everybody wants him to quit. There’s a sense of despair. I think people don’t understand how we get out of this hole. And we’re hurtling toward losing to Trump,” said one House Democrat granted anonymity to shed light on private conversations. “All my text chains in Congress go from a dark humor to ‘let’s take action.’ … I don’t find any discernible group of people who actually believe we’re going to win with Joe Biden.”

one draft letter circulating among House Democrats calls on him to end his campaign.

Saint Croix said...

Kamala's Holistic Thought Advisor.

imTay said...

So we have a president who refuses to use the prescribed CPAP, which over time can lead to early senility, his people say that during debate prep, he could not get going before eleven, and could not proceed without frequent naps. Hmmm.

Aides are now saying that he is so nasty that nobody can tell him anything he doesn’t want to hear, more senility, and he is in charge of a war. There are rumors that Putin is talking to the Saudis about giving the Houthis advanced weapons if we give the Ukrainians permission to strike Russia with our missiles.

This is the guy who put us on a path to possible nuclear war with Russia, and now he’s a drooling old fool, but the crisis continues, he’s King Lear, except Lear was a good king back when he had his wits, but without a child who loves him. I don’t blame Hunter for hating his guts and wanting to punish him though.

And he can’t be replaced over $200 million? Ask Trump about the kinds of financial setbacks running for President can entail.

rhhardin said...

Richard Epstein argues my position that the SCOTUS immunity reading was pre-constitutional, not textual, upholding a tradition that was necessary to the structure in the Constition, against Yoo and the moderator, who say it's a random ruling.

rhhardin said...

Epstein also slams Sotomayor as a moron.

Breezy said...

Jim Clyburn, ballot comptroller in WI?


Captain BillieBob said...

Happy Independence Day!

Humperdink said...

Summer Lee (D-Commie-Pinko) has stated unequivocally that should the demented one withdraw it better be Kamala or else. Lee, a black chick from Pittsburgh, is a de facto member of the Squad.

"Lee said. “If our president decides this is not a pathway forward for him, we have to move very quickly. There’s not going to be time for a primary. That time is past. The vice president is the obvious choice. She’s sitting right there.”

But we’re so willingly going to push aside an entire demographic, and I think that it would be very dangerous to do that, personally,” Lee said of the possibility of replacing Biden with someone other than Harris. “Black women do vote at very, very high rates"
(Pittsburgh Tribune Review)

A shot across the bow in a swing state. Sweet.

Narr said...

Every new development makes assassinating Trump more plausible as the D strategy.

Big Mike said...

Epstein also slams Sotomayor as a moron.

The “wisdom” of a “wise Latina.”

Sotomayor and Jackson are why we need to eliminate affirmative action everywhere.