July 4, 2024

Sunrise — 5:16, 5:20.




Dave Begley said...

Joe Biden in Madison tomorrow. It may be one of his last public appearances as POTUS. Historic.

Original Mike said...

"Joe Biden in Madison tomorrow."

Glad we'll be Up North. Annual 4th of July boat parade around the lake today. Flags, patriotic music, and best of all, good cheer.

Two Americas.

Ann Althouse said...

"Joe Biden in Madison tomorrow."

I tried to find out where this is going to be and if it's public. Is it at the airport?


Oligonicella said...

Through the trees #1, nice composition, good inspiration. I like painting woods.

Narr said...

Superb, both photos, but #2 is extraordinary--the hard edged, dark vegetation is perfectly offset by the clouds, which look like they were daubed on with a brush.

Kevin said...

I was expecting pictures of grilled mushrooms.

Mr. Majestyk said...

Speaking of politicians visiting Wisconsin, Sundance at Conservative Treehouse reported yesterday that Rep. James Clyborn is visiting 10 vote counting precincts in Milwaukee, Madison, and Beloit. He asks, rather sensibly, why a representative from South Carolina would be doing this. Clearly, the cheat machine is gearing up, and it doesn't look like anyone in the GOP is doing anything about it.

Mason G said...

"Clearly, the cheat machine is gearing up, and it doesn't look like anyone in the GOP is doing anything about it."

It also doesn't look like anyone in the Democrat party is worried about announcing the fact that the cheat machine is gearing up.

Saint Croix said...

something I just found out

Dooley Wilson, who plays Sam in Casablanca

was not actually named "Dooley"

it was a nickname

Arthur Wilson was a theater actor in Chicago, who got famous playing the song "Mr. Dooley," about an Irishman. And Wilson would play it while wearing whiteface.

That was around 1908.

It's a strange old world, isn't it?

Mason G said...

Has anyone been to the Power Line blog in the last two days? My antivirus has been alerting and blocking the site. I know it's only Thursday, but TWIP is coming up fast.

BTW- I'm not trying to direct people elsewhere, just curious about what the issue might be.

Goldenpause said...

In other words there has been a concerted effort to hide the truth for the sole reason of retaining power at all costs. None of the conspirators will be held accountable. Power corrupts

Mason G said...

"None of the conspirators will be held accountable."

Not exactly. Republicans who were tangentially involved are at risk.

imTay said...

I get a kick out of the same people who fed us the lie that Joe Biden was a competent president expect us to believe whatever lie they are pushing today.

Josephbleau said...

"Clearly, the cheat machine is gearing up, and it doesn't look like anyone in the GOP is doing anything about it."

This is just the test of the cheat machine. Depending on the results the democrats need to decide whether to have operatives visit the nursing homes, have UWM students vote in Madison and in their home towns, or to just print fake ballots.

Or, like in Chicago, Wait until the clock reaches the closing time, and then put in a bunch of ballots for people who did not show up. They can see in the book who did not vote, why waste the votes they can easily steal.

Saint Croix said...

80% of registered voters now think Biden is too old for a second term.

Saint Croix said...

In radio interview, Biden says he was the "first black woman to serve with a black president."

you can here the audio clip at The Telegraph

Josephbleau said...

We am going to Madison Wi for the art fair. My dear wife has a Masters from WI "FuckinBuckie" right?

When a university thinks that killing a physics grad student is hip that is too bad.

Gospace said...

I'm a little behind on my blog reading and commenting. A minimum of 12 hours OT a week, with this coming week being 20. 3 12 hour shifts from 16-04 and an extra 8 hour from oo-08. Seems qualified boiler operators are hard to find- and according to the rules our facility has, require a minimum of 4 weeks on each shift before they can be qualified to operate solo...

But anyhow, William made a pun the other day in the thread "What does Callahan hope to add to this vale of tears? Only her residual and, yes, partisan and ideological suspicion..." that no one else commented on so I'll do so now.

I totally agree with him. Teddy Kennedy literally killed a woman littorally and got away with it.

Now looking it up the definitions of littoral don't actually have littorally as a form of the word, but it seems to be a perfectly valid use to me.

Christopher B said...

Mason G

I visit Powerline regularly, no problems accessing it. They do have a cloudflare filter turned on since the time the AEI office got firebombed followed by October 7 so your software might be reaching to that.

gadfly said...

What might the current president do with monarchical immunity to act?

Good evening, my fellow Americans. With the close of the current session of the Supreme Court, I want to report to you on my compliance with their decisions, especially in the case involving presidential immunity, United States v. Trump.

Now, about the court itself, with the available members of Congress that I have not incapacitated, a decision has been made to expand Supreme Court membership by 26 justices. I can report that those new justices have already been nominated and approved. Advise and consent have proceeded on a fast track. All 26 will be here tomorrow. A longer bench is already under construction.

gadfly said...

Gospace said...

Now looking it up the definitions of littoral don't actually have littorally as a form of the word, but it seems to be a perfectly valid use to me.

Littoral is an adjective. Adjectives modify nouns. Literal is an adverb that modifies verbs. So your statement is perfectly invalid except for the part where Sen. Teddy Kennedy killed Mary Jo Kopechne at Chappaquiddick.

wildswan said...

If the Dems do nothing about Biden then they will be seen as a party that can't handle problems but can only try to hide them, thus making all problems worse when the problems finally do surface. But if the Dems do try to do something about Biden then ambition, ego and DEI incompetence will create a mess - making them look like a party that can't handle problems but only try to hide them thus making all problems worse when the problems finally do surface. They've centralized and loyalized till all roads lead to one center and at that center there is a sign: No Exit. They have some good politicians among them who could have done better for the party and the country but the cabal centred on Obama and his harem of harridans has suffocated everyone else's career in that party. As a character in a old book by a dead white said: "I weep for them, I deeply sympathize."

imTay said...

“Channel 4 News programme broadcast on June 27 made multiple allegations against the Reform UK party, including racism and Islamophobia. These were based in large part on opinions voiced by a man who appears to be an actor, ” From Instapundit

Don’t worry though, everything that they report to us about Trump is completely on the level. The press would never lie to us, unless it is about insinuating that Joe Biden is somehow not up to the job. That story is all lies. I am sure that we can count on a two hour press conference to put these lies to rest, any day!

wendybar said...

Always remember...when you have a "D" after your name, you can do and say whatever you want with a wrist slap, whilst many of Joe Bidens political prisoners rot in prison for doing less. (AND getting ushered into the Capitol by the CP.)

wendybar said...

Forgot the link...


rehajm said...

The glow sticks I turned on for the parade yesterday morning and wore all day and night ye-et glow this morning…

Captain BillieBob said...


He has a cold.
No it's jet lag.
Never mind

wendybar said...

"If you are skeptical of God, but not of the mainstream media, you just may be a Democrat."

Read more: https://www.americanthinker.com/blog/2024/07/you_just_might_be_a_democrat_if_part_iii.html#ixzz8f6MmiXaM
Follow us: @AmericanThinker on Twitter | AmericanThinker on Facebook


wendybar said...

"One could speculate how a coup would work. Could, for example, revolutionaries destroy infrastructure, such as our electric system, or sabotage enough military defenses to help an invading army? That’s certainly a question worth pondering.

A final question is: Why did our government open the borders? In the first hours of Biden’s presidency, he acted to halt construction of Trump’s border wall. Later he issued an executive order ending the Trump-era “Remain in Mexico” program."


Dave Begley said...

My fellow Americans.

I am incapable of executing the duties of the President of the United States. I am therefore surrendering the Office of the Executive on July 13.

But before I go, I’m going to shoot straight with the American people for the first time in my life. This speech isn’t on the TelePrompter as they have no idea what I’m about to say.

I’ve been unable to do my job for some time now, but I held on for three reasons. One, I wasn’t about to let Kamala Harris run the country. Two, my beloved son Hunter was busy collecting bribes - mostly in Bitcoin - from donors and foreign countries. And, finally, Jill liked the perks too much.

I was forced by Barack and the DNC to name Kamala Harris as Vice President. I wanted that gay guy because he’s glib, but they wouldn’t let me. When I pushed back against Kamala, she gave me a blow job to sweeten the deal. Folks, that’s her only talent.

You may ask, who’s been running the country? Who’s they? They is Ron Klain, Susan Rice, Val Jarrett and Barack Obama. Barry and I had a weekly call where he gave me my marching orders.

I’m also here to tell you that the Dems stole the 2020 election. No way in the world could I get 81 million votes. And the Dems are doing it again in 2020.

That Facebook guy funded the steal. PA, GA, WI, MN and some other states I can’t recall is were where the cheating occurred.

My family, to date, had been paid $1,666,000,000 in bribe money. You know about the bribes from China and Ukraine, but there’s way more. Jill and Beau just collected $400m for me to step down. Know that $500m in bribe money was paid by both the climate-industrial complex and the military-industrial complex. They really run the country.

To be clear, CAGW is the biggest scam in the history of the world. Folks, it’s all about the federal income tax credits. Fat cats don’t pay their fair share of taxes! Nothing about saving the planet. Solar and wind are expensive and unreliable. The ChiComs, of course, love it.

Donald Trump calls the media the Fake News. That doesn’t begin to describe their corruption. They knew I couldn’t do the job from day one. But as Bob Dylan wrote, “the newspapers all went along for the ride.”

I’ve admitted to a number of crimes in this speech. I’m exercising my constitutional power and giving a full and complete pardon to James Biden, Jill Biden, Robert Hunter Biden and myself. And while I’m on the legal stuff, my student loan forgiveness was all unconstitutional.

I’m also pardoning Donald J. Trump. AG Garland cooked up that lawfare thing against Don. NY and GA were in on it from the beginning.

Folks, there’s an old saying that absolute power corrupts absolutely. That’s why I did it. And for the money. I couldn’t help myself. But I was raised Catholic and I’ve just confessed my sins to America. As an old guy, I want my confession to be my legacy.

So please forgive me. And as John Adams wrote, “may only honest and wise men inhabit this house.” I wasn’t that guy and I’m sorry.

God bless America and your next President, Donald J. Trump. Just hoping that he can drain this swamp.

Lucien said...


You left out:
The dog ate the Secret Service detail,
The skirt just twirled up! , and

J L Oliver said...

Haiku Ode to Dawn #2

Clouds as birds in flight
Winging across the dawn sky
No tree to nest in.

MadTownGuy said...

'Technically feasible' to restart Third Mile Island Unit 1, Constellation Energy responds to reports

"Constellation Energy is reportedly in talks with Pennsylvania officials to fund a potential restart of its Three Mile Island power facility, according to Reuters.

Plus, a spokesperson for the company is telling CBS 21 they have determined it would be technically feasible to restart the unit, but they haven't made a decision yet.

The light comes on.
More at the link.

MadTownGuy said...

I may have posted this before, and if so, my apologies, but it bears repeating:

New York announces it will take citizen surveillance and censorship to the next level

"New York Gov. Kathy Hochul, D, announced on Monday that the state will ramp up surveillance efforts of social media accounts and that law enforcement will take proactive measures, including contacting people on suspicion of using “hate speech.”

Hochul cited the rise in antisemitic activity in New York and especially New York City, where the world’s largest population of Jews outside of Israel resides. Hochul also mentioned alleged “Islamophobic” incidents, which she claimed were increasing and going under-reported.

The governor said she would also be increasing police presence, which she stated has been focused on protecting potential targets including “synagogues and yeshivas and mosques and any other place that could be susceptible to hate crimes or violence.

NKP said...

perfectly offset by the clouds, which look like they were daubed on with a brush.

Please. Ann & Meade don't need help from Bob Ross :-)

NKP said...

Haiku Ode to Dawn #2

Best cure for wordiness, ever, was a grad school class at BU that spent a week or two on Haiku.

Mason G said...

Christopher B...

I shut off my antivirus and was able to connect to the website. Thanks.

wendybar said...

Comment from anonymous at Turley blog on "Reporters blame "Right Wing Media" for their failure to Disclose Bidens Infirmity".....

“Nothing could be more July 4th than watching the Democrat Party finally collapse under the weight of its own scams, hoaxes, and corruption.” @DavidSacks

*Also watching the collapse of the mainstream media that got exposed (thanks to Democrats) as nothing more than propagandists lying on behalf of Democrats.
The media is the Enemy of the People. They are Fake News. Trump was right again"

Rusty said...

Part time jobs rose 50K to 28.1 million. While full time job loses were 28 million. According to the BLS

Rusty said...

Latest RCP poll has Trump 2 points ahead in Wisc.