July 23, 2024

"President Joe Biden reportedly experienced an undisclosed medical emergency during his visit to Las Vegas on July 17, 2024."

"Police sources and various media outlets reported that Biden suffered a medical issue, with some suggesting it could have been a transient ischemic attack or a mini-stroke. There were preparations made at a local hospital for his possible arrival, but these were reportedly canceled, and Biden was instead flown to Delaware. The White House has not officially confirmed these reports, leading to speculation and controversy surrounding the incident, including rumors about Biden's health and the nature of the emergency."

That's the Grok (A.I.) summary of the discussion on X about this topic.


doctrev said...

Not only does this have to be answered, as the President of the United States might actually be dead right now, but it absolutely EXPLODES the bullet truther narrative of the Rat partisans. President Trump is just fine, and there are no shortage of people to ask intelligent questions about the Biden assassination attempt on his life.

doctrev said...

Not only does this have to be answered, as the President of the United States might actually be dead right now, but it absolutely EXPLODES the bullet truther narrative of the Rat partisans. President Trump is just fine, and there are no shortage of people to ask intelligent questions about the Biden assassination attempt on his life.

Narr said...

The references to the brilliant movie The Death of Stalin are coming thick and fast.

In the long run the Convergence Theory turned out to be right--Soviet America no longer sounds so outlandish.

Aggie said...

But of course he did. Didn't he already tell us, he would follow the Doctor's orders?

Original Mike said...

"various media outlets"

Yeah? Name them. Are any of the mainstream court stenographers among them?

tcrosse said...

It would be easy enough to Photoshop a picture of Joe holding up a copy of today's NYT.

wendybar said...

Dave Rubin
Funny that only Republicans care whether the Democrat president is alive and well, and literally no Democrats are even pretending to care.


Big Mike said...

I’ve read that too. Did a live President get off that plane? There’s a serious Constitutional issue if he’s deceased or incapacitated and Kamala Harris performs the duties of the President without having been sworn in.

Achilles said...

Narr said...

The references to the brilliant movie The Death of Stalin are coming thick and fast.

What I love about the movie is that it highlights the banality of it all.

People build these historical characters into mythical intellectual titans but they were clearly just as inept as the retards running the Biden Regime.

There is going to be an unexplained blow up of people watching this movie but it will give people insight into what is happening right now in the Democrat party.

Marc in Eugene said...

I saw someone on X going on about this last night; someone whose name I've seen but who I don't pay attention to. Sean Davis? A number of terrible prospects open up if this business is actually true.

Whiskeybum said...

First Lloyd Austin goes to the hospital without telling anyone, and now reports of Biden being seriously ill kept hidden from the public. And we're supposed to trust these guys?

Big Mike said...

It would be easy enough to Photoshop a picture of Joe holding up a copy of today's NYT.

Why bother? AI can generate an image of Joe Biden holding up a cop of today’s Times that will be better than anything Photoshop can produce, and leave fewer people to swear to secrecy. Likewise we can discount the phone call from Biden to Harris — with enough samples to train on AI can reproduce your voice perfectly. And “enough samples” seems to be a startlingly small number.

NorthOfTheOneOhOne aka Doug Emhoff's Pimp Hand said...

Big Mike said...

There’s a serious Constitutional issue if he’s deceased or incapacitated and Kamala Harris performs the duties of the President without having been sworn in.

Yeah, but what's really scary is that the Dems might be embarrassed that Ol' Joe went down after they spent so much time telling everyone he was fit for the job! I mean, really embarrassed! So embarrassed it could immanentize the eschaton or something!

Whiskeybum said...

From POLITICO: "The Justice Department told a federal judge late Monday that it has located transcripts it previously denied having of President Joe Biden’s talks with a biographer that played a role in the recently completed criminal investigation into Biden’s handling of classified material before he became president."

Wow - how convenient that these transcripts were just now located by DOJ. How will the Democrat machine use these now in the unfolding plans they have for their bloodless coup?

Mr Wibble said...

My guess is that Biden had microstrokes and his withdrawal and endorsement of Harris is the price for her not going public and invoking the 25th. It may have been done quietly, for legal reasons, but they're going to hide it so that he can finish his term rather than the humiliation of an early resignation.

tcrosse said...

There’s a serious Constitutional issue if he’s deceased or incapacitated and Kamala Harris performs the duties of the President without having been sworn in.

It's unlikely that Kamala Harris performs the duties of the President any more than Joe did. The Grey Eminence remains in place.

mindnumbrobot said...

Just the most recent of many mini-strokes I'm sure. This is one factor in his slow decline and uneven cognition. Some days are good, some days are bad. Combined with parkinson's, it explains a lot. Also, this doesn't happen overnight, so it's impossible that people around him haven't known for years.

Dave Begley said...


Breezy said...

They flew him home to DE so fast that the plane shook. Yikes.

Joe Smith said...


Weak-minded dems won't mind being lied to, but it sounds like the covid story was a bullshit cover.

Yet Biden's doctor released statements about covid treatment; Paxlovid for instance.

Will anyone get to the bottom of this????

Joe Smith said...

'They flew him home to DE so fast that the plane shook. Yikes.'

To be fair, Hunter was on the flight and was banging 4 showgirls at a time.

DanTheMan said...

There is no bottom to all of this. It’s lies all the way down.

Ann Althouse said...

"I saw someone on X going on about this last night; someone whose name I've seen but who I don't pay attention to. Sean Davis?"

I've blogged a couple of his things recently.

Inga said...

“I’ve read that too. Did a live President get off that plane? There’s a serious Constitutional issue if he’s deceased or incapacitated and Kamala Harris performs the duties of the President without having been sworn in.”

“Tomorrow evening at 8 PM ET, I will address the nation from the Oval Office on what lies ahead, and how I will finish the job for the American people,” Biden posted on the social platform X.”

Reportedly from the Oval Office, don’t know it will be a recording of an AI Biden or live real life Biden…who knows? What fun for some to continue the conjectures and rumors, eh?

Heartless Aztec said...

Induced strokes to snipers on roof tops. SMH. "It's a fine mess we've gotten ourselves into."

Aggie said...

If he is truly incapacitated, or even vocally comprimsed, that's going to make that phone call with Kamala yesterday a little difficult to explain - full of snappy, bright dialog with Joe wise-cracking, just like the Good Old Days.

Unless is really was the good old days, as someone has pointed out by suggesting that Kamala slipped up and said 'recording' inadvertently after the call was finished.

Fred Drinkwater said...

I won't believe anything until he's speaking live in front of an audience of friends and foes.

But regardless of life, death, and the constitutional niceties, Biden / Kamala are not running the executive show, and have not been for years.

Sally327 said...

Queen Elizabeth said one time, supposedly anyway, that she made sure to be out and about on a regualr basis because "I have to be seen to be believed."

If it's good for QE II (may she rest in peace), it should be good enough for Joe Biden. This is such a cluster, I can't believe we're being treated like we're such idiots. Peasants know your place!

Iman said...

Can’t you just feel all the “bringing transparency and truth back to government” feel brought to you by these crazy sons of bitches?

Jan6? Up yours, Democrats. This coup is the real insurrection.

Jersey Fled said...

“Reportedly from the Oval Office, don’t know it will be a recording of an AI Biden or live real life Biden…who knows? What fun for some to continue the conjectures and rumors, eh?”

If it’s an AI Biden, the tip off will be he is much more cogent than the real one.

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

Where is Joe and how is he doing? Remember his brother Fred referred to "spending whatever time he has left" with him. These ten facts still need more scrutiny and sunshine:

1. UMC emergency operations confirm to NBC affiliate KSNV they were on stand-by to receive POTUS with "unspecified medical emergency."
2. A few minutes later plans changed again, police were then redeployed to "clear roads to Harry Reid International Airport" (confirmation by at least six on-duty LV Metro officers).
3. Reported over radio by US Secret Service that POTUS would be "medevac" transported on Air Force One to "Johns Hopkins" in Maryland.
4. Press were on the "extremely fast" flight to Dover AFB, Emily Goodin WH correspondent for The Daily Mail said Air Force One made it from Las Vegas to Dover in 3 hours and 45 minutes (normally 4 hours 50 minutes), flying so fast the "plane was shaking."
5. No confirmation Biden was ever seen at Johns Hopkins.
6. White House reported he was "recovering from COVID" in Rehoboth Beach.
7. Clergy capable of "giving absolution" were spotted in the immediate vicinity of Biden's beach house (on X).
8. No one other than WH physician (and Jim Biden business partner) Dr. Kevin O'Connor has reported seeing Biden and speaking with him (Sunday, July 21 four days after "emergency" evacuation).
9. All of president Biden's scheduled appearances this week are canceled, including meeting with Israeli PM Netanyahu; no calls from Biden to foreign leaders to explain change in plans. Update: He will allegedly speak to the nation tomorrow.
10. No video, radio or live appearances by Biden since Wednesday, July 17 -- six days ago as of now. Note the last sighting was him struggling to get in the SUV at Dover AFB after landing from that "fast" Vegas flight.

And he has a history of brain aneurysms, at least two known.

Breezy said...

“Tomorrow evening at 8 PM ET, I will address the nation from the Oval Office on what lies ahead, and how I will finish the job for the American people,” Biden posted on the social platform X.”

What time does Netanyahu speak before Congress tomorrow?

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

don’t know it will be a recording of an AI Biden or live real life Biden

There is already speculation and photographs of a machine* that some say was used to "create" the phone call to Kamala yesterday.

*AI Voice Cloning Tool manufactured by @ElevenLabs. You can try it out here.

“Bad Genes” said...

Biden to deliver speech Wednesday on decision to end reelection bid ~ Wapo

That’s going to be awkward for all the right-wing morons who have spent the last two days saying he’s dead or under hospice care.

Another old lawyer said...

They probably need Biden 'alive' to complete the deal. Dead president's can't sign pardon, and no way is Harris signing a pardon for Hunter et al.

Yancey Ward said...

Rich, is it easier than having to admit Trump wasn't so afraid to debate Biden that he would back out at the last minute? Inquiring minds want to know.

Left Bank of the Charles said...

I don’t think 2017 Ann Althouse would have blogged something as sketchy as this. I am beginning to wonder if my joke about Althouse being replaced by Meade might actually be true. Now do the one circulating on X about J.D. Vance writing in his Hillbilly Elegy memoir (pages 179-181) that he had sex with his couch (not in the movie).

Marc in Eugene said...

Having seen Sean Davis here is probably why I remember the name from last night's X, ha.

Tom T. said...

I don’t think 2017 Ann Althouse would have blogged something as sketchy as this.

Realizing that one has been lied to for years can change one's perspective.

“Bad Genes” said...

Trump is unsuited to be the next president of the United States. His efforts to overturn the results of the 2020 presidential election revealed the instincts and morals of a dictator.

That sums it all up and never should it be forgotten.

Tom T. said...

Sean Davis has a history of wishcasting. He tweeted for years that the Durham investigation was going to put all of Trump's enemies in jail. Don't trust the official word, but don't put a lot of reliance on Davis either.

Iman said...

Some sad, shitty people on the left. And the insanity is icing on the turd.

tcrosse said...

That’s going to be awkward for all the right-wing morons who have spent the last two days saying he’s dead or under hospice care.

No more awkward than for the left-wind morons who spend the last few years saying he's sharp as a tack.

Achilles said...

Rich said...

Biden to deliver speech Wednesday on decision to end reelection bid ~ Wapo

That’s going to be awkward for all the right-wing morons who have spent the last two days saying he’s dead or under hospice care.

So the President has been missing for 7 days.

They said it was COVID.

Law enforcement in Las Vegas said Biden went to the hospital.

Biden resigned from the race via email on day 4.

Kamala has been anointed the candidate in a purely politburo fashion with no input at all from democrat voters along with an obviously fake voice actor phone call.

And somehow Biden giving a speech after disappearing for 7 days will be awkward for "right wing morons?"

You are actually just a stupid person if you believe that you can fool anyone with this.

Bill, Republic of Texas said...

Biden:I'm not dead.
The Dead Collector: 'Ere, he says he's not dead.
DNC: Yes he is.
Biden: I'm not.
The Dead Collector: He isn't.
DNC: Well, he will be soon, he's very ill.
Biden: I'm getting better.
DNC: No you're not, you'll be stone dead in a moment.

Levi Starks said...

So, has anyone ever been to the Lincoln museum in Springfield
Illinois? We visited about 10 years ago and they had an amazing holographic presentation of Lincoln in the Library that was almost too amazing to believe.
To be fair it did take place behind glass with viewers sitting on bleachers however with the advances in technology and AI in the decade since it’s truly not possible to believe your eyes.
With the right setup even trusted eyewitnesses could not be believed.
Think about it.

Iman said...

Do not honor this man. Not until we run out of human beings.

Achilles said...

Left Bank of the Charles said...

I don’t think 2017 Ann Althouse would have blogged something as sketchy as this. I am beginning to wonder if my joke about Althouse being replaced by Meade might actually be true. Now do the one circulating on X about J.D. Vance writing in his Hillbilly Elegy memoir (pages 179-181) that he had sex with his couch (not in the movie).

Do you think this story is more or less sketchy than Trump hiring hookers to pee on a bed?

Left Bank of the Charles said...

“Do you think this story is more or less sketchy than Trump hiring hookers to pee on a bed?”

If you will recall, Trump didn’t hire the hookers, Putin did.

Drago said...

Left Bank: "If you will recall, Trump didn’t hire the hookers, Putin did."

If you will recall, this was a completely moronic made up story by lefty Brookings Institute employee Deripaska and his drunk DC pals and added to the Hillary paid for Hoax Dossier and only believed by astonishingly stupid people...

...like Left Bank.

amr said...

The address from the Oval Office better not go something like this:
Or the conspiracy theories won't end.

(Clip from the movie "Dave", 1993)

Howard said...

I'm glad to see you we never run out of shiny bottles to keep you brain dead morons entertained agitated and suspicious. What's it like being meat puppets of the algorithm?

wendybar said...

Howard said...
I'm glad to see you we never run out of shiny bottles to keep you brain dead morons entertained agitated and suspicious. What's it like being meat puppets of the algorithm?

7/23/24, 12:51 PM

So you finally agree that the left is nuts, and we don't believe any of their sick hoaxes anymore. Got it. You just described the people who still believe the Russian Collusion and all the other numerous lies your side spread....

Yancey Ward said...

Oh wow, Left Bank got Achilles with that one- Achilles didn't remember the details of a completely fabricated story by the Clinton Campaign.

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

Wait. Putin hired hookers to pee in a bed because Trump allegedly hates Obama and there is a rumor that Obama maybe once stayed in that room? That one sounds too good to check!

Hard to to believe anyone took any interest in a stupid tale that twisted. But you leftists just love your mythology. Especially when the deep state washes it through your favorite reporters.

Rusty said...

Speaking of meat puppets, Howard. You voted for Biden. Why should anyone listen to you? You're gonna vote for Kamala. Who, as far as I know, has a policy of giving oral pleasure. What else has she done as VP?
You made more sense when you weren't here.

JK Brown said...

Joe Biden has made a walk from car to airplane.

But while "frail" right out of the car, he takes the steps like a champ and then is "frail" again before going into the plane


Narr said...

One of my leftoid lawyer friends informed us back in '16 that the word among his leftoid lawyer wife's sources (she worked for the Federal gummint) was that Trump liked 'em real young, and as soon as the proof came out he was done.

Seems like ages ago.

tcrosse said...

And on the seventh day he rose from the dead....

NorthOfTheOneOhOne aka Doug Emhoff's Pimp Hand said...

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

Hard to to believe anyone took any interest in a stupid tale that twisted. But you leftists just love your mythology.

It's the kind of stuff they want to believe because it's the kind of stuff they'd do if they got the chance.

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

He just made an appearance wearing sunglasses and carrying a covid mask. NY Post has photos. No statement.

wendybar said...

Was it him?? Or the mythical "Dark Biden"??

Seamus said...

"Police sources and various media outlets reported that Biden suffered a medical issue, with some suggesting it could have been a transient ischemic attack or a mini-stroke."

As Alice Roosevelt Longworth supposedly said when told that Calvin Coolidge had died, "How could they tell?"

Seamus said...

"7. Clergy capable of 'giving absolution' were spotted in the immediate vicinity of Biden's beach house (on X)."

You mean Catholic priests? Whose faculties from the Bishop of Wilmington were checked by those who "spotted" them and ascertained that they were "capable of 'giving absolution'."

Jersey Fled said...

He’s alive!

Kamala can go back to whatever she does now.

tcrosse said...

The understudy got to be the star for a few days, and now she can go back to the chorus.

Jim at said...

What fun for some to continue the conjectures and rumors, eh?

Maybe if the thugs you voted for were open, honest and telling us what's actually going on ... we wouldn't be resorting to speculation.

Ever consider that?

Achilles said...

Left Bank of the Charles said...

“Do you think this story is more or less sketchy than Trump hiring hookers to pee on a bed?”

If you will recall, Trump didn’t hire the hookers, Putin did.

Wait wut? Really?

You believed that?

Zavier Onasses said...

re: Inga at 11:02

I think what he meant to say was “Tomorrow evening at 8 PM ET, I will address the nation from the Oval Office on what lies are ahead...."

traditionalguy said...

To better understand Joe Biden focus on that it’s his brain that is going wrong, not his blood circulation.

Strokes are caused by circulation of blood clots and the results are paralyzed body motor skills.

Mini Seizures are electrical shorts that stun brain areas until the brain adjusts and recovers use of rational thoughts and returned memories. Mini seizures recovery is only several weeks. They are not the grand mal seizures that we have seen. But they can appear to be strokes to the untrained.

Strokes cause paralysis and are permanent.
Mini seizures cause loss of brain reasoning and memory which will recover in 1 to 3 weeks.

Drago said...

Left Bank: "If you will recall, Trump didn’t hire the hookers, Putin did."

Achilles: "Wait wut? Really?

You believed that?"

He never stopped believing it. Like Inga.

Lilly, a dog said...

I'm pretty sure Left Bank is having a laugh.

Drago said...

Lilly, a dog: "I'm pretty sure Left Bank is having a laugh."

Thats what I thought years ago. But no. The lefties actually still believe it.

Astonishing, no?

And I'm afraid your pal Inga is the biggest believer of hoaxes of them all, despite your expressed distaste for Achilles and myself for daring to point out such things.

Lilly, a dog said...

To borrow a line from Warren Oates,

"Lighten up, Drago."

Howard said...

Rusty, the straw man Slayer. Admit it, pal. You missed me 🤣

Jersey Fled said...

“ He never stopped believing it. Like Inga.”

To be fair, Inga kinda sorta admitted it was phony after about a year and a half of some of us here badgering her about it.

gilbar said...

maybe y'all can help me?
there's a heinlein story, where they ask the protagonist what happened to the head of their state..
and the protagonist says:
"i told them that he'd had a Stroke.. i DIDN'T Mention that the french word for stroke is 'coup'"

i've spent the day, trying to get my brain damaged head to remember Which story it was..

Drago said...

Blogger Lilly, a dog: "To borrow a line from Warren Oates,

"Lighten up, Drago."'

A great line from a great actor and always good advice.

Jamie said...

gilbar, I think I've read every Heinlein including the weird unpublished early one about social credit (not the Chinese version, the original sort of UBI one), and I can't recall that - it doesn't mean it's not Heinlein, just that it didn't make an impression on me. Sorry!

Achilles said...

Lilly, a dog said...

I'm pretty sure Left Bank is having a laugh.

He is laughing at the fact that he believed in an obvious and stupid conspiracy hoax for at least 6 years and looks like a gullible retard at best?

They thought Putin hired hookers to pee on a bed and this somehow meant that Putin wanted to help Trump.

Do you really think these people are laughing about how stupid they look?

Dr.Bunkypotatohead said...

I'm curious about Dr. Jill. She was all over the airwaves, the web, even a magazine cover the past month. Now suddenly there's been nothing since the flight home to Delaware.
She must be eating her liver over the way the Biden crime family is being treated.

boatbuilder said...

So why the hell hasn't Vice President Kamala Harris, who made a campaign speech yesterday, leveled with the American public about what is actually going on?

Obviously, something is seriously wrong with the President, and we're all supposed to wait until Tomorrow at 8:00 to find out what it is (or was)?

And the WaPo, instead of attempting to shed light on the situation, puts out editorials about what Harris can do to win the election.

Why would any sentient being trust any of them at this point?