July 5, 2024

"President Biden arrives Friday in Madison, Wis., for what will be a critical few hours as he holds a rally attempting to inject new life..."

"... into a flagging campaign and sits for an ABC News interview as part of an effort to demonstrate his verbal and mental ability...."

I'm reading "Biden faces critical day to push back against calls to withdraw/With a rally in Wisconsin and an interview on ABC, Biden hopes to begin turning the tide after days of criticism of his recent debate performance" (WaPo).

Where is this "rally"? When is it? This is happening in my city, and I can't find anything in the local press about how a person could actually attend this event. Might I stumble into it if I go traipsing about? Will George Stephanopoulos and Biden do their interview in a room with an audience? It's disturbing that Biden has been hidden away throughout his campaign, so if the idea is now finally to emerge into view, why is he so hard to see?
Biden is scheduled to arrive in Wisconsin early Friday afternoon, with plans to be in the state for a few hours....

Does that sound like they want us to see him?

[T]he rally in Madison...

Wherever it is... 

... will include Rep. Mark Pocan (D-Wis.), Madison Mayor Satya Rhodes-Conway and former Fitchburg mayor Frances Huntley-Cooper...  But.... Sen. Tammy Baldwin (D-Wis.), who is running her own reelection race and leads in the polls, will not be joining Biden during the trip.... 
Ben Wikler, chairman of the Wisconsin Democratic Party, who will join Biden at the rally, said he did not believe the dynamic of the race was changed by Biden’s performance at the debate....“The concern that people have is, one candidate is scary, the other candidate’s old,” he said. “Either we figure out how to shift that conversation or we slug it out for the last couple thousand votes in the handful of states that tip the electoral college balance.”

Actually both candidates are scary and both are old, but one seems to have lost the mental capacity to do the job. That's different from oldness and scariness. 


Captain BillieBob said...

What is scary about Trump?

Joe said...

Only loyal sycophants may attend Biden campaign events.

rehajm said...

Either we figure out how to shift that conversation or we slug it out for the last couple thousand votes in the handful of states that tip the electoral college balance

Those of you who let them get away with it last time pay attention- he’s telling you how they cheat…

Mike of Snoqualmie said...

Only Joe-Biden-compliant attendees will be allowed. People are so besotted with the Dementia-Fogie that they will cheer no matter what Dementia-Joe does. He could fall flat on his fair, and the besotted would cheer. Just like Peewee Herman falling off his bike: "I meant to do that!".

Can't have any Hamasnikies showing up to ruin his rally. The facility will be curtained off to make a small crowd look like a standing room only crowd.

Jersey Fled said...

It will be a few hours because that’s about as long as Joe can keep it together.

But I don’t see why they wouldn’t allow an esteemed UW law professor to attend. A first hand report would be great!

Narayanan said...

have anyone had success finding groundhog to ask about his fellow hibernator?

Spiros Pappas said...

Mail in ballots give Biden a 5 to 10 point cushion. He's still going to win. Every single Alzheimers patient nationwide is still voting for this guy. Every single illegal who slips through is voting for this guy. He's going to win because our votes are no longer secret and no longer secure.

lonejustice said...

"Actually both candidates are scary and both are old."

Exactly. So as usual I will vote for the lesser of two evils, which is Trump. The last time I voted for someone I believed in was Ronald Reagan. Seems like such a long time ago.

Earnest Prole said...

Dead man walking.

Curious George said...

...inject new life...

Better not give him the debate dose.

Dan from Madison said...

I'm right now at the airport. All is quiet. I'm staring at the national guard hangar which I assume is where this "rally" will be for the local Democrats and assorted rich people. I also was looking for where the "rally" would be in the press and found nothing. They obviously don't want anyone not "chosen" to be there.

Dave Begley said...


You’ve known Ben Wikler for decades. He was friends with one of your sons. You can call him up or message him and get tickets.

rehajm said...

OMG that’s funny. They don’t want you to know. It would wreck the optics they are trying to create…

Biff said...

The people who get to attend rallies like that are more thoroughly vetted than members of our national security apparatus.

Oso Negro said...

The Bidens are professional grifters and conmen, but the con is surely up. An earlier time would have seen them run out of Madison like the Duke and the Dauphin in Huckleberry Finn. As it is, the national discussion slowly turns to "how the fuck can he function as President" this very day? Future historians will unpack the fraud from the beginning.

Oso Negro said...

@ Dave Begley - I doubt they will let her anywhere near a Biden rally.

Oso Negro said...

The Bidens are professional grifters and conmen, but the con is surely up. An earlier time would have seen them run out of Madison like the Duke and the Dauphin in Huckleberry Finn. As it is, the national discussion slowly turns to "how the fuck can he function as President" this very day? Future historians will unpack the fraud from the beginning.

gilbar said...

from your tv news post of yesterday, i'd assume that
it will be AT the airport
invite only
invites only going to loyal press and Inner Party Members

Gusty Winds said...

Actually both candidates are scary and both are old

One is a corrupt war monger covering his crimes, and the other [Trump] is not. Biden is controlled by the deep state, Trump is not. Biden is pro-infanticide, and Trump says let the states and the people decide abortion laws.

Tony Evers is a calming presence, and Donald Trump is scary. Wow. I guess if abortion is your #1 priority Trump is scary. An economy where Americans can thrive instead of limp to survive isn't on the priority list. Nor is stopping neocon never ending wars.

Luckily polling shows men (all races) breaking away from liberal women and running to the Trump camp. If enough of them flee, we might be able to overcome the absentee voter fraud.

Rory said...

Stephanopoulos is the most reliable interviewer available. The only question is who he'll be working for tonight.

Gusty Winds said...

Notice WI Senator Tammy Baldwin doesn't want to be seen with Biden. Even in Madison, the liberal lesbian central of Wisconsin.

But, I'm sure Madison will produce enough "highly educated" clapping seals to make the event look successful. And Madison will uphold their free speech values and keep the frothing colligate Palestinian protestors away.

Trump goes to the Bronx... Biden remains in the comfy shelter of Madison, WI. What a joke.

Aggie said...

..."It's disturbing that Biden has been hidden away throughout his campaign, so if the idea is now finally to emerge into view, why is he so hard to see?"

Wow, that statement has got a real 2020 vibe to it. If Trump's campaign was on top of things, they'd be blasting the airwaves in WI right now, asking 'Where's the rally, Joe'?' They'd be helping Biden put bums on seats, the last thing that Biden wants.

Is Half-Pint going to conduct the interview live, or just with the 'appearance' of being live? Or will there be a glitch-protection program, something to filter out all those darn stutters?

robother said...

Olivia Nuzzi's piece this morning in New York Magazine is a must read on the effort to hide Biden's decline:

"Those who encountered the president in social settings sometimes left their interactions disturbed. Longtime friends of the Biden family, who spoke to me on the condition of anonymity, were shocked to find that the president did not remember their names. At a White House event last year, a guest recalled, with horror, realizing that the president would not be able to stay for the reception because, it was clear, he would not be able to make it through the reception. The guest wasn’t sure they could vote for Biden, since the guest was now open to an idea that they had previously dismissed as Right Wing propaganda: The president may not really be the acting president after all."

He's basically a corpse being animated to get over the line in November.

planetgeo said...

The puppet masters are working frantically to fix the POTATUSnocchio show. First a (sorta) live appearance somewhere in Wisconsin to show there are no strings. See, kids, he can walk and talk just like a real candidate. And then the perilous TV interview with former and current Democrat operative George Snuffleupagus to show they can get enough edited retakes to confirm he can be lucid in reciting scripted talking points.

Rusty said...

"Biden is scheduled to arrive in Wisconsin early Friday afternoon, with plans to be in the state for a few hours...."
They tell you it's for his campaighn , but it's mostly so he can use the toilet. The rally will be held in the mens room. The acoustics are better.

Derve Swanson said...
"Does that sound like they want us to see him?
They don't announce the "schedule" in advance
because they don't want anyone to assassinate

You're kidding right? I mean what would be the point? There isn't whole lot of difference between the way he is now and a bullet to the head. Plus. The last thing conservatives want is a dead Biden because he's doing their work for them every time he opens his mouth.
C'mon, man!

MadTownGuy said...

"Where is this "rally"? When is it? This is happening in my city, and I can't find anything in the local press about how a person could actually attend this event."

You're not on the list.

Gusty Winds said...

Ben Wikler, chairman of the Wisconsin Democratic Party, who will join Biden at the rally, said he did not believe the dynamic of the race was changed by Biden’s performance at the debate....“The concern that people have is, one candidate is scary, the other candidate’s old,” he said. “Either we figure out how to shift that conversation or we slug it out for the last couple thousand votes in the handful of states that tip the electoral college balance.”

Ben Wikler knows the absentee voter fraud efforts are now being ramped up in Madison and Milwaukee, just like 2020. Dingbats denying voter fraud is the scariest political brainwashing dynamic I've ever seen.

WisRich said...

As to the ABC interview, the toughest question George can ask of the President, on the heals of the NY Magazine article, is "Mr. President, what is my last name".

Dude1394 said...

Hmmm....Biden rally will entail him reading a teleprompter for 10 minutes, in an undisclosed location. Trump rallies happen at open venues, publicized well ahead of time, for hours.

Also, the idea that hiding his location because of threat of harm is common place is ridiculous. The point of campaigning is to generate excitement and buzz. Weekend at Biden believes this can be done solely by their democrat propaganda partners. This is not without merit, because it worked last time.

And democrats vote for tribe, not the country.

Yancey Ward said...

WisRich at 8:57 AM wins the internet for the day.

Bob Boyd said...

how a person could actually attend this event.

It's not that kind of a rally. It's more of a quiet, intimate, very private kind of rally.

The rule of Lemnity said...

George is a loyal party member, he’ll do the right thing.

Bob Boyd said...

George will ask Biden if he endorses Hillary for President.

JAORE said...

"Is Half-Pint going to conduct the interview live...?"

I believe they already said pre-recorded.

But ABC also says they will release an unaltered transcript.

"Sure Jan".

Maybe, just maybe they'll put forth a transcript that matches the lucid parts of the broadcast segments.

Butkus51 said...

1 week and people forget

1 week

David53 said...

He doesn't want to give the Hamas supporters prior knowledge of his whereabouts.

Ice Nine said...

>BillieBob Thorton said...
What is scary about Trump?<

That is the question that popped into the minds of most of the readers of Ann's post, I'm sure. I would imagine that she won't answer it since, lacking substance, it appears to have been just a junky throwaway line, attempting symmetry.

Bonkti said...

Is there a Waffle House in Madison?

Yancey Ward said...

It is a big rally the size of a small rally, of course.

And +1 to the commenter above who suggested that they are trying to prevent pro-Hamas supporters from showing up.

Yancey Ward said...

"Is there a Waffle House in Madison?"

In Madison it would be called Artisanal Breakfast Cakes.

NCMoss said...

The idea that biden can undo a disease like dementia by giving a good speech or interview should be concerning to the medical establishment yet no one speaks up - why?

Temujin said...

Well...just in time for Biden's visit to Wisconsin. Let the good times roll. Again.

Wisconsin allows (again) random unmanaged, unofficial ballot drop off boxes. Nothing to see here.

Saint Croix said...

It feels like the end of the tour in This Is Spinal Tap.

Rob Reiner has a question.

Smilin' Jack said...

“The concern that people have is, one candidate is scary, the other candidate’s old,”

I don’t get it. The candidate who doesn’t look like a Walking Dead extra is also the youngest.

Narayanan said...

Wisconsin allows (again) random unmanaged, unofficial ballot drop off boxes. Nothing to see here.
are they harder to steal than ATM machines? Barbershop (8/11) Movie CLIP - Stealing the ATM (2002) HD

Mike of Snoqualmie said...

According to msn.com and WMTV, Biden will fly in at 12:30 p.m., hold a rally at an unnamed middle school, then depart for Delaware at 4:30 p.m. No word on how the campaign will curtain off the auditorium to make it look like a sellout.

Undoubtedly, he'll hit up the middle schooler to fund his floundering campaign. The middle schoolers can donate their lunch money to his campaign, as they won't need it since school is out.

Sally327 said...

Define rally.

It would make for a fun documentary, walking around Madison looking for the event and filming as you go, asking people you meet if they know. Madison Odyssey: The Search for Joe.

Charlie said...

"traipsing" is an underrated word.

Iman said...

Ah, you fools talk about your Madison shoes
Joe got a thing he call the Madison blues
He do the Madison blues
He do the Madison blues
He do the Madison blues, baby
And rock away his blues, whoa, yeah

Now, Joe says he knows just the cure that’ll fix us
Look in his eyes, never mind the rictus
And put on your Madison shoes
Put on your Madison blues shoes
He got the Madison blues

h/t George Thorogood

Saint Croix said...

It's disturbing that Biden has been hidden away throughout his campaign, so if the idea is now finally to emerge into view, why is he so hard to see? Biden is scheduled to arrive in Wisconsin early Friday afternoon, with plans to be in the state for a few hours....

Does that sound like they want us to see him?

After the debate, the Biden administration tried to hide him from a meet with the Democrat governors. The plan was to have them meet with Harris instead.

That little nugget was buried in this CNN article.

...after Democratic governors rejected the White House’s initial offer to have her speak to them instead of Biden, she was also added to the meeting and closed it with a speech urging unity and sticking with the president.

The Democrats are in a panic, the Biden administration is trying to calm them down and give them confidence in the campaign, and apparently they think the best way to do that is to hide the president as much as possible.

Marcus Bressler said...

The rally could be held in a men's room, where Biden could stick his stick into a glory hole while the Legacy Media types are crammed into the next stall, waiting to fellate the CIC.

Joe Smith said...

'Undoubtedly, he'll hit up the middle schooler to fund his floundering campaign. The middle schoolers can donate their lunch money to his campaign, as they won't need it since school is out.'

This is a massive hair-sniffing opportunity...

Louie the Looper said...

Is this secret rally really being held in Madison? Is the ABC interview team really being hauled out to Madison to tape Biden and Streptococcus? Why go to the trouble to fly to Madison and not reveal when or where the rally is. It seems very fishy. They could easily record a little rally at some Delaware middle school in front of teacher union members and pass it off as being in some unnamed place in Madison.
How many middle schools are in Madison? Maybe those on the ground can drive past and look for any unusual activity, like blocked streets or secret service personnel.

effinayright said...

Dead man pooping while walking.

Linda said...

I was wondering the same thing - when and where?

I finally found this reference from WSAW.com
"Biden is expected to land at the Dane County Regional Airport at about 12:30 p.m. where he will then head to a campaign event. It is not clear exactly where the event will be held but more information is expected to be released later Friday. The president is expected to depart Madison at around 4:30 p.m. as he will then head to Delaware."

This notice calls it a "campaign event" not a "rally" - In my mind a campaign event is private and a rally is open to anyone wanting to see him. I am picturing a curated group of very diverse people, a few cameras and a very short public speech.

I just searched again and a Milwaukee station says that the rally and ABC interview will be done here in Madison at a middle school.

Which of the 12 middle schools?

Leland said...

Wow, it is interesting the spin on this considering the lack of information.

Wisconsin Public Radio says they knew of the event from an RSVP, which noted the day and time.
WKOW (Madison's ABC) affiliate says at 11:49am CDT that:
"The rally is scheduled between 1:30 p.m. and 5 p.m. The location has not been announced. "

By now, Biden would have to be already flying to Madison and they still haven't announced the location? And this Rally is meant to bring life into his campaign? If there is a crowd, that crowd has to be manufactured and not authentic grass roots. That alone says so much about the state of the Biden campaign and the Democratic party's hopes in Wisconsin.

Rabel said...

Sherman Middle School

Greg the Class Traitor said...

BillieBob Thorton said...
What is scary about Trump?

He runs as a Republican but acts like a Democrat.

Because that's what he was, and that's the culture he grew up in.

And Democrats are really bothered when someone uses their tactics right back at them.

(Is Trump blowhard? Yes, yes he is. Is he more of a blowhard than Biden? No, no he isn't. As for liar? First lie of the Thursday debate was Biden, accusing Trump of saying people should inject bleach. Because you can't be a Democrat, and not be a liar)

Another old lawyer said...

Spiros Pappas @ 7:45 is largely correct except the Ds are now arguing about the size of the fig leaf they need to provide some plausible imprimatur of legitimacy to the 2024 election. After last Thursday's debate, they seem increasingly and understandably convinced that no one will believe Biden could have honestly won the upcoming 2024 election. They need a candidate that people will accept as having won the 2024 election and will ignore the total lack of election/ballot integrity, what with mail in ballots, illegals being registered to vote, election laws that don't require ID or allow inspection of signatures, etc.

After 2020, Ds are certain that few courts will engage with lawsuits challenging presidential elections and with the constitutionally mandated timelines, they just need to run out the clock with the courts that otherwise are not disposed to dismiss challenges on their face.

So Ds only need to be able to point to the D candidate as being plausibly elected. The problem they have, of course, is that Harris is less liked and seen by too many as less competent than a clearly diminished Biden (who wasn't that competent or smart before).

JAORE said...

Kind of like decades old rape charges against a - now - SCOTUS Justice. Can't tell you when. Can't tell you where....

But, unlike those charges, I do believe it will happen.

I also believe extraordinary effort will be made to limit who will be there.

Tacitus said...

How big a fig leaf?

Fig leaf won't do it. Lets try the Elephant Ear plant!



JAORE said...

Broken record time. Lots of dismissals in 2020 with the statement it would not have changed the results for POTUS (the media's use of w/o evidence conveniently forgotten).

But what about down ballot races. How many Mayors, Congresscritters, councelmen or others won by far less tht the fraudulant votes? And don't think a phoney ballot doesn't record as straight (D).

Rabel said...

Watch live!

Greg the Class Traitor said...

I saw on Twitter the claim that the Biden campaign had given out enough tickets to "fill the location to capacity".

None of those claims indicated what the capacity was. 20?

Rabel said...

No Presidential Seal on the lectern?

walter said...

He heard about the healing powers of Chocolate Shoppe ice cream.

Two-eyed Jack said...

Old style Democratic rally song: Happy Days are Here Again

New Style: Savage

Queen B, want no smoke with me (Okay)
Then turn this motherfucker up eight hundred degrees
My whole team eat, chef's kiss, she's a treat (Mwah)
Ooh, she so bougie, bougie, bon appétit
I'm a savage, attitude nasty
Talk big shit but my bank account match it
Hood, but I'm classy, rich, but I'm ratchet
Haters kept my name in they mouth, now they gaggin', ah, ah
Bougie, he say the way that thang move it's a movie
I told that boy, we gotta keep it low, leave me the room key
I done bled the block and now it's hot
Bitch, I'm Tunechi, a mood and I'm moody, ah
I'm a savage, yeah (Okay)
Classy, bougie, ratchet, yeah (Okay)
Sassy, moody, nasty, yeah (Hey, hey, nasty)
Acting stupid, what's happening? (Woah, woah)
Bitch, what's happening? (Woah, woah)

Rabel said...

They just put up the Seal.

Rabel said...

Governor Tony's speaking now!!!

"Democrats are getting shit done for Wisconsin."

Thrilling. I may have just wet myself.

mikee said...

A few days of well-titrated adderal & amphetamine in front of a hand-picked interviewer, with editing before playing on CBS, a couple of small rallies where he'll read from a teleprompter, and a press conference where he'll answer pre-loaded questions from his crib sheet, and then any inquiry into his status as a dementia patient will be dismissed as old news, a false narrative, misinformation, damn lies and political slander. But he'll still have dementia.

The dementia will continue to progress, of course, as it has the past several years. His problem with mental decline was evident in 2019. He has deteriorated in office. He is deteriorating during the campaign. He will deteriorate if re-elected. That is one of the horrors of dementia for the one suffering it and for all those around him. It just gets worse with time. What are the people around him thinking, doing this insane promotion of him?

Rusty said...

mikee said...
Waqnna bet that Georges part has already been recorded and all they need are some snippets of Biden saying stuff.

mikee said...

Just watched the live WI rally. Biden exclaimed, staring at the teleprompter, "I'm gonna beat Donald Trump in 2020! So by the way, we're gonna do it again in 2024!"


walter said...

Biden for Senate!

RJ said...


"No way to spin this! Joe Biden’s event today in Wisconsin is took place at a local middle school gymnasium...with less than 100 people attending!"

tcrosse said...

Pay no attention to that man in front of the curtain.

Original Mike said...

I tried watching Biden's talk, but he was slurring his words enough that I went to turn on the captions. Guess what? No captions!
Guess the caption generator couldn't figure out what he was saying either.

MikeD said...

Flies AF1 to Madison for a gymnasium "rally" of a couple hundred teacher's union attendees. Likely stopped off at WI Supreme Court to thank them for initiating a return to unsecured ballot boxes.

The Godfather said...

I'm old. I am within a few months of Joe Biden's age. I'm old enough to have watched his performance as a Senator and Vice President. At his best, Biden's level of performance was low, VERY low. I didn't understand why Obama, who had practically no legislative experience, picked Biden as his VP. I eventually concluded it was because Obama wanted to show to the public what "decades of political experience" really means.

As I said, I'm old, like Biden. I had a good career as a lawyer, even into my "golden years". I have not (yet) gotten to the state of mental infirmity that Biden displayed during the debate. But even if the Genie from the bottle offered me the Presidency, I'd have to turn it down. President is not only a tough and demanding job, it's a forking IMPORTANT job. Lives of millions of people, not only in the US but around the world depend on the US President.

We can't condemn the world to 4 years dominated by Biden (or by the nobody that he selected as Vice President because she would be no threat to him). Can the Democrats figure out a way to set up a qualified candidate, a Kennedy, a Truman, even a Carter, and let Biden go?

Yancey Ward said...

So, the Biden rally was really just a middle school pep rally but with fewer attendees.

Mason G said...

"What are the people around him thinking, doing this insane promotion of him?"

Gotta protect my meal ticket.

Mason G said...

"So, the Biden rally was really just a middle school pep rally but with fewer attendees."

Older too, no doubt.

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

Too many middle schoolers and he would have got too sniffy with it.

tcrosse said...

It can't be repeated often enough, that we must focus on what can be, unburdened by what has been. So I have been told again and again

Ralph L said...

Let's be unburdened by a has been.

Bunkypotatohead said...

He didn't go there to win public support. He's there to try to convince the party big shots that he's still sentient.