July 3, 2024

"President Biden acknowledged at a fundraiser Tuesday night in Virginia that he 'didn’t have my best debate night' last week."

"Citing pre-debate travel, he told donors that he 'nearly fell asleep onstage.' But Biden downplayed his struggles, saying he is 'feeling good' about his campaign. On Wednesday, Biden plans to speak with congressional leaders and meet with Democratic governors as he and aides seek to tamp down Democratic angst over his performance."

WaPo reports. I accidentally made that a gift link. So, enjoy the additional squibs over there: "Biden cites pre-debate travel as an explanation for his performance," "Biden to honor Civil War soldiers for wild Georgia train hijacking,""Obama shares concerns after shaky debate, offers Biden his advice," "Biden team seizes on his history of resilience to justify staying in race," "The Biden campaign is launching a new ad spotlighting the Supreme Court decision that gave Donald Trump partial immunity...."

Here's that ad:

Transcript of the ad: "Nearly 250 years ago America was founded in defiance of a king under the belief that no one is above the law, not even the President. Until now. The same Trump Supreme Court that overturned Roe v. Wade ruled that the President can ignore the law even to commit a crime because Donald Trump asked them to. He's already led an insurrection and threatened to be a dictator on Day One. Donald Trump can never hold this office again."

But the Supreme Court didn't say "the President can ignore the law." The Biden Administration just got hemmed in by law — the law that prevents it from criminally prosecuting the former President, waging lawfare to fight a political rival. And the Supreme Court only protected the President from criminal prosecution for his official acts. Where the President violates the law, he's subject to impeachment. You can't impeach a King. 

And it's funny how that ad refers to revolution twice, first to uphold it as a glorious ideal — "America was founded in defiance of a king" — and then to denounce it — "He's already led an insurrection." But the ad isn't about coherence. It's a montage of fear.


tim maguire said...

He's not going willingly, is he?

But I don't recall any pre-debate travel. The D-Day ceremony was weeks ago.

Breezy said...

And why did Trump seek clarification re Presidential immunity? Because Biden indicted him for things that other Presidents have done and no one even ever thought to indict them.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Meanwhile - Biden family are criminals.

MartyH said...

Biden can't be prosecuted for extorting Ukraine to fire the prosecutor investigating Burisma because that was an official act.

If it is provable that he took a bribe to do it, could he be charged for bribery?

Is a RICO charge possible? That could get into mental state.

Finally, he could be impeached for having done it, having thought about it, looking like he did it, or no reason at all.

Dave Begley said...

“A montage of fear.”

Exactly right, Ann Althouse.

It’s bad enough that the corrupt Dems control the Presidency, Congress, the Deep State, the Fake News and the Academy. Now they want to destroy the Supreme Court.

Crimso said...

"Biden can't be prosecuted for extorting Ukraine to fire the prosecutor investigating Burisma because that was an official act."

He wasn't President.

Leland said...

Apparently the pre-determined narrative talking points for the immunity case was “The President is now immune from the laws”, despite that not being the language of the ruling nor of the US Constitution. Shame on Justice Sotomayor for ignoring the clear language of the majority’s ruling and the Fifth Amendment “No person shall be… deprived of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law”. The President can’t order Seal Team 6 to assassinate an US person without due process, and their ought to be more safeguards from when a President orders a strike on non-US persons as demonstrated by Obama and Biden. That safeguard ought to be impeachment.

Michael said...

His excuse is yet another reason to drop him. Days after international travel and he is falling asleep during a hugely important event? Sweet Jesus. How does he operate the day after arriving overseas? What a fucking dumbass. Who lets him say such bullshit

Temujin said...

Fear is what the Democrats have to offer and the only thing they've had to offer in recent years. Not a new idea among them.

gspencer said...

In his autobiography Biden recounted his best day, "When I first got to the Senate in January 1973, I noticed that people automatically gave me respect, saying, "Senator this, and Senator that." Then it hit me, "Hey, maybe I can use this gig to extract money from people."

"From there, life became easy, incredibly easy."

Jimmy said...

Biden had 12 days at rest to prepare. But he only works from 10 or 11 am to 6 pm. with a nap in the afternoon. Brutal work schedule. Does that include time spent doing push ups, driving his corvette or consulting with the smartest guy he knows?
I doubt our enemies are impressed.

gilbar said...

he was SO TIRED.. That they weren't able to pump him up with Even More Drugs?

TreeJoe said...

He was so tired that he immediately attended fundraisers afterwards and continued into the evening.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Again - the Biden family used Joe's VP status to line their pockets with international pay to play money - in secret.
Hunter was the bagman.

gilbar said...

Temujin said...
Fear is what the Democrats have to offer and the only thing they've had to offer in recent years.

The ONLY Thing We Have To Offer.. Is FEAR Itself

tommyesq said...

The worst part for Biden is that he took seven or eight days off from being President - he walked away from the job for more than a full week (showing that winning the job is far more important than actually doing the job) - solely to rest up and to prepare for the debate, and that was the performance that resulted. That was Biden at his very most well-rested, well-prepared self. That was as good as it gets from here on out.

Duke Dan said...

So I take it that the wise Latina thinks Barry O should be brought up on murder charges for having Osama bin Laden killed? How else am I supposed to interpret that?

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

51 ex-hack-spooks - (probably all people on the take) - demanded that the Hunter Laptop Story was Russian Dis-information and demanded that the media block anything written about it.
A total Media blackout of the story ensued.

This was Election interference.

In America.

Christopher B said...

DC to Atlanta is a two hour nap ... I mean flight.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Tamp it down..
Tamp it down

Hunter and Joe need to stay above the law.

Tamp it down.

Sebastian said...

"But the Supreme Court didn't say "the President can ignore the law.""

One week their rabid gaslighting gets exposed, the next they're right back at it. They truly despise voters, dont't they? Of course, progs eat it up. They like the lies. They just dislike the undeniable epxosure.

The Middle Coast said...

The only thing we have to fear is fear itself.

tcrosse said...

Democrats like to imagine what can be, unburdened by what has been. To coin a phrase.

Gusty Winds said...

Bat shit crazy liberal white women love these type of ads. Gives them a false sense that they are trying to protect the thing they are actually destroying.

Big Mike said...

The Supreme Court basically reiterated its unanimous position from McDonnell v. United States in June 2016 that it is wrong to elevate political differences to full-on crimes. The US attorney who was slapped down 9-0 by the Supremes? The same Jack Smith who was recently caught by Judge Aileen Cannon tampering with evidence in the Mar-a-Largo documents case.

The Drill SGT said...

ten yeas ago in 2014, when Joe was VP, he files his yearly disclosure stating his assets were between $40k and $500k

he has had a few good years in the market since

MadisonMan said...

So much fear. I saw a snippet that someone in France is afraid because of the new government. Where does this fear come from?
I also recall no travel in Biden's schedule before the debate. He's really trying to cling to power. How Democratic of him.

Todd said...

There are lies, damn lies, and politicians.

"The same Trump Supreme Court that overturned Roe v. Wade ruled that the President can ignore the law even to commit a crime because Donald Trump asked them to."

What a whopper! The court did not say that, one ONLY needs to read it to know it but...

Their BIG worry is that now THEY will be held accountable for THEIR crimes AND they will not be able to stop the Trump train despite all of their lawfare attempts.

One can almost smell the flop-sweat.

Drago said...

Michael: "What a fucking dumbass. Who lets him say such bullshit"

Sort of in biden's defense, all lefties/dems/LLR-lefties spew such BS non-stop every single day, and they are fully rested!

AlbertAnonymous said...

It was a cold, no it was fatigue from pre-debate travel, no it was dementia… yeah that’s the ticket!

mikee said...

The problem with dementia is that while the person experiencing the mental and physical decline can tell it is happening, they have are good and bad days. So the person denies the problem exists, as Joe does here. The other problem with dementia is that it doesn't get any better over time, only worse. The person suffers the decline month to month, without respite. Joe knows this, now.

Joe has exhibited dementia symptoms for five years at least and now exhibits clearly "moderate" dementia, late stage 4 or stage 5 on the 7 stage scale. He is experiencing mental decline, unavoidably, that will make his debate performance look like a PhD dissertation defense in comparison. It is elder abuse to let him continue in office, let alone continue his campaign or serve for four more years. The Dems have to stop this charade before Joe goes out in public and forgets his own name.

Prediction: Joe Biden now exhibits aphasia, derailment, sundowning, and disinhibition - at least. He will exhibit more angry verbal outbursts as he campaigns, because he won't be able to control himself, and paranoid delusions exhibited in his off-the-cuff remarks.

RMc said...

This ad will not attract one voter or one dollar, but, of course, that's not why they made it. They made it to prove they're on the Right Side, and maybe get on the list of potential appointees in the next Dem administration.

narciso said...

Faye dunaway showed more clarity in china town imagine if they had cast john huston as a more deluded noah cross

wendybar said...

Ignore the law?? Like Illegal immigration laws?? Like giving taxpayers money to pay off delinquent student loans for votes??? Like that??

narciso said...


John henry said...

Our president emeritus should come out today and say something like:

"Joe I know you were tired, you had a cold and you just weren't on your best game last week.

I understand. We all have good days and bad. I'd like to propose a do-over.

Same debate format we can have different questions or the same questions. Ssame moderators or different. We can do it during the daytime say at 1:00 in the afternoon but really anytime anywhere.

Waddayasay, Joe? Are you up for it or do you want a couple months to prep for September?"

Let's see if Joe can resist

John Henry

and anytime anywhere

John henry said...


Brandon extorted the ukrainians when he was vice president.

Does the immunity cover the vice president? My impression is it only covers the president for official Acts

John Henry

narciso said...

No it wasnt an official act

Drago said...

AlbertAnonymous: "It was a cold, no it was fatigue from pre-debate travel, no it was dementia… yeah that’s the ticket!"

Those aren't even the best dem/LLR-dem excuses!

Did you hear this one? It was russian lasers!

I am not kidding. These dem/left/LLR-dems floated ANOTHER russki russki russki hoax!

Aggie said...

The narrator's voice sounds familiar. Who is it? The Joe Biden approval at the end sounds like the same one they used in 2020 - and probably is.

@Breezy said 07:44: "And why did Trump seek clarification re Presidential immunity? Because Biden indicted him for things that other Presidents have done and no one even ever thought to indict them. "

You could replace the word 'indict' with 'impeach' and have an equally sensible statement. The Democrats are the party of ambush.

Jay said...

Am I paranoid or was this the democrat game plan all along? Throw 94 charges at Trump knowing that eventually they would get tossed, but not before getting the "convicted felon" label for the election.
While the charges are being tossed keep stoking the already incandescent rage of the base to make it easier to stuff the supreme court with a dozen Judge Merchans.

Real shame the meatpuppet is decaying faster than planned.

CJinPA said...

"Nearly 250 years ago America was founded ..."
....by white supremacists!!

Nice dog whistle, Biden!

narciso said...


Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

I may have said some of this in yesterday's thread, but this main idea about immunity bears repeating: NOTHING CHANGED THIS WEEK. The SCOTUS ruling merely clarified what literally everyone believed to be so before the unprecedented lawfare began against trump. No one thought a protest was an "insurrection" before Trump. Even armed terrorists that broke into Congress and shot members were not called "insurrectionists." In fact they were pardoned by Clinton! (Yay for Democracy!)

What has happened repeatedly over the past few years is far leftist loons dream up some novel application of the law that fails to persuade the Supreme Court after taking forever to get there. "Let's use the 14th Amendment to take Trump out!" Down it goes 9-0. "Let's ignore at least 50 years of jurisprudence on presidential immunity to charge Trump!" Down it goes 6-3 unless, yes unless their "careful reviews" in lower courts resurrects it. They've been given a test to apply. Let's see if it works. "Let's take away attorney client privilege and get Trump!" Still pending but I see no reason this shouldn't go down in flames before SCOTUS as well.

How about trying this out before getting humiliated and pumping Trump's numbers up by your stupidity: Don't break the rules in order to prove Trump broke the rules. Simple, no?

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

BTW that's a cheap-ass excuse given he took a fucking week off, after all that travel. He can't even tell a lie that seems truthful.

Michael K said...

The next two weeks will be interesting as the Democrats flail to solve this problem. They won't be able to but it will be interesting to watch.

Michael Fitzgerald said...

The text of that ad speaks to democrat Party voters like Jill Biden speaks to Joe.

Darkisland said...

Someone needs to point out that tomorrow is really "Insurrection Day". It was only by a bunch of traitorous criminals conspiring to commit insurrection that we got our independence.

And we should bear in mind that it was an international conspiracy, especially after the individual colonies, arguably already states/nations/countries, each declared their independence from England.

We still recognize the nationhood of NY, VA, GA et al in calling them "states", then as now a synonym for an independent and sovereign nation or country. The word has gotten much watered down over the past 160 years or so. It is still perfectly cromulent, though.

So happy insurrection weekend to everyone. Remember what the day really means. Yes, independence from King Chuck and his forbears. But more than that our criminal forefathers and foremothers acting in conspiratorial concert to commit insurrection.

Insurrection is in our blood. It is in our Constitution enshrined in the 1st and 2nd amendments. 1st protects our right to organize and discuss peaceful insurrection. The 2nd protects our right to do something kinetically if the SHTF. So far not needed. Hopefully never needed other than as a deterrance.

John Henry

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

King Biden admits he is an old F-up? No way man. Long live King Crook Above the law Biden and his mob-cheat machine.

gilbar said...

tommyesq said...
The worst part for Biden is that he took seven or eight days off from being President - he walked away from the job for more than a full week (showing that winning the job is far more important than actually doing the job) - solely to rest up and to prepare for the debate, and that was the performance that resulted.

HEY! be FAIR to the old guy! he HAD TO travel ALL THE WAY FROM CAMP DAVID TO ATLANTA!!
That's nearly TWO hours of flight time!

Next Time.. TO BE FAIR, they NEED to let Biden phone it in on a Zoom or such
NO ONE expects THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES to be able to stay up such long hours in such strange locations as Atlanta at 10pm!

Ice Nine said...

>"Citing pre-debate travel, he told donors that he 'nearly fell asleep onstage.'<

Well of course, it was the pre-debate travel - says the guy who travels in his own private 747 with a nice big bedroom at his disposal.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

King Biden admits he is an old F-up? No way man. Long live King Crook Above the law Biden and his mob-cheat machine.

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

To wit:

The Trump opinion acknowledged these truths and built on Nixon v. Fitzgerald (1982), which recognized presidential immunity from civil lawsuits predicated on official acts. In that case, Justice Lewis Powell wrote that such immunity is mandated by the president’s “unique position” and “rooted in the constitutional tradition of the separation of powers.” Lawsuits “could distract a President from his public duties, to the detriment of not only the President and his office but also the Nation that the Presidency was designed to serve.”

As Chief Justice John Roberts noted in Trump, that’s even more true of criminal charges. Given “the peculiar public opprobrium that attaches to criminal proceedings,” they “are plainly more likely to distort Presidential decisionmaking than the potential payment of civil damages.” Without immunity, “a President inclined to take one course of action based on the public interest may instead opt for another, apprehensive that criminal penalties may befall him upon his departure from office.” Immunity is therefore crucial to protect the independence of the executive branch. But the immunity the court recognized isn’t without limit.

From an article by ELIZABETH PRICE FOLEY and DAVID RIVKIN in WSJ [link got me past the paywall]

Joe Smith said...

No hyperbole, but are democrats actually retarded?

I mean really, actually, honestly mentally deficient?

They just keep spouting canned phrases like automatons; 'No man is above the law!' 'A threat to our democracy!'

They're like seriously autistic children, but not the smart, savant variety.

It is cringe-worthy and I have to see it every fucking day.

Perhaps it's a brain-washing technique and the repetition eventually captures the weak-minded.

Joe Smith said...

And don't forget 'Republicans will govern like fascists!' when they are the very definition of fascism; government control of big business and the oppression of any opposition.

We see it in the way they pressured the social media companies to censor the Hunter laptop story and the near total control of public and private media companies.

And yet they can't see it...

Darkisland said...

in February 22 I predicted that John Malone was buying CNN to turn it into what I proposed he call the "Liberty News Network"


I proposed that he had to do it slowly so he could boil the CNN viewer frogs into MAGAism. I expected it would take place in 24, being an election year, though I thought earlier in the year.

Once again, it looks like my prognostications are proving correct.

John Henry

Steve said...

The average age of the signatories to the Declaration of Independence was 44 years old. Jefferson was 33. Hamilton was 21.

Ben Franklin was by far the oldest at the advanced age of 70.

Steve said...

MartyH said...
"Biden can't be prosecuted for extorting Ukraine to fire the prosecutor investigating Burisma because that was an official act."

Crimso said...
He wasn't President.

The question is was he doing it at the request of the President? I want to see what Obama has to say about Biden using a billion federal dollars as leverage to cover for his son.

Bill R said...

But the ad isn't about coherence. It's a montage of fear.

Good one.

Bill R said...

But the ad isn't about coherence. It's a montage of fear.

Good one.

narciso said...

allegedly privat bank whose owner was hunter's boss, igor kolomoisky was the venue by which money was laundered from the Eu and the US, funny twist though about 9 months after Biden extorted the bank, it collapse to the tune of 6 billion dollars, well it's a very dark bit of humor

Darkisland said...

Blogger Duke Dan said...

So I take it that the wise Latina thinks Barry O should be brought up on murder charges for having Osama bin Laden killed? How else am I supposed to interpret that?

That might be a tough one for a couple of reasons. First it was the military on a (more or less) legitimate military mission. Military has some exemptions of its own.

Second, they were supposed to capture Bin Laden (wink, wink) not kill him. They only killed him when he went for a gun.

Assuming they killed him at all. Still some doubt in a lot of minds.

A better case can be made for the murder of Al Awlaki then a week or so later of his 16 year old son.

1) Native born US citizens (Las Cruces NM and Denver)

2) Killed by civilian govt employees, not military (probably)

3) Not engaged, at the moment of death, in any anti-US military activity. Or any military activity

4) Not charged with any crime

5) The 16 year old son wasn't even alleged to be causing any trouble. But as we learned in the Godfather, when you kill the father, you have to kill the son too or he will come back to get you.

6) No attempt was made to capture either. Just ZAP!

John Henry

narciso said...

they finally extradited kolomoisky from slovenia, but mostly because he turned on zelensky, oh the indignity,

Rusty said...

Wendybar @ 8:50
Oh. NOW the Constitution is sacred.
DarkIsland @ 9:29
Brand new American made American flag and a Beane Kentucky rifle in my lap as I sit in the yard.

narciso said...

well thats a sticky wicket, junior wanted to be like his pop anwar, but it was the danish secret service (PET) asset in Al queda, Marton, who arranged for junior to find his way to Temen, where he met with a midlevel operative al Banna, where the cup of coffee was fatal,

Darkisland said...

Expecting trouble, Rusty?

Or just an excess of precaution?

Happy Insurrection Day.

John Henry

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Hunter and Joe are not dropping out.

Cheat machine endures.

Bushman of the Kohlrabi said...

The fact that Democrats feel the need to desperately appeal to the batshit crazy 25% of their base tells you everything you need to know about how it’s going.

Yancey Ward said...

"Biden's staff worked him like a dog-slave during the week off he took to prepare for the debate." Yeah, they went with that apparently.

Captain BillieBob said...

It was a bad night, that's all just a bad night. Can't you all see that it was just a bad night? Do we have to explain everything to you stupid people? Get with the program, it as a bad night. Repeat after me, It was a bad night. Now keep saying that over and over until everyone believes. Be good little minions and spread the word. IT WAS A BAD NIGHT!

Humperdink said...

Joe, Jill, and Hunter are circling the wagons. The MSM, having recently discovered Joe has severe dementia, are now reporting it, but only because they have been instructed to. If Dr. Jill remains recalcitrant, look for the MSM to discover Joe has been selling his influence.

gilbar said...

Darkisland said...
Someone needs to point out that tomorrow is really "Insurrection Day"..

Darkisland.. Fair notice, i stole your post; WORD FOR WORD, and posted it other places..
I did this in the spirit of NOT PAYING TAXES! :)

Skeptical Voter said...

The ad is also digusting codswallop.

Yancey Ward said...

Time is short for the Democrats to replace Biden. As I see it, Biden can only be forced out of the race by impeachment and conviction or taken out with the 25th Amendment- both of which require significant support of the opposition party which I don't see happening. Thus, if Biden wants to stay in the race, the Democrats are stuck with him. Someone in the media should do a run down of what deadlines there are in the various states for the names that appear on the ballots. I imagine those deadlines start getting reached this month running into, at the latest, early September. It might be better for the Democrats to have Biden drop dead a day before the election than to force him out.

gilbar said...

You can't impeach a King.

BUT, *IF* you are Sinful ENGLISH, you can Behead your King (even though he was CHOSEN BY GOD!),
And replace him with a fascist dictator!
and then.. You can chase his son (CHOSEN BY GOD) to france (YUK! france!),
And replace HIM with some dutch guy!
AND THEN, appoint some GERMAN to take over!!

On This Insurrection Day eve.. I say; "OUT WITH THE ENGLISH!!!" LONG LIVE THE STUARTS!

Drago said...

Good news lefties/dems/LLR-dems (but I repeat myself)!

The upcoming Steffi Stephanopolous / Dementia-Glitch Boy "interview" will NOT BE.....

....wait for it....wait for it.....LIVE!


How perfect is that?

PM said...

"I didn't have my best day in Milan."
- Mussolini

Iman said...

I won’t shit my pants!

—- P0TATUS Joe Biden

Original Mike said...

"So much fear. I saw a snippet that someone in France is afraid because of the new government. Where does this fear come from?"

The media.

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

Our president emeritus should come out today and say something like

Man I hate to disagree with John Henry but Trump is doing the smartest thing ever by laying low this week and letting Joe have ALL the media attention. ALL of it. I'm surprised at Trump's self control, but it speaks to his excellent campaign operation and their new "act more presidential than the current occupant" tactic.

The Democrat Media Complex is doing fine arguing with itself. Even Pelosi is disavowing things she said yesterday. Yesterday! And for a change Tapper is actually reporting on what Democrat Governors are saying. I'm digging it.

chickelit said...

Was the wild Civil War train hijacking the same one celebrated by Buster Keaton’s “The General”?

Yancey Ward said...

"We were tired from the trip to southeast Montana."

General George Custer.

Hattip to PM above.

Greg the Class Traitor said...

For 250 years, no President had ever been so corrupt as to use the DoJ to go after his predecessor and / or current opponent.
Until now, and the corrupt Biden Admin, SCOTUS did not need to do anything to stop such an obvious evil.

If you value America, vote straight ticket GOP

effinayright said...

Humperdink said...
Joe, Jill, and Hunter are circling the wagons.

Millions of us are hoping they are actually circling the bowl.

Big Mike said...

@PM, according to Mussolini some days are good, some days are not so good, and some days they hang you upside down and poke you for hours to make sure you’re dead.

Mary Beth said...

It doesn't matter what Biden did to help his son in Ukraine. Now he's "a sympathetic, well-meaning, elderly man with a poor memory" so nothing will come of it. It's his greatest weakness and his greatest strength (at least as far as keeping him from being tried for anything.)

Original Mike said...

Blogger Humperdink said..."If Dr. Jill remains recalcitrant, look for the MSM to discover Joe has been selling his influence."

But there's no evidence!

Original Mike said...

"The upcoming Steffi Stephanopolous / Dementia-Glitch Boy "interview" will NOT BE.....
....wait for it....wait for it.....LIVE!"

They've got to know how bad that looks. They really don't trust Joe at all.

pacwest said...

Filed under things we already knew.

The thing that the debate fiasco and aftermath clarified for me was that the Democrats and MSM reaction wasn't that Biden didn't need to withdraw from the race because of his inability to make clear decisions. It is because he was going to lose the election. They've known for years dementia was creeping in. No problem. They find out he is losing votes because of it. Five alarm fire. They might as well make it their banner. Party Before Country.

Yancey Ward said...

I wrote it over three years ago when it was clear Biden would become President that if, at any point, the Democrats thought he needed to be forced out, the Burisma-prosecutor investigation was sitting in a drawer somewhere in the DoJ.

Greg the Class Traitor said...

For 250 years, no President had ever been so corrupt as to use the DoJ to go after his predecessor and / or current opponent.
Until now, and the corrupt Biden Admin, SCOTUS did not need to do anything to stop such an obvious evil.

If you value America, vote straight ticket GOP

Rabel said...

Kamala has a new ad out. Think you guys will like it.

Yeah, girl, I'm out here in these streets..."

Greg the Class Traitor said...

But the Supreme Court didn't say "the President can ignore the law." The Biden Administration just got hemmed in by law — the law that prevents it from criminally prosecuting the former President, waging lawfare to fight a political rival. Thank you Professor, this is exactly correct.

The already existing Presidential Pardon power meant that all these claimed "horribles" that a "President can now do" are no different what he's always been free to [try to] do.

What SCOTUS did over the last week is rein in the power of the President. That these idiots are whinging "John Roberts made the President a King" just shows how insanely stupid and / or dishonest you have to be to be on the Left

RCOCEAN II said...

Its funny how Biden has this "Goofy but likable Good Ol' Uncle Joe" persona is he the most unlikable, totalaritarian asshole ever to be President.

Think of all the good will Biden would've won if he'd made a speech agreeing with the SCOTUS, and said "I have therfore directed the DOJ to drop all cases against Trump, and requested the Governor of NY to pardon Trump for his conviction in NY. The American people should decide whose President, not the courts. And I am confident they will make the right decision, and give me 4 more years"

But of course, Biden is asshole who wants to win by any means neccessary, and trashes the SCOTUS because it disagrees with him.

RCOCEAN II said...

Do you honestly think that if Biden and the DNC could think of a way to commit vote fraud and ensure victory in November 2024 they wouldn't do it? Of course they would. That's one reason I think they cheated their way to victory in 2020 and will try it again.

Rocco said...

chickelit said...
"Was the wild Civil War train hijacking the same one celebrated by Buster Keaton’s 'The General'?""

Biden was presumably honoring the Great Locimotive Chase, which was a plan for Union raiders to steal a locomotive in northern Georgia, drive it north to Chattanooga, destroying rail bridges and cutting telegraph lines along the way.

Buster's movie was inspired by the event.

The Congressional Medal of Honor was first awarded to veterans of the raid, including then Pvt Jacob Parrot who was the first ever recipient of the award.

Rusty said...

Darkisland said...
"Expecting trouble, Rusty?"
No. I just like to annoy my smug neighbors. You know. The ones with the 'coexist' bumper stickers.
I am distantly related to the Kentucky Beanes. One of whom was the devoper of the Beane flntlock rifle.

John henry said...


No problem. I am honored

I grant anyone permission to repost anything I say here anywhere (except an fbi Facebook page or the like)

I would appreciate if you would anonymize my name, handle and that it is from Althouse

I know, still easy to trace it but no need to help

John Henry

WK said...

I see on X that RFKjr is doing a “win a day of sailing with me on the Pacific Ocean” fundraising competition.

Probably better than a “take a moonlight drive with Teddy” fundraiser.

Mason G said...

How about "coke and strippers with Hunter"?

Indigo Red said...

What pre-debate travel? He was holed up at Camp David cramming for the week before the debate. If the drive to Camp David and the short flight to Atlanta were too much for him then that doesn't bode well for him. Like most dementia patients, Biden's sunrise is 10am and he sunsets around 4pm.

Iman said...

It appears all the lefty knobs from Yegg Central have gone to ground.

JK Brown said...

Given the lawfare, Democrats are just upset that the president has now been given the same immunity the Supreme Court gave judges and prosecutors

We should all take a moment to grieve the death of Magna Carta from these immunity decisions

Narayanan said...

Probably better than a “take a moonlight drive with Teddy” fundraiser.
what if drive was over "bridges of madison county"

Iman said...

Lefty knobs are awaiting talking points and spine stiffeners.

Narayanan said...

We should all take a moment to grieve the death of Magna Carta from these immunity decisions
fer sure?
correct me if I am wrong -
to me looks like immunity from "prosecution in judicial forum"
but not House/Senate cannot Impeach!

Kevin said...

But the Supreme Court didn't say "the President can ignore the law."

The Biden Administration has never been an accurate communicator of the Court's decisions.

Their performance is so bad it's like they're purposely trying to communicate something else.

Saint Croix said...

He was so tired that he immediately attended fundraisers afterwards and continued into the evening.

Well, after his wife had to help him off the stage.

He's probably taking steroids to help with his energy levels.

I know George is going to give him a softball interview. But one question he could ask. "Are you taking any drugs? What drugs are you taking?"

Drago said...

All Seems Quite Quiet On The Lefty Western Front..........

Since lefties/dems/LLR-dems (but I repeat myself) never make a move without direction from their betters, its not surprising.

Richard said...

And General Custer didn’t have his best day at Little Big Horn.

Narayanan said...

But one question he could ask
what adult diaper would FJB recommend? capable of holding big shit size of bigger shit!

PackerBronco said...

Unless he's doing these international flights stuck in the middle seat of the economy section, I can't see how it's so exhausting he would be laid low a week and a half after returning.

Cripes, he's on Air Force One. He has his own conference room bedroom, sofa and all the peanuts and soda he can eat.

But hey, maybe he really was exhausted. And if that's the case he has no business being president now or in the future.

gilbar said...

BillieBob Thorton said...
It was a bad night, that's all just a bad night.

Along the lines of:
On 9/11, some people did some things

boatbuilder said...

One of my MSNBC/CBS/NYT follower golfing buddies joked that the reason Biden bombed was because Hunter failed to show up with the pre-debate prep.

Lest anyone think that the general public, or even the committed Dems, is buying any of this.

Drago said...

Mason G: "How about "coke and strippers with Hunter"?

Whoa whoa WHOA!!

THAT comment, according to the entire Western legacy media, entirety of Althouse blog lefty/dem/LLR-dem commentariat and the entire democratical party voting base, has ALL the earmarks of a Russian disinformation campaign!

Yancey Ward said...

"All Seems Quite Quiet On The Lefty Western Front..........

Since lefties/dems/LLR-dems (but I repeat myself) never make a move without direction from their betters, its not surprising."

Yeah, the narrative was supposed to be thanking Joe for stepping aside and opening up the convention by the middle of this week. Apparently it was Inconceivable! that the full court press by the NYTimes, WaPo, CNN, and MSNBC could possibly have failed to convince Joe Shit For His Brains Biden to drop out.

Balfegor said...

Semi-off topic, if Biden is staying in the race, he should get himself a nice walking stick. The visuals of him doddering around doing the Mr. Burns hands are pretty bad. A stick would (a) occupy one of his hands so it isn't just dangling in front of him and (b) help him move around more confidently without falling over, and with fewer scenes of his wife, hos handlers, or foreign leaders taking him gently by the elbow to help him walk short distances. He doesn't need a walker or even one of those quad-leg canes (yet), so he could just go with something a little dressy. He's always been a bit of a peacock so it wouldn't be too much of a leap.

Yes a cane will make him look elderly or infirm, but at this point, there's no defense against that. No one's suddenly going to realise this doddering senex is old just because he uses a cane. We all know, now, even the most blinkered reporters and Democrat activists.

Rabel said...

Pretty easy to trip over your cane if your coordination is limited.

Trust me.

It was a temporary condition.

Narayanan said...

Balfegor said...
Semi-off topic, if Biden is staying in the race, he should get himself a nice walking stick.
why not cospaly The Avengers (TV series) with Dr Jill?

Melania Trump signals support for abortion rights: ‘No room for compromise’ said...

I’m guessing Biden is canvassing party leaders privately about his ability to continue as the nominee. I don’t think it’s Biden trying to convince them he can win and do the job for another four years, but rather his asking for an honest assessment of his campaign right now.

I expect him to drop-out in the coming days.

Mason G said...

But one question he could ask. "Are you taking any drugs? What drugs are you taking?"

Anybody think Joe knows?

imTay said...

You can not, and never could, use Biden and “honest” in the same sentence.

If Joe Biden says it, he can take it to the bank, that’s as far as his honesty goes. He doesn’t care about America, he just doesn’t want the graft to end.

imTay said...

He immediately attended fundraisers, and the donors were so shocked that they are withholding money.

Drago said...

LLR-democratical Rich, desperately hoping the entire Althouse commentariat forgets years of his "insightful" commentary on this matter........that he got ass-backwards.

Out of stupidity?

Simply gullible?

Hopelessly mendaciously Rupar-able?

There aren't many other options......are there?........

Iman said...

Joe Biden in “Dead by Sunset” on the Lifetime Network…

Rusty said...

He'd only trip over it.
He's well. He's rested, and he's walker ready.

PM said...

Not his best? It was the most honest and real he's ever been.

cfs said...

Prediction: Joe Biden now exhibits aphasia, derailment, sundowning, and disinhibition - at least. He will exhibit more angry verbal outbursts as he campaigns, because he won't be able to control himself, and paranoid delusions exhibited in his off-the-cuff remarks.

Wait until it gets so bad some of Biden's racism comes out. He has been known to make racist statements in the past. We may just hear some again.

Witness said...

"You can't impeach a King."

got that right...

DeepRunner said...

Oy, Narcoleptic Kleptocrat Joe talking about law...He cares not an iota for The Republic, nor does the Iron Maiden behind him.